HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Codea 0 Florida Ener" Ef6ciency Code Far Banding Construction Florida Denaartment of Community Affairs EnergyGauge NaComt v 2.11. FORM 40OA-2004 Whole Building Performance Method for .Commercial Bndldings Jar6dtction: ST LUM COUNTY, ST LUCIE COUNTY, FL (661000) Short Dege: FSCP Project: FMST SOURCE COMMERCE PARK F 1Q3 w= Owner: MST SOURCE COASIERCE PA1tTC Address: SOUTHIC NGS HWYBID D 4 log . ST LUCIE City: ST LUCIE State: FL PerroaitNo: 0 Zip: 0 Storeys: 1 Tim: office, +Conditio»ed Area: 1240 • denotes limed arm Class: Renovation to e:dsdagbililding *Coad+linCond Area: 2240 Dkmnoticot"dewalt ao&vtionaom Max Tannage: 4.7 (1£ different, write i n). — Compliance Summary Component Design Criteria ReSUR j GrossFatexgyUse 1,627.26 1,75836 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROLS SYSTW__ WA'iEERBEATJNG SYSTEMS PIPING SYSTEMS Iv q all required corrrpliance from Check List? PASSES AN None Entered V '6 `W d None Entered None Entexied None Entered Yes/No/Ntl. WPORTANTNOTE: An inputreportNint-Out from EnergyGRuge eons of this design, building must be subnuffed along with, this ComplirtnceRPpori 5/12/pR F.nn.mvC.miva xlnCnm v 7-11 FORM da11A-2aa4 i COTAPLIARCE MDUCATION: I !hereby certify that the plans and Review of the plena and specifications covered by this specifications covered by this calculation calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy. are in compliance with -the Florida Energy Code_'Before construction is completed, this building will be %. Efficiency Code. inspected for compliance in accordance with Section 553.QN, F.S. - .. DLTi n jj W. A/ IIII.DING OinffcIAL_ I hereby certify that B ❑li• in is in coidpliA" d6-- with the Florida Energy Affielfincie Code. OVAMAGENr— If required by Florida law, I Hereby certify (') that, the system design is in REGISSTRATION compliance with the Florida Energy rude. Nd ARCHU CJ ELECMCAI, SYS7.'Lr14I ])MXGNER LIG111 MG SYSTBlv[DFSIGNE)R:. MECIIIAMCAL SYSTEM DESIGNM- PLUMDING SYSTEM DEUGNER (•) Signature is required where Florida Lave requires design to be performed by reglatered desigri professionals. . . Typed names and registration numbers may be used Where all relevant Information is contained on signed/sealed Plans. i i i i 5112106 Ertcrgy(,angc N7nCout v 2.11 rORM 40OA-2004 2 pcuject: FSCP We_ FIRST SOUP" COMMERCE PARK D 108 Type: Office (WFA File_ DAXTONADEAC� T1117C) Whole Buildlug Compliance Design Reference Total 92.31 10&00 . $10627.26 51175&36 ELECIRIMY(MBI AM4 .92.31 100.00 32,351.00 35,027.00 $116.27.26 $1,75&36. j AREA LIGHTS =74 2L57 7,962 00 7,516-00 $406L49 SM8.1 MISC EQUIPMT 14.05 14.05 4,923.00 ' 4y923.00 $247.63 $247.13 PUMPS&MISC 0.09 0.09 3L00 31.00 $1.56 $1.56 SPACE COOL 15.47 1931 5,420.00 6,760.00 $272.63 $339.3S VENT FANS 39.97 44.98 14,01$00 25,767.00 $7049S $791.SO Credits & Penalties (if aoy): Modified Points: = 92.31 PAMS. laxternal Lighting Compliance Description Category Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP I (W/Unit) or No ofUuils (S hor& i None 5/12106 EnergyGAuge VlaCom v 2.11 FORM 40OA--2004 3 Y Yooz-Vooh YMOA TT'Z A luoasu AURE)AMYang 90/2I/S ouoN ;PueII ArMl . WIN, AN Arg lox dtiuoJ .GoJ ,oeTq off![. u9;saQ ays5 Falla" oalldNaQ aauugdmoa jp8[d F.svasll WMIoA jn WWO Ad&S- MWS _ OG 08-0 ' (,4df!3) xjWu oV fUl�iri@g lii�7 .S1Y.xdeJ `da5°oJ S35SVd 00'a woibua Wma ONS9> P%OoJ sy wwas Sug000 paocg . WMy A%H VMOVL 7 .09 -d'moJ Mal U9I09 MA 4.W&a droSlaluJ laaunclmoJ T A9/wff o00$9 > ata TydS gwajo ..og [MOOD -RV ;MMloA anWUOZ) T 'SS T�Soid wuoildwbopodea wagsAS 7IJV$aVAIO.iX't�Q apg �3T0 ••"C $01 Q 7YITVd 7 IilYOJ �JZIIIO5 �S1i1tI itl� dDU ta[uid S�SSV.x SUM T 9 Z orrz HOW ua o - aa98O 9I ldslwzwd dJ as mlguJ, (uu) aldmo7 nlIIT laloQ ]o oAI d w"llwo Q avYgsV UL&mu3V °a�>regdiar0� �[oi;l(Oa �YRI�i[$[a NT�'HJV'3ilVAiO.TJCVa �I a0w0 AST. Sol Q x"a NalrawmOJ. $JITIIOS .LSaff M „i i Piping System Compliance Cateviry ltipe Dia Lx Operatingxos Cond Im' Req Ina Compliance (inches] Ramat? Temp (lttwWhr Thick rml Thick (m] . . Nose l'tnjce[r. FSCR' Title_ FIRST SOURCE COMMERCE FAW D 109 Type: (ftioe (WEA 7 MP! DATT01tlABF.ACI my) Other Required Compliance ` Category section Regairemeoi (write N7A m laz if not applicable) Check Jxdilbruton "714om Ttddtratio n:GYiteda have bear met System Ventilation 407.1 409.1 HVAC Load stziuug has been pedoxnned Ventilation criteria have been met ❑ ❑ ADS 410.1 DnitsiziuganciDedga,bmebeenperformed T B 410.1 TestingandBalancingwillbepeifarmed Motors 414.1 Motor efficiency criteria Lave been met Lightirrg 415.10 Lighting criteria have burr met O & M Roof/Ceil ]Report .102.1 404-1 101 Operalicm/maintenance maugal,will be provided to owrtee R-19 for ltoofDeck with supply pleomros beneath it 7nputReport kmiot..OutfmmEneWGauWFlaComattached? . Q i/l2/OiC> I EuergyGauge MaCom v 2.11.FORM 400A-20U4 SIN RN620913 RIGHT -NCOMMERCIAL INDUSTRIALLOAD CALCULATION 5/12/06 . For: FIRST SOURCEC OMM: PARK (UNIT ➢ 108) " Use: 1 Page: 1 Job#: SOUTH KINGS IIWY ST LUCIE City: Fort Pierce, FL, US , By: ABBOTT & ASSOCIAT4S LWFI: Z240 x 1.0x 9.0 • Units: U.S. customary (I-Pl 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 3PM August ) . Dry Blb RX3 Moisture XLJwse Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions --> 90 59 ` is 78 Indoor Conditions 75 50 63 TOD Correction Differenee 1.5 61 " Mu1t = 1.0 ] ` - 2. GLAZING SOLAR =AT GAIN. ( Lat a 27.00 ON, ° Const Wt = L Type Dir Shad Tilt °/uovr Aim Sfact ShgF $had Sens GI AZ 1 W N 90 100:0 172 0.69 99 1.0 3679 " 3. TItANS14lTSSION GAINS Type l Air GrArea NtArea Uval Orp CLTD Shod Clr Sons. GLAZ 1 W 172 172 1.'040 15.0 N. - 2683 WALL 1 N 36 36 0.122 D 12.5 N D 55 ' WALLi 1 S 36 36 0.122 D 20.5 N D 90 WALL' 1 W 682 682 0.122 D 14.5 N D 1206 PART 1, 930 93Q 0.087. 15.0 - D 1219 PART - 252 252 0.115 15.0 p 435 " ROOF" 1 - 2240 2240 0.050 RC-1 24.0 - D 2688 4. INTL+RNALHEAT,GAIN Sens Latent. People 14 x Per person: " sensible 190 latent 230 2660 3220 0 x Per person: sensible 300 intent 300 0 0 " Lights IUcandescents in RA Coiling - - 0' x 3.4 , x 60% 0 _ Fluorescents in RA Ceding. 0 Y 4, 1 x " 60% 0 The"desmuts offia 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 2700 x 4.1 x 100% 11070 Motors Nmbr PowH Oain Load Fact Usage . I 1 0,00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0" 3 1"' .0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 App).' Nmbr. Type Sens Latent Usage ' 1 - 1 ALL ,. 4800 :800 1.00 4860 800 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1..00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 .5 1 .0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 ` 0 0 S. ROMTRATION Sens Latent, 0 c£m > x db Temp Diff 15.. 0 x 1.1 0 x Moist. Diff 61.5 x 0.68 0 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 30580 4020 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3,0,01 CertMed by ACCA to meet aU requirements of Manual Form N t Job 8: SOUTH KINGS HWY ST LUCIE 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN . Gain factor 0.10 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 3 058 8. COOLING FAN SIZING - Strm of Duct Cmin (7 ), Lino (6) & DtawthmFan - 33638 CL 8 Sens ) / ( 1.1 is supply ID ) a fm Est Cooling cfm ( 33638) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) 1530 Ai ctual Cooling Fun > 15,61 9. VENTILATION 280 bfa - x dbTwupDiff 15,0 x 1.1 ° 4616 - > x Moist, Dif ' 6'1. 5 x o. fib 11707 7 10. RETURN AUt LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF , Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 0 x 4.1 x 40% 0 RARoofLoad fiomLine3 (+), 0 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-), 0 11. RETURN DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.00 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 0 12, TOTAL COOLING LOADS ONEQUIPM .NT(Dtuh) 30254 15727 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE hosting TD = (Inside DR- Outside DS) _. ( 70 - 42) _ 28 Ivlult " = 1.0 j - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrAm NctArea Uvtd iiiD' Loss G.LAI 1 1 W .172 172 1:100 - 2.8.0'" 5298 WALL 1 N 3636 :-0.122 28.0 123, WALL 1 S 36 36 0.122 28.0 '. 123 WALL 1 W 682 682, 0,122 20.0' 2330 " PART 1 _ 930 930 0.087 26.0 PART i 2 - 252 252 0.115 28.0 .2265 811 ROOF 1 - 2240 2240 0.050 15:0 1680 18. INFILTRATION Loss 0 cfm x , dbTemp Dw 28.0 x 1.1 0' 16. SUDTOTAL MATING LOAD FOR SPACE - 12630 ... ... 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.05 x Line 16Loss 632 18, VENTILATION 280 cfm x dbTmiipDiff 28.0 x 1.1 8616 Manual N. 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.01 ' Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form ITT i • Job N; SOUTH KINGS HWY ST LUCIE 19. II AMIIiICA,TION Inside RH desired 32.0 ' (Max - 32, 0 for 1 pane ) t! of Glazing panes 1.0 (Max = 52.b for 2 paua ) I 280 cim x 1.48 g/100efm/d 4.1 gpd I' 20• RETURNOUCTBEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.00 x Line 16 Loss 21. TITAL HLATINIx LOAD ON )EQUPMENT (Btuh) I, Manual N: 4th Edition Right-M Ver.3,0.01 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements ofManual Foam N Page: 3 1320 0 23398 Proiect Information Project Name: FSCP Orientat : North Project Title: FIRST SOURCE COWAERCB PARK D 108 Building Type: Office Addrein SOUTH KINGS HWY BLD D # 108 BulldIng Clauiticaticm: Renovation to existing building ST LUCIE . State; ILL xa.of Stomeys: 1 Zap: 0 GrmArea: 2240 Owner. FIRST SOURCE COR.CE PA Zones No Acronym Description Type Area Multiplier ToWArea I Pi0Zol Zone 1 CONDITIONED 2240.0 1 2240.0 ❑ . Spaces No Acronym D ecrlptlon_-_ - ' Type Depot Igt] Width Height —Multi I 1 Vtl plier Totsl "Area Total Volume 5/12l04 RAerVGange MCom v 2.11 I In Zone. Pro7.o1 1 PrOZo1Sy1 ZoOSPI OEOce - Open Plan 44.80 50.00 12.00 1 2240.0 26880.0 Lighting No Type Category No. of Wane per Power Control Type No of Ex minaireg L mina re [W] Ctrl pis In Zone: Prt1Zol in Space: PrOZo1Sp1 l Compact Fiaommat General Lighting 1 2600 2600 Manual OnW 6 ❑ Walls No Description Type Width H (EfFec) Main Area Di"rectionOmductance Had Dena R Vatue A IN plier [dl mm/hr. ef. Fl . Capacity (i dl [h.si F/Btal fir/st:F In Zane: Fr9Zo1 1 PrOZolWal 5/8" mtarcco . 82.40 10.00 1 824.0 West 0.2067 5.7314 34.65 4.84 ❑ /8"CMEJl3/4"ISO BTWN24"ocJ.5" GYP 2 PrMIWa3 518" stucco 3.60 10.00 1 36.0 North 0.2067 5,7314 34.65 4.94 ❑ /811CMU13/4"I90 BTWN24"ocJ.5" GYP 3 Pr0Zo1Wa4 5W shroco 3.60 10.00 1 36.0 South 0.2067 5.7314 34.65 4.84. ❑ /88CMU13A SO BTWN24"oe/.5" Windows — -- No Dewriptlon Type Shaded U SHG NrJaTr W H(Effec) Multi Total Area (B€a/hraFJ iftl plier [an b/12/06 EnergyGauge FlaCom v Ill F] In Zones PrOZot In Wall-PrOZo1Wa1 I PrOZo1VJa2Wi1' .SINGLE REF B No 0.9795 0.23 0.03 19.11 9.00 1 172,0 ❑ TINT-L: . Doors No Description Type Shaded? Width E (Wee) BURI Area Conti Dear Hed Cap. R-Value [ft) plfer. liq . ,fBftdhr. sf. F[ [Iblv4 [Btulsf, F] Nif.FBftl is zone. - In Wail: Roofs No Description Type Width H (E ") Muhl Area Tilt. Cord. Head ow Dens. IL -van n [Dl Inl PHr [01 [deal [MuA* Sf. F1 MW AF1 [Iblcq jhfFBWI 7n ZOac: mZ01_ 1 P:MlRf1 MtlBldgRwDR 19 50.00 44,80 1 2240.0 0.00 0.0492 1:34 9.49 20.34 ❑ Batt Skylights No Desc ipflon Type t SHGC VI&Tran W H (Pffec) Muldolfer Area Total Ares [Btu&r sf F] [ft[ IN M [sA In Roof: SlI2I06 EgerZGauge RaCom v 2A1 3 Floors No Dacriptlan Type Width (ref H(Eflec) Multi IN plies Area Coed. Heat Cap. Dena. R-Value (91 [Btw'hr, se F11Btu/si F] Wen vLsf.FIRM in zone! Prozoi 1 Pc0ZoiM Concrete floor, 50,00 carpet and rubber pad 44.80 1 2240.0 0.5987 9,33 140,00 1,67 ❑ Systems Prosyi System I., Constant Volume Air Cooled Split No. Of Units 1 System <65M j3hdhr , compment Catepry capo4ty Effidency IPLV L Cooling System (Air Coaled <65000 Biu& Cooling 2 Air Handling System -Supply (Air Hendia (Supply) - Constaatvalume) ' 56500.00 20..00.00 13.00 13,00 0.80 Q Plant Egnlpment Category size Inst.No E1Y. IPLV Li Water Heaters W-Heater Description CapAm Cap.Un►t I1P a Micienc Loos 5/12186 EnergyGaage FiaCom v 2.It 4 IJ E.Avughting - Description Category Na of Watts per Amaaenft. of units Control Type Wattage Luminaires ' Lambialm [aflfflNo] [W] Piping No Type Operating Tnsulatim TemperAtum ' Conductivity Non► &[pipe Insulation isItanout? Diameter lhicimess Q Fenestration Used Name GI=Type Na of Panes Glass SHGC Conductance VLT ApLbWnd4 SINGLE REP B 1 Twr-L 0.3785 0.2270 0,0500 Materials Used Mat No Acronym Desciiptimt Only H Vaim Used Mae [b.sLF/Btuj Thklmess [ft] Conbcilvity . [Btn/h,ftF] Density SpeawHea (lb/rf] t 187 MadIS7 GYPORPLAS No 0,4533 0.0411 0,0920 50,00 0.2000 Q _ BOARD,1/21N .. _ _ _ 191 Maii151 CONC$W, DRD,140LE, No 0.4403 . 0.3333 0.7570 _ 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 41N 178 Mat1178 CARPET 5V/RUBBERPAD yes 1.2300 [] 5/i?df16 Eaergy'Gauge HaCom v III S 268" NW1268 0.625"stucco No 0.1302 - 0,0521 0.4000 16,00 0.2000 42 Mat142 81n, Lightweight concrete No 2.0212 0,6670 0.3300: 38.00 0.2000 block 269, Mat1269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc No 2.2321 0.0623 0.0280 4,19 0 3000 ❑ 23 Mat123 , 6 in, insulation No 20.0000 0.5000 0.0250 5,70 0.2000 ❑ 94 Mad94 BiRLT-UP ROOFING, No 0.3366 0.0313 0.0930 70.00 0,3500 0. 318IN Constructs Used No Name Simple ?Miassleae Conductance MeatCapacityDensity RValue Construct Construct MAMA iStu/d.F] [lb/cfl VLaLF/Biu] 1064 Comae floor, ca< d and rubber gad No No 0.60 . 9;33 140.00 - 3.6703 Q Layer Material Material Tlvekaess _ Framing Na IN Factor 1 151 CONC HW, DRD, 140LB, 4IN 0.3333 0:00. ❑ 2 178 CARPET W/RUBBER.PAD 0,00 ❑ NO ?Fame Sim* . Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct. [Btu/lLs8F1 [Btu/sf.11 /cf1 [WF/Btul 1011, 5/8" tnuccc /8"CMU13/4"fSO No - No - 0.21. 5,73 34.65 4,8368 ❑ BTWN24"oc/,5" Gyp Layer Naterw .Material Twekness Framing Na, [it] Factor 1 263 . 0,625" stuaw 0,0521 0.00 ❑ 2 42 8 in. Lightweisbt concrete block 0,6670 0.00 ❑ 3 269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc 0.0625 0.00 ❑ 4 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD, V21N 0.0417 0,00 ❑ 6 No, 'Name Simple. Constnut 1047 MtI131d9Ra0DR-19 Batt No Layer Material Material No. .1. 94 BUILT-UP ROOFING, MIN 2 23 6 in. Insumon 51lz% 112asslen Conductance : ELM Capacity Density RVatae Construct (Btulh,sf.lq [Btu/st:Fl [Idlcfi @.sf.F/Btul No 0.05 ' 1.34 9.49 20.3366 ❑ Tbicl ness Framing IN Factor 0.0313 0.00 Q 0.5000 0.00 ❑