HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # (Company Name.'Ind the (Type ofTrade) For the project located at ISSUE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT I SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i Sub -contractor for ect Street Address or Property Tax ID #) VICES RECEIVED DEC 17 ' T9 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be NW tKWFla(k%V_ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County tivill be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adams Hmie i of NatAwat Flarldo, BfG PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATI�OJ�)N_UM BE �R State of Florida, County P-SP The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisjL day of by William Bryan Adams who is personally known has produced a as identification. asgnalure of notary Public �— STAMP SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Print Name of No ?.•• °:t;,••. SHELLEY0. SEPUIVEDA MY COMMISSION # GO 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 eh7t�;:"•�• 0end0d T11NNo " Pulls: Underw Mem Revised 11 162016 i I SUB-CUNTRAC R SIC A• RE (Qualifier) ek PRINT NAME I COUNTY CERTIFI CATION NUMBER Stateof Florida,Countyof 'Ei}{CIL i The foregoing instrument was signed before me Ihis�+! day of oucilm/, 2019, by �i4Vl� 41Gi On" who is personally klsown ✓or has produced a as identification. ' ,fL1,r,Qlrla�.1 ' Signature of Notary" A A eP'-- cpy STAMP I IN"e111. „&;, RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSOD, Notary Public - Slate of Florida •s Commission I GG 084521 �Z,,: My COmm. Expires Mar 20, 2021 (........ F::e+.almage Wlun9Nakrylan. i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Compliance BUILDING PERMIT SU&CONTRACTORAGREEMENT! DEC 1 7 ST. Lucie County, ROrMitting have agreed to be the "VAC.. Sub -contractor for fdatnti, Hanes of Natbwest Ftaida, trA (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Quallaer) A(la m ){pnasof Nwff ett Florida, h-- PRINr NAME "—' a::;2si 7-9 COUNTY CERTIFICATION B State of Florid,,, County ose Theforegalogimtmmmtwustgudbefonowthbc3f day of OCkhQ/ 20�6 by William Bryan ams uaurt who b peraeoally known nor bu produced ■ as Idmtla a Slsomm" arNolary Pottle STAMP SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA Prot Name ormais -- O�SHELLEYA,SEPULVEDA .A „ MY COMMISSION# GG 262074 EXPIRES:January25,2023 E.,h.•• flooded ilw NobryPuNk Undetwdlero Revised 11116/2016 COUNTY CEH�CA IT ON NUMBER State of Florida, Cal ulyof S T. Ly61e 11 Theflornoingl'as �meatwuslgnedberoremethb 31 dayof w19,by kZlil, ea "vNI wise, la personally Im�ownZor Ism prodoeed ■ u IdeotlOntle,o. Ui ' I STAMP S u11toreof``No IPoh t �{ _Rltwa2C �0.1G`t3 VO^NSON Pilot Name of Note. blla I •"•w�%r%'••: Jf w RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Nolary Pubk-SWe of Florida Commssiond GG08a821 My Comm. Expires Mar 20.2021 BmaeE Nraugx Na lional Naary 0.5sn. PERMrr# I I ISSUEDATE "_ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S o 1 Building & Code Complia v IVED e, BUILDING PERMIT �`"� SUB-CONTRACTORACREE ENT �E� 1 % '0r9 L ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be (Company Namdlndivldual Name) �1(pnwol Na0nro7t rbAd�, hla the P<tC Sub -contractor for For the project locatedat&O—j4/ AirLn f5aj�040"A'"tdre /Rt �/ ( I (Protect treet Addressor PrODaW Tax ID 01 I ' 40�- L It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St- Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. C0 a14uAA1 UHL (Qualifier) At1uiM ttotn4ca tktaraest Plaids,the. PRMNAME �9/ 79 CDUNrY CERTIFI TION NUM ER State of Florida, Ccunty� The foreyolar lonrunmt was signed berb sue I day of Oe&hose -3o_y/b, William Bryan Aoms, Who Is personally amowa or has Produced AS Idmaatafig, Slgostarc a Notary PaDtle STAMP SHELLEYA SEPULVEDA Prtut Name of Notary Pubitt :A ,+ SHMWA.StMULVEDA AfY COMMISSION N GG 282074 a +� E)IRE8:Jenur/25207d ,,,,h.••` 1)atdadfluu Notary PIAOtUldartrert Revised 1111612016 OR L'OV � SU CF"" SIGNATURE(QuaUUer) e v- Oxu'i ck nIL PRUfr NAME ad1Ne I r 6LKILFICATIDN NUMBER State of Florida, CoaoI of $T WGE The roregofog lartru lelwnstgeed lreforc use lhN('L day of �- �ti-�-��,by �e 2 ✓a-tirLchr/11< who 4penmdyheoi Zor has produced a____.._._. as Ideatitluaoa STAMP Slgwtarc of Mohr, Pabtl� RICHARD DOUGIAS JOMSON Notary Public - Slale of Florida Camnss,on d GO 004021 My Comm Expues Mar 20.2021 Owed h gh Nalma, Noary Assn PERMIT p .COUNTY„ q', ISSUE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division &a')SOMfa azot,- 5 p (Company Name/Individual Name) the P1 I , I Vlt A Ir (Type of For the project located at BUILDING PERntIT - RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT DEC 17 �g,q ST. Lucie County, Permitting tN S have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Marna HanaaafticierarestFierldi la (Primary Contractor) or Property Tax ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. i COZYI KAL I UK SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SURCONTRA2r :SIGNATURE (Quart rier) Merit Hornet of Nort went FbAda. Inc. PfUNT NAME SPIV r S,a1. (:!:,-7t Z ! ;9 COUNTY CERnA-- ONNUMBER SintoofFlorida,Cuaty ONrty__ The roregong instrument was signed before re me this (31 day of fD o/ xoly by William Bryan Adams who is personally known has produced a as identification. I� STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPAL VEDA Print Name of Notary Publi, •LP.'.?yg.: SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA MY COMMISSION iy GG 262074 EXPIRES: January 25, 2023 .^ye•P. h°�'' Bondad Thru Nobly Pudic Undrawlilere Revised 11/1h20 State of Florida, Co'uaty, of lS`f.WGQ The foregoing InstrLmeot was signed before me tblsaL day or oao6 30&by IZ?Wyc,M:n IS;.MCN£Z, who is personally k own ✓ or has produced e as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary ubN, (7 y� I I\iLhDY-8 Oc��glgs t7ohf+sc/f Pnnt Name of Notary Pohl¢ • • °•• ;yFocri;7 ••••• RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Public - State of Florida CommissionlfGG064621 My Comm. Expires Mar 20,2021 Wed orougn Naiimd NohryAsss