HomeMy WebLinkAbout15054.18<,. .. U516 s &Professional Regulafion e: r am -Pow um Ap►evai .• .-; ,:.; 7IDartAaecealiear> >bewha limas I Aeeaealm aY ft. App6ration rma Cod. %% aw ""mum stsho commnanta Ardnwed Pmdud Manufacenr A*kUWMMne/Bea6 Authorized 519MWM TedxdW Representative AddreWPhonUEmall Quality Assurance Representative Addmm/Mwna/BnaO CataOM Subcategory Compliance Method FUSOS"7 2017PAL 1010 Approved NawsaKh Window Sandloea 10741 Cromoeds C4nensrce Elvd.l ttinnpa, Fl. 33610 (613) 626-6000 deaaduploensweauhwlodow.cem Vivian Wright klom wMdpmnadhrns.mm Windows Mod \ w,(\dow Evaluation Report from a Florida Reglatsred Architect or a Licensed Morls Professional Engineer Evaluation Repot - Hardoopy Received Florida Engineer or Artnited Hume who developed the Lyndon F. Sdmddt Florida Uoenre PE-43409 QUallty Assuan EMRy National Accreditation and Managaman irwtlbde Quality Assurance Contract "ration Date 12/31/202o Wldated 6y Ryan I King, P.E. I W Woion Chaddist - Maideopy PeoeNad Cwmcate of Independence sr 1Emu R7 COI rdl cmRLMr of tndaeendlnme.edf Refimnced Standard and Year (of Standard) BEd Yna% AAMA(WGMNC5A101/I.S.2/A440 2000 AAMAjWDMAfCSA1OlB.S.2/A440 200S AAMNMMAfCSA101/1.S.Z/A440 2011 ASTM ELM zoos ASTM E1996 20M ASTM E19% 200E ASTM E1996 zoo TAS 201, 202, 203 19% E**Ak rce of Product Standards CWWI@d M Florlds Llcwmd Professional EngMw or Architect {C1154 R7 Emir ran Fo,lvalanm of Ste cards odr IM�e•JMiww.9oldebridrg.aplpdpr app d0 UOSW400%3d%3d 105 Sections from the coda Product APWVJW McMed Method 1 Option D Deft Submitted 06/19/2019 Dope Validated 06/1W2019 Den Pending FBC Apprbvat 06/25/2019 Date Approved 06/23/2019 tnaumry of Prodwcte Go to Page O 00 "1/200 PL a NOdd, Number or Noe DMa1pN 15054.1 a. DuraGerd Road Window f5druded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Non-Impact' Fixed VAndow utilizing a Nall Mn Installation (O mdlgura0on) L1rrim of Use, tootdkd m Instructions Approved for we In HVIND F40 R I Sn54 R7 II fal Inst 15054.1.Odf Approved for use aunlda NVMZi Yea VMINd By: Lyndon F. Sd=M P.E. 43409 Dopes! Neeldo m: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Deallign Provisions; N/A DrduMm a) I" - Sao INST 5054.1 far Design Pressure Rwtilgo, any R3 7� Eval 15054.I.13df additional use Nmltatlons, Installation Instructions and Product Created by IndepehAerw Third Party: Yea particulars. 13OS4.2 b. DuraGerd Find window Bdruded Vinyl Direct Gland'Non-Impact' Flied Window (O coMghrration) LAnRo of Use DastaneN m Instructions Approved for am In NVNZI No FLISD54 R7 II (a) Lot 15054.2.0ar Approved for use owW& HVKD Yes VwWM By: Lyndon F Schmidt, P.E 43409 Doped ftwoo b NO O wand by Independent Third Party: Yea Dodge Prossum N/A Evaluation Reports 011ian See DIST SS054.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, any F 1 Snc4 R7 AE (a) Eval 15054.2.ear ad"', ur NNYtetlons, Irwta6edw Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Particulars. 15064.3 c 71nm6erir Fired Widow Bdruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Noo-lmpact' Fond Window utilizing a Nall Mn Installation (O configuration) umft of Uss DrrnRaOom Instructions Approved for owes In NVNZI NO cr 1 WM R7 I fa) lost ISOSCI ndf Approved for owe outside NVIQI Yes VeiVied By: Lyndon F. Schmidt. RE 43409 Impact Radotw& No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Dealt Pressures N/A Evaluation Raporte Olken Sao INST 15OS4.3 for Design Pressure RWlga, any s1 +cnu R7 AE (e) eval 15054.3.ndf additional use limitations, Irtab idw instructions wed product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 13054.4 d. hsst5etr Peed Window Extin SO Vinyl Direct Glazed'Non-Dnpod' Pied window (O mrhflpuMdM) unllea of use tnatalhdbm Instructions Approved for use In NVNin No n 1SOS4 R7 U (a) Lnst 15054.4.0df Approved For use ewfdfn NYIRr Yes WarNlad By: Lyndon F. Sdhnldt, P.E. 43409 Doped ReeWnm No Created by independent Third Party: Yes Deslpun Pressures WA Mluatios Repots Olden Sae RLST 15054.4 for Design Purrs it", any F I cnu R7 AF (a) Eval IS054.4 odf addb onsl h NnmMns, Inalebation Inatru l" r and Predad Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15054.3 a. SrMte Hoed Window banded Virryl Sash In From Gland 'Mon- Impact' rued Wbwtrw uklW" a Not Fin Installation (O configuration) LWANS of Ilse Drsteowwoul tombucu r Approved far ar n MVIM No n iedca a7 II W Ina! i enu_e_pdr Approved for was, outside NVlfb TM VarNNd By: Lyndon F. SdvnWt. P.E. 43409 ThirteYes Deal" Pressure; WA evaluation Reports Sea INST 1SOSCS for Design Pressure Ratings, airy p 7(AEvea additional use Imitations, InstaNatW instructions and Product Created by Independent TNn1 Party: Ws Particulars. 16054.E f. Srldlta Flied YVhdow Bdruded Vinyl Sash In Fromm Glazed 'Non -Impact' Red wdp:// W.ftidablrtallq wprFPLpp_dNmwpwww-aoe4XCWmqu87SPr1ZVW"E%SYU"R20XOJ*-NIiMU45W4O1O'M%W 2111 Wlnclow (0 configuration) UMRN Of ON Illegal' -1 luaUVCUo Approved for sae In NVN=r No FUSDS4 R7 II (a) Inst 15054.6.odf Approved for was esrteida NVNZ: Yes VarM W By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, RE. 43409 Impact RoalalaNN No Crafted by Independent Third Pally: Yea Daetpm Praanmas WA EVUhMtIIM Imports OIYon Sae INST 15054.6 far Deep Pressure Ratings, any PL15O54 R7 AE (s) Evil 15054.6.odf addmonal use limMWons, imbdatlon instructions and product Created by Independent Third Amy. Yes pa tiodars. 15054.7 9. DumGmrd Fiord Window Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'InpacC Flied Window ulNstnq a Nall fin Installation (0 configuration) LLnmm of Use LwWmtlam b ouvcu g Appr'- far We In NVNh No PL15054 R7 11 (a) Inst 1SOS4.7.edf Approved fir use oaaabta MVIQ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon R Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Ilaatgtsmb Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Hmanarm WA lvabntlsn Reports Odm n Sea Inst 15054.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLISOS4 R7 AE (al Eva] 15054.7.edf additional use MMhDons, Installation hutruftrr grid Product Created by Independent Third Amy: Yes Particulars. 15054.8 h. DunGard Fixed Window Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Inpact' Fixed Widow with MV40 (O configuration) uedte of Use Irrotsli tlmr InsMretlens Approved for use In MVKb No FL1 SL154 R7 1[ (a1 ws! 11 xaea R edr Approved for use outeMe NVM=1 Yes Varilled By: Lyndon F. Sdxmct, P.E. 43409 Impedt Img- I Yes Created by Independent Third Arty: Yes Dealso Reaatmes WA ovalmod" Reports Other: Sea Mot 1S054.8 for Design Preemae Ratings, fry FL-25054 R7 AE (V Eral SSOu_e.eee additional use aattatlona, installation InaOvdbm and product particulars. Created by Independent Third Arty: Yes 15054.9 I. 4600 Fixed wllMsrr Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Non-Innpart' Food Window uJRdnq a Nail An Installation (0 configuration) LLnite of Use Var al odon Instructions Approved for use In NVMZ- No FLIS054 R7 II fat Inst 15054.9.adf Approved for use oufaMe NVNZ• Yes Verified Byi Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact RealgtallN No Created by Independent Third Pity: Yes Dedre pressure WA hokmtbon Reports Othen See VW 15054.9 for Design Pressure Remngs, any PLASM R7 AE fal Eval 15054.9.odf additional use limitations, hstalation instructions and product Crafted by Independent Third Arcs,: Yes Particulars. 15054.10 I.4600 Fixed Window Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Non-Impact' Pbad Window with Flange (O Configuration) Limits of use Installed" Zastru born Approved for om In NVIRc NO FLIS054 R7 11 fat hffi 15054.IO.ocif Approved fey use outsWe NVKU Yes Vermed By: Lyndon F. Sd=Wk P.E. 43409 Impart RodseaMi NO Crested by Iclepe do Third party: Yes Dodge F4ommmec WA Evaluation Reports Other See Luc 15054.10 for Design Pressure Ratngs, any EL35054 R7 AE a) Eval 155054.10.df additional use 1..Mtetiam, Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Arty: Yes particulars. 15054.11 IL 4650 Fixed Window - Impact Rated - NVNZ Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed 'Impact' Fixed Window utilizing a Nail Fin Imtel[stlon (0 configuration) Llnrma or tat Installation Destructions Approved for use to WAM Yes FL15054 R7 11 (a) Irwt 15054, 11.odf Approved far use erteMe NVNZi Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 anpmet stodgiestr Yes Created by Independent Third Arty: Yes Design Passing WA lvsLratlon Repro Other. Sea INST 15DS4.11 for Design Pressure Ratings, any R15mS4 R7 AE fd1 Hal 15054.11.ntlf additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product Particulars. Created by Independent Third Pity: rig 1SOS4.12 1. 46M Fixed Wlndssr - Impact Rated Extruded Vinyl Direct (Maud 'Impact' fixed Window, with - NVHZ Planes CO configuration) ulnnlb of use Irtsllatlan arhuctlar Approved fat use In NVHM Yes FLIS054 R7 11 (al Inst 150S4.12 odf Approved far use auto"NVNZ1 Yin V&Mod By: Lyndon F. Sdnmldt, R.E. 43409 �pl nit N/A C ReporIndependentThird Party: Yes graduation Repxrets OUrmn See MST 15054.11 for Design Pressure Redness, any FL15054 R7 AE (d) Hal 15054.12.adf additional use lirnitstiona, imtelation Instructbm and product Created by Independent Third Arty: Yes 15054.13 m, 9600 Fond Wmdaty Extruded Vinyl Direct Glazed'Non-Impact' Fired VAndow hlp9hvww.fiaMebuMirg.teWp(Pf_ePP_dlaapx7parrnawOEVXCiwIDquB79F 4(31Q7L3d%3d 3J6 utilizing a Nog Fin Installation (O configuration) Welts of Use IIIadNadM Distractions Approved for use he NVKrt No FI 1S054 117 11 (a) Inst 1SM4.17.edf Approved far was sub dde WOW Yes VefWed By: Lyndon F. Sd miat, RE 43409 Doped Residents Re Crated by Independent third party: Yes " 1- Proauron WA lalsodon Rpprte Othm Sae VW 15054.13 far Design PRsews Its", any FL15054 R7 AE (a) Eval 15054.13.adr additional we ddtetions, Installation instructions and product Crated by lodeparldont third party: Yes particulars. 15054.14 n. 9600 Ford Window Extruded Vinyl dnxt Gland'NOn•ImPOW Fixed Windom whin 101110190 (O configuration) Limits of Use ImMlatlmn Insumcn a Approved for we In NVNZ-• No FLI5054 &Z II a) Rat 15054.14.odf Applasd f r use outside NVMZt Ya VSMW By: I~ F. Sdwd&, P.E 43409 Impact RedroW NO Crated by independent Third P"; Yes Dsolpl Provemo: WA Evaluation Roporo Olheri Sae INST 15054.14 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FLIS054 R7 AE (a) Eval 15054.14.odr additional use RmRatlona, Installation Yatruclons and product I Crated by Independent Third Party: Yes 15054.15 I � Axed VAn� - I NExtruded ab IIate" Mod tion (0 ared'Impact ion) Fixed Window ufAWrq a 1AeRe of Use LrteMtlea I Approved far end he NVIM No FL1S054 R7 L (a) Inst 15054SF elf Approved for use aetaMe NVNM Yes Verified BY: Lyndon F Schmidt, RL 43409 Impact ReadsmmC Yes treated by independent Third Party: Yes Doge Pressure WA eveNnllon Repeats Older% Sea INST 15054.15 For Dplim Pressure Ratings, any FLISO54 R7 AE (cl Eval I SOS4.15.oW additional We IN arm, Installation Instruction and product Crated by Independent Third Party: Yet 15054.16 P. 9650 road Window - Impact Extruded Magi Direct Glaad'Impact' Azad Window with Rated Hang (0 configuration) hales of Use DUVANSUsn Instructions Approved for was In HVNZ: No FL1JW R7 U (b) Iret 15054.16.edf Aprowed for we outiode NVMZs Yes * MW By: Lyndon F. Sdwri&, RE 43409 Depart Radstardf lac Created by IndependentThkd party: Yes DUWM Meaaam WA evaluation Raprta 011hen Soo INST 15054.16 for Design Preare Retinae, arw FL15054 R7 AE !dl fhral 150S4.16.odf additional use limitations, Instagallon Instrlxtlons and product Crated by independent third Party: Yes Particulars. 15054.17 q. 9650 Axed WI dorm . Impact Extruded Vinyl Direct Gtesd'Impact' Arad Window utilizing a Rated - NVMZ Nall Fin InstaYtlon (O cordlouraeon) Uncle of Use Instructions 11fi Approved for use In NVIM Yes gtwbdbo ( * ca.l7.odf L - - Appraed far use eutslds MYMZ: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Sd=M P.R. 43409 Impact Residents Yes Crated by Independent Third Party: Yas Dalp1 Pressures WA eatestlon Reports Other. See INST 15054.17 for Design Pressure Rethnpa, any FLI5054 R7 AE (c) Ewan 15054.17.edf additional was limitations, meditation I at uckra and product Created by Indtipendat third Party: Yes 15054.18 I r. � Fined WirdMm • ImpactRatsNl Flange (0 confiw a�tionn and'Inpaet• Fbad Window Wren!,) Lknits of Yoe INetellatten latroWea Approved for use In NVNZ: Yu FL15O54 R7 It (a) Inst 15054.19.ndf Approved for am out Me NV PM Yet WMW By: Lyndon F. Sdwnldt, RE 43409 Impel RsteWID Yes Crated by Independent Third Party: Ys Deaipl Pfoasrr WA evahatlon Reports Olhws Sac MIST 15054.18 for Design Pressure RaBnp, any Fir Ia0c4R7 Al! (el Eval 15054.1g.odt additional use limitations, Installation Instructions and product I Crated by I I g 1 dart Third Party: Yes 15054.19 a. 4e00 TW Mulled "Common MMI Extruded VI" Direst Gland 'Ren-knpect' Integral Mulled p xed Wkdas 'Common JW W 1WM Fled Window with Range (AM Vertical UnmRe of Live Iapolotloa faeeetitsr Approved for as In IIVHM No A I SO54 R7 If (a) Inst 15054.1g.ndf Approved for was eutsMe NVNZs Yu Vadfied BY: Lyndon F. SdwnWt, RE 43409 toyed Roolstaeh No Created by Independent third Party: Yes Be . Pasown m WA BVslaaeen Repro Mean See INST 1SOS4.19 For Design PraaR Ratings, or y FLISO54 R7 AE (al Eval 15054.14.Rdf addith" use RmiteBono, Installation mstructlons and product Crated by Ird I g 4 nt Third Party: Yes hNpsJ/wWw.Baldsbnidap•argIDNDLaPP �•� 4(5 15054.20 L 4800 Muled'Conww lamb' Extruded Vhryl Dired Gazed'Non-impact Jalapa Mulled Fled VAndow I'Common lamb' Triple Fbwd Window uW&Q a Ndl Fln Insdtation (0/0/0 VOUW or No14MW Configurations) L, , a uea ttrwaat atIM tnrocnon. Apprered for ell Nr NO M Mo Fr 15054 R7 H (a) Inst 15R54.2o.odf Nprew I for ulatde use eeMVML Yes VeMed BY: Lyndon F.Schmid P.E 43409 ct M Inspect aNo Crsatad by lndepandent Third party: Vas r DP Presnee: N/A avalt allee Reperb Otilan See JIM 15054.20 for Deslpn Pranum Ratings, any F115054 R7 AE (a) Evai ISOM,20.adr us additional e Mratatisns, Madriation Mrbudlons and Product t}esled by Independent Third poly: Vas Particulars. ca to Page f 0 0 page 1/ 2 0 0 Qnor ramam:� ImLe�ezltn MWAshcfft 14MAMMO w00ec IAWrnIr10� ia.. area NFw w park raar4.l tau b nrr neanaweaal adar naawA In rhrww h a aallicram,bnoaaa. de anl�e WmMc eraeht Asarwni hmnift ®®M®■ Credit Card Sato MpsJhnww.RoWsb,Mirp.*WprfW_aPP_M.aIW UMLWMN4=%3d%3d 515 maa�aw� �aYw •wae� w�e.�w .wwnwr•wu�w-.ai...�ur.- w...yww. w+nw..•......wr ^-•w••� i� i �pwaswm w' u CC N §1 r !A" `ati'a iipttn wawa wtauuata, PA S. M %Wft� M 330w w'[ ew ta. wta t uw w Aawtan PINNIES k fEtlERlI N016 u .,y.ftv". �.�1•p,�.W�-.,e R I - !- IJ ■■ ,' �Illll 11�� YYY Y Y y aZ 17 UVATE TO /RI KW dl .�9p1iY•. L� /IML/K OOt1tM1TM11/. � 3[ A le `N/ •.a r sm, v..l... n aaew m uUAJE I By CRCSS SENWM �a chi ��iMR/1/7 I.. i�.mw..swin rd.wnlr\rwllN�lrle. wemlow..r�num.xac. mw/�iWlml pWlry\�almu.wsu Y� YY N wI e n O N N Y n Im >o x L. s n N N � N N G /Is4m aawu sonNowsaft o �•■ - amml 1 ►L ``I/mnwaa r/+Ir a meliir. ao HORMITAL � ww»e lak9iln, ixc. a T. I 9,( p. 'm �' G\OSS755SfCi10u5 A.n• Ibs ilsw.nn IM[ CA Mw Nli � ! $ � | ■/\� q| �\. \\qN� \ ||! f| fee �| � ° ■�� � 2, ` ■ � � ,W4%%!� || � & - | . pYPJ MN % - !- __ ,_ Vie: ,cxf sit I ti r irmAxor-_" ft F"i I NftS" aw m20.V*%Aw �49. -3M� L 3� M. �&wwlw awe+fvr.s M..,..,eWANUM-rbl... Appr.W..>rM,r - I B� �e I L—IR—j i I L—IR—j i � ' e .- ? � tttt 41p111tt"` GDq�� ausaw corw�rwne. nc. W •,o, tl.. ta4 vaetr. n affeee fro..r INS etsmwsto Fen G IN. "13 ^ a t rz m fmt m. f t. x freufr ae ,mote�r. B41 t rs REMONS 1L07A/L r'pltl ... We ��.i tP tNe118 a9£9'NN 3d l! Y. • .A '3'd'IONup6'd uNp1AI • d0 31Vi8 ;�6. ON=4NMa1d�m9umOwdouaaa AllanbiuN) PUB OWL14N*Uw and i}C &VMMPPAW fl 9allnlNe MAIM W WSMM MW OuM M 'QM49Nu1 assuve w" Pus UoiWAMMY P1m9NN L4 PN^NN ugwoop Nd P NNwsNO • OOPet ON :' . o '9 .��' •�'�8N3��^'� , 3'dlPP140S'daPukh pan IsMOOft31LL9V '3'd'IPl�pe'd u ���,�H�S •� � `�` (£Lasro) -an vunmwo 15twe MW ro � IN1111111q\\f a '9 "3'd'IPM1n S'AUOPAI (£L90/VO)'Oul'N1atlnaoO0ulp"MU VK(St-ld*ON NTFRINFTPM IWP§35uq IWISOMM '£ (Awam) JeA9pNOl a1EYI4uN8 90'9090•LI ('OO P*m O uNu41N3) MALPNu1 WAd ■ M 90'ZLLO-Lt >PPIR11 �nasIM'z '3'd'uQMS'9 wOMM 'sm u091MM3 Su!pol 99'WS' CtOb en 9991,COZ0l31 7d'9UW3 *D umV%M 'JN 'Ou9al IN11 PW4WV 99-£O ,Wz ,tOL SVl 91-10P90'£CBBO LLV MrISMIR MIXIIIIIrroom WIPMRIM TURIliffm L ,Wmm op &+AAoddaS •9uo_NWl wnnwd u6W pue aP iN 9L'4SOS L-ld b4imP NNS '9 '04AK. JW gla+wmm uNW4ow ion gaau pnpW MU 'L IMPlpw poispow io w9u1Gw pauall N A4 NPANUN a4mmq& N ioWnl Nnnba 9L'f909t-1d limMaP P NIoWP 9W 1104 NNANP MW Nucgpm NIS '9 "uolpnp= Auoaw Ipllp xZ iy uNolp MW a Ma N41 eq pp q o MW )O EW91puN'1mpnitNu00 &WN9 pnp 12 and 'S 't'S' 1,730CM It SZ Met "W" Oed PLO 990t 3 may 14 pKW a 9 ouoZ p%qA aPnpN PAN A. WAN N9aMu N1aw p Vwd @141'ftssom m"m podW us o*bw Mu seW PNe i t'Z' iM l Z' L'909t Nuo90o6 Obi 49M alA= Vnpwd N11p' N1ppp N1uoq PNM Oupmba .2W1 L"P oPPmN s 9 u Pan mW -1• ByuANn PMSIM pNduf uN a111ba Jou soW Pus 9M kV" NPpNd NW P 9E9t uop" 49M sNldwoo pnPod NW'.M4 M. 9W N Pan u94M "C 'Oz149 w &"MP Ism P JOA" 9411142 PMIW oan W P9wpeq= wWuV MAW u0 130004N a P909AN PUB Pot" IN 94 P48 Wapun pnPad 'L '(ZNAH) .Nuoz ounponi kPoPA 44L 9W &W4x4 (Oed) WO Ou." @WW (L&VJ w.03 W9 9W 411m 9OUN1pww u a pue WWMNAN U909 984 PRpold NNl 't ,,suq wn 'NN1N4 Pawn PVOW eW P NNNoold lowidde e41 ul pmp q AWN iN410 AIN N io pnpad 94 &wg4NIP io &4ma naw Aaduaa 9W u1 NRI Mn INaNW aM1bu tM Aw OW4 Mu OP'3'd 'MW409'd UOPLL41 Pus NugnnwO &WIS Mt! •uopNn99y PWPNNuM 4 OMAN M )o idea VmoWy pnPad §WOW P NMIS «e IN Cl L PMM '£-Mt9'oN W N u9 PNan'Na9MoS MOPL%M "SM9N iol I900L # OO 11OWS)'3'd VWJLPS A uOIXAJ V 'w4 'M11NMmwO &W" M ti R4 pow" podw uo9NMNA3 pnWd rNdNNs Riwm £L9 490411d PA 9Lal la lodwNl gMN • PNM4L pNdNq PAIR qNi 450 &M POW N WP A AMPNM PNIW as NNNMW9 AWPINM 4PNf9N1N1 mum 3=p4ud is "PUNIN Ames" 4n9 Awasloo tNNPNtd 1 IC"911N8MV i6ttEUJ .*ANa%WO'd LPN 9NYIPe NW AV pwgnS Smoomous p= IMI"Wo g M ouI `siae�jnsuoD BmPImH M N 2I