HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment· . . f tructure but .does not provide ih\s contract provides for re-treatment o a s • . for the repair of damages caused by wood destroying organisms. SENTRICON~ SERVICE AGREEMENT LIMITED RETREAT GUARANTEE for f:8.castem Sub1s.7anean Termites· .~ Formosan T!rmftes ~STARK,>.. 1/F EXTERMJNATORS'T ~-n-"'_.....,.,.c.,,p,, Zip~• • TYPE o, ST~UCTIJJ'IE;~ESI0El'iTIAL-.•. :lCOMMERClM..--:l MLJLnUMT: Bto(;S. IJ: _______________ _ STRUC"flJAES FOR SERVICE: !)11.MAJ"N OWEUINO .•. -... ··-.•. ..OOTHER: =-,:-=,.,.,.er.:-:-:::=::----~==;.:--------- TYP!! OF JNITJAL TREATIIIE~ ···-·•-·liilPOST-CCN$Tl'lllCTION .......... a ~JEW•CONSTRUCTIOl't .......... ..ooT1-<ER; . T • PURPOSE OF $1:al<YICE: !APREVENT\ON ................................ OPRESUMP:NE W.DENCE •.•.•••••• ·-····-·•···.0 EXi5nNG 1/IIFES ATION LOC:ATION OF r.OTICEOF SERVICE; fj{IN:A .••.•....•.•.. OA.TTIC, •• -_. ........ .QCAAWL..-......... -OOTHER; __________ _ INITIAL lNVESn'l!!NT ";\).. ). • • lflit,aJ Cost ....... ,,.,._ .•.. , ................... .$ ________ _ Olner "'otu ........................................ s ________ _ ACSYan:atd nenewal FM ..................... .s, _________ _ S;ill1:s Tu .•..••..•.... _ ..................... _ •• .lS ...,...,,...-.---,c------ tOTA1,.INmALCOST .•...•.. ,_ ........... _.$ 1.~S'. OQ,._ __ _ ME™OO OF PAYMENT oCHECK UCASH QAMEX t.;WC OVISA OOISC llenewal Muitenance Fe-,·•--$.,,..,.-'· ~::;...,.;;;...c-•....;'>;...O;;-------,,---- F¼newel Fre:iuency .. --·--·-· Q Monlr'.ly !:10t/811eflv '{NrP.AJto/ Scanned ~ith CamScanner ._____. ii Subterranean ierm\te So\\ ,reatment Bu\\ders G . This fl)nn ts completed by the buUder. uarantee A-VW~CaseNo~---------------- ~el'~Name·. --------------------------- C s - Se HOI SLF Aulllorued Slgnaue: --------------------- \ ' \ ........ --. New Construction Subtenanean Termite Soll Treatment Record nils form i, camplsted t:,y the licensed Pest Control Company. ihll T91)0rt a aillmlltad for lntQrrnallanal ~ ID tie bu!leler on pl'Ol)Olled ~) CO!\llr\lG1lcn cae. "'1en 101 iro11men1 fatJ11'1Yen11011 Gf aubtl:rlaNI~ tem,l\e 1nleSWlon Is spedtled tJy the b\Alder. artnnett. or le(llllfed by Ille lender, llth!tect. FHA. a, VA. All CIOl1b'acts tor nrAces are between \tie Pest Cornltll 0pe1810f and builder, unleeS l1alad Cl1het'wtle. s1ctton ,~ Oanenit lntonnatlon (Trealtng Company lnformalfoll) Company Name: £.~~"' ~k.W"'~""'-~ ~. company h1dreU' ~~S-~"-':1 U\ ~ · C1tr, \rm,bc~\") S?alls: f': Zip: v,., 7 Ccmpany Suemess Ucense No! :::Sf> ) '< '\ ~ d:J:: Compa/ly P'-No,:f27J:) ~a ..,):t \{ ~ t'H>NA Cu. No. l\t any}: .... •·· .... f ' ._. I '. ! I Florida Department of Agricu\tu:-e and Consumer Services Division of Agricu\turnl Environmental Services Bure~u of inspection and lncd~nt Rcspo·nse CONSUMER NOTICE FORM 312S Conner Blv.d, Suite N. Tallahas.see, R. 32399·16SO l)iigomplainti(nlF,.,mfrt>mfk>rtrfa.rom ·,m:ou ht11iur.1• fl\lto CCll,\NI\S'.;\ONtft ~111'1 ~l:·14.105, f.A.C. 1·e1cph0r'e: {CS()j G17•79$: I"~ (850) ~i7-7$8 Apes\ confro\ compan'f must gi-vc you a wfilten .con\ract prior to any·treatmer.l of each wood-destroying organism, It is ver~ irnr--ortan\ U,a\ you read anti understand lhe <:ontract yciu are signing. ihe pest control compary !s Oliy obligated to folo~ lt\e terms o! the conltcc\ '/Oll have signed, 1egardless of o\her statements by the company or satesoerson. (Nole~ Contracts- for tre~tment let new C0l'\Struc\ion can be issued to the builder 3nd p.rmlid8d to you at closing}. · . . . . . <: ~/\SIC Rr.QU~REM'E.NiS fOR CON'fRAC~ . .. . . . . . . ·y;. The c:or,tract m u st stMe the common Nlmo of the .wood-deslroying 019anism to be eonirolled by the company(e:g. . · subterranean termlte, IJ<)Wder post b~lle). 1f the contract: is r or \orr:iite control. the conlracl must cl~arly state whether i .,~~ f-om,9san termites are covered or not. : .. · · · ~.-· .. --;~ .. ; ~m·e coot racl.S do nof lncludo ;i treatment ~t ihe time the contract is issued. and that shouir;t bo cle.Jrly ·slated. If .a ~;')~\ trel'ltm~t !3 nc,formed as p.:irl of the corwacl, the cost for tha lreatment must be stated. ff; lt:e ITE!lilment is only for .'.' ·,. cert.ii_n areas. the co,itrat:1 should c\~arly state that it is for -spot treatmenr only. ·: · · · · • ... : lt~ COl"lract ITIIJSl Stata if it is a retreatm~rt only Ol' a retre.atment a~,d repair contract. If it is ._a. retreatmenl and :~ep$i" ', . c.ontroct. care-fully read tl'le sections of \he c::m l ract that state wh~r. repaira ·w1I 1 or 111/ift not be covered by ft:1.e contract. .. . P.EOUIREM"ENT~_E_QR STATING WHEN TREATMENT OR REPAIRWlU, NOT SE C.QVEREO BV TtJE CQNJRACT • Repaic contracts will oot cover repairs from hinnilc damage )Jfl.d-ar every·ccn<Siticn. The controct rpusl slate when retrealment or repa,r vJill be done . .:lid conditions undet' which.the company can r-efuse to retrnat or repair. These condi'tions ha-vc to hP. stateo a "Id be under headings in the c:ontrar-t thcJl are ill bold print. Companil!s typically refuse repair or retreamicnt ii the condition of the house Is such that mo~1re or leaks result in termi•.e Infestation, or where sidins ma¼.es it hErd to $8B tarmite h!eslation · Examples of this a re : .. crac~ In conc,ete st:ibs • Wood or VJ?II siding ii contact with ground . • Leaks in the roof •Water accum:.ila"ng against side or !Jouse • P l umbing leaks . . . The law .cloes i:equtre that companies not~Y Y?U if they see. condition!i whlcli v..r~ld vold :he repair promise and tt,ey ~e to give you a chance to correct the conclit10n ~efore voiding lhe con\r.ic\ or d~n~ng repa1r coverage. . . .. Contracts ffi<,ly have a contition 1h3t ~~s r?I co~er Formosan.termite oamage until a :-pecific \lme poriod has. passed., This means that if damage occurs dunng 1t1s period the ~pany will not payfor repair. . . . . ·.·. h · the rigtrl to compare contracts from other companies before signing a contract with a comp,my. Choose the -~~ r . companyttiat.gives yrn.1 the bestconlrac\ op ion~. • _- questions ·::=JboUI th&terms of the cootract. or conc~ms al>~t ltle compllance hl~ory ot }ho company with • If you 1';!~e a"i~ontrol laws or mgulations. contact tne Oeparlmeo~of A9~l~tll~e·~-~d-~o~~rSe~~~ tit phone __ . · 1 . L ~~~~r; ~-6·!7 _ 7 996 0 ~ email: bllrcomplalnts@lresJ:1,romf\orld~GVl-:•· .· • . .. . VP"£· .. • lC.~···S"(,/~ ~~,· :. ...... .: ... : · , Into a contract with ;>\~'<S,. ~)c.W1::-!,M'\ \1:1\S.. (flllln comr,mnynam.?) to I understand that I am !?ntering m(s) 1reatinent and I have read and uncie,·slood tt)a terms of tho contract. provide wood-destroying org.1n1s . • . . . . . rJ r PLA-.Jf: .. (t""i ~~'...,1-< 03le: ~ --/~-2-<'.!i.,v -Prlr\l~eo,[' ons~ C d L~ W'S"/'-, . __ A ~ ~ : · Tille: pfderty Owne r or authortzed aKent "V A~ -~ ~~ \ ~ ,~ SICJ"lllure . .,:-D~tf>.: __ '& __ -_,_J_-_A_v __________ _ "¼,---~ ~ ~ ~f'!i R!!P'csentative Company: bW's5-- Scanned with CamScanner __ .,. ln<M utormlnato~• 8nnd Post Construction Wood Destroying Organism/Insect Treatment Checklist & Completion Certificate ompany Namei\~~~f"'-~"-\h:.S Customer Name: ptlh~ H 1 ±ltllJ!" ~ treet Address: Sl> \ :r: ~--/ v ~ 4--Service Address: ,£~\\ .So'-\'½. .._,'c,? k L :ity, State, Zip: \J:t, t> 'e>:,t1.,Cb E'-&} 4 ~ 7 City, State, Zip: f'>n · iP'1ft:1-: "tl -&+A 3 'Ci-" 'hone#: '7.:,.}-S\io -Stt \f Date: ~-o Phone#: ~ \ -,a, -3~b Date: ' -.J.l .JII . Service Information _2..sentricon Installation only _ Sentricon Installation wnimited liquid treatment _ EP/IST(Defined treatment) _ Comprehensive Liquid Treatment _ Moisture Control _ Drywood Alternative Treatment _ Wood treatment for Termites and/or Wood Boring Beetles _ Wood treatment for Wood Decay Fungi _ Crawl Space Encapsulation Home Service Prof . Attention: Home Evaluators and Service Professionals: , d Initial below In appropriate areas. . ~ No one home at time of service _£_ t Customers with E.1.F.S. or RB.I. below grade have been advised that it is best practice to remediate the below grade cond itions and that a secondary infestation could exist after treatment with a liquid or bait system installation. I have inquired whether any inhabitants are sensitive to odors or have respiratory conditions. Customer has been advised that there may be some odor associated with liquid treatments. &-- 41- / / I have inquired about the custome~s source of water (well. cistern, spring, city water, etc.) and discussed with them the location of any sub-slab HVAC ducts, radiant heat lines, trench drains, electrical lines and other treatment issues and have noted these on the treatment graph. I have inquired about customer installed service lines for items such as gas grills. outdoor kitchens, gas or electric lanterns. spas, pools. irrigation systems, / outdoor buildings. etc. Any of the previous items have been noted on the treatment graph. _L_ I have inspected the interior and exterior of the structure to locale any hollow stoops or porches, encapsulated/sealed crawl spaces. cracks in slabs or foundation walls. or unusual construction elements and noted these on the treatment graph. t-~ At the completion of treatment, the structure will meet state treatment standards. Yes <Y.) or No ( ). If no. appropriate state exception form signed by custorr .er is attached to contract and graph. # I have r equested Utility Marking as required by appropriate local and/or state regulations (Bait systems only) and marking has been scheduled: Date Scheduled: JL,a, ~ db Expiration Date: :J.._;1_,~o Reference#: \ 1 \ oo ~ 't '1 ':\ _L I have performed a visual inspection for utility markings prior to any power augering or concrete/asphalt coring. ,d2 All vertical drill holes have been plugged and patched to company standards. ~ l have inspected the entire structure. There was no spillage of product during the application procedure. I have cleaned and swept-up the treatment areas and left the property in a neat and orderly fashion. ~ All Sentricon stations are properly seated and flush with the surrounding grade. Time in: 2S "\~ 1n\tpm Time out: '.:I ~0-_po)/ pm Date of Completion:_____b_t u_, J-od o I I - Target Pest: Other: . ~o I Method of Applicatlon: I .1 / I I I l I I Product(s) applied: Sentricon: Linear Footage 177 # of stations installed .;i_) Recruit AG stations installed ea: Location(s): Total Gallons ,~- Linear Footage Rate of Per foot of Wooci Treatment: Area Treated Application Depth used -., - 4 aal/10 If Purpose of Treatment: Corrective Preventative Slab 4 aal/10 If Stud wall application: Linear ft (x} height in inches Exterior Trench 4 aal/10 If Sub Floor application: Square Footage of floor space: Interi or Trench 2 aal/10 If NIA Rate of Application: Veneer Dilution Rate: 2 aal/10 If NIA Block Voids per each NIA Amount Used: Piers 4 aal/10 If Service Professional ,Co111ments/Speclal Instructions: Filled Porch ,_ Total ""' ~ ~-\-« -#/ l ~'-I ~ -.)..3-:)..t, ::r~.lSoto~ ,~j~u ~s;\6101 s~•~:x of (Cl~ " . ) ,~-ol•& I ;,•'f.Z:i l.2?5 '00 ;.o~e7•,-·~ ./9..... -v 10 /--"''""t:7'"" '(/ ..... ~ 'l tisfaction. I have received a L as been explained and performed to my sa Customer S1gnatureV The work h . ment treatment graph, treatment specification sheet, this ~ co of the service agree ' Date· __________________ _ PY rfficate and all other associated documents. · - ce I SEE PRODUCT INFORMATION, CUSTOMER INFORMATION & PRECAUTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. fL-SAS-147 Revised 2-20 ~---------------·-· -~,,.,~.,,.,~,:,,':TT:1:,.:,~., -~--_,..,..,..,._ -.-- »IB41+ -111Anwi ElllflnNlon' ~ Owners/Agents Name: ~\~\-·C...\i ~,tJ~~ Ph: ______ Other Ph: ______ Email: ________ _ INSPECTION GRAPH Date: (o I t] I ct 0 Inspector: :f~ J2e# Occupants/Purchasers Name: _______ Hm Ph: _______ Other Ph: _______ Emai l: __________ _ Service Address:~':\ ~~~W'\V\'~ \.n.. City: ~~~:t[t,'(.-State: AL Zip Code: ! 't ~ I.) 7 Size of Structure: ~J}... CODE: 0 ACTIVE INFESTATION ~I O :WOOD DECAY FUNGl=WDF O •MOISTURE CONDITION=M O PREVIOUS INFESTATION 0 POWDER POST BEETLES=PP SSIBLE HIDDEN DAMAGE=PHD O EXISTING VISIBLE DAMAGE=® 0 INACCESSIBLE AREAS=* CONDUCIVE CONDITIONS: 0 PO O INADEQUATE VENTILATI0N=IV O STANDING WATER=SW O CELLULOSE DEBRIS=CD 0 WOOD TO GROUND CONTACT=WGC E DAMAGE/INFESTATION: LOCATION OF VISIBL .A. _ . . □ Liquid Treatment O Physical Barrier O Partial Treatment O Other: ________ _ TYPE OF TREATMENT: ~a1t1ng System rt I I ') \l PRODUCT: it Uv ,:r \:\, Q ESTIMATED O GALLONS / 7' STATIONS: ~~ TREATMENT DATE: _it_ _aL -Access Information _______ _ Water Well: I I NO I I Yes·# of Feet---- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: O Outside Power D Take Generator □ Take Inspection Report D Label To Customer O Collect Payment: $ SFL-SAS-100 •Moisture Meter Readings Required Revised 2/le crawl space 0 1-A. ""' "'"''"~ debris from 111111 premises f Treat soil D Trench ~ adjacent to D Rod foundation Treat soil adjacent to foundation walls Treat soil adjacent lo »JS!!+ □ Comprehensive Treatment □ Defined Treatment ~Sentricon* System ----an Arrow Extenninators• Company STATE...,_~_\.... ___ ZIP CODE 6 '-\. \51 09. Drill & treat brick veneer void 010. Treat inside perimeter of garage slab 0 10-A. real inside rimeter o Drill & treat concrete basement floor □ 15. Treat expansion joints ~ j~rJ. real areas .::r ~ . ood borers . • owderpostbeetles __ 21 . Set wood supports on concrete pads# __ 22. reak ground ntact on epslringers . "II( )A 23. eat Inside . . . :j - j =:::::-r::=-:,-,--- Prepare & install vent shields# 0 27. Drill & treat stone foundation voids D 28. Drill & treat double brick foundation voids D 29. Drill & treat triple brick foundation voids 030 .•• Rod & treat , _ planter box r.:tR:l 1=~ ~~~ □ 31. Install floor supports # __ □ 32. Install Inspection Panel D 33. ~ Treat entrances )& in slab-bathtub • • . and sewer lines .• , · ·• · · •~ •., D 34 . Drill & treat along partition wall D 35 .. Treat areas·\P' for: drywood termites _ . • · □ 36. Prepare floor surface for drilling 0 Tile O Carpet D Hardwood D Terrazzo SFL-SAS-125