HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrinity Evaulation report, shingles EXTERIOR RESEARCH &DESIGN, LLC. ` J 353 CHP;STLAN STREET, UhiT X13 TRINITY ERD OXFORD, crI 06476 (203) 262-925 EVALUATION REPORT Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R8 One Owens Ce-rng Park'::ay FI-10674-R13 To!edo,OH 43659 Date of Issuance:02/06/2012 (740)404-7829 Revision 8: 10/09/2017. SCOPE: Tr:is,E:a'ration Report i55-Jed :-ander Rule 61G20-3 and the appii,.abl-e,rules a-d reg s,o-s go•:ernin= thelf C0- �CtlOi: f inter = i^ t'_ Stat- Of Fi0riIa. The dC= i Er. ;O sum „filed has bE., rJ.._..ed b'y RObErt �J'=-' P.E. f0 use Of tr-e p'od'-!CT Lr'ide' t'-.,e Florida B•_ 'd;nz Code and Fior'd2 Build'r— Code, Res anL!a f Volume. T.I m . he id Prof ucts describes herein i..a'JE been evaluate d for co-'p!•ar'Ce the 6Edition (2017) Florida Building Code Sections noted herein. _ ,I DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles LABELING: .Labeling shall be in accordance &:!h th.E req `rem.er-s t Accred _ed Qu2', '' ty assurance Agency noted rein-and FBC 1507.2.7.1/R905.2.6.1. CONTINUED CORSPLIANCE: Ti,u Eva'ua`-ion Rep ! d Lnt'i Such t-me a5 "-E t^C ^a.. d + } 0'l :� VC prOdiJC,(_cCher.",e_. t'E ferenced Quality ASs.Jra^_e docurnentation charges, or provisions of the CodE t-at re;ate to the Prod•JCt cher ze. cce0i2nce o`this.E•.al:.;aa..`ion REpart by t'-.0 r2 EdC° _ C^^_t _ `ES 2grt^e^.cnt O ^="y' F.obert N'en. :.a-1, P.E. the product Cr'ar'_e� Cr trr= referees Q' ty ^ L ': �`-•_! r a^.oei.. I:' r' ;";;ERD rEG'�'fE5 e CO^`r'c t •CEO �a i AssJra doC e �c.`on cr to rE:'El: of this Eva'uation PEport re!ative to undated Cod= req'J'rement5%%,;th each Core Q cle. ADVERTISEMENT: Th a! her -'ere e :�n,- "Trir+ at -i" i c nl- e E,�: `on P•Epor` r:u�r� p'=�_ d b•; th. _ �t; ERD Eva'�.._e� � ay b_ d;sr,�:,Er in &dC.e'i _ins, -=raiUre. it 2r'V p'0'_C'l Of the E•:2�Uca 0" Repori 5 .. _n��;7 +d. •=c- 't chap` nt rely. C n be cone In Il5 C l!. INSPECTION: UOo quest, a cop';Of tris e'._ E-,a°'-jation F.eoort =-a . be Cro.;dcd to the user by the r-P-njf2c-,'1jr_ O' P--,d s',.., be _. 41—b.e for insrECi!G l ai Lr c^ Cb s at the rc^ Ot Re Y t' Bu ,d; O`tib T _ E..2'ia-'r,•-, P.E-oort cc•n_ _ts of pa q- 1 _ .rough 8. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. - _ -=bE'`i is-='1 .c Fr_. r1-__ __ - crrn-7ltj 8�� - - _- ❑ .;c =_,. � . ..: c-.:C; -._ .=7 c 0�_ _.c ..r. 'I - _ _ _ c' Cot -CMDE NC WITIM , STo LUCIE OUN TV FILE COPY BOCCI _-.! TRINITY ERD ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roc,:np- Sub-Category: Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles. as p-od.Jceco ;0 Owens Corning. ii-ii.:ve demonstratedi c7'ti—E 61 Edition (2017) Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, ;, Residential Volume-t .—o::_^ te-s'ng in acco-da-c= vv`t- t"e 15o,&`ng Sta-d=_-C'S. Co�r�) anc=_ is sJbjea o me L'!.`at o-s Cc'-d'. . ,-of Use Set fo:-tr, 2. STAND-ARDS-, Section Property Standard Year 1507.2 5,c= 2_' P h;s!Cal F D345-2, 4- '151'7-:-7 1 =5 2 v.'irj A_r T%et D----7 _u=7.27.1 ". 5; 2. -1'T SiM, D715- 2:i1 3. REFERENCES: fritity Examination Reference Date, JL LLC iCE-r 5 P,",J5;C3'S&\N:-!J Fi'e 82453.Vo, C,2/15-*2-)D-, JL LLC:,--E R.9 c 2E 2312051E-R2151 L !2012 UL UrIITS-19EH! F P. CK-A20263 jL LLC iT;79:K-E 11rA343)3 UL L LC;T Z7z;:-,Z'- J L LLC i T IS-9 v_z 2_z: C,2 1- ;2 D I 1 _N L!_(­"jcTz1 --321 U JL ...... -;L T 2-:- -12 j%A JL U _2': -�c 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: a-d S_5-:__� a­ti ',oe, ass re'- :).-C=� 3-tab 2S31=_­ =A4-17_te azn_ ro _3 Z-e !:=_-=z :'._l o,s"' `'Ci .4 1.4 G Tr: D2;:- D PrE^-:..- Coo , T D C 2, J kA'6 a- r r'...a d• a f;b 'R e `3 3 e cj Co �c`c­, T r L.D 0, 0 a �. -r 4.2 Hip& Ridge Shingles: 2 1 4 H:p & R'c:,ze ~J H:=rl R�dllge -d HP ',-Fo P is S-.'r-j;:esz. P,,c E,: H 1 c P72== & D a R;d H s:z a=a rz)D- 4.3 Accessory Starter Strips: -1 3.1 S`;2 S`rFle, F P 5. UmitATio,%s: C �;3 T,*- -i'E, D N • R=:o C 57 FEC H'VHZ C ra-c_f tn:z Eva',�=_� o- Re-03- -re .4 5.3 * zz 0-, n-c­;_;r- �Evahjaticn Repert 037940.02.12-R8 Fi10A74-R13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles decision 3.10109/2017 page 7 of 8 i EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, LLC. S = TRINITYC❑ D 353 C�F;ST! N STREET, UNIT�13 Cf� GXFORD, 06^478 (203) 262-92415 EVALUATION REPORT _ Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-P,8 One Owens Corrin F Park.vay FL10674-R13 Toledo, OH =3059 Date of Issuance:02/06/2012 (740)404-7829 Revision 8: 10/09/2017 SCOPE: This E.'d' ;;tion Rep3- is is_'1ed ..^der Rule 61G20-3 and the appiicable rues a"-d re c;O-= gOl:ernin-= the o` CO ci:On i:1a`.Er ❑ = i1 ti Sta' of FIOr a. Tre COCA er, _ O^ cU0 ;tLe0 ha-z been re. ed by Robert P.E. f0- use of t^e p-odici a iic!er t"..e Florida Code and Fo lldd BUiid e Code, ResidentialVolume. The products describes herein ha✓e been evaluated for c0"T'p1'ar'cc v.`Jr, t�-.e 6`° Edition (2017) Florida Building Code Sect:ons noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles LABELING: Labeling sha" be in accordance v,'th the requ:rerr-e7,rs the A.ccred'ted Q,a';t r• Assurance Agency noted � > rein and FBC 1507.2.7.1/R905.2.6.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Eva''1ation R p ! d ,..._°I SUC^ t`me as _ -a.,—Pd � - t e Ori 's 'Ja ed DfOdUC*(SI ChC r,�= nc referenced Qua!it,, Assura"ce documentation Charles, Or O'O:'is'Ons Of the Code i^at rebate to the Qmd�jct Cha--Re. CCeotance 0' this Evalud`_ion Report b i t'-2 ra , =d C c C •^:i t ies air°C c tib n._-1r Robert I•I'e^. .e 1, P.E. i the proG1Ct Ci '-r:SES 0. irr_ ref�-re^,ced QUa .:'}•' AssirardscI E"tc'tion changes. Tr r _; ERD rEGU res d COR'"r _te of this Eva''uation Report re!at;ve to undated Cod_- req. .'rements %v'th each Code C`yCle. ADVERTISErJIENT: Tre E'ra'J,_;on Repo' nun b=r p-_,--eded by t!^e .:ords "Tr n't� E:a ear d' m e - , ERD _e � ay b cisr 1 a,ed in ac'.er ,Inc r.erdtilre. i' c^.d p0 _i0 1 Of the E, e0 O a'ycd. _ a1 _sl a` c entirety. E P. o s be don in its INSPECTION: t'JO , s� e- P.F00"i = ,7,! be pro. dEc t0 the user by the RanJfaCtur O' _ a _'r.OJ:Ors and s _• be _.:d' ab'_ for Inspcc`_ior, at me job s• at the r=^, c�=o He i n_ _!. t' a� ld o iiC T- S Eda'J=:'r, Pe00rt co ,rS of -es Prepared by: — Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. _ 1J _ A-% TRINITY ,ERD ROOFING Sys-rErvls EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: R o c f:n Sub-Category: Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as p-cc`�cec by Owens Corning.have demo-istr2ted t"= o.%:ng sec�:o �sec-ton= c- L- "= 6`h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume te_Sti-­2 ar-Co-d3-c=_ v"7" i 0:10v."ng S:a-da-ds_ Co:^p;a-�C� is S. b;ea Lo t_C j Se a -� Instal!at:.on Rer_,7rer�"en-s a,­,d U-r'ta';o-s/CC-r4't*n,-�S of U s-t fr 3;U! FE 2. STANDARDS: Section Prope Standard Year 1507.2.5,Fz-:31 Phys:ral ASTM,D3453- 2 5 1__1D fj 7,2.7 1 -7 2 v.irj —A 5 T,%,I D3 -'-5f'7.27.1 "=.2.=.. 'n;Q=�- ASTIM D71 5: 2-_11 3. REFERENCES: Entit Examination Reference Date P'�fs;cals& F3-'C J L LLC 1 C E-1:-_-':-- ez—��­ z File R2453,Vo 02/15;'2007 UL L LC l C E R 5 6 2 E Pn/3'=a:s&WJ' R=_-Ils'a-c-2 23120510-42=» 05!_^/2'D12 UL LLC I TS79;z-)5 1 0 6 C A 20 26 3 u-1!13/2]05 JL LLC iTST 9-5-7 11CA3113)3 3 12 ULLLCjTj72 -•j 3& UL LLC(TS-9w52 E� 4735120552 iI LU--T;:-z:--, iCEp1502i PB('Hvi4z CC-1--ol an:_ Vari:;us NO.'S S 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: a-d S-0- --t_ ''oe­ ass re*.-'Drc=-c.. 3-tab a;01a"roD-5 I C 4—c az3­ �oo' L3a I -�o e re" a-;2 5`­�b '. �r�- ':r r- S � 1.4 TF;-D;-m::- -on D ­t_o, �r2zsb Pre-: CC.- D- Cc. 20 "0'c,-, T%D_e`i­i:),� 00- F;b=­ ss re'r-z),ced, '3""" rl-:eC 4.2 Hip&Ridge Shingles: 2 1 H:0 & R.'c:r_ S- H:g' Rji,'. ge, We'L-e-G.:3,d HP H & a" D_raR;d=e-' H, 3 & Q. F.-C a­i Y. zz 43 Accessory Starter Strips: 3.1 5- 5. LIMITATIONS: Dec'==­_-of Reco,d Fo,a•-.y 'project of v;'-, V a a t'0'1 Report,or is,;'.%::_-s -i S d 2 i-, FSC W�!H Z 5.3 C C E D j -vaiu3lion Report 037940,02-12-R8 lnf.::;te of 55 r 3 3! !(j\l20 17 i F 3 C 0 HV ri Z U4 0 F!1074-R:3 Owens Corning A-3phalt Roof Shingles Revisjor.3.10/09/2017 Page 7 01,3 TRINITY ERD 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 A'i Owens Corning asphalt shingles rot=d �e ='n a-e 0255 f-ed in FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and R905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class F a-d/or ASTM D7158, Class H, d c ;1-Jng'es are acceptab'=- .or use i^ _ • :ti re zo-es up to V,., = 150 (V-- = 194 rnnp r.. z _0 S_._`or, 6 _ -- re - may.. c _nu to r^cct t`-tis l:.rd ra:^:g. 5.".2 A`• Owens Corning hip & ridge shingles, Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus n, =-4- C a_s`=d in accordance wit" FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 ar- R905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class F, in--Ca, z a.CcOL;zble for use in 2'; ": c zo^e_ -r, to V. - 150 ^ f'.'_ = 1 -"). Rc`C S-c- 0— 6 rOr :r?Sta -ar c'1 :- .-i'C crlt5 t0 m=et 'S v;'rd ra_ 5 4.5 C'as--cation ay ASTM D7158 app' =_s to exposure category B or C a_ _ FBC 1609.4.3 a-d a mean roof height of 60 feet or less. Ca __ �-_ a ,...a z d_5;gn pre-e_s e =c' c _ :'0-5 ^.' R= Owens Corning c^ 5 5 Al; p-o..Jc_5 ^ t--e rOC a`=E r_^Lr_^? i _ - Lj as _ zea ccO'C z= .. : F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3. 6. INSTALLATION: 6_1 Underlayment: 6 1.1 LI^C_r'a't^ _^•i 5 a i aCCcN`aG c i0 Owens Corning 2-d sna.` hC'd C r'E F C Sta'c:. = P'O JCL ADpro.'a , c- Lo-;-:' y Apprc,ec p_' Rule 61G20-3. p_r FBC 1507.2.3, 1507.2.4 0r R905.2.3 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: - --- --D^: c- � �=='�- `-= = - c��-�''., ,. - - = Owens Corning =- _ - •---- `--� - - -- - - -= FBC 1507.2.7 R905.2.6 rG_ct�cr:S: Berkshires = . e r WeatherGuards HP _ -: r"_ _ z (EI Devonshire' _ _ ___ _ r _ r•_ _ - Starter Strip Shingle a�d Starter Strip Plus _o Owens Corning z_- _ FBC 1507.2.6 Cr R905.2.5 Slap a— rot 2 5 f.' PJa :'- -Starter Strip Shingle a-•d Starter Strip Plus Fe!t Undeia{.;e-• SeH ad.'-e-ed = 'hea_•+e:�ck% u�:�;arnerE Wea:herLo.k' _ U-1•er!ai. .er t 'ge edge Ir.s al'fes: Sert>Pa.- r;g ad;-ies:ve S:a�er S•^- a ks;a(�z'$:a^!•$:•p?►is $�YaaG:y a.'fiesr+� r o�s.;i.ne-aio-•y^eac=_ - 5're^ia:ed - -' $-�lk,_.e.-^t^-S s--:e5 and 1x-, - (- t'erior R=_;ear=n and Des gn,LLC. __ Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R8 ce rf%c-'e- _ -_to^=95.7 EDi-, 0%12017)FBC NO"v-LV. Z EVA!UA7i0% FL10674-R13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 8:10/09/2017 Rage 3 of 8 TRNITY ERD 6.2,6 r,1:7- N3 '-g)—Classic' &Supreme: Norms! Mansard or a Normal Mansard or Area para Wind'Areas High WT n d d!,Mp.*.ry Mind Areas High Wind desvivnes y or'nal F7 Normal Anne Aries para vientos rorn,ales Areas Yforrtos fuertes Area pars vfentos normales Areas vientos foartoff IAI—_ 1z 6, I L IL 51 Exposure 5 5,4'Exposure Exposicic5n Exposici6n 5.2.7 Berkshire : S,aL-,rt 5"nP 1.siZadcr f 0 1 de se':.adx ------------ a------------ 0 04----------0.4------------+9 4------------v f Caftw?!O di dc Ex--er,cr Resea,:n a-,=1e.b--, Report 037940.02.12-R8 6 ED;-1:0%(2017)FBC".C.%-HV.HZ FL10674-q13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Rewsion 9:10/09/2017 Page-1 04 LI f - TRINITY ERD 6 2.8 r,' r-'-^ N- -`—Devonshire' 1" -- 7" LL 5 8'expcsure Seala- lml,an T Ez csic�i de 5''8 f_ p � Ub';aciir de'sel'adx Ten 1"S =5 of As-,:at Fa.t Celle,", 2 rY r N ^' — Duration, Tru Definition' Duration, Duration' Premium Cool & Tru Definition Duration Designer Color Collection 41ai:Fastening Fa;:ern 6-tiaFas:emng P.ne'n —.s:n+tac•«.;ennr�r•a v-e_- -srt`wt•x^ni+�r.,.-w , Fas'.a•tiny'or Sicaes Greater Than 21:12 } _ ._.��_-. ••..is-- r^'--Y�'���..+ I :I' F�.t•'SY.b I "cx'e',,3r R=_:>_arc,a-d D_s—�-.L-r .:a a;ior Repor'037940.02.12-R8 Cert;f:a:eafAathc-za`:an=9503 -3 =J;TMJ^+(2;,17jF5C".J'L-r!'YP..Z-;VAL'•i?.T'G-d FL10674-R13 Owens Coming Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 8:10/09/2017 Faze S rf 3 I TRINITY ERD Tru Definition Oakridg Es-=e-,.;i cor,F rziavcs r F�J c r�pcL— P zz,1 Er.=i:Z6.1 de 55 C., S de=>;-P Fx;cs,.'x 1 64 55 E P&c. n 6-Nal!Fast= g Fastening for S;opes Greater Than 21:12 M-Ty— T F �- I `I i Ij•-- � I r�4 'z WeatherGuard 2 HP. 7- • 11— no a Ode view Mew leftmi -.-r.Dr^e S t?3 r a C Evaluation Report 017940.002.12-R3 E7'710% .23117;FBC FLP0:74-P.13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shir.gies Revision 53:10/09j2017 Page 6 o'.S f ' TRINFFY ERD 6.3 Hip& Ridge Shingles: 6 3.i _ =" :'cn o' Berkshire Hip and Ridge Shingles High Ridge, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge Shingles ProEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles s"na Cc .p Y t Owens Corning c:_rr_-: pub's-=-' ins_---.O`— _[ `c- nz = p" _ - -. !-,__�` at o� o Dura Ridge° Hip & Ridge Shingles cor---'y .. ; , ; .e Owens Corning p--.' = tr.,C_0`s, rg :.%0 (7i rags = _ ` _ z.P—r to Owens Corning 3.2 h =`_'� _ v cCCO' _ _ . t _�` ^a -` S-eY r"' FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5 ;�'_ap es nOt pe-r-. 7'eo. 6.3.3 P.' ` CJ=-'!'r:,-Berkshire' Hip& Ridge and High Ridge Piy 2 P.c e WeatherGuard° HP Hip and Ridge FIS A Fig C -",--4 ._e S' .Fas -_ _ r - -:. .. i L,____ _ _ .-. 7 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -4 =x_-'10-Res=_ar_h and Den g.!'__ _va:�ation Reoort 037940,02.12-R3 F0—:C% 23-1 7;=3C –47 Cv ...lJ_^.-iU�. FL1777a-R13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roo;Shingles Revision 3.10j09/2017 Page 7 of 9 TRINITY ERD ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingles: Standard Prevailing _t1.— Wind Direction Fastening Stuart Strip Pattern T- 6'Exposure Sealant F Cover d 'M h R.-&Cement 3 DuraRiclue— Hip&Ridge Shingles: -n.r--- Flr.miing Wrd Cii,xicr T.,Vr— Dif.:6 &—t vu, P� ZNlr� 0—m Corning rL' u 7. LASELAG. 7 1 Table 1507.2.7.1 R905.2.6.1 8, BUILDING PERN11T MEQUiREMENTS: j 9, MANUFA(--T!JR!NC-PLANTS: 0 c 0 10. QUAUTY A5S'uRa.'-,CE E%7;tf: END OF EVALUATION REPORT- z)r.*,r;cr Re.ea—a-.n DEval:.,atcn Repor',037,943.02.12-RB E 2=17;F5C%Q� -JiZ EVA--U FL10674 R13 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shiigies Re jisi!5n 8:10/09/2017 Page 8 of 8