HomeMy WebLinkAboutPotable Water & Wastewater Dev. Agreement4/21/2020 K Hovnanian corrections for Waterstone lot 57 - 5221 ARMINA PL Permit # 2003-0584 Contact: Laura Schaad 561-348-4805 Prepared by and Return to St. Lucie County Water and Wastewater Utility District Attn: District Utility Director 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE D 4531352 D21152019 0805:59 AM OR BOOK 4233 PAGE 146-158 Doc Type: AGR RECORDING: $112.00 C19 -10 STANDARD POTABLE WATER, WASTEWATER AND RECLAIMED WATER DE VE LOPMENT AGREEME NT (SDA) THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this _ day of February, 20191 by and between St. Lucie County Water and Wastewater Utility District, whose address is 2300 Virginia Ave., Annex, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982, hereinafter referred to as "Utility", and Waterstone Builders, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, whose address is 1400 East Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 103, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334, hereinafter referred as "Property Owner". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Property Owner owns property located in St. Lucie County, Florida, and as more fully described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof and hereinafter referred to as "Property", whereupon Property Owner has or is about to develop the Property by erecting thereon residential and/or non-residential improvements and desires to secure the provision of water, wastewater and/or reclaimed water utility service to the Property; and WHEREAS, Property Owner acknowledges that execution of this Agreement by Utility does not confer nor grant any land use, zoning or site plan approvals for the Property, nor does it assure or guarantee Property Owner that Property Owner has or will be able to obtain land use, zoning or site plan approvals for or be able to construct on the Property the number of ERCs for which[ Property Owner has voluntarily elected to reserve utility capacity under this Agreement. NOW , FORE, for and in consideration of these premises, the mutual undertakings and agreements herein contained and assumed, Property Owner and Utility hereby covenant and agree as follows: The foregoing statements are true and correct. 2. The following definitions and references are given for the purpose of interpreting the terms as used in this Agreement and apply unless the context indicates a different meaning: (a) "USP" - the Utility Service Policy for water, wastewater and reclaimed water service by the Utility, as may be amended from time to time, which is incorporated herein by reference; (00074909.RTFQ) Waterstone Buflders/WateTstone Phase 1 Page 1 October, 2018 WPB 384322229v5 02262997.v1 (b) "UEP" — the Utility Extension Policy for water, wastewater and reclaimed water service by Utility, as may be amended from time to time, which is incorporated herein by reference. (c) "UPAP" — the Utility Extension Policy, Utility Service Policy, the Utility Rate Tariff, and other policies and procedures adopted by the St. Lucie County (Utility), as may be amended from time to time, which is incorporated herein by reference. (d) "Service" - the readiness and ability on the part of Utility to furnish potable water and reclaimed water to and to collect wastewater from the Property; (e) "Point of Service" - generally, the point where the pipes or meters of Utility are connected with pipes of the Property Owner as further defined in the UPAP; (f) "Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC)" - a system capacity equivalency unit which corresponds to the peak demand of the single-family residential category of Customer usage. This system capacity equivalency unit is utilized to establish the system demand for various sized connections for the purpose of assessing fees; (g) `Equivalent Residential Irrigation Connection (ERIC)" - a system capacity equivalency unit which corresponds to the peak demand for reclaimed water irrigation use by a single-family residential user. This system capacity equivalency unit is utilized to establish the system demand for various sized connections for the purpose of assessing fees (h) "Service Initiation" - the date a potable water meter is set or a wastewater connection is made for a customer, (i) "Guaranteed Revenue Fee" or "Guaranteed Revenues"- the mandatory fee paid by all customers designed to recover the carrying costs of system capacity which has been or is being constructed in anticipation of future service requests. Carrying costs include a portion of the fixed operating and renewal and replacement expenses necessary to maintain excess system capacity for future use. (j) "Total Accrued Amount (TAA)" - A TAA represents accrued Guaranteed Revenue Fees payable at the time of execution of this Agreement for all ERC's reserved. (k) "Standard Development Renewal Agreement (SDRA)" — an agreement between Utility and the Property Owner extending the capacity reservation for unused ERCs in a Standard Development Agreement for an additional five (5) years. (1) "Utility Facilities" - water, wastewater and reclaimed water facilities, including, but not limited to, mains, pipes, lines, pump stations, lift stations, hydrants, laterals, meters, valves, storage tanks, meter boxes, telemetry equipment, wells, Waterston Builders/Waterstone Phase I October, 2019 WPB 284322229VS 02262997.vl Page 2 signs, and SCADA systems, whether above ground, below ground or at grade level. 3. Property Owner hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Chapter 153, Part 11, Florida Statutes, Utility has exclusive right and privilege to construct, own, maintain, operate, replace, add to and expand the Utility's Utility Facilities in, under, upon, over and across the present and future streets, roads, easements, reserved utility sites and public places as provided and dedicated to public use in the record plats, or as provided for in agreement, dedications or grants made otherwise and independent of said record plats. Utility covenants that it will attempt to ascertain and utilize easement locations; however, should Utility install any of its Utility Facilities outside a dedicated easement area, Property Owner covenants and agrees that Utility will not be required to move or relocate any facilities lying outside a dedicated easement area as long as the facilities do not unreasonably interfere with the then or proposed use of the area in which the facilities have been installed. Property Owner hereby further acknowledges that the foregoing grants include the necessary rights of ingress and egress to any part of the Property which Utility requests for the maintenance, operation, repair, replacement, addition to or expansion of the Utility Facilities; that in the event Utility is required or desires to install any of its Utility Facilities in lands within the Property lying outside the streets and easement areas described above, then Property Owner or the successor owner(s), as applicable, shall grant to Utility, without cost or expense to Utility, the necessary easement or easements for such installation; provided, all such installations by Utility shall be made in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the then primary use of such Property. Property Owner or the successor owner(s), as applicable, shall obtain written approval from Utility prior to installing any structure or object, including, but not limited to, fences, gates, signs, trees, foundations, patios or poles, within an easement area. In consideration of Utility's consent to an encroachment, Property Owner or the successor owner(s), as applicable, shall agree to indemnify and hold Utility harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, penalties, claims costs and expenses, including attonrey's fees at all levels, which may be imposed upon or asserted against Utility as a result of or in any way connected to an encroaclunent approved by Utility or the removal or destruction of such encroachment as required by Utility. In the event Utility determines that it is necessary to construct, maintain, repair, remove or replace any of its facilities located under, over or upon an easement, Property Owner or the successor owner(s) of the portion of the Property affected shall immediately remove the encroachment from the easement upon the request of Utility at Property Owner's or the successor(s), as applicable, sole cost and expense. If Property Owner or the successor(s), as applicable, fails to remove the encroachment, Utility shall have the right to remove the encroachment from the easement. Property Owner or the successor(s), as applicable, shall pay all costs related to removing the encroachment from the easement incurred by Utility. Property Owner, as further consideration to Utility for this Agreement, and in order to effectuate the foregoing grants to Utility, hereby places the following covenant, as a covenant running with the land, upon the Property and thereby subjecting it to a reservation, condition, limitation or restriction in favor of Utility, as follows: Pursuant to Chapter 153, Part II, Florida Statutes, Utility, or its successors, has the sole and exclusive right to provide all potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water services to the Property described in Exhibit "A". All occupants of any residence or non- residential improvement erected or located on the Property and all subsequent or future owners or purchasers of the Property, or any portion thereof, shall exclusively receive their potable water and wastewater service from the aforesaid Utility and shall pay for the same and shall abide by the terms and intent of this Agreement, and the UPAP, for as Waterston Builders/Waterstone Phase I October, 2018 WPB 384322229v9 02262997.vi Page 3 long as the aforesaid Utility provides such services to the Property. Further, all occupants of any residence or non-residential improvement erected or located on the Property and all subsequent or future owners or purchasers of the Property, or any portion thereof, agree, by occupying any premises on the Property or by recording any deed of conveyance with respect to the Property, that they will not construct or otherwise make available or use potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water service from any source other than that provided by Utility. Further, all occupants of any residence or non- residential improvement erected or located on the Property and all subsequent or future owners or purchasers of the Property, or any portion thereof, agree that Utility may require them to purchase and use a volume of reclaimed water equal to eighty percent (801/9) of the volume of wastewater discharged from the Property on an equivalent average basis as determined by the Utility. Any water well or water source used solely to supplement irrigation water supply for the Property is excluded fiom this restriction except to the extent the Property is required to utilize reclaimed water from Utility equal to eighty percent (80%) of the volume of wastewater discharged from the Property. Further, in order to give an additional and supplementary notice to all the future Property Owners of any of the Property of the rights of Utility to provide the Property with potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water facilities and services, the Property Owner hereby covenants and agrees to have the above restrictive covenant or its equivalent included in the general subdivision restrictions and any plats of the Property and to place the same of record in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. 4. Upon the continued accomplishment of all the prerequisites contained in this Agreement to be performed by the Property Owner, and subject to completion of the Utility Facilities necessary to serve the Property, Utility covenants and agrees that it will allow the connection of the Utility Facilities installed by Property Owner to the Utility Facilities of Utility in accordance with the terms and intent of this Agreement and the UPAP. Such connection shall be in accordance with rules, and regulations of the State, the UPAP, and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the utility operations of Utility. Property Owner shall connect the Property to the Utility reclaimed water distribution system in accordance with the reclaimed water requirements set forth in the UPAP. S. Property Owner is required to pay the TAA in order to support Utility's investment in utility facilities, as well as the fixed costs of maintaining such facilities and the unused capacity for the benefit of Property Owner as provided in the UPAP. The initial and continuing payment of TAAs is an essential component of the consideration to Utility for providing utility service to the Property. Property Owner agrees and acknowledges that the TAA is not an impact fee. 6. The Term of this Agreement is five (5) years. Upon receipt of payment of the Connection Fees and the TAA due upon execution of this Agreement, Utility agrees to initiate the provision of water and wastewater utility service for 138 ERCs for Property Owner during the Term of the Agreement. Property Owner may extend the Tenn of this Agreement for additional five (5) year terms, by execution of a Term Extension Agreement to be recorded against the Property, payment of a TAA meeting the then current requirements of the UPAP, coring any then existing defaults by Property Owner under the then existing Agreement, and payment of any additional fees required under UPAP. This Agreement shall terminate automatically at tine end of a Term, if not extended in accordance with the UPAP, and Property Owner agrees that Utility may record a termination of this Agreement in the event Property Owner has not renewed the Agreement. The termination shall extinguish all duties and Phase I October, 2018 WPB 394322229v5 02262997.v1 Page 4 obligations of Utility to property Owner under this Agreement, including but not limited to the reservation of capacity or obligation to provide utility service to any ERCs not connected to the Utility facilities at the time of termination, but shall not affect utility service to any customers who have connected to the Utility facilities and established a customer agreement with Utility as of the date of termination of this Agreement, whose utility service shall be governed by the USP. The duties, obligations and acknowledgements of Property Owner as set forth in Paragraphs 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 16 of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement. 7. Property Owner will construct up to the Point of Service to Utility, at no cost to Utility, the on -site potable water distribution, on -site wastewater collection, and on -site reclaimed water distribution systems up to Property Owners reclaimed water storage facilities (not including on -site water reclaimed water distribution facilities on the consumer side of the discharge to the reclaimed water storage facilities) referred to herein and such off -site Utility Facilities as_determined necessary by Utility to be constructed by Property Owner to connect Property Owner's on -site Utility Facilities to Utility's Utility Facilities (all such out -site and off -site facilities referred to in this paragraph collectively as "Property Owner Facilities"). Upon compliance of said Property Owner Utility Facilities with the requirements of tills Agreement and the UPAP for turnover of facilities, Utility agrees to accept ownership of the Property Owner Facilities for operation. Property Owner shall cause to be prepared engineering plans and specifications prepared by and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida, showing the Property Owner Facilities. Utility will advise Property Owner's engineer of any facility and sizing requirements as mandated by the UPAP. Such detailed plans may be limited to a phase of the Property, and subsequent phases may be furnished from time to time. However, each such phase shall conform to a master plan for the development of the Property and such master plan shall be submitted to Utility concurrent with or prior to submission of plaits for the first phase. All such plans and specifications, including hard copy and electronic media, submitted to Utility's engineer shall be subject to the approval of Utility and shall conform to Utility's standards as set forth in the UPAP, and no construction shall commence until Utility has approved such plans and specifications in writing. After approval, Property Owner shall cause to be constructed, at Property Owner's expense, the Property Owner Facilities as shown on the plans and specifications. Fees, as set forth in the UPAP, shall be levied by Utility to cover the cost of plan review and inspection. No connections of ERCs will be allowed until Property Owner has complied with the requirements of this Section. The Property Owner shall also be required to pay the fees on Exhibit B to this Agreement. During the construction of the Property Utility Facilities, Utility may from time to time inspect such installations to determine compliance with the plans and specifications, adequacy of the quality of the installation, and further, shall be entitled to direct the Property Owner, at the Property Owner's expense, to perform standard tests for pressure, infiltration, line and Bade, and all other normal engineering tests to determine that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the UPAP. Inspection by Utility shall in no way relieve the Property Owner of his responsibility to install the facilities in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the UPAP. Complete as -built plans, including hard copy and electronic media, shall be submitted to Utility upon completion of construction. Property Owner shall be required to re -install any Property Owner Facilities which do not meet the requirements of the UPAP or approved plaits and specifications. Property Owner hereby agrees to transfer or cause the transfer to Utility title to all Property Owner Facilities at no cost to Utility. Such conveyance is to take effect without further action upon the written acceptance by Utility of the said installation. As further evidence of said transfer of title, upon the Waterstone Build October, 2018 WPB 3643222290 02262997.vl Page 5 completion of the installation and prior to the rendering of service by Utility, Property Owner shall convey or cause to be conveyed to Utility by Bill of Sale in a form provided in the UEP the complete Property Owner Facilities as approved by Utility, along with documentation of Property Owner's costs of construction and Property Owner's No Lien Affidavit, in form provided in the UEP. Subsequent to construction of the Utility Facilities and prior to receiving a meter(s) from Utility, Property Owner shall convey to Utility all easements and/or rights -of -way covering areas in which Utility Facilities are located by a recordable document in a form supplied by Utility. All conveyance of non -platted easements or rights -of -way shall be accompanied by a paid title policy for the benefit of Utility in a minimum amount of • $50.00 per linear foot of any granted utility easement (based on the centerline of the easement); and • $50,000.00 for a Utility -owned pump stations, wastewater lift station or other non -line facilities (if not constructed within an existing utility easement). Said title policy shall confirm the grantor's rights to convey such easements or rights -of -way, and further, evidencing Utility's right to the continuous enjoyment of such'easements or rights -of -way for those purposes set forth in this Agreement. Utility's acceptance of the Property Owner Facilities installed by Property Owner shall be in accordance with the provisions as set forth in the UPAP, provided acceptance by Utility shall not relieve Property Owner from its obligations under this Agreement. All installations by Property Owner or its contractor shall be warranted for one (1) year (or five (5) years in tine case of lift station pumps and motor assemblies) from date of final acceptance by the Utility of the last component of the Utility Facilities to be installed. Mortgagees holding liens on such properties shall be required to release such liens, subordinate their position, or join in the granting of the easements or rights - of -way. All Property Owner Facilities shall be located within an easement if not located within platted or dedicated rights -of -way. The timely and continued payment by Property Owner of all fees in accordance with the terms set forth herein shall be considered essential to the continued performance by Utility of the terns and conditions of this Agreement. The construction and transfer of ownership of the Utility Facilities does not and will not result in Utility waiving or offsetting any of its fees, rules or regulations. Property Owner shall not have any present or future right, title, claim, or interest in and to the Utility Facilities transferred to or owned by Utility. 8. Upon submission of this Agreement, Property Owner, at his expense, agrees to furnish Utility with a copy of the recorded Warranty Deed for the purpose of establishing ownership of the Property. Any mortgagee or lien holder having an interest in the Property shall be required to execute a Consent and Joinder of Mortgagee/Lienholder in the form as provided in the UEP. A Property Owner must submit either a title policy or a letter from an attorney licensed to do business in Florida confirming that either there is no mortgage or lien on the property or any mortgage or lien holder has properly executed a Consent and Joiner of Mortgagee/Lienholder. The title policy or letter must be issued within thirty (30) days of submittal of the SDA, or else Utility may terminate this Agreement. 9. Property Owner acknowledges with Utility that all Property Owner Facilities conveyed to Utility for use in connection with providing potable water, wastewater and reclaimed water service to the Property, shall at all times remain in the complete and exclusive ownership of Utility, except as otherwise provided herein, and no entity owning any part of the Property or any residence or building constructed or located thereon, will have any right, title, claim or interest in and to such facilities, or any part of them, for any purpose. Waterston Builders/Waterstone Phase I October, 2018 WPB 384322229v5 02262997.vl Page 6 10. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement, pursuant to Chapter 153, Part 11, Florida Statutes, Utility may establish, revise, modify and enforce rules, regulations and fees covering the provision of potable water and wastewater service to the Property. All rules, regulations and fees as set forth in the UPAP, shall be bipding upon Property Owner, upon any other person or entity holding by, through or under Property Owner, and upon any Customer of the potable water and wastewater service provided to the Property by Utility. Said rules and regulations include, but are not limited to, Service Initiation, oversizing of facilities, use of previously oversized facilities or extension of facilities. 11. Property Owner or its assignee shall not have the right to and shall not connect any Properly Owner Facilities or ERCs to the Utility Facilities of Utility until approval for such connection has been granted by Utility. The parties hereto further agree that the expense of construction, operation and maintenance of all improvements beyond the Point of Service (See Exhibit "C" for Point of Service) shall be the sole cost and expense of the Property Owner, upon any other entity holding by, through or under Property Owner, and upon any Customer of die potable water and wastewater service provided to the Property. 12. This Agreement runs with the land and is unique to the Property. This Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of Utility, and may only be assigned to a successor in interest of Property Owner to the Property. As a consequence of the unique nature of providing for utility service to the Property, no part of this Agreement may be assigned separately from the whole of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, Utility may permit Property Owner to allocate the ERCs to particular parcels or units on the Property on forms set forth in the UPAP. 13. All notices provided for herein shall be in writing and transmitted by mail or by courier and, if to Property Owner shall be mailed or delivered to Property Owner at: Waterstone Builders, LLC 1400 East Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 and if to Utility, shall be mailed to Utility at: St. Lucie County Water and Wastewater Utility District Public Utility Director 2300 Virginia Ave., Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34992 With a copy to: St. Lucie County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 .14. During the Tenn of this Agreement, the rights, privileges, obligations and covenants of Property Owner and Utility shall not be terminated by the turnover of any portion of the Property Owner (00074909.11TFn) Waterstone Builder"aterstone Phase I October, 2018 VVP6 364322229v5 02262997.v1 Page 7 Facilities to Utility with respect to Property Owner completing the remaining portions of the Property Owner Facilities and provision of utility services to any phased area and to the Property as a whole. 15. Unless Property Owner is requesting additional capacity for the property described in Exhibit "A", this Agreement shall supersede, null and void, all previous agreements or representations, either verbal or written, heretofore in effect between Property Owner and Utility, made with respect to the matter herein contained, and when duly executed, constitutes the entire agreement between the Property Owner and Utility. No additions, alterations or variations of terms of this Agreement shall be valid, nor can provisions of this Agreement be. waived by either party, unless such additions, alterations, variations or waiver are expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties hereto. Property Owner acknowledges that staff and employees of Utility have no authority to bind Utility or agree to any additions, alterations or variations of terms of this Agreement or the UPAP, which can only be added to, altered or varied by the St. Lucie County Commission sitting as the Utility governing board. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida and shall become effective upon execution by the parties hereto. The venue for actions arising out of this Agreement shall lie in St. Lucie County, Florida. 16. Special Conditions; a. Property Owner has estimated that it will require the initiation of utility service for the Property as of . Utility shall attempt to provide water, wastewater or reclaimed water capacity for the Property in accordance with the Property Owner's development time schedule, subject to Property Owner compliance with Section 16(b) below. Property Owner acknowledges that due to environmental permitting, securing of plant and line siting rights, public procurement processes, financing requirements, budget constraints, force majeure events and construction schedules, the timing of provision of capacity to the Property is an estimate only and cannot be guaranteed by Utility. Property Owner represents to Utility that Property Owner is not relying upon the estimate of time set forth above, and that Utility shall not be responsible for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, incurred as a result of, arising out of or related to Utility's inability to provide capacity to the Property in accordance with Property Owner's development time schedule. b. Certain wastewater facilities were installed on the Property related to a prior SDA recorded against the Property, as more fully described on Exhibit "C" (the "Prior SDA Facilities"). These Prior SDA Facilities are necessary for utility service to the Property, but were not inspected nor accepted for ownership and operation by the Utility at the time of installation. Property Owner has proposed that ownership of these Prior SDA Facilities be retained by the Waterstone Community Development District ("CDD'�. With respect to these Prior SDA Facilities, initiation of utility service for the Property will be subject to execution of an Interlocal Agreement, in form set forth on Exhibit "D". With respect to the Property Owner Facilities described on Exhibit "C, the Property Owner will correct any identified deficiencies and requirements, subject to inspection and approval of the Utility, prior to initiation of utility service to the Property, and shall provide Utility a two (2) year warrantee on such corrected facilities, and shall provide a five (5) year warrantee for all wastewater pumps which are a pail of the Property Owner Facilities. C. One Hundred Thirty -Eight (138) ERCs of water and wastewater capacity are reserved under this Agreement solely for the Property. No additional capacity for the Property or Phase I October, 2018 MB 364322229v5 02262997.vl Page 8 for other properties of Property Owner is guaranteed until such time as modification to this Agreement or execution of a second agreement occurs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Property Owner and Utility have executed or have caused this Agreement, with the named Exhibits attached, to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of which counterpart shall be considered an original executed copy of this Agreement. ST. LUCIE, COUNTY WATER AND WASTE, WATE ITY DISTI By: Couu dministratoi ba„ fle. Etlr S. Print Namee: STATE OF LORIDA COUNTY S+ LULt2, PROPERTY OWNER: WATERSTONE BUILDERS, LLC a Florida limited liability company By: " W Matthew Markofsky Manager NOTARY CERTIFICATE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 day of February, 2019, by Matthew Markofsky, as Manager of Waterstone Builders, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, for and on behalf of the company. He/she is personally known to me or has produced 1�lnZi�0�1o41'F 11 as identification. � L �Y DWA01ANEWARo ignature of Notary E;Ojo stop usl �022 Typed, Pr, 4@r Stalit�lA®IMI6WAR0f Notary Public < F roBAUe „ k Commlr°IonBCO243778 apd� SerialNu�< ExplfosftuatH2022 Waterstone Builders/Waterstone Phase I Page 9 October, 2018 WPB 384322229v5 02252997.vl JOINDER AND CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE being the holder of that certain mortgage dated the day of ,20_, and recorded the day of 20_, in Official Record Hook , at Page , of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, hereby consents and subordinates its mortgage to the utility easements contemplated in the forgoing Standard Potable Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Development Agreement. WITNESSES: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY MORTGAGE HOLDER: By: Title: _ Print Name: NOTARY CERTIFICATE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by of on behalf of the He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification. Phase 1 October, 2018 WPB 384322228v5 02262997.vl Signature of Notary Typed, Printed, or Stamped Name of Notary Public Serial Number Page 10 Exhibit fOA" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lots 1 through 66, Block 1; Lots 1 through 40, Block 2; and Lots 1 through 59, Block 3, WATERSTONE — PHASE ONE, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 52, at Page 35, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. AND Lots 1 through 6, Lot 9, Lots 14 through 30, and Lots 118 through 127, Block 5, WATERSTONE — PHASE TWO, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 59, at Page 1, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County Florida. (00074909.RTM) Waterston Builders/Waterstone Please I Page I I October, 2018 WPa 304322229v5 02262997M a Exhibit B SCHEDULE OF FEES CONNECTION CHARGES: 138 ERCs x $7,198.00 per ERC INITIAL GUARANTEED REVENUE FEES: 138 ERCs x 1 year x $465.00 per ERC FPUA GUARANTEED REVENUES FEES: DOCUMENT RECORDING FEE: (13 PAGES) ($10.00 fast page/$8.50 additional) PLAN REVIEW FEE: Minimum oft% of Construction Costs with Actual Additional Cost Payable Prior to Regulatory Sign -off, total TBD Based on Engineers Certified Construction Cost. INSPECTION FEES: Minimum of 1'/a% of Construction Costs with Actual Additional Cost Payable Prior to Regulatory Sign -off, total TBD Based on Engineers Certified Construction Cost. DEVELOPER AGREEMENT FEE: (Minimum of $4,897.00 due Upon Execution of Agreement, with Actual Cost Payable Prior to Regulatory Sign -off) WATERSTONE CDD AGREEMENT FEE: WATER METER/BACKFLOW CHARGE (50 -'/." at $434 each) WATER AND SEWER SECURITY DEPOSIT (Paid at time of Meter Set) TOTAL DUE UPON EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT (00074909RTF2) Waterstone Builders/Waterstone Phase I October, 2018 WPB 394322229v5 02262997.vl $ 993,324.00 $ 64,170.00 S T13D $ 112.00 $ .00 $ TBD $ 4,897.00 $ ' TBD $ 21,700.00 $ .00 1.OR4.20-1 Page 12 Exhibit C DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNER FACILITIES Waterstone's Water and Sanitaty Sewer system has been constructed. The following is a description of the existing onsite utility facilities to be turned over to Utility, subject to Section 16(b), above ("Property Owner Facilities"): Potable Water System • 11,500 feet of 8" PVC Water Main; • 62 Fire Hydrant assembles; • Water Service connection; and • Valves, fittings and apparatus. Sanitary Sewer System • Lift Station B; and • 350 feet of 8" PVC Force Main. The above excludes components of the water and sanity sewer system, which are currently in service, which includes the backbone 16" PVC and 10" PVC water mains running along Waterstone Boulevard fi-om Emerson Avenue and extending eastwards to Seminole Road, along with the existing 16" PVC sanitary sewer Force Main and Lift Station A. DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR SDA FACILITIES The above also excludes the Prior SDA Facilities comprised of components of the sanitary sewer system, including 22,700 feet of 8" PVC Gravity Sewer Mains, 152 Sewer Manholes and 401 Sewer Service laterals. Waterstone Builders/Waterstone Phase 1 Page 13 October, 2018 WPB 384322229v5 02262997.v1