HomeMy WebLinkAboutCheck list (Aa 1020, 12:32p Honest Air, Inc. 772-232-1118 p.2 FORM R405-2017 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Simulated Performance Alternative(Performance) Method Applications for compliance with the 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation via the residential Simulated Performance Method shall include: ❑ This checklist ❑ A Form R405 report that documents that the Proposed Design complies with Section R405.3 of the Florida Energy Code. This form shall include a summary page indicating home address, a-ratio and the pass or fail status along with summary areas and types of components, whether the home was simulated as a worst-case orientation, name and version of the compliance software tool, name of individual completing the compliance report(one page) and an input summary checklist that can be used for field verification (usually four pages/may be greater). ❑ Energy Performance Level(EPL) Display Card(one page) ❑ HVAC system sizing and selection based on ACCA Manual S orper exceptions provided in Section R403.7 ❑ Mandatory Requirements(five pages) Required prior to CO for the Performance Method: ❑ Air Barrier and Insulation inspection Component Criteria checklist(Table R402.4.1.1 - one page) ❑ A completed Envelope Leakage Tesf Report (usually one page) Testing is not required for additions in which the new construction is less than 85% of the thermal envelope. 4 (R402. .1.2, Florida Energy Code) ❑ If Form R405 duct leakage type indicates anything other than "default leakage" then a completed Form R405 Duct Leakage Test Report(usually one page) 'LagZ FREV5EWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY ®CC 3/5/2020 5:15:31 PM En rgyGauge®USA 6.0.04(Rev.1)-FlaRes2017 FBG 6th Edition(2017)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1