HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Evaluation (Therma Tru Doors)ERMAITRU® q �y Nu ERMA TRU DOOR5 o a� C..n ya INDDSTRIAL DR., "EDGERTON. OH 43577 N (� €SMOOTH STAR, FIBER CLASSIC CLASSIC CRAFT & CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC FIBERGLASS DOUBLE DOOR INSWING / OUTSWING S^ GENERAL NOTE nimmcr 1. T11Ts product has been evaluated and is in cempdoncewith the 6th Eddtion 12117) Wda Building Code (FBC) shuctulal TWoments Idudng the 9Bgh Velocity, Hurricane Zone• (HVWI. 2 Roduct andlarssho0 be as fsted and spaced mshown on details. Anchor embedment to base material shot be beyond wall dressing or Stucco. 3. When used It the 9fVHr this product compil"th Section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and does not require an Impact resistant coveft 4. When used In area; requltngvind borne debris protection MB product comples with FBC Sector 1609.12 & R3012-12and does not require an impact resistant covering.It& product meets misoe lave Vand includes Wind Zone 4 as defined In ASTM E1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.22 & R3012-121. 5. For2cstud framing corshuctbn, andwmrg of these unMstxm be the same 0 that shown for2c buck mosorlycomh olon. 6. We cedillas that deviate from the details of this drawing require furtherenl kleeMg analysis by a licensed engineer orregistered arWtect. 7. Outswing configurotlonns using coasld A item A4 meet walerinfilration requirements fa'HVIR°. 8. Inswing configurations and ouhwNg configurations using ftestrold Item 85 do not meet the water infiltration requirements for theWW and shad be Waled only in nashaGtable areas aat habkNe locations protected by an overhang or canopy such that the angle between the edge of canopy a overhang to sH Is lass than 45 degrees. TANEOFCONIFMS SHEET$ DESCPJMON 1 Typicri davutiorM design pressures 8general notes 2 Doorparel detISnrooMSFar) 3 Doapaid dails '1'.s Ck®c Dues 4 OoarpaneldetalsiDastcamlRtsfrcl 5 Door panel details lfiberQasic 6 Ho6mnlal aaasectba 7 Veru alaasssecllom 8 Suck and have andoft-2X WckM=MycaahPaM 9 Fame aidvlg-IXWtlsmaaWcansluctbn 10 1AS=9000M&COMPOMEMIS 11 1 &Sot malersol i. T �r r -y t�'`^: SN7N0 x �� i.. j OVERALL -: x fRAME ` DIMENSION ' pETIGN PRESSI/RE (PSO, `"' • ._ _.. POSDNf NEGA7NE� INSWING 74.31-x 8225' OaSWING 74.31-x88.75' 0 F FL-10537.4 EXTERIOR ME L DETAILA-A 4 ID I M. M t P NOTE: WOOD/LVLCOMPONUM: PINE(SG-OA2) 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 k2.8)6141 00000000 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 OP.Ei� -09290-00�--61 AREA MAXI. 886SOP DEWLA-A Panel reinforcement INTERIOR HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 41 4.10r - - - - - - 1.53, tw A EXTERIOR INTERIOR -T Mir -T BOITOM-RAIL 2 ) VERTICAL CROSS SECITON \-2� FL-10;5374 -L ar-u m 54 57 5, EXTERIOR 57 51 53 5a ,, + S. IRA — ao as .VLOOMPONIM: OAK CAP, PM CORE PGI.0.42I 0 �.{7p�( t 28.86%04 AREA MAX. OPTAILA•A Panel ralntomornent I INTERIOR HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 EXTERIOR INTERIOR I—I.44.1 55 c VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 3 yy�, $pypy P R RY �trPi R� LL � 33 31 n36 EXTERIOR y immi�au� 11 INTERIOR �T1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 rIA31I TYP, 4 CORNERS OF PANEL L DETAILA-A J 4 JD E d Clack Cro Rustk NOTE WOOOILACOMPONEM: OAKCAP. RNECORE ISG >=anl AREA MAX. Je LA EXTERIOR INTERIOR 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4 DETAIL A -A Pawao rui ' Panel reinlorcement FL-10537.4 64 dd 67 dl EXTERIOR 67 61 63 1 TYP. 4 CORNERS OF PANEL 60 e 0D/LVLC0MP0NDM: PWE (M,• 0.40) 0 28.867 OPEN AREA MAX. 0000000 a0000000 DETAIL A•A Panelrelnf0 ment i INTERIOR 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 5 EXTERIOR INTERIOR (D VERT CAL CROSS SECTION 5 nnc art Lr� on4rnw xm FL-10577.4 7 e A .D. .. • m d e * WWRR � S .tlls � 6ft0e� a / %loll ♦ n 9 8 •1D W C� yo2{ 19 INTERIOR 10 pn N 9m COW `� 4 L q ag 6 6 6 §� 6 18 a: QQ o EXTERIOR 40 30 12 12 H > o 11 60 50 D a C E f�2r g5 E 1.1/4"MIN. C D EMe. jIYP.I D B HORIZ NTAL CROSS 7 7 7 HORIZONTAL CROSSSKTION g gym � L L @, D.1S O.1S R CSINK C'SINK 8 �RVP.I OVP.I� :e.•. .•.a.•, : 4 •.� 8 9 9 8 �� D : �R ��� N 27 o 10 INTERIOR TO INTERIOR 10i �HNO t � ,N 12 < 12 30 40 EXTERIOR 40 30 9 30 40 EXTERIOR 40 30 12 11 D 0 wm 5 17 08 i I-1/4°MIN. L C 17 50 60 60 50 74 0 50 60 60 50 11 C L mwu N.T.S. 9 snm On. AL m F EMS. VYP.I E aft an LF5 3 1 HORHONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 HORLZONTAL CROSS SECTION 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 1-1/4-MIN. EMS. m.P 1 6 OutwArg shown-hsving dso approved 6 OuhvAngs own• nw,Mg also appoved 6 Out-mgshown•NSNn9 also approved FL-10537.4 m" m ss¢srr $ mv-LL " O u E .•o• `O+ ii511R B EXTERIOIr/i '•"•• O� > N INTERIOR ''''rqs 4c ri L A 6 J.: 5 30 t. C C I 10 SO 60 ti`§uou 40 30 40 30 ? E 6� 60 50 10 B o 60 50 10 B' 9 0 EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR . '� •.° o 1� YER7ICAL CROSS SEC71ON_ 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION �Ouhwing ^y M--InsNng ako approvetl 7 Shownw/IXsubouck 7 Outswing tool umlbn sae general no escheat 1 m PwaterNHHralian requiremenh mquka EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR 30 40 30 40 INTERIOR EXTERIOR na R n 0 6 50 60 50 60 Ei L3 0 1 7 4V�K 1 7 3 >'0R i ��� •� - usa 5113105 a suso N.T.S. 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ��VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 6 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION veu ms AL m ox ¢n LFS 3 j Insvin0 conrguratlon 7 lmvMg conliguratlon 7 OutsWag rnnHgumHon l MEN; xa: ¢ o sea ggeneral notes sheet) sae ggeneral notes sheet) see ggeneral notes sheet far'HYH2'wolerintihafbn for'HVtffwoterinlilhatton for"HVHrmter(nOhoflon mquiremenh requ6emenh mquhments FL-10537.4 °o sue. z wit ON u L MA OP I 2X BUCKANCHORING CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: t 1. Concrete anchorlocaHons at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mcrtarjohis. 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX. ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to modarjolnD, addlllonol concrete anchors may be required to ensure the "MAX. ON CENTER' dimension are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table: MASONi OPENIN, FRAF 2K BUC TYP. HEAD 6 JAMBS rr SEE DETAIL 1 ` `SHASTRAGAL FOR 6 Y IE I REF. ONLY e SEE I DEfAIL2 K I TYP. �I \JHIS ANCHOR REQ'D ONLY WHEN DP> 55 PSF HINGEJAMB FRAME ANCHORING ASIRAGALSTRIKEJAMB Masonry 2K buck construction ANCNOk iWCNOR ;;MIN,MINCLEARANCE MIN"CLEARANCE Sao..T,OAL150NRY EMAELTMENt is EDGE TO ARIaGENr ,ANCHOR ITIN TAPCON ELCO G ULTRACON 1/4" 1-1/4' 1' 4" ITIN 0 TAPCON 3/16" 1.1/4' 3" 1.1/2' I WUQV SCKtw INSIALLAIHJN NOIt9SCKbW INWALWIUN NOIG: 1. Maintain a minimum 5/8"edge distance, 1' end distance, A 1"o.c. spacing of wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. DETAIL I Astragal stoke plate ® head 73 � 73 G DETAll7 DETAIL Askogol stoke plate 0 sN Astrogd stoke plate a s91 Inswing OutsxMg LATCH A DFADBOLTDETAIL HINGE DETAIL z$ §d 77 and 4 � aot srn ua mNMVD N0. FL-1Q537.4 THIS ANCHOR REO'D ONLY ( WHEN DP>55 PSF T � so SEE DETAIL 1 TYP. HEAD 8 MASONRY JAMBS I OPENING SHOWN FOR II REF. ONLY FRAME II F IXBUCK II i I K I S a SEE DETAIL z THIS / WHD 3 HINGE -JAMB- FRAME ANCHORING iMasonry 1X buck construction CONCRETEANCHORNOTFS: 1. Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortarjoints. 2 Concrete anchorlocallom noted as'MAX. ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortorjolnts, additional concrete anchors may be requked to ensure the MAX. ON CENTER'dimemlon are not exceeded. 3. Concrete anchor table. 9I I.Maintoin a mWmum 5/8"edge dstcnce, 1"en wood screws to prevent the spRtHng otwood. :e ONLY DETAIL 1 Astrag®eadal hshore Plato LATCH& DEADSOLTUETAIL HINGE DETAIL AETRAGALSTRIKEJAMS 73 r' 73 G DETAILz7 DETAIL Astragal sNke plate G sm Ashcgal stoke plate @ sH NswNB Oulswing �o a m� >� X> as�I L�✓J✓J�n 2p�p C as m us nwwsm rw FL-10537.4 � 3001 Note: The astragal bolt has a 3" throw at the top and the bottom. 5.W T T-i 0 5 19, m0 o-W1,911,1-k-f-W OEM ��j MI &MMO-1-opo 4.W —T anib FL-10537.4 OF MATERIALS REM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL REM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL A 1X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 30 CLASSIC CRAB RUSTIC DOOR -SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEE - B 2%BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 31 DOOR SKIN 0.095"THK. CC RUSTIC =6,000 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS C MA%.1/4" SHIM SPACE - 32 TOP RAIL CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC] WOOD D 1/4"X23/4''ELCOORITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 33 LOCK BHINGE STILE CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC) WOOD/LVL E MASONRY -3.000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 3010R HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE � BOTTOM RAIL CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC) COMP. 35 PANEL REINFORCEMENT 0.023°THK. CLASSIC CRAFT RUSTIC STEEL G 3/16°X3-1/4''RW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 36 FOAM CORE POLYURETHANE H 14"%3-1/4"1TW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 40 SMOOTH STAR DOOR -SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET - I 1/4"%2-1/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 41 DOOR SKIN 0.065'THK. SMOOTH STAR =6,000 PSI MIN. FIBERGLASS J 1/4"X3.7/4°ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 42 TOP RAIL SMOOTH STAR COMP. K 1/4°%13/4'TIW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 43 LOCK STILE SMOOTH STAR) WOOD(LVL L 010%2-1(7 PFH WOOD SCREW 1.1S MIN.EMBEDMENT STEEL 44 HINGE STILE SMOOTH STAR WOOD O 08 X 3" PFH SCREW STRIKE PLATES @ HEAD 851 o 16 y5x9p Y OM1 o S + m y M ^S �R fig o �E E 200 qNQ O� 2 wm 5 fa oe e *'++� N.T.S. AL m moc m, LFS ; FL—f0537.4 n G BILis L LON L FIBERGLASS 4 OUTSWING COASTAL THRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD LOCK -SIGNATURES STEEL 65 BOTTOM RAIL (FIBER