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Inverter Type: Enphase PV Panel: (44) Q-Cells 320W Racking: Everest Total Wattage: 14,080W Roof Type: Composition Shingles Wind Load: 7 to 27 Deg Fastener Type: Use 5/16" Dia 4" Lags Sheet Index S-1 Cover Sheet / Site Plan coGENI S-2 Detail Located ad E-1 One - Line Utility met S-IA Mounting Plan Utilit} General Notes: -Enphase IQ7 Micro Inverters are located on roof behind each module. -First responder access maintained and from adjacent roof. -Wire run from array to connection is 40 feet. 2' Access Godwin Engineering and Design, LLC 8378 Foxtail Loop Pensacola, FL 32526 D. Chad Godwin, PE Chad@godwineng.com Legend ® First responder access Utility Meter ❑J PV Disconnect ® Chimney Satellite O Vent Pipe # Modules (12) Pitch: 24' Azimuth: 182' FRONT OF HOUSE System meets the requirements ofNFPA 1 2015 Edition, Chapter 11.12 Meets All Editions of Florida Fire Prevention Code 6th Edition Represents all Fire Clearance Ist Responder Access including Alternative methods minimum of 36" unobstructed as per Section R324 of the 2015 IRC 2017 FL Residential Code & FBC, 6th Edition (2015 International Residential Code - 2nd Printing modified by the FL Building Standards and Codes 2017 Uniform Code Supplement), 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, County of Saint Lucie Code, 2014 National Electric Code. Install will be done to Manufacturer Spec Customer Info: Beatrice Burns 4300 Ave Q. Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Ground Access Point MIN. FRDN" SIDE CLIP s It 141111�� @7 h , Mv Pke co;, REQ. ST.LUCIE COUNTY PLAN REVIEW BLDG: DATE: ELEj�t DATE:L—T-ZA PLUMB: DATE: Ground Access Point MECH: ULLI VV ay DATE: A6' Layout Subject to Change Based on Site Conditions FL— RIDA . wER MANAGE% NT 1331 Green Forest Ct, Ste 3 Winter Garden FL, 34787 407-926-0233 Date: Drawn I Rev Date: 5.19.2020 GM N m 1 pass for Aerial General Notes: - L Feet are secured to roof rafters. @ 48" O.C. in Zone 1 & @ 24" O.C. in Zone 2 using 5/16" x 4" stainless steel Lag bolts. - Subject roof has One layer. - All penetrations are sealed and flashed. Roof Section I Pitch R1-R2 15/12 Roof Rafter and Spacing Overhang Notes: 211x4" @ 24 O.C. 12" 1 Truss Designed as per ASCE7-10 Inverter Type: Enphase PV Panel: (44) Q-Cells 320W Racking: Everest Total Wattage: 14,080W Modules mounted flush to roof Roof Type: Composition Shingles no hi g her than 6" above surface. Wind Load: 7 to 5/ Deg Fastener Type: Use 5/16 Dia 4 Lags 3/a-16 X 3/4 HEX HEAD BOLT 3/a-16 FLANGE NUT Solar Module 3-5/8" Install will be done to Manufacturer Spec Godwin Engineering and Design, LLC 8378 Foxtail Loop Pensacola, FL 32526 D. Chad Godwin, PE Chad@godwineng.com Customer Info: Date: Beatrice Burns Drawn by 4300 Ave Q. Checked I Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Rev #: 00 Rev Date: •0 •0O///// 9; 8? 0 A _ o• s of :..a •:cC ToP .- a�S FLORID RW M A N A T 1331 Green Forest Ct, Ste 3 Winter Garden FL, 34787 407-926-0233 5.19.2020 GM S-2 rolpR Pv sYtr[M � Wmrro w Iwm snuroown tu9n uNnsaur6o�vx. swnamri� /( a\, DUAL POWERSUPPLYRID �rrwvnoxm _I/r_whr__\Ir SOURCES: UTILITY GRID AND smrr OaWH INMTEN PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM AreP W� auasuuar. Figure 690.56(C)(1)(a) Label for PV Systems that Shut down the array and the conductors leaving the array 412 AWG TH WN for Home runs under 100' # 10 AWG TH WN for Home runs over 100' (1) Line I (1) Line 2 Per Circuit 48 AWG THWN (1)EGC Inside © least 3/4" Conduit (tbd on site) ma 5@1111TAN 11 1111 R1111111 RATEDACORUT'CURRENT; - ANOMINA,LOFERATiNotVGLTAGE V meets the requirements ofNFPA 1 2015 Including the label below In Case of Emergency Call Florida Power Management at 407-926-0233 NEMA3R Junction Box Black - L I Red - L2 Green - Ground Enphase Combiner Box (1)-20A Breaker Per Circuit Disconnect MON -J' INVERTEROUTPUr CONNECTION: DO NOT RELOCATETHIS OVERCURRENTDEMCE En a e Cable Note: -All wiring to meet the 2014 NEC and Florida electric codes. 60A Disconnect -Type of conduit to be determined on site by contractor. Photovoltaics: (44) Hanwha Q.Peak 320W Inverters: (44) Enphase IQ7 Micro Inverters Circuits: (2) circuits of (15) Modules (1) circuit of (14) Modules Roof Maximum Inverters Per 20A Circuit (16) Load Side Connection Busbar Rating 200 Main Breaker Size 175 Bus Rating * 1.2-Main Break Size 65 Max Allowable Load Side 1 65 Load Size Breaker Size 60 Main Service Utility PV AC Disco 175A 60A Non -Fused Disconnect 200A Bus Manual Disconnect #6 AWG THWN (2) Hot (1) Neutral #8 AWG EGC in © least 3/4" Conduit Typical) M Load side connection Per 705.12(D)(2)(3)(b) Use Matching or equivalent approved breaker if derating GEC NOTES Provide a grounding electrode system for an ungrounded system per 690.47(C)(3). - GEC must be installed per 250.64 - GEC must be continuous un-spliced or irreversibly spliced from inverter to existing service ground system or continuous from the arrays to the existing service ground system. - If GEC is not continuous from the array to the existing service ground an additional ground system must be provided from the arrays to a grounding electrode per 690.47(D) - GEC must be min #8 AWG and installed in conduit Info: Beatrice Burns 4300 Ave Q. Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Enphase Output Ckt Per String To Overcurrent Protection Device AC Max Output Current 15 AC Max Output Current * 1.25% 18.8 Overcurrent Protection A 20 No. of Current Carrying Could <4 Conductor Gauge AWG 10 Enphase Total Output Ckt AC Max Output Current 44 AC Max Output Current * 1.25% 55.0 Overcurrent Protection A 60 No. of Current Carrying Cond <4 Conductor Gauge (AWG) 6 NEC LABEL NOTES, 1. THE WARNING SIGN(S) OR LABEL(S) SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 110,21(B) 2. LABELS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT WHERE THEY ARE INSTALLED. 3. LABELS TO BE A MIN LETTER HEIGHT OF 318-AND PERMANENTLY AFFIXED. 4. LABELS SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF THE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. Godwin Engineering an Design, LLC 8378 Foxtail Loop Pensacola, FL 32526 D. Chad Godwin, PE Chad@godwineng.com FLORIDEA WER M RID�21: N T 1331 Green Forest Ct, Ste 3 Winter Garden FL, 34787 407-926-0233 Date: 5.19.2020 I Rev Date: I E- Install 21 R-1 # Modules (12) Pitch: 24' Azimuth: 182' 7' 4' Splice Bar 16 Flashings 113 Mids 77 Ends/End Caps 25 Combiner 2 Ground Lugs 7 Meter Main 10'- 10'- Zone 1 Zone 2 / V -L R-2 # Modules (32) Pitch: 24' Azimuth: 92' Max cantilever is 16" as per manufacturer spec. Max Cantilever = Max Span * (1)=48*(3)=16" Max cantilever is 8" as per manufacturer Spec. Max Cantilever = Max Span * Ql)=24*(3)=8" Customer Info: Inverter Type: Enphase 3'-" 3 5'-6" Plans satisfy zones FBC-1510.7.1 Install will be done to Manufacturer Spec Godwin Engineering an Design, LLC 8378 Foxtail Loop Pensacola, FL 32526 D. Chad Godwin, PE Chad@godwineng.com FLOR' N TWER MANAGI1 1331 Green Forest Ct, Ste 3 Winter Garden FL, 34787 407-926-0233 PV Panel: (44) Q-Cells 320W Racking: Everest Date: 5.19.2020 Total Wattage: 14,080W Beatrice Burns Drawn by: GM Roof Type: Composition Shingles 4300 Ave Q. Checked by: Wind Load: 7 to 27 Deg Fort Pierce, FL 34947 Rev #: 00 Fastener Type: Use 5/16" Dia 4" Lags Rev Date: S-lA powenid,Ey' DUD; . PAUIA6"1111111:1I'MM IIIONCV11 The new Q.PEAK DUO QLK-05 solar module from Q CELLS impresses with its outstanding visual appearance and particularly high performance on a small surface thanks to the innovative Q.ANTUM DUO Technology. Q.ANTUM's world -record -holding cell concept has now been combined with state-of-the-art circuitry half cells and a six-busbar design, thus achieving outstanding performance under real conditions - both with low -intensity solar radiation as well as on hot, clear summer days. QANTUM TECHNOLOGY: LOW LEVELIZED COST OF ELECTRICITY U-j Higher yield per surface area, lower BOS costs, higher power classes, and an efficiency rate of up to 19.3%. elINNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low -light and temperature behavior. NO�, ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE 9 , Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, Anti PID Technology], Hot -Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.QTM. EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminum alloy frame, certified for high snow (5400Pa) and wind loads (4000Pa) regarding IEC. A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance guarantee2. STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rooftop arrays on residential buildings GICELLS id_P BRUN '. 2018' Duality Tostetl ( ji"'rM� r (I I0. 40032587 Lt7 r� l f r APT test conditions according to I EC/TS 62804-1:2015, method B (-1500V, 168h) a See data sheet on rear for further information. Engineered in Germany CELLS Format 66.3 in x39.4 in x 1.26 in (including frame) (1685mm x 1000mm x 32 mm) +•'� Well 41.2lbs (18.7 kg) I ° v..®smrm.smnsr W • °"w,r �,e... Frant Corer 0.131n (3.2mm) thermally prestressed glass with anti -reflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame anodized aluminum Cell Gx20 mcncrystallie O. ANTUM solar half -cells function box 2.763.35in x 1.97-2.76 in x 0.51-0.83 in (70-85mm x50-70 mmx 13-21 mm), decentralized, IP67 Cable 4mm2 Solar cable; (4)z433 in(1100mm), I-) z43.3 in(1100mm) m.memn, U. ..I ----T-m..m Connector Multi -Contact MC4, IP68 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS `: POWER ClA55: .-_ _, _ _ ._ _ ___ _ 7001 "j30s; _ :310_l _;_]IS"-"".320rA MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD ]EST CONDITIONS, STC' (POWER TOLERANCE +5 W /-O W) Power at MPP' P,,, [wf 300 305 310 315 320 Shan Circuit Current' 1, W 9.72 9.78 9.83 9.89 9.94 i e Open Circuit Voltage' V. M 39.48 39.75 40.02 40.29 40.56 Currant at MPP I,,, W 9.25 9.31 9.36 9.41 9.47 Vallage at MPP Val, M 32.43 32.78 33.12 33.46 33.80 Efrcleney' IT [%] 217.8 218.1 218.4 218.7 219.0 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NMOT' Power at MPP P,., [M0 224.1 227.8 231.6 235.3 239.1 e Shan Circuit Current la NU 7.83 7.88 7.92 7.97 8.01 Open Circuit Voltage V. IV) 37.15 37.40 37.66 37.91 38,17 Current at MPP I, W 7.28 7.32 7.37 7.41 7.45 Voltage at MPP V. M 30.78 31.11 31.44 31.76 32.08 'Meseemem relevances PW. e3%; IMVMc 5%an UQ 1000W/m2,25s2'C,AM1.5G according m IM 6090b3•'800 W/m', NMOT, spectrum AM 1.5G I _QCELLS PERFORMANCE WARpANTY:_ v_J _' - _ _ _ _ _J_`__Y: !E FO CEAAT!L (IRR_ADIARCE < .. Py �.ar.�.a. -'-'-"'-"-' At least 98%of nominal porter during first year. Thereafter max 0.54% degradation per year. At least 93.1 %af nominal prover a [0 10 P Years. rt'm--T----- r_----I----�-----) , , , At least 85%of nominal power up to 25 years. , All tlam Immurement tolerances. . ' ' ' 8 W Fulls antic Inaco with mewarranty sales o of the organization of your terms of the Q CELLS sales n u W respective country• m eaamamsmm.D ' W well TYplcm module performance under law lrmdlance conditions In comparison to STC conditions (25-C, 1000vw W . _TEMP ER_ATURECOEFFICIFNTS Temperature Coefficient of 1,. a [%/I0 +0.04 Temperaturo Coefficient of V. 13 [%/Nl Temperature Coefficient of P, y [%/q -0.37 Round Operating Modulo Temperature NMOT ['n 109 x5.4 (43 s3'C) PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum system voltage vn, [III 1000 0 EC) 11000 (UL) Safety Class II Maximum Series Fuse Rating [A DCI 20 ram Rating C (IEC) / TYPE 1(UU Mmm Design Load, Push / Pull (ULY [Ibs/R9 75 (3600 Pa) / 55 (2667 Pa) Permitted module tamperatum -40'F up to +185`F on continuous duty (-40'C up to+85°C) Max Test Load, Push/Pull (ULP [Ibs/Gsf 113 (5400 Pal / 84 (4000 Pa) 'see installation manual _ UL 1703; VDE Quality Tested; CE-mmpliam; IEC 61215:2016; IEC 61730:2016, Application class A Number in MaaNlee per Pallet 32 j Number of Pallets per 5W Trailer 30 / / SP® Number of Pallets per 40'Hlgh Cuba Camalner 26 DVE C C tu-s Pallet W G Dimensions U. x x H) 69.3 in x 45.3 in x 46.9 in . me (1760mm x 1150mm x 1190mm) _ Pallet weight 1415lbs (649kg) NOTE: Installation instructions most be followed. See the Installation and operating manual or contact our tchnioal service department for further informetian an approved installation and use of this Product. Hanwha R CELLS America lam 300 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1250, Irvine, CA 92618, USA I TEL+1 949 748 59 961 EMAIL Inq u1ry®us.q-eells.cwm I WED www.q-cells.us Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters U� To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 Micro'" and Enphase IQ 7+ Micro" dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Envoy'", Enphase IQ Battery'", and the Enphase Enlighten'" monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry -leading warranty of up to 25 years. Easy to Install Lightweight and simple Faster Installation with Improved, lighter two -wire cabling Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double -insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) -The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell modules. v ENPHASE. Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA(DCI 107-60-2-US/107-60-0-US 107PLUS-72-2-US/107PLUS-72-R-US (Commonlyusedmodulepairrngs'__,,___�_•235W 350'Wt 49gIW+: � Module combdlt patiy Y __ �?235W _ 60 cell PV modules only 60-cell and 72-cell PV modules_ - _ µ Peakpowertrackingvoltage ~ 27V-37V 27V-45 V ,Deer2ti g fange `_- _. - - '_,_`76V 48.V 6gV`� Min/Max start voltage. ...._ _,16.V-- -�22V/48V 22V160V Overvoltage class DC port jOG�portbackfeed;current:-` ' •OA': --- - -0'A� � �• PV array configuration 1'%-1 upg!oupded array; N9 additlonal DGside.protectipq required; AD side protection requires max 20A perbranch citcuit 0UTPUTpATA(AC). 10-:7•Microinverter - - --- 7Q7+Mietoinverter - •' rPea,koG�put power - `- '250VA. - Maximum canbnuous output power 240 VA 290 VA "K Naminai(C"-'L) vol[age(range _ 240 V / - 208 V ( 240, / `!208 Vf 211 26/{Vr Q83229..V Maximum contmuousTT utput current, _ - .1.O A (240 Y) • 115h(20ti V) 7 21 q(24O V) � 1 39 A (208 V) 2Nomt„naffieyuency` `BOHz�60 HZ � ` y_- Extended frequency range __. _ 47-68Hz 47=68 Hz AC stiottci'rcoibfa'ulfciriento5er3,cycles Maximum unitsper20 A (LL}branch circuit- -< (240 VAC) 13 (208 VAC) 13 (240(240 VAC) 11 (208 VAC) 'Over'iiiltage cass AC,porl' •- -�"- I vll(I �` � "�-hl ' -_ ..� - _. _-..—...._ __ AC portbackfead current OA O.A PoWerfactor(ad)ustable)_ ___ 0:7 leading ...07(agglud D,7IeQding.,-D-7'laggfng EFFICIENCY @240 V @208:V@240V• @208V I :Teal(CEC�effrcienc : '97[6,M, -976%. --' ' •.9T5% • 19T_, �9G'• CEC'. • welghted e(ricieltcy 97:q 4d• 97.0 a '97.0.% 97N % MECHANICAL DATA Aimbfent-temperatureraoge :'_ .40sCto,�65°_C -`- _ - ,� -- ' - Reiative Humidity 4%to range 100%(cottdensing) �cbnntieotdrtype(i47�6o2=Us��7(?Lus722USf`N1C4(a�AriphePoli[4D Kiv(iKaddiuona�QDCC5'adaptef}� �` ,q Connectphtype (IQ7; 60-B-US81Q7PLUS 72•B-US) FriendsPV2:[MC4lnlefmateahle). -_ �f Adaptors for modules with Jv1C4or UTX connectors: . PV2 to MC4: Order ECA•S20,S22 - PV2 to UTx: order ECA-S20-S25 _ -)Dimnennsl6ns, YTlzlixD .r _. -.,:� _ .__.,. �,.--',.--.-.�--ram--:-_-,. __.. ..-,.�212mrtr„_x�175.mmx30:2mm.-wHh'outiapp,ceF)'•�„�^'�,_^_ Weight 1.08kq.(2.38lbs) �Coolfn'""�--�' — - - .. �� "ap("a(uial`convect� ionO'iJo.fa ApproVed'forWetlocations Yes Poltuhondegree Y s Enclosure _ Class lldoubleinsulated, corrosion resistant polymericenclosure 3 EnYi[Orimanial cafe`gorY.ry t1V_exposhre rabn9- 'iNEMAirype 6!7�o�-Oct. yJ I FEATURES Communication• F-- ,. 4PowerLlne Communlcatibn(PLC).. II Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase Iq Envoy. Disconnecting means ?heACand1bd connecfars'have beeneva(uatedandapproved)y WC6ruse-asiiie(oadbreak'�- d'isconnectt to red byNEC'G90� Compliance V - CA Rule 21(ffL 1741-SAIy - UL 62109.1, UL174111EEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICE50003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 1 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when Installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. Seethe compatibility calculator at ht etp /./ennhase-com/en-us_/a_ypport/mo�dylle-,2_mnat'hility. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal If required by the utility. 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com @ 2018 Fnphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands used are the property of Enphase Energy, Inc. 2018-05-24 v ENPHASE. CrossRail System •-sntazsystem P. 1 7 a, Item No. 1 Description EverFlash eComp Kit, Silver or Black Product 4000367, 4000366 40 BdIt D145/16at4_:`55_ 4600359, - 3 L-Foot Slotted Set, Mill or Dark 4000630, 4000631 4 CrosRai1801.68 Raif'Mill'.__ __ _ 4000508__ ` 5 CrossRail 80 End Cap, Black 4001221 6. ;CrossRaif48-XL.166 MlII or.D5rk• -400069S,_40007015- _ 7 CrossRail 48-X/48-XL End Cap 4000433 8` ;CrosSRail 4£!=X'a66" or_775:,;Mill or Dark. 40006fi2;;400067S,,a000663: 9 CrossRail 48-X/48-XL 3" Sleeve 4000583 IO ,._ _ _ CR_Nt�dClamp_Silver or Deck _ _ , . 4000601, 40006152:_1_ CrossRail 48-X Mechanical Properties Material 6000 Series Aluminum Yield Strength 134.8 ksi (240 MI'a) Finish Section Properties SX A (X-Section) [4j 1.89 Notes: [39] 1.54 Mill or Dark Anodized 0.199 in3 (3.261 cm3) 0.467 in2 (3.013 cm2) [4z16.401� Fi 166 Dimensions in [mm] Inches � Structural values and span charts determined in accordance with Aluminum Design Manual and ASCE 7-10 � UL2703 Listed System for Fire and Bonding www.everest-solarsystems.com www.everest-solarsystems.com