HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Renewal (2)PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 16A14 1 . " k BUILDING AND CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION o _ � 1350 VIRGINIAAVr FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (rrc) 455-1»3 ren (r r1) 45c -15x8 PERMIT RENEWAL REVUEST rGR1V111 nuivinn&. V (O AUUKt j3: G_j' t j DGnn's Zacuk am requesting that the at)ove permit be renewed. I understand that I must schedule anu pass all required inst,ecti;na fur the pLrmit to be nnaled. Further, I unuerstand that this is a ONE TIME RENEWAL a„d the pzrmit shall expire 5huuld I not receive a passing inspection during any six month period during the renewal periud. Ju5tificauun Permit E.&pired l T� U VVNC.K/t3LUK Q)F toN I KAC 1 OK JIGNA I LlKr DATE Dennis Zacek r7,,, -,t N..—,o JIAItOI• FLOKIUA MulV 1 T Or al ca"..:";tiny AC:KN0WLL17GtU tStFUKt ML' IHIS DAY OI` �UvLe1 120 -0 BY �115� Vn�.t/'CWHO IS PERSONmLLY KNOWN TO mLi � , Ur' HAS PROVIDED Drivers Mcense H5 lUElV 1 mr-A 1lulV 31 1; jr r KIU , s MELISSA CHATEAUNEUF .Sta[w of Florida - Pe611e Commission # GG 340178 SIG t%TURE Or rZ i ru% I SEAL Wil Commission Expires Flay 3V, LvL3 - Y'- l 1 - W --7I= ey ..- .--1 -1J Re;:acd 7 21.`2014