HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Review AffidavitDEN MASTER - ELEVATIONS A —A _ G&6-N sdt'nxmit'aw'n�; _ . Building Permit # 2003-0584 Planning & Development Services Department Building & Regulations Division Product Review Affidavit Owners Name K. Hovnanian Aspire at Waterston Applicant: K. Hovnanian Aspire at Waterston Product Opening Design Product Rated Manufacturer Model Number Product Approval Glass, McUnod o/Attachment Pressures Deal n Pressure Number .26-V332 .Wal-50.0 Ml Wbdorn4Dm 16203H-52r75 21637.2 ro !SPCI 3ne'Tepmns:l.V4' min embedment 2'mbv edW dISWMS �� •26.V 7 •W.afbT MIWWowab Dm. 1620 SH-31x72 21637.3 nm-2nPa 3a6'Tapmns;l-1/4•Mn embedment 2'min edpo dtlmnea Windows •2fl31332 MOAF40A Ml Wstlowc60rc Seriea420 AWm. 153322 na.Ynpa 3118`TePaanx l-1A'Mn endsM 9ritlin Glass Dose saws, 311: F-1/4Yb1ATapmnsSMeaN arN •26.31332 .65.0%65.0 PMclmo. Nn F0er91ass Dam 171ed.5 Na JmbcB Hd: L210#-12wd Front Door 16546A Ne 1/4Y1-t14'min embed Tepmn oars eniv;]-12'bWm Mme:t'OD.tsWe •24.6F29.8 .36.0/424 t]aPaY V—Smbe MdL 73 Garage Door Ne oae*a,nrroswm:oamm.n.lsr...¢r+esarne-.ano.o.a.*way+ Vinyl soffit•26AF39.0 +68.T/418.T I(eycen Lld. a',t6W3.1 Roof Undedayment Ne Ne TMIS, Tenao N0.39A9TM 1232a118 Ne `-e"d�dn0 We Ne Cedanteed Lmtlemrk 16-1109.18 Na Nos'd, final's pm sNrylo-1-114•msnstl Roof Shin lea pr"�ru.i�:ri• +26.3C332 M].OId3.0 xm.tAm.PN_NFG MYHZ 16293.1 Ne 2-t/4'Eka PaneJmele M. Festenere auhmwpe-rr .28.1/-38.1 H8.0/-58A Na.5bm.MMFG KvW 1M3.1 Na 2-1A'FJw PawhreIS PUS FmRmrs nrz mnrrMam�•er .26.0/332 .45A/50.0 Nu.6mm.PN.IaFG HVH2 18293.1 Ne 2-114'FJm PenelmeIS PUS Feasrem aiersw+ Revised 07/22/2014 f have reviewed the above components or cladding and 1 have approved their use In this structure. These products provide adequate resistance to the hind loads and farces specified by current code provisions. Dawn Bogglo-Korbelak, RA, 07" Wearvn 6o0ei " OF Ft0 Dawn BDggio Korbelak Signature: AIA Dan: w2d.m.+z 2aa1:13aoc �P�GIO•� Name: Architect Ccrl. No. ARS4880 Date: 5112/20 Design Prof* • ; Q _ �. _:. • O TT lVV. Afi94880 GG��