HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaxim self flashing11114r2619 Florida Building fade Omlinc. Busine5s Professional Regulattoll BCJS How : Lop Ln I User Regi Gm � Fiat T(Vics 5utmt Surdurge SUpt Fs racU PublICZ107M i C13RALE LIS BCTS StV. Map unk& 5earCh 'I— Product Approval prn kj5ER: Plublic User Prz. '--2.L-1knr,11u)Uon $yu > Aoiir,-, jc- v;1 , Ap plication Vmtall Ft t FL2418 R-'1 Application Type Revision Cvde Version 2017 Application Status Appraved *Approved by IDBPR- pq)pmals ay DBFIR shall be reviewed and ratified by ,he POC andfor the CommlissiGn if rK"ssary. Cwments Archived product Manufacturer Maxim InclU5tries, Inc, AddreWPhone{Ernall 1630 Terre Colony Court Dallas, TX 75212-6271 (214) 905-20ZI infoomaximskylights'lCorn Authorized Signature David TlhQrntDn in rnaxi m9kylights-cann Technical Peprestntative AddreWiphone/Ernafl Quality Assurance Repree5e.ntatiwc AddreWi3hanelErniad Catt-gory sky lights subcategory Skylight COMPlianCE Method �rUflratjcn Mark or Listing CL-rtificatlon Agency National Accreditation & Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation & Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year Of Stanch -,j Standaml il TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards certified f}y Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect gev2 nAXDDqL- DCM 55.E ProduLt Approval Method Method I Option A Date suGmilited 03/0512018 Date Validated 03/0612018 htrpr:iiwww.floiidabtiilding-org,'przdpp_dda,.;px,lpwom=*,GEVXQwt])TI IIBZYvQ'-I�nuIY7,KWMdr-.L-MqWKk'p7.vy(%nMtEi*MjF;c-56A%3d`k3cI In I I i l4f2019 Date Pend ng Ft3C Approval Date Approved' of FL .2419.1 1-1 mi da Bui Idi ng Crich OnI itis 0310912018 Model, Number or Name I Description Series "DCM° Dada Curl) Mount Skylight Limits of Use Approved for uge in HYMm Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure-, +6431-60 Other: 241:3.2 Series "DSF' Dade Self Flashing Skylight - ------------------- Lim its of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impaict Resistants Yes IDe5lgn Pressure: +601-60 other: Polycarbonate Glazed Aluminum Skylight Ceirtification Agency Certifleate FL2418 R11- G C F_ B112122191a 1=85dCM.l Quality Assurance Contract Expiration [late 12/31121)21 Installation Instructions FL241L1 R11 II MAX0002 RevB 0CM ss-;idf Verified Esy: Robert ). Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Ihird Party: Yes Evaluation Ftieports PL241B R11 AL_ ft:F�2gN1�2 1t .__4]�_fll4 _3�t3�44ik41 DSF- MA7CIJ_002-UQtU;�4& Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Polycarbonate Glazed Alummum Skylight Cerlifiicalti,an Agency Certiflcwte FL2418 Rii C ICAC NIIJ-JJ1,`ZZ '�.�..V,�F,jf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1213112021 Installation Instrluctions �LZJ18 R11 II MAX0O101 Ref D5F s.9-pff Verified Oy: Robert 1. rAnlCru5tlr PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL2419 R11 AF PFR20O0 RtevF 418-0102 MAX(1601- ]SF MAX0012-DCM ss.pI f Created by Independent Third PaM: Yes Eaets ext Cjantact ills :; 2601 elalr!SWnc Rim}, TallghMZ5M FL 32399 Plmne Thg q taN of FlorWa IS an AVE -EO gvnplgyer.',r ght t1M7-7013 State ref Flgrio- ::: rrwar•f S. 4 Linder Florida law, emmr mdd� are public rinds. ti" you do net want your e-mail address relem&a in respafl5e t4 a public -records request, do not send electronic Ilnaif Lo [his entity. tntead, conlert the o110ce by phdne or by tra0rinkial mail. If vbu have any questions, please mritaet B50.497.1395, 'Pursuant to Sectim 455,275(1), Florida StaluNS, effective October 1, 21022, libw&� licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must. prcmde Me Department with an elnell adkdress If ttw.y hove one, The ernalls.. pfmwk3eil may be used ror &fiicial caim)unicatiion with the licyamee.. however efmall addfes5es are pulft record, it ^I no not wish to supply a personal a9dree,8, NwR pr+xlle the rDepanfnent With an enr3ll address which can Ge made ava-fable to the public. To determine If ycu arm a hoCrct c under Chanter 455, fi..S.., pease ch=k =. Prndkjct Approval Ad;c9pN! Gfe—& Card sate helps; twwa+-Ouiidabuilding.Lar,Ipriper_wp_dd.aspx`.°praram=wCif-,V lQwt1]ysllJHZYvOFLulYI_KW.NldTa:+x gWKLJpxvy0brMLGiuN,ljFe-%A%�',Ld' 3d ZI"2 u zL&vm i3m own aL3mcidn swakmlEi3�Z1Vln nD 4131VQdi X413 Hl5 LLL. aLvain 6! 4��}.VYI Y,1J aF�z�zo -LnoAv-i 7doNoN i 8 NouvAa-a 's318Pd 1lJnOD *MalW AlJH31 MI b� 0 L r IL z iX0 e �{ F Qa z zoo 22 E�.. qy r 6~ ate=zQ m: d� �zW HOW ag �g . nmom 0wc w a MM Fes'? 4aE Lf"y LM ' }= Ln ,� 4n 6 L r IL z iX0 e �{ F Qa z zoo 22 E�.. qy r 6~ ate=zQ m: d� �zW HOW ag �g . nmom 0wc w a MM Fes'? zL,ELmci DaAa =oi1 Lvuin dhC) 4L ALVCldf I Lr"agi Ulm 'L13 H W Wi. wvo4n NW -8M1 � d FAMR AWAMW iunooA wooquu31Q69F L 0 o cs ai co � $W Ll 'Gt�dt3nl P u 4