HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of TitleMall Llen SeUefaetlon to: Dept of Highway Safety and Mohr Vehlelea, Nell KId m m B.11ding, Tallahassee, FL 323BB4600 Identification Number --- �jT26310897A — Registered Owner: JANET M SPADA 121 E WEBER AVE VILLAS, NJ 08251 Mail To: JANET M SPADA 121 E WEBER AVE VILLAS, NJ 08251 Year-- Meke—•-- Body Wr-L-BHP-- Vsssel Regls.No. -- Title Number 1981i TWIN : NS 59' 21162920 Date of Issue 02/13/2020 T# 1135950260 B# 3253735 l�ar'E � C 11 Lien Release Interest In the described Venice Is mushy released By IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehitle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Tine by Seller motion at the bottom W the Certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this farm. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http:lhm .hsmv.stale.H.uslhtml/tiginf.html PravDole C „4.x<F f. '4 c.... ° �.,. `n _. w �e ',,^�-�-_mow Tt-a.rao v. i "•,... -v StaiO, l w Dol 3 F 5. Pnr�nery Brerul�, r) t Se rid Brand.. �.,y B2nOs Usa P2vlssue Dete BY ;z Odometer SWWs ar Yassel MenufacNler orOX use -' EnAina Odle Hun Materiel Pm - '' t 'f p .—� Oeie of Issue -1 , 'Registered Owner- 'DUPLICATE ' 'JANET M'SPAIIA, . /121 E WEBERAV& ;VILLAS;; Na, .08251 1st Lieuholder I..' NONE . , ... DMSION OF MOTORISTSERVICES TALMAHASSEE ':, FLORIDA ' - 'DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETYAND MOTOR VEHICLES 1� a/.a .sF{��.`�v Raeen R.Kynoch, ;. .Control Number 3-4 3 4 5 0' 915 ` Terry L.:Rhodes - L Director Esnwtive Director - 24•/1- "'143460915 r: -- ---�-- TRANSFER OF TIRE BYSELLER This section must be completed elate time of sale.) ----------- "' FWeel and/orreas Iawruuue Uat the sellivmua.the nease, PuchaetemmSaelimg pile and date sPid'm coenation with@etrwRr oro .M,. ' nnuoy Ii. lelear pmvid'mg efelzeswemmtrveyresult the auu viNd. oionmiet " Tlds tldeuwamnted tube lice frmneriyliw eueytamudao the faceofNa are6rate and de nnlmvcbiUem aeaH dacnbed isbereby nxsfemed m: Seller"Eaterp d-.,e"ause Addrm: SellerMned Faster Selling Price: Senn Mmt Erer Date Sold Uwestatethddide'.E] Ser ,Q 6diyjtadamr1arro muI IJLL Ll_1_J.—i.,LIli (wtmihs)mle's, date read - �md l herby certify that to W best of my Immvledge the admaear reading. - Q,1.'retlecuACfUALMLLHAGC �`2.uIN l'XCESS OF IISMECHANICJJ.IJMIIS, t 3�isN0717iBACIUALh11LEAGE UNDER PENBILTIES OF PERJURY, I DECIA THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTAND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN ITARE TRUE. , SBLLBRM �I `. CO-SFJAF.RMat MPHve a SeWng DIal.?, Uciome Numb= .. s + . _ t, a Tea Ne f /Aueoan Naar r t '' ltw¢eNmn6ra Tan Cou«re:" ' Mall Llen Satlahetion to: Dapt of Hlehvny Safety end IHab"Vahictea, Nell Kldcm m Building, Tallahassee, FL 3232MSoo --IdelleEration T26310897B Registered Owner: JANET M SPADA 121 E WEBER AVE VILLAS, NJ 08251 Mail To: JANET M SPADA 122 E WEBER AVE VILLAS, NJ 08251 0 rear--r—Make— .Eody Wn-L_.B—HP --IVesel Regls.Na' -- Dge Number1981TWI 21162921 _.L Date of Issue 02/13/2020 T# 1135950388 $# 3253736 Lien IRelease Interest in the deacribed vehicle Is herebyrelessed IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the veblcle desmibed herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of TWO by Seller section at the bottom Of the Cafficale of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must eomplete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. - 3. Remove your license Plata from the vehicle. 4. See me web address below for more imonnallon and the 2ppmp6ate forms uired for the pumha,,, to the nE register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: ht1P:/Awn .hsmestete.g.us/htmVtitlinf.html ,.j _ , 'O oil ldaferRMe nn,ve.� A.. j.. a ,� ,,�,6 �.•'W''y' ' l ` *"PRIVATE402%06/2012 t - ,' Y uaRm Issue ` * ` " . L _ _ ,�: 02/1312020 Date ` > Regislered,Ownr -- ---� JANET M SPADA a ;. DUPLICATE 221---1i WEBER AVE •^' '' ', [ . VILLAS., NJ'•08251, _ . 2 : 3 _ 7st Lietillolder , - ' NONE Ct'AS1CN0FMOT0RISTSERVICES TALLANASSEE 5 , DEPARTMENTOF HIOHWAYSAFETYAryD,MOTOR VEHICLES Robed R':.•:'KynarA 7 • Oiregor - Control Nlarrbrr I y Lf J 6,0 g 6 TenyL Rhodes ' ..EXecotive OUecter _ .. F„.t t • • 24Y`/1 143460916 Y" TRANSFEROFTITLEEYSELLER(Ihissaction must be completed at the eme of sale) _ s "r Fed dmd/arstme law'eeaae Nkt tits llmswte the mTmge, pivchaserS veau, selgngpdm®d date saldmoumemm with thetrevsfmvfawnership ---. v '' '_ .Fdwem.mrylpe orPmw stabs mmemem mWimfmm ed/ot rt mmb ]baW swmrmtedbbefiee 6ary bem � '!wY .., ,,•:. ,. mY' eaeryfmast day Wfeee oflbe amnumead dmmdwvrbf�e mvessel desmbd ubueM rc.�.� .a «.. ' ShcerMastl3vier � i PmdumhNmie._ f s -• StllerMmt Pater Shcmg l'nx. , •:''• MWesime Net lNs dm . � ❑ ❑?6 diEtodometumwxadrl I I'•�u . F 1 #f; :❑qt rage ACIUALMILEAGE + a UNDERP TIES OF PERJURY. A DECLARE THAT I HAVE I SELLERMieT..�1 ' Sge Here .• µ. 1 Fkmt Hene �J G&-c-t— :S Ilmg Dea.Iv§lirmx N bar '.- t£ s tta:; S � . Address: 9.111_MWEalm Doe Sold: < _I tLXJ(ne imda)v H.;: dme reed md1hm6yrer*datto thab,,efmylapwled ] 2efIJ E%CESS OFrrS hlECrrANICpLl.LM1's :❑".3:uN0T7HEACNALMILEAC AD THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN RARE TRUE. '(%FSEIJPA Mum 3 .. . Sign frern • ;Frbq Here: _ ;. —.._-,_=�� ticweNumbvA r' t ; �a n i.s ,-ti CC-Pt1RCHASERM M' a