HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING 4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • IMN PPILDING-PERM(T SUR-CONTRACTOPLAGREEAMNIT 2Q('3/z-Y1/ the Sub-contractorf, For the project located at 3 m agreed,to be It is undergtood.tha4 if there is aay;qWge.of $taw regarding our paitiqipOq4)0th thee.abov-0. mi-efitioned project, the Building aitd.Code Regulation Division ofSt Lucid Couuty*11beadvis _.ed, --p filing ofa Change of Sub-contrwornotice. con o GNATURrV(Q..M&) Mark Montalto PRINT NAME 31220 1COU1VfYAMRTff1CA'ffONN7UAWE& State OfMorW2,0untrof St. Lucie The foregoing.iastrnmm4}9sssigoed'hcfore-melhis. 18th �02yor December 19by Mark Montalto wholspenoftallylanown x prbaspmduded2 widatmefiffom siviftfure Michelle LoBrutto Print Name ofNotary FabHc (Z,/S/ SUB-CONT"C14 I . B-Od S- - 2� r) I?R]NrPf&'M Igor) Z- COUNrY CE.RTMCAU 0 N N UM M R e CS S k e 0 *a m am e, t f& Y of e-n7 20 by 6r�Ol U FrAmp S- -WiL. �of NaP23Y'YapG; MICHELLE LOSRUTTO v Commission # GG 912684NamywbocsmmaFrarm RevLsed 11W2016 Expires January 12.2024-- Bndd Thm Tmy Fain fasurance.60MB5404 My COmndiY255FFe66e2B STAMP PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS PLUMBING SERVICES INC, have agreed to be (Company NametIndividualName) the PLUMBING Sub -contractor for PORT ST LUCIE PROPERTIES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at TBD BRADLY ST, FT PIERCE, TAX ID# 3402-608-0441-000-2 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change f Sub -con or notice. CON OR ICNAT E (Qualifier) Mark Montalto PRINfNA,\IE 31220 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St. Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 17113 of December 20 lby, Mark Montalto who Is personally known X or has produced a as Identification. C STAMP Sigliatuft c Notary PnhBC Michelle LoBrutto Print Name afNomry Public MICHELLELOSRUTTO rRt'•" 'fi Commission 9 GG 912684 '•,';rP' Expires January 12, 2024 BonOeC TNU TroyFaN lnswmce 00U30S7019 Revised 11/I62016 SUB•COCTORS ATURE (Qualifier) ROBERT LUDLUM PRINT NAME - 18628 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of _ Ltt The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 17th day of DECEMBER ,201_9 by ROBERT.LUDLUM who is personally known X or has produced a -�,w%'"°e:: RHONDA LAFFERTY MY COMMISSION Y. GG0587211 -'s'' � EXPIRES January OB, 2027 SPANIP PERMfT# 0114KNIVIij Jim .illf 13 f. (TW For the Pwied WcA-.d at firmg ofa Chnge of Sub-conftwwr nod= Mark Montlato FRMPLAM 31220 ,C0bWW,CE31MCAT=NMM3E8 St&ft0fFkrhb6CQUU1jaf St. Lucie 18thwar December 29-9by Mark Montalto S41affAI&Of NOW7 PUbW Michelle LoBrutto wiatxB ofwobryrgm MICHELLE LOBRUTTO Commission# GO 912694 •Expires January 12,2024 Pzvisad 1UT&M16 BonMftTmyrRaiiinins=mcoBOMB,5-701]9 ISWE Our- S UB -CD X-f BAC X R SIG IUTURR (Qm A rm I L=—r, Q at y () COWrY CERTDWJIM14 AWMIRM lee- WCOMWOONIGGNM ENAMAP42!= T)lr-r PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division . BUILDING PERIMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEIMENT Ed's Electric Inc have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Name) the Electrical (Type of Trade) For the project located at TBD Sub -contractor I'or Port St Lucie Properties (Primary Contractor) Street Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor otice CONTRAc T46RStCNATURQuaErjcr) Mark Montalto PRINT NAME 31220 COUNTY CERTIFfCAT10N NUMBER State of norida. County of St. Lucie 7. The fureoinginatruuuntwacsignad before we this l7t'dayof December .20 1?hy Mark Montalto who is personullr kno'" X or has produced u_ V 1Un. / Signature of Nutury Public Michelle LoBrutt — Print Name ofNotan•Pahl" ;iR`•t,�dt, 'MIEXEttEtOBRUTTO Comn)Ission80G912084 map Expires January 12, 2024 °ero;• aoxardnwTroy Fain mteranoreown-lets Revised 11116f2016 �A _ — SUR-CONTR.ICTOR SIGNATURE li mr� Edward June PRINT NAME EC0001569 COUNTYCER'rIFICATION NUMBER stale of Florida. County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument nos signed heron me thisl7th day of December .2019 by Edward June who Is persomlh• knonz sliac has produced a a. idcnlificalina `)L-^s°,+o Manatureof taryPublic1l�11 I Stacey I Garcia Print Name of Notary Public ��ntt V2O W � A p 2 a G1 O �o�s r� PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MECHANICAL AIR CONDITIONING CORP. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the HVAC Subcontractor for PSL PROPERTIES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3402-608-0441-000-2 (Project Street Address or Property Tax It) #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Sling of a Chan W f Sub -con rotor notice. CQYTRAMORaIGNATU (Qoafine S AA(7fOREIGNATtmE(rlvWiatr) Mark Montalto // ORMANSAYRE PRIM'NAME PRINTNAME 31220 COUNTY CERTEFICATION NUNIBER Smreor Fiarida, C000ry of StLucie The foreaoine lmtrument wm skund before a+e this 1$tldvyof December ,zoo Mark Montalto whoRpenovray Avvwv Xor bra Preduredv m i�sff/ie/n��N�lv'(\.O� t _ 1 1/lA STAMP Slamtuh orNoMfy Pubtie 12104 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER SMte of FTadda, C000ry or PALM B K Thefoteyotoeimtnmmtwaesipnedb fonmetbb unni any of DECEMBER 20A by NORMAN SAYRE wbo is penonolly hoawv: or It. prod..Na m ldeobautroa signature oflVoury, Public Michelle LoBrutto DEBORAH M TYCHEWICZ Print NvmeofNouryPublic Print Real NaturyPublic aJy...•.. MICHELLE LOBRUTTO'• Bawy Pub5esbta at Rotlm �tin'•� Commission # GG 912684. $'= oamreh M TyrRawltx >;. ;; Expites Januaryl22024 , My l:umuYse�^a FF e52M) RniQd 11/162016 ';eoa • aondedTNa Troy Fein lnauten, BW385.7019 ?x, y�w,/wd� ErjuasotrzVta]o