HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsurface InvestigationHeadquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: 723,Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 January 9, 2020 Darrick Bailey A Great Home 751 NW Enterprise Drive, Ste #105 Port St Lucie, FL 34986 . Re: 8347 Calumet Court Port St Lucie, Florida KSM Project#: 200098-b Dear Mr. Bailey: A§'•requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has, perforrr referenced site. Presentation of the data gathered du our geotechnical related opinions, are included .in r j At the time of drilling, the site was fairly flat with slig ' There was heavy vegetation and many trees'as well as i 'Due to the limited access, a portable Dynamic Cone• F establish the bearing capacity of the foundation soils. it Project Description: Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32978 Phone:772-589-0712 C.A. # S693 KSMengineering:oet face investigation at the .stigation, together with elevations at the center. water on Much of the site. iter (Wildcat).was used to A two-story single-family residence is 'planned to be constructed on the site Loads .from the structure will be transferred to the ground. by conventional' shallow footings.,' We i anticipate maximum wall loads for the structure will be' less Ethan 3;000 pounds "per linear, foot along the wall foundation and less than 20 kips per individual column' load.' We estimate approximately 6 feet of site fill will be required to'reach the desired grades. WS F Proudly.Serving Florida since 1990; �` Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: " WO M Progress Way Sanford, FL.' 32771 l ; 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida Site Investigation- 'ENGINEERING P.O. Box 7 Sebastian, FL. AMW AND TEff ING Phone: 772 58! -2- January 9, The site investigation program idonsisted of performing five (5) portable Dynamic 'Cc Penetrometer tests in. the' proposed construction area. A hand auger boring w performed by each Dynamic Ciine Penetrometer test. The wildcat borings were terminal { at depths of 10 to 13 feet belowiexisting grade. The locations of the borings are shown the,attached location plan. ; During the portable Dynamic' Cone Penetrometer test, a 35 pound safety hammer repeatedly: dropped 15" driving'a;10 square centimeter cone through the ground. Blol per 10 centimeter of penetration; dynamic cone resistance, and equivalent SPT "N" valu are measured and shown in the attached logs. The records'ofthe soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater 11 are shown on the attached logs. S d. Engineering. Evaluation.and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation we are pleased to offer following evaluation: The boring logs indicate that !the subsurface soils from the surface to a depth approximately 2 feet, consist.of an unsuitable layer of clayed silt with some roots. Be the unsuitable surface soil, a very loose to medium -dense layer of fine-grained dial sand with some shell fragments was found. Please refer to the soil boring logs for'spe(' infomiation `relative to the soil description. The very soft layer of dark, grayi cause settlement to the planned excessive and beyond the gene recommendations are,concernei with compacted sand. ;The following sections provide design. f fed silt and,some of the underlying clayed sand wouldl -uctu're. This settlement, in our opinion, would be too aacepted�safe limits for the structure. Therefore, our ith removing the unsuitable soft layer and replacing it for the site preparation and foundation Florida since1990 Sf Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 i ENGINEERING Mailing: P.O. a, Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: g ,p� ,T�sTING F78 2978 Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 723 Progress Way il9N'iFUA Sanford, FL 32771 j ` C.A. # 5693 8347 Calumet Court KSMengineering.net -3- Port St. Lucie, Florida January9,, 2020 Site Preparation: Excavate the dark gray clayed silt from within the proposedbuilding limits and seven feet beyond the perimeter of the residence and remove at least.1 foot of the clayed sand' below the clayed silt, which would prevent compaction from being -achieved to a depth of.2 feet. Based on the boring logs, this would require removing approximately 3 feet of soils. All over -excavation of unsuitable soils, replacement, and.compaction- of suitable clean fine sand backfill material should take place in the "dry". It is important on this project to have the removal of the unsuitable layer inspected to ensure all unsuitable material is removed. After the unsuitable soils have been removed, the site may be filled to the desired grades. Structural fill shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 5% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve for the first 5 feet. 'After the first 5 feet the site fill i shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 10% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. Fill should ber placed in layers of 12 inches in thickness. Compact each lift to at least 95 percent of its modified Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be recompacted to 95 percent (minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. , This can be best achieved by making several passes with a relatively light -weight walk -behind vibratory sled or roller. We recommend field density tests be performed at appropriate times during ,the earth work operations in order to verify that the site has been properly 'constructed. t ;Temporary dewatering will be necessary in order to achieve' excavation and compaction specifications. The actual method of dewatering should be; determined by the contractor. We suggest drawing down the water table below the bottom of excavations to avoid ,compaction related problems. Please note that on this site the water was at grade and ,therefore a pond may need to be constructed onsite to handle the water excess. Proudly Serving Florida since l999 Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando.' 723 Progress Way Sanford; FL. 32771 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida Excavation: ilk I IIW _ l I Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. tr,5693 KSMengineering.net January 9, 2020 Excavations should be sloped as necessary to prevent slope failure and to allow backfilling:. As a minimum, temporary excavations below 4-foot-depth should�be sloped in ,accordance with OSHA regulations., Where lateral confinement will not perm_ it slopes to, be laid back, the'excavation should be shored in accordance with OSHA requirements.. During excavation, excavated material should not be stockpiled at the top of the, slope within a horizontal distance; equal, to the excavation depth. Provisions for maintaining Workman safety within excavation's is:the sole responsibility of the contractor. Foundation: Providing our recommendations ` for. site preparation are followed, the proposed 4residence may be supported on conventional concrete, steel reinforced footings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure pf2;500-pounds per square foot, or less. With the foundation properly designed and the site properly prepared, we anticipate total settlements less than % of an •irich and differential settlements of less than '/< of an inch. The majority of the settlement should occur during construction. ^, Floor Slabs: A conventional slab -on -grade oa`n be used in the "at grade" portion of the 'building. We recommend the disturbed subgrade. below the floor slab be re -Compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum ,dry density (ASTM D 1557) prior to placement of the concrete. Density should be re -checked after utility construction. An estimated modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pounds 'per cubic, inch (pci) can be used for design of the slab - on -grade. We recommend that control joints be incorporated in the slab at frequent intervals to control shrinkage cracks. A moisture barrier is recommended beneath ,the floor slab to prevent moisture migration .,from the underlying soil resulting', hdampness of the slab. Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL: 32958 Orlando: 723 Progress Way Ax Q ILVA Sanford FL 327 Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastlan, Fl-32978 Phone:,772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 71 i j f KSMenglneering.net 8347 Calumet Court -5- _ January 9; 2020 Port St. Lucie, Florida , w Pool (If Required): Based, on the existing soil conditions, the proposed pool can be designed and constructed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds'per square foot provided the pool bottom is at least 3 feet below existing gradeDu s e to t6eamou6t of fill being, placed on ! this site, it will be important to ensure the loose soils found'onsite are not directly, below the pool bearing. If unsure about this, please, contact our office for• guidance. ' When excavating the pool, if any organic soil or soft! material', is encountered, these materials/soils should be removed and replaced with W stones so the subgrade becomes firm below the pool bottom. t Backfill material behind the pool shell shall consist of clean `granular sand with less than 10 percent "fines" passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. Place ,;backfillrmaterial in loose lifts of 12 inches in thickness and compact each lift to no less than 95 percent of'its modified dry ? Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). r 't i Closure: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practice based on the results of the test,Wings and assumed 'loading conditions. This report does not reflect any variations;"ich may occur between the ` borings. If variations appear evident during the, course" of. construction,, it would''„ be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this'prolect. jWe are RjVAfied,to be of assistance to you on this phase of gour,project. When we may be of fu1M&,tSj1ry �djrqu or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. . Z erg w , =JEKjrIt 1E-mail to: darrickbailey@hotmail.com Proudly Serving Florida since 1996 ` WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM Engineering& Testing Page I of 2 Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. I ' PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-lwc Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida, 32958 DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-1, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: CH/SH SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A PROJECT: A Great Home ' ! WATER ON COMPLETION: 1 "+ ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs. LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10 cm I RESISTANCE I K cm' GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0' ' S0 100 I50 N' TESTED CONSISTENCY NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 4.4 • ; 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 0 0.0 0 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 ft 1 4.4 • ' ° 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 I VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 2 8.9 "' 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 17.8 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 13.3 . 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3ft 3 13.3 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT I m 4 17.8 ••.• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 19.3 .••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 It 5 19.3 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 11.6 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 I5.4 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 5 ft 5 19.3 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 19.3 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 23.2 •• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 ft 7 27.0 ••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 "••""' 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 2 m 8 30.9 ••"••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 ft 10 34.2 •••••.•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 8 27.4 ••••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 34.2 ••••.•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 8 ft 11 37.6 ••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF - 14 47.9 •••.•.••••••••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 41.0 ................ ............ 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - IS 51.3 •............... 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 15 51.3 •••••••••••••••••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 3 m 10 ft 'I8 61.6 ••• •••••••••••••••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 13 39.8 •.............. II MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 10 30.6 •••...... 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 30.6 ••••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF I l ft 11 33.7 ••••.•:•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 9 27.5 ••••.•.•• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 24.5 .......... 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 12 ft 8 24.5 •••••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 21.4 """' 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 30.6 ••••..•r•••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 4 m 13 ft 12 36.7 ••••.••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF A Greet Home, 8347 Gal ➢ t coon POd St LUC* FMda Headquarters: ' 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958. Orlando: 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL 32771 p0 �6 . W'i Date January 8, 2020 Location: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-1, See Attached Location Plan Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone:772-589-0712 C.A.# 5693 KSMengineering.net ----------------------------------------------------- DEPTH STRATA .DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET FROM -TO SOILS a' -0- 0"-22" Dark Gray Clayed Silt r -------- ---------- ----------- —------------- --------- ---------------- -- ---- ------ -2- 22" — 72" Gray Clayed Sand with Traces of Shell -3- -6- --------------------------------- a Water Table: 1 "+ Above Existing'Grade Job #: KSM 200098-1 ha Proudly Serving Florida since 1980 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 1 of 2 Company. Name KSM Engineering'& Testing Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. I "; PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-2wc Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida°3'MS r DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-2, See Attached Location Plan CREW: CH/SH '`j SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A : PROJECT: A Great Home WATER ON COMPLETION: I,,+ ,ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court HAMMER WEIGHT: 351bs. LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10 cm RESISTANCE Kg/cm' GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0, +, 50 100 150 'N' TESTED CONSISTENCY NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 4.4 1 ' VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 ft I 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 8+9. 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT I 4.4 I VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 2 8.9 •» 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT' 4 17.8 """ 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 17.8 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF a ft 5 22.2 ••�• 1 •• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF l m 6 26.6 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 7 27.0 7 LOOSE MEDIUMSTIFF O ft 6 23.2 • 6 LOOSE MEDIUM�STIFF 4 15.4 •�•`•• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 5 19.3 ••"^- 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 It 8 30.9 •• ••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 30.9 •••...••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 38.6 •••••........ I 1 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 6 ft 9 34.7 •••r•i•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 38.6 •••••.••••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 2 m 11 42.5 •••.•�••••••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 7 ft 11 37.6 •••.••••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF II 37.6 •••�•�••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 12 41.0 •••.• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 8 ft 12 41.0 •••%• I I MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 13 44.5 ••.•.•••••••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 13 44.5 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 9 It 14 47.9 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 47.9 ••••••••••••••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 16 54.7 •••............... 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 3rn 1011 17 58.1 •••.•.•••••••••••••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF d6 49.0 ...�••'•••••••••.• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 36.7 ^•........ 10 LOOSE STIFF 10 30.6 •••.•.••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF lift to 30.6 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 24.5 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 24.5 ••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 12 ft 11 33.7 ••`••i %••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 12 36.7 ••ram •.•••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 15 45.9 ••• p........... 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 4 m 13 It 16 49.0 •••i .•••+•••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF A Great Homo, 8347 Cal o Court, Port St; Wde; Florida I L Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: ' 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 Date Location: 1 DEPTHp-- — IN FEET -0- a f• Ip� FRINERING P.O. Box 8-1377 AKIO :BESTING Phone: Sebas772 589-0712 C.A. 8 5693 KSMengineering.net January 8, 2020 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-2, See Attached Location Plan --- --- -- --- - - -----�------ --------- --- - STRATA DESCRIPTION OF FROM -TO ,SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt --------------------------- 18" — 72" Gray Clayed Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments, Water Table: 1"+Above Existing Grade Job* KSM 200098-2ha Proudly Serving Florida since 198o a WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page I of 1 Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. I PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-3wc Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Floridan 32958 DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: RC 3, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: CH/SH SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A PROJECT: A Great Home 'ADDRESS: WATER ON COMPLETION: At Grade 8347 Calumet Court HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs; LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10 cm RESISTANCE K GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0 50 100 150 N' TESTED CONSISTENCY NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 4 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 ft 2 8.9 ••• 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 13.3 ••. 3 VERY LOOSE ' SOFT 5 22.2 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 2 ft 5 22.2 ....i .. 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6' 26.6 •......•• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 26.6 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 ft 5 '22.2 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 1 m 6 26.6 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 ""'•• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 ft 7 27.0 ......... 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 9 34.7 .......••••. 9 LOOSE STIFF 7 27.0 •••.••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 It 7 27.0 .....i • 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 30:9 ..... •••••. 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 30.9 •••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 ft 9 •34.7 ... i..•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 38.6 ......•••.••• 1 I MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 2'm 1,0 38.6 •••••••••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 7 It 11 37.6 10 LOOSE STIFF 13 44.5 •••.......•.•••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 13 44.5 •.......•••.•••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 8 ft 12 41.0 •••�•••••�•••• I 1 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 47.9 • ••......•••••.• 13 MEDIUM DENSE, STIFF 17 58.1 ................ 0••.• 16 'MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 9 ft 18 61.6 ...................0.. 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 17 58.1 ••••••.......... 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 12 41.0 ......v••••. 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 3 m ]Oft 16 34.2 •••'•••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 30.6 ......:•••. 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 9 27.5 .... !. •• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF • 10 30:6......... 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF lift 11 33.7 •...... ••• 9 LOOSE' STIFF - 12ft - 4' 1311 A Great HOM. 8347 Cgl m Court, Part St. Lu e. FIorWa l 11345 U.S. Highway i Sebastian, FL.32958 Orlando: A 723 Progress Way ICID T!iceSTI Sanford, FL. 32771 Date January 8, 2020 } Location: 8347 Calumet Court DEPTH IN FEET -0- i -1- -2- Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-3, See Attached Location Plan STRATA FROM -TO 0" —151, 15" — 36" Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineering.net DESCRIPTION OF SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt. ----------------------- Gray Clayed Sand Water Table: At Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-3ha it Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 ' WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Page J of 2 Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. 1 PROJECT NUMBER: 200098.4wc Company City, State, Zip Sebastian,'Florida 32958 DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-4, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: CH/SH SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A PROJECT: A Great Home WATER ON COMPLETION: V ,ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court HAMMER WEIGHT: 5 3I bs. LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida CONE AREA: 13 s cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10 cm RESISTANCE K cm' GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE '0 50 100 150 N' TESTEDONS CISTENCY NON -COHESIVE I COHESIVE 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 , 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 ft 0 0.0 0 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 0 0.0 0 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 3 ft 3 13.3 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT I'm 3 13:3 •••• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15.4 ••• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 ft 5 19.3 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 15.4 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 5. 19.3 •••.•• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 It 7 27.0 •••�••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM'STIFF 6 23.2 •••.•••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 30.9 ... ;..••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 it 7 27.0 ......••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 ••"' 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF' 2 m 5 19.3 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 ft 5 17.1 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 8 27.4 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 23.9 ••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 It 9 30.8 ... .••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 34.2 ••••.••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 34.2 •••......• 9 LOOSE STIFF 9 ft 13 44.5 .,..... 4.•••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 41.0 ............•• I 1 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 47.9 ••••••........ 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 3 m 10 ft 14 47.9 ..i.i............ 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 15 45.9 ............... 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 17 52.0 ••••••.•••r••.•••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 17 52.0 ..................• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF lift 15 45.9 ••••!•!••••••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 36.7 .... . 10 LOOSE STIFF 10 30.6 ••••••..... 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 12 ft 10 30.6 •r••r1•••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 11 33.7 ......••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 9 27.5 ••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 m 13 ft 7 21.4 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF A (treat Home, SSar Calumet COW, Port St. Wde, Flonde Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Mailing:. GPI • �� P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: s : Sebastian, FL. 32978' Phone; 772-589-0712 e 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 C.A. tf 5693 KSMengineering.net Date January 8, 2020 S Location: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-4,. See Attached Location Plan ---- —---------------- --- DEPTH -------------------------------------- STRATA —--- --------------- — ---------------- DESCRIPTION OF IN FEET --------- —---- —------- FROM -TO ------------- ------------------------ SOILS . t -0- 0" —18" Dark Gray Clayed Silt with Roots ff! 18" — 72" Gray Clayed Sand with Shell Water Table: 1" Below Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-4ha Proudly Serving Florida since'1990 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM'Engineerina & Testing Page I of I Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. I Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida 32958 PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-5we DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-5, See Attached Location .Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: CH/SH PROJECT: A Great Home SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court WATER ON COMPLETION: I ° LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs. CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10 cm RESISTANCE K cm2 GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE 0 50 100 150 N' TESTED CONSISTENCY NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 ft 2 I 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 I VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 ft 2 3 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT I m 4 13.3 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 17.8 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 ft 3 I L6 -• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 11.6 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15.4 ••• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15.4 '-' 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 5 ft 5 19.3 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 15.4 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 6 ft 6 7 23.2 •••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUMSTIFF 7 27.0 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 2 m 8 27.0 ........• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 ft 7 30.9 ......••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 9 23.9 ....... 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 30.8 ••-•••••••. 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 ft 10 34.2 34.2 ......••.... •••••••..... 9 LOOSE STIFF 12 41.0 .............. 9 LOOSE STIFF I I MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 47.9 •••••••••... ..... 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 9 ft 13 44.5 . ......... -...... 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 10 342 ......•••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 3 m 1011 10 11 34.2 37.6 •••••-•••••• ••••••••••••. 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 LOOSE STIFF lift 12 It -4m 13 ft A Great Home. 8347 Celumat C.M Port St Wae. Fimlda Headquarters: 12345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 Date Location: ----------- DEPTH IN FEET -0- Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone:772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineering.net January 8, 2020 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-5, See Attached Location Plan STRATA DESPRIPTION OF FROM -TO SOILS 0" — 6" Dark Gray Clayed Silt with Roots -------------------- - - -- ----- -- - - 6" — 20" Dark Gray Clayed Silt 20" — 72" Gray Clayed Sand with Shell Water Table: 1"Above Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-5ha Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 >oualaor �nv_a U IT I YSAM CRIE �(E0' RIOnl"o1-..Y) w t "SA&U. CAFF2(-Plot» IV, acomCap LOT' 161 9. tAe 4, 1 a plel Il17. 1 w I R y, pet (OCCUPIED) SL I oeamlw(epvpa. of tlx 1nrD0e Reemh e+ p -NO CONFUCT WITH e , 1 LOT AREA; eSooO Ea. R; LSI S I I o I . ADJACENT WILL L ffi SEPTICL1 a •I I " ` m C M-1A8o (Iltm (wq !ta) SL ww') TREET �ESxo� H7 Calr.Nel cart Rml ' \ (1y �� m�d8 a orP Ica 8 N na S6T53'18eE 386.4B' IV ' nY,c •rorr , sry •� s �. ' A PRocosio A v'$N�rictA �\ Y --jpt� s ' PROPOSED Txm-sraer RESIDENCE y 4 F PeO = M-210 DIM 20) 'r ., 9 .. -'��_ tn' o°p a�Kirr g 6 �wpvm •. PROOOSID M-27.Oo (Now 0) y \. ^L•..: - _ LOtp� ('YpM611.T .801E 0➢IIUIK ROW DiOW 1` .. il.a.. Y Dr P .. 8 i %i •� If j BE cwae)K = :"a o'`;: •.. a o DC 5, HA-5 9i Imo polelle � - ik 8: `wR1tTORS' NOTES. ? o�y°�®.w..1�: D ,.. — h n,n . D,.n, an 1.. d,r,.,.n. e, <r.,tma <aa < pDlwa •-" DC-3 NA-3 :q•••• ,,• •1 \ tN.Iltn etrrmf4na 1<.• vweaenen eu• recnd ainrrrr n•N aiflwem mD nw p � � %S . 1 ea w eWm rp. nmalrvwlPn eosin wal,n wmucu f `1 . \ an a.ls•... •m e..nv,v or• m r.•a mevm,rta mn cm>mevm . n Th}S- vm w.rd:d. (nda Oy a .:mal Its Pmw me dk^p .ea•v •.w of . "=rho. �nbu.:2wnW S+NM M1 Y^CPm. •.�ab '• unw'a W4M vptn !•evglb. Mnu aE DP Its <limt. IDP• lun D-M \ +o nic'am ar Inv emm .wmva awa q v:e o+ru- -•O LOT 1$9�s OB'(�'a 8 �� )'k +,.4•.p uee T pcoa 7dre .' Pm NDI%Pw For nmra,w P•wran Rut• N.q. / • �etMY Pants tWmem IYtI:EOPO d. D nm-Pops Pmel � (IX;(:UPIED) % { -'• ry ,n n01 mdprN Uy PwIMlNrol IIeDOyy Ne/rpn4a, c ,^Ir; -••Ir T.w- ncl wa:Pin n I.b d••. (SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION) �iT, • •`�.. �' :ms "nor vale tm: .m++m e.ary w .noon M en N-1 ).Pgl (x) ry) M,,.a mD ewue) wtY .o++mlltmt a soot 4./ b -w itn nrywlN ueu a M-27,W (pA(NM 7 Itl M1a.'n0a/gM, Nwiw d :nN^wTwd I oa:W mNw obrY.D Nonn. p(C0 VO 0» A rY ? L e 12 W. pMn).„/Prna^+A � M [n(Na b) <OaVYlY9 DIlm IOW4N'eq a :e ane.n y /y LEGEND -RIFF COW (12- WIDE OR LAROER) `J . . (12) AYE TOM 4 - '— .•. ._ ._ _.... ..�.. CERTIFIED TO: + f' SHEETI OE 1 PROJECT#:r 20009&wc BY: J.L. DATE: 20200110 SCALE: NONE Headquarters: U.S. Highway 1 ENGI I ERING. ; F Malang: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, Sebastian, FL 32959 ',� OHando: pp �`y, ANG'TInSTII■G Phone: 772-599-0712 x 723 Progress Way . Sanford, FL. 32771 C.A. # 5693 KSIVlengine`A. ng.net January 9, 2020 G Darrick Bailey A Great Home 4 751 NW Enterprise Drive, Ste #105 Port St Lucie,'FL 34986 Re: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. L' ucle, Florida i KSM Project #: 200098-b 'DearMr. Bailey: As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site. Presentation of the data gathered during the investigation, together with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in this, report. " :At the time of drilling, the site was fairly flat with slightly lower elevations at .the center: There was heavy vegetation and many trees as well as standing water on much of'the•site. i Due to the limited, access, a portable Dynamic Cone .Penetrometer (Wildcat) was used to establish the bearing capacity of the foundation soils. Project Description: fA two-story single-family residence is planned to be constructed on the site.'Loads'from ;the structure will be .transferred to the ground by conventional shallow footirigs. We `anticipate maximum 'wall loads for the structure will be less than 3,000 pounds per We }foot along the wall foundation and less than 20 kips per individual column load. ' We estimate approximately 6 feet of site fill will be required to reach the desired grades. Proudly Serving.Florida since 1990 Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 ENGINEERING' Mailing: P.U. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL.32958 Orlando: . MM f1ND TESTING ING Sebastian, 58 -0712 Phone: 772-589 723 Progress Way /� 1 0712 C.A. # S693 Sanford, FL. 3I773 KSMengineering;net 8347 Calumet Court -2- January 9, 2020 Port St. Lucie, Florida Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of performing five (5) portable Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests in the proposed construction area. A hand auger boring was performed by each Dynamic Cone Penetrometer test. The wildcat borings were terminated . at depths of 10 to 13 feet below existing grade. The locations of the borings are shown on the attached location plan. During the portable Dynamic Cone, Penetrometer test, a 35 pound safety hammer is repeatedly dropped 15" driving a 10 square centimeter cone through the ground. Blows per 10 centimeter of penetration, dynamic cone resistance, and equivalent SPT "N" values are measured and shown in the,attached logs. The records of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater level are shown on the attached logs. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs indicate that the subsurface soils from the surface to & depth ,of approximately 2 feet, consist of an unsuitable layer of clayed silt with some roots. Below the unsuitable surface soil, a very loose to medium -dense layer of fine-grained clayed sand with some shell fragments was found. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description. The very soft layer of dark gray clayed silt and some of the underlying clayed sand would cause settlement to the planned structure. This settlement, in our opinion, would be too excessive and beyond the general accepted safe limits for the structure. Therefore, our recommendations are concerned with removing the unsuitable soft layer and replacing it :with compacted sand. The following sections provide recommendations for the site preparation and foundation design. Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 Headquarters: U.S. Highway 1 EN � ° ENGI�'ERIEIG Mailing. P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, Sebastian, FL 32958 Orlando: ANG TESTING Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 C.A. # 5693 8347 Calumet Court -3- KSMengineering.net Port St. Lucie, Florida January 9, 2020 Site Preparation: Excavate the dark gray clayed silt from within the proposed building limits and seven feet beyond the perimeter of the residence and remove at least 1 foot of the clayed sand below the clayed silt, which would prevent compaction from being achieved to a depth of 2 feet. Based on the boring logs, this would require removing approximately 3 feet of soils. All over -excavation of unsuitable soils, replacement, and compaction of suitable clean fine sand backfill material should take place in the "dry". It is important on this project to have the removal of the unsuitable layer inspected to ensure all unsuitable material is removed. After the unsuitable soils have been removed, the site may be filled to the desired grades. Structural fill shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 5% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve for the first 5 feet. After the first 5 feet the site fill shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 'l0% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. Fill should be placed in layers of 12 inches in thickness. Compact each lift to at least 95 percent of its modified Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be recompacted to i 95 percent (minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. This can be best achieved by making several passes with a relatively light -weight walk -behind vibratory sled or roller. We recommend field density tests be performed at appropriate times during the earth work ,operations in order to verify that the site has been properly constructed. Temporary dewatering will be necessary in order to achieve excavation and compaction specifications. The actual method of dewatering should be determined by the contractor. We suggest drawing down the water table below the bottom of excavations to avoid compaction related problems. Please note that on this site the -water was at grade and therefore a pond may need to be constructed onsite to handle the water excess. Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 Headquarters. 11345 U.S. Highway 1 ,1 J ENGINEERING Box Mailing: P.O. 7&1377 Sebastian, FL 32958 Orlando: �772- AND TESTING Phone: 9-0712 723 Progress Way GA. # S693 Sanford,'FL. 32771 KSMengineering.net 8347 Calumet Court -4- January 9, 2020 Port St. Lucie, Florida Excavation: Excavations should be sloped as necessary to prevent slope failure and to allow backfilling. Asa minimum, temporary excavations below 4-foot depth should be. sloped in accordance with OSHA regulations. Where lateral confinement will not permit slopes to; be laid back, the excavation should be shored in accordance with- OSHA requirements. During excavation, excavated material should not be stockpiled. at the top•of the slope within a horizontal distance equal to the excavation depth. Provisions for maintaining workman safety within excavations is the sole responsibility of the contractor. Foundation: Providing our recommendations for site preparation are followed, the proposed residence may be supported on conventional concrete, steel reinforced footings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot, or less. With the foundation properly designed and the site properly prepared, we anticipate total settlements less than % of an inch and differential settlements of less than % of an inch. i The majority of the settlement should occur during construction. Floor Slabs: A conventional slab -on. -grade can be used in the "at grade' portion of the building. We, recommend the disturbed subgrade below the floor slab be re -compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum. dry density (ASTM D 1557) prior to placement of the concrete. Density should be re -checked after utility construction. An estimated modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) can be used for design of the slab - on -grade. We recommend that control joints be incorporated in the slab at frequent intervals to control shrinkage cracks. A moisture barrier is .recommended beneath the floor slab to prevent moisture migration from the underlying soil resulting in dampness of the slat;. Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 Headquarters: C, ENGN�GI�IG Orlando: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastin, FL 32958 l� AND TESTING 723 Progress Way San ford, FL 32771 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida { Pool (If Required): . Mailing: P.O. Boil 78-1377 Sebastian, FL 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. #'5693 KSMengineering.net January 9, 2020 Based on the existing soil conditions, the proposed pool can be designed and constructed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot provided the pool bottom is at'least 3 feet below existing grade. Due, to the amount of fill being'placed on this site, it will be important to ensure the loose soils found onsite are not directly below the pool bearing. If unsure about this, please contact our office for guidance. When excavating the pool, if any organic soil or soft material is encountered, these materials/soils should be removed and replaced with W stones so the subgrade becomes firm below the pool bottom. Backfill material behind the,pool shell shall consist of clean granular sand with less than 10 percent "fines" passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. Place backfill material in loose lifts of 12 inches in thickness and compact each lift to no less than 95 percent of. its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557). Closure: This. report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practice based on the results of the test borings and assumed loading { conditions. This report does not reflect any. variations which may occur between the borings. If variations appear evident during the course of construction, it'would be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of furt(itir►` 9'' 'I tq, ou or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. E-mail to: darrickbailey@hotmaii.com I Proudly ServingFlorida since 1990 • WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 1 of 2 Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Company Street 11345 Hwy. U.S. I PROJECTNUMBER: 200098-1wc Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida 32958 DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-1, See Attached Location Plan CREW: CH/SH SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A PROJECT: A Great Home _ _ WATER ON COMPLETION: 1 "+ ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 Ibs. LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida CONE AREA: 10 sg. cm BLOWS RESISTANCE I GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER l0 cm KPJcm1 0 50 100 150 N' NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 4.4 I• 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT- 0 0.0 0 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT I ft 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERYSOFT 1 4.4 �• 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 2 8.9 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 17.8 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 13.3 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 ft 3 13.3 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT - I m 4 17.8 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 5 19.3 ...... 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 4ft 5 19.3 .•••••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 11.6 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15.4 ••• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT - 5 ft 5 19.3 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 19.3 •••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 23.2 •••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 ft 7 27.0 ••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 ••••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 2 m 8 30.9 ••••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 ft 10 34.2 •••••••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 8 27.4 ••••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 34.2 •••••••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 8 ft 11 37.6 ••••••••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 14 47.9 ••••••••••••••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 41.0 ••••^••••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 9 ft 14 47.9 ••••••••••••••••• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 15 51.3 •••••••••••••••••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 15 51.3 •••••••••••••••••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 3 m 1011 18 61.6 •••••••••••••••••••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF - 13 39.8 ••••••••.••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 10 30.6 ••••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 10 30.6 ••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - l l ft 11 33.7 •••••••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF - 9 27.5 ••••••••• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 24.5 •••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 12' ft 8 24.5 •••••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 21.4 ••••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 30.6 ••••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 4 m 13 ft 12 36.7 ••••••••••••• 10 LOOSE STIFF A Creel lame, 8347 Celemel Caul, Port SL LU01, FWd, Headquarters: 11345 U.S. Highway 1 ENGINEERING Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando:° � AND TES NG Sebastian, FL. 32978 Phone:772-589-0712 723 Progress Way t Sanford, FL. 32771 C.A. q 5693 KSMengineering.net Date January 8, 2020 , Location: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-1, See Attached Location Plan - ------------------------- - DEPTH STRATA IN FEET FROM -TO 0" — 22" 22" — 72" DESCRIPTION OF SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt Gray Clayed' Sand with Traces of Shell Water Table: 1"+Above Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-1 ha Proudly Serving Florida since'1990 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Page 1 of 2 Company Street # 11345 Hwy. U.S. I Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida 32958 PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-2wc DATE STARTED: 01-08-2020 HOLE #: DC-2, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: CH/SH PROJECT: A Great Home SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court WATER ON COMPLETION: 1 "+ LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida HAMMER WEIGHT: 3- 5 Ibs, CONE AREA: 10 sq, cm Ift 2ft 3ft Im 4ft 5ft 6ft 2m 7ft 8ft 9ft 3m 10ft lift 12ft 4m 1311 ;x to cmT17.8 0 50 100 150 N' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 5 6 7 6 4 5 8 8 17.8 22.2 26.6 27.0 23.2 15.4 19.3 30.9 30.9 .... .... ...... ......... ......... ........ •.. •••. ........... 2 5 5 6 7 7 6 4 5 8 10 9 10 38.6 34.7 38.6 ........... ............. ............ ............. 8 11 9 I l 11 42.5 ............... 12 11 11 12 37.6 37.6 41.0 ............. ............. .............. 10 10 11 12 41.0 .............. 11 13 13 14 44.5 44.5 47.9 ................ ................ ................. 12 12 13 14 16 17 16 12 10 10 47.9 54.7 58.1 49.0 36.7 30.6 30.6 ........ I........ ................... .................... ................. ............. ........... 13 15 16 13 10 8 8 8 24.5 ........ 24.5 ........ ........... 8 6 6 11 12 15 16 33.7 ............ 36.7 ............. 45.9 ................. 49.0 ................. 9 10 13 13 VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE VERY LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE VERY SOFT VERY SOFT SOFT VERY SOFT SOFT MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF SOFT MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF VERY STIFF STIFF STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF A t#am Moms. 8347 Calumet Court, Port St. Wtle, FW!da Headquarters: ��������� Mailing: r 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 AN p 6 A P.O. Box 78-1377 Orlando: �:'n,` Phonet772 589-0712 t 723 Progress Way iY (� � C.A. q 5693 f Sanford, FL. 32771 KSMengineering.net Date t January 8, 2020 r { ' Location: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie,:Florida HA-2, See Attached Location.Plan _ _ _— -- ---------------—--- ------ — - -- — DEPTH STRATA - - - — ' IN-FEETFROM-To DESCRIPTION OF SOILS F - 0" —18" Dark Gray Clayed Slit 5 e # -- — — 18" — 72"~--------------__-.G a �s of Sh^ Sand with ell'Fragments F � r r i i h _4— t —5.. ---------------- Water Table: V+ Above Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-2ha Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 E WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Page 1 of 1 Company Street# 11345 Hwy. U.S. I Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida 3295E PROJECTNUMBER: 200098-3wc DATE STARTED: 01-0� g_2p20 — HOLE #: DC-3, See Attached, Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-08-2020 CREW: PROJECT: A Grea A Great t Home SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A ADDRESS: 8347 Ca met Court lu WATER ON COMPLETION: At Grade LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida HAMMER WEIGHT: 3 @ ; CONE AREA: 10— sq• cm DEPTH 1 PER 10 lft 2 3 1 5 2ft 5 6 6 3ft 5 1m 6 7 4ft 7 9 7 5ft t 7 • 8 8 6ft 9 10 • 2m 10 7ft 11 13 13 8ft 12 14 f 17 9ft 18 s 17 12 3In IO ft ! 10 10 9 10 I l ft 12ft 4m 13ft i K cm't50 100 150 N' NON-COHESIVI 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE 8 ) 2 VERY LOOSE 13.3 .... 3 VERY LOOSE 22.2 ! ••-• 6 LOOSE 2.2 ..•• 6 LOOSE 26 ..... .6 7 LOOSE 26.6 ......•• 7 LOOSE 22.2 1........ 6 LOOSE 26.6 •• 7 LOOSE 27.0 ......•••. 7 LOOSE 27.0 ......••• 7 LOOSE 34.7 ............ 9 LOOSE 27.0 ••••• i 7 LOOSE 27.0 ........• j 7 LOOSE 30.9 ........... J 8 LOOSE 30.9 ......••••• t 8 LOOSE 34.7 38.6 ......•••••• i 9 LOOSE "°°"'°°°"' I I I MEDIUM DENSE 38.6 ••• 37.6 I l MEDIUM DENSE 1 •...•••...... 10 LOOSE 44.5 ••-••••••... 12 1 MEDIUM DENSE 44,5 ••.......•••.... ? 12 'MEDIUM DENSE 41.0 ............•., I 1 1 MEDIUM DENSE 47.9 13 I MEDIUM DENSE 58.1 ............••...... 16 MEDIUM DENSE 61'6 """"""' """' 17 MEDIUM DENSE 58.1 .................... 16 MEDIUM DENSE 41.0 ............. l l MEDIUM DENSE 34.2 •• • 9 LOOSE 30.6 ......••• 8 LOOSE .5 •••• 7 LOOSE 30.6 30 �,:• 1 8 LOOSE 33.7 ......•••••• E 9 LOOSE I VERY SOFT SOFT SOFT MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF VERY STIFF VERY STIFF VERY STIFF STIFF STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF A Greet Home, 8347 Calumet Court, Port St Luoe, Florio, Headquarters: 11345 U.S., Highway i 1 E� GINGERING Sebastian, FL.3295B ' Orlando: is 1% � AVI AND TESTING 723 Progress Way i Sanford, FL. 32771 Date : January 8, 2020 Location: 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-3, See Attached Location Plan DEPTH STRATA IN FEET FROM -TO 1 =0- 0" —15" N 15" — 36" Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32978 Phone: 772-S89-o712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineering.net DESCRIPTION OF SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt Gray Clayed Sand Water Table: At Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200098-3ha Proudly Serving Florida since! 1990 WILDCAT ID"AMIC CONE LOG Company Name KSM Engineerng & Testing Page 1 of 2 Company Street# 11345 Hwy. U.S. 1 Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida 32958 PROJECT NUMBER: 200098-0wc DATE STARTED: O1-0 NPE HOLE #: DC-4, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01-0E CREW: A Great PROJECT: A Great Nome SURFACE ELEVATION: N/A ADDRESS: Calumet Court WATER ON COMPLETION: - V �� _ Fort LOCATION: Port St. Lucie, Florida - HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs. - CONE AREA: 10- sq. cm Ift 2ft 3ft l'm 4ft 5ft 6ft 2m 7ft 8ft 9ft 3m 10ft lift 12ft 4m 13ft Im IV Cm K cm' 0 _ _ 50 100 150 N' 1 4.4 0 0:0 1 0 1 4.`l 1 1 4.4 0 2 0.0 8.9 0 2 1 3 3 4 5 4 5 7 6 8 7 7 5 5 8 7 9 10 10 13 4.4 13.3 13.3 15.4 19.3 15.4 19.3 27.0 23.2 30.9 27.0 27.0 19.3 17.1 27.4 23.9 30.8 34.2 34.2 44.5 ... .... ••• • ••••.•••. ..••.... ........... ......... ....... •••• •••• ....... ...... ........... ••.......... ............ ................ 1 3 3 4 5 4 5 7 6 8 7 7 5 4 7 6 8 9 9 9 12 12 41.0 .............. 11 14 47.9 ................. 13 14 15 17 17 15 12 10 47.9 45.9 52.0 52.0 45.9 ................ 36.7 ............. 30.6 ................. ................ .................. .................. 13 13 14 14 13 10 10 11 9 7 .•••...• 30.6 •.•..••.... 33.7 ............ 27.5 .•..•••.. 21.4 ....... .... 8 8 9 7 6 VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE VERY LOOSE LOOSE VERY LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE VERY LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE MEDIUM DENSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE LOOSE VERYSOFT VERY SOFT VERY SOFT VERY SOFT VERY SOFT SOFT VERY SOFT SOFT SOFT SOFT MEDIUM STIFF SOFT MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF SOFT MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF STIFF MEDIUM STIFF MEDIUM STIFF A'Cxeal Home, BW Col met Cmut Poi{ St t.Rle, FbtlEa Headquarters: 31345 U.S. Highway iIr Sebastian, FL. 32958 Orlando: HIM 723 Progress Way Sanford,; FL. 32771 i Date January 8, 2020 Location: 8347 Calumet Court + Port St. Lucie, Florida I HA-4, See Attached"Location Plan — -- ------------ DEPTH —------------------------ -----=------------- STRATA 4. IN. -FEET FROM -TO 4 ---_-------- ------ —---------------------- --=------------- i -0- 0" —18" i -2- -3- 18" — 72" Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian,' FL: 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 CA. 4 5693 KSMengineering.net DESCRIPTION OF SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt with Roots Gray Clayed Sand with Shell Water Table: 1" Below Existing Grade Job #: KSM 200038-4ha Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LUG Company Name KSM Engineering & Testing Page I of I Company Street# 11345 Hwy. U.S. I Company City, State, Zip Sebastian, Florida, 32958 PROJECTNUMBER: 200098-5wc DATE STARTED: 01-08-2p20— HOLE #: DC-S, See Attached Location Plan DATE COMPLETED: 01r0g-202p — CREW: CH/SH ,PROJECT: A Great Home SURFACE ELEVATION: —�_ N/A ADDRESS: 8347 Calumet Court _ ' WATER ON COMPLETION: 1" _ LOCATION: Port SL. Lucie, Florida HAMMER WEIGHT: 3 CONE AREA: 10 sq. cm DEPTH BLOWS PER 10cm RESISTANCE, GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY K cm' 0 '50 100 150 N' NON -COHESIVE COHESIVE 1 2 4.4 I VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT I ft 1 8'4 4.4 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT I 4.4 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 8 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 ft 1 4.4 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 2 8. 1 VERY LOOSE VERY SOFT 2 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 ft 3 8 13.3 •••••• 2 VERY LOOSE SOFT I'm 4 17.8 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 3 11.6 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 4 ft 3 11.6 •• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15.4 ••• 3 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 1 ••• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 5 ft 5 19.4 3 •••• 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 4 15 °°' 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6. 2 27. 4 VERY LOOSE SOFT 6 ft 7 27.0 ••••.•• ...... 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 2 m 8' 30.0 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 ft 7 23.9 ......••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 9 30.8 34.2 ......•• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 34 2 ......•°°°° ••••••••• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 ft 10 34.2 ••••.••••••° 9 LOOSE STIFF 12 41.0 ••....... 9 LOOSE STIFF 14 47.9 ......••••...•... I I MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 9 ft 13 44.5 ................ 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 10 34.2 ......•••••. 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 10 34:2 ••••••••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 3 m 10 ft 11 37,6 •••••.•...... 9 LOOSE STIFF 10 LOOSE STIFF lift 12 ft 4 iit 13 ft A Great Home, 8347 C.1wet Coed, Pod SL LVOO, Florida 12345 U.S. Highway 1 %poll "BI G� I E I N G Sebastian, FL. 32958Vtl F Orlando: 723 Progress. Way Sanford, F.L. 32771 Date January 8 2020 Location DEPTH IN FEET 142 t -1- -2- -4- i 8347 Calumet Court Port St. Lucie, Florida HA-5, See Attached Location Plan STRATA FROM —TO a 6" — 20" 20" — 72" Mailing: P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL.'32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A.t15693 KSMengineering.net DESPRIPTION OF SOILS Dark Gray Clayed Silt with Roots Dark Gray Clayed Silt Gray Clayed Sand with Shell Water Table: 1" Above t=xisting Grade Job #: KSM 200098 5ha Proudly Serving Florida since 1990 5.admenr oN urtV® —�_• MVA, YC:IVIIP ::N/f. wT 1e SABAL CREEK-PhoPp IV. oworaap .. (so- It aT-.ad LOT 161 m IXa m m Pkl ulo.Pc a. r.a.ma a PtPt i (OCCUPIED) Saab ad, al ftr(,) 17. a tha Pawn Rdtard+ a i( ,q so Wde c 1,& i:etee. \ x u I A ADJACENT WELL @ SEPTIC LOT AREA: ag990 s4 F1.; LDt 0,? AF-183p (XpID FJ) STREET ACORES& 0-7 cw.m Cava Pan MRaw r\ J to d -(XAw 4(h St. WFM Flvieo dd988, +Y 53T53'18PE 3e8..18' ,� 5w A w E ]h� 'r �y �' .ram � f' �vir Aa�mC�A a� ; iq \ Iq r�i� a .. '�3+'S ' } f y, }��4 �a t'.,.r I DIr Fi-4-L(�cuK» a SORY RESIDENCE 0ENCE APROPOSED TYM \ la �YJ' :ea S d erivavxa r. MO c M-MSS (XBt4 10) A PRR'00D M-ZJ.w (MM OS) r rcmc xr ! x' :anivc 8 +wiw (.mww to Adp:s anttuoA: XoyID FAow). ••" lr E AI RKaN'mm� .. �l �I R R .T .8 Ra� 1e '`S W g�,,y ))___ nm APta-Jg �A`rJ \�, Ti ETflMrATIph�JS x,R Yx� a uQ -'9 '9 ' a y"y OW i12 pd01p . to \ W i n ^\a FA 6aKX _ wr \ 14 �. SVRVEYORS' NOTES: M1' C\.-.M : i�I 0' T ' ewt pa mam Xxean P. oeedd w ua cm;drrnd el Grhmea c'.an'oe t'muaa p � `N omI Xadra X VIVIT E. ®�-`�9 " "�-`T " 4' t vents, aa�mMm. td.. .a M earbd r- cm+hucuon ana%M Oa+1pn poryeua. „ ,f k—.y( J Ah Mlenew aM :w. a:. P. r d wrq aN u. ubmvEbnr �1,tn •PU.I' n. �.,, S4f J y+4 \ 1 ra tlow.rov. ow ....1T.I. ♦ W.1d amyy nol wIN N1hw1 ma ypnatwe aM aianbl •Meet and oe a aw; '+.) FMidpli[naWeWyl+k 4a+Dw, Y.F,y 9f 4�T'B i fa" Y,r mw£vxv.y -P =w Won o awroum IumWeO by It. N1nt.:Mre "ua cam try. � �1M1 nP +eoreX Of Vw Doak noado dwa by N:+ aaea. 'T'4� L0T 159 9g'yq s C. P.VPerly Oaf N n. LTa e wya, XOYmd .. YlOww<b Fragrun tu4 kq, '•�. P) ,T, - "•. Ca Ily Pwbt Ndmhn riirlw2rX A d Ian-V Wfd Pw0. (OCCUPIED) ( ` >. a T,T, y,y a Pat aPearau -y P•drw:unm cmuay awraKa (SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTtk)) & atri-•1« A ,e.a ee nax ew . N It*— N10 C (SITE U 0 INACOIT NC k TSP11C / 11' p: w.Z.y mwtd. end realied ocwroey w Na.n m Cn. N-gDSI U) PA b-4 b oh no 4. w, dM fiE-3B.50 (Now W) 10. Xolwdo .4 utPdM .Nprovs'nmla tna Nw1w unla.e o:nr-'. iiE.pJ,pp (HAW am.-X;. rI. OebatiAs -. nNew, IgesU rvm Xtlw a 4.t— u m, ouv. , o. om, tx rN1 y,a Ni-mm:m I- m e ay ca-a<t> Prw w sonel,.wlo-�, :;e;. KRE£ COURT (iZ' POE OR IARt.'EF)LEQM •Y 4 ' ... _ _._ (ry) nPeL ]Rtts CERTIFIED TO: ..._ I,t1�ID' OL�I�IaRzhffi91�:,MQIA,t®� PROJECT: 8347 Calumet Court, Port Saint Luci.,, Florida SHEET OF 1 �IIyl ENGINE RING DRAWN BY: J.L. PERMIT#:' q DESIGNED BY: J.K PROJECT#: 208898•wc C� ell- ���� AND TESTING SDATE: 20200 CALE: NONEi18 , ®IIq,I�a9DNlif♦t