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ARSRESTER J R;p7ER To whom it may concern, vve Rave attemptea to reacn customer IGlalvinaer MaRRni at zm4,i b f„dian River Dr. We have called muldpie time without success ana Rave sent L certified letter,, Feterried unforwardable. Senk ceR 5/26/20 — 7018 0680 00014927 9882+ Called 6/15/20 — unable to leave vm Sent 2"d cert 6/04/20 — 7018 3090 00014237 1053 Callen 6T15Tc'v — enalsle to leu. I have a«ached Lhe Lwo certified leuer please void permit zUOS-N-L9. Best Regards, Plipanaa Gillis Permit Coorainator 067, •t; -o � �rl X7 x O ! S a R. lKila ALM4 h' -,,,•', x.: •„ rally z += ( tj ISk is •;l 71i �:li% 111 ip -� r� DID m � f•l t; mi to!9 to 1� f� t� U) v: � l� v Io It i } I tll lea CF11 N S r✓ ���. i/J J fi, o T) Er 15b>70 `� 02 6 � �° (� _ -�►:<r„e � U o k r, O Fri FJ -� FT1 &W ru _-1 rn$ _ m —� YF, �Ir to Z a}� z i T 1 - Ln m In -i ' v Fs p OLD N lR w In r+ to a� -�"• U lTl V J �. l n � / j ;-v 067, C"N 7 C3 -� W 0 .D O r O 0 C3 >r EM _ C3 c" w •t; -o � �rl X7 -,,,•', x.: •„ rally += ( tj ISk is •;l 71i �:li% 111 ip -� DID m � f•l mi to!9 to 1� f� C"N 7 C3 -� W 0 .D O r O 0 C3 >r EM _ C3 c" w DATE: -j ! & 160 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETUrc1N KrlXLjrT RE VESTED Customer Information Cataomer Dame: Nlc�[lV lyl�k=-r ��1�•�l 1 Address: �Ws -Z) t yl( AV1 9.k\)El( 7 � Pri���ary Phone: -I f Z— t) 5-'C(-4 (o i Re: Notice of Open Permit No. 19Q9 7 —0-95Lk Dear Valued custolrler: Our records, indicate ilia, ARS ubL1ined a permit i;:.: w -k- perfon-ned at she ;above rehmenced addra, . f�ceorriing to C.ur records. the work requirin�� .1 PCI -1111L 111 1101 yet heel, ios,.ected }xusuant to local code regturenlenis. In o1 -der to close thi perinit. we ,iced €e, e; -.sure there are 110 outstanding 1S;:Lles k11i11 Elie Completed work and that the work perlomi.,? l comp11" 1:•1€11 ia)PI;CaLIc l lilldin`, COCICS. WC 111USL schedule an in-pvciio11(Ir tile \; 1 `I` 28x0 v3 ryluhway i Id to pvsT SIRS ":. vv., Heacn, rr 32999v-4980 05C2$12020 �R'ina it nynt. R� ZIP 3296u �ati earr 705 0680 401 497 9884 � O�iC i 04M -l175 ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print Y-zr name a„a waa,=v vm tho rt7orao ao that We ran return the card to you. 1 Att-oh tR,'u o -M to the pack of the malipioce, or v11 tha trvrlt it 4pa%oe Pen,.its. 1. Miele Addreeoed to: 1�s4 s S 1i'dtuv1 V-, Ue.T lir jr 11I11111111111111111IIIIIlii11111IIII11111III '5y0 az;Oc 45 15 50az iizou 0o 2. MicI I NpTber (T,a..Je. 'fro,,, ay. rl4v 1.bwo r018 0680 0001 4927 P5 Form 3811, July zu r 3 PSN 7530-02-000-905; X ❑ Aeen: © Addressee B. R000i:ed by (P.L.ted Na...e) C. Data of Deliuwry C. le umivery auuress different from fern 1? ❑ Ye3 If YES, erstar deli.eiy addram belcm: ❑ N.. Domestic Return Receipt • 3. Service Type a tmo. ml ter ress� in Adult Signature ❑ Registered M-ip" .tom Reetrleted Del Sr ❑ lon Rampm a❑SicgJV UBIIveIy ❑ Certiffed Mail Restrl-ted Deligwr ❑ Return Receipt for ❑ Coll.t v twimery Merahmndl=z ❑ CoHW on Delivery Restrk1ed Delivery o 3igndore cKwa—mm— rl I.... -A r lwl ❑ Signature Confirmation a 8 $ 4 1gal1 Restricted Delivery Rordwed DeVry Domestic Return Receipt • DATE: � ! I ! 76 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RE OEC r ED Customer Information CUstomer Dame: Wkkj l Y1 & r 9 V OVn'r Address: 313 S MdlcA f/l Pl imary Phone: t -Z— 3 L i— 4 7z� j Re: Nudte of Open Permit rvo. 1cIOLI — Dear valued Customer: Our rezurds indicate that ARS obtained a permit for work performed at tRe aoove referZn4e3 address. Hccording to our records, the work requiring a permit has not yet been inspected pursuant to local code requirements. In order to close this permit, we need to ensure there are nu unt3tanding i3sues with the completed -wurk and that the work performed complies with applicable building copes. vve muSL 5zhedule an inspection of the work performed at this residence, which will be conducted By a local inspectur. We will coordinate these services at no cost to you. While ARS will continue Lo try and reach you to schetlale Me repairs, to schedule your rEvairs, please contact us at (7721794--7205 or EMAIL mgrilli5(War5.com and we will be happy to assist you. When you contact our office, please be prepared to provicie us with the fullowins information: • Name Property Address • r elephone Number • Desired dates and time to mage Me repairs Please do not Resitate to 4untact u3 with any que3tiuns or concerns you may have about the open permit UL this location and required repairs (if any) anti inspection. W;: thank you for your business anti appreciates the oppurtanity to meet your heating and cooling needs. vve look firward to hearing from you. r hang you, WQK---� Permit Coordinator v N 104 0 — N Q 0 0, U3 p (Dm CSJ rn � V 0 L� LM 10 F= G7 vs 3 rrTrN � y N n CID u a W a cps C3 O Y m� ru N ri ION U 1 ❑ 17pq r 0> "U0 o ..m CA G0 m 1 RL —o�w1 i = Q N VVV Lyam z. A� 7r m a J � 3 � UP i Oq m v � O � o o I -R, fl � r CJ`' ,....� z` N In L _... ru m Q L W N 104 0 — N Q 0 0, U3 p (Dm CSJ rn � V 0 L� LM 10 F= G7 vs 3 rrTrN � y N n CID u a W a cps C3 O Y m� ru N ri ION U 1 ❑ 17pq r Ion R. gCLM 0> "U0 ..m CA G0 m 1 RL —o�w1 i = Q N Lyam z. 7r m a G 3 � UP Oq m v � O Ion R. gCLM