HomeMy WebLinkAboutSLCA 06172020 Agenda
St. Lucie Cultural Alliance w 2300 Virginia Avenue w Fort Pierce, FL 34982
772-462-2783 w ArtStLucie.org
Rebecca Miller,
Chair Miller
Permitting & Land
Kathryn Hensley, Chair Elect
St. Lucie Public Schools
Kathy Post, Treasurer
Post Insurance
David Moberg, Secretary
Indian River State College
Sandra Bogan
St Lucie County
Resources Department
Dave Bushea
Sailfish Brewery
Kim Capen
Stuart Magazine
Jeanne Johansen
Fort Pierce Art Club
Patti Tobin
City of Port St Lucie
Charlotte Lombard
Bireley Tourism Division,
St. Lucie County
Mark Satterlee
Deputy County
Administrator, St.
Lucie County
Peter J. Tesch,
Development Council
of St. Lucie
3:00 PM, Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Please Note: This meeting will take place via GoToMeeting
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412; Access Code: 650-867-685
Call to Order & W elcome Miller
Public Comment Miller
Excused Directors Moberg
Approval of 5/20/20 Minutes Miller
Consent Agenda Miller
Treasurer Report Post
Outgoing Interim Executive Levine
Director Report
Executive Director Report Ushe
Inclusion Statement Ushe
Suspend July Board Meeting Miller
New Business:
Committee work Miller
Motion to Adjourn
August 19, 2020, 3:00 PM SLCA Board Meeting
Location TBA
May 20th, 2020 SLCA Board Meeting Minutes 3:05 pm
Present: Sandra Bogan, Kim Capen, Kathryn Hensley, Jeanne Johansen, Neil Levine, Rebecca Miller,
David Moberg, Kathy Post, Mark Satterlee, Patti Tobin.
Apologies: David Bushea, Peter Tesch
Kathryn Hensley called the meeting to order.
Public Comment;
There was no public comment
Approval of Minutes
Correction to minutes offered by Sandra Bogan.
Motion for the minutes to be accepted as corrected moved by Bogan and Tobin seconded. Approved by
Consent Agenda
There was no content presented
Treasurers Report
Motion to approve as presented by Moberg and seconded by Bogan. Approved by Acclamation.
Executive Director Neil Levine Report
Dr. Levine spoke to using the Art in Public Places program to get groups of artists to work on
“thank you first responders & medical staff” murals on the side of hospitals & healthcare
centers. He advised the Board that he is working with the County on the process to get the Art
in Public Places funds unlocked so we can move forward.
Levine reported on our initiative to assist members with grant writing. Well known grant
writer, Diane Kimes, volunteered to work with us to provide a review of our members draft
grant submissions. Recognizing some members are uncomfortable with grant writing, we’ve
worked up a system whereby our members can draft a grant application and upload it for
Diane to review and help get the application into shape. This initiative was referred to as best
practice during a videoconference with the Director of the Division of Cultural Affairs, the
Secretary of State, and statewide arts leaders.
Dr. Levine then gave an update on our online digital program in support of our constituents,
and the wider communities, and referred to the social media statistics within the activities
report in the board packet. He also expressed thanks to St Lucie County’s Tourism Office for
their help in extending our online reach.
Levine then went on to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on our networking and workshop
events, and expressed the hope that they will resume during June and July and will be a focus
of membership growth.
The interim executive director updated the Board on the State budget. He reported that the
Governor has still not been presented with the budget and wants to see what Federal COVID-
19 funding will be available before signing, which means that our $25,000 grant will be in limbo
until his signature is appended to the budget.
Levine finished his report by discussing disruption and change and urged the Board to consider;
if we’re to be at the center of a sector that is being forced to take change onboard, then
leading effectively and with purpose means we rethink how to better use tools and capabilities
to connect with our constituents.
Dr. Levine then referred the Appointment of the Executive Director to our Board Chair Rebecca
Appointment of Executive Director
Miller reported to the Board that one of the top three candidates, Alyona Ushe, had recently met with
herself, the County Administrator Tipton and Assistant County Administrator Satterlee and interim
executive director Levine. Satterlee had expressed, during the executive director search, County
Administration leadership wished to meet with the appointee before Board approval. Miller spoke
about Ms. Ushe’s experience and how she felt the candidate to be a good fit. Bogan, who had served on
the search committee spoke and then there was a broad discussion, much of which focused on process,
after which Moberg motioned to approve the appointment of the candidate, seconded by Post.
Approved by Acclamation.
Any Other Business
There was no further business
Miller adjourned the meeting.
Respectively submitted,
David Moberg
Reporting period: May 20th 2020
Submitted to:
St Lucie Cultural Alliance Board of Directors,
Mark Satterlee, Deputy County Administrator,
Neil Levine Ph.D, FRSA, FCMI
Interim Executive Director,
St Lucie Cultural Alliance,
2300 Virginia Avenue,
Fort Pierce,
Florida 34982
Our vision is to promote St. Lucie County as a cultural destination, where communities are
strengthened through embracing art and culture http://www.artstlucie.org/
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Activities Report
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 3
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Stakeholder’s Framework .......................................................................................................................... 4
Aims and Scope of Work Summarized;...................................................................................................... 4
ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Convene A Board Fit For Purpose: ............................................................................................................ 5
Partnerships: ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Marketing Venues And Events - Branding: ............................................................................................... 5
Communications ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Advocacy: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Infrastructure: ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Appointment of the new Executive Director; ......................................................................................... 10
Summary and Looking Forward .................................................................................................................. 11
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix 1 - summary of goals, activities and status ............................................................................. 13
Appendix 2 – May Financial Statements ................................................................................................. 14
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Activities Report
Following Board discussion the appointment of the new Executive Director was
approved, unanimously, and the successful candidate began with the organization
during the last week of May. An introduction from the Chair of the Board was
broadcast and some notes of ‘welcome’ were received. As this document is an
introductory report it is therefore, by necessity, somewhat succinct.
Some early training was undertaken by the Executive Director and an ongoing high
level review of the social media element of our existing communications plan was
begun - as was an initial review of our website.
The tempo of our online digital program transitioned to re-focus from the “at home”
support for our constituents to featuring partial openings and encouraging attendees
to explore growing options, whilst staying safe. We continued to build and present an
extensive collection of resources and activities, but now encourage safe in-person
participation where possible.
In order to facilitate a program resumption, we sent invitations soliciting individuals to
serve on the Art in Public Places Advisory Board as representatives of Commissioners.
A comprehensive State grant application was completed and submitted in a timely
manner. Appropriations for this grant will support our general operating budget,
and we wish to thank all of those who wrote letters in support of our grant request.
We continue to participate, as a robust advocates, with statewide arts leaders, as
we monitor the ongoing situation with the State budget. At this time the Legislature
has not passed the proposed budget to the Governor for signature.
As the strictures of social distancing loosen we would hope to present a networking
event that heralds a “re-up membership” campaign during the June/July period. We
will also work towards recruiting more Directors, and explore funding base
diversification in the wake of a new normal.
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Our monthly reports articulate the activities of the County’s designated Local Arts
Agency [LAA], St Lucie Cultural Alliance [SLCA], as it transitions into a sustainable
LAA. All reported activities are informed by the framework agreed during early
public meetings and respond directly to the ‘Aims and Scope of Work’ within the
County Agreement. This report also discusses constrains and opportunities as
determined by the current pandemic.
Stakeholder’s Framework;
The County’s Designated LAA’s activities, as informed by the framework agreed
by stakeholders during early public meetings are articulated as;
Being a partnership nexus and robust advocate for the whole sector
Being broadly inclusive and a facilitator
Assisting in seeking grants and with grant writing
Engaging with education in both formal and informal settings
Providing marketing and promotion to publicize artists and events
Creating and managing a cohesive arts and culture calendar
Seeking broad partnership opportunities
Aims and Scope of Work Summarized;
Board; Board of Directors, ensuring governance, oversight, and acting as ambassadors.
Partnership; a nexus for partnerships supporting the mission and benefitting our partners.
Reporting; timely reporting.
Branding; developing a coherent branded cultural offering to market cultural venues,
events and artists, and assist in increasing attendance and sales.
Education; work to ensure the arts are part of student's educational experiences.
Advocacy; engaging as robust advocates.
Infrastructure; transition all activities from contractor to SLCA staff or local services.
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Convene A Board Fit For Purpose:
Goal; A representative and effective Board of Directors to act as ambassadors
and ensure good governance and oversight.
May’s Board Meeting was conducted via
conference call as we continue practicing social
distancing. The Cultural Alliance recognizes the
need to continue growing a Board that’s
representative of the county, however due to the
unprecedented circumstances dictated by the
pandemic this work is somewhat constrained - for the
time being.
Goal; Provide a nexus for partnerships that support the SLCA mission and benefit
our partners.
During May we continued to partner with bloggers to assist in pushing out our
general engagement initiatives. We continued to work closely with St Lucie
County’s Tourism Office who have enabled us to extend our reach.
We suggest that those individuals who contributed to our participation in the
County’s recovery planning be encouraged to be a part of a SLCA Board Advisory
Group and it’s suggested this group be convened in the near future.
Marketing Venues And Events - Branding:
Goal; develop and implement a coherent branded cultural offering to market our
cultural venues, events and artists, and assist in increasing attendance and sales.
We have begun to position and promote those
cultural venues, such as museums and galleries, as
the social distancing strictures relax and they are
slowly able to begin revitalizing their business. Of
course, it has not been possible for venues or large-
scale events where people congregate to operate
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at this time, so that marketing support will follow next
step guidance. We have continued our ‘stay home’
interactive online campaign to “keep art alive” during
lockdown as this maintains our profile and that of the
sector. The campaign continues to inform, inspire,
amuse, present fun and educational activities.
Networking events
We can report no further update on last month’s observation that, although we had
wished to follow up the successful economic impact report roll-out with a networking
event that has not proved possible under the present social distancing circumstances. We
are hopeful that we’ll be able to address this gap in our provision by July.
As with networking events, we had wished to re-start our best practice workshop events
during May but this has not proved possible due to the pandemic.
Social media marketing continued to focus on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Google, with Mailchimp email marketing. Our reach and impact was measured using Yoast
SEO plugin, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel, as we promote SLCA members, and
position our organization. We also continue to work with recently lapsed memberships ; this
gesture is an investment which will pay dividends when we launch a campaign to
encourage our lapsed members to rejoin, and gain new members and organizations.
This report details continuing audience growth as we maintain engagement with shared
content across all social media channels.
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● Instagram’s audience grew by 13% in May.
● Over 13% more users are finding artstlucie on Google compare to last month
● The homepage was the most viewed page on the website in May, followed by the
Keep Art Alive campaign page and the COVID-19 resources page.
● The LinkedIn page gained 96% more followers in May.
● As social distancing restrictions ease, and we wind down the Keep Art Alive
campaign, we are continuing to receive submissions with creative projects.
Overall, our virtual audience grew from 2,572 to 2,606 with 3,114 engagements
across all social media platforms.
Taking a new look;
Looking at the broader picture, there is a new approach to organizational
communications and positioning which may provide an interesting model for us.
An example might be Italian Vogue which has encouraged children to populate
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the covers of Vogue Italia for several issues –
broadening reach and penetration in a ‘brand’
new way – and we can learn from this…
If we delivered a multi-month campaign that
provided our website landing page as a
platform for children/young people in a similar
way, we would be bringing in their extended
families – we’d experience greater reach and
penetration as we engaged with the broader
The cost for such a campaign would be very low
but the potential gains would be considerable.
Goal; we will engage as robust advocates, locally and at state, and will commission
local economic contribution studies as a tool for advocacy.
We have continued to participate with Florida Cultural Alliance, the Division of
Cultural Affairs, and other arts leaders from throughout the State as we explore best
practice and available resources that may support our constituents.
Update on State funding for the arts;
A comprehensive State grant application was completed and submitted to
the Division of Cultural Affairs in a timely manner. This is fully detailed elsewhere
in this document. Appropriations for this grant will support our general
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operating budget, and we wish to thank all of those who
wrote letters in support of our grant request.
Although this organization continues to participate, as a
robust advocate, as we monitor the ongoing situation with
the State budget, our direct interest is in Line Item 3179A,
which is the line item for the $25,000 grant and is intended to
support the new ED compensation. We are delighted that both
the Senate and the House have allocated 100% funding
[$2,881,168] for all 125 Culture Builds Florida Matching Grants.
However, at this time of writing, due to the impact of COVID-19 the Legislature
has not passed the proposed budget to the Governor for his signature. We
note that the current fiscal year ends June 30th.
When Governor DeSantis receives the bills he has 15 days to sign, veto, or allow
them to become law without his signature. He also has line-item veto power
on the budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year that was approved by the
Legislature in March and is slated to take effect July 1st. However, the $93.2
billion budget was built on tax estimates that relied heavily on industries such
as tourism - all suffering considerable negative impact of the coronavirus
Goal; Transition financial, website, support, social media, reporting and
marketing activities from consultants to SLCA staff or locally contracted services.
Our Treasurer has now begun the transition
from Wells Fargo to Center State bank and we
expect this to be completed before the end
of May – not least of all because the interim
executive director signed to open the
account and is now required, by Wells Fargo,
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to close the account.
The Paycheck Protection Program application
documents are being presented to CenterState, our
new bank, for consideration under the PPP program,
acceptance of which will considerably enhance our
organizational cash flow.
Appointment of the new Executive Director;
One of the top 3 candidates was invited to an online meeting with the County
Administrator, Assistant County Administrator, SLCA Board Chair and the interim
executive director. Following discussion, leadership at the County Administration
voiced approval of the candidate.
At the subsequent Board Meeting, Chair Miller
presented the candidate for the Board’s
approval and appointment to the position of
executive director and this proposal was
welcomed unanimously. The new Executive
Director was appointed and commenced with
the cultural alliance on May 25th
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Summary and Looking Forward
Following Board discussion the appointment of the new Executive Director was agreed
unanimously, and the new Executive Director began with the organization during the
last week of May, with an introduction from the Chair of the Board being broadcast.
Some early training was undertaken by the Executive Director and an ongoing high
level review of the social media element of our existing communications plan was
begun - as was an initial review of our website.
Our online digital program began to transition as we re-focused from the “at home”
support for constituents to featuring partial openings, and encouraging attendees to
explore growing options, whilst staying safe. We continued to build and present an
extensive collection of resources and activities, but now encourage safe in-person
participation where possible.
Art in Public Places; we sent invitations asking individuals to serve on the Advisory
Board, as representatives of Commissioners, as we facilitate a resumed program.
A comprehensive State grant application was completed and submitted to the
Division of Cultural Affairs in a timely manner. Appropriations for this grant will
support our general operating budget, and we wish to thank all of those who wrote
letters in support of our grant request.
This organization continues to participate, as a robust advocate, alongside arts
leaders from throughout the State, as we monitor the ongoing situation with the
arts funding tied to the State budget. At this time of writing, the Legislature has not
passed the proposed budget to the Governor for his signature.
The current fiscal year ends June 30th. When Governor DeSantis receives the bills he
has 15 days to sign, veto, or allow them to become law without his signature. He
also has line-item veto power on the budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year that was
approved by the Legislature in March and is slated to take effect July 1st. However,
it’s to be noted that the budget [$93.2 billion] was built on tax estimates that relied
heavily on industries such as tourism, which are suffering the considerable negative
impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
As the strictures of social distancing loosen we would hope to present a networking
event that heralds a “re-up membership” campaign during the June/July period.
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During this time, we will also work towards recruiting more Directors to the Board,
and explore funding base diversification in the wake of a new normal. And, that
the Board will work to develop a strategic forward plan during an August retreat.
Banksy – an artist’s Appreciation for healthcare workers;
With his permission, the Banksy piece will be auctioned off to benefit the hospital – it is
expected to realize around $3m…
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Appendix 1 - summary of goals, activities and status
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Appendix 2 – May Financial Statements
Balance Sheet
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Period Budget Vs Actuals and Full Year
Executive Director’s Report
I am honored and excited to have been selected as your next Executive Director. I applaud the
great success that the Board of Directors and Dr. Neil Levine have achieved since the
organization’s reincarnation in 2018 and its full autonomy in the fall of 2019. I especially take
my hat off to Dr. Levine for building a robust and reliable organizational infrastructure. The
production of a sector-wide economic impact study, creating SLCA policies and procedures and
employee handbook, presenting professional training seminars for regional artists, and
increasing SLCA membership to list a few, in such a short time, are significant accomplishments.
His are big shoes to fill, and I look forward to working with you to build on his success.
May Report:
Since officially coming on board on May 26, 2020, the remainder of that week was devoted to
the completion of the Department of State General Program Support Grant for FY 22 proposal.
I identified three main goals as key initiatives for the
GOAL 1: Grow St. Lucie County’s Cultural Economy
Rationale: St. Lucie County houses many artists and cultural institutions. The objective of this
goal is to provide additional support to existing members of our cultural economy while
incentivizing new organizations and artists to make St. Lucie County their home.
Identify new performance and exhibition venues
• Identify local schools, universities, and businesses with possible performance and
exhibition spaces to make their venues available to organizations and artists at
reduced rates
• Partner with developers to use vacant properties and storefronts to present Pop-Up
art-in-unusual-places and hosting four presentations annually in these locations
Assist and strengthen local arts organizations infrastructure
• Promote grant application assistance initiative launched by Neil Levine that enables
our members to submit draft grant proposals for review by Diane Kimes, a well-
known grant writer and a volunteer member of your Cultural Alliance team
• Work with the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development team to identify
new business partners to serve on cultural boards
• Facilitate a Board-Match program that aligns the interests of business leaders to the
needs of the nonprofits through an application and an interview process
Continue to advocate for the support of the sector locally, statewide and nationally
• Institute a robust program of advocacy by participating with Florida Cultural Alliance,
the Division of Cultural Affairs and other arts leaders, to illustrate the benefits
accrued by our communities when the arts and cultural sector thrives
• Participate in political discourse in a concerted effort to positively influence public
• Provide evidence of economic impact and growth to elected officials, business, and
community leaders by the commissioning of local economic contribution studies and
increase participation in the survey with additional members of the creative
GOAL 2: Develop One Performing Arts Pilot Program in a Title One School
Rationale: Launching educational initiatives and collaborating with local teaching artists has
been a longstanding goal for SLCA. As a pilot program, the SLCA would work with St. Lucie
Public Schools to identify at least one Title One School, collaborate with educators to identify the
needs of the student body, and work with qualified artists-in-residence in responding to those
• Develop a process to select local talent to provide services that best address the
school's specific needs.
• Create a corporate sponsorship program and foundation grant proposals to assist
with funding this initiative.
• Create an Annual Community-Wide Celebration: Arts, Culture, and Education
Fundraiser to fund this and other SLCA educational initiatives.
GOAL 3: Develop New Initiatives to Assure SLCA Resilience, Sustainability, and Growth
Rationale: Diversify SCLA contributed and earned revenue is critical for the success and growth
of the organization. Contributed revenue will remain the primary source of income for the next
several years. Here too, we need to create incentives and programs that philanthropists,
business leaders, and other individual supporters can rally around. Our earned revenue, as of
now, consists primarily of membership fees. By offering new incentives to join, the SLCA will
further expand its membership base.
In the proposal, I outlined the following goals:
• Expand the Board of Directors by 20%
• Double participation on Board Committees by inviting philanthropists, business owners,
and civic leaders to join SLCA Board committees
• Hold quarterly fundraising and donor appreciation events for prospective and current
• Increase Membership by 20% by offering new membership incentives including
discounts and exclusive deals by local merchants, artists, and cultural organizations to
• Submit a minimum of one proposal to a foundation each quarter
June Update
My goal for the first two weeks of June was to get a deep and accurate understanding of the
current organizational infrastructure and the challenges and achievements of the local creative
I started reviewing all aspects of SLCA’s operation, including:
• Familiarizing myself with Policies & Procedures and Employee Handbook
• Review Membership Benefits and Subscription Rate
• Self-training on NEON, SLCA’s CRM and on the administrative back end of the website
• Working with Neil Levine and Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank to change accounts
to CenterSate Bank
• Had a meeting with Rebecca Miller, Chair of the Board, to understand better the vision
for the organization, Board priorities, and expectations
• Started scheduling meetings with Board Members to discuss the reason for support and
involvement, programming assessment and suggestions
• Reviewing and working with Communications Manager to develop action steps for the
Communication Plans to get the best return on investment (ROI) on social media
advertising strategy
• Reviewed previous grants
The initial eblast from the new executive director encouraged St. Lucie's creative community to
reach out to me and share their interest, triumphs, and tribulations. As the direct result of that
email, I set up numerous meetings, including:
• Preston Contemporary Dance Theatre
• Treasure Coast Community Singers
• Tykes and Teens
• Ft Pierce Jazz & Blues Society
County Administration:
• Howard Tipton, County Administrator
• Peter Jones, Economic Development Manager
• Charlotte Bireley, Director of Tourism & Marketing
Board Members:
• Jeanny Johansen
• David Bushea
Action Steps
1. Develop “Best Practices” used by other Local Arts Agencies
2. Committee Structures with job descriptions
a. Executive
b. Finance
c. Education & Outreach
d. Membership
e. Development and Special Events
f. Major Donor Cultivation
g. Advisory Groups
3. Update Membership benefits
4. Schedule meetings with current and inactive members
5. Schedule an artist meeting for input on next SLCA campaign
On a personal note – I am looking for a home in St. Lucie County and can’t wait to become a
full-time member of our great community.
Communications: Submitted by Dieulanie Claude
I have continued to work on the website updates, with a focus on brand consistency and user-
friendliness. All page colors and layouts are being themed with the SLCA colors, and layouts and
schemes look similar to the Keep Art Alive campaign page.
As of June 1st, the SLCA’s phone number has been added to the contact page of the website, as
well as the footer. A landing page and a blog page were created to include a message from our
chair, Rebecca Miller, welcoming new executive director, Alyona A. Ushe, and communications
manager, Dieulanie Claude, and expressing her gratitude to Dr. Neil Levine, our interim
executive director.
New staff members were also added to the “About Us” page. Additionally, a blog page linked to
a press release was created to introduce Alyona. A board members page, a staff page, along
with staff bio pages were created. Lastly, a cleaner version of the Alliance’s logo has been
placed on the header of the website, and a new banner was added to the homepage and linked
to the message from the chair.
Since the 1st of June, 240 users have made 743 visits to the website. In the near future, I plan to
increase website visits by exploring more marketing options, such as SEO and Google Ads.
We continue to focus social media efforts on 7 different channels, Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Pinterest and YouTube.
During the first week of June, our virtual audience grew from 2606 to 2739 with 764 engaged
thus far.
In one week alone:
• Facebook audience increase by 18%
• And Linked in page gain 49% increase
Currently, our email marketing audience is at 717 subscribers. Out of 1382 emails sent with the
message from the chair and welcoming our new executive director, there was a 34%
interaction, including open and clickthrough rate, almost double that of the 17.8% average
open rate for all industries.
We look forward to growing our contact list and clickthrough rate with ongoing engagement
Lastly, since the COVID-19 pandemic, I have forwarded the SLCA phone number to my personal
cellphone and have been providing excellent customer service to our members, friends and
partners in the community, including membership services, web support, and meeting with
potential partners.
St. Lucie Cultural Alliance w 2300 Virginia Avenue w Fort Pierce, FL 34982
772-462-2783 w ArtStLucie.org
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement
At St Lucie Cultural Alliance we believe that a diverse, inclusive, and equitable
workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race,
ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability,
feels valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and
provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our programs
of work. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that
all voices are valued and heard.
To provide informed, authentic leadership for cultural equity, St Lucie Cultural
Alliance strives to:
• See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission and critical to
ensure the well-being of our staff and the arts communities we serve.
• Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems,
programs, and services, and continually update and report organization progress.
• Advocate for and support board-level thinking about how systemic inequities
impact our organization’s work, and how best to address that in a way that is
consistent with our mission.
• Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions.
• Commit time and resources to expand more diverse leadership within our
board, staff, committee, and advisory bodies.
• Lead with respect and tolerance, and expect all employees to embrace this
notion and to express it in workplace interactions and through all practices.
St Lucie Cultural Alliance abides by the following action items to help promote
diversity and inclusion in our workplace:
• Pursue cultural competency by creating substantive learning opportunities and
formal, transparent policies.
• Commit to diversity and inclusion for underrepresented constituents.
• Work towards diversity, inclusion, and equity internally, and for members, and
the community.
• Be more intentional and conscious of bias during hiring, promoting, and
evaluating staff.
• Advocate for policies that promote diversity, inclusion, and equity, and
challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity.
Rebecca Miller,
Chair Miller
Permitting & Land
Kathryn Hensley, Chair Elect
St. Lucie Public Schools
Kathy Post, Treasurer
Post Insurance
David Moberg, Secretary
Indian River State College
Sandra Bogan
St Lucie County
Resources Department
Dave Bushea
Sailfish Brewery
Kim Capen
Stuart Magazine
Jeanne Johansen
Fort Pierce Art Club
Patti Tobin
City of Port St Lucie
Charlotte Lombard
Bireley Tourism Division,
St. Lucie County
Mark Satterlee
Deputy County
Administrator, St.
Lucie County
Peter J. Tesch,
Development Council
of St. Lucie