HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPRVD MTBBLDG LOC124 Kirby Dr Version 2019.02.19 (2/25/19) 124 Kirby Dr Ph: (615) 325-4165 Portland, TN 37148 Portland, TN 37148 Fax: (800) 231-3460 Ph: (615) 325-4165 Fax: (800) 231-3460 CURINGTON CONSTRUCTION Project Name:FPL-EOC AT INTERSTATE SOLAR 2652 NE 24TH ST Buildings: OCALA, FL Attn.:DAN CURINGTON Project Location:FORT PIERCE, FL KBS Project #:K2090272 This Letter of Design Certification ensures that the materials supplied by Kirby Building Systems are designed in accordance with the information specified to Kirby Building Systems on the order documents and summarized by the loading information listed below. The Project Engineer of Record (not KBS) is responsible for verifying that the building code and design loads meet any and all applicable local requirements. The Professional Engineer whose seal appears on this Letter of Certification is employed by Kirby Building Systems, a Member of MBMA, and does not serve as or represent the Engineer of Record for this project and shall not be construed as such. DESIGN LOAD CRITERIA: Structural Loads Applied in General Accordance with: Florida (FBC 2017) Risk Category: II - Standard Buildings PROJECT-WIDE LOADING INFORMATION: Ground Snow Load: 0.0 psf Snow Exposure Factor,Ce: 1.00 Snow Imp. Factor, Is: 0.00 Roof Live Load: 20.0 psf Reducible As Per Code. Ultimate Design Wind Velocity: 160 mph Nominal Design Wind Velocity: 124 mph Components & Cladding Pressures: 51 psf/ -68 psf Is Roof to meet UL 90 Requirements?: No Wind Exposure: C Seismic Criteria: Ss: 0.071 S1: 0.030 • No ground snow included in seismic calculations. Design Sds / Sd1: 0.076/0.048 Analysis Procedure: Equiv. Lat. Force Procedure Seis. Imp. Factor, Ie: 1.00 Basic SFRS: Not Detailed for Seismic Seis. Design Category: A Site Class: D BUILDING-SPECIFIC LOADING INFORMATION: Roof Dead Bldg (psf)* Pri (psf) Sec (psf) Ct Cs Ps (psf) **Pm (psf) Enclosure GCpi R Cs V (kips) A 2.5 10.0 10.0 1.0 --- 0.00 --- Enclosed ± 0.18 3.00 0.010 0.9 B SEE MEZZ SEE MEZZ SEE MEZZ 1.0 0.00 --- Open 0.00 3.00 0.010 1.3 Primary Structural Not Included Mezzanine Information: Floor Dead Load: 80 PSF Floor Collateral Load: 5 PSF Floor Live Load: 100 PSF Crane Information: No cranes on building. Building Information ALL CONSTRUCTION (BY OTHERS) IS INDEPENDENT OF KBS STRUCTURE WITH NO LOADS BEING APPLIED. NO WALL SHEETING SHALL BE ADDED TO MEZZANINE BUILDING WITHOUT AN ENGINEERING REVIEW. The design of structural members supporting roof gravity loads is controlled by the more critical effect of roof live load or roof snow applied in accordance with the governing building code. DESIGN STANDARDS REFERENCED: AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings - Steel Construction Manual, 14th Edition, © 2010. AISI North-American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures, © 2012 Edition. IBC codes are designed in accordance with ASCE7-10 Edition. MBMA Low Rise Building Systems Manual, Latest Edition. AWS Latest Edition of Structural Welding Code. No buyout structural components provided on this project. B->20'-0"x74'-0"x13'-6"(RCG,0.0:12) P m is based on the minimum roof snow load calculated per building code or the contract-specified roof snow load, whichever is greater. This value, P m , is only applied in combination with Dead and Collateral Loads. Roof Snow in other loading conditions is determined per the specified Building Code. Design wind pressures to be used for wall exterior component and cladding materials not provided by Kirby Building Systems. April 27, 2020 A->56'-0"x110'-0"x15'-0"(RCG,1.0:12) Excellence from the ground up Collateral Dead WindSeismicSnowCoefficientSnowLoad (psf) Professional Seal 04/29/2020