HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit WorksheetPERMIT NUMBER;::zE.:.:. Installer W 44 "�-- 910 d'A Lfcanse ii _DZ u I(DI bi ze Address of home (ft(—IJAGC) being Installed Manufaciurer r - Length xWidth i!x--Z NOTE: • If home Is a single wide fill out one half of the blocking plan It honie Is a triple or quad wide sketch in remainder of home I understand lateral Ann systems cannot be used on any home (new or Seri) where the sidewali ties exceed 5 It 4 in, Installers initials Tvninal Hier cr,� 7....-_ I J PERMIT WOFIKSHEET I page 1 of 2 New Home . ❑ Used Home Vl Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual ❑ Home is Installed in accordance with Rule 15-0 �. Singie wide ❑ nd Zone II Wind Zone III ❑ Double wide ' Installatlon Decal l Sy\(1(0 Triple/Quad ❑ Serial f- A 9g PiER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES Lead Footer bearing size capaciy (sq In) 161X16' (ems) 181/2'X 181/2' (342) , 201x20' (dD0) 221X22' (484)• 24'X34'26'x26' (576)' (676) 1000 Dst 1 3 ODD 4 6 6 g D00 s 6 8 8 200 Ds 6. 8 8 g 3000 8 a o s a a PIER PAD SIZES . I-beam pier pad size Irk }6 Z 2 Perimeter pier pad size Other pier pad sizes (required by the mfg.) ®Draw the, approximate locations of marriage wall openings 4 foot or greater. Use this symbol to show the piers. List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foot and.thelr pier pad sizes below. POPULAR PAD -SIZES ANCHORS 4ft it FRAMEMS within 2' of end of home spaced at 5' 4a oo OTHER ES Longitudinal Stabilizzing Device (LSD) Sidewall Number Manufacturer Mwulc V s L. f Longitudinal Longitudinal StablilzIng Device w/Lateral Anus Marriage wall ManufacturerJtN +fof-L 5ryr -i Shearwall Opening Pier pad:size 5W,yLe PERMIT NUMBER a An 1 _ ' POCKET PENETROMETER TEST The pbcket penetrometer tests are rounded wn to psi or check hereto declare 10oo lb. soil without testing. X X_ X__ POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD 1. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the.fc oter; S. Using 500 lb. increments, take the lowest reading and round down to that increment. X X__.. X—_ TORQUE PROBE TEST The results of the torque probe testis O Inch pounds or check here if you are declaring S anchors without testing A test showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchors. Note: A state approved lateral arm system Is being used and 4 tt. anchors are allowed at the sidawall locations. I un arstand 5 tt anchors are required al all centerline tie points where the torque test rea6IngIs25 or less and where t mobile home manufacturer may requires anchors with 40D0 Ib h pacity,� Installer's initials ALL TESTS MUST BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED 119STALLFR Installer Name L k&Le. RJd--,cerr !Tate Tesfed _ ql,? • f ' I?lectrleal Ibnneot electrical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power ouroe. This•In9ludes the bonding wire between mult-wide units. Pg. Plumbing - onneot all sewer drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank. Pg. onnect all potable wafer supply piping to an i p water meter, water tap, or other idepandent water supply systems. Pp, PERMIT WORKSHEET Page 2012 I Site Preparation Debris and organic materlal removed Water drainage: Natural t/ Swala Pad Other Fastening mule wide units [/ Floor. Typo Fastener. Length: Spacing: Zyd, Walls. -Type Fastener. L Length: rp__ Spacing: 2Y Roof: Type Fastener. t Length: -a ,/ Spacing: Forused homes a min. 30 gauge,!8" wide, galvanized metal strip will be centered'over the peak of the -roof and fastened with galv. roofing nails at 2" on center on both sides of the centerline. Gasket (wmu,w II emwi n I understand a properly Installed gasket Is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled meorlage walls are a result of a poorly installed or no gasket being installed. 1 derstand a strip of tape will not serve as a gasket. Installer's initials Type gasket Installed: Pg. Between Floors Yes L_� Between Walls Yes ___7;;' Bottom of ridgebsam Yas ___�� Weatherproofing The bottomb card will be repaired andror taped. Yes Pg. Siding on units is Installed to manufacturees apeciflcat ons. Yes _LG Fireplace chimney Installed so as not to allow intrusion of rain Water. Yes Skirting to be Installed. Yes v No Dryer vent installed outside of skirting. Y WA Range downflow vent installed'outside of skirting. Y =WA Drain lines supported at 4 foot Intervals. Electrical crossovers protected. Yes Other: is accurate and true based on the Installer Signature Date