HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural Assessment ReportAVENUE P STRUCTUAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Structural Assessment of the House's Main Wind Force Resisting System to Wind Loads Generated Hurricanes St. Lucie County, Florida House Location/Address 4006 Avenue P Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Prepared By: W'Ebbstone Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125t' Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 Phone (850) 544-1402 Firm Registration Number 9292 February 19, 2020 1,qCZ_ 0��1 1912 - C?-;Ol REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC f Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue R Ft. pierce FL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION This document and the information contained within have been prepared solely for the use of the Jacques Registe and St. Lucie County Planning & Development Services, Building &Code Regulation Division (BCRD). This Assessment is based solely upon the information made available to or gathered by Ebbstone, Inc. EBBSTONE does not assume responsibility for unforeseen conditions, or conditions not recognized as unacceptable at the time this report was prepared. This Assessment and subsequent recommendations are based solely on the visual inspection of the structure and no testing of materials was performed. EBBSTONE performed the inspection, prepared this report, and makes the following recommendations in a manner consistent with sound practices, level of care, and the skills normally exercised by members of the engineering profession operating under similar circumstances. This report and the discussion contained herein shall not, in whole or in part, be disseminated or conveyed to any other party or used or relied upon by any other party, in whole or in part, without prior written consent. I, Jacques Registe. P.E., hereby state that this Assessment, as listed in the Table of Contents, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and correct and represents the described work in accordance with current established engineering practices. I hereby certify that I am a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Florida practicing with Registe, Sliger Engineering, Inc., and that I have supervised the preparation of and approve the evaluations, findings, opinions and conclusions hereby reported. This document has,been_signed and sealed by �`2; r� Printed copies this docu nt are not considered signed and sealed Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125t' Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 Phone (850) 544-1402 Certificate -of Authorization No. 9292 Jacques Registe, P.E. 'Florida P:E: #43397 1t Page i February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P. Ft. Dierce FL Table of Contents Engineer's Certification.................................................................................................... i Tableof Contents.............................................................................................................ii 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................1 1.1 Findings & Recommendations................................................................... 1 2.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................................2 2.1 Project Scope of Services.......................................................................... 2 3.0 BUILDING STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT..........................................................2 3.1 Building Location....................................................................................... 2 3.2 Building Parameters and Exterior Wall Openings ...................................... 2 3.3 Exterior Walls Structural Condition Assessment ........................................ 3 3.4 Roof Structural Condition Assessment...................................................... 5 4.0 MODELING OF LOADS....................................................................................... 7 4.1 Wind Load Parameters and Calculations................................................... 7 4.2 Analysis..................................................................................................... 8 4.3 Results.......................................................................................................8 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................ 9 APPENDICES Wind Load Calculations...................................................................................Appendix A DesignPlans..................................................................................................Appendix B Page ii February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P, Ft. pierce FL 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Structural Assessment Report compares the Building's Main Wind Force Resisting System to wind loads generated by hurricane forces. This report contains Ebbstone, Inc.'s (EBBSTONE) opinion and professional judgment of the existing condition of the house structure located at 4006 avenue P, Fort Pierce, Florida. Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) are the structural elements assigned to provide support and stability for the overall structure. The opinions and analysis provided by EBBSTONE are based on visual evidence only. EBBSTONE is not responsible for the assessment of the conditions of non -visible structural elements. Destructive testing and non-destructive testing were not performed. EBBSTONE performed a visual structural inspection of the house located at 4006 avenue P, Fort Pierce, Florida on January 6, 2020. The inspection was conducted by Jacques Registe, P.E. Wind loads were calculated using ASCE 7-10 methodology. EBBSTONE has made every effort to reasonably present the various areas of concern identified during our site visit. If there are perceived omissions or misstatements in this report regarding the observations made, we ask that they be brought to our attention as soon as possible so that we have the opportunity to fully address them in a timely manner. This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of St. Lucie County BCRD. 1.1 Findings & Recommendations EBBSTONE's inspection of the house structure included a visual inspection of the exterior and interior of the house. EBBSTONE has not noted any cracks along the exterior wall and no cracks were found on the inside of the exterior walls of the house. The visible elements of the roof truss system showed no sign of deterioration. It is our opinion that the MWFRS are in good condition and no reduction in capacity due to service conditions were applied to individual structural elements during our analysis. Based on our analysis, it is EBBSTONE's opinion that the structural elements composing the building's MWFRS can withstand loads generated by category 5 hurricanes if the following repairs are made. EBBSTONE recommends installing new hurricane straps to the roof rafters and to the studs to beam connection. A continuous load path capable of resisting the uplift of the roof from the bond beam to the foundation needs to be provided. We recommend installing joist/beam connection tie down, adding one more thru bolt to beam/column connection, completely secure the handrail system and secure the bond(parameter) beams. We recommend to re -nailing the plywood floor system, blocking all the floor joists at least 3' from the ends and installing minimum''/" CDX plywood sheeting. We also recommend installing approved shutters on all the windows. Page 1 February 19 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P. Ft. Dierce FL l:�i)•70�7�1+9� The purpose of this structural assessment is to satisfy the Florida Building Code (FBC) section 907.4.2 substantial structural alteration. Where more than 30 percent of the floor and roof areas of the building have been altered, the evaluation shall demonstrate that the lateral load resistance system of the structure complies with the FBC. The analysis will use the building's Main Wind Force Resisting System to wind loads generated by hurricanes forces to check the house. The house was just bought by Jacques. This Report will evaluate the house located at 4006 Avenue P, Fort Pierce Florida 34947. 2.1 Project Scope of Services The general objective is for EBBSTONE to prepare a report for the above referenced house to be used by the BCRD to determine if the house.is structurally adequate to resist the wind loads generated during a major storm event. There were no existing structural building plans, so all findings presented in this report are based upon our measurements and visual inspection of the exposed structural building components. For all structural elements that were not exposed, EBBSTONE made a conservative assumption based on historic South Florida Building Code requirements on the size, type, and condition. In addition, EBBSTONE prepared a set of renovation plans for the house as shown in Appendices B. 3.0 BUILDING STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT 3.1 Building Location The house is located at 4006 Avenue P, Fort Pierce Florida 34947. This house is located in a dense urban area, with no open areas or waterbodies greater than 5,000' in the surrounding terrain. See Figure 1 below for Project Location Map. o i + i= R CAI N�� PWMA�vriwl' �. .. AM MRaM Imt Ne 1� CIiW Ct,O 9M i'buaeWRM.9, Mwmrv>c/� fa�mn<mesewaxP � B ;:( - Vi R MtBGelab Figure 1 — Project Location Map 3.2 House Parameters and Exterior Wall Openings Per the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser, the house was constructed in 1983. No existing building plans were available for review. Therefore, field measurements of the RICAN Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P, Ft. pierce FL building dimensions were used. Assumptions were made based on the field inspection and historic South Florida Building Code dated 1971. The building is a 1 story house on pile, 19' tall with approximately 912 square feet of house space. The house is approximately 24' wide by 39' long. The house is constructed of wood frame with a gable roof as shown below in Photo 1. Photo 1 — House Exterior The house has the following exterior wall openings: • The front of the front facing north has two double 6' wide glass door. • The west face of the building has three windows and one entry door. • The north side of the building has two windows. • The east side of the building has three windows. Roof members consisted of 2x6 wood rafters at two feet on center supported directly on the double 2x4 top plate. The roof deck consists of plywood. EBBSTONE was unable to determine the 10"x10" PT pile/column foundation depth, but there was no sign of settlement. 3.3 Exterior Wall Structural Condition Assessment No cracks or any structural damage was found in the inside face of the wall. However, wood rot was observed at the bottom of the entry door and some siding planks were missing. Based on the visual inspection, EBBSTONE believes that the condition of the structural elements of this building do not warrant a reduction in the calculated resistance of the exterior wall structural elements. Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P, Ft. pierce FL Photo 2 — House Exterior broken window to be replaced Photo 3 — Deck Joist require blocking and tie down Page 4 February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P, Ft. pierce FL 3.4 Roof Structural Condition Assessment Based on the visible area of the roof structure, plywood roof decking is supported by wooden slope rafters. The rafters were placed 2' on center. The rafter that were visible showed no damage or deterioration except at the exterior eve location where there were some deteriorations. see Photo 3 on the following page. Photo 4 — Rafter layout and spacing Uplift resistance was not verified since there is no attic to look at rafters' connection to the top plate. Therefore, tie down of the rafters should be provided and secured to top plate. All visible straps should be galvanized. 3.5 Floor Structural -Condition Assessment Based on the visible area of the floor structure, plywood decking is supported by wooden joists. The joists were placed at 16" on center. Most of the joists that were visible appear to have been replaced recently. Those joists need to be blocked and tied down to the beams. Page 5 February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P. Ft. pierce FL Photo 5 — Joists layout and spacing require blocking and tie down Photo 6 — Beams to Column Connection Require another bolt Page 6 February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P. Ft. Dierce FL CKoMJ1[o]el:1111�[eZ*];I1[*L•1By The basic loads considered in this study are dead loads (DL), live loads (LL), and wind loads (WL). The values of DL are calculated from the unit weights of various building materials used in the analysis. The LL intensities for the various areas of the building are obtained from the 2017 Florida Building Code. The summary of DL and LL considered for the building is given in Appendix A, Summary of Wind Load Calculations. According to ASCE 7-10, Chapter 2, Section 2.4, only 60% of the DL was used in the calculations. EBBSTONE assumed the following: all studs were 2x4 on 16" O.C.; continuous load path was not provided; and all doors and windows are not hurricane resistant. 4.1 Wind Load Parameters and Calculations EBBSTONE calculated the wind loads on the building using ASCE 7-10, Chapter 26 (Wind Loads: General Requirements), Chapter 27 (Wind Loads on Building MWFRS (Directional Procedure), Chapter 28 (Wind Loads on Building MWFRS (Envelope Procedure) and Chapter 30 (Wind Loads -Component and Cladding). Required wind loads were calculated using the wind speeds of Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale as a guide. Wind loads was determined using specific 3 second gust wind speeds of 158 mph (122 mph sustained wind speed, Category 5 Hurricane). In determining pressures for the building envelope areas, five basic factors were considered: 1. Building Height — Higher roof areas will have stronger wind velocity. The analysis used the measured height of 20'. 2. Building Location — Wind maps are included within ASCE 7-10 so that the local basic wind speed can be determined. See Figure 1 — Project Location Map. 3. Surrounding Terrain — The more obstructions there are around a building, the more they will break up the wind and assist in reducing the wind effect. Knowing the building is located in an urban area with no large open areas or waterbodies, the specific exposure is B. Refer to ASCE 7-10, Chapter 26. 4. Building Openings — The more openings in a building, the greater the chance of internal pressure increasing in a wind event. Due to the openings not having approved shutters, a partially enclosed structure was used in our analysis. Page 7 February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 4006 Avenue P, Ft. pierce FL 5. Building Use or Risk Category of the Building — This factor is based on how important -the building is to the surrounding infrastructure in terms of people's safety. If,, building failure occurs, risk to human life exists. The risk category used was II. 4.2 Analysis Effects of wind on a building include internal pressurization, increased lateral forces, uplift, and external pressures. Internal pressurization occurs when wind enters a building and lateral forces act either inward, created by the wind blowing -.directly on the face of a building, or outward, due to suction forces created when low pressure, conditions occur inside the building. )\lost buildings are designed as enclosed structures with no large or dominant openings in the envelope that allow wind to enter. However, a breach in this normally enclosed building envelope due to broken windows, failed entry doors, or a failed garage door causes a significant increase in the net effective wind loads acting on the building under strong wind conditions. In such cases, the increased wind load may initiate a partial failure or cause a total failure of the primary structural system. Therefore, partially enclosed building was used in this analysis. Primary structural systems are those that support the building against lateral and vertical loads. The MWFRS consists of structural elements assigned to provide support and stability for the overall structure. The system generally receives wind loading from more than one surface. Many buildings have structural systems that provide continuous load paths for high winds, but that were not sufficient for the extreme lateral and vertical uplift forces generated by tornadic winds that occur within hurricanes. Winds moving around a structure create vertical and lateral forces that act on the building and cause several different failure modes. 4.3 Results EBBSTONE performed an analysis of the various MWFRS structural elements to determine its ability to resist wind loads generated by a hurricane. Our findings are as follows: The "weakest link" in resisting the uplift forces acting on the roof elements was determined to be the nailed connection between the top plate and the wooden rafters and joists. Since that connection was not visible, we assumed the connection was nailed with 2 No. 16 D nails which provide approximately 600 lbs. per end of rafters as calculated. lierefor'e. these nails are no adequate Co carry7oads.generafed_by a -majors hurrican . See Appendix A for Wind Load Calculations. Lateral stability is provided via the roof and the floor diaphragm. All the floor joists shall be framed as a woos structural panel diaphragms in that they all should be blocked at the panel ends and be the same size. T. EJols s_s. ould-also•be-tied-to-the joisflbearl}1 Page 8 February 19, 2020 Avenue P Structural Assessment Report 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our analysis, it is EBBSTONE's opinion that the structural elements composing the building's MWFRS can withstand loads generated by Category 1 and 2 hurricanes but will fail during a category 3 thru 5 hurricanes. Therefore, Ebbstone recommends M-alli�-r ew'harrica-n-c straps to the raof,rafters,Tnd-to t e!s u s�o am con_np_cWn. A continuous load path capable of resisting the uplift of the roof from the bond beam to the foundation needs to be provided. We-recommend-irstallinjgii /beam Page 9 February 19, 2020 Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 CM Ver 2016.12.28 ` www.struware.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR 4006 Avenue P Fort Pierce Florida . Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 850-544-1402 754-222-9155 JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P Category 5 Hurricane Calculations JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JR DATE 2/4/19 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 2/4119 www.struware.com Code Search Code: Florida Building Code 2017 Occupancy: Occupancy Group = R Residential Risk Category & Importance Factors: Risk Category = II Wind factor.= 1.00 Snow factor= 1.00 Seismic factor = 1.00 Type of Construction: Fire Rating: Roof = 0.0 hr Floor = 0.0 hr Building Geometry: Roof angle (0) 4.00 / 12 18.4 deg Building length (L) 38.0 ft Least width (B) 24.0 It Mean Roof Ht (h) 19.5 It Parapet ht above grd 0.0 ft Minimum parapet ht 0.0 ft Live Loads: Roof 0 to 200 sf: 20 psf 200 to 600 sf: 24 - 0.02Area, but not less than 12 psf over 600 sf: 12 psf Floor: Typical Floor 50 psf Partitions N/A Partitions N/A Partitions N/A Partitions N/A Ebbstone, Inc. JOBnTLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1123120 Wind Loads: ASCE 7 - 10 Ultimate Wind Speed 158 mph Nominal Wind Speed 122.4 mph Risk Category II Exposure Category B Enclosure Classif. Partially Enclosed Internal pressure +/-0.55 Directionality (Kd) 0.85 Kh case 1 0.701 Kh Case 2 0.619 Type of roof Gable T000araohic Factor (Kzt Topography Flat Hill Height (H) 0.0 It Half Hill Length (Lh) 0.0 It Actual H/Lh = 0.00' Use H/Lh = 0.00 Modified Lh = 0.0 ft From top of crest: x = 0.0 It Bldg up/down wind? upwind H/Lh= 0.00 K, = 0.000 x/Lh = 0.00 KZ = 0.000 z/Lh = 0.00 K3 = 1.000 At Mean Roof Ht: Kzt = (1+KrK2K3)A2 = 1.00 Gust Effect Factor h = 19.5 It B = 24.0 ft /z (0.6h) = 30.0It Rigid Structure e = 0.33 t = 320 ft Zmin = 30 ft c = 0.30 go, gv = 3.4 L. = 310.0 It Q = 0.92 lz = 0.30 G= 0.88 use G = 0.85 H< 60ft;exp,B :. Kzt=1.0 2D RIDGE or 3D A%ISYMMETRICAL HILL Flexible structure if natural frequency < 1 Hz (T> 1 second). However, if building h/B <4 then probably rigid structure (rule of thumb). h/B = 0.81 Rigid structure G = 0.85 Using rigid structure default Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structure Natural Frequency (Hr) = 0.0 Hz Damping ratio ((3) = 0 /b = 0.45 /a = 0.25 Vz= 101.8 Nt = 0.00 Rn = 0.000 Rh = 28.282 rl = 0.000 Re = 28.282 q = 0.000 RL = 28.282 r) = 0.000 9R = 0.000 R = 0.000 G = 0.000 h = 19.5 It Enclosure Classification Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9165 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 Test for Enclosed Building: A building that does not qualify as open or partially enclosed. Test for Open Building: All walls are at least 80% open. Ao a 0.8Ag Test for Partially Enclosed Building: Input Test Ao 300.0 sf Ao a 1.1Aoi YES Ag 960.0 sf Ao > 4' or 0.01Ag YES Aoi 162.0 sf Aoi /Agi s 0.20 YES Building IS Agi 5264.0 sf Partially Enclosed Conditions to qualify as Partially Enclosed Building. Must satisfy all of the following: Ao t 1.1Aoi Ao > smaller of 4' or 0.01 Ag Aoi/Agin 0.20 Where: Ao = the total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure. Ag = the gross area of that wall in which Ao is identified. Aoi = the sum of the areas of openings in the building envelope (walls and roof) not including AD. Agi = the sum of the gross surface areas of the building envelope (walls and roof) not including Ag. If the partially enclosed building contains a single room that is unpartitioned , the internal pressure coefficient may be multiplied by the reduction factor Ri. Total area of all wall & roof openings (Acg): 0 sf Unpartitioned internal volume (Vi) : 0 cf RI = 1.00 Altitude adjustment to constant 0.00256 (caution - see code) : Altitude = 5 feet Average Air Density = 0.0765 Ibm/fts Constant= 0.00256 Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 850-544-1402 754-222-9155 JOB T TLE 4006 Avenue P Category 5 Hurricane Calculations JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 Wind Loads - MWFRS h560' (Low-rise Buildings) Enclosed/partially enclosed only Kz = Kh (case 1) = 0.70 Edge Strip (a) = 3.0 ft Base pressure (qh) = 38.1 psf End Zone (2a) = 6.0 ft GCpi = +/-0.55 Zone 2 length = 12.0 ft Wind Pressure Coefficients CASE A CASE B e =18.4 deg Surface GCpf w/-GCpi w/+GCpi GCpi w/-GCpi w/+GCpi 2 -0.69 -0.14 -1.24 -0.69 -0.14 -1.24 3 -0.47 0.08 -1.02 -0.37 0.18 -0.92 4 -0.42 0.13 -0.97 -0.45 0.10 -1.00 5 0.40 0.95 -0.15 6 -0.29 0.26 -0.84 1 E 0.78 1.33 0.23 -0.48 0.07 -1.03 2E -1.07 -0.52 -1.62 -1.07 -0.52 -1.62 3E -0.67 -0.12 -1.22 -0.53 0.02 -1.08 4E -0.62 -0.07 -1.17 -0.48 0.07 -1.03 5E 0.61 1.16 0.06 6E 1 -0.43 0.12 -0.98 Ultimate Wind Surface Pressures (psf) 2 -5.3 -47.2 -5.3 -47.2 3 3.1 -38.8 6.8 -35.0 4 5.1 -36.7 3.8 -38.1 5 36.1 -5.7 6 9.9 -32.0 1 E 50.6 8.8 2.7 -39.2 2E -19.8 -61.6 -19.8 -61.6 3E -4.7 -46.5 0.8 -41.1 4E -2.6 -44.4 2.7 -39.2 5E 44.1 2.3 6E 1 4.6 -37.3 Parapet Windward parapet= 0.0psf (GCpn=+1.5) Leeward parapet = 0.0 psf (GCpn = -1.0) Horizontal MWFRS Simole Diaohraam Pressures ins Transverse direction (normal to L) Interior Zone: Wall 35.5 psf Roof -8.4 psf " End Zone: Wall 53.2 psf Roof -15.1 psf " Longitudinal direction (parallel to L) Interior Zone: Wall 26.3 psf End Zone: Wall 39.6 psf " NOTE: Total horiz force shall not be less than that determined by neglecting roof forces (except for MWFRS moment frames). The code requires the MWFRS be designed for a min ultimate force of 16 psf multiplied by the wall area plus an 8 psf farce applied to the vertical projection of the roof. Windward roof overhangs = 26.6 psf (upward) add to windward roof pressure i■iirrmTT VERnCAL ■l,�����,��ii�ii�� w r Location of MWFRS Wind Pressure Zones Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEETNO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1120/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23120 ONE 2- lessor of 513 or 2.5 h 2 is negative RANGE CASE B WIND DIRECTTON RANGE NOTE: Torsional loads are 25% of zones 1 - 6. See code for loading diagram. ASCE 7 -99 and ASCE 7-10 (& later) i osBor2-5t If 2 isnegati WM DIRECTION I -------------i19 - Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction NOTE: Torsional loads are 25% of zones 1 - 4. See code for loading diagram. Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23120 Ultimate Wind Pressures Wind Loads - Comaonents & Cladding : h <= 60' Kh(case 1)= 0.70 h= 19.5 If Base pressure (qh) = 38.1 psf a = 3.0 ft Minimum parapet ht = 0.0 ft GCpi = +/-0.55 Roof Angle (0) = 18.4 deg Type of roof = Gable Roof Area Negative Zone 1 Negative Zone 2 Negative Zone 3 Positive All Zones Overhang Zone 2 Overhang Zone 3 Parapet GCp +/- GCpi Surface Pressure (psf) User Input 10 sf 50 sf 100 sf lost 50 sf 100 sf 26 sf 56 sf -1.45 -1.38 -1.35 -55.2 52.5 -51.4 -53.6 -52.3 -2.25 -1.90 -1.75 -85.6 -72.3 -66.6 -77.7 -71.4 -3.15 -2.73 -2.55 -119.9 -103.9 -97.0 -110.4 -102.8 1.05 0.91 0.85 40.0 34.6 32.3 36.8 34.3 -2.20 -2.20 -2.20 -83.7 -83.7 -83.7 -83.7 -83.7 -3.70 -2.86 -2.50 -140.8 -108.9 -95.1 -121.8 -106.6 Overhang pressures in the table above assume an internal pressure coefficient ((3cpi)of U.0 Overhang soffit pressure equals adj wall pressure (which includes internal pressure of 18.5 psf) qp = 0.0 psf CASE A = pressure towards building (pos) CASE B = pressure away from bldg (neg) Walls Area Negative Zone 4 Negative Zone 5 Positive Zone 4 & 5 iolid Parapet Pressure Surface Pressure (pso I usermpue 10 sf 100 sf 500 sf 40 sf :ASE A: Interior zone: Corner zone: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ;ASE B:Interior zone: Comer zone: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Su ace Pressure psf) user Input 0 sf 10 sf 100 sf 500 sf 50 sf 120 sf FM .35 52.8 -56.1 -51.4 -58.1 -55.5 .35 -74.2 -60.8 -51.4 54.8 -59.7.25 59.0 52.3 47.6 54.3 51.7 Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB No. SHEET No. 650-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23120 Roofs w/ 0 5 10* and all walls h>60' Location of C&C Wind Pressure Zones Walls h 5 60' Gable, Sawtooth and & sit design h<90' Multispan Gable 0 5 7 degrees & Monoslope:5 3 degrees It 5 60' & sit design h<90' Monoslope roofs Multspan Gable & Hip 7° < 6 5 27' 10*<0530° Gable 7°<0545° h S 60' & alt design h<90' Stepped roofs 0 5 Y h <_ 60' & alt design h<90' Ultimate Wind Pressures Monoslope roofs 3°<0510' h <_ 60' & sit design h<90' lqqk�hllkhl Sawtooth 10° < 6 5 45' h 5 60' & alt design h<90' Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 850-544-1402 754-222-9155 JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P Category 5 Hurricane Calculations JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 Roof Design Loads Items Description Multiple psf (max) psf (min) Roofing Wood Shingles 3.0 2.0 Roofing 3 ply felt & gravel 5.5 5.0 Framing Wood Trusses @ 24" 3.0 2.5 Insulation R-30 Fiberglass insul. x 2.0 1.8 1.8 Ceiling 5/8" gypsum 2.8 2.5 Mech & Elec Mech. & Elec. 2.0 0.0 Misc. Misc. 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Actual Dead LoadO 18.6 C 13.8 Use this DL instead* 20.0 • 9.0 Live Load 20.0 0.0 Snow Load 0.0 0.0 Ultimate Wind (zone 2 - 100sf) 32.3 -66.6 AM Loading D + Lr 40.0 - D + 0.75(0.6'W + Lr) 49.6 - 0.6•D+0.6'W - -34.6 LRFD Loading 1.21)+1.6Lr+0.5W 72.2 - 1.2D+1.OW+0.5Lr 66.3 - OAD+1.OW - -58.5 Roof Live Load Reduction Roof angle 4.00 / 12 18.4 deg 0 to 200 sf: 20.0 psf 200 to 600 sf: 24 - 0.02Area, but not less than 12 psf over 600 sf: 12.0 psf 300 sf 18.0 psf 400 sf 16.0 psf 500 sf 14.0 psf User Input: 450 sf 15.0 psf Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 Floor Design Loads Items IDescription Multiple psf(max) psf(min) Flooring Sheet vinyl x1.0 1.5 0.5 Flooring Thin Set Tile 4.0 3.0 Insulation R-19 Fiberglass insul. 0.6 0.6 Decking 3/4" plywood/OSB 2.7 2.3 Ceiling 5/8" gypsum 2.8 2.5 Roofing Asphalt Shingles w/roll roofing 3.0 2.0 None 0.0 0.0 None 0.0 0.0 Misc. Misc. 0.5 0.0 Actual Dead LoadD 15.1 10.9 Use this DL instead. 100.0 65.0 15.0 0.0 Partitions Live Load 50.0 0.0 65.0 0.0 Total Live Load 165.0 65.0 Total Load FLOOR LIVE LOAD REDUCTION (not including partitions) NOTE: Not allowed for assembly occupancy or LL>100psf or passenger car garages, except may reduce columns 20% if 2 or more floors & non -assembly IBC alternate procedure Smallest of: L=Lo(0.25+1514KLLAT) R= .08%(SF - 150) Unreduced design live load: Lo = 50 psf R= 23.1(1+D/L) = 69.3% R= 40% beams; 60% columns Floor member & 1 floor cols KLL = 2 -Tributary Area AT = 300 sf R = 12.0% Reduced live load: L = 43.1 psf Reduced live load: L = 44.0 psf Columns (2 or more floors) KLL = 4 Tributary Area AT = 500 sf R = 28.0% Reduced live load: L = 29.3 psf Reduced live load: L = 36.0 psf Ebbstone, Inc. 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 North Miami, Florida 33161 850-544-1402 754-222-9155 JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P Category 5 Hurricane Calculations JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1/20/20 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 Wall Design Loads Items IDescription Multiple psf (max) psf (min) 0.0 0.0 Sheathing 5/8"gypsum 2.8 •2.5 Framing 2x4 wood stud @ 16" 1.3 0.8 Sheathing Plaster per 1" 8.0 6.0 veneer 4" Glass Block x 0.38 6.8 6.0 Insulation R-11 Fiberglass insul. 0.4 0.4 Mech & Elec Mach. & Elec. 1.0 0.0 Misc. Misc. 0.5 0.0 Actual Dead Load O 20.7 15.6 Use this DL instead (9 55.0 • 50.0 Wall Design Loads Items Description Multiple I psf (max) psf (min) Framing 2x4 wood stud @ 16" 1.3 0.8 Insulation R-19 Fiberglass insul. 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 Sheathing 5/8" plywood/OSB 2.2 1.8 Wall Covering Solid Flat Tile on 1" mortar b; x 0.38 8.6 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Actual Dead Load U 12.7 O 10.7 Use this DL instead 50.0 •O 40.0 ROOF UPLIFT AND WALL FLEXURE CALCULATIONS Ebbstone, Inc. JOB TITLE 4006 Avenue P 1125 NE 125th Street, Suite 503 Category 5 Hurricane Calculations North Miami, Florida 33161 JOB NO. SHEET NO. 850-544-1402 CALCULATED BY JR DATE 1120/20 754-222-9155 CHECKED BY JFS DATE 1/23/20 W= Theta Pitch heta H = H He= L= H L Slab Span lengtF W Reinforced Slab Truss Spacing End Zone Dead Load X 0.6 Width of End Zone= 2a Roof slab size where a = lesser of 10% of least horizontal dimension or = 40 % of eave height 2.4 or 6.8 2.4 But not less than 40% of least horiz. Dim or 3 feet 9.6 or 3.00 3 a= (edge trip) = 0 End Zone = 2a= 6 Roof Truss Wind Pressure From Component and Cladding Middle -52.3 Windward roof load Zone 1 24 ft Bldg. width least dimension 18.43 A Degree 4/12 Pitch H/W 17 Eave 21.00 Mean Roof height 38 It Long dimension ft 0 psf "topping" 2 ft. 0 psf 0 inch Edge Corner -71.4 Leeward roof load -102.8 Windward Overhang 2 12 Zone 2 Zone3 / 12 2 1212105.56 w�2 -9999 w1 �— 1-628 3� -411 w3 I I I f f p1.38 0.&DL R1 w4 2 Arm1 Arm2 Arm3 Arm4 19 6 1 12 R2= -931 plf -1862 Total both ends R1= -1107 plf -2215 Total both ends (Controls) ROOF UPLIFT AND WALL FLEXURE CALCULATIONS LEbbstone, Inc. ROOF UPLIFT AND SHEAR WALL CALCULATIONS PAGE 2 OF 2 Engineer: Jacques Registe Project: 4006 Avenue P DATE: 3/16/20 SHEAR WALLS Lateral on End Walls Assume that roof diaphragm carry load of 1/2 wall height + full roof height Roof height "rh" = W/2 * Pitch = 24.0 rd= 24.0 d= 2.00 2a= 6 rd H= 17 H/2= 8.5 H/, 9 �►II end zbne Horizontal windward (MW F) "p" = 39.6 psf Horizontal leeward (MWF) "pl" = 26.3 psf ww force = A*p = 2256 lbs. Iw force =AI*pl 9846 lbs. Total Force = 12102 lbs. Check Roof Truss for Uplift Load Sum of Perforated Shear wall Lengths = 10.00 ft. Shear Capacity Adjustment Factor for wood framing only Table., NDS 2015 0.69 Unit Shear of Wall (Tbl 1 APA p.7) 530 lbs. per ft. :15/32", 2" thick, 8d nails @ 4" at corners; Check the unit shear wall strength OK T=C= 0 lbs. Moment F*H/2 = 102863 ft-lbs Walls 1=1/12bhA3 0 inA4 GENERAL 1. CONSTRUCTION IS TO COMPLY NTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE FEDERAL. STATE, LOCAL CODES, STANDARDS. REGULATIONS AND LAW. THE GOVERNING CODE FOR THIS PROJECT IS THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2017 INCLUDING ALL CURRENT AMENDMENTS. 2. THE STRUCTURE IS DESIGNED TO BE STRUCTURALLY SOUND MEN COMPLETED. PRIOR TO COMPLETION, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILITY AND TEMPORARY BRACING OR SUPPORT. J. DESIGN SUPERIMPOSED LOADS BUILDING LIVE LOAD--------- 40 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD --------- 20 PSF DECK LOAD--------------100 PEE 4. DESIGN WIND LOADS GOVERNING CODE -------------------- ASCE 7-10 ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED ------------- 15B MPH NORMAL WIND SPEED ------------------- V-123 MPH RISK CATEGORY ------------------- III IMPORTANCE FACTOR ------------------ 1-1.0 EXPOSURE-MWFRS------- B CLADDING AND COMPONENT-8 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT- -GCP♦/-D.55 (ENCLOSED) MEAN ROOF HIGH --------- 19.5 FEET WHO DIRECTIONAL FACTOR ---KO- 0.85 TOPOGRAPHY FACTOR ------- 1.0 5. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE ARCHIIECT/ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR INCONSISTENCIES. NO CHANGES OF INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE MADE WTHOUT THE SPECIFIC WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT/ENCINEER. DESIGN INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE DRAWNGS PROVIDE OVERALL DIMENSIONAL PARAMETERS AND DESCRIBE ELEMENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS AS REQUIRED TO FIT EXISTING CONDITIONS THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. 6. DETAILS LABELED'TYP.' APPLY TO ALL SITUATIONS THAT ARE THE SAME OR SIMILAR TO NOSE SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED. WEATHER OR NOT THEY ARE KEYED IN AT EACH LOCATION. QUESTION REGARDING THE APPLICABILITY OF TYPICAL DETAILS SHALL BE RESOLVED BY THE ENGINEER, WINDOW C(1HFDN1 F 1) ALL WINDOWS SHALL MEET THE WIND PRESSURE SHOWN ON THIS SHEET SCOPE OF WORK: 1) REPLACE 1 — WINDOW 2) REPAIR BATHROOMS 3) INSTALL KITCHEN SINK AND COUNTER TOP 4) REPAIR SIDING 5) REPAIR STAIRWAY AND DECK ALL REPAIRS SHALL BE DONE PER THE DETAILS SHOWN IN THIS SET OF PLANS CONNECTOR% I. ALL CONNECTORS AND FASTENERS SHALL BE GALVANIZED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ALL FASTENERS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM PUBLISHED CONNECTOR LOADS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL CONNECTORS IN ACCORDANCE WIN MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONAL LUMBER ONE I. ALL LUMBER SHALL CONFORM TO AMERICAN SOFTWOOD LUMBER STANDARD PS-20. 2. MATERIAL SHALL BE SOUTHERN PINE, COMPLYING WIN THE FOLLOWNG MIN, ALLOWABLE STRESS LIGHT FRAMING --------------- FD (BENDING) 1500 PSI (2X2 NROUGH 4X4) E. 1.600.000 PSI BEAMS AND STRINGERS ---------- FD (BENDING) 975 PSI POSTS AND TIMBERS ----------- ED (BENDING) 850 PSI (5X5 AND LARGER) 5 4 4 MrUATE DEYDN MUD PPESSURES (PEr) .E EFTECINE BWD KG 1 (RCpT I) IDq/.SS} 9]/-Sl.r 2 (RWF 2) IDW-ws 3W-Yt 3 (RDOr 3) Mapuai "-"A 4 (MNL 4) sae/-. UN-5a1 5 (vMl S) HO/-NU Y -MB 6Q rMI ff ASCE 7-10 COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES NOTE: ULTIMATE WHO PRESSURE FROM ASCE 7-10 WAS USED. COVERSION FACTOR OF 0.6 USING AM CAN BE USED FOR WINDOWS SPECIFICATIONS. o JA[OUfF fl...STE. PF. R.G. 0)-3 AF. LICENSE NUMBER g39T RENOVATION PLANS F9BSTONE.INC: /N. 01�20 3390 CAPITAL C/RCLE NE, SURE 1 l.R. 01-10 TAHAHASSEE. FL 32309 4006 Avenue P, Fort Pierce Florida CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION 9292 JR. 01 j0 51� eW Columns (ryRl I� ii�� III III III III III III III III En zxe ✓Olsr o . III III III RI III III III III III III III III III III III N— 2X8 JOIST a . III III' III III III III III III III SIMPSON STRONG III III III Hasa @ IOISTIBI III III INTERSECTION IT' 6'X6' Columns (TyP) 4 2-2XIO III III 2 - 2XIO rrrPI III III III III III III ,o-XTv Columns III III rnm III — — — — — — — — — 4-NEW 2X8 0 12-ox. l T '� III -�;I —L--_ rJIII�ii-IIIL I� INSTALL FLU / OEPrH BLOCKING ITYPI } Ex. 2X8 JOIST 0 I6'O.C. ITYPI EXISTING BEAM LAYOUT EXISTING FLOOR JOIST LAYOUT o IACOUES R... PE. I;.p. '_ --- PSILICENSE RUNefR 1339T RENOVATION PLANS EBBSTONf, INC: A OI-10 33T0 CAPITAL CIRCLE NE. SURE 3 J.R. OF20 TAWWASSEE fL 31308 4006 Avenue P, Fort Pierce Florida ffe CERTIFICATE Of AUTHORIZATION 9292 jA alf2 5-1 N.T.S. VIEW NO EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATION e e IACOUfS REGISTE, PF. R 6 O1-P P.E. LIMIE xUNRER a33RT FENOVAiION PLANS ERWONE. INC. 10. 01-ZO 3370 CAPp& CIRCLE NE. SURE 1 / R. OIOHO '� wcnw iaWJIas6EE n 3230R 4006 Avenue P, For! Pierce Florida CERTIFICATE OF N?HORIZATION 9292 /,R. OIMO 5'3 6-X6- Columns (TYP) i _ 1 Z _ 1 _tL_____—___L___ e lO-x10^ Columns I'M WINDOW TO II :. BE REPLACED II I II I_L �— STAIRS TO BE REPAIRED II II P tLL _L"__J C�yyyy i B�EH TFb 0 F N D I II I II AT T BE EP R I I L _ — EXIST. i K H T — ENTRY DOOR E P RE KITCHEN TO — BE REPAIRED HATCHED AREA to _ _ TO BE REPAIRED 20 2 SLIDIND CLASS DDORS IEXISTI ___ __ _ _ Z -- ___ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�Tlllllllllllll IIIIIII __�IIjdIIII41111111II1,�1�1111111111111111111111111111111 �llllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EXISTING FOUNDATION LAYOUT HATCHED MCA TO BE REPAIRED EXISTING HOUSE PLAN IACOUES REOISTF, PE. F.G. 01-] vF. LICENSE xUNBER 43393 RENOVATION PLANS EBB STONE, INC. 2.R. 0101-20 3370 CAPITAL CIRCLE NE, SURE 1' 3,fl. 01-IO rani TALLARASSEE. FL 32309 r, 4006 Avenue PA Fort Plelce Florida S1 CERTIFICATE OF AUTFOW3H_ ol 2AT10N 9292 10 INSTALL )-h' 0 (H.D.CJ THRU BOLTS WITH JOIST h POST CONNECTIONS I 2X6 P.T. 2%4 RAIL WIN I'-0" 1'-0" Y-0' I' 0' WITH 2)-3/8' 0 (A I GI THRU .^¢ BOLTS WITH NUTS ANO VASHERS d I AT TOP 6 BOTTOM OT POST (TYPU 2 -1• THRU BOLTS WIN ( ) h m 4 %4' P.T. STANTION fi AND. W ALL WASHERS TO AT ALL NUTS JOIST JOIST & POST CONNECTIONS ZX8 WITH MAIN 12pIT. MAIN BEAMS 3VY%B'HBG B BOLTS SECURED) WI NUT LTS W?NP. !r/ EXISTING POST (2)-1/2-0 (H.O.C.) THRU BOLLS VITH NUTS AND 2's6' DECKING $IMPSON STRONG PE H2.SA N STRONG TO INTERSECTION (TYP.) (5) 2 P.T `>ONIiRN ij� WASHERS AT ALL JOIST JOIST (TYP.) (2)-$' 0 (H.D.G) THRU BOLTS 2-2%6 TiEn9$ i— EXISTING POST) T ALL WTH NUTS AND WASHERS A((IN.) ere RISER I/ I PROPOSED 2.6 P.T: STANTION DETAIL CROSSBEAM BEAM TO POST CONNECTIONS N.T.S. G'X6' POSTS WITH A MIN. DEPTH OF6 BEW NATURAL GRADES EXISTING STAIR DETAIL (AGO,OP 25 LBS N.)(TYP) N.T.S. (TO BE REPAIRED) 2-X3' PICKETS 5-1/2'DL WITH A 30CUT AT THE TOP AND THE BOTTOM 2'%2' PICKETS 5-I /2'O.C. _ WITH A 30' CUT AT THE 2 %6' i0P PLATE, WITH THE BOTTOM p I/4' OVER HANG THE ISIUS EDGE OF THE (2)-3/B' 0 THRU HOLTS PILING, (SECURED WITH W1'fH NUTS AND WASHERS AT THE (2)-(H.D.GJ SCREWS PER TOP AND BOTTOM OF THE POST PILING) CONNECTIONS. 2'%4' RAIL WITH O[TOPD EDGES 2' qe (BH D.G>DSCREWS TY2I_4%4' P.T. STANTION %4" RAIL WITH 1-GAP ABOVE DECI(ING 2'%6' P.T. JOIST Ym THRU 6'-0• iTP IP 2XIO BOLT VASHERSWITH AT ALL JOIST & e'XB' POSTS SEE DETAIL 'A' PILING CONNECTIONS r8•XB" i (BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION) POSTSEXISTING -- GROUND LI LI VIEW A -A PROPOSED DECK ELEVATION WITH RAILINGS 3370 CAPITAL CIRCLE NE, SUITE I TAUAHA$6E. FL 32308 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION 92e2 II II SECTION B-B 2 - 2XIO BEAMS *2�8JOIST ADD 1314-BOLT 2XIO BEAMS N SOL TS BXB COLUMN DETAIL "A" N.T.S. (EXISTING BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION) RENOVATION PLANS 4006 Avenue P. Fort Pierce Florida EXISTING GROUND PANEL EDGE NAJUNG DIRECTION OF 100 0 4' O.C. FACE GRAIN FLOOR SHEATHING DETAILS Q—T-51 8 BOTTOMI1 — Simpson Strong-Te H5 IPPORTED PANEL EDGE NAIUNG FIELD NAILING AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS NOTES. 12 HURRICANE CLIPS ALL HORIZONTAL AND INCLINED MEMBERS THAT SHINGLE ROOF 3 RECEIVE DECKING SHALL BE FRAMED AS A 4 WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL DIAPHRAGMS. FASTENERS SHAD. BE GALVANIZED IOD RINGSHANK NAILS SPACED 4' O.C. AT PANEL EDGES AND ENDS, AND 6' O.C. IN THE FIELD OF THE PANEL. JOISTS BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL PANEL EDGES, BE THE SAME SIZE AS THE JOIST, AND INSTALLED IN FULL DEPTH ORIENTATION (DO NOT LAY FIAT). SPACE PLYWOOD BUTT JOINTS d' USING I6D BRIGHT COMMON NAIL AS TEMPORARY SPACER. T" ' I LSTAIS HSimpson Strong -Tie Simpson Strong -Tie REINFORCEMENT AT ROOF/WALL AND FLOOR CONNECTION ROOF RAFTERS @2'-0' O.C. METAL DRIP 1k ra z % GALV, TIEDOWN STRAP H5 AT EACH RAFTER WITHIN 2XB OR 2X6 BEAMS 3310 CAPRAL CIRCLE NE, SURE I TAWJUSSEE. FL 32308 CERTIFICATE OF [ HOPIZATION-9292 EXISTING INSULATION SIMPSON LSTAIS (HOT -DIPPED GALV.) TIE DOWN STRAP AT EACH STUD (OUTSIDE FACE) TO RESIST UPLIFT, R-19 TO BE INSTALLED 2' X B. 16' O.C. 2' X B' BLOCKING PROPOSED 3/8' COX PLYWOOD INSTALL TIE DOWN SIMPSON STRAP H2.5 2- 2 X 10 BEAM'S SECURED TO iTP THROUGH OUT I PILING WITH (2) 5/6'P X 14' Go. MACH, BOLTS WITH NUT AND WASHERS TYR. EXIST. 10'9 PILING I I I 15'DEPTH MR) RENOVATION PLANS 4006 Avenue P, Fort Pierce Florida