HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit App - St. Lucie07072020115328AIIAPPTICAB[E INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPTICATION TO BE ACCEPTEO Date:Permit Number: -- LUG[E v Building Permit Application Planning and Development SeMkes Building ond Code Regulotion DMslon 23(n Virginlo Avenue, Fon Pierce FL U 2 Phonet 17721 462-7553 Fax (7721462-1578 Commercial X Residential Address: Mile Ma*er 144, Flodda Tumpike, Pod St. Lucio, FL 34984 Property Tax lD f:county parcel lD 3,l3l -122-0001-000-5 FPID ,[22418-s52-0I Lot No._ Block No.Site Plan Name: Project Name. FPL EV Fast Charg€rs lnstallation ol (l) Utilily Transformer, (1)NB Siation, and (6) Electric Vehicle (EV) Charge Posts with associated utility equipment ln existing Pa*lng Lot New Electrical Meter second Electrical Meter Addltlonal work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: -Mechanical - Gas Tank - Gas Piping -Shuttels - windows/Doors - Pond )L Electrlc - Plumbing -sprlnklers -Generator -Roof - Pltch Total sq. Ft of constructlon: ............- sq. Ft, of Flrst Floot: - cost of Construction: S q$.34 a-9_LJtilities: _sewer - Septic Building HeiSht: - lfvalue of construction b 25OO or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is requlred. lfvalue of HAVC ls 57,500 or morc, a RECoRDED Notlce of Commencement is requlred. PERMITAPPLICATIoN FoR: pike Electric, LLC LLc James Everidge Banner State: NC 6-y"1; mpeele@plke.com EC13003722State or County [icense Fax:336-793-9970zip666s.27030 Phone No 336-789-217-l City:Mount Airy Compa . 100 Pike way Pike Elecl,ic, Pike Elactric, LLC State: EL Name Florida Power Liohl City:Juno Beach Address Zip Code : 33408 700 Universe Blvd Phone No 267 -27 1-8599 OBTDT. I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: E-Mail', paul.rnonism@nexter*mrov.com Fill ln fee slmple Title Holder on next pate ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name of prrson makin! sEltanenl P.rsonally Known -4 oi Produced Typ€ of ldentmca$qn ,l Holder ofPubllc-ol t0 + COUNTY OF .^D \JBV\O C (Seal oF Fl.oxlgA l'r c P.oduced l'aH s st6 GG M KAHMAN Commlsslon Ex Persondly xnoxln ----:-- OR Produccd ldmdfica&n a3 &ent for Ownet comml55lon No, COUNW OF -d*H of ,,lu u Sltnalure of Owner/ STATE OF sworn to (or affirmed) and before me of Online Notarizatlon 2020 by of person mallng fit€ment Type of Produccd / MANGROVE REVIEW VEGETAIION REVIEW PTANS REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW zoNtN6 REVIEW E_-- FRONT COUNTER REVIEWS DATE D DATE COMPTETED Address: - City: State:- Name Zp: - Phon DESIGNER/ENGINEEE: Name: _ Not Applicable State: _City: Zip: _ Ph Address: BONDING COMPANY: -Not APPllcable Address: - zip:Phone Na FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER3 - Not Appllcable Address:_Name @IE@ EE[ OWNER/ GONTRACrOR AFFIDVIT: Appttca on ls herebv madc to obtlln s prmlt to do the work end lnstellaton .s lndlcatld. I ccrtlly that no work or lrutallatlon har cosuncnced ptlor to tt. ls$ancc of a plrmlL illlHilli$ffi f irf,"sffi"r#!ffiffi$$#Hi#,ffi'ffi fiffi #fi ilI$i'S#,ffi 'fl ltntffi ln con5ldlratlon of the Srandn8 of thls tcqucrtEd pemlt I do heleby alrc€ thd I wnl, ln .ll niPects-, p€rform rhe wo(k ln accordance with thc ipprond plans, thc Florldi Bulldlng cod€s ,nd St Lud. County Amcndmmts' Thclollowlng bulldlng permlt apPllcztlon3 arc er(empt lrom undcttplng a fullconorrcncy revhw: roqr 'dddons -,,,- acccssory structrcs, sltmmlng pools, fencrl wa[5 sbn5, tcrrcn tooms and acccrsoty u5€J to lnoolCr norH6l6en!1 use WARNIN 6 TO OWN ER:Your failure to Rccord a Nodc€ot Commencement may result ln paylng In the twlce lor A Noti ce of Com mencement must be re corded publlc ln flna records of st. Jobslte before the fl rst lf yoy lnte nd to obta nclng,consult cl or reco r ce of SEA TURNE REVIEW MoRTGAGE COMPA[!!Y; - Not Appllcable Clty:- Apz -Phone:_.==..-- oet af AI u .H.l{.