HomeMy WebLinkAboutRequest for 30 day temp power release form 06-24-'20 10:33 FROM- 7728787656 T-997 P0001/0001 F-229 . , ..r:. .. 110(0- d koo, nIa 772-462-21 FaX 772-"2-"43 Date_- ' P=ANU lber: � �� C) ftiedAdarem THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT"I"C'}EXCEED TMTY(30)DA'Y$,FOR THE PU00SE OF TEMNG VSrEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREP cTio.N FOR A FINAL INSPE N. 'IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE PMQU.ek WE:HE MY ACWi0W110,GE-AND AGREE AS ALLOWS: I.. This glary poorer ret ase is teguested for ibe move stated purpose only,and tfmn W11 be no compancy of MY Wile,other than that pem?fUcl by cmsbucbon doing this time paled. 2. As'witnm by our sigrom,'voth,herdby agnea tb abide by eti terms and cmridibons of this agreement, Including Building 131visTon Pblicy,whch is fncorgMia hiutin Lay reference. 3. Ali,conditibm and requirements•fsL-d in the anched document entitled"Requirements for 30 Day Power far TeoAcf hbve-br.e fulfilled"artcl the premise is ready for c�ampfianre,inspectom 4. All requests for,an etention bayond 30 days m1a i e'made in wing tothe Bolding Official-staung the rea�otf fbr ft req u*. FN wet may be remWed Ymm the s te.ancVbr a Stop Work Order issued if the Finai'Inspecdon has riot been approved within 30-days. Ake of$100.00 will be required to lift the ftp Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE-ANIS AiGREETO HOLD HARML qS,ST'. LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMP tQYEES FROM ALL LDOMP ES AND.CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF.NtIATURE WRICH MAY AFZ-E NW OR ISI'THE FU'TI,M OU i". OF MIT,$TRANSACTIQ?jr INMDINl ANW:IY ;aGEW*lW i:`MIAY s€1Ncu 0UE TO-HE i3ISCO�=OF EL ECRR*L POVVM IN ilk EVENT, OP V70LA SON OF TTS AGS rnWN8R•SIGMTURDAM 1 DATE 1 dM�.caNTWa srcNATURS DATE"