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.�. wrightsoft® ProjectSurnmary Entire House QUICK CALCS, INC. For. WYNNE DEVELOPMENT THE STERLING IMPACT, Fr. PIERCE, FL Notes: \ \ T S\ + \ — " 9 Weather. Winter Design Conditions Outsidedb 42 OF Inside db 70 OF Design TD 28 OF Heating Summary Sudure 18188 Bluh 56 Central vent (0 cfm) 0 BBtuh (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Piping Equipment load 23842 Btuh Method Construction quality Fireplaces Area (ft') Volume (ft'). Air charl eeslhour Equiv.AVF (cfm) Infiltration Fort Perce, FL, US Simplified Average 0 Heat1474 Co % 1ln 4 12227 12227 0.45 023 92 47 Heating Equipment Summary Make Canter Trade CARRIERAIR CONDITIONING Model 26HBC536KO30 AHRI ref 7914585 8.5 HSPF 34600 Btuh@47°F 27 OF 1160 clam 0.049 ch/Bluh 0.50 in H2O =33 OF Badwp: Input=7kW, Output= 23009 Btuh, 100 AFUE Job: Data: By. Summer Design Conditions Outside db Insidedb 75 °F Design TD 15 OF Dailyrange L Relative humidity 50 . % Moisture difference 61 grAb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 17677 Btuh 853 Btu nn Central vent (0 cflm) 0 BBWh (none) Blower 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Ratelswinggmultipplier 0.95 FAuipmentsensibleload 25093 Btuh Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 2958 Bhuh Ducts 10 Central vent (0 c8n) BBtuh (none) Equipment latent load 5277 Btuh Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 30370 Bluh Req. total capadty at 0.70 SHR 3.0 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Canter Trade CARRIERAIR CONDITIONING Cond 25HBC536A`030 Coil. FX4DN((B,F)037 AHRI ref 7914585 Efficiency 12.0 EER,15 SEER Sensible cooling 24360 Btuh Latentcooling 10440 Btuh Total cooling 34800 Btuh Actual air flow 1160 cdm Airflowfactor 0.044 cfmlBWh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Load sensibleheat ratio 0.83 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J Sth Ed. '*' Writsoft' 2020.Wrv081 Page i .� n+ RIgN-Sdtc�Uriveraa1201919.0.07 RSU08101 slWdglbDftHVAQWYNNE-7FESTERLWGIMPACTnp Calc=M18 FrortDoorfaras N +®l fights w RighW@ Worksheet Job: Entire House Data: QUICK CALCS, INC. By. 317ST. LUCE W. Fr.. PIERCE, FL34946 Plum:772-46"799 Fac 772-066-6796 EnaiI:QUICKC4LCS@AOL.00M 1 Room name Entre House M4SfER BEDROOM 2 Eposad wall 1562 ft 52.0 ft 3 Room height 83 it d 8A it heatlwol 4. Room dimensions to x 329.0 it 5 Roomarea 14735 ft' 329.0 ft' Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area Load Are� number I (BtuW'j (BWhIM or perimeetter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (it) (8 h) Heat Cool Gross MRS Heat Cool Gross WP5 Heat Cool 6 V ��..13A-0as 0.143 *. ne . 4.00 2.55 479 442 1768 1124 80 80 320 204 I—G �1Aa1om 1270 . ne 3556 70A3 :. - 98 . 0 1344 '2662' . 0 .0 ..0 0 13A4= 0.143 se 4A0 255 128 83 331 210 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om 1270 se 3556 34.77 24 24 848 829 0 0 0 0 11 1100 0390 m 10.92 1131 22 22 236 244 0 0 0 0 W. .13A4ocs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 34 34 136 86 0 0 .0 0 Vil 13Aaars 0.143 sw 4A0 2S5 360 353 � 1414 899 224 224 897 670 �G 1Aclom 1270 sx 3556 4291 7 5 247 298 0 0 0 0 13A-0as 0.143 - w 4.00 255 290 217 867 W . 112 79- 318 ' 202 `IAcl m '4A5-2om 1270 nw 3556.. 4524 33 0 . 1162 1478 33 0 ' 1162 . 1478 0.770 my 2156 2754 41 0 880 1124 0 0 0 0 P 12C-0w 0.091 2.55 128 192 192 489 246 0 0 0 . 0 C .16A-30md 0.032 - 090 232 1474 1474 1320 - 3419 329 329 295 763 F 22Atol ,. OS89 - 2759 0.00 1474 156 4325 0 329 52 U40 0 6 c)Amexartson 784 680 Envelope lossrgain 15366 13954 4432 3897 12 a) Infiltration 2822 773 909 249 b) RobmlenTafion 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Omrpant3@ 230 5 1150 2 460 Applianocsrother 2000 0 Subtotal (Iines6to 13) 18188 17877 5341 4W6 Lessexemalload 0 0 0 0 Lea9ansfer 0 0 0 0 Redistributon 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 18188 17877 6341 4606 15 Duct leads 311e 48% 5654 8536 31. 48% 160 2199 Tohl room load 23842 26413 7001 6805 Airrequlmd(cfm) 1160 1160 341 299 HgltSUtevUdverml20l9l9.0.07RSU08101 -s1WdgtboftHVAQWYNVE-7HESTERLMGIWACrnp Calc=M2 FrMDoorfams:N 202Uan081624:12 Page 1 wdghtsoR• RighW@ Worksheet Jon. Entire House Date: QUICK CALCS, INC. By. 317 ST. LUCIE W., Fr. PIERCE, FL 34946 Ptow.772.466-6799Fac772-466-6796 EWII:QUICKCALCS AOL.COM 1 Room name WIC M6ATH 2 Expomdwall O R A It8 3 Room height 8.0 ft hmtkool 8A it heaUcool 4 Room dimerWons 7.0 x 9D It 7.0 x 8A R 5 Roomarea 63.0 IF 56.0 R Ty Construction U-wlue Or HTM Area Load Area Load number (eWhAti°� (9yhAf� or perimeter pe (ft) (BWh) or perimeter (ft) (BWh) Heat Cool Gros WPS Heat Cool Gross N/PS Heat Cool 6 Y 13A-0as 0.143. ne 4.00 -2.55 0 0 0 0 9 0 `G;1Aclom 12M ne - 35.66 70,43 0 0 0 0 0 p ;0 0 0 V�1—G 13A4= 0.143 w 4.00 2.55 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-dom 1270 se 3556 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 �D 11D0 0390 w 10.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. JakAom 0.143 's . 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 13A4= 0.143 sw 4A0 2.55 0 0 0 0 64 57 228 145 M LG 1Ac1cm '13A-0as 127C w 3556 42.91 0 0 0 0 7 5 247 298 0.143 . nw 4.00 2.55 - 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 -0 1AcIom 1270 nw 'm 3556 4524 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 4AS-20m 0.770 2156 2754 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P ' 12C4hw 0.091 2S5 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C :16A30md 0.032 - - 0.90 232 63 63 56 146 56 .66 50 130 F 22A4p1 0989 - 27.69 0.00 63 0 0 0 56 a 222 0 6 c)AEDe rslon -2 225 Ewelopelosslgain 56 145 747 798 12 a) Infiltratlon 0 0 140 38 b) Roomwntilation 0 0 0 0 13 Intamzl gairts: O=pants@ 230 0 0 0 0 AppllanoeyoRur 0 0 Subtobl(lines6t313) 56 145 887 836 1-melterrWload 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 56 145 887 836 15 Ductloads 31% 48% 18 69 31% 48% 276 399 Total room load 74 214 1162 1235 Alrrequired(dm) 4 9 57 54 Calculations approved bvACCAto meet all reauirements of Manual J 8th Ed ,c -Fi&- wrlf9hCscd1 2020Jar'081624:12 AZK Rigt/-Sute1)Udwrsa1201919.0A7RSU08101 Paget slWdgttmftHVAQVVYNNE-7HESTERLINC-IMPACTnp Calc=MI6 Frortl)oorfamsN vmm tsoR- Right-JO Worksheet awl: Entire House Data: QUICK CALCS, INC. By. 317 ST. LLIOE LN., Fr. PIERCE, FL 34946 Ptom:772-466-6799 Fa:e7724666796 EnaiCQNCKGLLCSi✓IOL.COM 1 Room name IQrCHEN BATH 2 Evosedwall 0 ft 5.0 ft 3 Room hel N BA ft 8A ft heItrmd 4 Room dimensions 1A x 192.0heIt 9A x 5.0 5 Room area 192A ft- 45A ft` Ty Consiructon ue� or TM) Area Load number I (UU ( o perimeetter (4) (Bluh) orb pedme� (ft) (BWh) Heat Cool Gross WP19 Heat Cool Gros NIPS Heat Cool 6 W 'L-G:1Actom 13A4oce ' " 0.143 -ne . 4A0 2S5 .0 0 0 0 - 40 40 160- 102 „1270 no 3556' 70.43 0'0 0 0' 0 0 0 .� ` "0 WAG 13A4o s 0.143 se 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-dom 1270 se 3556 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 11 `D 11DO 0390 se 1092 11,31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W .13AAo s 0.143 a . 4.00 265 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 ly 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4m 2,M55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LG 1Aclom 1270 w 3556 42.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13A-4ors 0.143 nw 4A0 2,55 0` 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1pm - 1270 nw. 35.56 4524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 AAS-2om- 0.770 my 2156 2754 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0. '. 0 P 12C6sw 0A91 255 128 64 64 163 82 0 0 0 0 C 16A30md 0.032 - 0.90 232 192 192 172 " 445 45 "45 - 40 40 104 F 22A-tol _ 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 192 0 0 0 45 5 1 0 6 c)AED emmislcn _27 -2 Envelopelosrgain 335 501 339 204 12 a) Inllibafion 0 0 87 24 b) RoomtenTation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains O¢vpanls@ 230 0 0 0 0 Applianoedolher 2000 0 Subtotaloines6ta13) 335 2601 426 228 Lemextemalload 0 0 0 0 Les transfer 0 0 0 _ 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 335 2501 426 228 1151 Durtloads 31% 48% 104 1194 31% 48% 133 109 Total room load 439 3695 559 336 Airrequlred(dm) 1 21 162 27 15 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. wrlgHtsofc- 2020Jarv061624:12 AWKRiglt-Sdte®Unversal M919.0A7 RSU08)01 _slWdghsoftWAMWVNNE-TFESTERLING-IMPACrnp Calc=MIS FrortDoorfamsN Page I- wrightsoft• Right-M Worksheet Joy Entire House Date: QUICK CALCS, INC. By, 317 ST. LUCIE UN., F7. PIERCE, FL 34946 Phone: T72-466-6799 Fax 772-466-6796 Email: QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name BEDROOM2 ENTRY 2 Expos:dxell 322 ft 7.0 it 3 Room height BA It he 8A it atbool 4 Rcomdimerld It 1A x 2035 ft 1.0 x 55.0 ft it 5 Room area 2035 ft' 65,0 tp Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area Load Load number I (BWhAK°o (BWhAP) a perimeter (4) (BWh) aorperimetar (ft) (BWh) Heat Cool Gnus N/PS Heat Cool Gross NIPS Heat Cool 6 V�1 13AA= 0.143 ne 4.00 265 128 126 513 326 0 0 0 0 t'—G '1A-c'Iom 1270 • ne 35.56 ' 70A3 0 - 0 0 0 U ..0 .0 .". 0 13A-0as 0.143 se 4A0 2.55 80 56 225 143 .. 48 26 106 67 1Ac1cm 1270 se 35M 34.77 24 24 848 829 0 0 0 0 11D 11DO 0390 se 10.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 22 22 236 244 w ':13AAcs 0.143 's 4.00 2.55 ' 34 34 136 86 0 0 0 0 l7/ 13AAc s 0.143 an 4.00 2.55 16 16 64 41 8 8 32 20 L—G %clom 1270 w 3556 42.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14I1 .13A-0 0.143 " nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 0 0 'ocs 0 0 —� 1A-dom 1270. w3556 4524 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ' ' 0> 0 4P5-2om 0.770 nw : 2156 . 2754 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 12C-Ow OD91 - 2.55 128 0 0 0 0 72 72 183 92 C' 48A30md OD32 - 0.90 2.32 204 204 182 472 - 55 ' ' 55 49 F 22A-ipl 0989 - 27fi9 0.00 204 32 891 0 55 7 194 • .128 0 '6 c)AED w=r5on -44 -6 Envelope low/gain 2859 1873 800 545 12 a) WItaffon 664 164 122 34 b) Roomventilabon 0 0. 0 0 13 Intemalgains: Omrpanls@ 230 1 230 0 0 Applianoeslother 0 0 Subtotal(lines6hr13) 3422 2257 M2 679 Lesse"Rmalload 0 0 0 0 Lmt"'fer 0 0 0 0 RedLMbuton 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 2257 922 579 15 Ductloads 31% 48-A 1064 1078 31% 489A 287 276 Total room load ' 4486 3335 1209 855 Airreguired(cm) 218 146 59 38 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. ,�, write croft' 2020Jarw8 i624:12 WglkSute®Udversa1201919.0.07 RSU08101 Page4 A—s\WdgftmftWAQWYNNE-THESTERLPIG-WPACrnp Calc=Ml8 FrortDoorfams N wrightsoW RighWO Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: QUICKCALCS, INC. By. 317 ST. LUCIE LN., FT. PIERCE; FL 34946 Prone: 772-466-6799 Fax 772-466-6796 Erra0: 0UICKOALCS@gOL.COM 1 Room name LAUNDRY GREADDIN84G 2 FVoseedwall 6A ft 46.0 it 3 Room height 8D ft heftL'mol 89 ft heaVmol 4 Room diensions 7.0 x 6A 1.0 x 48&0 it 5 Roomarea 42.0 fF 488.0 ft Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Ama Load Am number (Stuh&VO (t3Whflt� or perimeter (it) (BBfuh) or Perimeter (it) (Btuh Heat Cool Gross N1PIS Heat Cool Gross N/RS Heat Cool 6 'LG 13A-0aae " "- 0.143' no 490 2.55 '0.. 0 0 0 0 231 184 775 493 itA_dom 1270 ne. .3556 70.43. 0 0 0 38. 0 1T75 2493 662 13AA= 0.143 se 4A0 2.55 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-ciom 1270 se 3556 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 11DO 0390 w 10.92 11.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W :13Agacs 0.143 s 4.00 2.55 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W �G 13A4as 0.143 sw 4A0 2.55 48 48 192 122 0 0 0 0 1Aclom 1270 w 35.66 42.91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -13A46m 0.143' nw 4.00 2.55 0 0 0 0 178 137 549 349 1Ac1om 1270 nw 35.56 45.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.- 0 G 4A5-2ow 0.770 nw 21W 2754 0 0 0 0 41 0 880 1124 P 'C 12C-Ow 0.091 2.65 128 56 56 143 72 0 0 0 0 .16A30rod 0&3' - 090 .232 142 42 38 97 488 488 437 1132 F 22A-ml 0.989 - 27.69 0.00 42 6 166 0 488 46 1274 0 6 c)AEDexansian -3 -58 Fmelope lossIgaln 539 288 5259 5704 12 a) Infiltration 105 29 895 245 b) Roomventilabon 0 0 0 0 13 Inkmalgains: Omrpanls aQ 230 0 0 2 460 Appliano°dother 0 0 Subtrxal(lines61313) 644 317 6154 6409 l.aaaeN'MA load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redisldbullon 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 644 317 6154 6409 15 Duetloads 31% 48% 200 151 311 48% 1913 3060 Total room load 844 468 1 8D67 9469 Airregulred(dm) 41 21 393 416 Calculations approved.bYACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th'Ed. c 2020Jan981624:12 A RightSdte®Uriversal 201919.0.07 RSU08101 Page 5 _slWdg%oftWAMVVY NIE-THESTERLING-INPACTmp Calc=NUB FrordDocrfaws: N - wrigh�oft. Duct System Summary Job: Date: Entire House By, QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST. LUCIE W. FL PIERCE, FL34946 Ptore:772-466-Mg Fac 772-466-6796 Ene1 OUICKCALCS@AOL.COM For. WYNNE DEVELOPMENT THE STERLING IMPACT, FT. PIERCE, FL External static pressure Pressure losses Available static pressure Supply / return available. pressure Lowestfdction rate Actual airflow Total effective length (TEL) Heating 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0.250/0250 in H2O 0.284 in/10011 1160 cfm 176 Cooling 0.50 in H2O 0 in H2O 0.50 in H2O 0.250 / 0250 in H2O 0.284 in/100ft 1160 cfm Name Design (Btuh) Htg (cfn) Clg (cfm) Design FR Diam (n) H x W (in) Duct Mail Actual Ln (ft) Ftg.Egv Ln (ft) Trunk BATH h 559 27 15 0.376 4.0 OxO VIFx 18.1 115.0 stl BEDROOM2 IT 4486 218 146 0.374 6.0 OxO VIFx 18.6 115.0 st1 ENTRY h 1209 59 38 0.510 4.0 OxO VIFx 3.0 95.0 GREATMINING c 4735 196 208 0.318 7.0 Ox0 VIFx 22.4 135.0 s2 GREATIDINING-B c 4735 196 208 0.307 7.0 OxO VIFx 28.1 135.0 s12 KITCHEN c 3695 21 162 0.375 7.0 OxO VIFx 18.3 115.0 sH LAUNDRY IT 844 41 21 0.366 6.0 Ox0 VIFx 21.6 115.0 st1 M.BATH h 1162 57 54 0.366 4.0 OxO VIFx 21.6 115.0 st1 MASTERBEOROOMA IT 3501 170 149 0.297 6.0 Ox0 VIFx 33.1 135.0 s2 MASTER BEDROOM-B h 3501 170 149 0.284 6.0 Ox0 MFx 41.1 135.0 st2 WIC c 214 4 9 0.310 4.0 Ox0 VIFx 26.3 135.0 st2 Trunk Htg CIg Design Ueloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfin) FR (fpm) (In) (in) Material Trunk st2 PeakAVF 737 724 0.284 938 12.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX st1 st1 PeakAVF 1101 1122 0.284 1050 14.0 0 x 0 VinIFIX WrlghtSI fL- 2020Jar,081624:13 •• . «.�. RigttSJtsOLkiw=1201919.0.07RSU08101 Pagel -.s\WdgtbdWADWY NE-THESTERLtNG-IMPACrnp Calc=MI8 FrordDoorrams: N Name Grille Size (in) Htg (dim) , Clg (cfm) TEL (ft) Design . FR Veloc ' (fpm) I Diam (in) I H x W (in) StudlJoist I Opening (in) Duct Mat Trunk rbl Ox0 1160 1160 0 1 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx Wr1 tso 2020-Jan081 RigttSUteCrlUrimm]201919.0.07RSU08101 Paget Page 2 .s1W6gF6oltHUAQWYNNE-hIE SiERLWG-ItviPACGp Calc=M18 FroNDOorfao3s N