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191©aC0�59 MULHERN+KULP RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 300 Brookside Avenue, Building 4, Ambler, PA 19002 - p 215.646-8001 - mulhernkulp.com December 26, 2019 Karen D'Onofrio WADEJURNEYHOMES 3300 Battleground Ave. Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27410 Lakewood Park Community, Florida All Models Designed By Mulhem + Kulp INSULATION @ EXT. & INT. ADJ. GARAGE WALLS CLARIFICATION M+K Project #: 195-19000 Reference MasterStructuraiPtans, preparedhyMuthern +Up, Latestrew5lon Karen: Pursuant to your request, we have prepared this letter to provide clarification on wall insulation at exterior and interior adjacent garage walls, per the request of the local building department for the above referenced community. It is our understanding that Wade Jurney Homes has chosen to use R13 Batt insulation at the locations previously mentioned. It is the responsibility of the builder to verify the chosen insulation meets all energy and building code requirements. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. ,S tG.11FR Respectfully, J%TE MULHERN & KULP STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, INC. Jose A.lzquierdo,P.E. Project Engineer �James G. Friling, P.E. Principat/DirectorofOperations DEC 2 B 2m r 00 P-Wlient Mes l 195 - Wade /urney /lomes12019119000 - GeneralOient Admin l Community-5peciSc Eva42019-12-26 - Lakewood Park - Insulation I2019-07-02 - Lakewood Park- Insulation CladAcation - Letterdocr /s/a-o(C:�S� 'l�ctzJFez� � ����zz,.izze, 1515 SE 4 7°" Street Cape,Cora,L FL. 33904 f hanei239-540-1822 oma.al pla.nvaftulfcoa cb raft'uu co w 12-10-2019 St. Lucie County Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 REF PERMIT No.1910-0659 Wade Jurney Homes 5711 Eastwood Drive, Fort Pierce, FL. 34951 Dear Sirs: The comments have been received in reference to this project, and we have the following responses for your review. 1Y Pursuant to Florida Building Code, energy conservation, 6th edition (2017) R405.5.3.1 glass areas. All glazing areas of a residence, including windows, sliding glass doors, glass in doors, skylights, etc. Shall include the manufacturer's frame area in the total window area. Window measurements shall be as specified on the plans and specifications for the residence. Detailed on plans. Response: Please refer to page GRP 2 1.2 in the clouded area we added a window Schedule with the information requested: 2. Pursuant to Florida Building Code, energy conservation, 6th edition (2017) R103.2 information on construction documents insulation materials and their R- Values detailed on plans. Response: Please refer to page GRP 2 4.2 R Values noted and Clouded for your reference. 3. Pursuant to Florida Building Code, energy conservation, 6th edition (2017) R1203.2 information on construction documents fenestration U-Factors and solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC). Detailed on plans. GOV (wip CM