HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite TreatmentNuelle Engineering Donald J. Nuelle P.E 815 University Boulevard Apt. 301 Jupiter, FL 33458 Cellular 551.629-6975 GHO Homes 590 NW Mercantile Place Fort SL Lucie, FL 34986 Alln: Bill Handler Re: Termite Treatment Option Dear Mr. Handler.: Dole:10M712015 Per your request. I have Inspected the termites treatment requirements In the FBC and find the balling method (which Is used on a0 GHO homes) should have been specified on the foundation noise Instead of the sell treatment. The BOB treatment note Is an error and should be omitted. R31e.1.7 If a relIslored temAteida formulated and registered as a bag system Is used for sumerranaon larmlla provanson, Section R318.1.1 Imough Seddon R318.1.6 do not apply, however, a signed contractossudng the Instadallon.malntenenco and monitoring of the b3111n9 system that Is In compliance with We requirements of Chapter 482. Florida Stotulos, shell be provided to the building ofildal prior to that pouring of the stab, and the system must be installed prim to goal busdbig splrroyal If you or any other Interested party ties any questions or requires additional Infermallon ploase feel free to contact me at any time. Donal J. Nuelle P.E P.E. S 046 HomeTeam PEST pen As e• ! • RFc penal - 4 et, , CrH' �Py" SAINT LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY r THIS AGREEMENT ROVIDES FOR RETREATA ENT OFFA STRUCTURE AND THE REPAIR OFD DAMAGES ISTRO\TN WS CAUSED BY WITHIN ORGANISMS ITNIN THE LL\llT5 STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. Account No.: 0 AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING OF THE SENTRICONS COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section nI. GENERAL INFORMATION. Name. ifL &RD Milda0006 LLC, Service Address:QlQ3 Iy-no t t Ujpo & Ln City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code: F:I } Laub.. ofTmmrned Stiekm Panel Lt.. Foetage oC swent"Sk 21 O Billing AddressSal7 9UD Mrl(CGV1t"112 I- City:R0(+ S}. w b Stale: Pi • Zip Code: 344N Home Phone: Work Phone,�11Z' 8"13' 1�111 TTearmem Type: O Comnive 0 Prcvwtive Section 11. SERVICE COMMITMENT. IlmoeTem Pm Defome I=(the •Compoy) will. in romplWm die appliable fdnaL stem ad Ineel IndA win and rcBWatiow A. luull Ih Sttouwn wmim brit Stations (the •Sudmu•) in the mil amW theperimeteroftbe.vucnucfsl (att mmtheJ gmpb) lowtd m the Scntre Address aboYe(the•swctme(o'1 roretlntmludmrttorspaid by builder B. Monitor the Stndow in enoNenw with We label duseedem fiera Period afinebnt(12) months be enattelyfullowing hitsdletlo, ora. Store.. for m oneual tt ors Zero C. Tom wit for the Ton yearof Ncilhtov and Madtming sZero D. 7heAmmlRrnewalFwatrtbtamyears30O.00 E. Umug eeamitorivg period. addend rersmcpmuitD wmimbill6om the ELLlam BtapPmprmC: F. Ourive the mrvimdv8 r<riod. vmivuu all Stadom w smic W N roMit W: Section 111. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRICON SYSTEM. Coneweer urLmm." a.1, A. The runufmv Sy erbirdvWv�siwallasbvaM vweiiming, wlmycWviwim wish Rnrwr tcmitc bad, anJ mbscqum mmirorivg far camirumus pm4aim formnew or fewweD. Intervaiv of fiama few wtt6 to room thma yxarshoold be expected bcswueo: i. Immllorepgavdmn tmtiom W suRc(emtmnim ecdviHm dlowee vddidan afRemir Termite Fait: vml fi. Addidmon ofRevuielmdm bait. C. Durine the inwmga)MwmtiwaWtim .fee Stadmu aM wmPlne climimsim oCeaining«mtiw rolonin.stmim fttdiv8within the Suunurcr,possibly mrolvivg additives 1 svucoml damage. maY ors¢• MJiliosm service TSW u spot applicatiovs of eansxNloml urmgicides arc avilbble w oombu semi¢ unvirymulswai'ad.shonaem Wu irdnircJ. httart mt ncdd W W will mt cmuibum m wmim wlonY clindwi.a D. The ochre wgreJiwt w the Sevmwn Sysem it m wtttt groWh rryukmr(Remin eat prevenu wadrtr enmges form rmldn8• IAfoldng Is dtinl m ¢lorry nrivnl,) E In uson and OmduswmentsRecruit. Dow Agm4tirncn LLG, therw.ufocv.erofRmuiLahsmxd nideue nfvery law levels afnumesGm makirymly at very Mgb level. of npasmr. F. Tws ewe iswida for he use the tout op whew¢¢ temitn (Rdorcep s sots Hesmurnn miand Co C nion .PR (.0 lnsp L Tkis treated e does not provide !IM she srtamem or er mbn P®. pW I. mimal or mgmri.m othvimd such In d w i The for has vd inspntd m Leaved the nhee Company for oneahb. reprermhfa en, repBy din, we.. Gomptny is r wRuer.fa, ysodaing or litrnsd m in@tts furlxalthtelaed mvlJs or fm8i G. The Campmymakn mrtprtsemmwvs rtgarding dm czar laNimmvvmtrt.fmyeiirlingEnrolls wlavieh. Section IV. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS. A. The S oween So den A. llmgwbill System andoil of thecomponentsAgodveoftheCus Sytem CCtmpovvu7be, e beery rth. by Dow Agmtciwcm the right Cmnpotwnu to vd dill Me Property to of Dow Agmend.eea I.L.C.C. Cmmmerbsamrigbu WerniwctmmY ales CnmPonmu, other then the dghtm theh usew insulldby luo, Companyon the Cmmmthprcmisn M. this of Dow u. B. On ezpl ft.. or to il , on of WE Aprcawvr, et Company a r Dow r ,no o nth inp or their respective rcpe Co.'r vw nor authorized by Cunaoxr to mid. eprese rmm Cusowhori ed go rep the t Me Se End Sys mnponwu (m ryrymprinm disposition. In addition, if the Company, for whmevn rcmon, cttsn ro represent TInarmbtamborird go represent es SOWicm System L The s. Soweir. aRl: So unt Cmer the. A OWOCunomatheahemffiae.peldorbus.1di 1 modmmnfwmim ¢math¢arwrMesdngthis A(ercnnrnt: c. Credit the Cuwmv for senmsapeid(or bmml fee paid nor ifavices nosy d. Refsin In ee Cmme, c aremune eeml h, the fit paid for services me yet rcceivd if Cwomer elteu to Jiswntinue the rcUdonsbiR'or If the Compmy callow Do meReecience;L or lamofm.nsennuepmettuon:end o. Rcui%rill; allow Dow AgmSdevm LLCmiu mpmwmivvrnmmbl:omstmIM Prcmi.n farce retrieval ofthe Crmpannu: and iL S. G. tM S. Gram End red! core AgmSciwm LLCniv or ecir rnpee rtpreswmivn rcnto stun dr prcm(m far The rcrricval of IM Coogagree nth ts; End b. Either agree wide The Companynot theurc ormdmrouias[omafmamiucrowd mmonitors this Ay/cmuva PAY%MNTbIbTHOD. OC.Is OLTN OCrtd.:Card Ifpayin6 by mdit ad orremnin8 debit fmmym. bantawouvL plww wmpine eeamehd Amh.rimsivn for Yrc•ArTmged PaYntmu. ThN Agreements toomiw..role Wvimdom. sordid... not Eichorn .. a. the Company's obggad.w. Please Tend the tvdrc Agreemwt her.. elgNay In wmiJenution for she Compny peRnnNvg the swim spttified above W mbjen m dw worst ad main¢, of this A rctmwt. common" agrees to make the PsYutrnu ldimwd shave Cmmmn ukmwledges mtcipt at signed ropy of this Agreement. This Agreement h not binding on On Company mdl timid by m ewhorient rummer eaeeutiveaWienofthe Cam ney. CUSTOMER: Signatures- .A/� �` d1� Mimed Namcl7K�LAt. 540 RCryYK LLG Fml•`� HOMETEAJyM/ PEST 'v DEFENSE, INC. Si,.esmrc`t—.zl/� pn.md Home• VOID/ FOR PRESLAB APPROVAL ONLY ERrcdvc Dnn NONEFFECTIVE RIMITTOC4NCE4 YOU, 77IECf/5TO.11ER,.VAY GNCEL THIS TRAASACTIONATANY TLIIE PRIOR TOARIEVIGIITOF THE T/IIRO BUSINESS 'DAYAFTER THEDATEOF THIS TRA,VSACTION.SEE rHEATTACHEOA'OTICEOFC4\Y£LL477ONFORANE"LINATION OF THISRIGHE THE RENIOVAL OFTHE BAITOR BMTINCSYSTEM MAYHESULT IN A LACK OF TERMITE PROTECTION O NtSm.L'mres Wn,m,bewcrt4mrndaalnnwk.o(Dva Ag,.Siiww. L1G �TmnPmtDNase.l. IDll (yg9myYRlJnI t . . .1 1. CLaomer0 Subtmtmno damage to the L Due to mbl nmua mka su army to A. P`n G 7 O AOTMEAT AS TO CONDMONS CONDUCIVE TO INIFESTATIONR The Counter users be sally ble t-4 Gn[rs fnm ury tmdltlm wvduefrarommtim lvfmmdm(YcaOtlme OmAtdvw'ene betty fw vplvvadmL 7heC iiComrm fyiugaodemsvcdpB Cotditiom CwAmivw merapauitilirytm eecluvively Wde av Cuonna.ed wbb the eranrS lmebdmy my Cmdidmr Coedoeive hCompmaf tmyofusbwamMittomdmabaCummehmcauderthb Station. In addition. the exhumed ofmymo atbgbon n the time of Iha eveemim ofdde Agt�vq WU petmk Ilan to tesMmk the ABrmncas or to tofume Quma m m pmhete my addilwl mewmml rtquirW w a eevdt of ere Covditbm fully mopvvk Wa ere CamReny dmiog loon of cal Agt¢tmt, and agtm to ®Inman the atetp) 6dled frtm from emh iron Bum may6emhM belowm^AddimomlCndto, (Sjk, wu Cwdmiimdudp buttogmlW m,fw probla¢Imludle, butonli n2dIqvoadmpmdW polywyrmo m etyufoammdayuskm ad arvaiaymd fmueod. axle ItmM.r, wood, tmkvino mdahaPtsaewivv pmodmverlom R Waiv 61uba at FRAMONR. AND OTHER CNANLTi lbb Ammtmt mum die Svvcavefal idewiDM h Seelien I n of ao date ofaa idlwl LIGATTOM Cmeamerlcidih. Subimt tome email kmvand emditlmuafthis AgremeN. Iran d smunw.W deria8 do lamafthb Agamund. dmCovrpmy WII ream dean mmof kfmatlmw onaddidoml matters ofthb ABweoonet dm Company WU mpm, w u mL anew muum dumga to the meded shuctu ). om cdcoW yea don Ion¢ of (I) S200AM w (IO ma Rl market vdm of We owed ahueme(a). one ennead mneL demdus8 asmvsiam and eemwals. llucn ll«Wxffupry.madaud ofv dvmgaymdegro Aa duatofaabtmmrm SabinawSubmboor .#= that dw Compny 6 ofvonw armytsand duwmeduem deanwrepof M foomnvmanta err t�Rrrmmmee� f WyRrvi�e , OusNma waive � cWmm far po demeanw. a sa above under m ptePWY domagc. me agrees, mean greater than the amount paid byOn Comment o Company far the tormitc 1n tow meomro beovml laarmature for a mvlm oft., fUMIm¢ mTbaCMad vy Is net act empaoslblo for ere repair ofddmr mpny dam om Immune lbw the drm upmy vAl eon tr rnpmsOm car (1) of thb AB0me or m any torn a mr rerrpeoplerbwmayreveltllaedl algae¢ or n s Company mvd/or In am, Gff. The C®pmyh obliavo¢ w male ddm m Pay smb prim m fvli WD rn Airy. All a n man paid, Rey. WU bon aiw eeM¢ Ton emtianf f¢ item moil av ARUL AND BINDUV I ARRIT'MLAPpa.AET ERRONEOUS ST M IfHE AWARD IN TR6 AWARD IN ANY v.dY to &a amen dust the total tasmablo castofeo:hrepain is the emmewor who WII pafmm dw rmedcd rryvin to ere armed anya " ofdon pupated mnVm orwvigm bid. if as Campavy me¢mr dedewmd by err Caepery fw don Impeon fohrdvme. den tom the Company remYel don vght to Ulm don WOMMto immer oo mmhl err hdden damwc exialm a of am duo of ads TIME be Ou aWdve to petekdedmnaltkdd w dealt Men or (B) how cant health mdelms dial may be aR¢md by pelllddaAmdtltldn or their odm. ds tutyou on haven hidvlw onategmm seMce pnfoonea w yampmnlea ovdl youhavemnsuiLLd Wth you femlly edso, At your Al puvidc lnfwmamm about aechused at to be used iscame ere premitca By pcorWas It. Immure. Cemama mama risk and waiver tainsttk Company in eom¢doa with such sensitivitymmadeion. At you requesl.ae Company WII provide Information abutft ehadnh to operative. MABR.ITY. This Agreemmn is manimblo to a tow oweofae property !armed w ono Scrvim Addtns provided dew ae maw evaoa of the m lualbdm mul mmitmM emu mans wfa the Coup" The Company m rues the dgh to d.F a mu sfa fm, adjust the awed moved was of tee ya obRgdom uvda 16b APaaomtaWomY mmL Itamfa.[fpan theemsmgcfao sale ofthepmpmylawkd ender Servkc tut mil terminate. IRE AGREEMENT' AND SEVETtABILITY. lbb ADmv®t and ere amehoa Sepia ¢mtiam theml've agreement kvvme ere Pais tea voermm toil tepmmb that, b mtetiag deb Alpemm, Customer 6 va setybgm my prv®sw agremont a smmnm4 wfeabaond w wdnm mea fully ve Iota Io tale A®ammr Ifmy pm ofab Agee®sus b heH to ban mvalidwsmmfineaLla fa avy sewaame teroaimiol totem rand Ir¢emet We ecobfillfan¢NeRo otThemansof theagwocf stomaybremaywbano samid w elmamlem owantonchmma is bya 0theteORva of CampmY.ATakaemploysmo8mnafCoapumyhone vhmco laomma or eta my pusmedia Agreement. elm. thu w m dw pmd a m s fmrA w be in R rho smmvca pmchd(og the ubiww rum conducting m arbitration procac4, w o wore vane avwmey generO aam b fount to h mvdd w uomfarombm aca av moray of the ARBffAATfON pangmp6 ahN M aaCmd m be Section XV. ADDYT ONAL COM E MI. 5¢mmr.8amdaNBtlmovere, taNaWmmbvfaw ADaSd�'r LI.0 O MameTtw Pm Defmsa me. MO ffhpmsYR)YO