HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning compliance home use 1 • PERi<IIT# � rU uq RECEIPT# .. - j, _ Planning & Development Services.Department Building& Code Regulations 2300 Vironia-Ave Fort.Rierce,FI34982 r 772=462'-1553 APPLICATION FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE—HOME OCCUPATION Date: ( Business Name: foe-L Scg VICE Business Address: W , W /Q 'e-7E Description of Type of Business. PHONE-AND OFFICE USE ONLY for Property.Tax ID#: J / — /- 0 O C) 7 • `0 o U Applicant's Name: �,E ' I yl �`f Phone: Applicant's Address:._ . J D )c L_ City: �T�AR7 State: -� Zip: I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TIIAT THE ABOVE-IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO CONFORM TO THE ST.LUCIE COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING CODE: ANY.YIOLATION OF SECTION 8.01.00 "HOME OCCUPATION" WILL BE PURSUED THROUGH ST. LUCIE CODE ENFOR MENT. 1� Applican gnature i)FI'Wl: ll�l:0�,la' Datdi Initials: Subdivision: Block: Lot: Section: Township: Range: Map#' Zoning'. Land Use: Certificate of Competency Required: No Yes Number Type of Certification: SLCPDSD Revised 5rl:-21T14 8.01.02 AUTHORIZATION The.followi.ng hom&-occupatidns shall'be-permitted in any residential dwelling unit. ricluding.mobi.le homes,. provided that.the*home occupation.complies with the lot size,bulk,and parking requirements of the zoning district in which-the home oecupation is located. A-Homebound employment'f a-physically,mentally.or emotionally handicapped person who is unable to work away from horrie by reason of his disability: B. Office facilities-pibvided that no retail or wholesale sales are made or transacted on the premises:and, C. Studios or laboratories. 8.ot:03 USE L. MITATIQNS FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS In addition to xneet.ing.t}ic requirements of the zbiiitigdistrict in which it is located,every home occupation shall comply with the following restrictions: A. No person ether than members of the family residirig'on the premises'shall be engaged in the conduct or support of-such occupation_ B.. Nd-stobk in'trade-sh'all be displayed or sold on the premises. C z Only-sates incidertal to the home occupation shall be-permitted. D... The horrid:bccirpation-shall be.canducted-entirely within the-principal dwelling unit,and in no event shall such use be visible-frorri any ofher-residehfial structure or a public way. 'lr. T..he.irse of the dwelling unit.for the home occupation shall be incidental and subordinate to its use for resiAentia] p.urposes,:and no more than'twenty-five(25%6)percent of the building floor area shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. F. There shall-be no outdoor storage-of equipment or materials used in the home occupation. .G. No more than one(r)vehicle shall be used in the conduct'of the home occupation. H. No-mechanical,,electrical,orother equipment that produces noise,electrical or magnetic interference,vibration, heat,glare,or other nuisance outside the residential structure shall be used. I. No-home occupation shall..be.permitted-thai is-noxious,offensive or hazardous by reason of vehicular traffic gener.'ation or emission ofnoise,vibration,smoke,dust,or other particulate matter,odorous matter,heat,humidity, glare,refuse';radiatibri:'or other objectionable'emissions. J. No traffic sh'all.be.:gepzated.by sueh'lipme occupation'ingreater volume than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood,and any hdcd for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and other than in a required front yard. Applican' tgnature Date UPDATED 7 19 2010