HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOASFlorida Building Code Online Pagel of 2 eas i+ome I I•w M I VW RaflhuraUW I Ha Tev*0 I SUM* swcnMN I uct Approval Owl-A�r ; rQop,-v Nbkuw Produck Approvol tW=> >CApp-ved FL * Applkatian Type Code Version App®cation Status Comments Archived p Product Marn9acturer Custom Window Systems Inc. Addtess/PFwne/Emall 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 kplrer@cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine®cws,cc Technical Representative ]ay Lathrop Address/Phone/Emell 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathropocws.cc r : . ltl�; t 154i CNOkR TLmPi Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde AddresWMone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext22.1 amonteverde@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Horizontal Slider Compliance Method rt from a Florlda Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer © EvaluaWn Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lucas A. Turner the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-58201 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certilfimttwrs, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/21/2020 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE ® Validation Checklist Hardcopy Received Certificate of independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Year AAMA/WDMA/CSJq/101/i.S.2/A440-08 2008 ASTM E1886-OS 200S ASfM E1996-09 2009 PA/TAS 201/202/203 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr_app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu8obiOlo2f[Zm... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Sections from the code Product Approval Method Method I Option D Date Submitted 09/2W2017 Date Validated 09/29/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/03/2017 Date Approved 12/1212017 sumawry of PE ducts M S Modal, Number or Name Description 16736.1 HS-8200 PVC Horizontal Slider HS-8200 PVC Horizontal Slider, IMPACT, 74' x 63', XO or OX. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZt Yea FL16736, R2 II„CWS-8Z Y Approved for use outsWe HVHYt Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Raedst mb Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressurot +60/-6u Evaluation Reports Gthere Large Missile, 74e x 63', OP +1- 60 psf. Outer I" N4 I.G. must be safety glamd when used above 30 ft. in HVHZ. Created by Independent Tldrd Party: Yes Glass complies bp ASTM E1300-04. 16736.2 HS-6200 PVC Horizontal Slider HS-8200 PVC Horizontal Slider, IMPACT, iii' x 63', XOX. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yey FL116736 R2 It Qhta-869C.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lutes A. Turner 58201 Impact Resbrtantt Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +60/-60 Evaluation Reports Othert Large Missiie, 111' x 63', DP +/- 60 psf. Outer lite FLIQ36 R2 AE Eya3Reoort869C.odf In K.G. must be Safety glazed when used above 30 ft- in Created by independent Third Party: Yes HVHZ. Glass Complies to ASTM E1300-04. ® t-v Lam, :: 2601 aWk Scone Row. riaNunca■ FL 32399 Mom CSW07-1924 Yh. Slants of rbrtdb is an a1VM ertpRW. :: Uftdfr Fkm law, .en.Y *Mmnes we pock records. It you do not+raft vow.-h Wdress r6mnW in r&Wwu to a pett+Mt-mo ra rot, do hot fend dubk Kan to SKWn4ss.22MI) F�idrtea = 4W ..1, UK offimm kePhoftns so MAW rhW W 455, Fes, n ao &A nw+� i .lid .gam r they nave one. Cue amets prw W nW be ua d for oMcW mn.rf.Yratlw wth tine swea. Howwer oarai addmsm we pwb k nose_ &you do not whh to surety a p.rf Wdrasa, glade wwme ta. Departreeat wsn an .matt ad*w welch can be nletle WaUM to ft pt&U-- to deamnare if you am a Hwime uwdw ChwWr 455, F.S., phi&" tilde ht L. product apphysm rlk MwWNERIm Cre& Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDqu8obl%2flZm... 12/14/2017 URNER ENGINEERING & CONSULnNG, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 869C September 7, 2017 Product Description: Series 8200 PVC Horizontal Slider Window, Large Missile Impact (HVHZ), XOX 11 I "x63" unit size with design pressures of +/-60 psf (Fin or Flange window) Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44 h Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6`s Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-869C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3887-3, -3A, -4, and -4A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard L Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201, 202, 203 `94, ASTM E 1886 `02/04/05, ASTM E 1996 `04/06/09, and AAMA/WI)MA/CSA 101/l.S.2/A440 `08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-869C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-869C. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used up to the sizes and daylight openings indicated in CWS-869C • Achieves design pressures of+/ 60 psf • Is Large Missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • In the operable sash, requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16- 1117.021, and in the fixed glass requires Kuraray (Dupont) SentryGlas Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 14-0916.1 It • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.101 t I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in these Dupont and Quanex NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6t' Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, not will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. /�.10118#118'r, *�' N0RF W turf •*, w 0. ".� " Lucas ',tee`*�GnIS�Q,* - = No 58201 9/07/2017 Turner ' *; , = Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 201-09=16 �` STAY E OF to FL PE #58201 . `ptisrnEiNri�rr� z D311EIHO7Jd SI ONl'SWI SAS �P�; : +• a�ri m Z m v LLL MOONIM WDISM dO NOISSIMOd ' •��� M n rI) W U p Na1JAUM3i�.l. AOOHIIM dIOHM 4 �'4. u. sNVI i+ o a "+ Ll Z a .. y ."i .` y C D d Y N lL 1.. !Ju V SV QED IVVd NI NOf onaOIdd3H �= . i a z cu q� S$ o 4p f1? 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G m st m u' .0 f.f�ac- 7I != E m u 3 m m m W E EE 6 m fLp fir mp c da W E p ¢xy E {� c YS n m 0. #1 X W rH M E E a 7R y X N y W m c c x - I- N N :2 Q II Q. t+ '.v g! pp N{� m�yry Q 1ry W ;z pppp m. ©© N n. Vl N 7+ O N z�p ifl fO 1� m .- t- F- F �- t- �- �^ N N N N N N N N (V N W {°1 C9 [•1 -.('1 M /! {9 Q Q Q� Q Q Q Q Q P IP[I ���3iurirrir:+�� z li Q3118iH02ld sf 3N1'sfN31SAS ��`�lE�,.•�`...�.,z m ¢ n Itl MOtiNIM IM1IOiSf1O dO NOISSiW�l3d '. '%mob►% lye sy, n W r cs LL1 p V © N3I i1tiM 3H1.inoH1fM gioHM g+r. u C•y . r` c ¢ �'� $ m Wy V SV 2D.LHVd NI NOLLOnOONd3ttYo z ANV ONI'SW3ISIS a; LD * �iY a? sF c U C 0. 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Q f0 O }y- WOW Z Ul 23 zf MOO 0 y n- Q rc� aru � eri Fa- ya'Fy0o ry^eo 43a-L rQIl <i=_ 2� mvi a9 J`33 0 z*dOCdenJ 3nm Z O UaXW-a coM' ,a m 02 ni ai .4 ui fo ad �t],t T < U [] � S.i t1J Ll Q Y '031181HOild SI �Nl '9f'QLSAS mo(lwM w0ism dD NpKswimad N311MM3FUlIlOKUM376HM v Sa too IlMd M Nou.xuoUd3U A.W*ONI'SYM SAS MOONIM tHO1Sl j0 AIsdDud 38 10NvAvu0 '03Hi 869FLL PII o3+ NOl1vVVl103![ 3Hl ` �� ..«•��a� ���f +'ri a f3! ° , c i` }a * ►�' ` zc � V R O; � 'i s,��•]+,... .....r',.-� ''J ryLl llot a g T3 J Z � o � �j N u 12 12 oll o ... T E S io 00 vpM 3 81 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 nas ► M [ L" to I LtW ReWaaMmI tut Teem I saeart Swarm I 5au s Fec[r I Pu6ncatunt I roc stir I KM site Vs.o I uW% I sm-M I Product Approval 'r Q0 USE*- wmac tAm Pioduct .Avormal Mea > A22199kft= > Appiaetlon Demo FL * FL16736-R2 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems inc. Addrers oneJErnall 1900 SW 44th Average Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext245 kpine0cws.ec Authorized SWnature Kevin Pine kpine®cws.cc Technical Representative )ay Lathrop Addres5/Phone/Emall 1900 $W 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext291 pattuopocws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 amanteverde>&wrs.cc Category Subcategory Windows Horizontal Slider Compliance Metrical Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Horlda Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Englneer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florlda License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards CertlW By Lucas A, Turner PE-58201 Keystone Certifications, lrc. 07/21/2020 Steven M. Urk h, PE ® Validation CheMst - Hardcopy Received AAMA/W DMA/CSA/ 101/I. S.2/A440-08 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-09 PA/TAS 201/2021203 year 2008 2005 2009 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu8obl°/a2flZm... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 SecHorls From the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Valldated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Summary of Products r--- -1 Method 1 Option D 09/28/2017 09/29/2017 10/03/2017 12/12/200 Nadeir Number or Name Description 16736.1 HS-8200 PVC Horizontal Slider HS-82GO PVC Horizonte Slider, IMPACT, 74' x 67, XO or OX. L mils of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVKZ; Yes FL16736 R2 11 CWS-871C,DM Approved for use outside HVHZ- Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 rntpaat Resirtant.- Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1 *Mon Pressure[ +f50/-60 Evaluation Reports Others Large Missile, 74' x 63', DP +/- 60 psf. Outer lite In FL16736 R2 AE EvailkeoortWIC.adf I.G. must be safety glazed when used above 30 ft. in HVHZ. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Glass lbrtlpW to ASTM E1300-04. 16736.2 HS-82DO PVC Horizontal Slider H5-82OD PVC HarizonW Slider, IMPACT, lit' x 63", XOX. Linlltn of Use Instaltartton Inatructions Approved for use in HVfM Yes FL16736 R2 11, CWS-869C.odf Approved for use outside HVHZs Yes Verified By: L vcas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistanti Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressures +60/-60 Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile, 111' x 63', DP +/- 60 psf. Outer Nte FL16736 R2 AE EvWReoort869C.odf In I.G. must be safety glazed when used above 30 ft. In Created by independent Third Party: Yes HVHZ. GIbaS complies to ASTM E1300-04. Q004 :: 2WI Btakr SMne Pood, QMIFC: SM-07-1d24 The Stele & FMcM Is an AAMW ors~. :: Prkxy :: :: AWE OnOw Florida few. ameM addresses err 1 motels. lr You do wt want Yarn a-MW address released In refponss to a portent rds fAquest, do ant tend slettrorlc mall to this anl.br. instead. r>slrl�U the Otltla br phone or bytradltlorrl maY. rf You ham am Quist wm PMan grad MAN.13M •pw*" to Sedbn 4SS.275(1), frorlda StobUs, eN*W" Odo6tr L 201Z Ilrensew rmmmd w der ChaPtar 455, F.S. must pnrlde the DDeeppaartment wl h an awM addrasa ff [hay hm ohs. Tht arna➢s Provided gay be used ror atkW m rwMawk [ton wlh the lbenfal. Fbr+ewr email aftessas are pabik weasel. It you do not sdeh w Mw* a pruxW address, Owso 1rwWt Ow Pgattmant with aLn wrwo 4addr please dick�•aV65&bW bo Uw pr�k 7o drt�Jna if You are a amimm under Ow"Product Apprarrai A400" M M ® OR Credt Card Safe http://Www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr app_dtl.aspx?param-wGEVXQwtDqu8obl%2flZm... 12/14/2017 URNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 871C August 29, 2017 Product Description: Series 8200 PVC Horizontal Slider Window, Large Missile Impact (HVHZ), XO or OX 74"x63" unit size with design pressures of +/-60 psf (Fin or Flange window) Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6' Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-871C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3887-1, -1A, -2, and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerrard J. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201, 202, 203 `94, ASTM E 1886 `02/04105, ASTM E 1996 `04106109, and AAMA/WDMA/CSA IGI/I.S.2/A440 `08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-871C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-871C. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used up to the sizes and daylight openings indicated in CWS-87IC • Achieves design pressures of+/-60 psf • Is Large Missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1 l 17.021 • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.1 Ot t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6'h Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire„ a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. *���'►�t�rrlrr�'tN �,.". 1,1 SIC.. fr ten✓ Lucas No 58201 ;�-P . Turner 2017-08-30 -o's ' cr C - 16:09+20:00 p 4%o� ".- �u�� 8/29MI7 .�+.� , ��i•`` +����4,441110 Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 1'`� FL PE #58201 `{S{S4SllitlRfrr� L3 O3i1BIH0HdSIOdJI'SW3ISAS ♦�{,{{gR•• 7l3f�i, a Nj'r' 1.l7 A&oaNIM YVO13f10 30 N015smd3d �` `'tid ��� 3 1L N3J J ii3M 3HI 1f10H11M 3 tOHM `~ t� r u : r `�' W 2 c U O V SV 330IUVd N1 N0Ltbn0021d3?!Tm IL '�'-z a a tJi Q MW3NI'SN3ISAS = aw r 2 c .- cVi 12. MOONIM.MiGnO dO A.LlOd011dd :p o �- 0 w Q -a.� >a �'+ N 3'IOS 3Hi S1 SJNmma SIHl y7i�p�: J 2 ca 4;: pj rn Q w 5 s K — c'y = N103NIVINOD NOLLVYMOANI HHi �.,rur,i�O�k,S;` S u N F� � Itui� Iu � � U � r 4Z 0 0 Z FTLL lK W �: w�ja 4 My z Q S, Qwm2 � ,—to a zOLL Vim~- 2 1 AS w W �m Wz caa93 mQ4 12$Qw VN,z LLwq w� NLL� 10 ya' Q C) 2 gypc� ro � ., a ad �nm ui � 105 zlaielO r_wrr ai WQp - 6i�"fl5 pg� syiq=QKS .w zQ>�_ Oa rtBoiz 02111 wpwuazai zo oIar.�m uo"i 1> 6§R upi.¢ 0 ou rW. a uzi.Co !°�Bg w w w2g SZ2 lw" Ca fwzpC7 d�E z1 0, 0z da 0:3W S F tq u7p wpo Ait9vi ��pas <� q Z- a Na 0 a0 aC Ww LIP- U s ap�ww ME i I< � pa-o s' HS2 -T<1 *.,w. UWZIIIG tea- luL 20 m0 F z X t.. o yr Ipu w° wq T ppIp yy �1 U U i-F-iS1�� C9 U O U`�•••4 d�O6 aWncR a� !wU X <nQ d w w[y10 14 4 u0 Oa !FO F §z '2 a �aa< w'0000 z 0 id Z7�N0 y � Z t�%sti�u�nif*r�� to (� O3IIBIHOa8 SI ONI `SW31SA5 �i����E�;. *• ���iV��i�. W N 9 "" `o v AKMIM WOMB.4O NOISSIWHRd �� P.11 �� i! a. 7 +�- y a U w O NRUrdM SH11ROHLIM 31OHNt �• �• � o o � .¢� : ++ C . a � 'a � m M V SV W IWd NC NOLLOfIQOUd3t3 Q' cad ANV'ONI'SW3ISAS &c� G G. MOONIMO.LSnoJOA1'83dOMd ��y s� rR WQ'Ot W 4v - .�{ .- :NIMV2fl SIHI da310B 3H1 Sl 4 e 92 000— N[ 03 QNOS NQllVW203N1 '� .. n ad N Im zm 1j: m w m A m a luu < m � ID e m m I w m N J I I W H b N p O w fD 10 Ix W � � � � w TF•�"4 .�`� 1 b p 40 n S a za Z W � a Gl W La x -LU 0 ID x 6 aaaaaau>a mm�Z�, ��, caaaa�aaaaa0y � E E E _xxxx 'c�� E x L° as s.ts. �.l�'��'�.E E E � �Yag A� '�yY F ILL 7LL��im cavir'n 3xxx�i w � D Y P N O u. E E e`� iz IL � m W_ 11 ! 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MoaNIM Woisno dO A.W3dO*dd N 310& 3Hl $I =JNImvua SIE�{i iy3 � z to a� ;: �`. rn a ^a o h o 00 0 NI oMWIN03 N©LLMdOMI 3HL +'f�+ -. ��` Na a! �, a 0 yj!'1. �i N Z Oa aNV IVd0Vd 'aaa�irisn¢�Z wro ¢° ZZ w 4 _ z o° Ld Ix10 N z w w w � w w 1 O W W O O ix ! ix w C1 W v I y to � 2 !w 3 ! m r ~pIX W W a DoaF O a rc w ow wo z ? 3 �w o e a fk�o rm mz ak w fZ a icc -- o ! ! w aV cc V4 Vow wo a � o to Q a LL rc LUa 2 o� o0 w a -- -- GW z w S � w Z m�y I 2 O. W O 6 O (7O J O^ O C] z eai wW O 6.2 oo 'm a i zm o Ya wox a m U a W U u° o > i m zra Y J. K mow z OUo w� I"C YX O w wo 0 w 4V 3:w 1 = N i a w y a � zwm p ,ra fl LL aw 13 09 W i m a meae OF8NOUN uj !r pX OOP i 3 K m 82O w ?-h sm J Ooca ff _ a 9mz a cLLo w o wa W_ you Wa zu 1 I z w_m g w g o a�w m �z ww w ❑ wo < m a z_ wz jjj O y tl;i O W. m U O J g I m F Z Z w w O O mQW A'3W Q 0 00 w z W 0 N QF m .z 4 Way ? T2. ©5 .o cr n P 9. 'W mU iu <Lw a waoi z r z w m a� w m 0tL a: cx1 wlk aye. mz� HwyN O>W> Vj 113 w p Ia; w prJ } TW OM G G O•; Q UaC za O.- zcOOT F' O0g �O z A moo z< w4 O K� r QO rp 029 whY w to o ur,0 5� o53 a ID z io la- i� rz a FV OFF Ow U J W U muj +E ? rynU 4 6m ?w 6?Z z .- N ai a vi td t� ad ai SSSSStllltllpffr Vi 03i191HOadSIONI'SW3ISAS**��'��.•*•?3y a W MOONIM WOI.SnD d0 NOISSMUM -+`J '• ' •�fl'y °' O s 0 � O N3JIrdM 3KLinOHIJM 31OHM LL N t 'I�¢ a .CCI'i� ; o s ;'m U .amgas cn ANWONIMMSAS W --rr! ar MO{INIM WMSnO c!0 ALWBdO2fd "� ; o a ©, k3 BIOS 3Hi S[ ONIMWO SIHl : j z w Q '+pia: r �' °� � mLL 0 NI O3NrVlNO3 NOLL%MUOdNi 3H1f���+� IJ+ r°1i a�C 4 �n i [ d0 ,�+ff�flu�p��Z y 4 c3 c z m a z z Z uio a a zm 5 z mLu wa}iwwz aN m a CL J _ L) ads �¢ wpmtu _Z W -�� Zz fem 14EF u� RRRS cRS 44 iab w QQ wy m S O ua 0. Z 0. z o1LL= ruoazLL a isA m erz Ada mw �z }�rcuu© �¢z�o mw w 413 si—m Al LL? wa rl O N� m� W i W w (lu �N O •- w zw s rz a_ 1�1•1111 J w WW W u`im� Wm F WF W W �m � 6 Sw Ha W 2 o 0 z Jf Z J a n a� W too 5- z �+c W Ego �m R w M�p uai5 a? wa ?Ip wLL o Z FT' F a� Ov z a F O Z J (J F � S. F � O[t4ur�w as —w Asa+ �� O 10 � E limm �3 Y 4 is is 'neat 11� R Florida Building Code Online Page l of 2 MS tMi I cw W I usw U&Uatk e I tK T I Sweat SWdWW I sacs Fads I R"MUan I Fac steer I ear S" n.o I Wo I Sr ch I Product Approval Lni�ra -,x� Br1Lileate > s > Applladion DeaaY FL # 16177-R2 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 AppNeatlon Status Approved Comments Arehived ❑ Product Manufactures Custom Window Systems Inc. AddresAtPhorWEntall 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 kpineOcws.ec Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpineOcws.cc Technical Representative lay Lathrop Address/Phone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-%22 Ext 291 jlatfiropocws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Moroverde Address/Phone/&"U 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 366-6922 Ext 221 amonteverdeOcws.ec Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Fktrlde License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Explratlon Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc. 07/21/2020 Steven M. Urich, PE ® Validation Checklist - Flardtopy Received Standard AAMA/W DMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440-08 ASTM E188"S ASTM E1996-04 PA TAS 201/202/203 year 2008 2005 2009 1994 http:llwww. floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paran=wGEV XQwtDyvyf4ngAXh 10... 12/ 14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 [I Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/28/2017 Date Validated 09/29/2017 Date Pending RIC Approval 10/03/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summ!u of. Products PL # Model, Number or Name D"Criptfon 16177.1 SH-8100 PVC Singie HUN SH-8100 PVC Slagle Hung Impact Resistant window, m of Use InSt011atlon Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ. Yes FL16177 R2 If CWS-812C.odf Approved for we outside HVHZt Yes Verified By. Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Remistanta Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Oeslpn Pressures +70/-70 Evaluation Reports Others SH-Si00 PVC Impact, no sW anchors required. FL16177 R2 AE EvalReoort812C-o0f Safety glazing required on outer lite above 30 fL in HVHZ. Created by Independent -third Party: Yes Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. cb0aft I Pat. 2set Wet cr,.,. wart. Taaluetw {t vaao ahem: Hsa ♦R7-1c24 The sate atPAdda It an AF!@CO wnpb er• 200'1-Zola State of nine._ :: P :: :: $rAmdStat mart Under FbMa lam, erml oddmses an putec recxdL Y rou m net Wmt yyddrr e•nua adtrese reMDW k mino(ca to a pubrc4emn}s requafL do not aed de trmt anal to Wh a dly. Irmwd, oordatt the amm by phone or by trod JWmd maC It you have wq quast� otws4 mnhct IM40.1M. •Ranont to Sacaoo 455;MKI), FbrW StMijf^ MmOve OdoW 1, 201Z WWWft k:m ed wktW Owplar 4S5. F.S. aaAt provk4 the Dapartnrer0. w1a1 as emaN addrtta Y OW hWe One. The omb p w4dW m6y to umd for omGM OW� with pK brut*§. Howou arol od**Sm am puWc hoard. Y ym do not WiM to Awor a parimm addrek, pkue PmAde the Deportment Wn as uteri addren *A*ch car be made anRalk to the pubW— To kte m m Ir you are a lOMM under CAapter455, FS., pkaae ck chmL. Product Apprpwd AOOWW ® an im Fa Great Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app_dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXhIO... 12/14/2017 URNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.U.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 812C August 29, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact, 51 7/8" x 61 3/4" unit size, +/ 70 PSF, no anchors in sill Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the e Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-812C, sighed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Report NCTL-210-3815-]A, -2, and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201/202/203- 94, ASTM E 1886-02104/05, 1996-02/04/06/09, and AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-812C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-812C. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used in OCX configuration in sizes and with max. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS- 812C • Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 7/8" Insulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) — Air — 5/16 Laminated (1/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8`Ann) inboard lite • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.021 • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.1 Ot t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6'' Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. ,����s�trrr�.er�►�r�. ��ORLc4Y• T��+�� *��� Lucas : v : No 58201 Turner * c * * Z 2017-08-30 �= SiA7E OF 16:11 +20:00 ., '��' '�'t �*i 8129f2017 �was•a.• �'''j►S;�!+�:,�i� Lucas A. Turner P.E. f FL PE #58201 (y Z '031181HOWdS1ON1'SW3iSAS MOONIM WOISnO AO NOIS$IVMBd t,`„ .�;?�; a ' U N311I2iM 3lOHM 2 3H11rtiOH1IM V sV aO 1NVd Ni NodbnOONd3M a� rc Q C II. ANV'ONI'SW3ISAS MOMM WO1sf13 A1M3dOHd :�:,u in 4. $ � (!j 210 310E 3H1 St 0N1MVaQ SIH1 CO Z " NI 03NIVINOD NOI.LVMOdNi 3H1 �4 <Z Z O w FOmwa a 3 a Za" 0 CAP 2 g ol�w �VrydjS w j xQ LU MO. w 2 m 8 m � � II,z4 L]uU� C9 &" 023: IW'A 111 - z p 0 -1 t1G1 k- Am � �� %g4 U X , m W y a C7zy. 1- alea OW r oza Zooa 4z O�_I owQu� lu J 12m�NNmO 2 ail 4im� "W w, 29 A 0lu Paz w- ci wog aw aQ mompF a �q a > ss�i� w 1'•pWa�a *WM a IzW oilz"wo7wr .wNH 4'.•!U �{?o 14 X ©Sa z am;u wPo5 o a 6 z a m 4 wQMIUO Pu t�S "Z,,,,.a %wC u tnx o~ d r Oa zW © ata-jq tFq-- Putai �'U t q K F U a gLL 1- O Zm C74 in K chi Z� d yQ:,, d•Uww 0ate Z � S2"w y�F Tyw�2 �� i�i.0 � Do, w�E< � QwL= 2 Hw awe o?r�aaza Ur U dZoa 08 w am CG m wa k?e w� end c� ri cai M v; na.a 46 � W nq� ca LU r- 00 m h� 1 m X 0 Ld m CCIA m m M'Z w LL N O z`g �t<,r 80 •- a7a a Mm da z a, - -j9 of CCtiL 0 a :e vo o l$K EdCC .. p.. C C 1 a v- m .j L- C14 4z U Q tL Z fNL C, z III w= M a Y: z x 4> r s I z� �azz��Wz w O�T;iI tAVO m �csSpv�r a aC�zya ~ w��Ozi-u cgr9uwituz? yy{{{lilflfJl (Jj 'aa1Ismadd sI 5NI'SWalsA3 , az MOONIM WOMO d0 NOISSIMU ' F.. NaliI mmlinmulM310MM `hr�. u i�'uy� r u�i <ce!2 a u'a .. U N Lu (,3 V SV VO iUVd NI NOI.I.OnOONd3I! 3. z O o: n� o ga m o . Lr a ca L!J a ANV'3NI'SYVal$AS •W ata- f 7 4J-7 ao 4 MOONIM WOiSnO dO Aid3dO'dd Qsp o a O �� 1u p° O v z eQ- U) alas aMi SI JNIMV2Io SIMl 'y�d'•.� z a{o C trig <d 3 Z ^ N103NMINOD NOIiVMOdNI 3Mi +'�na'''• , rw��•` a c -7 4 r1� Cj 4 rn m NNN V b J V1 a rn 0 � J D O O W Q za z J a 0311�NQZIdSIOlM'SW31SA$ ���"`,..N.�-3�.ygS, a MOOMMIN ISM-4ONOIS9WFd3d � + r�5►yU�i� �' U G=7LL O N31iRlM 3F{L lllOHlJM 3y0HM 49 i V Sv aO lWd NI NOLLOi1OOi�il =HE. �''G rA t i7 gig ANV'OM SW3ISAS sc¢¢Uj * ¢�2� G g A60alUA lrW SiYJ 301.1l1�dow HE. � < o. r 3'IOS � SE ONPAVW SIFLL i. g d ,,,���""" O3NIV1NO3 NOLLV mtkmf 3FLL t U 171 � LLt A 1S 121 aS�m L� N� a H 11111111114/y/ N Q3LIBiM02ld$13NI'SIl3k8AS a`1 * a9ry�''y U oo MOONMA MOIWra -40 NOI6'SWrd3d ....« •,y,'f'�Q yy ° � � � r7i ZS O rL�b V FF�JJk3M I1JfiOH1IM3lOMM ti.p� L.:M � <� � I� T V SV ND IWVd M WRIXOMdM] Fw o ?'AW om'svel"s s �. MOONIM Wp1611;1 40 ua3daad 3109 3MI Si ONIMVW MHI $# c NI a3mrV11= NE)LLVViHD-- 13FLL i6 ry�',h►y P���p _ r w � L P �a 16 w N 6 b w N A r I 0�1 N N 1 a x .16 lye yo ULF - a A Otl%60111j, in 03J.191HOW SI0NI'Sw31SAS ..+�{�R,;,;�3�''h, ao ¢ i- �a v Z MOGNIM W=n3 dp NblSsiWN3d +��4 ••' �fp�•. °' j M W °0 U �- w Ci N3 llHM 3Hl inOH llM 3 iC]HM �; ,- ?3: N .. o tl sV'HO 1'!3`dd NI NOIIOnOOMd3a 11 Ir ja w W a G Q ANa ONI'SYSISASxf- - � Ll. MO0NIM YVOlsn0 dO A1213dOild = o �p a 4 W 0:o n a d - Uz r 3'109 3RI SI ONIMY813 Simi :� � w k, G�� a� � � Q± m 31L-ij Z N) tl3NIV1NOO NOl1ttMO3NI3Hl �y cPy-. .'4r6.` 1' N a 0 Z ViLN I 00 UNV A 131iJd0 d +•,���41n� PSOk` Q �+ 00 w i m 0 N ?y. Z z a w y 0 � Q � w w L 0 d m k wU R 3 U LL 1w F U 7 z tb m F mF In 0 02 a9 lffa, w 0^ Z Z iE m 1. �, pOa w m Zm Gtw 0 z }SQgU % g p� 0w dm Z. Nw bz P a Itl W�' XF WK i j w Z 2 1?. n O F Q W w Q Z m0 A �K Fr W iUw C ,p' Tp I�t! LLm K O mZ 0 wa �w w r7 z ww < Z o cm O m 0 W LL.O z a rc (v m F of IL U a 0 o w o z 0=1 o �¢ n pmp � K 0 G W �� a X_m VOi TwU 02 m w to 4 OmV "(n to n m m z h F �z ZZ c5 W ? 020 W Ww 0 m u-- 1= o-c: n a w w m x LL oUa W q12 Z 0 Z Z a2 O a �w wxv wy < W0 N 3.x Z ww a_b � mo a 0 c� � z 0 a a rc� z <� m W o "o W'o d aw <�� q z y4 a w m ur U U m YF zUm 2 O Q mOF-� wa� 00 w u �p� a a'i' �� -� Z rwdp p Z w [E��Y o t- 2 LL 4 G FW 2 ky1L'Fi =111 NU': Z � F ND U Ow W= 009 w W� fFOa d zx a xuyi a� �.� Y 4w M9 ax tL w C6 U� goo Q �A Zz U �O vi ©F zm �tOF a XJ ��guZ a a❑ to 19 Mzz z a' LL4 z w o boo a c=Q w�E= ° H rc F �— a 3 0 0 vi O :3 U fiJ m 2 0 ocOi a am ice ? a 3w cw 2 w- 44 ni v Lei �n 1: ed ad 1 I I 1 1 1 I � 1 '03AI81H02id Sl aNl `SW3i.SxS % i` b3{�� �� � � 1 '�� �yj � A z MOONIM WOA$fiO dO NOISS1WUBd �++ 4 ............ ' O• * U W LL V N3AAit3M 3H1 Af10HAIM 3lOHM +tiJ u L ;� �, i°is c r p 'm .. W m Ny d To i VSVmo.LuVdNINoLLondoud3b .."'$ey .© 0 p• j= %a z a C`� Q MV*0NI'SW31SAS waJw * w m;z_ at O ix > 1. MOONIM WOISnO 30 .UId3d0Nd .rr ;o o 0. 0 - � w � q m F fl (j alos 3HA SI'JNIMVLIO Sim :xi : � x m ( ;gib � g `*� CO Z Ni 03NiVAN00 N01AVW23OJNI 3HA :�tt -., �9�.+ a i a a IVLLNRUI:INGD aNV X9FJM1MHd0)J`�NJunistltl« � � � i�j w a � W w� a J y 1Y m 03N .sm 113It 11f 0 �zo 5z w m yq i� a ail o�ow 2T w 0 T �Z U p F 0 g dP a4 W�v '4 z� LL W O 0: CL oy O c C)W oeo m S ���r2� GGj7l Om 1m 'T ¢ dow on ,,9zo o Zz 0 .0z o m Wcc�z w tLL Zy ga az � a m°Yil- a uf,- F ui m 8���mLk W o z 0 0 ¢ S ro W [� J J 7Q m !6 ,n O 0 0 0 S ?mow 0�4 mLLS Z LLI w10 rx }�y.? m� zm mLL 4R] 4047 40 ca rH m m Y LL g ?� oo a yga x a Zs�E ulE�Ox[�o�z f22]. m iD iO � O a d Z � jQ� 0. ti p a U W W ya �� Y IOU U Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 US eCIS Hume I Ug In 1 usw I W T"km :I Sub" swr W I SIMs a cads I vrmoua6 I MC stO I eas Ske cop I lints I sea,ce I rProduct Approval �: uhu LY.M rrihrtxo`. ADWrat HRM > > A0902112D= > "kabob oeIaW FL * FL6890-R6 Application Type Revision Code Verslon 2017 Application status Apyroved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer custom Window systems Inc. Address/P awl --mail 19M SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext245 lVne*cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpineems.ac Tech n" Representative ]ay Lathrop Address/Ptwr*/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext291 jlathrapOtws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Addres*q*wne/Eme" 19M SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-022 Ext221 amonteverdeQcws.cc Category WEndows Subcategory Casement Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report- Handcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Upiratlon Date Validated By Certtkate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc. 07/21/2020 Steven M. Urich, PE ® Validation Checidlst - Hardcopy Received SUL11"Ed AAMA(WDMA/CSA 101/I.S-2/A440-05 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-05 PA/TAS 201/202/203 Year 2005 2005 2005 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_appjtl.aspx?param=wGEV XQwtDqu4Bg7NfwG9... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved SumunarY of Products Method 1 Option D 09/26/2017 09/29/2017 10/08/2017 12/12/2017 !�. [nodal, Number or Nww nstcripdon 6890.1 8400 Vinyl Casement 8400 Vinyl PkWPIn Casement am of Use Insftllar Inctructlons Approved for use in HVHzt Yes FL684tI R6 II CW5-161D.odF Approved for Lase outside HVHZt Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact RealatanU Yes Created by lodepertdent Third Party: Yes Design Po ar4a +67.5/-67.5 Evaluation Reports Od"wi 8400 Vinyl Casement, Large Missile, DP - +/- 67.5 FL68M R6 AE EvalRemrt1619.111 psf, Max. size 37' x 72'. Outer lite in I.G. to be fumy Greeted by Independent Third Party: Yes tempered when used 30 it above grade In HVFIZ. Glass Complies with A5TM E1300-04. _: RIIIeA' esa tee-tmu Inw sow or FWW Is an AAMD am *W, :: 2dSQL3dLMV t :: ems :: Naftwd SMUFMA WKW Ronda taw emaa addresses are pAC rtfcordl. H yM d6 not rant a -razz ad&r rduand to to a pMilo-remeds reRvat, do not cW e%dronk mall to Iris VOY. inatud, Donut Va Marx by Ph6ne 6f by b*dtWna1 M&L tf ya have any 4UNU C pinta COF" t >l60.4>i7AM.'PWvm[ m SeMm 455.275{1), P"kil SWbbM W%Wvt Od*W 1, 2012, N &o*d udrr CMptar 455, F.S. must prwida tM Dspwb +mt w1M ah aW sd&as If May have or*. The amWb pro%*W may be uwd f6f offidal m dw vAth the lowdAC H6wa%w arnati bddrrttm are Wub6c raowd. V Vw /6 not whh t6 swPN a pws*W oddasar Owto provtda Ma Depwbwv wth an arms aWmz whkh an bo made wwabW W the pubar. To datrnire Y you are a Ilomtea urdar dep0ar 455. M, Plwa ddc bKg, Pr*dud ApprowN Amaptn in go is 99 E Credit Card Safe http:l/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu4Bg7NfwG9... 12/14/2017 URNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 7abara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph.941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. 429779 Evaluation Report I61D August 28, 2017 Product Description: Series 8400 PVC Casement Window, Large Missile Impact, DP67.5, 37" x 72" unit size with HS laminated glass, or 37" x 63" unit size with annealed laminated glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44t' Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAG Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6's Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 7abara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-161D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3673-1, -1A, -2, -2A, and NCTL-210-3674-1, -1A, -2, -2A, from National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994, AAMA/WUMA/CSA 10 1 /1.S.2/A440- 2005, and ASTM E 1886/1996 2002/2005 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-161D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-161D. Limitations of Use: This product: + May be used in X config. in unit sizes up to 36" x 72" with 1/8" (HS or Temp.) outboard, -air- I18HS-090PV13-1/8HS laminated inboard glass, or in unit sizes up to 36" x 63" with 1/8" (Ann. or Temp.) outboard, -air- 1/8Ann-090PVB-1/8Ann laminated inboard glass • Requires outer lite in I.G. to be fully tempered when used in HVHZ above 30 ft of grade • Requires max. glass daylight sizes as shown in CWS-161D • Achieves design pressures of +/-67.5 psf • Is large missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. #16-1117.02t • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade NOA # 17-0206.10t t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6`h Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. Lucas Turner 2017-08-30 16:01+20:00 �.•'"v40RE W'' t� No 58201 -o STATE OF 9;K * 8/28/2017 a Z Lucas A. Turner, P.E. u= FL PE #58201 �*ItN�4� 411 d A V MOGWM YW19M dO NOISStVfH3d '�• •••• tiEji•. _,� OLL T$ � E N3ILRIM 3FLL 1f10�i11H1 a'lOHIiA r'� G7 vsY190IWVc$NIWXLDrIOolld38 �� o Q d W ANtl':m SNfams e d r Q. 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