HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Card - As of 08-08-2008AS o Code Compliance Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1148 http://stiucioco.gov/co INSPECTION CARD Permit #: SLC- 0612-0362 Conf # 729 Type: Building Residential (SFR) Issued 01/02/2007 Status: EXP Double Fee: No Job Location 5050 A1A City: FORT PIERCE Jurisdiction: St. Lucie County Lot: Block: Parcel: 1414-220-0005-000/5 Subdiv: Flood: AO Elev: 15. Flood Map: 89G Job Description: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE - BEING REPLACED BY A NEW PERMIT 0808-0109""'VOID LETTER TO COME- A HUMPHREY Setbacks Left: 7.70 Right 7.70 Front 25.00 Rear. 110.00 Inspection Notes: ADNAN CELL - 772-285-4187 Contractor ALGHITA K. ADNAN ADNAN INVESTMENT & DEV INC (772) 229-8557 109 AQUA RA DR JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957 SUB -PERMITS Permit# Status PT Cert# DBA Owner/Builder Job Description 0612-0362-01 ISS EP 1850 CARPENTER ELECTRIC INC Chg from 0612-0362-02 ISS PP 19636 O'GRADY'S PLUMBING SERVI per letter from owner chg from #20894 to 19636. bdimon 0612-0362-03 ISS ME 8255 ATLANTIC A/C & HEATING IN( 0612-0362-04 PEN RP OWNER/BUILDER INSPECTIONS - For Requests, Call: (772) 462-1261 Permit # Code Description Priori Date Schad. Res Description Inspector Date Insp. 0612-0362 0 0612-0362 425 Sewer Connect 0 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 0 04/11/2007 92 Accepted As Noted Frank Williams 04/11/2007 Revision : add 3' 6" stemwall from Grade Beam to ground floor --new pages 3-4--A6 - f williams 04/11/2007 0612-0362, 900 Plan Revision 0 92 Accepted As Noted Frank Williams 05/01/2007 Revision to add Grade beams and Stem walls under Pool 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 0 92 Accepted As Noted Frank Williams 05/01/2007 Add Cantilever Wedges at pool columns to suport pool ---contractor to supply letter from engineer to state size of rebar. 0612-0362 101 Notice of Commencement 1 92 Accepted As Noted Frank Williams 04/12/2007 0612-0362 105 Form Board Survey 1 92 Accepted As Noted Diane Flanigan 01/18/2008 Re -inspection 1 COULDN'T SIGN OFF - SUB ON HOLD (DF) 0612-0362 105 Form Board Survey 1 81 Disapproved Diane Flanigen 01115/2008 Form Board Survey Rejected' Does not match the latest plans submitted see spiral stairway area, and south side of house, ? what are the little juts on the s.e.comer' Is, mh, df, jmc 0612-0362 118 Column 1 Re -inspection 9 0612-0362 119 Stem wall 1 07106/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 07/06/2007 7/5/07 incall schedule with contr/ trisha. bee Re -inspection 2 Resulted: Fri Jul 6 14:50:17 EDT 2007 Steel in stem wall does not match plans 0612-0362 119 Stem wall 1 08/21/2007 82 Disapproved-Reinspec Jim Beams 0812112007 Permit Nun 0612-0362 Re -inspection 3 Garage area, rnr._,_ ire not per plans. Min 25" Steel in garage floor ran;,- .-: suported by paver bricks. 0612-0362 119 Ste I 1 04/13/2007 81 Disapproved Scott Attey 04/13/2007 STEM WAL T TO PLAN ( PLEASE REVISE ).' ALL FORMS MUST BE INPLACE FOR AREAS INTENDED TO POUR. 'STEEL MUST CH COVERAGE FROM FORMS. Resulted: Fri Apr 13 14:26:30 0612-0362 119 �St all 1 05/09/2007 91 Partial Approval Gary Gerstemeier 05/09/2007 5/7/07 inCal c edule with adnan. bac Re-ingp—eclion 1 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 1 92 Accepted As Noted Joe Cicio 07/10/2008 call on 05-07-2008' Pouring all columns and walls that were dissapproved by inspectors' Requires site -specific as built plans with the engineer of record to signoff all inspections' Needs Plan Revisions and engineers reports 'jMC' Approved 07/10/2008 Jmc' 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 1 05/01/2008 92 Accepted As Noted Joe Cicio 05/01/2008 SUBMITTED REVISED PLANS TO POUR 8" SOLID CONCRETE WALLS IN THE GARAGE AREA ONLY' ADJUSTMENT TO THE 2 ELEVATOR COLUMNS' OMIT THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE [ LEFT REAR ] 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 1 NEED ENGINEERS LETTER FOR THE CUTTING DOWN OF THE BEAM IN THE STAIRWAY TO ELIMINATE ENCROACHMENT INTO THE STAIRWAY' 0612-0362 104 Compaction Test 2 01/25/2008 50 Engineer Approval Acc Joe Cicio 01/25/2008 COMPACTION APPROVED FOR THE GARAGE SLAB BY ENGINEER HARVEY KOEHNEN P.E.# 32831 0612-0362 111 Shoring 2 01/24/2008 50 Engineer Approval Acc Joe Cicio 01/24/2008 0612-0362 115 Slab 2 01/24/2008 75 Cancelled by Customei Gary Gerstemeier 01/24/2008 FIRST FLOOR 1123108 incall schedule with adrian/ contr. bac Re -inspection 1 0612-0362 115 Slab 2 01/25/2008 90 Approved Gary Gerstemeier 01/25/2008 ADNAN NEEDS INSPECTION AT 11AM.. Re -inspection 2 0612-0362 115 Slab 2 01122/2008 75 Cancelled by Customei INSPECTOR TO GET WITH JOE CICIO TO GET PLANS BEFORE GOING OUT FOR INSPECTION. INSPECTION AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE AS CUSTOMER HAS CONCRETE SET UP. (ka) 0612-0362 118 Column 2 01/25/2008 50 Engineer Approval Acc Joe Cicio 01/25/2008 BELOW GROUND FLOOR COLUMNS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD HARVEY KOEHNEN P.E.# 32831 0612-0362 118 Column 2 04/21/2008 75 Cancelled by Customei Shaun Milligan 04/21/2008 per fax 0612-0362 118 Column 2 04/28/2008 75 Cancelled by Customei Barbara Counsellor 04/28/2008 4/28/08 rpcvdfax to cancel inspection fnvd to file. bacounsellor 4/25/08 incall schedule with adnan/ contr. bac Re -inspection 3 0612-0362 118 Column 2 04/29/2008 81 Disapproved ScottAttey 04/29/2008 did not have proper paperwork on the job. 4/28/08 incall schedule with adnan/ contr. bac Re -inspection 4 0612-0362 118 Column 2 04/30/2008 82 Disapproved-Reinspea Scott Alley 04/30/2008 Re -inspection 6 Resulted: Wed Apr 30 09:57:22 EDT 2008 FIRST FLOOR GARAGE WALLS ARE NOT TO PLAN.' THE GARAGE WALLS PER PAGE [41 SHOWS TO BE BLOCK WITH #5 BAR EVERY 4FT OC WITH STEEL 24 INCHES OC FROM THE BLOCK TO THE COLUMN.' NOT BUILDING TO PLAN AN A REVISION IS NEEDED. 0612-0362 118 Column 2 05/02/2008 81 Disapproved Scott Alley 05/02/2008 5/1108 incall schedule with adnan/ contr. bac Re -inspection 6 05/02/08 (1) INTERIOR WALL COLUMNS CHANGED FROM ROUND TO SQUARE. (2) COLUMNS ADDED IN SEVERAL PLACES. (3) WALL CMU ADDED ON LEFT SIDE OF SOUTH END FRONT BEDROOM. (4) DELETED CMU WALL IN ROOM NEXT TO SOUTH FRONT BEDRM, AND ADDED A WINDOW. (5) DOOR MOVED FROM HALL TO ELEVATOR RM. (6) MISSING CONNECTION SEEL FROM CMU CALL TO COLUMNS AT 2FT OC, CHECK ALL. "ALL WALL CHANGES, COLUMN CHANGES, WINDOW CHANGES, ANY CHANGES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF RECORD. CHANGES TO BE APPROVED BY OUR PLAN REVIEW DEPARTMENT. SA 0612-0362 118 Column 2 91 Partial Approval Scott Alley 07117/2008 GIZ , ec_� �a I Permit Nun 0612-0362 �i Re -inspection 8 •• S/A approved 3 revs- _ ' B" x 18" 6' deep colmns @ front entry grade level • ._ ^,are that contr is cutting down a beam in the stairwell interior due to encroachment into the stairway • Needs engineers letter from Harvey 0612-0362 118 Column 2 07/14/2008 81 Disapproved Scott Alley 07114/2008 Re -inspection 7 ADDED COLUMN THAT IS NOT ON THE REVISED DRAWINGS AT THE RIGHT SIDE ON THE STAIR LANDING.* CONTRACTOR WANTED THREE NEW PILINGS INSPECTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS, PLAN CALLED FOR 6 INCH ROUND 6 FT DEEP AND 18X18 SQUARE [X] 6FT DEEP WERE INSTALLED. PLAESE REVISE DRAWINGS. S.A. 0612-0362 119 Stem wall 2 01/25/2008 50 Engineer Approval Acc Joe Cicio 01/25/2008 Re -inspection 5 •• 01/24/2008 • EXPLAINED TO MR. ALGHITA THAT WE NEED ENGINEERS REPORTS TO SIGN OFF ALL STEMWALLS AS THEY ALL HAVE BEEN POURED WITHOUT OUR INSPECTION' NOT ONLY GARAGE STEMWALL • Jmc ALL STEMWALLS, AND UNDER FLOOR BEAMS AND COLUMNS APPROVED BY ENGINEER HARVEY KOEHNEN P.E.# 32831 0612-0362 119 Stem wall 2 08/23/2007 81 Disapproved Jim Beams 08/23/2007 8122107 incall schedule with adnan/ contr. bac STEM WALLS DO NOT MATCH PLAN. Re -inspection 4 0612-0362 121 Termite Spray 2 01/25/2008 90 Approved Gary Gerstemeier 01/25/2008 0612-0362 122 Flood Elev Cent Under Cor 2 01/18/2008 90 r Approved Joe Cicio 01/18/2008 0612-0362 141 Insulation 2 MANUAL J CALCS SPECIFY FILLED CORES OF THE MASONRY UNITS • INSPECTOR T`O CHECK W/ COLUMN INSP • jmc 0612-0362 420 Plumbing Rough 2 01/25/2008 81 Disapproved Gary Gerstemeier 01/25/2008 0612-0362 420 Plumbing Rough 2 Re -inspection 1 0612-0362 42�� etl.Lemp Culvert 2 01/26/2008 90 Approved Gary Gerstemeier 01/25/2008 06112- 362=900 Plan Revision ( 2 92 Accepted As Noted Joe Cicio 07/1712008 �an Revision for the revised entry columns and the added column @ the right side of the stairway 0612-0362. 1.11 Shoring 4 ENGINEERS LETTER REQUIRED' 2nd FLOOR 0 2 0362`-11 �2nd.Floor Slab 4 NEED POOL PERMITON-SITE-PRIOReT..0-MANY=INSPECTIONS:ON°SHELL 0612-0362 125 Tie Beam 4 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 4 NEED TO REVIEW THE REVISED ENERGYS AND J CALCS AS TO THE PROPER GLASS AREA SQ. FTG, JURISD #, AND PROPER ZONE. Jmc 0612-0362 900 Plan Revision 4 still need pool permit application submitted for review [ pool plans with house ] • rec new plans 01125/2008 • ret to conlr' still need signed and sealed Auger- Cast pile docs from A.M. Engineering . I phoned 2 times and they promised delivery • no docs as of 0211312008 • Jmc received signed and sealed piling report 03/13/2008 JMC' 0612-0362 118 Column 5 0612-0362 125 Tie Beam 5 0612-0362 133 Window/Door Bucks 6 0612-0362 134 Roof Sheathing 6 0612-0362 137 Strapping 6 0612-0362, 145 Truss Drug 6 0612-0362 127 Mullion 7 0612-0362 136 Roof Dry-in/Tin Tab 7 0612-0362 148 Window/Door Attachment 7 0612-0362 650 Frame -all 7 0612-0362 144 Hot Mop 8 0612-0362 149 Progress inspection 8 USE THIS FOR THE ROOF -SYSTEM FIRE BARRIER 'PER PLAN REQUIREMENTS • Jmc Permit Nun 6612-0362 a-' 0612-0362 259 Power Release Fon' --- 8 0612-0362 130 Flood Elev Final Const Cei 9 0612-0362 167 Roof Final 9 0612-0362 260 30 Day for Testing 9 0612-0362 800 Address Final 9 0612-0362 820 Driveway/Culvert 9 0612-0362 821 Solid Waste 9 0612-0362 172 Hurricane Panels (shutters 10 0612-0362 261 30 Day Expired 10 0612-0362 804 Driveway Bldg 10 0612-0362. 808 Landscaping/Trees 10 0612-0362 996 Final Termite Treatment 10 0612-0362 999 Final Inspection 10 Permit Nun 0612-0362