HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCuUstrn X. UMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4712121 OR BOOK 4425 PAGE 260, Recorded 05/27/2020 10:16:09 AM permit mD R!y Number NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT stave of Nonaa County of Saint Lucie R*Got%W oleo" of Cmut Dab�_°,_Tkm RIVES MIMRMMIgI TO r1MOtdpl THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gN.s notice that improvements will be made to certain real pmpeny, and In accordance with Section 713. Of the Florida St—tes, the fallowing Information Is provided In this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, 1. Description Ofproperty(legaldilcrlpgan): W "-"- ° parcel I0 2433-502-0027-000/2 a. 5t I (job) Address: 1807� FortPierce. FL 2. OentnldwrIPtlonefimprove—fin Singlik FamIIY 11211102021-- . 3. Owner lMoreratlon of lma. Information H the Lease contracted far the lmProvemant: a. Name and Address: IRISTOPH R CICIO SHANA CI^0 d 584' Y' L ah Dr Port 5t Wcle r00"' h. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if different then Owner listed above): c. Interest'm PrpPertY----- 4. CanlraOtof lttrit—Ilan: a. Name and address: GEM 8e1W n Inc Fax NO(aptionall: b. Telephone Number: 5 Surety(if applicable,. copyof the payment bond lsattached) Is Nam. and Address: NA b. Telephone No.: c. Amount of Bond: 6. Lender a. Nsma antl atldressCc nerStat Bars NA 1 lgth $lNW WI t! Haven FL t3g81 - b. Telephone No.:_- 7, per... within the State of Florida deslgnet.d by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13 I11(0) 7., Florida StaMai a. Name antl add its.'. Fax NO.: (optional)b. Telephone NO.: - l0 receive a COPY of the a. a. in addition to hlmselfarh.nelf, Owner designates NA of Lie nor's Notice as provided to Section 713.13 (11(b 1. Florida Sratate,,. b. phone Number of Person or entity designated by Owners - S. for Eapirsdan data of notka of commencement (the eapkatlon date may not be bef— completion iof construction and final theslon p.yment to the cpn[NGtor, but will be 1 year fromtht daleof,e ding 2nlnlers a dlNarent date s speGlftedJ;, WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE By THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE [ONSIDEREA IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDERCHAPTER713, PART (,SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR as MICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YDUR PROPERTY.ANOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST gAURLFNDERORAN ATTORNEYTHE