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High performance tita血m heat exchanger伸搬d 777e仰OL解)力7功r楯and 7_卿 Microprocessor cont「oIIed def「ost cycle allows ope「ation down to mid to 10W 40s OF Lockable同P-Out COntrOI pane申OteCted against sun and weathe一・ Bu冊= drain pan fo「 condensate management lmpact resista申rust and fade p「oof cabinet Quieter than conventiona用eat pumps 丁55    1てる     丁9〇            千千年- 〕/80  51,000 )/63  4了000 )I63  30,000 三 三二二二 二  三子三 ∴∴三 5.6 4.0 5.7 5.6 鴬三二 ㌃二重「 ̄R410A R410A=デ ̄「而 Tubeinlfube 巾bein巾b!ThermoLink㊤ 丁he重  油ば  丁 ーPut           2・7     3.9     4.7 2。。霊蒜ア28-2。。′6。。     6.8 Je/Hz/Phase     208-230/60/1 208-230/60 1 208-230I60I「 ;南面Am囲c時     19.1    26.8 40.2 8.2      43.3 FuseSize        30      45 60 _.、金0--__    60 所ax・(gpm〉        20/45     20/45 30/70 一三二二 er=Iowra(esexcee〔llhemaxmlUm 宜(Ibs)         180     2○○ 255 hxWidthxHeight(in)34'一x34"x28一●34,,×34;,x2一'34一)x34iIx39・,4一一,x39,・34・,x34,,x39・・ l((ibs〉   220 240 305 309  337 hxWidthxHeight個 38:,x36,'×33・)38・ix36..x33 f'8賀x36”x43・・.8”x舘・x43 38・'×3G"×43,i Ra(edinac亀如apc敦′時ARIs‘anc胤t’1160Y′a'「(emp/amblen(a離郷Vhum. Spe調ca(IOnS含u置準C= han9e B丁Us (Y′81e「ぬ調pI劇nb`αll郎rI 子ci細Vぐ剛爪細y) C○○.巳 coe刷cient °, Pc「I°爪anCe (Yla逗子,8爪pね調的nI a誰I r曾i擁ve h周囲ily) Refrigeram Heat Exchanger 巨lectrical kW Wa章e「 Fi°W P白ysical Shipping C Location∴江川Ie > [llS雨間io】1 >冊m油肥> Clearances CLEARANCES P「OPer ai「 circulation is rcqui「ed for thc heat pllmP tO OPerate emCiently. ^void placing obiccts near or O両OP O佃le heat PumP∴l‘his includes shmbber)′ and lawn f lmitu「e. 1hese obects w紺aIso hinder nlaimCnanCe aCCeSS. Avoid storing chonical containe「…Car the heat pl]mP. The c!一emicals cal- CauSC Cquip一一1C-1t danlage・ 0vc「llcad Clearance 騒運 TropiCal⑪ T90 衛鯛 Ge〔蛤e mo与〔 OUし0「yOし申〕○○同ea自ng旧VeS白月e「lし! '  H-g巾e五用T"an(e (lほ「帆出‘ heat exc雨nge一 (P訊en自らぐi inthQ   音 青白ぐI ∴ modds) ・ M旧年)~0〔PSSO- 〔0「-両I聞{刷〔双(y両捕り購 〇匹-・飾On ○○Wn tO m凋〔O Ioいノ40s O「 . B両… Cll a巾P∂「汗0圧O’「densate manage冊凧 imI)a〔し「e⊆-捕∩し「U⊆〔訓--紺ふ庇印○○圧訪nQl ・  Q川ele=ha「上「0「lVPn白0na用e郁子用n叩S . NEW Sm紺MIC「OP十〇CeSSOI Co時OI w両I LCD D-SpIay ・ 帥p-01ノ自OCkかつie 〔○○「tI′OI匹。e -三 prOte「しeCl agamst su-1 and weathe' dr-d la両)e C‘a訊y P一〇gran「me巾o l)reVC‘l「t 〇両e-く白の「n lan「Pe=∩8、値h Set亡lI「8S .  Dlgl\al co'ltrO車anel w。`h 24 cheIaCIc‘一 子u帖にXt diS函y p「ovldes eas〉出口で訪 menしI O坤0nS and unl〔 S〔aし∪5 . Ab"l〔y tO ←OnneC"o mOSt eXte自IaI COn白(州e鳴 .  Hybr妃functional時〔∂「用Il捕te a gaS 「lea博 ̄When訓「 eX廿∂ b○○SぐO川e訳lS neeC厄d Rated ln aCCOrdancew圧h A日RI standarc= 160 ノー ̄ ̄ ̄一 連,南端宰黒諾嵩 @くく㈲ GET丁軸E M㊥鯛⑱U丁㊤戸YOUR 齢の㊧』 RE鯛鞠燭INVES丁MENT! High performance titanium heat exchanger僻偽d 7海仰oL傭in 79り7栃and r7拘 Mic「oprocessor con剛ed defrost cyc-e訓ows operation down to mid to low 40s OF 」ockable' f崎-Out COnt「OI pane恒rotected against sun and weathe{・ Bu冊n drain pan fo「 condensate management Impact 「esistant’ruSt and fade p「oof cabinet Quiete「 than conventionaI heat pumps B丁Us (、γ8(e「 (のmPね「nb一句周a河 roI師Vぐhum・(値y) C.0.P      80/8 Re酷gerant Heat Exchanger 割ec掴cal kW l Wate「 FIow A Hea(e「 Byp8SS聞fS PhysicaI Shipping 丁珠;∴∴∴∴「●75     ̄「90    丁・iノ    ・子中章- - 音O180       51・000   72・○○0   96-000   ,000  132000 音O/63        叩000   67○○0   90,000 霧箪 0/63        30,000   46,000   65.000 二二二三二尋曇A R410A R410A 巾ubeinlhbe llJbeinlbb ThermoLink@ 丁he「 活け9  丁 「mo」inke n両          2・了     3.9     4.7 2。8_慧矛28_2。。′6。′1     6.8 lge/Hz/Phase     2O8-230I6011 2O8-230/6O 1 208-230!6011 C庇面Am囲c時     19.1    26.8 40.2 8.2      43.3 FuseSize        30      45 60 _.葛、金〇〇一、叫,_ _峯三二 音Max・(g叩〉       20/45    20/45 30/70 lenIiow「alcsexce餅】凪emaxj凧州 h岬bs)      180    200    255 thxWidthxHeight伸)34一'x34.Ix28・・34・,x34:,×2'一 34一,x34i′x39,, 4’- ●’x39’,34’,×34,,×391〇  一 ̄/i-i/--へ-一---._○○音〇〇〇〇〇・〇〇〇音〇〇〇・・ 309  33了 ht(lbs)        220    240    305 "一〇音i-i▲--●---"○○- thxWidthxHeightwh)38"x36,・×33・,38・・×36'.x33 38"x36.)x43.'en"x雷航43' 38"×3C"×43'一 Ra(edinac捌d急唯一卵A臼-s帥da鴫116〇、γa「-e同pIa同的爪a高存elivhum・ Specjc寄!lonSS申IeC(章 h抑9e C Location言出。「e >吊o両面io11 >Plし星「1b正巳> Clea重・紬1CeS CLEARANCES P「OPer aI「 Ci「CuIation is 「cqui「e(うfor thc heat pu一一1P tO OPe「ate emcien時^void placing obiects nea「 o「 OIl tOP O佃e heat pump. This includes s血bbery and lawn fumitu「e. T)leSe Obects w帖als。 llinde「 Avoid storing chemicaI con面ne「s near the heat pump. The cllemicals can causc cqu‘Pluent damgc. Ove「llCad C!e織r種nce TropiCal⑪ T90 ー 整遜鑑 雪国蛙堅… Ge同Ie n10St 。UしOr \/Oしl口〕OO川e三間Ig旧Veゝ巾Ie出一 ・ Hig申)e間口冊。( e用…間中e〔う† e〉告士別)8e- (P和ぐ爪p(!      川面ぐ     和l「) models) .  Ml「l叫'0"'\SO'しO。l'Ol間柄「=oSl (y(恒捕りw` 〇匹-一種tiOn 〇〇時nてO mid 〔0 1∩∨了40う。「 ・ Bし時宜dI訓 甲信O圧〇°(」e「lゝ机e冊。「ag飾=e出 面!)乱し「e持しa時=∪負dIld (d(」叩,-〇〇年a証「時 ●   Q川e(e(活ai「 「nnV飾出自「a川鍋申間中S .  NEWS「「l紺Ml(「O単OCeSS0' Cnnt10lw画しCD DiS函y ・  叫)-C高点)「k証涙ぐ0∩白Oi中ロe i三 甲.0te白ed a8紺はしSUnこ-nd wぐご用eI dnd しく」「∥)e ea引y 「〕周g同n「周回10単∩∨nn( 〇両当ヽ (時丁「 I種i「「「〕P=「「思V紺h seし両が ・  D(緋∂圧oi「江○車ane上人′・出⊇イche「 ̄aCte- 「u旧ex白月三回dy l〕時Vldes e∂ツー巾--ぐ拙 menし」 0に血0nSand u伸〔S d〔US ・ Abi時(O COnne生(O mOS圧幻烏口∩∂! COn廿0昭「S I中)両面「C〔10n掴y c∂n …r)a章ぐa呂郁 南都ei画「en訓「 eX自a b○○S! 0「陸封)S needed Rated ln aCCOrd寄nCC‘ VJ江h ^I」RI stanc妃「C= 160. 了 ̄ ∴\ @(〔の.