HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoil Subsurface Investigation3931 SW 391h Avenue, Suite 104 Davie, Fl. 33314 Tel: 954-584-6115 E-mail: ppeana@soilprobe.net August 28, 2019 Yusuf Abdur-Rahman 2730 SW 3rd Ave. Suite #202 Miami, FL 33129 RE: Subsurface Investigation Proposed Residence 4710 East Midway Road Fort Pierce, FL 34982 In accordance with your request and authorization, Soilprobe Engineering & Testing, Inc. has completed subsurface exploration and geotechnical studies at the above referenced project site. We explored the general subsurface conditions in order to evaluate their suitability for supporting the anticipated construction, and to provide recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. Our work included standard penetration test (SPT) borings and engineering analyses. This report describes our explorations and tests, reports their findings, and presents our recommendations developed from the investigation. Our report has been prepared specifically for this project. It is intended for the exclusive use of Yusuf Abdur-Rahman, his representatives and/or assigns. Our work has used methods and procedures consistent with local foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We do not guarantee project performance in any respect, only that our work meets normal standards of professional care. We understand that a new single family residence is considered for this site. The property configuration and approximate locations of our soil tests are presented in the attached location sketch. The structure will be one story high constructed of steel shipping containers, interconnected and assembled, to create the design steel framing and interior residential space. It is our understanding that the structure will be supported by reinforced concrete pedestals founded on isolated spread footings and/or by reinforced concrete slab placed on compacted subgrade. Furthermore, an allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,500 PSF will be used for foundations and slab design. Geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are based on the available project information, proposed building location and the assumed data described in this report. If any of the noted information is incorrect, please inform this office, so that we may amend this recommendations report as appropriate. Subsurface conditions at the site were explored with three (3) engineering borings advanced to a depth of 14 feet below existing ground surface. At the time of our tests the site was lightly wooded with scattered pine trees and mostly covered with underbrush, weeds and vines. Due to restricted access for trpcicmounted-tesgwequipment the tests were=co ducted with a portable drill rig. neering is the essence 1' trace and technology {'{ Yusuf Abdur-Rahman 4710 Fast Midway Road August 28, 2019 Page 2 of 4 Our representatives selected the test locations in the field within the available cleared areas to setup portable drill rig. Samples of the in -place materials were recovered at frequent intervals with a standard 24 inches split barrel sampler driven into the ground with a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. This field work was performed August 21, 2019 following closely the procedures recommended in ASTM Method D-1586. Detailed subsurface conditions encountered at the locations and depth explored are presented in the attached logs. Our drillers examined the soil recovered from the SPT sampler and maintained a log for each boring. Soil samples were inspected and classified with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Classifications and other pertinent data obtained from our explorations and tests are reported on the attached boring logs. Soil stratification, shown on the boring logs, is based on examination of recovered soil samples and interpretation on the driller's field logs. It indicates only the approximate boundaries between soil types. The actual transitions between the adjacent soil strata may be gradual and indistinct. Generally, the tests revealed a surfacing layer of dark sand with roots (topsoil) with a thickness of approximately 12 inches. Below this layer, and continuing to the boring termination depths, the soil consisted of layered gray, tan and brown sand. Standard penetration resistance, N-value, recorded during the tests indicated soil condition as loose in the upper several feet and medium dense at deeper locations. Groundwater measured at the time of test was found at a depth of approximately 4.00 feet below prevailing grade. Fluctuations in ground water level should be anticipated throughout the year due to seasonal variations in rainfall, drainage and other factors. The groundwater level measured at the time of test is not intended to define a limit or ensure that future seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels will not vary from this level. We recommend that the Contractor determine the actual water table at the time of the construction to determine groundwater impact on his construction procedures. It is our opinion that the soil at the site is generally suitable to support the proposed building on conventional shallow foundations. However, removal of unsuitable soils such as surfacing soil with roots and vegetation and compaction of the existing loose sand layers and any added fill material is required; if they are to support the shallow foundations, in order to avoid excessive settlements that may be detrimental to the structure. The following site preparation procedures are recommended prior to the installation of the foundations or slab on grade: 1. Clear and grub the proposed building area plus a perimeter of minimum five feet outside the foundation limits and any area which is to support foundations and slab on grade removing existing vegetation, roots, trees and tree roots system. The thickness of the surfacing dark sand with roots to be removed is expected to be approximately 12 inches. Yusuf Abdur-Rahman 4710 East Midway Road August 28, 2019 Page 3 of 4 2. Level and proof -roll the construction area with a medium heavy (10-ton) vibratory roller with minimum 20 passes each direction. Any soft spots, revealed by proof rolling operation, shall be excavated and replaced with clean, compactable fill material. This proof -rolled operation shall bring the loose sandy soils to a minimum 98% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557. 3. Once the proof -roll operation is completed and building pad area is inspected by a geotechnical engineer representative and field density tests verified for achieving minimum density of 95% the area may be filled to the design elevations using clean imported fill material, consisting of sand or sand rock mixture, free of organic and other deleterious materials and containing not more than eight percent passing the No. 200 sieve and having rocks not larger than 3 inches. Fill material shall be sampled and tested before being delivered and used on jobsite. The fill shall be placed and compacted, in lifts not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness, to a minimum 95% of maximum dry density. Adequate number of field density tests shall be taken on every lift to verify the required minimum compaction of 95%. The building pad area, prepared in accordance with the above site preparation recommendations, should be suitable to support the proposed structure on conventional shallow foundation designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 PSF. We also recommend that continuous, strip footings to be minimum 20 inches wide, and all isolated column footings to be at least 36 inches square. The recommend spread footings shall have the base placed at a minimum 18 inches below post - construction, adjacent grades. Concrete slab may be placed on compacted subgrade poured monolithically with foundations or separate from the walls and column footings (stem -wall type construction). The yard final grading shall divert and convey storm water runoff away from foundation walls by sloping the grade away from structure in order to protect the foundation. Roof gutters also may be installed to collect, convey and discharge the water a minimum 5.00 feet from walls. Any modification to the above -recommended procedures should be approved by Soilprobe Engineering &Testing, Inc. Also, in order to verify compliance with these recommendations and specifications, we recommend that Soilprobe Engineering & Testing, Inc. tests the compacting effort if is desired that this office to certify bearing capacity of finished building pad. This office does not accept any responsibility for any conditions that deviate from those described in this report, nor for the performance of the foundation if not engaged to provide construction observation, testing and certification of the above construction related items for this project. In all cases were vibrato -compaction is utilized, care must be taken to prevent damages to the nearby structures. Monitor the adjacent structures for induced vibrations, select compaction equipment adjust the compaction operation as needed to prevent any damages to these buildings. Yusuf Abdur-Rahman 4710 Fast Midway Road August 28, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Due to the fact that soils are generally, naturally deposited materials under variable conditions, it must be understood that major subsurface discontinuity may occur within short distances. It is unlikely that the tests used for this investigation revealed all subsurface conditions. Our office does not warrant or imply that the data collected on our log of borings are indicative of the subsurface features; except the locations where borings were taken. If unusual or variant conditions are found during construction, please notify this office for further evaluation and recommendation. It was a pleasure to have had the opportunity to perform this investigation for you, and we hope that you will call on us if we may be of finther service. Sincerely, SOELPROBE ENGINEERING & TESTING, INC. Enc. Soil logs, Location Sketch SPT Appendix LOG OF BORING JOB #: Sheet: 1 of 1 Boring: 1 ate: 9/5/19 CLIENT: YusufAbdur-Rahman ate started: 8121/19 PROJECT: 4710 East N idwa Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 33492 jDat'omlted- 8/21/19 LOCATION: SW area of roe riller s : PP/AO/JP M s0 m AM c Z c 3 j c DESCRIPTION: Soil type, color, texture, and consistency. Notes on drilling conditions. 0.00 — 1 01-0. Weeds, vines Dark sand, roots Dark grey sand Brown dark sand Dark brown to reddish sand Tan sand End of test 14'-0" 2 5 20 4,-0" 5'-0" 9'-01, 14'-0" 1.00 2 3 zoo 3 4 12 24 ' °° 6 6 4.00 6 6 14 24 5.00 7 7 6.00 8 11 28 24 14 14 a.00 17 18 43 24 900 22 21 10.00 19 16 34 24 „m 17 17 12.00 15 14 27 24 1 11.00 15 12 14m 13 Is.00 16M 17.00 18.00 9.00 20.00 TYPE of SAMPLE: Cohesionless Density: Cohesive Consistency: D— disturbed (2)—Penetrometer 0-10 Loose 0-0Soft U.L.- Undist Liner 10-30 Medium 4-8 Medium Stiff S.T. — Shelby tube 30-50 Dense 8-15 Stiff S.S. —Sample Spoon 50+ Very dense 15-30 Very Stiff RC. — Rock Core 30+Har 140 Lb. WT. Hammer x 30" fall on 2" sampler LOG OF BORING JOB #: Sheet: 1 of 1 Boring: 2 Date: 9/5/19 CLIENT: Yusuf Abdur-Rahman Date started: 8/21/19 PROJECT: 4710 East Midway92 Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 334 Date com led: 8/21/19 LOCATION: NE area of propertv Driller s : PP/AO/JP A.°, z > y c 3 a ;§ c DESCRIPTION: Soil type, color, texture, and consistency. Notes on drilling conditions. 0.00 — 0'-0" Weeds, vines Dark sand, roots Dark grey sand Tan sand Tan reddish sand Dark reddish sand, pieces of thin roots Tan sand End of test 14'-0" 5 20 1'-0„ 2'-4„ 4'-0" 4'-6" T-0" 10'-01, 14'-0" I.Wr43 zoo3m9 22 4.00 5 5 10 24 5.� 5 5 6.00 5 10 30 24 TOO 14 16 ero 17 16 29 24 9M 14 15 10.00 13 15 32 24 11.00 16 16 u.0o 16 12 21 24 1100 10 11 14.00 12 15.00 16.00 I2.00 IBM 19w 20.w TYPE of SAMPLE: Cohesionless Density: Cohesive Consistency: D— disturbed (2)—Penetrometer 0-10 Loose 0-4 Soft U.L.- Undist. Liner 10-30 Medium 4-8 Medium Stiff S.T.—Shelby tube 30-50 Dense 8-15 Stiff S.S. —Sample Spoon 50+ Very dense 15-30 Very Stiff RC. — Rock Core 30+ Har 140 Lb. WT. Hammer x 3U" rail on 2" sampler LOG OF BORING JOB #: Sheet: 1 of 1 Boring: 3 Date: 915/19 CLIENT: YusufAbdur-Rahman Date started: 8/21/19 PROJECT: 4710 East Midway Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 33492 Date completed: 8/21/19 LOCATION: Center area of property Drillers : PP/AO E E n'c d k A ° c a paw z 1° > S c tia: 6 3 U c .ara E Soil a coDESt rand consistency. type, cY Notes on drilling conditions. 0.00 0`0^ Weeds, vines Dark sand, roots Dark grey sand Tan sand Tan reddish sand Dark reddish sand Tan sand End of test 14'-0" 1 5 22 1'-01, 2,-0" a -o^ 51_01, T-6„ 8'-6„ 14'-0" LN 2 3 Z.00 2 5 11 22 5 6 6 11 23 5.00 5 6 6.00 6 9 20 24 7wW 10 10 e.00 12 16 34 24 Sao 16 18 101 19 16 27 24 13 14 zoo 15 15 25 24 "°° 13 12 a.co 14 Is.ao 16.00 17.00 s Mw 7a w TYPE of SAMPLE: Cohesionless Density: Cohesive Consistency: D— disturbed (2)—Penetrometer 0-10Loose 0-4 Soft U.L.- Undist. Liner 10-30 Medium 4-8 Medium Stiff S.T. — Shelby tube 30.50 Dense 8-15 Stiff S.S.— Sample Spoon 50+ Very dense 15-30 Very Stiff RC. —Rock Core 30+Hat 140 Lb. WT. Hammer x 30" fall on 2" sampler 3931 SW 4T" Avenue Suite 104 Davie, Fl. 33314 Tel: 954-584-6115 E-mail: ppean .soilprobe.net APPENDIX"A" SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION INFORMATION Our borings describe subsurface conditions only at the locations drilled and at the time drilled. They provide no information about subsurface conditions below the bottom of the boreholes. At locations not explored, subsurface conditions that differ from those observed in the borings may exist and should be anticipated. The groundwater depth shown on our boring logs is the water level the driller(s) observed in the borehole when it was drilled. These water levels may have been influenced by the drilling procedures. An accurate determination of groundwater level requires long-term observation of suitable monitoring wells. The absence of a groundwater level on certain logs indicates that no groundwater data is available. It does not mean that no groundwater will be encountered at that boring location. Standard Penetration Test Borings The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a widely accepted method of testing foundation in place. The N-value obtained from the test has been correlated empirically with various soil properties. These empirical correlations allow satisfactory estimates to be made of how the soil is likely to behave when subjected to foundation loads. Tests are usually performed in the boreholes at intervals of five feet. In addition, our Firm performs tests continuously in the interval directly below the expected foundation -bearing grade where the soil will be most highly stressed. Boreholes where SPT will be performed are drilled with a truck mounted SIMCO 2800 drill -rig. The boreholes are advanced by rotary drilling with a winged bit that makes a hole about seven inches in diameter. After the borehole has been advanced to the depth where a SPT will be performed, the soil sampler used to run the test is attached the end of drill rods and lowered to the bottom of the borehole. The testing procedure used conforms closely to the methods recommended in ASTM D-1586. The sampler has a split -barrel 24 inches long and an outside diameter of 2.0 inches. It is driven into the ground below the bottom of the borehole using a hammer that weights 140 pounds and falls freely 30 inches. The driller records the number of hammer blows needed to advance the sampler the second and third six-inch increments. The total number of blows required to advance the sampler the second and the third six-inch increments constitutes the test results; that is N-Value at the depth. The test is completed after the sampler has been driven not more than 24 inches or when refusal is encountered, whichever occurs first. Refusal occurs when 100 hammer blows advance the sampler six inches or less. After the test is completed, the sampler is removed from the borehole and opened. The driller examines and classifies the soil recovered by the sampler. He places representative soil specimen from each test in closed jars or plastic bags and takes them to our laboratory. In the laboratory, additional evaluations and tests are performed, if needed. Jar samples are retained in our laboratory for thirty days, then discarded unless our clients request otherwise. Hand Auger Borings Hand auger borings are used if soil conditions are favorable, when the soil strata are to be determined within a shallow (approximately 6 feet) depth, or when access is not available for our truck -mounted or portable mounted drill -rigs. A three inches diameter hand bucket auger with a cutting head is simultaneously turned and pressed into the ground. The bucket auger is retrieved at approximately six inches increments and its content emptied for inspection. Sometimes pesthole diggers are used, especially in the upper three feet or so. The soil samples obtained are described and representative samples put in jars or plastic bags and transported to the laboratory for further classification and testing, if necessary.