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W EXISTING CONC. BEAM 8 X 8 X 1611 CONTINUOUS CONC. #5 REBAR DRILLED OUT ANDEPDXIED BEAM BLOCIW/ (I) - #5 BAR IN INTO EXIST. CONC. BEAM W/6" MIN. (3000 PSI) CO 4C. FILLED CELL `"' EMBEDMENT EACH VERT. BAR PROJECT DATA: VOCATION Planfling & Development services Department _ - a Building & Code Regulations Division -.-. EXISTING BOTTOM � 2300 VI Building Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 - (772) 462-1553 CORD OF TRUSS Certification for Design Load Coq)pr),nce '. - Project Name: PSL CHURCH OF GOD W Flu DXSTitIC ST I) c t ,h Y'~a, r ` xt%$ W GOD - r/„ DRYWALL (WALLS I RET s aLL 1' Jf: C(J I'�� CT US HWY 1, PORT SAINT LUCIE> FL AND CLG) Prajectgddress: 8414-8418 us HWY 1 S©=L� . NAME: PSL CHURCH �vr1 1 / g MBL'i. >!� �.I , +> , 1 / Permit#: tP c1' ADDRESS: 8414, 8416, 8418 � XS X16' CONC. BLOCK yV ATTACH TOP PLATE TO cn an Type: A3 Construction Type: v a ' SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2304 SQ. FT. 1 MASONRY) BOTT. CORD OF TRUSS INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE, Ry c f J ,1y. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: GROUP A3 (ASSpl, 1) AT 4' O.C. MAX • This certification must be completed s,g",cland sealed by the design professional of record. A a Submit (2) copies for residential, (3) topic, for commercial with all permit applications involving the following: OCCUPANCY LOAD: (PER TABLE 104. %11 p r ASSEMBLY W/ CHAIRS NOT FIXED: 1553 FV 11-- `D i EOPLE o New Residences (single ormulti-tamily) k5 VERT. REBAR IN (3000 PSI) 2 X 4 WD TOP PLATE OR o Residential Addition ASSEMBLY W/ TABLES AND CHAIRS: 749 FT1 / 15 = 53 PEOPLE X" DRYWALL y- - CONIC. FILLED CELL t „ o An i TOTAL: 276 PEOPLE 1 /a X 3 5/8 METAL C (SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR Y accessory structure requiring a building permit RUNNER o Any non-residential structure. LOCATIONS) • Note: form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and g permits at the discretion of the local building official. Contact the # above for questions. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V B s/e" INSULATION BRD BETWEEN P.T.i certain minor building I 1X2 FDIRING @ 16 ' OR 24" O.C. 2 X 4 WD STUDS 16" U_E_SIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED• Icomolete all that aoPivl FILE COP!y' SCOPE OF WORK O.C. 1. DESIGN CODE: Florida Building Code 2010 Edition with 2010 Supplements using ASCE 7-10 CONSTRUCT TENANT IMPROVEMENT WITH OCCUPANCY CHANGE PER PLAN. - STUCCO FINISH OR 1 t/a" X 3 518" METAL 2. Structure Designed as (check one): X Enclosed -Partially Enclosed _Open 3. Risk Category: I X 11 III_IV Exposure Category: X eC _0 NOTES: STUDS @ 16" O.C. e ry - - - P - - #5 REBAR W/ 30" MIN. LAP SPLfCE 4, Design Wind velocity 160 mph 124 ASO N/A LRFD End Zone Width: -THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, ECT. SHALL 5 ft ft Roof P 5. Mean Roof Height: 20 itch: r ,t ;12 Parapet: N/Aft CT. ALL t/i' DRYWALL BOTH S. components & Cladding Design Pressures Used; (PSF, based on 10sgft 15'MRH, dearly label on all plan openings): DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS JOB SITE, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONSS,, ECT. -STRUCTURAL FEATURES NOT DETAILED ON THESE PLANS WILL BE ADDRESSED BY SIDES zone 1: 16.0 26.0 16,0 27.6 27.6 N/A _25.3 Zone 2: -44.0 Zone 3: Zone 4: Zone 5: Garage: N/A THE ENGINEER AS ALL WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER S CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES. -65.1 -30.0 .37.0 2X4 P.T. WD BOTT. PLATE >: Design _Wads: Floor: N/A PSF Roof/Dead: 7 PSF Roof/live: 20 Balcony:, N/A PSF ,ED OR 1 /z X 3 5/$ METAL Dock:t:2 N/A PSF Deck: N/A PSF Stain: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A pLF / CONCENTRATED DIMENSIONS. #5 REBAR DRILLED OUT AND BPDXIED t " „ -ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH THE FBC 2010, 2010 PLUMBING CODE, 2010 i . INTO EXIST. CONIC. FOUNDATION W/ !�' 8. Were Shear Walls Considered For Structure? -N ot Not Applicable Explain Why Not: RUNNER W/ TAPCONS $ LUOIE COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE AND THE NEC (NFPA 70) 2008 EDITION. MIN. EMBEDMENT EACH VERT. BAR � -ALL ADDITIONS, REPAIRS, AND ALTERATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE F.B.0 2010 /pY t1' LOCATION @ 24" O.C. 9.Is AContinuous Load Path Provided? X yes -Not Applicable Explain Why Not: / IPL�"J 1 ^ .s / l FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS, THE FBC 2010. .p- 10. Design Soil Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF $0I1 Test Reports Submitted? _Yes - TENANT SINAGE SHALL BE ON SEPARATE PERMIT. e e P EXISTING CONIC. EXISTING CONIC. FLOOR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT• BLpCi'� THIS IS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY AS PER FBC 2010 FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS AND i certify that, to the best of my knowledge and beeef, the attached plans &specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by Sc Lucie MUST COMPLY WITH THE FBC 2010 FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS CHAPTER 9. TYPICAL B LOC 'MALL SECTION �. County. I also certify that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design`!• ON FiLi iN wALL »t,... TYP1( AL INTERIOR NON-BRG WALL DETAIL Dts... fcr-es specified: Paul Welch P.E. WALL AND CEILING FINllZ FINISH REOUEMENTS: NE #5 BAR X 6"MIN. EMBEDMENT IN f0- Print Name Cert#& Co. to. Cent 1 o tAututh. - ALL WALL AND CEILING FINISHES SHALL BE CLASS A: FLAME SPREAD INDEX 0-25; EXISTING WALL DRILLED OUT AND 6OXIED Paul Welch Inc. ON PLAN 7/8/2014 ME�CH: SMOKE -DEVELOPED INDEX 0-450. TO EXISTING WALL @ 24" O.C. VERTICAL W FROM TOP AND BOTTOM) signature, Date, and Seal 1984 S.W. Biltmore St. Suite #114 Port St. Lucie, FL COUNTERTOP 1) COUNTER SHALL COMPLY WITH FBC ACC 904.4, COUNTER TO BE 36" MEASURED _ 3LS.CBV corm Net0.1L xewsetl i(1S/11 psJ Company Name &Address FROM FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION. 1eI &unoo elan-i r'13 STRUCTURAL NOTES 1) DESIGN LOADS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE7-10. s>1.logA allcind /• G� f / �/ �` NEW NS VERT. BAR &FILLED CELL _ 2) SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: 2500 PSF (MIN.). `EXISTING NEW 3) ALL STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINB1IUM COMPRESSIVE Wq4. WALL f' Z ` Ndw STRENGTH OF 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 4) MINIMUM CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCING BARS: R N VIEW I- FOOTINGS: 3" BEAMS: 1'/z" SUSPENDED SLABS: I %" I I�t, I -'- w `A 5) LAP ALL REINFORCING STEEL A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS EXCEPT AS �� i 1 f, �� G r - NOTED GRADE 60 STEEL MINIMUM IN BEAMS AND COLUMNS. JL $L A Ps A/c *ty� 6) ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE TYPIE44 -ratF X TI k T E roil VI� L L -_ 4A k ry 40 Til re ' PRESSURE TREATED. - - 7) SPLITING OR CRACKING OF STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS DUE TO INSTALATION OF HARDWARE IS NOT PERMITED. 8) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE INSTALLATION OF SPECIFIED HARDWARE - - STAGYr� _ SHALL CONFORM TO THE MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS STANDARD ID Q G 19410NA " we-GaL l 6) , ,t[�45 I Cj ; ttYPtcaU L"fltipl (� W G PRACTICIES.�1A�(' Z94'"X30" F' i `��/`-''r - _ t �9. �1 �O�M !'� 1 Q:�_ •� \ QdOLL,�.?i�„-, I", __ _._I G4i'1" ac7 airy4- 421 .,-+2rIlLain9t<iA` ,•.;la. •,,4"R.:.. ! A .. I : .. ,. - / / y -- _.> aw,w.. - ... , / 1 - RESTROOM NOTES. ! i N 1 _. __-..�_ n L'- - -1 !' 1 _a is , „ ... (a, ...L - �'- •s,,.,. gig- 1 i �I •( I JJ "°. Ip 1) WALLS WI1BIN 2 FEET (610 MM) OF WATER CLOSETS SHALL HAVE A Si„"OOTH, 5 Gi O 5' " - w ""'^"r" 12� i�goi4 HARD, NONABSORBENT SURFACE, TO A HEIGHT OF 4 FEET (1219 MM) APOVE 6 THE FLOOR, AND EXCEPT FOR STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, THE MATERL:e-S USED IN SUCH WALLS SHALL BE OF A TYPE THAT IS NOT ADVERSELY 'y O F F IG E AFFECTED BY MOISTURE ( yA _ _ (h 11 b >?n � rat IN I r R_lcr Wwr,i 2 ACCESSORIES SUCH AS GRAB BARS, TOWEL BARS, PAPER DISPENSERS AND ("1"TWWA,L f > i �! 2z'1"y/two _ j;_. PS-4" 1`]' SOAP DISHES, PROVIDED ON OR WITHIN WALLS, SHALL BE INSTALLED AND � ' ��tn�� I � I- •- SEALED TO PROTECT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS FROM MOISTURE. - , p GoL(n 7eR DOOR SCHEDULE - -) I TTI4 ALL1I.3 1 3�yj2b15 ..2R 11 �LO REF I 1- C � FEE Gi - _) 'A DI J 36" (E W X 80" H EXIT DOOR (EXISTING) � _ Uti � � �� 1351�' 2 36" W X 80" H EXIT DOOR (EXISTING) I �- 3 EXISTING DOOR (72" X 80") REMOVED AND DLOCKED IN PER DETAIL . , ,� .: I I _ -' `„„•. \� _. � i i - � .-:___- .:.-.- ,` ✓�IPrtGi� I•r 16rL1 L.nvJ - \ CONCEALS " O FASTENERS OR A17ACHMEI 4 36 W X 80 H INTERIOR DOOR (NEW) h Is L--1 L - ` 4 we sl �r ti �ll� ARE THE RESPONSISILM OF THE 5 36" W X 80" H CASED OPENING (NEW) \-�GLtbl Il~ 4 NiL T CONTRACTOR OF RECORC d� j��j 1 11 I � !�� 6 36 W X 80 H PARTITION OPENING (NEW)LU I 7- LLtPGElcatill. I -: (D" i� �11SaIc�l Ot �Cour pvp5.- 1. r�Py LLL I'L1LPE T \\ \�srL(TfnlcaL)� 2 - \ V PLANS AND ALL PROOMWORK EX15lI Y� IyooF t�K-a ) " " 1 " 7 II -ID ARE SttBJECTTOANY CONECTIONS :w FiFFiL. REQUIRED DY FIELD INSPECTORS TM7 ; � MAY BE NECESSARY IN � I \ I maLeo2 - -QFFIG ORDER TO FILE COPY COINPI,YWlTt(A!1 APPI.ICA9lE CQDES, +- -1 -15TI�IGa 'fYpIG6L 14rbUR \ I I \ FIRE _-Fodl-.t Fl o-iE F��P+R 1E TEM _ WALL NOTES: SveAr�GP�)eo EV¢sLYITo ¢xlsT).xe �- 1) F14 WALL MODIFICATIONS ARE TO ACHDiVE A 2 HOUR WALL IA- _- -EAGl1 Ga.r,•T coN6tSTI cR .IUG� E>eTE lo�j �>CISTIIJG.TOi�6 I";rZOh•.,J'I- BETWEENTENANTSPACES• FIItE RATING ,±� 16M,Ih- H ET (16ACi G�(IS� /� 2) PROFOSED FIRE WALL TO CONSIST OF THE EXISTING 1 HOUR RATED WALL -MeDt t-C,).NEy E X IS 712JtO 1I14PU k RA'f IA1L' `1VA L l: ;� I �P iC�6. L3. _ yt„� (i,•j �,i®yy G�-�C�'1`(y )„ WITH SPRAY APPLIED CONTEGO FOAM FIRE BA 'FG 1,,:UIEVE ,J e,J 2NPcI R�, :IRE FZA.TI NL7 I.��.I��L� BOTH SIDES TO AC VE A 2 HOUR BRIER SYSTEM APPLIED TO 3) THE FOAM FIRE BARRIER SYSTEM SHALL BE SPRAY APPLIED IN TWO EVEN - L. COATS, EACH COAT TO BE 15 W •tEr 4) CONTEGO HAS TESTED THE FO H'S WET (IS DFT DRY1 1 E] 19/I7I,263/UBC- . AM FIRE BARRIER SYSTEM (U338) ASTM- a 7 1/NFPA251/ANSI A2.1. FILE5) ADDMIDNALINFORMATIO i- NAND AVAILABLE AT 'WW.CONTEGOINTERNATIONAPPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A AL CON. Frtrs cA6l K r'n ?°tiny°d� IttrOv'14 PALJL WELCH INC. SHEET NUMBER MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL ENGINEERING 19B4 SW BILTMORE ST. SUITE #1 14 OF - - PORT ST LUCIE, FL 34984. PHONE -MAIL FAX '(772)7BS-9BBEi PWEL EIN6PAOL COM (772)785-9933 I - PAUL WELCH, P.E.- FL. RES. NO 29945 = MAR .0 6 2015 LL TYPICAL MALTESE CROSS (FIGURE 1) nts MALTESE CROSS SPECIFICATIONS: "APPROVED SYMBOL" MEANS A MALTESE CROSS MEASURING 8 INCHES HORIZONTALLY AND 8 INCHES VERTICALLY, OF A BRIGHT RED REFLECTIVE COLOR, DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FIGURE 1. (3) ANY COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, OR MULTIUNIT RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE OF THREE UNITS OR MORE, WHICH USES HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS -TYPE CONSTRUCTION IN ANY PORTION SHALL BE MARKED WITH AN APPROVED SYMBOL. TOWNHOUSES ARE NOT MULTIUNIT RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES AND THEREFORE NOT SUBJECT TO THIS RULE. EACH APPROVED SYMBOL SHALL INCLUDE WITHIN THE CENTER CIRCLE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATIONS: (A) STRUCTURES WITH LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS ROOFS SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE LETTER "R". (8) STRUCTURES WITH LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS FLOOR SYSTEMS SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE LETTER "F". (C) STRUCTURES WITH LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS FLOOR AND ROOF SYSTEMS SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE LETTERS "RF" (4) THE APPROVED SYMBOL SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN 24 INCHES TO THE LEFT OF THE MAIN ENTRY DOOR AND: (A) BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE FACE OF THE STRUCTURE ON A CONTRASTING BACKGROUND, OR (8) BE MOUNTED ON A CONTRASTING BASE MATERIAL WHICH IS THEN PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE FACE OF THE STRUCTURE. (5) THE DISTANCE ABOVE THE GRADE, WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SYMBOL SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 4 FEET (48 IN.). (6) THE DISTANCE ABOVE THE GRADE, WALKING SURFACE OR THE FINISHED FLOOR TO THE TOP OF THE SYMBOL SHALL BE NOT MORE THAN 6 FEET (72 IN.). (7) IN SINGLE TENANT STRUCTURES WITH MULTIPLE MAIN ENTRY DOORS, SUCH AS BIG BOX RETAIL STORES, DEPARTMENT STORES AND GROCERY STORES, THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION 15 AUTHORIZED TO REQUIRE THAT OTHER MAIN ENTRY DOORS OF THE STRUCTURE BE MARKED WITH AN APPROVED SYMBOL TO CARRY OUT THE PURPOSE IN SUBSECTION (1) ABOVE. (8) IN MULTIPLE TENANT STRUCTURES AND COVERED MALL STRUCTURES WITH MULTIPLE MAIN ENTRY DOORS, THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION IS AUTHORIZED TO REQUIRE THAT OTHER MAIN ENTRY DOORS OF THE STRUCTURE BE MARKED WITH AN APPROVED SYMBOL TO CARRY OUT THE PURPOSE IN SUBSECTION (1) ABOVE. (9) IN MULTIPLE TENANT STRUCTURES AND COVERED MALLS WITH MULTIPLE MAIN ENTRY DOORS, THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION IS AUTHORIZED TO REQUIRE THAT OTHER MAIN ENTRY DOORS BE MARKED WITH AN APPROVED SYMBOL TO CARRY OUT THE PURPOSE IN SUBSECTION (1) ABOVE. IN SUCH STRUCTURES, APPROVED SYMBOLS SHALL BE MARKED ON ONE SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE ONLY AND SPACED NOT CLOSER THAN 100 FEET OR AT EACH END OF THE STRUCTURE WHEN SUCH STRUCTURE IS LESS THAN 100 FEET IN LENGTH. (10) THE OWNER OF EACH NEW STRUCTURE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THIS SECTION SHALL MARK THE STRUCTURE WITH THE APPROVED SYMBOL PRIOR TO RECEIVING A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. (11) THE OWNER OF EACH EXISTING STRUCTURE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THIS SECTION SHALL MARK THE STRUCTURE WITH THE APPROVED SYMBOL WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS RULE. (12) WHERE THE OWNER OF THE STRUCTURE AND THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION DISAGREE AS TO THE USE OF LIGHT -FRAME TRUSS -TYPE CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE STRUCTURE, THE OWNER SHALL BE GRANTED NOT MORE THAN 45 DAYS TO PROVIDE WRITTEN VERIFICATION FROM A LICENSED ENGINEER OR LICENSED ARCHITECT; OTHERWISE, THE OWNER SHALL COMPLY WITH THE RULE. I II I L JL .. t-1�_�JC� L '7 U)f L-r 1�1 � I �A T[�RoNiE Al'-lP VF0P EW('4A- PLUMBING SCHEDULE: I WC AS 2168.128, 1.5 GPF WITH CHURCH-9500 NSSC WHITE WITH BRASSCRAFT R1912 DL CP FOR HANDI-CAP USE. AS 9141.011 WITH HERITAGE 7400.172 AND CP GRID STRAINER PROVIDE ZURN FLOOR MOUINFED CHAIR CARRIER. L INSULATE WASTE PIPE AS REQUIRED. PROVIDE BC R1912A CP AND 1 V," CP P-TRAP, 17 GA. TH C.O. SS DOUBLE SERVICE SINK AS SELECTED EWC OASIS OEPWM-EQ (HIGH AND LOW PER ADA REQUIREMENTS) L. LJ Nl , Its de= _f;?) I"�-> a ice,_ $ ? . ytiK �GYJ 5LjrFL-( 1 - ��yO�a7aV-. tAi .6L0D i>Fa PLUMBING NOTES: 1) ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FBC 2010-PLUMBING 2) DWV PIPING SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PVC. 3) WATER PIPING IN BUILDING SHALL BE TYPE L COPPER 4) SLEEVE ALL PIPING IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR UNDERGROUND WITHIN BLDG. WAiE �'- �oLIE� T�IFJ — 2/A vvoov i�T' r l-A -r c_ L_� 141 NO �ovv-N vJ I tJ� w l�. t —� r--1-5 ... °_^� I �1 L-r v�r d L.l.. �-ts.. • J— w Tv E. FoLI�L�.1N jM I Nita VVI> L L vVItJLa vJt1 JJINC 'rItO-L 1 Y, qV21 3i-3a 38 Grab Bar 'rCLEAR �-� FLOOR SPACE k "HC" DETAILS N rs NOTE: Equipment permitted In shaded area (a) Spout Height and Knee Gearance 1 FILE COP I E C [ i L12 PAIJC Uo/ELCH INC. �.[SHEET NUMBER GIVIL EN.'NEERING1984 SW BILTMCJRE 8T • SUITE #114 /OF PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34984L/-• PHONE E-MAIL FAX �. ' /99279H5-9HHH PW ELGHINCiti�AO LGOM 199219H5-9939 JUL 17 20I4, PAUL WELCH, P.E., FL REO. No. 29945 ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS (PANEL A :M41l:10 } 111 ' 0 tJ ._ oNL P I'IJL �*AP I. V. d we� w PANEL: "A" MAINS: M.L.O TYPE: SQ. "D" OR ITE IBUS RATING: 100A, 3W, SN MOUNTING: SURFACE VOLTAGE: 1120 / 240 / 1 / 60 CKT NO. POLES AMPS DESCRIPTION WIRE COND. CKT NO. POLES AMPS DESCRIPTION WIRE COND. 1 1 2 35 AHU #1 #10 1/2" 2 2 6D CU #1 #8 3/4" 3 4 5 2 35 AHU #2 #10 1/2" 6 2 EXIST CU 112 EXIST EXIST 7 8 9 1 20 Svmv)LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 10 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 11 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 12 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 13 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPVS #12 1/2" 14 1 20 SPARE #12 1/2" 15 SPACE 16 SPACE 17 SPACE 18 SPACE PANEL: "B" MAINS: M.L.O TYPE: SQ. I'D" OR ITE BUS RATING: 100A, 3W, SN MOUNTING: SURFACE VOLTAGE: 1120 / 240 / 1 / 60 CKT NO. POLES AMPS DESCRIPTION WIRE COND. CKT NO. POLES AMPS -- DESCRIPTION WIRE COND. 1 2 35 AHU #3 #10 1/2" 2 2 EXIST / CU #3 EXIST EXIST 3 4 5 2 35 AHU #4 #10 1/2" 6 2 60 p CU #4 #8 3/4" 7 1 1 J, 1 1 8 9 1 20 EWC #12 1/2" 10 1 20 SIGN -#12 -1/2" 11 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 12 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 13 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 14 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 15 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 16 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 17 SPACE 18 SPACE PANEL: "B" IM.L.0 TYPE: SQ. "D" OR ITE BUS RATING: I 100A, 3W, SN MOUNTING: SURFACE VOLTAGE: 1120 / 24011 / 60 CKT NO. POLES AMPS 1 DESCRIPTION WIRE COND. CKT NO.r POLES AMPS DESCRI�ON WIRE COND. 1 2 35 AHU#5 #10 1/2" 2 2 EXIST CU#5 EXIST EXIST 3 4 . 5 2 35 AHU #6 #10 1/2" 6 2 60 CU #6 #8 3/4" 7 g 9 1 20 REFRIG. #12 1/2" 10 1 20 LIGHTING/RECPT'S #12 1/2" 11 1 20 LIGHTING/RECPT'S #12 1/2" 12 1 20 LIGHTING/RECPT'S #12 1/2" 13 1 20 LIGHTING / RECPT'S #12 1/2" 14 1 20 LIGHTING /RECPT'S #12 1/2" 15 1 20 SPARE #12 1/2" 16 1 20 SPARE #12 1/2" 17 SPACE 18 SPACE \ter'C V I D )'r✓��l �a t� j 2� ¢✓�°2a`t� ELECTRICAL NOTES - ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQLTREMENTS OF THE N.E.C. (NFPA 70)AS AMENDED, AND ALL LOCAL & STATE CODES IN FORCE AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. - GROUND SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 250 N.E.C. - SYSTEM VOLTAGE SHALL BE 1201240 VOLT, SINGLE PHASE. - PANELBOARDS AND LOAD CENTERS SHALL BE SQUARE "D", ITE, OR .APPROVED EQUAL. - ALL CONDUCTORS AND BUS BARS SHALL BE COPPER - ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE U.L. APPROVED. - PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED. - PROVIDE TEMPORARY SERVICE FOR USE BY ALL TRADES DURRING CONSTRUCTION. - PROVIDE A TYPEWRITTEN DIRECTORY FOR EACH PANELBOARD OR LOAD CENTER. - PROVIDE ALL EMPTY CONDUIT WITH PULL STRING AS REQUIRED BY PHONE CO. - VERIFY ALL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO BIDS. - CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE. VERIFY TRANSFORMER LOCATION AND SERVICE POINTS FOR ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO BIDS. - VERIFY .ALL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION. LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE MART( TYPE LAMP MANUFACTURER U V X 4'FLOUR. SURFACE MOUNT (2) F32T8/41K AS SELECTED V TX 4TLOUR. SURFACE MOUNT (2) F32T8/41K AS SELECTED W EXHAUST FAN / LIGHT COMBO 100 W AS SELECTED X EXIT LIGHT WITH BATT. BACK UP L.E.D. LIGHTALARMS Y EMERGENCY LIGHT WITH BATT. BACK UP (2) 6W PAR LIGHTALARMS Z WALL MOUNT EXTERIOR LIGHT 100W AS SELECTED NOTE: VERIFY LIGHT FIXTURES WITH OWNER BEFORE ORDERING AND INSTALATION 778 S.F. @ 3 VA 8 RECPT'S @ 180 VA A/C HEAT EWC 10 LF STOREFRONT @ 200 VA AAISC TOTAL 20724 = 86 A 240 USE: EXISTING 100 A SERVICE ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS (PANEL B) PER NEC 777 S.F. @ 3 VA 7 RECPT'S @ 180 VA A/C HEAT SIGN EWC 10 LF STOREFRONT @ 200 VA NPSC TOTAL 21741 = 91 A 240 USE: EXISTING 100 A SERVICE ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS (PANEL C) PER NEC 749 S.F. @ 3 VA 8 RECPT'S @ 180 VA REFRIG. A/C HEAT EWC 10 LF STOREFRONT @ 200 VA MISC TOTAL 21837 = 91 A 240 USE: EXISTING 100 A SERVICE 2334 VA 1440 VA 12000 VA 950 VA 2000 VA 2000 VA 20724 VA 2331 VA 1260 VA 12000 VA 1200 VA 950 VA 2000 VA 2000 VA 21741 VA 2247 VA 1440 VA 1200 VA 12000 VA 950 VA 2000 VA 2000 VA 21837 VA h t PAUL. WELCH INC. MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL ENGINEERING 1984 SW 81L'TMORE ST. - SUITE#1 14 PORT ST. LUCIE, F-L 34984 PHONE E-MAIL FAX MAR0 6 2015 (772)785-9BBB PWEL0HIN0(7a AOL.COM (772)785-9933 SHEET NUMBER OF IIII� ; HANDLER UNITS IN ATTICS i ATTICS CONTAINING APPLIANCES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN OPENING AND UNOBSTRUCTED PASSAGEWAY LARGE ENOUGH TO ALLOW REMOVAL OF THE LARGEST APPLIANCE. THE PASSAGEWAY SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 30 INCHES (762 MM) HIGH AND 22 L INCHES (559 MM) WIDE AND NOT MORE THAN 6 FEET (1829 MM) IN LENGTH MEASURED 1 ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE PASSAGEWAY FROM THE OPENING TO THE APPLIANCE. THE PASSAGEWAY SHALL HAVE CONTINUOUS SOLID FLOORING NOT LESS THAN 24 INCHES (610 MM) WIDE. A LEVEL SERVICE SPACE NOT LESS THAN 30 INCHES (762 MM) DEEP AND 30 MANUAL "N" INCHES (762 MM) WIDE SHALL BE PRESENT AT THE FRONT OR SERVICE SIDE OF THE � N D APPLIANCE THE CLEAR ACCESS OPENING IMENSION HALL WORKSHEET O S S BE A MINIMUM OF 20 INCHES HVAC WOR S B 3 508 B 762 D Y 0 INCHES MM Y AN LARGE ENOUGH TO ALLOW RE ROOM. SPACE AREA. 777 JOB: PSL CHURCH OF GOD ( MM), REMOVAL OF THE I I LARGEST APPLIANCE. ZONEA i EXCEPTION: N. WALL ........................:............... 492 S.F. X 3.68 1810.56 S. WALL........... 492 S.F. X 7.36 = 3621,12 THE PASSAGEWAY AND LEVEL SERVICE SPACE ARE NOT REQUIRED WHERE THE APPLIANCE E. WALL ........................................ 304 S.F. X 4.96 = 1507.84 IS CAPABLE OF BEING SERVICED AND REMOVED THROUGH THE REQUIRED OPENING. W. WALL ....................................... 304 S.F. X 6.56 = 1994.24 N. GLASS .............. 0 S.F. X 44 = 0 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS. S. GLASS ........................ 180 S.F. X 49 = 8820 A LIGHTING FIXTURE WITH RECEPTACLE OUTLET, CONTROLLED BY A SWITCH HVAC SCHEDULES AND NO-U& O TED AT THE PASSAGEWAY L CAOPENING HAL B S L E PROVIDED SO AS T LIGHT 91 0O GH / EXISTING 2 O UNITS S SHALL � E. GLASS ...................................... 0 S.F, X> ADD NEW UNITS AS SHOWN.~ I� W. GLASS ..................................... 0 S.F. X 91 = 0 THE PASSAGEWAY AND SERVICE AREA AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2 ROOF ............................ 2304 S. F, X 2.2 = 5068.8 CHAPTER 27 OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, BUILDING. D N BE RE -USED. { v t� LIGHTS. 2304 W X 32.2 = 5456 I ��a14m ......................... NEW HVAC UNIT SHALL BE TRANE OR EQUAL SPLIT PEOPLE ........................................ 278 X 500 = 139000 AIR HANDLING UNITS. AIR HANDLING UNITS SHALL BE ALLOWED IN ATTICS IF THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM DX UNIT, 13.0 SEER MIN., WITH HEAT STRIP AS INFILL ( 62- 88) ............................... 2085 CFM X 34 = 70890 CONDITIONS ARE MET: INDICATED. 1. THE SERVICE PANEL OF THE EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED WITHIN SIX (6) FEET (1829 SUB TOTAL = 238168.6 MM) OF AN ATTIC ACCESS. UNITS SHALL BE SPLIT SYSTEM 5 TON UNIT. TRANE 5 % DUCT LOSSES = 11908.43 2. A DEVICE IS INSTALLED TO ALERT THE OWNER OR SHUT THE UNIT DOWN WHEN 2TTB3060A1000A WITH 2TEC34F60BI1000A, WITH 5 KW THE CONDENSATION DRAIN 1S NOT WORKING PROPERLY. HEAT STRIP, 208/230l1160. TOTAL = 250077 3. THE ATTIC ACCESS OPENING IS OF SUFFICIENT SIZE TO REPLACE THE AM HANDLER ' 8335.9 CFM 4. A NOTICE IS POSTED ON THE ELECTRIC SERVICE PANEL INDICATING TO THE N MOUNT NEW UNITS IN ATTIC WITH PAN WITH DRAIN = I HOMEOWNER THAT THE AIR HANDLER IS LOCATED IN THE ATTIC. SAID NOTICE ✓ T% �(3) - EXISTING 2 TON SPLIT SYSTEM UNITS AND IT DOWN. S N 16 POINT TYPE AND FLOAT SWITCH FOR UN SHUT ) SHALL BE IN ALL CAPITALS, I O ,WITH THE TITLE AND FIRST PROVIDE FIRE DAMPERS AT ALL FLOOR / 12l $l2®I - NEW 6 TON SPLIT SYSTEM UNITS PARAGRAPH IN BOLD: WALL/CEILING PENETRATIONS AS MAY BE REQUIRED O/A CALC'S PER (FMC & ASHRAE 62) NOTICE TO OWNER TO MAINTAIN FIRE RATINGS OF SAME - VERIFY 278 PEOPLE REQUIREMENTS (PERTAINS TO ALL DUCTWORK 278 X 15 = 4170 CFM O/A A PART OF YOUR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM, THE AIR HANDLER, IS LOCATED IN PENETRATIONS). 4170 X 0.5 = 2085 CFM O/A REQ'D THE ATTIC. FOR PROPER, EFFICIENT, AND ECONOMIC OPERATION OF THE AIR O/A REDUCED 50% PER ASHRAE 62 SEC CONDITIONING SYSTEM, YOU MUST ENSURE THAT REGULAR MAINTENANCE IS INSTALL ALL UNITS TO BE COMPLETELY ACCESSIBLE. PERFORMED. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL SECTIONS FOR CEILING Ilk YOUR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM IS EQUIPPED WITH ONE OR BOTH OF THE FOLLOWING: 1) A DEVICE THAT WILL ALERT YOU WHEN THE CONDENSATION HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS -ALL EQUIPMENT AND O �j DRAIN IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY OR 2) A DEVICE THAT WILL SHUT THE SYSTEM MATERIALS SHALL FIT IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. MAKE o r, �QI DOWN WHEN THE CONDENSATION DRAIN IS NOT WORKING. TO LIMIT POTENTIAL MODIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH SAME. Ito I DAMAGE TO YOUR HOME, AND TO AVOID DISRUPTION OF SERVICE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ENSURE PROPER WORKING ORDER OF THESE DEVICES REGISTERS/GRILLS/DIFFUSERS SHALL BE METALAIRE BEFORE EACH SEASON OF PEAK OPERATION. OR EQUAL UNLESS OTHERWISE SCHEDULED ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION UNLESS OTHERWISE / AHU ENCLOSURE PER AHU ROOM DETAH�) 'I n REQUIRED TO MEET FIRE RATINGS. ���, r ZT r�rT ��` Iy SAR' S (SUPPLY AIR REGISTERS) SHALL BE METAL AIRg! O,p�p\ !' N Lyl )< S ( 15T N @ tnJ EXIT 1 0 OR EQUAL. I it C� I/�, G.0 G U C„1 ( U) BE SERIES 5000 1 I vvALA $2 \ P W Ll 1" 3 �" !(`# b I 5k U ere SAD'S (SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSERS) SHALLp' ? re M-6, S-4, D-5, OF THE SIZES SHOWN. S-1: ONE WAY; S-2: TWO WAY, ETC. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SAD'S SHALL BE 6" X 6" (UP TO 125 CFM); 9" X9" (130 TO 290 /^ ` `` -- -, oil' �d d'li CFM); 24" X 24" FOR 300 CFM AND LARGER. USE M-2 ( ` p \ / DIFFUSERS FOE DRYWALL CEILINGS. AIM ENCLOSURE .R. A14U ROOM DE TAL Q A a i�ia '' (0 __\ f1 Cf AHU ENCLOSURE PER AHU ROOM DETAIL' RAG'S SHALL BE TYPE RHF-TB OF THE SIZES SHOWN ON �2 ( i e l THE PLANS. TG'S (TRANSFER GRILLES) SHALL BE 16/16 ate` - -7 I p~_ OR OF THE SIZES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. PROVIDE 1" .. T/A FILTERS. r „ �_ i E( E ® V-00 �% Spa N E Iti' j _ .. s `E. EXISTING ROOFING 1 NEd�I -, 1 I S AO IEXHAUST FANS SHALL BE GREENHECK OR EQUALSP' EX I +i �'/"DRYWALL (, '�}��k:, OtI ( aX. 'It iUSERIES WITH CFM INDICATED AT 0.25 " SP. RUN 6"__DIAMETER EXHAUST THRU WALL WITH WP SCUPPER. 'EXISTING ROOF TxUSs_ ( IZ�4 MAINTAIN 10, SEPARATION FROM ANY O/A INTAKE. > ��, Q�A "XIS) F I �G°0 To F R-30 INSULATION d );.,, 't C��--,I. \�. [ I-/'-..+rl7'THU. I i `�v�1' W PAINT ALL HVAC GRILLES/REGISTERS/DIFFUSERS � 2 X 4 WD TOP PLATE OR � � � � iL+� WHITE. 1 �" X 3 5/8" METALf� RUNNER : t f 4 \ PROVIDE OUTSIDE MAKE UP AIR FOR EACH UNIT - SET l2N CFM AT MANUAL "N" REQUIREMENT. MAINTAIN x-19INSULATION I q ` Y) MINIMUM 10' SEPARATION FROM EXHAUST OPENINGS. �I�I ` i 1 I (_. L' 2 X 4WD STUDS @ 16" } �c _r OR 1 /:" X 3 5!8" METAL fJ08 r, r' i PROVIDE THERMOSTAT FOR EACH UNIT - HONEY WELL, STUDS @ 16" O.C. �� i t TRANE OR EQUAL "ON - AUTO" FAN AND "HEAT/COOL" I SETTINGS. '/" DRYWALL BOTH SIDE DUCTWORK SHALL HAVE JOINTS AND SEAMS SEALED 2X4 P.T. WD BOTT. PLATE IZ N J ST WITH APPROVED TAPE APPLIED WITH ADHESIVE TO I ' 1 -- - - I ,2N Ala MAKE JOINTS AIR TIGHT. DUCTS SHALL BE OR 1'/a" X 3 518" METAL \ RUNNER W/ TAPCONS OI, N d(p, 4 � j TO REINFORCED FOIL FACED 1-1/2" FIBERGLASS CUT NAILS @ 24" O.C. <�� \"�� l ,,r _-li! INSULATION BOARD (R-6 MINIMUM) i1� , AFLEX OR EQUAL FLEX DUCT SHALL BE UL 181 THERM WITH FOIL BACK INSULATION. PROVIDE SPIN -IN EXIST. BOTTOM CHORD pF \ q ! ROOFTRUSS j �✓VL2 r _r—." u EMIg �� SPOc1 CONNECTION WITH DIVERTER AND VOLUME DAMPER FOR EACH FLEX TAKE -OFF FROM THE MAIN TRUNK (q L_ /" PLYWOOD SHIsATHIN W/ i N 10D NAILS AT 12" O.C. DUCTWORK. I (U THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH A COMPLETE. u MATCHED COMPONENT HVAC SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE N GJiy' R6OM WALL DETAIL �.� WITH THESE DRAWINGS, LOCAL CODES; AND THE LATEST EDITIONS OF NFPA 90A & 90B, ANSI 8-9.1 MECHANICAL rCLEARENCE ONTBACTORSHALL PROVIDE AHU ENCLOSURE AROUND AHu UNiT'S, PROVIDE MINIMUM !+ c REFRIGERATION, SMACNA, ASHRAE, AND STATE OF AROUND UNITS FOR PROPER MAINTENANCE AND POSSIBLE REPACEMENT. {FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDINGCONSTRUCTION- FLACOM-04 5� CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED PERhIlTB� THE CO r =j00 J AND INSPECTIONS FROM GOVERNING AGENCIES AND j Jj ~ ^ y^� Y- FURNISH A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT ALL WORK SHALL dl - G �``^ I I2 i1 n,, t BE FREE FROM DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND u I 1105 S _4 WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE /7 (� / I DATE OF EQUIPMENT START UP AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND GUARANTEES L SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE OWNER.VA ' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR .g - BALANCING THE HVAC SYSTEM TO MEET THE CRITERIAt ON THE PLANS AND SHALL RETURN TO THE SITE TO RE- BALANCE THE HVAC SYSTEM AFTER OCCUPANCY TO SATISFY SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS. I i PROVIDE DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS FOR ALL U NITS PER FILF MECHANICAL AND BUILDING CODE REQUIREMFNTS. v' P A hI \/��� %nScl�LC EPT btu �rJ1�5 PAUL WELCH INC. `�-•o�_^-�,v�-«�•~��`�•� MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL CIVIL ENGINEERING 11E'NI LiN.1i�3 �p.� 1984 SW BILTMORE ST. -SUITE#I 14 PORT ST. LuCIE, FL 34984 �lbGl-T I o 1 E J I i'! Gl> J � T E- MAIL PHONE FAX (772)785-9888 PWELCHINC@AOL.COM 1772)785-9933 - i... P1,,, 1). Ws.. -I RH. P.1-... FI Pcr_.. f^•1n. 7gcane System No. W.L.2241 F Ratings -1 and 2 Hr (See Item 1) T Ratings - 0, 1/4, 1 and 1-3/4 Hr (Sea Hem 2) L Rating At Ambient - Less Than 1 CFWsq It L Rating At 400 F - Lass Than 1 CFWsq It Section A -A 1. Wall Assembly - The 1 X 2 hr firs -rated gypsum boardistud wall assembly shall be constructed of the materials and in the manner specified in the individual U300 or U400 Series Wall or Partition Design in the UL Fire Resistance Directory and shall include the following ConsWdion features: A. Studs - Wag framing may Consist of either wood studs or steel channel studs. Wood studs to consist of From 2 by 4 in. (51 by 102 mm) lumber spaced max 16 in. (406 mm) OC. Steel studs to be min 3-112 in. (89 mm) wide and spaced max 24 in. (610 ram) OC. B. Gypsum Board' - Thickness, type, number of layers and fasteners as specified in the individual Wall and Partition Design. Diam of opening to be 1 in. to 1-118 in. (25 to 29 mm) larger than outside diam of pipe. The hourly F Rating of the firestop system is equal to the hourly fine rating of the wall assembly in which it is Installed- When Item 2G or 2H Is used, the hourly F Rating is 1 hr. 2. Through Penetrant - One nonmetallic pipe, Conduit or tube to be installed eccentrically or concentrically within the fireslop system. Pipe, Conduit or tube to be rigidly supported on both sides of the wail assembly. The following types and sizes of nonmetallic pipes, Conduits and tubes may be used: A Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nam 2 in. (51 man) drain (or smailelj Schedule 40 said or cellular core PVC Pipe for use In closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, "ale or vent) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 0 In. (0 men, pant contact) to max 1 in. (25 mm). B. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nam 2 in. (51 mm) diam (or smaller) SDR 13.5 or Schedule 80 CPVC pipe for use in dosed (process or supply) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 0 in. (o ram, point contact) to max 1 in. (25 ram). C. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit-F - Nam 2 in. (51 ram) diam (or mailer) Schedule 40 PVC Conduit installed in accordance with Article 347 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). Annular space shall be min O In. ( 0 mm. pant contact) to max 1 in. (25 ram). D. Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing+ - Nam 2 in. (51 ram) diem (or smaller) PVC tubing installed in accordance with Article 331 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). Annular space shall be min 0 in. (0 mm, point contact) to max 1 in. (25 mm). E. Cross Linked Polyethylene (PPJQ Tubing - Nam 1 in. (25 ram) diam (or smaller) SDR9 PEX tubing for use in dosed (process or supply) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 0 in. (0 mm, point Contact) to max 1 in. (25 r-Im). Specified Technologies Inc. 210 Evans Way Somerville, NJ OU76 �® s��tTI Reproduced Courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. {/� Created or Revised: March 07, 2013 W-L-2241 IJ (a00)992-1160. m0m526-8000-FAX(906)231-a415•E-Mail:tecneerv�stlares+dp.com•Webstte:w,nwslrtuestop. cony PAGE t OF F. Acrylonhdle Butadiene Styrene (ABS) pipe - Nam 1-12 in. (38 mm) dram (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid -core or cellular core ASS pipe for use in closed (process or supply) or vented (drain, waste or vent) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 114 in. (6 mm) to max 314 in. (19 ml G. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe - Nam 3 in. (76 mm) diam (or smaller) Schedule 40 solid or cellular core PVC pipe for use in closed (process or supply) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 0 in. (0 man, point contact) to max 1 in. (25 mm). H. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipe - Nam 3 in. (70 mm) dim (or smalar) SDR 17 CPVC pipe for use In dosed (process or supply) piping systems. Annular space shall be min 0 in. (0 man, point contact) to max 1 in. (25 mm). When hem 2A or 2B is used, the T Rating is 1/4 hr. When hem 2C, 2D, or 2E is used, the T Rating is t hr and 1-314 hr for 1 hr and 2 hr fire rated walls, respectively. When Item 2F, 2G, or 2H is used, T Rating is 0 hr. 3. Fill, Vold or Cavity Matedatl - Sealant - Min 5/81n. (16 mm) thickness of fill material applied within annulus, flush with both surfaces of wall assembly. At point contact location, min 114 in. (6 ram) diam bead of fill material applied at nonmetallic pipe/gypsum board interface on both surfaces of well. SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC - SpecSeal LCI Sealant or Type WF300 Firestop Caulk (for wood studs only) -Bearing the UL Classification Mark Specified Technologies Inc. 210 Evans Way Somerville, NJ 08876 Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. g Grained or Revised: March 07, 2013 ga 8011962.1180 • 905 25-8000 . FAX 908 231-6415 - W-I. 2241 k )5 ( ) E-Mail:Gchsarv®alifireelap.com.Web¢ibww.v.etifirestop.cam PAOE 20F2 CILI[VA14288 Wali-openingtective Materials SpecSeal Power Shield Box Inserts, for use with Hush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps installed with steal mud rings in framed wail assemblies. When protective material is used in outlet boxes on both sides of the wall as directed, the horizontal separation between culler boxes on opposite sides of the wail may be less than 24 in. (610 mm) provided that the boxes are not installed back-to-back. Installation shall Comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). The max outlet box dimensions, hourly rating, type of stud, use of stud cavity insulation and type of faceplate are tabulated below. Additional general construction features shall Comply as follows: A. Studs - Unless otherwise specified, the minimum stud width is 3.1/2 In. (89 man). B. Stud Cavity Insulation - Where indicated in the table belay, stud cavity insulation to Consist of min 3-1/2 In. (89 mm) thick fiberglass (min 0.6 pd or 8 kg/m3) or mineral fiber (min 4 pcf or 64 kg/ril Unless Indicated as required, stud cavity insulation is optional C. Wall Design - Stud Composition Is indicated in the table below. Wail Construction shall Comply with the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Design in the Fire Resistance Directory. D. Pad Dimensions - The minimum dimensions of the insert pad are shown in the table below. Pads may be cut to achieve dimensions shown in table and partial Insert pads may be utilized. Max Outlet Box Outlet Outlet Pad Size, in. Rating, Stud Cavity Face Plate Putty Product Size. Box Type x M hr Insulation Ball EP23 - - -/8 x734 2 Steel No Steel - 51 76x51dee EP 23 x x -1/4 _ _ 1-7/8 x -3/4 2 Steel Yes Plastic - 1 7 X70 EP 2 x x 2- _ - 1-7/8 x2- /4 1 eat or Yessteel Plastic or - 57 48 70 Wood EP 24 -118 x 4 x -1/8 _ _ 1-7/8 x A 2 Steel No Steel - 102 deep 48 9 EP 24 2-1/8 x 4 x 2-1/8 _ _ 1-7/8 x3-3/4 2 Steel Yes Plastic - dee 4 EP 24 2-1/8 x 4 x 2-1/a i- /8 x3-314 1 Steelor Yes Plastic or _ (54 x10 dew 48 x95 Wood Steel EP 44 x 4 x -1 - x 2 Steel No Steel - d EP 44 4 x 4 x 2.1l8 3-314 x3-3/4 2 Steel Yes Plastic - 102 x 102 x 54 deep 95 x 95 EP 44 x x 2-1/8 4 x 4 1 Steel or Yes Plastic or " 102 x 54 d 95 x95 Wood eel EP 45If ,Mix 1 x -1 8 F, x 1 or 2 tee or Yes Plastic or - x 11 x 54 dee 1 o I EP 45 T x x 2- 8 - - x 1 tort Stee or Yes astm or - 114x1 7x60 dee 114xll4 Wood ei EP 45 4-12 x 14 x 2- 2 _ _ 4- 2 x 13-3/41 or 2 Stae or Yes Plastic or _ 1 4x35 x64 e 1Cod SpecSeal Putty Pads, for use with flush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes Installed with steel mud rings or UL Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes in framed wall assemblies. When protective material is used on outlet boxes on both sides of the wall as directed, the horizontal separation between outlet boxes on opposite sides of the wag may be less than 24 in. (610 mm) prodded that the boxes are not installed back-to-back. Installation shag comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). Min 3/16 in. (5 mm) thick moldable putty pads are to be installed to Completely Cover the exterior surfaces of the outlet box (except for the side of the outlet box against the stud) and to Completely seal against the stud within the stud Cavity. Adjoining pieces of moldable putty pads to be overlapped approx 1/2 in. (13 ram l at the seam. An additional 3116 in. (5 ram) thickness of putty to be formed around the connector sewing the end of each Type MC cable, electrical metallic tube (EMT) or Conduit to the box. When nonmetallic box is used with Type NM cable, a 3116 In. (5 mm) thickness of putty shall be formed around the cable at Its connection to the box and extending a min of 1 in. (25 ml The box composition, max device dimensions, hourly rating, type of stud and type of faceplate are tabulated below. Additional general Construction features shall comply as follows: A. Studs - Unless otherwise specified, the minimum stud width is 3-12 in. 89 Farm. per ( B. Stud Cavity Insulation - Unless indicated as required, stud cavity insulation is optional and may consist of min 3-1/2 in. (89 Face) thick fiberglass (min 0.5 pd or 8 kg/m3) or mineral fiber (min 4 pd or 64 kg/m3). C. Wail Design - Stud Composition is indicated in the table below. Wall Construction shag Comply with the individual U300, t1400 or V400 Series Wall and Partition Design in the Fire Resistance Directory. Specified Technologies Inc. 210 Evans Way Somerville, NJ 08876 U Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. ir/ DTI Created or Revised: October 30, 2013 CLIV (800)992-1180 • m0e)52e e.BO - FAX (908)231-8415 • E-Mail:tachserv�nt sfifirestop.mm • Websae:wwwstifirestop ce PAGE 10F3 0 D. Metallic Outlet Boxes - Except art indicated In the table below, when steel outlet boxes are used and the boxes are interconnected by means of electrical metallic tube or Conduit, a ball of putty is to be installed to plug the open end of each electrical metallic tube (EMT) or conduct within the outlet box When MC cable is used and/or when the outlet boxes are not interconnected, the ball of putty Is not required. E. Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes - The box manufacturer Is indicated in the table below. Boxes shall bear a 2 hr rating under the "Outlet Boxes and Fitlings Classified for Fire Resistance" category in the Fire Resistance Directory. ModelMax Outlet Box Outlet Outlet Pad Siz Rating, Stud CavAy ace to Putty in. ramBox B mm hr Insulation T II " 4x x2-1 Steel NA - 1 eel or - Steel No 102x 10 x54 Wood • 4 x 4 x 2-1/8 Steel NA - 1 Steel or Wood - Plastic Yes - i/ x 11 x - 541 dewSteel CIM NA - 1 or2 Wosteel od - Steel Yes _ 4 /2 x x2-3/8 Steel N.A.1 or2 Steel or Steel Yes (114 x 2 0 d Wood - 4-12 x 14 x 2-1P2 Steel NA - 'lor2 el0 Steel or Steel Yes t1d 127x60 tie Wood - 3 %4X3 n Lamson onePlasticrib - 1 or2 WoodI NA S 7 d Ch odd a n • 4x x phenolic Aideeleace tl 1or2 Wood - a 'car NA 95 x 102 x76 dee Prods Steel _ /4 x 4 x 3 polycamonate The & Belts - 1 or 2 WCod _ lactic or NA 02 x 8 tl Steer _ 30 x x Phenolic Thomas & Bevis 1 or2 Wood - lasticcIor NA deep " -1/4 x 3-3/4 x 2-3 o vinyl Pass & Seymour 1 or2 Wood - Plas is or NA e Chloride Steel SpecSeal Putty Pads, for use with maximum 4 by 4 by 2-1/8 In. (102 by 102 by 54 mm) deep flush device UL Wed Metallic Outlet Boxes installed with steel mud rings and with steel templates in 1 hr or2 hr fire rated gypsum board wall assemblies Constncled with min 5.12 in. (140 mm) wide wood or steel studs and with stud cavities filled with fiberglass (noon 0.5 pd or 8 kill or mineral fiber (nom 4 pef or 64 kill insulation. When protective material Is used on outlet boxes on Win sides of the wall as directed, the boxes may be installed back-to-back provided that the boxes on opposite sides of the wan ale not Interconnected with conduit or, when interconnected, the open end of the Conduit within the outlet box Is filed with a ball of putty. Installation shall comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). Min 3/16 in. (5 mm) thick moldable putty pads are to be installed to completely Cover the exterior surfaces of the outlet box (except For the side of the outlet box against the stud) and to Completely seal against the stud within the stud cavity. Adjoining pieces of moldable putty pads to be overlapped approx 12 N. (13 mm) at the seam. An additional 3/16 in. (5 mm) thickness of putty to be formed around the Connector securing the end of each Type MC cable, electrical metallic tube (EMT) or Conduit to the box. SpecSeal EP23, EP24 and EP44 Power Shield Box Inserts and SpecSeal Putty Pads, for use with maximum 4 by 4 by 1-12 or 2-tiff in. (102 by 102 by 38 or 64 mm) deep flush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes installed with steel mud rings and with steel or plastic faceplates in 1 hr or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board wall assemblies Constructed with min 3-12 in. (89 mm) wide wood oratsei studs. When both protective materials are used with outer boxes an both aides Of the wan as curricula, the boxes may be installed back-to-back provided that the backs of the boxes are minimum 112 In. If 3 ram) apart and provided that the boxes are not interconnected. Installation shall comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). Min 3/16 In. (5 mm) thick moldable putty pads are to be installed to Completely Cover the exterior surfaces of the outlet box (except for the site of the outlet box against the stud) and to compiserly seal against the stud within the stud cavity. Adjoining pieces of moldable putty pads to be overlapped approx 112 in. (13 ram) at the seam. An additional WIS in. (5 mm) thickness of putty to be formed around the Connector sawing the end of each Type MC cable, eladrical metallic tube (EMT) or conduit to the box. An insert pad shall be Installed to completely Cover the back inside surface of each outlet box. Specified Technologies Inc. 210 Evans Way Somerville, NJ 08876 Reproduced courtesy of Uraerxhers Laboratories, Inc. U� Created or Revised: October 30, 2013 RIC • 90e 520.5000. FAx 90e 1-s415 . E-Mal:techmry CLIV ( ) ( )23 ®shSresMp.com • Web.�te:vnrw�5restopwrn PAGE 20F 3 r,� iF`� Wall Opening Protective. Materials (CLIV, CLI'll c Ild us Ie�Wytn z carded 5y K X to M26 Per CA III.C- 101 D• O bM. %Bard CAW1RC8101 97 HILT] Fireside Box Insed, for use with flush device UL Listed Metalfic Outlet Boxes installed with steel mud rings or UL Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes in framed wall assemblies as specified below. When protective material is used on outlet boxes an both sides of the wall as directed, the horizontal separation between outlet boxes on opposite sides of the wall may be less than 24 in, provided that the boxes are not installed back-to-back (unless otherwise indicated). Installation shag comply with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). The box composition, max device dimensions, howdy riling, type of stud and type of faceplate are specified below. HILTI Firestop Box [%art , for use with max 4.11116 by 4-11116 by 2.1/8 in. deep UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps in 1 or 2 hr fire rated gypsum wallboard wall assemblies framed with min 3'/1 in, deep wood or steel studs and constructed of materials and In the manner specified M the individual U304 U400 or V400 Series Wag and Pardlon Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory. Outlet boxes In 1 hr fire rated wails may be installed ail plastic or steel cover plates. Outlet boxes In 2 hr Are rated wags shag be Installed with steel cover plates. One 43/8 by 43/8 in. insert adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product. Smallersized insects may be cut and combined to achieve the 4.318 x 43/8 in Coverage. HILTI Firestop Box Insert, for use with max 4 by 4 by 1-12 in. deep and 2.118 in. deep UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps in 1 or 2 hr*9 rated gypsum wallboard wait assemblies framed with min 3-'.41n. deep steel Or wood studs and constructed of materials and in the manner specified In the individual U400, V400 or U300 Series Wail and Partition Dodges in the Fire Resistance Directory, as summarized in the Table below. One 3-11116 by 3-1/ In, insert adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box In accordance with the instructions supplied with the product Smaller adad inserts may be out and combined to achieve the 3.11,116 x 33f4 in Coverage. Box Size Type of Box and Cover Plate Hourly Raring Wall Type 4 x 4 x 2-V8 In deep Metallisteel cover plates 24vour U300,U400orV400- wood orstaid studs 4x4x2-118indeep Metaftwlplastic Oliver Plates 1-hour U300,U400orV40D-wood orstedstuds 4x4x1-12 in deep Metallic w/ plastic cover plates 141our LIM—wood studs 'n HILTI Firestop Box Insert, for use with max 2118 x 4 x 21/8 In. deep UL Listed Metallic damps in 2 hr Are rated Outlet Boxes without internal p gypsum wallboard wait assemblies framed with min 3 hh In. deep wood or steel studs and constructed of materials and in the manner specified in the Individual U301), U400 orV400 Series Wall and Partition Deigns In the Fire Resistance Directory. Outlet boxes may be Installed with steel cover Metal One 1.7//8 x 2-1 Sit 6 Insist adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box in accordance with the Instructions suppled with the product. HILTI Firessip Box (heart , for use with max 4'h x 8-'h in, by 1SI8 in. deep or max 3�'/. x 5-'h in. by 2-% in deep UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps in 1 hr or 2 hr Are rated gypsum wallboard wag assemblies framed with min 3'h In, deep steel or wood studs and constructed of materials and In the manner specified in the individual U400, V400 or U300 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory, as summarized in the Table below. Outlet boxes installed with steel cover plates. Box inserts evenly spaced and adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box In accordance with the Instructions supplied with the product. Box Sae Insists Used Fire Rating Wall Type 4-12 x 8.12 x 1.5/8 in deep Two 3.11/16 x 33/41n. inserts" 2 hour U300, U400 or V400 -woad or steel studs 3314 x 5.12 x 2-12 in deep One 3-11/16 x 3-3141n, Insert and 1 hour U300, U400, or V400—wood or steel studs orns 1.7/8 x 2-13116In. insert "- Min 34 in. deep plaster rings Installed over outlet box. After installation of gypsum boar, ram 1/4 in. thickness of HAtl FS-ONE Sealant, bearing the UL Classification Marimlg for Fig, Vold or Cavity Materials, applied between the base layer of wallboard and the plaster ring. Reproduced by HILTI, Inc. Courtesy of ..._ Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. October29, 2013 Hiiti Firestop Syst4erns Page: i of 2 USE WITH ELECTRICAL RE( SpecSeal Putty Pads, for use with max 5 by 5 by 2 718 in. (127 by 127 by 73 mm) deep flush denies UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes or UL Listed Communications-Circag Accessories manufactured by Randl Industries Inc for use in 1 hr or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board wall assemblies framed with min 3-5/8 in. (92 mm) wide wood or steel studs and constructed as specified in the individual U300, U400, or V400 or W400 Series Wall and Partition Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory. Metallic outlet boxes to be provided with UL Listed Signal Appliance with steel Cover plate manufactured by Cooper Wheelock Inc. Moldable putty pads are to be installed to completely Cover the axferior surfaces of the outlet box (except for the side of the outlet box against the stud unless otherwise noted) including nailing tabs and to Completely seal against the stud within the stud cavity. Multiple moldable putty pads may be installed on an outlet box to attain the required minimum thickness of putty material. Additional putty material used to seal around each Conduit andlor cable filling on the exterior of each box. A min 3/16 in. (4.8 mm) thickness of putty material is required an the exterior surfaces Of flush device boxes in 1 and 2 hr fire lifted Wall and Partition Designs. When the moldable puny pad outlet box protective matarist is used on boxes on both sides of well as directed, the horizontal separation between outlet boxes on opposite sides of the wall may be toss than 24 in. (810 mm) provided that the outlet boxes are not installed back to back, except as noted. SpecSeal EP55 Power Shield Box Inserts, for use with max 5 by 5 by 2 7/81n. (127 by 127 by 73 mm) deep flush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes or UL Listed Communications -Circuit Accessories manufactured by Randl Indusfriers Inc for use in 1 hr or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board wall assemblies framed with min 3-6/8 in. (92 mm) wide wood or steel studs and Constructed as specified in the individual U300, U400, or V400 or W400 Series Wag and Partition Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory. Metallic outlet boxes to be provided with UL Listed Signal Appliance with steel cover plate manufactured by Cooper Wheelock Inc. Power Shield Box Insert is to be applied to the back surface of the box and may be slit to accommodate communications -circuit accessories. When the Power Shield Box Insert Is used on boxes on both sides of wail as directed, the horizontal separation between outlet boxes on opposite sides of the wall may be less than 24 in. (610 mm) provided that the outlet boxes are not installed back to back, except as noted. Specified Technologies inc. 210 Evans Way Somerville, NJ 08876at ®s I Reproduced courtesy of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. STICVCrested or Revised: Oclobsr 30, 2013 O (s00)992-1180 . (909)525-e000 a FAX (908)231-8415 . E-MalH0Chserv®etifirestop FF • Websne:wwwwrestop,cam PA E 30F 3 to SS tp AWall Opening Protective Materials (CUV, CLIV7)Ui Vu o s 0ssra zd by z undoxvivsla+vamr6'e. Inc. X ho UL253000ANUC-8101 LL m HILTI Fir0et0p Box Insert, for use with 4.3/8 by 4-7/8 by 2-1/4 in. deep flush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps in 1 hr Ire rated gypsum board wall assemblies framed with We 3-112 in. deep wood or steel studs and constructed of the materials and in the manner specified in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wail and Partition Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory. One 43/8 In. wide by 43/8 in. high Insert adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box In accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product. Smaller sized inserts may be cut and combined to achieve the 43/8 In. by 43/8 in. coverage and adhered to the interior back wag of the outlet box. Outlet boxes j installed with plastic or steel cover plates. HILTI Firestop Box Insert, for use with 43/8 by 4-7/8 by 2.1/4 in, deep flush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes without internal damps in 2 hr ire rated gypsum boar wall assemblies framed with min 3-1/2 In. deep wood or steel studs and Constructed of the materials and In the manner specified in the individual U300, U400 or V400 Series Wag and ParMon Designs in the Fire Resistance Directory. One 4-3/8 in. wide by 4318 in. high insert adhered to the interior back wall of the outlet box in accordance with the installation instructions supplied win the product. Smaller safest inserts may be cut and combined to achieve the 4318 in. by 4.341 in. coverage and adhered to the interior back wag of the outlet box. Outlet boxes Insisted with steel cover plates. UP 617 or CFS-P PA Firestop Putty Pads and HILTI Flimil Box Inserts, for use with maximum 4 by 4 by 1-1/2In. (102 by 102 by 38 mm) deep iush device UL Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes Installed with steal mud rings and with steel or plastic taceplates In 1 or 2 hr fire rated gypsum board wall assemblies constructed with min 3-112 In. (89 mm) wide wood or steel studs. When both protective materials are used with outlet boxes on both sides of the well as directed, the boxes may be Installed back-to-back provided that the backs of the boxes are mirdmum 112 In. (13 mm) apart and provided that the boxes are not interconnected. Adjoining pieces of moldable putty pads to be overlapped approx 1/2 in. (13 mm) at the seam. An insert pad shag be Installed to completely cover the back inside surface of each outlet bar. Reproduced by HILTI, Inc. Cdurtasy of so Underwriters Laboratories, Ind. Hill Firestop Systems Odober20,2013 Page: 2 of 2 J 6 I L COPI di � 1lot a PAUL WELCH INC. MECHANICAL � ELECTRICAL - CIVIL ENGINEERING N � � 1 9B4 SW 5ILTMORE ST - SUITE #1 14 PORT ST. L-uctE, FL 314984 PHONE E-MAIL FAX /. (77217135.90136 PW ELCHINCQACL.0 CM 17721785.9933 PAUL WELCH, P.E., FL REo. No. 29945 DEC 0' 3 2014 , `J