HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC 121 QUEEN ANN CTJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4717105 OR BOOK 4430 PAGE 2762, Recorded 06/10/2020 11:40:30 AM 5ta-02 oFlorida. County Of St. LUCIE NOTICE OF CQMMENCC-1 AEN-r QL 11,,__ The undersigned hereby gives notice that impmvementWill be made to Certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the i=olfowing information is provided in this €dotiCe OT Commencernent. _Q9zi I =anion oY Propert',. (and Street address €f ,'�enera4 description of irnprovement: REROOF o G64 K (Omer in; Qrrnati : < or Lessee infors;1ati if ti3 Lessee eone tax ns �a =oc Lize 'rnprovenet�: fJam� t d r4cir2ss,� 4t. A MArlv'1 interp�4ln p apery: OWNr !name and arfdrasz Ot tea s'smgle titleholder li; diffurent f rom Owner listed abovej; �Dntractor`s!Vame:Treasure Coast Roofing Cpntra or r�dr3ress: +a�a s+ra RiLT{vSOi�C PSL,FL usm Phone Number, 772-570-977C »urei y (ir applicable, a cop j of the psyment bond is attaclied): Amount of bond: S Nara_ End addr,5s: Phone number: _ender _=crireW- hone Number- a=ra_7;18 LVR Or, tM Stnie of Ylorlda designzind DV Owner - i upon whom noticess or other docurnerms rmey tea servedas prnvidau nv _ ~ff1! (cS�c�io s l., i•IDTi Cia SiaiiJLE ,ddreS5. addition ,o himseif or herselF, 0-.vnerdesipnaL25 Oi Uanoes f!lotica as proWdad in Section Plnona numbs r a< person or _nti�� aeslgna:ed zy Dkini;r: m receive a czzpj G: tni .piretion date of noTica ot commencernann (the expiration date may not be before the cornpletic,n of corls:ruckion and iinaf .asymant tD '-i1= coo-ractor, but will pie !„yearzrom the dateef recording UnI255 a di-marent di ita i3 speCiiiad) - V4+zRNING TO OWNER; ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY 7HE OWNER AF7 ER i HE EXPIRA i 10P) pF THE NOT1Ce OF COWIMENCEMIEf-IT ARE CJi SSII }�P,cU WPROP _R PWNi EN T S UNDe Z -W i BR 713, PART 1, SEC110H 71 3.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING ilwl CE FOR 4MIFIROVEiVki, i 5 TO YOUR PROPER7. A NO T iCE OF C+OMMEMCEMEW, DAUSi BE °EC0BD2D AND POSTED ON T 14E JOB SR E DVORE T HE MRST iNSPEv! iONI. IF YOU INTEND TO 08TAW1 FIN41CING, CONISULT WI H YOUR LENDER OR AM ATTORNEY BEFORE C0fV1i1E1mCH11Cz WOW OF :,RSLORD31G YOUR nIOT ICE OF COiv4s:IENCENLENT. »nder PenaltVof perjtry, I declare that I hava raad the foregoing notice of are truelto the b?st Ci rn" fm {F_dg?and bElla`. (Signature of Owner or Lessee, or l7vir 4r Lessees Auihor€zed Oi,4Cei/Direcor-/Partner/Manager R�� 'Nty S1aN :� NOTARY SN: - (5igr.3i:onj's Gala/Once} � � � - Pt181.rG The foregoing instrument tales acltnDwIedgee before rile $il'I.s c�� day of S!j b� • ,r rS'i` pQ`.� -�'+1u1~r�%fi�L�il 85-- �lv "+<'.!� it3iii OF >r1.4 EUarne of Person Type of authority (e.g. oiircer, trustee) Pasty an behalf ofwhorn instrument, _xzcuted Personally i;s,Qv r* __ or produced €dent-f iration . ;Signature of hfotary Public-StatedFtoridaj (Print, Type, or Stamp COM ss'loned Warne of Notary Public) Type of €dentiftcation produc d ,p~L-