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Building Plans
. . . ..... 100 IQ IIII-1 1AI'AII -7 M17 L) 'L6—;0 ..................... . ........ . . 21 Neowc M. 4L4�� L61 TH15 15 Of A 5UPMY 1 # � 111 A TP115 POCUMf 15 PP,,OPP\IFfVY, FOr, J51� PY CLIFNf AND 19F516NA1Ft) F\f CIFIFNf5 ONLY, OFFIC New Home for 16N COMP11, I 11 ( A55umpt&5 J5ed) ChnE)topher * 5hana o 1, Juri5oliction: 5t, Lucie Countq 1807 hazekAlood Drive, 2, Florida 13uilolinq Code 2011 (6th) Edition with N/ A fort Pierce,, florida 34562 5upplement5 and A5a 7-10 (5t. Lucie County) 13uJolinq Pe5join 15: Open 13ulIjinq: 4, P\i5k. Cateqorq:--j —y--jI -111 IV 4,1, �xpo5uro Cateqorq X C --P 5co:'pe Of Work: Now 5inqle 5torq CP5 Family{ P\e5ijence Pe5ioln Wind Velocity{: 170 MPH C sec, clu5t) ---A5P Width of end Under Air =3,1187 qZ--(0.00256AZl<IZjK qV2 ( LP/ r-r2) Gare —724 Kz-0,85; KZT-I.0; Kp-0,8� Covered front Porch = 2G2 13a5ic Wind Pre55ure: 50 p5f Covered Back Porch = 187 6, Mean Poof Heicileit: 16-10'' Poof Pitch: 6112 Uncovered Back Porch = 22 1 7, compotiont,5 & Cladding P65icin PreI55ure U5ocl: 5ee Window Poor 5chodule Total = AtqDu I B. Pe!5icin Loads C P5P): Floor/ Dead N/ A Floor/ Live N/ A, Total Cubic Volume: 3 1,870 koof / Dead2 P"oof / L ive 20 13alconq . Pock beck Stairs Force 9, 5keir -Walls Cons iolerect for 5tructure? Yes —X— No ( if No, attach explanation) 101 - continuous Load Path provided? Y05 ---X— No 10.1. if :No, attach cplanatian 11, Pe5icjt,�5oil Pearinol Pro55ure: 2000 P5F Cover Sheet/ Floor Plan C'01 .5bi1PorinoP,,equireol X Yes No 035ej upon section Pe51oin Notes A01 3.2 exception) Floor Plan A102 Foundation & Lintel I O3 �Iedrical A.04 Plumbing P\i5er AO� goof Lire A106 Full 5iZo -1 Wall & Tooter Details A,01 (6 Con5truction PetaiI5 A,08 `hr!5topher 5hana Coo Puck & Con5truction DetailsA09 oo Product Approval, Window & Poor 5chedJe A,10 1601 Hazelwd Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 54962 Front & F\ear �Ievab&5 A.1 I fast & We5t �Ievati&5 A,12 Contractor: (Aern Puilder5 [31rd s View; I NOTF,: PO Of 5CALF WPIMFN510N, ANY P15CFVANCE5 5HOULP P� X\00K fO TH� AMNVON OF TH� P�516W\, A, PLAN5 PY JAVE P\, 05N�F,05, K�, MIJ5f HM 5FAL WITH RICAINAL 516NATUF\� I I U P: 2020-026 P: 0*5/ 01/ 20 C.01 C'01 LLc 0844 9 rOV! 55�. -5 p c'I2ri)k1t, Fierce, FI 34962 c:772-519-2679 [ 7 j 0 ty, 7y, Pe MAY '20 ST.Lucle Coun e�rmltt]lng 5truictural And General Noes All Written Pimension On These 12rawing5 fake Precedence Over 5cal ed birnensions, PO NOT 5C&L bPAWIN65, ANY P15CP�PANCi 5 5HOUL B� BPOUGHT TO l� P�516N �NGIN��P' 5 ATT�NfION PP10P TO CONTINUING ANY WOPK The Contractor, 5ubcontractor, 5uppl ier, etc Shall Verifq All bimensions, Measurements and Conditions At The Job 5ite Flans And Specifications Prior to Anq Construction Work and Orderinq Materials - Construction 5hall Follow The Florida Building Code ( RBC) As Adopted Bq The County or Cites In Mich The Buildinq Is To Be Constructed i All Applicable Amendments The entire Buildinq ( or Addition) 15 designed As An end Zone Condition In Accordance With 5ection 6 , � A5a 7-10 The Building Is Pesigned As An inclosed Structure In Accordance With 5ection 6 , � 9 A5C� 7-10, This Pesign Assumes That The exterior Glazinq Meets The FBC 2017 The Loading Are In Accordance With A5C� 7-10, And Are fo Be Multiplied Bq The Appropriate Shape Factors 5tructural FeatI Not Detailed On These Plans Will Be Addressed Bu The engineer As Construction Progresses Use Clean, Compacted Fill And Treat For fermites All Windows, Doors, And Other Opening, Includinq Protective 12evice5 Are To Be Certified Bq The 5pecialtg engineer Of The Product Manufacturer Connectors Cataloq Numbers Are Based On 5imp5on 5trong fie Corporation Products Unless Noted Otherwise, Fasteninq 15 To Be In Accordance With Manufacturer's Specification, All 5tructure Concrete, 51 ab Footings And Grout 5hall Have A Min imum Compress ive Strength Of'5000 P51 At 28 PaH5 o 5ee Plans For 5ize And 5teel Pequirements, - Minimum Concrete Protection to Peinforceent Bars: Beams I" , Footings 3" Lap All Pe inforc inq Steel A Minimum of 48 Bar Pia eters All 5tandard Lumber 5hall Be 5PF, Or Stud Grade With Minimum Fb-1200 P51 Or Better Al Lumber In Contract With Concrete Or Masonrq 5hall Be Pressure Treated - 5pl ittinq Or Crackinq Of 5tructural Components Due To Installation Of Hardware Is Not Permitted Unless Otherwise Noted, The Installation Of 5pecified Hardware Shall Conform To The Manufacturers Instruction And Standards Bearing Points Of Headers, Girders, And Beams Shall Have Vertical 1 - 5upport5 5ufficient To Support Loads And 5hall Be Properly{ Anchored For Uplift As Will Be noted Poof 5heathinq; g" CPX exterior Grade APA Plgwood Installed Perpendicular To The P\,00f Framinq, With rid Joints 5taggered, Nail To Trusses W/ 8d Pinq 5hank Galvanized Nails @ 6'' OaC, Throuqhout, Gable finds To Be Nailed @ 4" O,C Unless Otherwise Noted For exterior Wall, exterior f Inwood 5heathinq and Interior Prywalls 1s to Be Nailed With IOC Nails or Better, 6: O,C, and 8'' O,C, Filled, Prgwall Screws 1,�" Lonq And 0,1�I'' in 12iameter For Pidge Vent Installation Block With 20 # 2 HF Or Better Between Top Chords Or Trusses Alonq The �Jqe Of Plgwood Pirectlq Below The Vent For Frame Segment To Masonry{ Segment Connections Use PT Vertical 5ecured To Masonrq With j " 2a, Laq 5crew5 I " embedment to �000# Concrete Min,18'' O C Walls: The bouble fop Plate ( Butt Splices) Shall Desist 4000Lb/ 5pl ice, All Wall Top Plates 5hall Be lapped A Min, Of 24" @ 5plice5 W1 7-16d Nails Min, Lap Center Of Wall Shall Be 4' W/ 9-16P Nails, At Gable, Provide 20 Full Blocking To The frusses For The First fwo Truss Spacing, Spaced at ' O ,C , Nai l inq 5hall Be '' O oC , At F irst fruss Applq Plywood Poof 5heathinq Face Grain Perpendicular to Supports Al Poof Coverinq 5hall Be Applied Per Manufacturers Pecommendations Or Per FBC And Local Codes Whichever 15 More Strenuous Pepair All Walls In Accordance With Petails In This l2rawinq And In Accordance With The Applicable Florida Buildinq Code( s) Pepair All electrical Wiring, Low Voltage Wirinq, HVAC/ Pucts And Plumbinq Pq Qualified Contractor Some electrical Switches 120 Not Connect To Anq Junction Box Or Outlet But Are 5hown For Claritq, Connector NoI - Truss to Truss Connections P� Truss Companq All Truss Anchors Straps Must Pe 16 Gauge, Truss Uplifts of 1800# or Less, U5F One (1) H IfA20 Anchor Truss Uplifts of '�000# or Less, U51� fwo ( 2) H-H�TA20 Anchors - Strap fruss To FaCh Concrete Hearing W/ (1) HFTA20 W/ 10-I On x I " Nails Strap Truss 1'o Wood Hearing W/ (1) HIO W/ 16-IOP Nail For 2plq Member fo Conc Connection Use ( 2) HFTA2Q W/ 1+im) X 12 Nails per Strap For 2plq Member fo Wood Connection Use 2) H10-2 W/ 16-IOP and ( 2) MT518 W/ I4-IOP Per Strap King to Wood Bearing HCP2 W/ I OP x I �" Nails fo Al Holes fuip, Common And end jacks 7' And Less ( Max 400# UPI ift) Use (1) H�WO W/ 10-IOP x 12" Nails For Conc. Connection Or HIO W/ 16-10n Nails for Woad Connection Post Connection, Unless Ned: @Base (I) ABU44 W/ 8" x6'' imbed Wedqe Bolt 1�o Conc/ I6 All Doles To Wood Header Connections; ( 2) H�TA20 W/ I4-16d Per 5trap For Conc Connection For Wood Connection 5ee PA Top Connection, Use HU5410 Face Mount fo Concrete As Noted Use 12" I Oa Nails In Straps Unless Nosed , No 5pl ittinq Or Crackinq Allowed Valleq frusses To Top Chords Of Trusses Below; -� (1) f5-18 12-IOP Per Strap - I @ each end/ 48'' OC Max 1'hereafter Maximum Lateral Force each Truss 80# Hot Water 5upplu femperature Maintenance l IMI Where. the developed lenO of hot water piping fromt he source of hot water supplq to the farthest fixture exceeds 100 feet, the hot water supplq sgstem shall be provided with a method of maintaining the temperature in accordance with the FIX, �nercjq Conversation, Min, Pipe Insulation: Circulatinq hot water piping and domestic and service hot water sqstems with fluid design operating temperatures greater than I O� OF shall be in5ulatI in accordance with the requirements of Table 607,2,,1 Not Water sUstem controls: Automatic circulatinq hot water sqstems pumps or heat trace shall be arranged to be conveniently{ turned off, automaticallq or manuallq, when the hot water sgstem is not in operation Pecirculating Pump: Where a thermostatic mixing valve is used in a system with a hot water rec irculatinq pump, the hot water or tempered water return I ine shall be routed to the cold water inlet pipe of the water heater and the cold water inet piep OF, the hot water return connection of the thermostatic mixinq valve, C (; i knr)P.56n;a Chin WI 2) 5N35 I 0 c� _ 78—711 WI0 MCI, Knee Wall with end Post, Shower Glass and Shower Water 5uppIq Area With Two Head And Two Val e5 23 - HP 5NF� pum W5 W9 W10 W8 C �0 -�- LI L5 ransom 4020 L9 5H3 Dwl L8 fransom 1616 WASHER DRYER 81 �I' — I ' 010, NOISE n5ulation s A"L I O z �grE55 I h 'f 29 -11 9611 4'_�II -111 i 14 811 LI W6 i II , 17080 I 5�-111 5N25 6''S'1 26801' —211 f pit 3' -1011 -'I` 2680p i II L--------J 2 2 80 -� 3 -6 11'—�II O 1680 1660 Master 13eciroom �' 11 G- i .t 88 r�on Pot? PO l F ...: 16' S 141 7" 16' -811 � � + H� � 10 8 2 -1O 2.J 6 �ILI 2 80h 3v', �r_, 6 -811 4, ,�I �gre5s ._ 3��ip��c• 61. LI W6 s 6''�II i II �,� c,'`'�j It � [�„E�<-,ii II 2880 5 , 1 6 4 1' -� 1 I 3080 124 5N25 r-- -----------------i 88 3080 I i 2480 i g LI II nr�i. F�Eader - jb6 j - I 1 6' -211 -2 Oven 11 85" Framed Wall 1 o ' 16 -5 16080 i 71 - 9 I 26 �Zl l i 2a3O I 3'-II" Match Kitchen Wall LIB WLI 2' 1 1 1 13' -q l L15 gll ., �11 31 i i9' Header 17 2 22505N kEfriq 5„ J 6 ,61 I H o I O' - � I Waterline 3' —7 I �i 2 8 ----- ®� 1-61, egress WI W2 ' �_� a 10 C'2) 5N26 _ 12 5 Office 7 5 - �� 11—� 225051-I 20 -8 oa L7 12 6 XI C irJ 20 r� II - 0 ' i �i 2 13:II ------------ 29'-III --- -- LI6 2' -6 0 288 f:-7 --- 25B-23 y E rL I L Er �}' M"' 1 I I �— Cb 1 11 I !� I -611J' -21 i i O 6080 Front Porch d o�l g -811 _ ? ' I c� Kear porch; fon ue Cie Stucco � � � ' q 121 19'-311 LI I Cell Inq - - 9 1 -21 & Groove Fine 13U 3080 LZ Grew loom L I7, Owner 1 -811 W ' O 10 x20 - n2 - p !2 6 2080 �'-IO11 1 I E @ 1 L H gull 1 I 16'-211 L13 I2' -91 I � co -8 11 [3edroom 2.680p �' 20' HP + 13 II'-91I #2 n egress 2 50801' W2 11 ' 8" x 12' 8'i i 41 41 —gl l i 80 2880 41-31I �' 2880 L5 4 Lgre55 -5 i C 2) 5N26 2880 9 1 -711 2�}8 12' -6 1 1 - 2680P 5' -910) 1�' —211 r�oa `_, 2680P Bedroom # 4 10' Ceil irnq Height Throughout L� 101-8" - 13edroom 2 0 �' 6' ` _ 5 611 I I' 10" xl2' 6" Vaul J Ceilin In Great loom With ` 6 pitch O # 11 _ q 12 egress �} 6268 l' I i i WI 1016 i i x 1 4 I 1 1 1 i3ackinq For 3 2 Poor CaSinq Throughout (2) 5N55 2_680i' i3arn poor Round Corner 13ead Throuclhout 10l lell feI Z' -6" �n -I.., �gre55 L5 �Hl� 1.5 W5 L1 1�61re55 21' -3' Wi Transom fran50m W6 4016 4020 5H25 7 8 7 TH15 l2OCUMM 15 MOMIFTARY, FOl U5F 13Y CLIENT ANP t2l�516NMP l�CIPIENT5 ONI Yl OFFICIAL PI AN5 13Y JAVER 05N�R05, ?,�, MU5T HM 5M WITH Ol16INA 516NMSF, 16' —811 Game loom 16' 6';' A 1' 6 i' press W7 Ise Insulation V'4050 —111-811 L5 i 17Fi L6 �gre55 W6 5N25 L W6 5N25 a O L i 15ch�ul� NO L irrtel Total Length Lintel ` Capacitl{ Max. Applied - Load: pesignation lemarks `� LI �' 8" 3069 i517 8F8-If,l� 1,2 61211 1451 124 8F8-If'V 1,3 61111, 1011 497 8F8-1f'O L4 41111, 1665 1291 8F8-If,113 * � F L5 41811 5090 2176 8F12-1f,16 61 42-58 81`16-If,1P L7 7' 8400 6778 BF24 5ee petai! F-f� Fage A3 L8 21211 3069 1225 8F8-If,IP If fru55 KI aands on Lintel nue To Field Conditions Advise engineer L9 51111 1665 496 81=8-If,lt3 �10 7'8" 184!5 1410 8F16-If'V �� P LII 16'811 500 100 8F8-If,10 12' 5lidinq & fran5om L12 10'0'' 1535 657 8F16-Ifjv L13 114 51411" 51211 61'53 5069 07 2744 8F16-1f,113 8I%8-1f,1 ' 5ized to Match Lintel 12 L15 16'8'' 2500 1860 BF24 5ee detail I✓M page A3 L16 7' 1129 909 81`12-If0 L17 12'6" 471 100 8�8-IT,113 Openinq fo 56P Nominal Number Of # 513ar5 Height at ILL- tom of Intel Nominal Width Number Of # 5 C3ar5 ed Or At fop Of L Intel Unfilled Beam 12e5101nation: Composite Reinforced Concrete 13eam51J5incl f re-Ca5t And pre--5tre55eJ Concrete Lintels ( ''Cast --Crete'' or �,'q.) & 5tanJard Ma5onr4 Units lIxl7, Full SIZC' 8 Christopher & 5hana Cicio 1807 Hazelwood drive Fort pierce, Florida '54952 Contractor: Gem 13uilder5 door flan 8 P: 202Q-028 P: W 01/ 20 A,02 / A,12 4C �.a ln'erin .,LLB �90*5 5= �17rve, ', Pierce, FI '�4982 C�ngll ± 'I) gyc:772-519-2619 i�;n _ 25 1 -�ii 1 2 Fr),2—/ 41 K41 '411 I F122 Papered�rtrance 2�004 Conc, Paid F[22 FP2 F F— L-1 F122 1. � '' Step sown 4'' �000` Fibermix Comc, Over 0.006 Vapor Nrrier On Clear, Compacted Termite Treated Fill IM Mal 1 "0119 1 M5 POCUMM 15 MOMEfAkY, FOP, U511� PY UENT ANP PF516NMP P\�GIPIFNf5 ONLY, OFFICIAL.' PLAN5 PY JAVEP\ C15NFP\05, Kll�, MU5f HAVF 5M WITH OP\161NA, 516NA-rur,�, -1 L 2111 2 211 Min, Cover 3000 P51 Concrete With FiberMe5lh Six ( 6) # r With Stirrup At B'' O.0 a BXBX16 Conc, Plock With # 5 Vert, rowel In Grout Filled Celk Form and Pour I, Intel FAPL Full Size; 12"-I VaulteJ Coiliticl In 6roat P\oom with -6� Pitch 12 iii-� I 1XII: 8 -� I Full Size 4 -� I Soffit Mount CAN I ICI GV U W HER AlCx l Owlet In Garage �o Build n W Pe At 42ii High Iron Boar'vd _.., �y 11111 MI% a 0 3 w 3 F'riq i i b6 i i 160 i i' :0 i i Side Mount i panel .°. t.........E V!V i_/ Soffit Mourn � � GC✓I ran W/ L iq eM - Carbon Monoxide detector so = 5moke Pcector w/ BatterU 7 phone Jack TV and Network Jack DID ;. aDEN $ L ightino Switch ' $ - Under Cabinet L ightinq Switch '0 C $3 _ L ightinq Switch - 3-wag $c - Switch for Under Cabinet �ightinq -(- L ightinq 6'' pece55ecl -- � ightinq - Wall Mount s = L ightinq Wet rated L ightinq Junction i 1 - I\.eceptacl e - 120 V Ground Fault I;eceptacl e -120 V GF ..Soffit Mount I:eceptacl e - 240 V GPI heceptacl e - exhaust Fan & Light TH15 POCUM T 15 PPOPf? fAI'Y. FOP H BY UENf ANn t2F%NAlT�,1? PF Q i--r .l 1 I I I I C� --- - - - - -- LAnL n I (Aa [a I door Outlet 11 .E it § I UG 5ervice - extend electric Through Attic fo panel p ej 0 p6F 1 71,211 R o ai) m: i� P FN[ Ki C 0' AFF . GFI I CIPIFNr5 ONI Y, OFFICIAL.- PI AN5 BY JAVIFI' C15NF1?058 RF, MU5f HM 5M WITH ORIGIN& 516NKUP� a �1 6' AFF' ���CtrlGr�l �a�el SCheI�U � NO l%escription role--- Trip Volts Wire iNN Conduit (kW) ' MU #1 . 60 240 #6 3/ 4" (10) Z li AC Compressor # Water Neater 10 30 240 240 #8 # 10 3/ 4" 3/ 4'' 2,00 4,00 4. k efrigerator 20 120 # 12 1/ 2'' 2,00 5, bishwahser 1 20 120 #12 1/ 2'' ZE00 6, Washinq Machine 1 20 120 # 12 1 / 2" 200 7, Clothinq 1%rgcr 2 30 240 #8 -5/ 4" 5 00 8, Mange 2 1501240 #6 3/ 4" 6,00 9. double Oven 2 5O 240 #6 14'' 6,00 10, Kitchen - 5mall Appliances 1 20 120 #12 1/ 2'' 6,00 11, Irrigation pump 1 20 120 # 12 1/ 2'' 1,00 12, Garage Opener # 1 1 20 120 1120 # 12 1 / 4" 21100 3 I � tiara e Opener # 2 g p I 20 # 2 I 4''' / Z00 14, GFCI @ 0.15 kW each I 15 120 # 14 11411 1 :00 15, exterior Ligthinq @ 05 kW each I I 120 # 14 11411 8.00 16, Ceilinq Fans @ 0,2 kW Each I I 120 # 14 11411 2,00 17, General L ightine 1 20 120 # 12 11411 8,00 18. �eceptacl es 1 20 120 # 12 11211 12 00' 19, Total 20, 21, 22. Panel Calcuations - Load 5urrmaru A, AC Load @ 100% 10.00 kW 13: First 10 kW @ 1007, 10,00 kW CE 12emainoler @ 407, 26.40 kW bE Total 46,40. kW kegjired Amps 19-5 T% AMP5 IIxl7; �"-1 i it 1801 Hazelwood drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Contractor: Gem Builders FIectricai 'Ian; 8,' - I' P: 2020-028 19: O3V 01 / 20 A,04 / A,12 - Iti 084 1 '/AyI 590'452ce bl Give, t Fierce, Fl �4982 �C dal, - i come c:172-519-2619 V� Nf 5Np 2" Plumbing No�esl I'i Plumber fo Con5ult With Contractor And equipment Order For hough In Dimensions, Verifq All Pimen5ion5 With The Floor Plan, Da Not Scale nrawinq, If And Conflicts 0r D15crepanc1e5 Arise, Contact the engineer For Clarification Prior fo Con5truction, All 5anitar� L111e5 2'' or L055 Shall Have A 51ope of"' Per Foot Minimum All 5an itar Lines above 2 5hal I Have A 510 e OF — Per Foot Minimum, �i p 8 li Provide Alit-5caldinq Valve In All 5hower5. Lowc5t Livinq Area Floor elevation fo Pe Set Pq A Profe5510nal Land 5urve�or "o the I?equireol P iloling Department Nevation, Put Not Less khan 18'' Above The Crown Of T'he 1?oad , 15 DOCUM Nf 15 PpOPPETApYI FOP, U51� PY ('11 W AND 121�516NA1�12 PTCIPtN15 1011 rip v, Cast In Place I;akeBeam fo v• Min. Underside Of �ru55 Pottom Chord ,.<.I I" o y � \4 Y y e,. I i I ° Ail i � 0 4 # Debar In Grouted Vertical Cell Lap Steel 25" Min, m z a F Zo k •fie � � a � n y � F 5 \ 11 01 V V I \f Concrete ,r Footer �4 •''. Foundation " 'r.� �, ..:• " S ;i CI35 pake Wall netail 5cal e W5 Install 40'Mil PVC Perma-Guard Shower Pan Liner or equal Adhere With Cement Poard Or Clacker Bond inq Fluid Per Manfl :..: Board On Shower Wall 5pecsl Min. 6" Up Wall And On Curb ' More Utilized Concrete 5hower Floor Floated Over C 2)` 211x41' Pf 51ab to Pitch q,12 All Wags fo brain Curb Attached fo Slab W/ h er Pan W f pf Oof ii�q powers Concrete NT5 5crew5 or �ggal ONL I OFFICIAL PLAN513Y JAVEP 05W\05; %5f HAVE 51 A& Wl1H Ol;16INAL 516N> IJP\�l TI 115 POCUM�Nf 15 PP,,OPFEfXY, FOP U5� GY CLEW ANn f2�51GNA � f?�CIIpI�N�'S C�NL IN GY JAVIFP C15NF1,05, ply', MU5f HAVF 5M Wlil- OP,,161N& 516NAT4� I Connector Note5 Tru55 to Tru55 Connections C3q `truss Company{ All Tru55 Anchors 5trap5 Must Pe 16 Gauge; fru55 Upl ift5 of 1800 # or Less, U511� One ( 1) Nl� i A20 Anchor fru55 Uplft5 of'5000# or Le55, U5F Two ( 2) H-HFTA20 Anchors 5brap Truss fo Fach Concrete Gearing W/ ( 1) H�TA20 W/ 10-1012 x I!, Nai15 %rap fru55 fo Wood 13earinq W/ _( 1) HIO W/ 16-IO'Nail For 2plq Member fo Conc Connection Use ( 2) H�TA20 W/ 14-161) X I " NaJ5 per 5trap ror Zpi Member I o Wood Connection Use C 2) N10-2 W/ 16-1012 and ( 2) Mf518 W/ 14-�1012 Per 5�-ap King to Wood 13earinq NCp2 W/ 102 x l " Nails fo Al Hole5 fqp Common And grid jacks /' And Less (Max 400# UPI ift) U( I) Nr--"A2O W/ i0-10n ill,N iI r C se x Z ai s or onci Connection Or HIO W/ 16-1012 Nails for Wood Connection lost Connection, Unle55 Noted @ Gaye C I ) VU44 W 8" x6" imbed Wedge Dolt fo Conc/ 1612 All Hol e5 To Wood Q - Header Connections; C 2) Nr1'AZU W/ 14.16d rer Strap For Conc Connection For Wood Connection 5ee posh fop Connection, Use HU5410 Face Mount To Concrete A5 Noted -Use 1 2" 101? Nails In 5trap5 Unless Nosed, No 5plittinq Or Crackinq Allowed Valleq fru55e5 fo fop Chords Of fru55e5 Gelowe ( 1) Mf5-1812-1012 per 5t-ap - I @ each �nd/ 4811 OC Max T'hereafter Maximum Lateral Force each fru55 80# Full Size 4. , I ' �unqus�pesistant Fiberglass Shingles (As per Manufactuer 5pec5) Installed Over Minimum One Lager of All Climate Self-Mherinq Underlagment W/ Min. 4" 50e Laps And 6'' end Laps Over 2'' CR Fxterior Grade ApA pl�wood Installed perpendicular To The Foof Framing W/ Fnd Joints 5taggered. Nail to Trusses W/ 8d I\,inq Shank Nair Min 6'' O.C. Throughout And Gable �rJ5 Shall Cie Nailed W/ IOd Common, Galvanized Nails @ 4" O.C. p2O 5praq --/ Foam Insulation IX4 Pracinq @ 8' O.C. Install 8 '' 6gp5um On Trusses Two Course Bond Beam 8" Cont. With One � Grade 40 #\,ebar Lap Around Cor, 25" Min And Grout 5ol id With Conc, 2 " Ggpsum Doard on I'' x2'' pT Furrinq Strips At 16'' O,C, With i"' I?5 ,O Insulation Poard 8XBXI6 Conc, Plock With # 5 Vert, Powel In Grout Filled Cells 3000 ps i Concrete Fiber Mix f �' See Footer Note 11X411 pf Fire 5top 20" Im 6 Use Approved Hurricane f:esistant Truss Anchor @ Fach Frol Of � Al Trusses Installed per FG' 5 Instructions M Aluminum Prip Fdole / CedarFa5c ia 5tucco Soffit With 2'' p'ib Lath With paper Backing. Minimum of 6d ( 2'') Galvanized Nails with A'' Head At 6'' O.C. Max, 8'' xl6'' Screen Soffit At 8' O.C. At �ntrq, Garage, pear porch Level peturn Pq Truss Manufacturer r Openincl Two Coat Stucco finish Over C5 ( I ) # � Febar In Grouted Vertical Cell Lap Steel 2�" Mine Top Of proposed 51ab At Finish Floor Fl evation Two ( 2) # 5 Debar Grade 40 Cont. 2� Lap Around Outside Corners 211" Fr" 05W'05J Kl�' Footer Note I: 6 MIL Visqueen Lap 12'' Taped At Joint's 2, Termite Treated F i I I Compaction To Min. Of 9�7o Of ASTM n15�7 Max. nensitq 4, Min, Compaction Pensitq Shall Cie -5000 P51 See FoGbor Note I Two Coat Stucco F in ish Over 05 BXBX 16 Conc, Flock With # 5 Vert, bowel In Grout Filled Cells Conc, 51ab Ground See Footer . a Note I n a' ate• 6 16 �. OOO psi Concrete fiber Mix One C I) # 5 pebar In a. a. Grouted Vertical Cello m C 2) # 5 Debar Grade 4O Lap Steel 25" Min,l 16" Coat, 25" Lap Around Outside Corners Footer Petail Garage - F122 llxl7: i" - 1' '' Conc, 51ab Full Size: 2" -1 ' �000 psi Concrete Fiber Mix • A • Ground 41 • d '® • e C 2) # 5 Debar Grade 40 I. Cont. 25" Lap Around Outside Corners hooter betai � �b?� ul51ze; I2"-1' �" Thick I # � Grade 40 Par Cont. Conc, 51ab 25" Lap. " Min. Cover ':•m' � "a iill Footer retail - P4 3000 ps i Concrete fiber Mix Full 51zee'�-1' I I * rW IM I �' Attic Vent Calculations: Attic Area: 4983 5F / I50 - 25 5F Vertinq pequired 5off it Area - 1257 5F Venting provided; 8" xl6'' Soffit Vent: 85 in per Vent 25 5F Overhang Venting I':equired -�5600 in 3600 in2 / 85 in2 - 43 Vents pequired U If f I800# l p its o or ess Uplifts of 3000 # or less Straps Installed �.. � 200 I 8 e s M��'A20 Straight OrWrapped ,"XI 1�wo H-kl TA20 Over firuss 16 Gau e Min, Amp 16 Gauge MIn . Service ; 200 Arnp �l?l 8 e Panel Meter � � f . t ° ° •'.°• • r%i5connect Meter fwo 2) Bit debar Mini ( 1) # 5 Pebar Vertical Grade 40 In Center Cell None: Masonry Cells to 13e Filled With A5fM-A476 Conc," Masonry Grout @ �000 P51 Cone. l31 lock 21 Min, One C 1) #6 Ground Ingf�, =x.` 8"x8'' Conc,131ock Filled zConduit 1"oCopper�. q WithA5�'M-A�76 Masonry p Water Pipe Or # 2x f1' raminq �"Grout At 3000 P51 With oe UPI ifts of 4000 # of less :` 9§ imbedded Tru55 ' ie Anchor fo p Wish Wire bath x .p •, 131ockinq Not Must Add N-10A-2 C Wake p b �' l'oote: .a�x # 5 pebar Grade �0 With ,�# t a a Shown For Clarity 211x4'' PT @ 16" O.C. MAX- ( 2) -16P TO VU55 C 2) -1612 TO FA50A 102 2 Coats Of 5tucco Over Wire lath With paper over Tgvek. Wire bath With Paper 5ecured with 8n Nails @ 8'' o'c' With Minimum '' Penetration. 8" C12X plywood Nailed W/ 612 Galvanzied Nails @ 4" O,C, Max @ edges & 8" O.C. MaK In Field H�TA20 For Gable end'Truss Caulk Window Sill 2" nrywall on Furring to C135 Wall d Ma5onrH Petal N]' ) Y e^ •x � Tr .. � c k • 4 .ry a fi'' q C. . a A AA. 'tea aIT • 4. P .e ss^ oaper r i = �e ar o r Stucco C Tapered) .• �� �� Copt, 2� Overlap a , S s fop of MOF05�a s� 2" x�" Plockingl 48" O',C, (fop And 16 °' Kh'' Conc, Plock Filled W Bottom) @ fir Three 1ru5 Spaces With Concrete 2 5ch0 pVC '" AS�'M-A�76 Masonry Grout �gaQa P 3zz a avd -¥� a �=e' f '¢' 8 f -+i t-€r s- t R� C 2) 1 Ot) Nails' each end i �0° r Gray Conduit And # 5 pebar at �000 P51 ;g,1 �{".3 g �`yra�� 2" l®nq /wll6/p Grade 3 be �n 4 51ab of 3000 psi elbow To Kiser Pole sit, 7 ��17 ' y3z, Concrete Fiber Mix ae�« y -16n Nair g I electric P'i5er Petal 00 ngineered� 9 :.4 • 3 p . ..: .; r. SeeOOter Note Wo©d truss �% y�I� 9 00 2"X4" f?i gal X� p r 2 .+ , . C 2) # 51?ebar Grade 0 00 9. Bracing @Peak And Cunt 25 la �, �. i 9 3 from teak 1 o Wall •.: ' At- i'r wr ---� .. ,= Around Outside Corners � s � — 5 16n NAlL5 ( FICA,) Or 5irnp5on 613C Connector if - 2 fru55 5pacing %fficierrt For Top Pl ate On Concrete Wall C 3) # r I:ebar Grade -40 GAC3 � A roof Tooter & Column betail - FCbl @ ' O:C: each Way W1 5h ath , , • 5CAI� Nf5 Window Assembly I , Fastener 13q Manufacturer Caulk eam At Window 1n Ilan 5 sta I i et ill In Full Mortar 5 I tar lie , pe wired 5 d a a i Thickries5 Min. Max I" i 5X,uucco Coat ink recast Wi idow Sill CMU Wall ,�--- e inq � Min. Cover hoof I I XI 7 � 3 i i � I Common Valley �} cuss Truss 5heath;inq I i i -- I -- �ull51zei I2 I rl e h Cldo 1607 Hazelwood l2rive Fort Pierce, Florida 54952 l TH15 POCUM%f 15 foPOpPETAl?Y, FOP H �Y CLIFNf ANn f?F51GNAT�T I;FCIPIFNf5 ONLY, OrFICI& PLANS �Y JAVIFP 05N�1?05 gpica VIRT\ In5tallatior, 5ide & 15ometric View Rl�, MU5f HAV' 5M WI11-I RON& 516NA11JFT Contractor: Gem Builders Construction Petai15 Ap S J ' i _ it # 10544 590-5 FI 34982 4CNllC� _ 4 a '' c:772-519-2679 HI;OV112� CA5T LINTEL OP, TYPICAL CONCp� POT SOLD 8'' n��H (MIN) PONP PFA Al 1AC111001 Op111I16 1 # 5 M13Ap Gf\� 40 LAP 5T��L 25 MIN CONCP�T� FLOCK WALL. , �U irrtel P,00f TM55 5 Kebar Grade 4U 2x fop rlates CWood j j %� 6yp. P12. C•G, ......................... Lap Steel 25'' Min V or Metal) 5crewed Into i fruss Chord I I E� X Wood Buck %'' Gl1',13OAP.f Concrete POTI.151 b�5 OF A�apcon Spacing Cased Plock Wall Provide Pond I3am La 505 Of; i p GAI.VANIZ�p 5t�1. On Cl add inq Notes Steel 2� Min, with i i @ 1611 O.C. Precast Window Sill Contractor; Gem Puil4er5 $'ough Poor Opening F � r 8X8XI6 i i 20 WOOn 5fU19 Ok i Concrete 6MANIM2 I301TOM --� V1 ock TACK WITH POMP, x Wood duck 8X8XI6 _ ; ; PIN5 INTO CONIC, 5LM Pouom Of [__ ....... . ........... . . . .. . ........................CONCP\, 1 hooter I a �CK __ .__, � _ � � _�_�.— =®.. ® ®— ®_:�® MIN, 4' 2 ° r I' MIN, 1�12�ii� # 5 I:ebar Grade 40 WOOn PA5F i I CONCi:�� 1'�Ipical Window nc�tail Scale; N�'S i i n15�'ANC� C ') Lap 5tee125 Min i i 5LAP N01r° -rWr IN51'A1I.A110N 0r GLAZING P19nfrC<ION nr-VICr NA5 �r-rN CON51P�p�n IN �� n�51GN OF lld� 5UPPOP\,f 5Tf?UCTU1': 1301'�'OM 0� 00°I�p ..... ..... �upical Non�(3earinq Wall rypICA..•. POR O NK 16 Section Petail IN PLOCK W&PML Nr5 5CALI�,' Nf5' One ( I) Vertical # 5 debar Grade 40 at 48 NOS: THI� I1\151 &LAf1ON OF 6bAZIN6 p CON51P1 P\�P IN THI� 121�5161\1 OF THII 5UP Stucco On 8' i CCS Wall CMU 131ock 2'' x6" p f Wood Jamb Garage boor With Track fo �s Attach fo Buck, Min. I " Overlap And Stop Moudl inq 12'' GUpsum Poard Ll On I X2 P °f° WI2 ° 8 " Wedge Bolt Or 51 eove Anchor Furrinq Strips With Minimum 137 1' �mbedmer*.. 5pacinq At 12'' O,C1 C uck Jetail for 6araee Poor TH1512OCUMI�Nf 15 PPOPI\ETAI:Y° FOF U5F PY CLBf ANn 12F%NAT�r pOtCTION 12�VIC� HA5131 % Pau 5TUCTUP� (2) �� (MIN.) Tapcon all On Or �auivalent See f�{p° 8 CC35 Wall Po Openincl Petail For Vertical 5pacinol Frame fo Buck per -- Manufacturer 5pecification5 %" Gypsum oard Approved % P,T. On I X5 PT. . Wn ° Wood Buck Furring ips &L ANCHOW� fO r3� WI11-IIN 611 FFO1 EACH COPW, SUCK P�� II� AN12 A5 MAXIMUM OF 1611 P�TWN C�1\11 \5, 5HIM5 TO Dl� USf,n fo F Ul� THE V01I75 Af A.I. ANCHRi? pOINf5 FOP POOP Af NPY At.l<: X6'' T, 'CON' ANCHOi: 'MI;U WOOF N BUCK WITH MIN, i4" Cf nNmflON INfo CONam FTCIPI%f5 ONLY, OFFICIAL LAN Y JAVIFI\, 05N�f2°05J , %5f H Horizontal 5pacinq With 3000 f 51 Concrete Grout Filled With 2� i' Min. Lap 6' Max El El El_ El 11 1 D Three Vertical #f:ebar Grade 40 [j At AI Corners With 5000 P51 Concrete Grout Filled With 25'' Min, Lap IT 6' MaxPr Vertical # � kebar Grade 40 At each Christopher 5hana Cicio El 50e of Openinq With -5000 H51 107 Hazelwood t2rive Concrete Grout Filled With 251' Min, Lap Fort Pierce, Florida 54982 Contractor Gem Builders � I i� Nock ae�ali - � ' Chuck & Con5truction Petaik N1'S P: 2020-028 n, 03/ 01 / 20 A°09/ A°12 �90 � ruce'nrive,� t° pierce, Fl �4982 ^^ T c c:772-519=-2679 roduc� pprova WindowPoor 5chedu e -- Contractor to verifq all rough opening prior to construction and per manufacturer specifications Openlnq Wind Pressures ( p5F) Product Mass Bough Opening Methad Of Attachment Id Product Uond ition Meld Approved Manufacrer Ap roval fgpe W x H Qt WI Window New 49,6/ -54,0 50/ -6� MI Windows LI 499,6 �4 �"x6,4" 4 i�� ITW `Capcon Flat dead @ 10'' O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment 1 '' Min, Fdge 25tance 211, Max i" Load Pearinq 5him5 5H3 W2 Window New �8 2/ ' /" ' a 0/ -10 MI ftn-F�vv= FL ;7 9a8 Impact 6"x75�'' ITW Tapcon @ 10'' O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment I Min, edge nistance 2"; Max " Load earinq Shims 5H26 i W, Window New 5ee Front boor Side Light 2 (r,entionallq Blank W� WindowNew 52,2/ -6,6 c LI �9,1 Impact 49"xl9" 1� I�UV �"apcon At Max l6" O,C,, Min, mbedmerr� 14 Min, �Jqe Pistance 4 Max �" Load Pearinq 5h1m5 +60 MI Window transom Window � 5,�,� �� �� f.. 3 �� lii �� lii W� 1�ransc�rn New �2,2/ -56,6 +60 MI Windows FLI 11,91i Impact 49 x25 2 i� I 1�apcon At Max 16 O,C,, Min, embedment I q- ,Min, edge l%istance � Max � Load Bearing 5hims W6 Window New 491/ --�4J �O/ -6� MI Windows FL17499,6 Impact -�81 1x64 16 ITW Tapcon`@ 10'' O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min, �mbedmernt I �' , Min. �Jqe l istance 2 Max ' Load Pearinq 5h1m5 5H25 ,� Window New �8 6/ -�3,0 t5 MI Windows �LI 3 i,6 Impact �9"x6�" 2 1 M iapcon @ 10': O'C' 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment I Min. dqe 12istance 2'', Mcax "' Load Pearinq 5hims Hp�050 W8 Window New 52,2/ -56,6 �t60 MI Windows FL6�49,1 Impact 19"x19'' �5 ITW Tapcon @8'' O;C, 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment I Min, �Jqe bistance 2'', Max �'' Load Pearinq 5hims (ransom W 9 Window w 1, / - 2 51 MI Windows 1.r = �99e9 impact 5g8i' x398 I �& ITW Tapcon @ 16' ` O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment I ` , Min, �dqe Pi5tance 2" Max Load Pearinq 5him5 Window ii 211 ii W10 2 New 51,7/ -56,1 +55 MI Windows FL17499,1 Impact �8 x39 B 2 16 ITW Tapcon @ 16 O.C. 5pacinq Max, Min. embedment I � Min, edge pistance 2' may,"' Load Pearinq 5hims 5H : � f Window � �� i �� ill WI I New �1,0/ - � 5� MI Windows FL1749911 Impact 27"x61" 2 1 IfW fapcon @ 16 O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min. embedment I Min, �Jqe Pistance 2�� , Max i Load Bearing 5him5 22505H Window 55 MI Windows FL15 49,10 Impact 14� 37 " I ire ITW Tapcon @ 16O,C, 5pacinq Max, Min, embedment I Min, �Jqe nistance 2 Maxi-� ' Load Bearing 5hims WI2 fixed New �9,9/ -��, Mull Bar " e` a ITW fapcon With Min, embedment I q'' , Min, edge pistance I " +75,6 MI Windows FLI ��5 B ��� ".:; i Poor W/ r 64*5" x98�1' I 1� p I �� o q i' "� GI 3 yew 47,4/ -�1,8 +50 �herma i ru I'L20�68, Im >-�, 4 I�VU Ca con At Max 16 O C Min, embedment I ,Mind e C7istance Max"' Load Pearinq511im5 Sidelights Fs 12' SlidingImpact �� r �� FY i -i Two ITW Ta con @ MaxOC & min, � se aration Min, embedment I Min, �d e 1%istance I Max Load Pearinq 5hims x 3a , n2 � Nt.,v,� ��,6/ -�9,0 �5� M doors I%12��01,In front of Wall I i� p p � g � q Poor " embedment ( �'', Min, �d e pistance 4" Max �'� drench boor New 4606/ -51,0 t50 I`herma fruL20�t68a6 Impact 76! "x9 l i61i�N Tapcon At Max 12 O,C,, Min, 4 q Load Bearing 5him5 LL Impact � � �+ 16 IfW Tapcon At Max 12'' O,C,, Min, �mbedmerrb I ' � , Min, Fdge Instance 4'" Max " ri5topher an i( P4 Poor New 49,2/ 53,6 +60 f,erma fru FL26468;� p �9 x994 1 Load Bearing 5him5 107 Hazelwood nrive 7' Garage ;, WaHne:Palton , � �, fort pierce, Florida 34982 I'��a Now �6,�/ ®50,�8 38/ -�2 �L�2�8,7 N/A 82 x8�r I 3„ - 1'� � leave c Max 2�" O,C,Min, noon 5eries 8000 8 ITW Tapcon imbed WSJ If Ankr ito 5 An hor At Contractor; Gem Builders 16' Garage WaHne baton embedment 12Min, edge distance 2 Max "' Load Bearing 5hims n6 New 44,-5/ - 8, W -42 FL6248,7 N/ A 190 Y04 1 12oor. Series 8000 Product Approval - Window & Poor 5c Sid n f James Hardie Bh, N N A N A 2 "' Galvanized 5iding Nails @ <8 �" O,C, Vertical And 16'' O,C, Horizontal, 1?efer `32 q New N, N/ A Inc, 17 0821,2! ,� / / / to Manufacturer Specifications For Additional Information p; 2020-028 �; 03/ OI 20 poofinq Nails With Six C 6) per Shingle With Minimum Penetration of �" into q� � ��erinq LLB Poof New N/A Tamko FL12�28 F'8 Nr' A N/A N/ A 9903 _ e `n v , Pierce, FI TH115 POCUM�Nf 15 PF0PF\IF 'AF,,Y, FOP U5F BYCLENf ANn I2l�516NAtP t?ECIPIENf5 ONLY, OFFICIAL PLAN5 BY JAVEP\ C15NFf?O5, P,�, MU5f HAVE 51 A& WITH OP\IQN1hL 516NA10, c,772-519 m a L,ur ric;r 5 vn mcmc: r-ri(A TH5 POCUMM 15 PPOpplMPY, FOP IH PY CiE roroiie: r irr\ vri Gable VVA 15 front evabion ilxl7i �"- I� 8 Full Size; I' Kear -� I ev l I K17 Full size; /-- i AZ- i ✓wno v LIMIL11 Around Front Column5 ( fqp ) Nf AN[? l?F516NAT ? PFCFFNf5 ONLY, OFFICIAL. rLAN513Y JAVIFI? 05N��'05, K , MU5f HAVF 5M WITH OPIGINAU 516NATUVFI I r i 5topher & 5hana Coo 1801 Hazelwood drive Fort pierce, Florida 34982 Contractor; Gem PAJers From & r-,ear Nevation P, 2020-028 12; W 01/ 20 A,II / A,12 in crinq, LLC 590� ru-eprwyte Pierce, FI 54962 4am6ll � : _ ca172-�19-26�9 18' -7" �A f--6' -2' J 0 Lintel # I I Over 12' 50 At 8' AFF to Match L!ntel #-7 i v r M5 POCUM� 15 fROfRIrfARY, FOR U5l� pY CLEW ANb P�516NAT�P R�CIPENT5 ONLY, OFFICIAL fLAN5 PY JAVI�R 05N�R05, ff, MU5T HAVE 51 A& WITH ORIGIN@. 516NATUPR - (D Nominal Number Of # 5 13ar5 He fight at Bottom of I Intel Nominal �8F16-113/ I � Width Number Of # � (3ar5 Filled Or At fop Of Lintel Unfilled Beam I2e5ignatior1; Composite Reinforced Concrete Peam5 U5ing f re-Ca5t And f re-5tre55ed Concrete Lintel5 (''Ca5t-Crete" or Fq,) & Standard Ma5onrq Units Full 5►Ze Christopher & 5hana C ido 1801 Hazelwood Prive Fort fierce, Florida -54982 Contractor; Gem 13uilder5 Cladding and Lintel plans =g" p; 2020-028 17; 03/ 01 / 20 A,04 / 4C hngineerinq, LLC Javier C i5nero5, f E , # 70844 �90� 5pruce Prive, Ft. fierce, FI -54982 4C�ngL�C@gmail,com cc772-519-2679 r 1p