HomeMy WebLinkAboutSet-Up ManualBulletin LP-7: R122H March 2010 Type R122H First -Stage Regulator Introduction The Type R122H is an Underwriters Laboratories listed regulator designed for Two -Stage LP -Gas systems. The unit is designed to reduce the tank pressure to an outlet pressure of 10 psig. The compact size makes it ideal for small domestic applications and underground tanks. The outlet pressure setting is nonadjustable and is factory set at a nominal 10 psig. Screened drip - lip vents are oriented over the outlet as standard. Features • 20 Year Recommended Replacement Life — The R122H is designed using rugged time proven design concepts and constructed of corrosion resistant materials, both intemally and externally. With proper installation and periodic inspection and maintenance the R122H regulator will meet a 20 Year Recommended Replacement Life. • Dual Gauge Taps — Built-in 1/8 inch NPT gauge taps orificed to a number 54 drill size on both the inlet and outlet side of the regulator allow for easy testing. • Durability — A fluorocarbon valve disc is utilized to improve lockup performance in systems with contaminated gas. • Improved Regulation — A large fabric -reinforced diaphragm and stabilizer clip deliver accurate and stable regulation. • Easy Installation — The units compact size and easily accessible inlet and outlet wrench flats make installation easy even in the tightest installations. FISHER" Figure 1. Type R122H First -Stage Regulator Superior Overpressure Protection — The combination of a high capacity relief valve and large vent provide overpressure protection that exceeds UL standards. When used in conjunction with a R622 or R652, the two -stage system will limit the downstream pressure from the second -stage to 2 psig even in a double failure situation. • Corrosion•Resistant— Added corrosion resistance from an internal and external coating process for all castings prior to painting, stainless steel relief valve spring and retainer and a corrosion resistant relief valve seat. • Positive Draining Spring Case —When installed properly with the spring case vent pointed down, the design allows moisture formed in the spring case to drain out limiting the problems with corrosion and freezing water in the spring case. 1� EMERSOM Process Management Bulletin LP-7: R122H Table T. Ordering Information TYPE NUMBER CAPACITY BTUIHR CONNECTIONS NOMINAL OUTLET SETTING PROPANE Itt INLETx OUTLET R122H-AN 1.100.000 1i4-loch x 1124n01 NPT 10 psig (0.69 bar) 1. Capacily Is eased m 30 PSIG (2,07 earl Inlet pressure and 20%dreop. 11448 NF W=I 0: (11, Figure 2. Type Rf 22H Dimensions INCHES Imm) LP -Gas Equipment Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. USA -Headquarters MOGnney, Texas 75069-1872 USA Telephone:1 (800) 5585853 Telephone: 1 (972) 548-3574 For further information visit wwiw.hsherregulators.comilp The Emerson logo Is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their pospectrve morels. Fisher is a roam owned Oy Fisher 001thra. Inc, a Mistress of Emersm Pmcesa Management. The cements of this publication she presented for Informational purposes only, and write awry effort has been made to ensum Melr aatrmcW they am not to be construed ap wanan0es ar guarantees, express or Implied, mgamng the products or servla , desomed harem or their use a appticabilny. We reserve the right to modify or Imi m're Me designs ar specmCshons of such products at any time Wood notice. Emorson Process Management does not assume responsibility for We seledlon, use or maintenance of any product. Respons®IVN for proper selection, use and maInlepvms of are,, Finanon Process Management product remahu whily wM the purchaser. EMERSON. CEmemon Pmcess Management Repulat"TeWrologim, Inc., 2003, 2810:AII Rights Reserved Process Management u Bulletin 71.1:R622 Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulator • Comp--` • Protet Scree June 2010 ur..a r ,.....ity telief • Inlet and Outlet Pressure Gauge Taps Figure 1. Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulator leight Introduction Type R622 direct -operated, spring -loaded regulators applications. These regulators can be used with provide economical pressure reducing control in natural, manufactured, or propane gases and have the a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial same inlet and outlet pressure capabilities. ® www.fisherregulators.com EMERSOM Process Management Bulletin 71.1:R622 ons Body Size and End Connection Style(') 112 NPT inlet and outlet Maximum Allowable Inlet Pressure(') Operating: 125 psig (8,6 bar) Emergency: 125 psig (8,6 bar) Except 1.8 to 2.2-inches w.c. (4 to 5 mbar) spring range which has operating and emergency pressures of 60 psig (4,1 bar) Maximum Allowable Outlet (Casing) Pressured) Operating to Avoid Internal Part Damage: 3 psid (0,21 bar d) above outlet pressure setting Emergency: 20 psi (1,4 bar) Outlet Pressure Ranges See Table 1 Orifice Size 116-inch (3,2 mm) orifice Flow Coefficients Wide -Open CB for Relief Sizing: 12.5 Wide -Open C for Relief Sizing: 0.36 Cl: 35 IEC Sizing Coefficients XT: 0.78 FD: 0.82 FL: 0.89 Flow Capacities See Table 2 In addition, Type R622 regulators have internal relief across the diaphragm to help minimize overpressure. Any outlet pressure above the start -to -discharge point of the non-adjustable relief valve spring moves the diaphragm off of the relief valve seat, allow ng excess pressure to bleed out through the screened spring case vent. Table 1. Outlet Pressure Ranges Pressure Registration Internal Relief Performance See Figure 4 Internal Relief Performance Start -to -Discharge is 8 to 22-inches w.c. (20 to 55 mbar) for setpoints from 1.8 to 20-inches w.c. (4 to 50 mbar) Start -to -Discharge is 140 to 200% over setpoint from 20-inches w.c. to 2.2 psig (50 to 152 mbar) Spring Case Vent Connections 314 NPT with removable screen Temperature Capabilities(') -20° to 160°F (-29° to 71°C) Approximate Weight 2.35 pounds (1 kg) Construction Materials Body, Spring Case, Diaphragm Plate, and Orifice: Aluminum Diaphragm, Disk, and O-ring: Nitrite (NBR) Adjusting Screw and Pushpost: Delrin® Closing Cap: ASA Thermoplastic (UV -Ray Resistant) Control Spring: Zinc -plated steel Machine Screw, Spring Seat, and Lever: Zinc -plated steel Valve Stem: Zinc Relief Valve Spring, Relief Spring Retainer, Lever Pin, and Vent Screen: Stainless steel W e%ceeded. Specifications The Specifications section lists specifications; for Type R622 Pressure Reducing Regulators. As it originally comes from the factory, specifications for a given regulator are stamped on the spring case nameplate. OUTLET PRESSURE RANGE CONTROL SPRING PART NUMBER CONTROL SPRING COLOR CODE SPRING WIRE DIAMETER, INCHES(mm) SPRING FREE LENGTH, INCHES(mm) 1.8 to 22-inches w.e (4 to 5 robot) T14453TOO12 T14398TOO12 Purple Orange 0,051 (1,30) 0,062 (1,5a) 3.40 (86,4) 3AO (86.4) 5 to 7-Inches w.c (12 to 17 mbar) 6.5 to 9-Indus w.c.(16 to 22 mbar) T14399TOO12 Yellow 0.067(1,70) 3.61(91,7) 9 to 13-Inches w.0.(22 to 32 mbar) T14400TOO12 Silver 6.072(1.83) 4.10(104) 13 to 20-Inches w.c. (32 to 50 mbar) T14401TOO12 Gray 0.080 (2,03) 3.60 (91,4) 16 to 364nches w.a (40 to 67 mbar) 1 to 22 psig (6910152 mbar) T14402T0012 T14403MD12 Pink Light Blue 0.093 (2,36) 0.105 (2,67) 3.52 (89,4) 3.66 (93,0) ImuMEM Quality Steel Corporation AG/UG Propane Tanks ATE Aanimr-ani IAIn/I imnprRnimn (AG/UGl VESSEL DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS WATER CAPACITY DIAMETER (OD) HEAD TYPE OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL HEIGHT LEG* WIDTH LEG** SPACING I WEIGHT (lbs.) "QUANTITY FULLLDAD PERSTACK * 120 wg. 24 Ellip. 5. -8n 3 1 ,- 11/2 2'-101/2" or 3'-11" 260 108196 16) 12 *250 wg. 30" Hemi. 7'-10" 3'-8" 1'-5" 4'41" 480 54 9 *320 wg. 30" Hemi. 9'-7" 3'-8" 1'-5" 5' 620 45 9 371/2" Heml. 10' 4'-2" 1'-8" 5' 950 37130 8 1 6 41" Hemi. 16' 4'-5" 1'-8" 10'-1" 11800 17115 6 1 5 01990wg.. 461/2" Ellip. 17'-4" 4'-11" 1'-9" 11'-7" 2.650 12 4 461/2" Ellip. 23'-11" 4'-11" 1'-9" 16' 3,520 8 JE 4 Dimenslons and specifications shown are approximate. Individual vessels may vary. •Leg spacing +/-2". Leg widths and spacing may vary based on mfg.location. Check with your salesperson for details. 120, 250, 320 wg. standard tanks - no holes in legs (one center hole on request). 500 and 1000 wg. standard tanks- 2 holes 16" on center. 1450 wg. and up as shown above. '• Full load and stack quantitlesvary by shipping location. Check with your salesperson for details. General Specifications - Conforms to the latest edition of ASME Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels, Section Vill, Division 1. Complies with NFPA 58. Rated at 250 psig from -20 F to 125" F. All vessels registered with National Board. -Two service options available: Option 1: Ready -to -bury underground option, coated with either powder coated phenolic epoxy finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with composite AG/UG dome. Option 2: Aboveground option, coated with either powder coated TGIC polyester finish or liquid applied epoxy primer coat followed by urethane top coat, supplied with steel AG/UG dome. - All vessels are shipped vacuum pre -purged to enable simplified first fill of the vessel. Updated June 30, 2015 ArOA AROWAV-4 - AP'" FWVVWAA"AA&w4W f". A AILACOW a P:F I OrM VA" Tr' Ij r..:l 1:!� A I U... J=rj 1.-2: I 210PAW M Mmo - ENGINEERING PROPANE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. All pipe and fittings above ground and inside building shall be SCH..40 Galvanized ASTM A120 or AGA approved corrugated stainless steel (C.S.S.T.) pipe. 2. All polypipe and fittings shall be ASTM D251-3 or ASTM D2517 and shall be buried -outside underground at a depth of 18" with warning tape and tracer wire. 3. All pipe and meter locations are approximate and subject to change. .4. All polypipe shall be joined by heat fusion or approved mechanical. couplings. 5. All'galvanized pipe skull be threaded. 6: Ait pipe. shall be pressure tested to 20 # PSI -for' a period of 24 hours. `. ( UNDERGROUND TANK INSTALLATION ` I z' to G• DOWNGRADED AWAY FROM DOME _ • _— -t% ✓ � •MI6"r _� 1'`s ..... 1 ANODE CABLE SACRIFICIAL ANODE �I�', ' (MAGNESIUM BAG) • •� •1. n���,r .rid t',1:7 I' ( ,.r1 IxYi , • REGQLATOR . 1 SHUT GAS OFF AT -VALVE OU 'SI'DE ABO EGRADE RISER 0 t� HARK NG TAPE RISER : 4 GRADE/CONCRETE SLEEVE • v O Y I • O + • � i .r . •I ♦ 0 `( � Y •I Y �� i O, I I � •,. •� • •O . I i : }.•� ♦ . -O • . c •O•�IIp , , w p I ♦ • w0 I.• o.. , ;all. " I� SERVICE LINE /♦ unuenanouno U•oAS. colItAllEn TRACE HIRE 18-Dec-19 Confined Space/Combustion Air Calculation Address 3020 JOHNSON RD Total Room Appliance Btu's Required Required Rooms Rooms sizes in Air Avail Air Calc Air in calc Dimmension Calc Cf vol Range 60,000 60,000/1000 x50 4,000 Kitchen 48'x18'x 12' 10,368 No Makeup Air Required for Range W/H 199,000 199,000/1000 x50 9,950 GARAGE 22'x 28'x 10' 6,160 NO MAKE-UP AIR REQUIRED W/H DRAWS FRESH AIR FROM OUTSIDE THRU CONCENTRIC VENT AND EXHAUSTS TO OUTDOORS -spueeroryue sBUMU puW!PPe to Jeewnu GV e!u�Pus dumnlie Vleuel lewl!PPu eN a! l e'Nmuc.1.1 ..Ol eonp@ emne eelwl :sweN. .61E (no loei °Iqw Jed me oZSZ i Aims adpe�ds wt�t a uo Pens) ,,yy no suadwd eseeH Jed n to spueseOU w 158.'1 eMlne+ewnog ad!dawl is Nloedeg wnwpeW wnloaw euedwd Z d . JwewB eVl Jequmu aH3 eVl JeV�N4 SZ U�— l(.g,oj orynoiod ple OZSZjf4jmio eopadS M l- uo PoesS) m0 enoH Jed S19WaPuaae°41 u11950.oiInSJalUnop.od!d>aJlio Nlcetley umwlaeW 7. I i I li ' I { PIPE AND TUBING SIZING TABLES 58-97 Table 15.1(0) Polyethylene Plastic Pipe Sizing Between FirstStage and Second -Stage Regulators: Nominal Outside Diameter (IPS) j Gas: Undiluted Propane ' ! Inlet Pressure:'., �10:OPsi J iSS Pressum Drop:. 1;0:psi -1 i 4 ) Specific Gravity: 1.52 t Plastic Pipe th in. 3/4 in. 1 in. 1 t/4 in. 1'h in. t in. Length SDR 9.33 SDR 11.0 SDR 11.00 SDR 10.00 SDR 11.00 SDR 11.00 (ft) (0.660) (0.860) (1.077) (1328) (1.554) (1.943) 30 2143 4292 7744 13416 20260 36402 40 1835 3673 6628 11482 17340 31155 I 50 1626 3256 5874 10176 15368 27612 60 1473 2950 5322 9220 13924 25019 1 70 1355 2714 4896 8483 12810 23017 80 1261 2525 4555 7891 11918 21413 C's 90 1183 2369 4274 7404 11182 20091 100 1117 2238 4037 6994 10562 18978 125 990 1983 3578 6199 9361 16820 i! 4150 897 1797 3242 5616 5482 15240 175 826 1653 2983 5167 7803 14020 ) 200 778 1539 2775 4807 7259 13043• 225 721 1443 2603 4510 6811 12238 250 681 1363 2459 4260 6434 11560 1 275 646 1294 2336 4046 6111 10979 i• 300 617 1235 2228 3860 5830 10474 ) 350 567 1136 2050 3551 5363 9636. 400 528 1057 1907 3304 4989 8965 450 495 992 1789 3100 4681 8411 500 468 937 1690 2928 4422 7945 tl 600 424 849 1531 2653 4007 7199 •`' 700 39D 781 1409 2441 3686 6623 f' S00 363 726 1311 2271 3429 6161 900 340 682 1230 2131 3217 5781 1000 322 644 1162 2012 3039 5461 1500 258 517 933 1616 2441 4385 2000 221 443 798 1383 2089 3753 IPS: Iron pipe size. SDR: Standard dimension ratio, Notes: (1) Capacities are in 1000 Btu/hr. (2) Dimensions in parentheses are inside diameter. _ 2014 Edition