HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitAll APPLICABLE INFO MUS P BE COMPEE i ED FOR wrPCIi.K 11019 113 BE HCCEP i ED Date Permit (Cumber: • BuMilIg Pcrmlt Applitativn Planning and Development Services Building and Code rveyularion Division x.300 virginia Avenue, rorr pierce Fc 14y6L FRone: r<iizlZF6c-15�_1 Commercial Residential PERmII IYPE: Rv�C, �.CInUL�l�CCCJ�_ PROPOSED IMPROVEMEMT LOCATION: HGdress: Z-65 I 7"EEC V -c,1 Prete,._(- k 3Ltcl`t J� Property iaxIII ;F: ZGZii I - Z3U I"UIU\-()OZ U`Lot No. c, -die Pla„ IQun,e: �1�G \ 3U-,­�Uck\ Block No. Project Name: 0 5 1 Cd DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Exact AC changeout, no duct work, > ton, 19 _seer, CjC&R tE� '�lC rat@. Url c CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under Lhis permit -check all that apply: XIClechanical _ Das i anx ` Gas riping _ zlRatter — Electric ` Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator Total Sq. FL of Construction: aq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: S 1600 Udlides: —Sewer —Septic OWNERAESSEE: Name 3 %\C,.NN �]GtS�N1Gt-Ft _ Address: Z -SS \ V-tl. City: (-6C tC G State: �r I Zip Code: 5994 5 Fax: Pnone Mo. 1 1Z.- Z y E -Mail: Fill in lee 3i,..ple Title Holder on next pare ( if different from she Owner lisped above) CONTRA_LTUR: Windows/Doors Roof Pitch Building Height: (Came: Dennis Zacek Company:ARS Hasa,,:zz= Cjz� Fivvy i City: Vero Beach Mate: FI Zip Code: 32960 Phone Mo E -Mail Fax: ti rc1 194-1z05 mgillis@ars.com Mate or County Cicense rMC;-iz49t5j IT :olwc oT rV53tFOrtlorl i. $z500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is 57,500 or more, a RI!COr%01!19 notice of Commencement is requires. SUPPEE10 EM I AL CUMS I RUC II IUM CIEM CAw IMFURMAI IVIG: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not /Applicable MORS GiAGE CUMPN19T: _ N—Wt Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: Mate: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANT: Tai /Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Jp: Phone: cip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT; Application i, McreB, m..ar to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as in'uicateB. I certify that no work or installation Ras commences prior to ille issua..rr or „ peFmit. Jt. [erir want m.Res ao representation that is granting a permit will authorize the ermli noiner to Builil int --A-rt �trtictti e wnicR is in coni ici witB ,.n, ..pT.[iri-XIC Rome Uw ers Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohiBit amen structure. Please consult with your tiome O :ner, H»ori.tion and review your deed for any res.ric.ions which may apply. In consiGeradon or the granuns or tnli rcqur.teii p.fmit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the worn in accordance with the approved plans, the FIoriBa Ruil0ing Cotes and x. [ucie Count, AmeFiaMent;. f he ioliowing 1500ing permit a,plicz;tivn:; urr cTcmpt fro,,, undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, Tences, w..11,-, 3i6n,, :;c, ren vvo, .3 dna Qeressory uses to another non-residential use "nARNINC 10 OTTNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORiu A R0,IGE Or COMMr-MEEMENi RIAr RE50[r IN TUGH PAYING i ►nCE FOR ImrnUvtMEN I S TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEN r Illus i HE RECUIcOtD AND PO—M{ E13 ON i RC .Iu6 51 i E BEFORE i RE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OR i MiN FiNwN01111 , CONSUL r -.I i in i VVIR CEtVuER OR AN A i i OKRE r BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMFNT_' a6�� lAa� sir,nature of Owner/ ee/Contractor as /Agent for owner jignature or Contracts icen,c Raider STATE OF FLORIDK STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sl Lucie County COUNTY OF SELaa.emamy The f�,eoing instrument was acknowle0ge0 Before me this day [lie Tor virnr ir,,tr�„,e„t _a3 vrR,,ovvledged before me of . -1UV_A_ zuZO by dlis Day oT _ yUu�f„ .�_ , G0 Zo6y flennh Z ... R Dennis Zack Rame of person malting statement. IQs., a or per:;oR m�king,tate,,,ent. Personally Known OR eroduced Identification - Personally Known OR ProZi-area iBrnTiTir;-'tion n [,pr or la-„tirirotion Type of Identification ProZIueeZI Dn-ewLice■-■ Produced D^-.reic­3. �L�DMLIL�) (JIVIA-MZA (�inr or Notary Public- Stat of Florida) sat.t.f, Q or Public- St of Florida ) Commission Ido. oc, r4v,7 MELIS3A�;MR[tQR Commission Mo. au 3,0 7. MELISSACHATEAUNeur� Of Flohea - iQo® �omm�sian CG s[ .te or Flariaa - Notary Public Commission # u� yap, ra My Cul riffft9w Expiries y Commission Epi z itis-, 30, 2023 REVIEWS FRO PEAId� COON i ER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REvII!vv REVIEvv KEVIEVV VIA IE RECEIvEG DATE COMPLETED acv. &I II i.; 01,I .� ► ... ptoking it wOlU' IpaRin Installation Work Order -St. Start Date u (772)567-3100 Eat. Ce,-pletien Dole a 2800 US Hiyh-.x 1, Verb Beach, FL ;32U60 Corporate Co.rumcr Am.riezn Rezidenll-1 Se_'ez7 et Floi:d-.InTa Lie -,m - # CMC t2413753, RelutloRs CAC 1813963, EC 130085E;8 (866) 8t) -uG78 not -.6 EPI EMAIL. CALL SLIP ee-eoc a �5 1 CITWJSTATEV IP HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORKPHONE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 • - OPTION 3 51ZE 51ZE 95. 1 TPE SIZI! TYPE 31zf_ TYPE EFFICIENCY 14&,6- EFFIvIEA1' EFFICIENCY jj// Q $ T $ $ _..•..._.......... $ 1C:n $ :I r $_ °a _11i T� SUBTOTAL $ I 50uT(7TAL 4) 50BTuTAL :Fr MONTHLY EST.' 4; MONTHLY Es I.• $ MONTHLI t51.' y CUSTOMER INITIALS .. CUSTOMER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIAL Warranty:- Parts �. Labur Wdrrdnly:- Pans Labor Warranty:" Pomo- Lobar Co.npressu. Hoa: Er,hange, Compri.—r _H at E;ehanger Compr€om,or Heat E;,r.hu-,g€'r "Uek-- olhee.r.ee —led, all are 1rew, the rwm,elaelsrer SPECIFICS OF - . SELEC TED pPTION: ❑2 ❑3 Weatllerproor ❑ Reconnect Drain Line ❑ Dehumidifier SUBTOTAL $� Dizuenneet ❑ Coiling Sorer Kit 17 Outdoor unit Pati SI Lifetime Equipment Slab (Pan a Float) 0 Flue V.nurig G $ 'M bound Ivol-t6n P-cln ❑ M -1R Dr -in 5,..fcty s: itch ❑ DeetweRf t,onnections- YQ Llquffl Tile Conduit 15 Seal New Connections ❑ Connor to erisTing plcr,-.o... $ ❑ Start Ki: 0 Support Attie Equipment ❑ Deet M�difio-tie - u Refrigerant L.L. Dryer ErSepply Plenem (see Notes Too scope or world r/ TOTAL r Refrlgerorrl Pipe ❑ Ncw fffHwonnovi E3 N.— Deet Syott pm New G Reconnect L7 Keturn Plenum ❑ No Duct Womc "C1C:AZbjH=M10-HECCK4 ❑ R.frigerarlt Pipe C;o4er 0 New l�Rot onrievt O Feel Piping _ 17 E -p -n -ion Vakvlp ❑ Be trbmis Ru Clvoaner G Electrical Wiring 0 CREDIT CARD 4#s} T•s,aT-Type ❑Media Filter ❑ Hvmv Svrr,ev PI -In - (LAST ❑ lCcRrleet to E. -.lo g ❑PCO 1 Term j364 'aaysJ Ear .,PPROVAL Eladrio.al 0 U L1gfh ❑ Ne- Plyw=ad Desk ❑ HumMifter C FINANCING 'L— pol.-ded by E.nwUA USA, Member FDIC, m + • GUARANTEES CT— for a I— :+no. Rim,—mond.rf ZCumfort Caoarantee Mvr-c P, etcnt on Gmur-ntc� paymems IRM on eaon ..r s.■•Te ft ... bans, wpermmq m lean smo,x,+, elWIrm m m Apia r, 70v C14-Floer5ennow ieoreritee iaTT00%UnrontlitionalMoney-Back Guarantee Repaymenl twins "my Irani 36 10 144 mends Mmm^ ban -..,,nl-. apply.oillrr.._ .aWJorsembemad", NOTES 'AR51s not responsible for preexisting ductwork. See Terms an'u wnuitions on the back of thr_ document Tor details. • Written customer authorization will be obtained before beginning any unforeseen additional ur extended worn. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE auB1ECT TO THE NOTICE AAD CL RE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER cue, FLORIDA b'TATL I Ls'. • BUYER'S RIGHT Tv MN -EL: This Is a home solicitation sale, and If you do no. ;snit .he goods or services, you may cancel this agfbe- menl yy providing written notice to the seller In person, by tlegram, or by mail. Thi. notice most indl—to that you do not .ant the goods or services and must be delivered or postmarked b,sf.,ro midnight of the third bumine. � day after you Agn thi. agroamcnt. It you C... -.Cel this agreement, the seller may not keep all or part of eny —ah dow.-. payment. See the acme sides hereof for an e;;planatlon of thin right. • I a+�nowie'uye that my fight to cancel has been expldlned to me o-Ily dnd in coning, and wriisont warng my right tv canccl, I Qtnhorat the ped.:iman',tf I the work, subject to all terms and conditions set Torth on the reverse side hereof, plus any c..,,es upon . umpleiian. Notice To owner • Do not sign this home improvement contract In blank. You aro crititki to a copy of the contract J the time you sign. Keep it to protect your legal rights. This home ImpTo.crnent conaact m..y con ..mortgage or othomrisv cN.te a lion on your property that could be foreclosed on If you do not pay. Be sure you understand all pirl ons fits f1) out sign. ee..,R,n- .[ter GG ctluipm[R 31a,.nieR[ �^ D,..[ !6 9071) A.—... R—d-t .1 Serve rr . LC. All anis reserva-. nRS 107- r[ 2OW77 C7D3&27 r• �"_� Geffificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Rofertnce Number: 7490506 Data: 01-28-2020 Modal State.: Aetiv. AHRI Type - SP -A Series; R41 OA AC SPP Outdoor Unit Brand Name CARRIER Outdoor UAI Model Number (Condenser or Single Package) : 50ZPC042-30"' Region All (AK, AL, AR. AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, K5, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, M5, MT, MC; 1111115, NC, NH, Mo, MIW. MV, MY, vH, vR, OR, RR. RI, Ali, JD, TN, TX, 01, VA, v I , vvA, vvv, vvi, WY, U,� Territories) Region Mote, central air conuilioners manufactureu prior to oanuary 1, z'v13 are eiigi0le to no instailau In all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning duly 1, 2015 central air conditioners can only Be Installed In region(s) ror :hiah they meet the regional amcianwr reYelrement. r ire manu,acturer or tf11s CARRWI! pro'uuct Is responsi0le for ure rating or tFlis system com0ination. Rate0 as roilows in aceoManoe wire tfte latest eOluon or nRRI ciurc40 wMi At10entlum i, PeRormance Raung or Unitary Alr-ironOluoning & Aiwoarw Ro.t Po—p EMeip.i,ant and .e6jeot 1- -.9199 .vivoraZy 5y ARRI-aponau, . Klopenaont, MIR! party tvatiny: Cooling Capacity (AZ) - Singlo or High ulaea (8517), blah : 41000 ,SEER: 14,50 EER (AZ) - Stnale or Highs b'lavv (95F) : 11.50 T Active' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Partdpanl is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale: OR now models that are being rretrk.-,ed bar .ro nor ye; being prodaced.'Proda..ion Sopped' Model S:o.as.r. ihoee the, an AHRI Ceniflceoon Program Parduipam is no to„ger prodaang BUT ie edit at are -accompanied by WAS indicate an involuntary re -rate. The now published rating is shown along with the previous (i.e. WAS) rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the producgsr listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, .No prooa..ysr lista on mis eord;,.......d1Rl e;;pr.—ly ohm -Lime .II liallili.r f.,r u.mag.. of any Rina .rising oat of .11. ase or performance of :f1e prtmoc %sr, or th. nr.,eth.rl_■d alts -.11.e ■f drta Ikt■d err thlc C.rtifirt.. C.rtifled ntieg_ a.. =11d .el; f.r model= sed ..aflgnmll.rro Ikted in thm directory at www.ahridlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS . RIs e.rti„caW an., 15untonw a.. IiNpriat.ry pr.,uocvs tir..,..1.. nIs Cantacam 01.11 only Do osou sur inuiviaoal, persvnal gnu ^ rnfld.eti..l ..fora..-.ee perpe-er Th. ante„ is of thlm C.7ti cote rn..y rr.t, in :het. or In part, be p.proderd; oepbd; dlsemleat.d: �' entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's Individual, p.rsonal ana cvirTmu ii.l rv-iv..nce. Ilr•CO OI:IOeL G ME :IRG, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE Ile Infor... azion for iffc m....l clba on : ,b- corrl„cate can N vorifie.. et w:.w.oRrl.irc.zory.org, clicR on ':ordy oortrfl.a'.o' II..R sed eetep the AHRI Ceptifl■d R.feraen Nvimbep wed the dot. on 7h1■h th_ ..rtifi Wit. -aa 1-5.d, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is fisted at bottom right 02020Air-Conditionins, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 132247018115028071 PrupCriy Card Page 1 of 1 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserves. Property Identification Site Aaa:ess: 2351 SNE.ED RD 5�,,l l owniR.i.6�: 21 3�,S.38F iviap i v: 22- 21X Lv"Ari5: AG -5 Cvu,m OwnersRip Jasmatte Jadall 2351 Snccli RD Fvi