HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite TreatmentNuelle Engineering Donald J. Nuelle P.E. 815 Unlverslty Boulevard Apt. 301 Jupiter, FL 33458 Cellular 551.629•6975 GHO Homes 59D NW Mercantile Place Pon St. Lucre, FL 34986 Attn: Bill Handler Re: Termite Treatment Option Dear Mr. Handler.: �r•'r P. .Y Date:1011712015 Per your request, I have Inspected the termite treatment requirements In the FSC and find the bailing method (which is used on all GHO homes) should have been specified on the foundation notes Instead of the soil treatment. The soil treatment note Is an error and should be emitted. R318.1.7 If a registered temiledde formulated aMreeislefed as a bell system is used for subterranean humlle pravanllon• Section R318.1.1 Waugh Section R318.1.6 do not apply, however, a signed contraatassufing the Instaeaean.malntenenco and monitoring of the lashing system that Is In edmpeancoweh We requirements of Chapter 482, Florida Stotuler, shah be provided to the budding official prior to the pourina of the slob, and No system must he installed pilot to Mel budding approval II you or any other Interested pony has any quesliais or requires addiltonel Information ploase feel free to contact me at any time. Donal J. Nuelle P.E ) • h • THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR HomeTeam RETREATMENT OF A'STRUCTURE PEST o rf n s z• AND TIME REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING SAINT LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LIMITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. Awovm Nn: 17 AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING OF THE SENTRICON® COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section1. GENERAL INFORMATION. NantcAML GM MIWD 006 I.I.+ BillingAddress5al7 t40 MfY[Cll HI2 I- SCrviCeAddrOsS:2LD2-i0 COnir-CV Dr Cityl�D(+ S}- WlUb City: Fort Pierce State: PA • Zip Code: 34M , Slate: FL ZipCodc:�AQS� LoeadavafTrtaWont Sticker. Panel Liven F000r, of Sm W rimed, 21() Home Phone* — Work Phone, llZ" Tra®em Type: ❑Corrcohe fd Preventive Section 11. SERVICE COMMITMENT. Bunter.. Pot Defrnee.Ive (Ihe'Compsmy') wda. in complisnco oils applieoble RHrml vue and loth laws. wlmaml second. A knoll the Senuicon renviW bitmad.Olax'SWdom') in she snilynuM the pericaeorof the mocnamm(ue..6ad graph) I.W., the Scree Address above (tee'swemrstc)n farthe laiulwion recaps paid by builder B. Manta, the Stanom m occoNana with the Ibel direction, fee aperiodofeamwe(121 laseolw immdiamly fallowing invallar.a.f the Smnom for are ovoid rwarszcm C. Turd coot far the frost 5'mr oflmmltalioo and Honoring S Zero , D. TheAMml Renewal Frswftw MBmDD yews3.DU E Dufing the melanin period. add and retmse Recruits wrlwlc bail from lbe Some. m appmpvte. F. During she monitoring pctimL meiotainall Slalom inLrniruhie comitme Section ill. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRICON SYSTEM. Crlvamcr undcnmvdt than A. the Sentri... System involves innuendo. and rmnitming, cokoy climinativn with Sewall Wnnitc bait and wbrryuert monitoring Car eantiones s proto w. hvm mew termite eolown; 0. Inver odd of Gams few week; to n rmthonx 5'em Lhwld be spewed he .: I. ks W lationof the Sean iron Stations and sufieilm tranire ocdAly to allaw the addition of RoOn d t Permin, hwte a nd Addition of Rmuit lrmdtc bait. C. DuringtM inerval(el bawwanimallation of the Slnkm and wmplme elimkation o[esiving temde colwdcs.knsiW fttdivg within We Stmcrurn,pwsWly i... Img eddnioml Structural dar age. My arul Additional tervices St m Spot opplimtiom of aonvestioml Wnsilidda an, suitable to combat temple activity on a kealiOed, short-term baba I[downw, but am not nerded fw and will war coouibve to tensile ealony elitsboad n. D. The ocese ingredient in the Sect iron Syven is an loaner 6m th regulsmr (Rcauit) list cat u worker trmotes foot tmldng. (Molting I. critical m colony survival.) E In seam War it cwdoetodan Roemit. Dow AproSclenas LLC, the nusufnemmafReewit. ebsmedc,id. ofasty low krwtof.lian saliciry only., very high keels ofeapwre. F. Tramnan is provided against she attack or wbsteranav toon ion (Reticulknow; spp., Hmrolcma spp. and Copulceres spp. (Fannonvo. This Agreement does net provide fro We matmeat of a, other pest, plan4 wimw or argewsm nob., than such tensions. The Company hen tar, inepeekd or boons the Iwetmgq forhnllMrtL4d tcoldcorfungi.By kw, the Contrary is eraQuaDRcri awhurin lofGwmw] to inspoel rat hallh.ttkrW molds or fvegl. G. The Cosepmey mows vo npmamktines regrading We non Woriov or mlmberarany living tenake colocim Section IV. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Cumusor um mndrtvmrds We A. The Senoicon Symons and all of the components of the senuiwn Spoon CCompovau') here hen designd by Dow AgraScimcn I.I.C. The Components we and will rerraln We property of0•w AgreScice,es I.I.C. Cmmmnbas no rights with respres to my oththee Component. other than the right W their awe m ImuR•H byrhe Company on the Cmmmeri premises under this Apremvu. B. On aspiration or krmimtion of this Apeanew the Campany avid Dow AgvoScienas LLC or then regrmive trprsonestive, we authorized by Cumvtrr W reoime from Cu x res'. peenlivs the Share., and On, Conlon., for appropriere disposition. In addition, ifthe CovTany, for what. tram.,, coma On se,.1 err la b, sudNriud la mpmmnr tba Scrod. Syvam I. The CampaoYwRl: E. Samrify Cusconmr, b. Offer NLmmes the alternatives vf<ither using a different form oformire Protection or teresimting Wls Agroancnt e. Credit the Customer for Services paid for but not yet modem. Ifap]aopriarc d, Refund W the Cannanore an saloon cquu W the fa W4 fro services col yet neceived if Cumomer alem W discontinue We rallowahip, or if the Comryvy carmen oInrm ar cavealtrrm i. fans, afternoW pnotewam and e. Remus. or allow Don AMSeiencee LLC or its representatives raaombL• access to the premises fw the retrieval order Componnu; am iL Cuma.wilL a Grant the Company nand Dow Agmseimwi LLC er tMu rnpeeG•e reymentti•n rrseurublo oSeess W Wa prtmius foe the ravievu of the Comp, agree and b. Eitheragrte with We Company an We one area drermriie formoftmni4 normal car tensilwe this Agrccrlent PAYSIENTMLTHOD. ❑Crab OChok ❑Credit Card Ifpayugbycreditcordormwmingdebitfmmyombankacm m.p.,,.wmplate Westlacha AuthotisnimrvsD Amnged Payments This, Agreement cooWkr "Min IIWIWHons.tondlllovs and ezelasioss e t the Compaav's ablie r last. Pln;e lad the enOra Agrnmesr before dgokc. In eonsidmwion for We Company perforating the rervim sN,inN obosv and sabjan to We tells nand condiliom of this Agrremmy Cuaomn agrees W traka did paymmis indicated Shove. Cuvonoer aekrowkdgss rrcrips of a sipuN eopY of this Aprnr¢nt This A@vanav 6 not binding on the Company until sIpIN by an auhorizd onsum oresecutheofskewof We Conpimy. I 0 a A R>�/L �� J ■ �I !g l h/ HOMETEA VII PEST DEFENSE, INC. Sigrmnve:_ `f- �— PrivldNamm VOID/ FOR PRESLAB APPROVAL ONLY ...,,,,.NONEFFECTIVE nGHTTO "NOEL: YOO.THECMW.iIER. SIAYGNCEL TIIISTRAASACVONATANYTLIIEPRIORTOJIIDNIG1ITOFTIIETIIIRD HUSINFSS DAYAFTER THEDATE OF THIS TRANSACTION SEE THEA7T40IEUA'OTICEOFCAA'CELL4T7O,YFORA.VEYPL4NArIONOF THISRIGHT. ' TOE REMOVAL OFTIIE BAR OR UATITNGSYSTEb1 SIXY RESULT IN A LACK OFTERMITE PROTECTION Sauimi Remit nerd BeimDe rem Rgwewd I MmwLr of Irv' Apwg[insa LLC. o fieoeTeam Par DefimgleeAD DeaLddYRILD Sagan V. CUSTOMER COMM rMMT AS TO CONDITIONS CONDUCIVE TO INFESTATIONS. The Ctenoo¢r oDm to ba solely resNad 10 far vOinmining the Trmtd Pvtol. fact Somaq condom mndueiwealamlm mftamdm CCsditlam Ccsahmh ,• am l olov lea nplvmum}The Camome, agree be be solely mpeassible fen IdmtUyiogaed mmeme Cmai iom Cavdsiva. The reparability Rmae:dmfislY withmc Cwmmv. aol Wpb the Caemmy. FAIL= of me Covyny to clew C1Womr m mY ollMebme mditiam don noteffi Cvmmedt mpam166iry aM tmr Swim. m adGllmt the eaiamm of my Condltbm Condudve tea son one ti mly mmcted, Ivcludmg my Conditions Cedadve edNeg ism not visible n the time of the execution of this Agnmmi, wW pmmh the CCaevmtpmotqry at ID sole dimafioq b umamm the Apaam w b bptma Ctttmtm b pmehme eay adattlend Imtmerl Rputed m .tech of me Cmdi[I= CoedveNe CttmameT egrm b fupy mtPmm dth the CompmY dmiag tlm ram of this AlFrommL and epee b mokhm Ipo atT(e) bdud fen gam watch CwNidam Coduclv<Amn 1pcdfm Bent vmy be noted below k •Adduimd Cemmmu• (Barba 7(Y} CONDRIONB CONDUCT VE: CmdMmt Coodudve {vdatde, bw ae mi Umpd b, ronf lakr. lmpropa vmtilatioa 6d ry plutffiiag end wore kaba w ivtm ion in or wood the amaaaa mhcren eavewtd Problem, imkamA bat eon fim;id b, rend m gtamd mmaet mamary DilutK and anlo>nat of my fomdetioA fa® itmldm, arv® r®aWafaa, wpevad phmrmm «mrmfaw ®mad faavvltim wYmmq dd'mg fmrludvry vbyL Wod eM meW) if wimm 6 lecher of that pvuom mulch memmpmuadwpamdarvcdopad fucrood.ImiLh¢abeT.Wand, mukb.whrvbA vmn, and apepamsdn ebmd mvm)n8 Hvimb 6 irchm of eammy With mwmv. $atom VL ADD17t0.`LR ALTERATIONS AND OTHER CHANGES This AgRantm coma the Smame(e) iamiifad b Smith I m dtM dw of atr idfal initalmim Cuvama W(B immvfonlyvotifyme Crapmr bwdmg(II ptbrame Smmve(A being mumvmlrymdipd, dmdmomaWimtluggeG(3)Primo mY tamdeme bemgvpplied onrodom a ton IomtimafmytBmioa O) ifsoH bamovdwdddantmathe mmaetbvofthe StmvvvTa) w(q rmr tamymngof beitiog eapapmem mraypYeomK Pogmum vdifyme CAmpaY b watia8 afmy aunt fwdebowmY void the Ap«mmt AdGfv®1 amim Rgttitd Ny mr rdaitmq eltmibn w atone wum evml my ba Pmvxd by the Caeapmry m NmnMe esFmv, ed mY RgwR a dJramst iv the tecmal fee SroUoo VIL DAMAGE RELATED TOSERVICEETNe Cavtprq WBI a Compsay be Wbpepafmnorrgtavknbasocl yth evemptbevoMdOmgiggevr Res d Cuatameri pmpmy, plena m en(mIL Vda ro c'vmmmm WSI the Company be Rtporolbk [« awa8e ®td by the Con9mY a eon rpm the amk is peamnurL ex«p1 dn:a demga mODing Dta gran mgligeace d the Cmymvy. Cumnta is ttapondblq a Ctmoaaya sole erpmm, fmngahimbg Cmbmre poperyCmhvfivg6vW eadbndtapc)ega'NanMr:.n arme Siatimn SaUm VHL REPAIRAND RETREATMENYOBLICATION. Qmamet Wtleir J smJm mtho geaad tamed cmthtlomafthh Agltemem Ifni e mraWa'mofeabrmm«n hradmarc, mmvumudmumuga) among IEv mmoftbis Apcamvt theCmtNmY WII Rbau thaamafiefeOdm n ro amUgov1 exceed Rage. m eddidm rubjm m rise Beeeml tram and mvdiame oftbb Apeemav, me COtmmy Will rcpO, n (n ram, new trtmlR dOmge b the vevdwuc The Cempmya raid SaMltry WiU rot excmd m enY me nlmdrryea my lever o[(O S7DDABD w Nl eDe O4 maM1et vdm d the Uemd muemep} m co S I,000, W 0 iv the e88N®m ova rise Icon of the ABreemmL inandmg evamiom of mate W da 1. Olmoma expeN/ WdY6 mry [I® fen vc�o®q raammwtmX «mamgcmlial a.mgn Idtavg m Oe oivma of Sobtmrmm tetmim m SnNemn te or tetmpe damge, m (m (ntneudmmr. tonaftaa6aYma mmrvytlen dimmvtlm afveivegmaq'aigme• dmmga due to be pemema[Subrmamm tnmior SuNmty® htmim demei� The Cumome almwldga bathe Cagmy is pdomvm a mda ed esapl fen ramie dmWgp ICMita set Tram ebvw ma my demge m tie ahlRma eauaa 6y th CDDipeq )n me Pafoao>mro of ion aaviam, Cmbma Weivv ray elahn fen popncy dmWgq and agmw ram tedc( ro dtavtmnm aheR Gm(mty be held lisbk f« my mvmm 8trua den don rtevme peH by tie: Crammer b Cavtpmy fen Um mmlm amen m 6e pafomnd. 1 Dw b mblemnna termite hehib, termite eedary mry mntlamb be ptesexl b e aWetule(orO paled aftlma fapovaa6 hmIDtmtThe Compaq heal rvpov�ble farrepdn of wblemonv termik damgelbn oamr bemmihe eepdrpoaba oflhewvmopbtavrwt eQedm ]. iTe Com�tq�aobhgeam mrrpdrtentmodamge Wel bevma eReerivxtWm the emliaaf0) ellMomkn Mtbe mbnr m eokNn 1«md m wehow tlm Swlm Aadwm (IDthe Numoivrnuyoflhe Immibam atone Sntlata Cobge6toamonahll M sleeved moaurrbm, bllaWng«o mamactlm mamhaaftemhn f«die6 m Recmhmmim bat b ma ar tone termini dit tmiona bond a the SaWm AdartsL ba OoaOmnyw taink(on b amble b locate fat • paled 0v a by mwrotdve Rrviro N,im a me Setvim Addma,ary Iive temdm magofineRmtlabdt eutlw locevdwme Sadro Adday.IfrcW bmge.mmSenad by me pteranxofliretartdim.aclvr WhibtheCOvgmlhahligaSm mtepa'vtamimdamga hin latro, fdowbgotivm roaRmlioo fmmComonvmdm brpemlon by the Grammy. the Cmgany eipm b,almbma Otmmr fame rextmdle ram of me tepaitA ism ody m tVe am that don taml rvtmebla tam ofvmh repair is Iru ram f3dD, W D iv my om almdrr Yam. A, SubJm b dW ¢vWnivg pmvbbra o/rate Swim VIRA, Cuaamw will m emitld b ram me Wmarbr who Will peRam me rmdd rtpdn b tie vexed wwmud¢ Pt(or m envning bbe mama, vim emmma, fmbmro,pmb Pmv9m Ibe Coamavyempyaftk ptopord mnmawwinm bf61(De Cemyrny aetatnim th bid m be amdvc. Aurmmr.pm mpmtavmel m m:neammanvR(,tm v enmmvadvigmid by the camp®r rmaW pm�earadomingt, It, lerib ismre ma. btun Wive max eR tmAtlpieblm fen niep MTIY.Oenoma edmowldgn ramebs Cavgmylevees metightm¢Ion the tammm J. The Compmy b am mponsible f« ono wital, of eoher visible damage pad as the --2-1 (mpaam graph) m hidthe damga exmbg at of the dare of this Ageemat The ConPny me am gamnmoe Ibm me demege TiRbmd ao ma ended ybacla W chi graph tepmmU all of the exhtkg dmuge ff of ngPeon of this ADmgthefi .111 Iva arnpvoebh crIOr expenses ecurre by Curb mIon tmtd amemrcD) orThe U,CURbenofeddugpebrm Or fogawmg the ream of this ABmmnl or TO eq raw m npeam Incurred by Cwlamr n . mdl of eq amb damage. Cmtomp wdvn all rhlm for demamto the Prapnyarpnph Ghat may revD Arretll orindhedy frvmteMcnptaddeE by my Campml,wim the aura eatepam denim fordatmBe Qne to thepau aeg0$aeaafmt CompavyoeNm W empmyeK Smlm U(. PAYLIPNT.'IheCa�mye ohfigmimbpufomuvdmthiaApvtmem hmad8kadupm Cmamie tbfull ofinepdttmfotthmSaUll i ebo.e Omnusla feibvv b Pq vmh prim m HO riU came @b Apeammt m mmm+imlir ram immdimy nrmWm in to mtrtq ovd me CnvgmY WID Ee ditchvpd daU Samliry. All waDrw pild, ifaay. Wig bavme me pmpvry done CaoQavym 1'quidlmtdemgabaeueEa. Tie imullvim fa b due ed .91 pvy a ono IIDm afore fvpW mM¢The rencwel fro b don mtpayable upon raelpl efiaroire.Ivwim thmam mtpad rimio tbpq (]D) dq, ofine ivvoimdae Will aeon mural,the ImpaSbd,memenmagmlamehmaof IS%pevmth (IB%payeu) some mvivmmnteepoed bylmr. m theevm Thal kcal ae4ee. ammary m mllm mY eomtendm ma Ca�vvy,the Campry WTTI Dc euutled a tawe Tram Cmbmadl amaofmilenbM1 imludag tntambk etmmeyY Tea b addaian a e0 aammdivg emmau don me Compeuy. Srelim %. TERM. Udm Otitewse ePmfiNry pmvdet heteb. ton Polka eFR met th vmml tam of bh Agrsmem Wi0 he fa rive (II) maab4 and WID be eutmmtmlly mRWd on m mural Wtb. (ram ddaimrl wave (III vnolh pami f«e amutmm dfcefll+dd�Ilmd maho (I3) rmmE pmfadr. fopowmg ma kitial cam epee poytnmtby Customerofthe fen lodkmd m Semi, RB. o[mh AIPc®mt(wvbjm a djmrmmt nptovided pteAit tubtmim), uaiemeimmpaq nvcaw by givbp moathmpenywiaenoodmmhamIh'vly Pg)dtyr priwmrh eaa of Ihetbm canmttem.Tma Apeet�tmry.bemminad br the Canmin « by Ctmomer,mmYdvm Ib6avTn8 rise ImlhltmAupon oxinm aadmb the ll, I akmlm'vry(llgdale prim,crate mmwvm.viewth ii ock(S) ymr pebd the raYin mrygetmcwed, III, Wlm tie mumel®mldbom pnin and man dmalNy may ktvumb chat service With WetQen [akea Iml thirty (30) don prior to the ad of the these rmtat ram. Th. COVOenr temrn the rpm m Nava my ptht ofemke. This ApwmN may be mmimd by AGR XL ARBRRAITON. ANY CONTROVERSY G UCLAIMTNO AR6DBG OUT OF TO RELAIGING U THIS LADW%1bUD OR ANY OTHER PERSONAL M W O THE PR PARITPS. DAMAGE. S BUTNBE SET T E 7OANY TORNANDSfAMORV UNLESSN AND ANYCLAIMSA REE PERSONAL , THE ARBITRATION PROPERTY DAMAGE. SHALL LL BUNDLED BY COMMBINDING TAIL RULES O. THE A THE N ARBITRATION AGREE ASSOCIATION ('A -)OP.IAP BHALL BE T SHAIS[PAED TEIRMI THE UNDER THE RULES D RES OR CO AN M4LEAT10N ASSOCIATDISPUTES. THE PARTIES S E IF ESSLY AG EN R SHALL BE RIHIRATOR UNDER OLL W HE SUBSTANTIVE FOR CONSUMERDING TLD HE TERMS AND THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE ANY ARBIT SHALL FOLLOW THE 8UBR THIS LAWN "WTLLNO THE CONSOLIDATED ON OAND EDORIOIN OPTHIS AGRACTION AND THAT ANY EDING UNDER ANYPROOTHER UNDERTNIS RINVO INVOLVING AN NOT BE PREM DAMORJOINED WHHANY AA CLASS LECM.PROCVATEAUNDERANYNERAI ACTION OR BFEANNTATIVI ACTION. EI AND WILL NOT PROCEED T A CLASS ACTION, PRIVATE ATTORNEY CENTRAL ACTION THE OR SIADLAR REPRPY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE F R THE AST O THE ADDITIONAL APANOL O S. EITHER )ARBITRAMAY AND THE AT ANY iTIMNIG PARTY SHALL BE HEARING BLE FOR THE COST A THE ANTED B AL A®rtN DORS, EITHER PARK MAY REQUEST H ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE HEARING AWARD 0E ACCOSIOLCEPT BHA REASONED OPIN[OAY WI HIN 3D BORDERED E ORIGINAL ARBNAL A A AWARD REQUALLEST BE FINAL AND BINDING 0.Y ALL PARTIES. FRAPPE THAT Prt®t PARTY MAY WITHIN PARTY DAYS OF THE ORIGINAL AWARD REQUEST AN ARBffRALAPPEAL S ADCTHREE MEa1HERAPPEAL TRIBU S THEALL REVIEW PARTYSIONS F RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL APPELLATE ERRONEOUS FOES AND COSTS. THE APPEAL TRIBUNAL SHALL HALL R' All AND IN IN LAW AND FACT WYBER A CLEARLY THE AWARD THE AWARD OFTHEAPPEAL Tp®UNAI.STALLR FINALANDBINDING.WLEDG AMAYRIZTHATO ON ARE AWARD IN ANY COURT MADE P RSUAN TO A TRANSACTION INVOLVING NG COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGE A AND A L BE THAT GOVERNED BYTHE FEDERAL PROVISIONL4MADE PURSUANT 1'OATBANSACf10N Url'OLVHBC IXTPC.TEAIE COMMERCE AND SHALL BE GOT'ERNED BYTIrt FEDERALCALSENSrn TALE. ase or y(CNe cashi.S}NSRIVRY ORSPECIAL HEALTH CONDHIONE If —1fillbtlkrm tad c ff=w wothttwdm ft,,efinebrndammaa eR m may (A) be andgm b pestleiMAamlekidm m tbebdam «(B) heat atone heft moditlam that may m eBakd by FaUdtmAnmitlddn « chair otiose. CompvytemomadtlhetyeonmlmveOBbi al«amdonquevlaavkepvfmuedmym WLBysmdulag&avemnmh C= yocome ily rich Atyow sayaw, Compmy spicesWdemfmryinco aamarbwlnbabetrrd ica u«Iiti lbe Rimer.uet®mngmetmlmml.Ommwmon ab tihmdxtim egaddl elaimt o pr av Caamury m mmatknwim mete emdtiviry mmodpim. N your RgvmLthe CamPmy Will ptmWemfonnatim tbom me chadwla m herdm UIL AS ton crmuwm peewee %IILASSIGNABO.RT. sed exanmmisrmmn Wb t eavvmore The papay Imtdhethe S w da Address Provided thatIon mWwadeofma papacy entaa ft m imultheC mp ny%oWo8 opeanem With the Coact up The Compaq me. limo the rig, el dirge sale frog edynucae ®d RmW. rue, 4 dmvge me temp d me CevmmSh obliged®vvam nib AlPmam upon aaY mQt vamfe. Utm the el®ng sister wale of ton pnmmy lammd as do Smka Aamas haV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT Swim XfV. ENiHIE AGREEMENT AND SEVERABILfIY. this Agmvmvt and the enechd gRph PERimb ono evl've agAxmnt bctnxee the pmia doisw nymaly mdM see repmmasA untaivgthis paseavat Oaomet6 held be onmr plavmrgrmblaamymom. m. Whabnotdmmival. ramiseon mpwdy ed fuUymfoM to adw Alierommalfeq pmdthis ApctmentbbeM abyhmmk«mmfbe, fenmrwed,amawdumterraend ®diamt of thin Apmmm vi6 rttmb iv FAI (eve and ePaa.76e onion o(theApceca fbbd halo may m be oesldd m Pond roam • vvripm cma8e is Pml m evar.. It a b thempariejI rat ARBITRATION. If the mwamwce p=k4 godo ublusbar Dim mdatins, vat a biYaiymp roca<Scmg vA chug RFRtmutive w prime emery Soared action is Grad b be Invalid m uncalko able then the eathety of the ARBITRATION pmpgb SW be domed m be aemeaR V.AD ADDITIONAL Srotlaa XV. ADDI'fiONAL COAB1@IvTE SmmmaRmubwesimbvveteamadeatmmb ofl) wApeBdaav LLC (MUSYMYI] ORamTmm Ron De.lee.AI3