HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANM NG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT. 5 V, -0 .Ui.J L /L'c ? r, c- (Co any Name/fnilMdual Name) the c lec-r t , z e� / Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at (PtmJwt Street Address or Property T (Prim Contractor) agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised. pursuant to the _ filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 51� `COgNTRACTORSIGNATORE (Quaa£er) rIMI PRINT NAaw COUNTY CERTIRCATIONNUMBER Stele of Florida, Couuty of- .2{- GVC eQ The f %oiogiusimmentwa9 signed before me ffi4 _day of who is peraonany lmown— or has produced s asidentilIcatioo. " ,Qif' 4� E, STAMP Signature 6fNotnryPublic V— 6-rciL-1 c-- � 6 PnntName ofNomry Pabac O RACTORSIGNAT (Qualifier) 'L r- •e t/. 5 -ram Ghs PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION 1404BER State of Florida, County of�t'Q. The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_ day of h .202s�y 1®W14,CKU iJS h who is personalty lmowaALor has produced a ,amass identification. J_1►��na _. (L ..� �+zoQ40 STAMP \\S�atvre ofNotaryPobac Print Name of Notary Public �v NotaryPuhllc�at9olFronde ? f(eall3utlka �"�"•'�'r}��R•�EOEDC;E MYCpmmisa<o9.FF97e5a3 #I{ I,:Cammission#G402207B RevisedIM62016 ey Expireso5f25129?A i� x EliDlresOctober21,2020 ort. , �p�;t(R�° ,' Bandedl6tuTm�FaNlpivaitel0038S7019 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code. Compliance Division $X7n DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMNT Comfort Control of the HVAC Sub-contraetorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) q ofildary Contractor) For the project located at�� '(Project Street Addressor property Tax IDid) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned,. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuaritto• the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONZMCCORS ATURE(Qua ffer) Matthew Lyle Wynne PR]NrNAmE 08898 $288 COUNTY CERTMEATIONSUMNER COUNDYCER MCATIONNOMBER Stan ofr+toriM%Cognty.of S X Q 'L \ StaA4Florida. County Thefo i iattrnmeutwas ' edbefdrnmamis\o=,_,�s of TLefo iastromeotasa (� rego ug r� � ` y � reEaicg ai,Eeed hefare me Chia `� " day of p,� \��tJ . .2o'�t�y��Q�C�4W i�t�2 �^�'�."� � .20��ry���"t Z�'Qf'V"�.�• D who it personally known \/or has produced who is Personaliyknown —A!�,Gr buss produced ' MY COMMISSION # GO 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Bonded Thp Notary Public Under0ler Rated 1111641016' as taeaeiffeation. STAMP signature ofNotey Pahl 0207K y fQJVAJ L7ASK�,d Priat Name or Notary PubBe ✓4• DOROTHYANNBASKIN MYCOMMISMON#GG030145 ; %,r+o EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded Thor Notary PublicUadem'dters L66-d Z000/Z000d XO-1 999L9L9ZLL d.100 suip[ing euuAM -W0dJ U:U U c 60-U �2�r'Y�Gk�-��y3S� '•t t 'FI P'(tP f•^.Y �C(` - }`'F`Po1L�.9.kPt� 4sw " ay �[ ci' - t•-� __oc'3 - -<?Fi ASS • 0 P' �' 0 i�dsA�1g�.s Rbg� eP��.edstiid.i �lbov�rama pr®jam, tf t i� i i s'Bowfon mwon ACsd, d&, C@ Will IV wwwpw§"04b@ NOW . .'�3HtAA$IT7Ax1l19C.6'HRAi3'®$�-�-��`C.� '�AfexagniH&tas�tAHu;ASss�ssi�HEAbg$oERmeEhJa'�,�yHF ' :9Y0il$#Ei3A l3''A(pAPYA __ xhR+9#E'A(IW4.1, �lgAedRFi . Hf��Si11k'H��HERUB'�Hb)Z4 ..... . - f,.�`�',;q+Lo�� DOROTHY.ANN BASKIfS' MY COMMISSION # GG 030945 ' 5; � EXFIRES:Octo6PlE2,2020 iFpwlE/16lAj6 '• pFFgh BondedBwNoaryPuNkUndeM1vtars P7M, W; P� A �rml I/- T, r'f? J$(AfB eF�IeFAdA, S/eRAlq'eF a LtigQ .B6:efexageiA$3/;4EEAAIRRE;iYH447gHetfil&FAFS.RA@IRL;w,�,eAq AF ' rorAe�s,gsx3AeA1l3'isAeries�d2rkHspxe�AS€JA .,�,��^ asiAsA.ifm* , PUMVAA i�laeEAtBA ° aAry�ir Rhonda, Lgffeft9t PHE-SIAS'A!' 9EAxyiPA$77F '.�. . �494®&7F9A LAIR?! AtY jwulm Ai 724.. , MOOT =2 - low *RW'NA . mg A4 .*ftAo wpi�yps,*p mk v Saarrn47Ftorit9a'ean'oejuf$rLu cue. C'panes 2 Aww &iet.00 J4, DORarHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION #GG 030145 DOROTHYANNBA$KjN EXViRES:OddWober2,2020 MYCOMMISSION#GG030145 rdtbqgatmy,TWO UnEXPIRES:OctoberZ2020 U-7 Ualum-ma"