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permit app for 2536 Harbour Cove dr.
All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 6/05/2020 Permit Number: 95EurgHEjSpL©BE®@-u~ Bui|dingpermitAPplication Planning and Development Serv.Ices Building and code Regulation Division C0mmerc ial Residential yes 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 I pERMiTAppLicATION FOR: Re-Roof PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 2536 Harbour Cove Dr property Tax |D #: 1425-701-0064-430-9 Lot No.SiteplanName:BIockNo. Proj.ect Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: shingles to shingles fll0674 P/S underlayment fll6048 New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTloN INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit -check all that apply: Mechanical Gas Tank Gas piping Shutters Windows/Doors Pond Electric Plumbing _ Sprinklers Generator Roof 5/12 Pitch Total sq. Ft of construction: 1800 Sq. Ft. ofFirst Floor: Costofconstruction: $ 9550.00 Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name Barry Jackson Name: R0Iand Wiley Address:2536 Harbour Cove Dr Company:Shoreline Roofing LLC city: Fort pierce State:Address: 1973 SW Glendale St zip code: 34949 Fax:city: Port st Lucie state:FL Phone No.zip code: 34987 Fax: E-Mail:Phone No772-260-9565 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E.Maiishorelineroofing@yahoo.com State or County License CCC1331170from the Owner listed above) lf value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. !i-a-`*`.?£!?i"*t,i,,,i,'j(,`!~,,/':,':gJ;:'.,try;,r.'+;ft.;'` ,I :``ii,u§,'!`Jt;ti%'.i£;~:i'?i'i,_§'''`.'`~`i%ill Not Applicable'`6`Esia`NER7EN GINEER: Not Applicable MORTGA GE COMPANY: N.Name. Address:City: State: -city: State: - Zip, Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TI TLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable N.Name. dd.Address. City: Zip: Phone,Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installa tion as indicated. certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. ELL#cj;j#c::n:t#:¥:w:i!i,:aocei:app#u:fn#:tLfi?6h#Ssgraars:tfgao,af.Pan?i:o:n:trru#;Ea#o!szigtegd:gp.;:a#nj#e:sl,gricrhti8nSua#.##g£;p:r,SytTriubi!usruech II n conslderatlon of the grantlng of this requested permit, I do hereby agree thanaccordancewlththeapprovedplans,theFloridaBuildingCodesandSt.Luclet I will, in all respects, perform the workCountyAmendments. The followlng bulldlng permit applicatlons are exempt from undergolng a full concurrency revlew: room additions,accessorystructures,swimmingpools,fences,walls,signs,screenroomsandaccessoryusestoanothernon-resident.Ial use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Re#g#t:s:t:oi!s:t:enEer;n:!#yrjeoA::icord a Notice Of CommenceoticeofCommencement#embeej:jrneEt#jkrsotr!fesRE E#fge::e:i3t|#:e:at:nao¥i:e:#f!Ci:•voa-l\Noticeaicommence forcrecords of Stancing,consulment. ` :,:;-i, ---+--; i-,..--/,-+::- `.``-:-`_ ` Signature of own ontractor as Agent for owner Signature of contracto Llcense SbAUTF£FOFFLOR?frcthjoi4 EbAUTF£FOFFL°R'EL.chij.i.4 2p:;s`i::,ag::Teendc'ea:rd=r;bne,in:e[:rt:rTz:t::n ¥pi:s(i:ra,ag:::eendc)ea:rdj=r:bne,in:e{:rt:rTz:t::nthis_day of 202o by this_dayof , 2020 by fu\fw\ \Julud fu\oJY\ u . I ::r::n:;,:eKr::::ak7StatoeRmperno¥uced,dentification_::r:oen°a:I;eKr::::a#StatoeRm:rnoducedidentificatlon_ Type of ldentlfic ation Type of lde ntification ap#e;ridr ul rif]io Produced flnmwl \ urccue ::I:n;:susiofN¥=|:C-Stat:;:ife=:8;®§y;p;:;b,§ca:::t¥n!^REfo"gr ,oxpiro8n NocrT \Ci2S3 i§jj*`i 'i`{[[[if #Y!;i[!C%t}§n 0E EF'o'l283i,®l REVIEWS FRONT -,,,'''``®, VV' ,- VEGETATloN MANGROVElNGSUPERVISOR _p_H_its SEATU-RfLE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATERECEIVED DATECOMPLETED P(eN.5/617JJ