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Pile Installation Certification
3931 SW 47 Ave. #104 Davie, Fl. 33314 Tel: 954-58"115 E-mail: rcoletto(alsoilorobe.net August 29, 2019 American Foundation, Inc. 10780 NW 138th St. #D6 Hialeah Gardens, FL 330 RE: Pile Installation Certification Proposed Residence 4446 N Hwy. AlA Fort Pierce, FL Soilprobe Engineering & Testing, Inc. has completed field observation of auger cast piles installation for the above referenced project. Piling operation was conducted by American Foundation corresponding to the date of August 14, 15, and 16, 2019 and installation witnessed by a representative of this office. The purpose of this site inspections was to observe and document pile installation operation only. A total number of fifty nine (59) piles were placed at locations staked in the field by the owner's representative and to depths as indicated in the attached field inspection logs. Pile installation data for each pile are presented in the attached field installation logs. Following our observation of pile installation operation at .the scheduled time, and our knowledge of project documents we certify that the referenced piles were adequately installed for achieving an allowable bearing capacity of 40 tons compression and 12 tons tension respectively. Sincerely, Soilprobe Engineering & Testing, Inc. a Peana eg. No 37334 Enc. Pile installation File Copy SOILPROBE ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 16" Auger Cast Pile Log PROJECT: PROPOSED TWO-STORY RESIDENCE & Contractor: SION HOMES Grout Spec's Load Hearing (tons) POOL Logged By: AO 5000 psi SOILPROBE ENGINEERING & 40 comp TESTING, INC. ADDRESS: 4446 N Hwy AIA Misc. Info: 12 tension Engineers Sign and Seal: CITY: Fort Pierce, FL . Field Notes: Lot k7 Steel Specs: Auger Cast Pile With (6) #6 full length bars with #3 ties @4" O.C. @ top of pile and @10" O.C. @ balance Pile I.D. Auger Time MIN. Depth (feet) Theorical GroutAm't C.Y. Pump Strokes Actual GroutAmt C.Y. Grout Factor comp tension Date: August 14, 2019 Notes 1 1 3:00 30 1.50 107 2.30 1.53 80 24 Start 2:28 Arrived 2:21 2 2 3:33 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 ADONEL #7018 Test taken 9 cy 3 3 2:517 30 1.50 95 2.04 1.36 80 24 4 4 2:52 30 1.50 97 2.09 1.39 80 24 Stop 3:18 5 5 2:53 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 Start 3:21 Arrived 2:42 6 6 2:59 30 1.50 103 2.21 1.48 80 24 ADONEL #7001 9 cy 7 7 3:00 30 1.50 101 2.17 1.45 80 24 8 8 _ 3:11 30 1.50 120 2.58 1.72 80 24 Stop 4:00 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pag.: 1/4 SOILPROBE ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 16" Auger Cast Pile Log PROJECT: PROPOSED TWO-STORY RESIDENCE & Contractor: SION HOMES Grout Spec's Load Bearing (tons) POOL ILagged By: AO _ 5000 psi SOILPROBE ENGINEERING & 40 comp TESTING, INC. ADDRESS: 4446 N Hwy AIA Misc. Info: Engineers Sign and Seal: 12 tension CITY: Fort Pierce, FL Field Notes: Lot #7 Steel Specs: Auger Cast Pile With (6) #6 full length bars with #3 ties @4" O.C. @ top of pile and @10" O.C. @ balance Pile I.D. Auger Time MIN. Depth (feet) Theories[ GroutAnn't C.Y. Pump Strokes Actual GroutAmt. C.Y. Grout Factor l� s P comp tension Date: August 15,2019 Notes 1 9 3:00 30 1.50 107 2.30 1.53 80 24 Start 7:15 Arrived 7:00 2 10 2:42 30 1.50 98 2.11 1.40 80 24 ADONEL #7003 9 cy 3 11 2:40 30 1.50 105 2.26 1.51 80 24 4 1 12 3:21 30 1.50 109 2.34 1.56 80 24 Stop 7:58 Start 7:59 5 13 2:57 30 1.50 112 2.41 1.61 80 24 ADONEL #8000 Arrived 7:53 6 14 3:13 30 1.50 98 2.11 1.40 80 24 9 cy 7 15 2:49 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 8o 24 8 16 3:38 30 1.50 107 2.30 1.53 80 24 Stop 8:46 9 17 2:44 30 1.50 110 2.37 1.58 80 24 Start 8:52 Arrived 8:37 10 18 3:24 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 ADONEL #8001 Test taken 9 cy 11 19 3:12 30 1.50 103 2.21 1.48 80 24 12 20 2:56 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 13 21 3:20 30 1.50 105 2.26 1.51 80 24 Slop 9:40 Start 9:41 14 22 3:15 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 ADONEL #7016 Arrived 9:33 15 23 3:32 1 30 1.50 102 2.19 1.46 80 -24 9 cy 16 24 3:24 30 1.50 107 2.30 1.53 80 24 17 25 3:11 30 1.50 96 2.06 1.38 80 24 Stop 10:28 Start 10:30 18 26 3:52 30 1.50 101 2.17 1 1.45 1 80 24 JADONEL #7003 Arrived 10:03 19 1 27 3:00 30 1.50 102 2.19 1.46 1 80 24 9 cy 20 1 28 3:24 30 1.50 110 2.37 1.58 1 80 24 Pag.: 2/4 SOILPROBE ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 1611 Auger Cast Pile Log PROPOSED TWO-STORY RESIDENCE 8 Contractor: SION HOMES Grout Spec's PROJECT: Load Bearing (tons) POOL Logged By: AO 5000 psi SOILPROBE ENGINEERING & 40 comp TESTING, INC. ADDRESS: 4446 N Hwy AIA Misc. Info: Engineers Sign and Seal: 12 tension CITY: Fort Pierce, FL Field Notes: Lot #7 Steel Spec's: Auger Cast Pile With (6) #6 full length bars with #3 ties @4" O.C. @ top of pile and @10" O.C. @ balance Pile I.D. Auger Time MIN. Depth (feet) Theorical GroutAnn't C.Y. Pump. r lees Actual GroutAmt. C.Y. Grout Factor Kips p 'comp tension Date: August 15, 2019 Notes 1 29 3:45 30 1.50 106 2.28 1.52 80 24 Stop 11:18 Start 11:19 2 30 3:14 30 1.50 109 2.34 1.56 80 24 ADONEL #7014 Arrived 10:57 3 31 3:21 30 1.50 99 2.13 1.42 80 24 9 cy 4 1 32 3:05 30 1.50 1 101 2.17 1 1.45 80 24 5 33 3:43 30 1.50 100 2.15 1 1.43 80 24 Stop 11:59 6 34 3:32 30 1.50 112 2.41 1.61 80 24 Start 12:00 Arrived 11:27 7 35 3:39 30 1.50 106 2.28 1.52 80 24 ADONEL #8000 9 cy 8 36 3:13 30 1.50 103 2.21 1.48 80 24 9 37 3:00 30 1.50 105 2.26 1.51 80 24 10 38 3:20 30 1.50 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 IStop 1:18 Start 1:10 11 1 39 3:05 30 1.50 1 100 2.15 1.43 80 24 ADONEL #7003 Arrived 1:02 12 40 3:12 30 1.50 107 2.30 1 1.53 80 24 Testtaken 9 cy 13 41 3:01 30 1.50 99 2.13 1.42 80 24 Stop 1:55 14 42 3:58 30 1.50 102 2.19 1.46 80 24 Start 3:06 Arrived 1:46 15 43 3:32 30 1.50 108 2.32 1.55 80 24 ADONEL #8001 9 cy 16 44 3:12 30 1.50 104 2.24 1.49 80 24 17 45 3:01 30 1.50 101 2.17 1.45 80 24 IStop 3:39 Start 3:38 18 46 3:03 30 1.50 1 104 2.24 1.49 80 24 ADONEL #7016 Arrived 2:30 19 47 3:26 30 1.50 102 2.19 1.46 80 24 1 9 cy 20 1 48 3:43 30 1 1.50 1 110 1 2.37 1.58 80 24 IStop 4:15 Pag.: 3/4 SOILPROBE ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 16" Auger Cast Pile Log PROPOSED TWO-STORY RESIDENCE 8 Contractor: SION HOMES Grout Spec's PROJECT: Load Hearing (tons) POOL ILogged By: AO 5000 psi SOILPROBE ENGINEERING & 40 comp TESTING, INC. ADDRESS: 4446 N Hwy AIA Misc. Info: Engineers Sign and Seal: 12 tension CITY: Fort Pierce, FL Field Notes: Lot #7 Steel Specs: Auger Cast Pile With (6) #6 full length bars with #3 ties @4" O.C. @ top of pile and @10" O.C. @ balance File I.D. Auger Time MIN. Depth (feet) Theories] GroutAm't C.Y. Pump Strokes Actual GroutAmt. C.Y. Grout Factor Kips p comp tension Date: August 16, 2019 Notes 1 49 2:23 30 1.50 99 2.23 1.49 80 24 Start 7:09 Arrived 7:05 2 50 3:11- 30 1.50 102 2.30 1.53 80 24 ADONEL #8000 Test taken 9 cy 3 51 3:00 30 1.50 107 2.41 1.61 80 24 4 1 52 3:02 30 1.50 ill 2.50 1.67 80 24 5 53 2:54 30 1.50 120 2.70 1.80 80 24 Stop 8:06 Start 8:07 6 54 3:00 30 1.50 110 2.48 1.65 80 24 ADONEL #7003 Arrived 7:39 7 55 2:55 30 1.50 106 2.39 1.59 80 24 9 cy 8 56 2:59 30 1.50 107 2.41 1.61 80 24 Stop 9:00 9 57 2:40 30 1.50 105 2.36 1.58 80 24 Start 11:00 Arrived 10:50 10 58 2:32 30 1.50 110 2.48 1.65 1 80 24 JADONEL #8001 9 cy 11 59 2:59 30 1.50 100 2.25 1.50 80 24 Stop 11:30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pag.: 4/4 ILPROBE ENGINEERING AND Pile Location Sketch TESTING American Foundation Lot #7 3931 SW 47" Ave. #104 Ir 4446 N Hwy AIA _ Davie, FL 33314 Fort Pierce, FL Tel. (954) 584-6115 V) 0 b 0 o� EL Cl � M n' v rA P2 P3 P4 P5 _ Pb raw u' c (Z� A wrJ P� P14 P9 IP37 P21 8'•A F22" F'39 a `� P3 P40 1"• F 18 PIS s a '•; a. P3� i'38 e _ --I1�' P41 .. ..mod •r Ew Pm49 PI7„' wF16 P�2 p. I P4.2r _! _—`•. ---= - -- ry-o^ -- ----- s r- 7 ft d I P45� Od P26 Y7 !926 '9 �34 r31 NP43 -- . Z a c AU,-F A5T PIU: LAYOUT bzr� m < v C �y A r > � n d'