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Brenton permit app
ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATloN T0 8 Date: Building Permit Ap Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virg.In.Ia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial CEPTED it Number: ation i Residential XXXXXXXx PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Roof PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LjocATION: Address: 14366 AZucena CTFort Pierce] FL 34951 Legal Description:SPANISH LAKES FAIRWAYS LEASEHOLD ESTATE (0 0-1934) THAT PART OF SEC AS SHOWN IN OR 2380-1934 BEING LOT 14366 AZUCENA (BLK 34 LOT 4) (0.14 A Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: Proj.ect Name: 1306-501 -0559-000-3 Setbacks Front Back: DETAILED DESCRIPTloN OF WORK: REMOVE EXISTING ROOF & REPLACE ANY ROT INSTALL ASTM-226 30# UNDERLAYMENT INSTALL 26 GA METAL ROOF SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION INFORMATlIHVAC EE,ectric Ep,umbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: S 2,600 'S Permlt -C Gas Piping Sprinklers 10,200 rs I windows/Doors ±Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: NameLINDA BRENTON Address: 14366 Azucena CT FORT PIERCE Fax: Phone No.480-335-70o| E-Mail: state: FL Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Compan Address lG LAKE ROOFING & REPAIRS ; 9 NW 16TH BLVD. I HOBEE state: FL 972 Fax: 863-763-7662 Phone E-Mail: 63-763-7663 AKEROOFING@YAHOO.COM State or nty License:CCC046939 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commenc t is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUC loN LIEN LAW INFORMATl DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: Not Applicable Address: Phone: State: MORTG Name: Addres COMPANY:ot Applicable Phone: State: FEE S[MPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: Not Applicable Address: Phone: B0NDI Name: OMPANY:Not Abplicable I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of 3;thjLcuhci:i:°cuonnt#j#awkj€a structure. Please consu ltaREhpyp!iucFE16mHg8&Pevys%ss!giiRfijantiaonndr#!3i:tY)? no repre,Sen,t?tion that_is grant.ing a permit vyill a.utho In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree t in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lu The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commen ib#roev:hmeefTrtsstti:sypoeucrtiporno.p,;#LtnTeo:|c:oo:EtoaTnTiennacnecTn::tomn work or recordincommencin our Notice of Commencement. mit. i:£::#!3{8€h!?#tdr:I:risc#ttrsthriubiiusru: bnfocr°avneynFensttsritcht#nTawyhrj:#rjicfy6:pbprpypibitsuch ill, in all respects, perform the work unty Amendments. urrency review: room additions, ssory uses to another non-residential use ent may result in your paying twice for e recorded and posted on the jobsite with lender or an attorney beforei---8L# Signature of Owner/ Agent/ Lessee EtAUTNE£FOFFLfftEfroc,hefuap ent was acknowledg (Signature of Personally Known Type of Identification Commission No. OR Produced Identification EDWARDSON MYCOMMISsloN#GG21518 (saurHER RES: May 21, 2022 Signature STATE a COUNTY ntractor/License Holder (Name of n acknowledging ) otary Public-State of Florida ) Personally Type of ld mmissi OR Produced Identification EDWARDSON MYCOMwilssloN#GG Bonded Thru Notary Public \ Revised 07/ 15/2014 Bonded TM Publ.icun|ej¥ REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW EGETATloN REVIEW SEA TU RTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS Michelle Franklin, CFA --Saint Lucie County Prop Site Address: Parcel ID: Account #: Map ID, Use Type, Zoning, City/County: Property ldentifica 14366 1306-5 168623 13/06N 0100 Planned Saint L Appraiser I-All rights reserved. acT 59-000-3 Ownership Linda M Brenton 14366 Azucena CT Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Legal Description i9:3:4¥:T:H:€±;p:A:R:TEF£ERS¥Lc%s4LEEgASSS]ng[i:5Asf€!8.ig§428!pfuG Current Values Just/Market Value: ASsessed Value: Exemptions: Taxable Value: $77,900 $77,900 $0 $77,900 =TZL.I|-,,.I---_==r=:i_=_i_==.__-_I Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes.• Ic,EQesesif=:#ape#g£:r=#ers#m## Pcroop#an+dhesFENa' o+ ==-i_:_=T=-`_I-`-_---li=_==-_==_-_`==-_----,i-=--===---==-----===.-----_-==_'=--_=__-_=--I_==-== Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's office I Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is © Copyright 2020 Saint Lucie County Prt i--v` ~_'iiae Total Areas inished/Under Air (SF): 1,351 ross sketched Area 2,065 and size (acres): 0.14 and size (SF): 6,098 rsaenr?eAfinrd,jatpsr:*deer8ewdi.thoutanywarranty.