HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof insp affPlann'i'ng & Uevelapment services Regulation0.04BuildIng & Code Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Furrtt Pierce, FL 349$2 772-462-21fi5 ar 772-4fi2-2172 Fax: ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re: Permit # �, Christopher Collins oil (Please Print na me &circle license type) tensed aS a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect *F5468 Building Inspector 141 All, �Yl - such c;n,1n_1;pcc ion.t6or 1 0 O_ any inwi-erb) lie. un, AGenere Slul o' R yp I r rt fq iI J fi, esimw iaI 00ij.9itf lll6 0 0- ,O -n or about work at: .r It lot 1&119 --M6 JOIL Signa ;TATE 0 F FLO R [ DA COUNTY OF 'dC .0 d Sworn to aInd bys1! caminatio da E inspect did personaIly the goof deck nailin (Job site address) 1 have determined the installation was done according to the current Building Code Section 611 or the productapprovald (wF�ichever 4 subm6ltte-is CCC -05801-1 License # ubscribled before me this day of A Who is personal I V k nown to as identification. Notary Public, State of FIori ir�gature of Notary.. Commis-'sion Number-, En 4119/2011 20�� e or who has produced (Seal) NOTARY PU;5 STATE, OF F f: GG2 Expires 211 LIC ORIDA 712023 Scanned by TapScanner