HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering E4 , SETUP AND INSTALLATION OF SINGLE WIDE SHED y^/ SETUP AND INSTALLATION OF DOUBLE WIDE SHED JJ� - -- 1.BUILDING IS PLACED IN REQUESTED LOCATION ON SCHEDULE m PVC TO ALLOW DOR II 1.BUILDING IS PLACED IN REQUESTED LOCATION. ME FIRST SECTION OF ME DOUBLE WOE IS MOVEMENT TO PLOY OR SQUARE UNIT TO HOUSE,FENCE PROPERTY'UNE ETC. 11 PLACED ON THE HIGHEST LOCATION OF GRW1ID AND IS LEVELED UP. ..I.-'�•. ' 2.ONCE UNIT IS SQUARE AND ME LOCH SPOT OF ME GROUND 6 ESTABLISHED,ME x 2.BLOCKS ME THEN PLACED AT ME ESN,CENTER,ANO OTHER END TO LEVE,. ONCE ME _ BLAMING IS BLOCKED ON ME HIGH SPOT AND LEVELED. THE OSIER END OF ME IJ;IIVIIIJ BUILDING IS LEVEL,BLOCKS ME ADDED TO ACHIEVE ME CORRECT SPACING(BEE TABLE 3). - BUILDING IS BROUGHT UP TO LEVEL AND BLOCKED. MEN THE CENTER OF ME BUILDING J.ME NEXT SECTION OF ME SHED IS BACKED INTO PUCE AND UNLOADED PARALLEL WITH ME IS SUPPORTED 1D lA'EL BLOCKED,AND THEN SHIMMED. FIRST SECTION.ME TWO SECTIONS ARE CONNECTED AT THE LONER CORNEA WTTII(IH1 3.AFTER ME SLUNG 0 IEVEI.MORE BLOCKS ME AWED TO AQKIRYE ME CORRECT BOLT AND NM. ME SECOND SECTION 6 THEN LEVELED ANO ME OMEA BOLT RETEST E TT SPACING(SEE TABLE J). LINED UP AND BOLTED SECURE ME REST OF THE BLOCKING IS MEN COMPLETED. THIS 4.ICHOR PLACEMENT O OM PLATE H 1 WID U OF ME BUILDING. HOLES ME.N& 30'AUGER ANCHOR PROCEDURE IS REPUTED FOR MULTIPLE SECTION SHEDS.UNTIL ALL SECTIONS ARE IN PUCE. COOS INFORMATION MRII ME 214'BOTTOM RATE WITH A I/Y AUGER BR. 1/2'MOLT OR OPTIONAL (4.900LB) 4.GROUND ANCHORS ARE MEN ADDED(SE TABLE 4B). tta VDvp 1/2'MRFi1OED ROD(FOR A TECH SETS IS SECURED MRU ME HOLE nmAum PM YANt6ACIkIIIt'S 5.ONCE THE BUILDING IS PROPEALY BLOCKED AND BOLTED TOGETHER,THE SUPPORT BRACING IS 5.ANCHORS ARE NOT REQUIRED IN THE BOTTOM PLATE MR DOORS AND DOORWAYS WADI NO BISIRUCIKIIS EYELET AT REMOVED. YIDQ>a- MOIER(GARAGE DOORS FOR DXAMPLE). HEADER DESIGN TRANSFERS MESE LOADS. MAMMUM OF IF ABOVE GPIDE R.ANCHORS ME NOT REQUIRED IN ME BOTTOM RATE FOR DOORS AND DOORWAYS WITH NO M ��m[ 6.IF E UNIT HAS A FLOOR.EITHER A HOLE IS DUG FOR ME 30'AUGER ANCHOR AND FOOTER(GARAGE DOORS FOR EYAYRE). HEADER DESIGN TRANSFERS MESE LOADS. Rm� BACKFILLED AND SECURED M PER ME DETAIL OR A 1/2'HOLE IS DRILLED IMO ME CONCRETE 1-1/21 OFF OF HIM UGLST. ME EYEBOLT IS FASTENED MTHE E BOTTOM aerate 5'� PLATE AND A SIMPSON A-24(OR EQUAL)IS SECURED TO ME CONCRETE WITH A 1/2' aavucr WEDGE ANCHOR. GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS FOR AUGER ANCHORS AIDe.R1 IaAmxax® T.IF ME UNIT IS A'No FLOOR'OPTION.ANCHOR WITH 1/2 M 18'WEDGE MWOR RU ME .•,.•Elm Y® 214•BOTTOM PLATE 1.BUILDING ANCHORS SHALL BE'MOBILE HOME'TYPE HP-1 SINGLE HEU%EYE AUGER ANCHOR BY HOME PRIDE OF BRISTOL VA.OR EQUAL AVERAGE HOLDING STRENGTH IS NOT LESS THAN 4,900 LBS. _ 2.ANCHORING SYSTEM TO GROUND PER LOCAL BUM-DING CODE(BY DEALER). - TABLE 7 LE 2 TABLE 3 WCME ANCHORS PER TABLE/A OR 48. A05FYLS raRlq SPACING-CH)RING TO C ROCK_ SKID RUNNER 3.THREADED ROD WITH EYEBOLTS SHALL BE PLACED MRU ME BOTTOM PLATE SHOD WmM III (ILF)Moles 9'ALTNc SHOT WORT Kl >Q u TTPE PID wa-Hs MAX EGO• MATE9AL (FLOOR SYSTEM)AND ATTACHED TO ANCHOR. MESE CAN BE EXTENDED WITH THREADED RW(OR STRAPS WITH EQUAL OR GREATER STRENGTH)FOR ELEVATED 20'-0' 400 Yd I]'-8' 1•-10)• I'-10)• 1•-IOD I 21B-. 111985 ��ANo SAVE 4x PORTIONS OF SHEDS ON LEVEUNG BLACKS. 280sd 11'-e' 7-0• 5'-4• - n 4•.e•4Is- sssaBs C0' MD saVDDux BLE 4 .wvm a.••.Rml•IRx J01 AUGER ANCHOR SPACING-SINGLE WIDE Yaw i1'-B1 200 Yd 10'-0• 1'-Y e'-10' - In 15116' SB501B5 /J35 A/SRC Pb6 10•-01 200 Vol S-6• W-01 7-B• n'-7 1 - N 51e•415' IBOOIIE 9®WmTH LW- UPIDT(PIYK MPHR••MAXYAX POEI5PA(DIG••• CD2DIT ANO Yx ]'-8' 1.00 24J d l0 Yd IO-0' 8'_p• 180 Sd fi'-0' 0'-10' sl' - ' aN 3xmF5f sat xaA•6 wlmr(IxmY x TYrY/K) IULOW OR sam aWwvE elDDx(Calle]TTY BL 511® 11'-81 8.00 209 Od 10 Yd 10'-7 ax 120 SE IA rlr Elm OF Am 1D ILNRIS x k)4••4' a51La RFV410N5 m saw pM1r.I-71ac 21® (Q 5475 V Sa452 rob'BInmUT RBORxa. 10'-0' 8.00 ITA 10 17-0' REV OESf30ROp DATE BY LE W 1•-C ND IYd TR SMm9 Olax .00 I3B OdDd TD SYdd I '��•m L SUPPORT FOOTING PAD SPACING FOR RUNNER ELOCKING FOR SINGLE BL DOUBLE WIDE SHEDS e'-01 3.00 100 Od IDYd lo•-0' SMD C-1 PAD MOOYUM LDb AIN PAD TYPE T SHOT WHOM TYPE LW-Mn kID Pb MAX.�AN1G 801 Pb RUN M SDE RU ]0'RACIER AN SPAp C-DO E Sm OR R STIED WHOM LW UPIDT(PIF)ENO AHk1oR••TUX 911B0xi SPAPNc••• a.n 13'-81 SW/OVI 4.15/]]2 7106' e'-0' IBJ9B L 4 0,OR N IeRIB 4 IL q m N QW. 20'-0' 10.00 4m Od m sd s•-0' 111-81 5W/DM flm/4e0 710 7 8'-0' 25]98 L 4 0,ORO 4 4 q DAN HYD WN11 x OPGT m RAFm1 w 4/26/15 10'-01 SW/DYI 0.00/400 710 T 240x8 I,n,k,0R N 2- I,14 D,OR N �•VApYUY SPS eE1BRLIFp NHobn9� U) N/A 1 SKQm W A00/]20 710 6' 5'-0• 2N91B L 4 m OR N V- 4 0.U.W N 1 6 b -1. w ALL V-o' SW 3D0/240 WRIT 8'-0' 165818 4 0.11,OR N I6ee1B 4 0.m.W N L M MUAR41N119 I�H�AL�HQI6 4mN9 Nxl�1 R INOOrs ml 9®5 M.(R-14a Ua cammt .rartmAl N wM A¢X9 vbr W lIo •IGD xOx a YRDf W NOIOIDI L AOxxN4 Ort0oxl.Vmm6 R¢F£W4®T YAollc 4 4xrt TIBN Ixd P 05P U9 AI2 LRIIOYO 611 I F MQ�Sm 4 YI&OTIgA�'SHbYEO az'�a11 sm[YNLS O®1 VI0111�9Im x RI40 I�rt 10 4 L lla aPYN 4 FNPT MW tRE 180 IaM 5 Om 10 00DG Di e1D. FLmxR�xP1µ1C�Tol Awad xN x111¢Om RN1.5 b 046[ J A05 SPAUm a mow m PMm. F>�wNsoNYM NOC PFn SFCIRY 1 I�Su¢4uYVY m.�S Im 0nvml sMaI4 m 100 m tt-00TH xDl¢5 TM PRL4ile i:) 06TAYYpH ttWAfY111S IO IRII CxL 0 Li TF Y6 xYN4IIn ABIDE C) Ya'c41a1®�M9DA FM I/a'XUI 1 MK fxl lwl Z ' NmaH m mx006Ea1 BxI OPed u•tlo4brD /2'a• ��INH Up�'vxvR® 1/2'TDUPIm 1�BlOn4oV wm U) In•muBFP .: lAvmx kmx6 WM WIP11T l0 4'd P.T.IY.A I 1/r.k•m-I Omx1 •.''.. -' (sarilaznli sP l �I'-----� f• �s�i, wsBa k :Ms�aw usla'�'�OIn x w N Pb e+x em"•xS �P w muL.' IDxa ° LDx-L1t��A•mxaimw.�lar Z aammAn IzarsD ls¢ a4 ka n®'4 1aR sem 1--�� SHED WITH SKID SHED WITH SKID SHED WITH'NO FLOOR' OPTION TO PAD OR BLOCKING ANCHORED TO CONCRETE ANCHORED TO CONCRETE TIE-DOWN DETAILS FI�mB�u� wB°oaE Z 564.E - 2016-12-20 TOP LINE ENGINEERING APPROVAL PLAN#SS-&180-C Side Wall Meador Schedule 1780C1 End Wall NeaderSchedV1e1000 sT� ' dAWIAVW 600E sxumxe se. "� E.E1mx...r tV.P ar.lm ma sPN xAq .emmP ;�? ---_ -o•lai aspen cen.dl - -_------ .+Y.• oa o o-rxnlr•wn xaz..• .us..• x..: . - � .- �_ ,_.. I � 11f Mh1• a 1 e-rxarn•.xn nWaeNa 6mal+m.ummW�.7uwwl.wme •(---x^�-'1--�- .�.vNm r .w-N�mmmaletA.na.in�n�I�•wvml.acn I �_:..•,- t vmmmlwam e�xe,emmoP,Nmr LImllmm.mm ln..5on romnh.a:lm mm.now, a6evlmdr MleA belemab lryroL,La7hf'wf1f P.T.;;7 r AFP mm d .Tlr�ar.m ne ml.neeuum lw qxu mm voa�m ue.on,N.ma.vmyn CeOE 1 TN)N qm�l om�m.Ine mem.m EP.n Emtb Y o x1•r6uss k I, �+ �®�v er.• �c sn.®ol ama 0 NxCN•0.4 m k N6nW[MOAm a s� � Jrvaia�ea®e HTDROVENi DETAIL SIOEWAIL WINDOWS FNO WAILS WINDOWS h 4'x4'W/2'x4' Demme -LEFFT (�(� h'DOORS DOOR 6'WIDE OR IE55 nmoW�mL mNme .F u. G.F.I. SOURCE O N`^•m n�vs we m - 0�1 P6ES 6 L WIRING DIAGRAM v xmm v...amt w m 6aor.na-w.7 ROOF FRAMING PLAN ax..a is Emmen 0006s •,.-aa COPfI0NAL1 :,r � nEHsoNs a m 1¢v DlSCWPfaN I>wn: [ W. 13/12/17 w N/A 55-a-166D mNs. 6 STANDARD nm.tm »m+000a �' m"'°rcm.�e`�i"�d4m.i N O ELEVATIONELEVATION�IMON END ELEVATION �y 4 m® 'm wU a �m�e�m¢voem v.0 w.a '�6 a�mio ate.mrw -Ye rmi°m 4 N� t�'q�so �Imxl4Ymmrce IT x+rww �;•• �10ENSf •�.,ly iii my�u e ,i tee.m��e�-� � `�•' */ r�""'�- .v uom mm�"�w Nmvm iPt STATE �O"wim.Igio I i0 R 10 wen .mmG O N Q IITT�� . m T� _ __ —___ __—_ _______ U• NO6hn T.edC.in PL END ELEVATION ENO ELEVATION __ __ Z FlariGo Litmus 61608 moaP.Ixe a FLOOR FRAMING PLAN �07 SSB-1 OF 1 i DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: -Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I'certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with.your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory.structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO-OWNER:Your-failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in.paying twice for improvements to your property:A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public.records of St.. Lucie C unty and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with Wrider or an attorney before commencing work or recotdingyogr Notice of Commencement. l Signature of Owner/Lessee/ ntractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Contractor/License Holder . STATE OF FLORIDA J STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF P20 e, COUNTY OF Sworn to(or affirmed)and subscribed before me of Sworn to(or affirmed)and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or Online Notarization Physical Presence or Online Notarization this day of M&n 20V by this day of ,20_ by j Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification - Type of Identification Produced 0J Ic ��' Produced 0 1- (Signature of Not#Public-State of Florida nature of Notary Public-State of Florida) Y P AUDREY B.HUMPHREY `,k .":VpHOMMISSION#GG 300 1 Commission No. . �� c ( to mission No. (Seal) .; :�;• Boa EXPIRES:March 6,2023 �,. •Q= PublicUnde ritocs REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION 'SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev: Monde- ® Dr (ment i. a P r n i i i Halsey Beshears, Secretary August 07, 2019 Alex Martens Superior Sheds, Inc. 2323 S. Volusia Ave Orange City, FL 32763 RE: Manufacturer Certification, ID MFT -113; Expiration Date: August 07, 2022 Dear Alex Martens FLA Phone: Ron DeSands, Governor It is my pleasure to inform you that Superior Sheds, Inc., located at 2323 S. Volusia Ave, Orange City, FL 32763, has been approved under the Manufactured Buildings Program, as provided for under Chapter 553, Part I, Florida Statutes, to manufacture Storage Sheds, Manufactured Buildings for installation in Florida. Construction or modification on a manufactured building cannot begin until the Third Party Agency has approved the plans in accordance with the current Florida Building Code. Your Third Party Agency is a contractor for the Department and has statutory authority and responsibilities that must be met to maintain approved status. You may expect and demand quality plans review and inspections. Each Code change will make your plans obsolete until they have been reviewed, approved and indicated [on the cover page of the plans] for compliance with the Code by your Third Party Agency for plans review. Please ensure that your plans are in compliance and are properly posted on our website. All site -related installation issues are subject to the local authority having jurisdiction. The Department's contractor will make unannounced monitoring visits at least once each year. You must grant complete access to your manufacturing facility and records to remain in compliance with the rules and regulations of this program. Your certification is approved for three years from this date. You will receive a renewal notice by Email generated by the BCIS (www floridabuildino oro) for online renewal. If you have questions you may contact Robert Lorenzo at 850-717-1835 or our FAX at 850-414-8436. Please visit our website at www.floridabuilding.org to see valuable information on the Florida Manufactured Buildings Program. A copy of this letter must accompany applications for local building permits. Sincerely, Robert Lorenzo Manufactured Buildings Program cc:Top Line Engineering, LLC