HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMrr# I I ISSUEDATE PEAMING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTORAGREEMENT Comfort Control Services RECEIVED JAN 2 9 20H ST. Lucie County, Permitting (Company Namelindividual Name) have agreed to be the Eleotdoal Sub -contractor for Renarliuilders, LLC (Type of Trade) (PrimaryC 12actor) For the project located at c1 %c3 ��+pfi) 6'r—.e e-2A.<) IDy /6;7 It is understood that, ifthere is any change of status regarding Our participationwitb the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will beadvised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. t CONFRACIORSIGN ffi(gwMiler) Glenn A Davis II PRINT NAME Ce0 01228 COUNTYCERITFICATIONNUM E1 Smte ofFforida, County or Martin I The foregoing lnstromentwasslgaed before me tbb Lq daayor who Is personally h¢own Zjorbas produced a mid Wlutlan. STAMP S goo eafNomryPoblle Print Name of Notary PablIc =o4prp.Y rUB4e CommisslaGne GG 04656 ExpllesMayt94621 �,��1}J��, Revised It/162016 f'JFaF BMdOdSrNaYdaBlNeb,,na�kA6 Ao4 SUBCONTRACr0RnCNA7M (Qa00er) Wayne Zimmerman PRWNAME 28767 COUNTY CERTIPICdTnIN Naa1BER Steteormorrdo,Couogof StLucle _ f Th. 1r�.., I, .tgstruw. yaigned rare fh[s /doyof who Ispewobaap Yooaarbr¢d a Prlot Nome of Na Wry rublle Notary PvWc State or Flariaa P •` @., ". Krnia J Simone i�- '�4? My Commission FF 98 1071 ro,rvo Erpws 05!1812020 p?e✓ro—lr� PEF MT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING SUB.CON"rRACTORAGREEMENT Inc RECEIVED JAN 2 9 -lip ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be the Plumbing Sub•contructor for Rener Builders, LLC (Type ofTrade) �`� (Primaryfodream) For the project located at ?%� / O O—Liy1 'e tPmjecCStnxtAdd rcssorPigunly azlD'n) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding ourpatticipationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division offt Lucie County will beadviscd pursuant to the fliing of a Change of5ub-contractor notice, /A %R, aa, L sn Taetamt. rrt Glenn A Davis,11 PwATivnMe CB.0 1261228 E''WMT CERTIlTCATION NUSISER SlaeetNlertde,Ceunlyet i�y�� n The(lteReinglndrummlttnldrn/ed1 brreR me We !/3 dsyar lkix' tegby (71Pnn Fi-1 ){k/(S xhelsPeeeeligkmwa arberpreducda aril Ineelies STAhIP Siemlur ellry Public Prinl \rryr orMW—Y Publk RHONDASROWE ra4rrarur�� Commission # GG 104656 Rc. Expires May 19.2021 �'FOF FIB B,,d0dTMBud99tNMS0rAW$ suocoxTn;scroasmt;ATURl:ta®anal Ronnie B.tlrktlalter PR1117NAh1E 21272 St Lgaie County CECO57074 State of Florida COUNTY "nToffr1Tilm NRnlaeR simeotmriduAllouBtyaPalm Beach TU1bftVlc;l�lm'iramcmu,e;ntdyer/remel6G �. 13 d.,t oa r�,m2�ly Ronnie Burkhalter eho G pmanoRylenuu,�erlurpmdurrd a m ldmancel_kpe. - Slpnsturebf\elpc - ��J STAMP Dolores A Price Print lWmcorYeurFPe65e -...._-"-". — ^;�, a0l,ORESAPRICE CeerntBddnRP WOW k4Wild `r 6pliesleft 0,200 n o>w,hrrmtar��m! PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERRVIC0 Building & Code Compliance I)ivWoB DMDINGMWT SMCONTRACTORAGREEMENT Preferred A(C & Mechanical, Inc RECEIVED— JAN 2 9 J17,9 ST. Lucie County, Permitting _ have agreed to be the Mechanical IRVAC Sub•contracforfor RenarSulldeis,LLC (Typeo£Trdds) �� A /�(pprimasyContractor) m_ . Forthe project located at 9 7 ru--� M / u eL Z(-V /BUJ u (Prof e01 Street Address orPrope(tyTgxIDtl) It is understood that, ifthere is any cllange.of status regarding ourpard9lpafionwiththe above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will he adviged pursuant to the tiling ofa ChangB of. Sub•conntrk��_ actor notice, CONIRACLQR SIGNATOaE(Quali6er) Glenn A Davls it PRVjA= . Cec 12g122Q carn'rtrCERTM CATIONNetdBUR StuteaeAroerde, Caunlyof Merlin TheoragaregIrsommentwaearg/eeedhefoeeme tills-^^deyof .2aZ6by Gi2riYv Ac J�5 '•0 CIOR9IGNA7AA,; (Q9a1Ner)- Uotiaid Wane O'liryon pnINCTQAME 'Z99`47 eotrrcp cERTaQCATroN Huhn 6hUedfAtandd, Caury or Pdmaaad, TSeraregornginrhuctutnneilgod GBrem IE[i�ifaysf wholvpertana0ylmdwe orhes pmdurrde- wha to geld aslact Xrtmaam /) o Asm s1l [ atarypuhilc 8i�ra(r print NameofNomry public t�{tYPyB� RHONDASROWE Commission # GG 104656 Expires May 19, 2021 Revrud llllMM Nl��'eF f�ep 6ondedT ArvaudgalNOUt7Servimc '. .11OLLY GABRIEL ` 4 Notary PubOc-Stale of Florida a , Commission 8FF926942 ;;, My Co m�m,...,.EfKp res as 31. 2020 - 'goha�p B011dadl„ury„Naidl3l Ndiary(Itah PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMITLJ:RECE:IVED__ SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMEN itting f ,XAUL1114L M0PTWI6- d -7 ATnile have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) Ames the fR D045 Sub -contractor for enwe /Nu! es (Type of Trade) \� (Primary Contractor) G For the proj.ect located at �! %�/Yl &4 z za_ ] Zr Zl-k P e vcc2 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. ti ter. A D I(i CCN RACTOR SIGNATURE ( ualsfier) GIe_Y<>^ A, bl s PRINT NAME GC1C 1"1Z�q_It? COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of CO PI ' The foregoing instrument was signed before me this a Al day of NJ t�IYI 20� by U ( en n 4, IJk.PSJP'- who is personally known —or has produced a as i mification. STAMP Signer ure of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public �,fcA;?�e� RHONDASROWE C0mmission#GG104656 w� ,< Expires May 19, 2021 RevisedWOtOdtl6 Bonded iem Budget War/SeNitas 4SUB-;ONTRACTOR SIGNA E (Qualifier) F �3/a66AN PRINT NAME 90 la COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of LO-6-r& t�yr,,//// The jforegoing instrumentwas signed before me this y'/-day of &A . , 2026,by -V"p s. HDAVA) who is persoaa_w knowa�or has produced a as identification. Slgnature?1M i� STAMP `S�ialsdly — -- Print Name ofNotaryPoblie � =ofµ: eee4o DENISELEMAY +0*MYCOMMISSIONNGOOM76 % a< EXPIRES: Mardi23,2021 '�EaFt�o`� BoMed ltuu Budget" sw*m