HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvals, Wincore 8400 DH 15819.1W'T-.S Nrrrnr_ E L c'9 I User R-mgi5t ali W' HO Topts 5u"Tt 5umrLmgc 5Utr,.DFOut5 dbpr U&M; Pubfi� Lhur (¢ Pt-od u4c# Approval r'+- O%Z �onrrkD Menu � PrrAkirr or 4anlicarlon Svwch ;� $Cdhcaticat Ut:k } AppikaRl1-cm Cw+Lall FL 9 FL15 15-I1i4 ... .. ........ Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Appllcarlon Status Appmved Comm••e tts Archived -41 rumlo s f4nt;mA 4*= M'LS SAe MOO E Lii1kS 5-Dafch Product Manufacturer Wirrcaru Window C.Ornpuny, LLC Add n2 FSS^onoJEmaki1 251) StiNuntork Av roue Parkersburg, WV 26104 (304) 06-7461) Ext 22l# mre$d �D+jrlourewlndow:s-corn Authorized &&nature VIvian Vwdght rickw@twbldg xisultants-corn TUMrliCal Rapr2sent3tiva Mike Reed A,ddres�f Phorr EmaI 2.�4 Stavntan Turnpike Rarker54urg, WV 251QI (3 4) 48-S-14 4 Ext 228 m reedevxiricori�--wlrtidows.com Quall Ly Assurange Representative Mike Reed Address jPlhoru�/Errta it 250 StauryWn Tumpdke P.nrke-rAUr-gr WV 25104 (304) 485-7460 Ext 228 mreed@5w1rkc-or4aw1ndowsV corn categrnry W Indows Subcategory Double Hung Cornpiiadlce MethDd Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered f4rch ltact or -B Licensed fIorIda Arm i al F ru it e • Evaluakici Report - Ira rdcopY Received Florida Engineer ckr Architect Name who developed the kymdoin F 5chnnidtr RE_ EvaluatiM Rep*rt FIQr0a LiCen5e PE-434ID9 Qualo Assurance Entity Untimal AccrediLation bnd MarlagemerrC institut-e Quality Assurance Corktract Expir iUurf Dat-01213112021 validated By Ryan ]. Kirlq, PIE. validation Checkrist - Ma rduopy Rcccivcd Certif.cote of Independence R F r rr d Sta n d a rd and Year (of Standard) Standa AAMNW DMA{C5 A101{ 1.5.2}A440 AAM fWDMjCy A1OIJLS.�JA4•40 ASTM E 10 AS TM E18S6 +ASiT•M E1996ry�y tAS N 1r 202, 203 Ysar 2OgD 2005 2004 Z405 2005 1994 bquival-2nrE -Df Produtt StaffidarUs CErtlfled By 5-2crioro fr+orn the Code Prod Lrct Apprbval Method Daim� Submitted Datrti Validated Dote Pend ling FOG ApproVaI Date Apprmmd 5u= of 9" u FL I# Method 1 Option D G712c{2411� 02� 2012019 031OV2019 1612019 I4odelr Number or Manm a. 8400 Series VFnyl Double Hvrv� ' Window i 4.lmlts 04 use Approved for use Jrn HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HvHz: Yes Impact 1leaistant: NO D-esign Pressure: NJA tether: See l N ST 1$3319.1 for Design pressure Ratings, any j additlor al use limitations, JnstailjatkxIrLstrucOoins and product � p�rticul�r�, 15819_2- [b�1311.110 G�ri� Virr}�t Double Hung irldw I Limits Df Use Approved for usc In HVHZ-, No I Ap p roved fo r use outside HVHZ: Yes Inn tract Re$ista n#7 Yes 0es'Lg n Pressure-, NVA Other: See IN ST 15819.2 for Dtsi(jr% Pressure Ratrngz, any additional uc;p limitations, Gnsta Ilation i n tructIms and product particulars_ �estripl�or�l EX1;rU000 PVC, Diwtde Kung Window with "Non-Irnpact" InSulat-i�tl GIMS Installation llmstrutticns I L 1 581 � 1 1UUAL'st-$ Pdf Verified By: Lyndon F Schnnidt, P.E. 434109 Created t)y Indcp-2ndcrrt Third Party:. Yes Evaluation Reports FL15819 1310 AE ? Fva 1 155 9.1 p&f Created by Indepcndcrt Third P.Drly= Yet ^Extruded PVC Double Hung Ilir%d" WLth "1rnpaCt" lnsuiated Glass Installadon In ilrtictiors FL15819 R10 lI (b) Inst 15519.2.1�d� Verified By; Lyndon I+ Schmidt, P.E. 43449 Created try Independent Third Party: YPs Evalua#fcn Reports FL15819 RIO AE b) Evall 1581 f Created b' Independent Third parley, YES 15 1 c. $1300 .Series 'I rVFPZVir%yl Double � Extm Double Hvrr9 WirWow with "Impact" insulated Flung WirLdow Clams Approved far- use In KVHZ`, Yes Approved for use outside H 1Z= Yez ITn pact Resistant: Yes Design Pressu re: N f A Other' Sew INST I SB 19_ 3 for E tesigin Pressure Ratl rqs, --any iaddltlonaI trse IImltatliorrs, Irnstallation In!grurUon�;-and product particulars. 1 1 -- ---- d. 400 Series ldnyl DoutAe Hunk — � Lirnitt of Use ApprGved for use in HVHZ: N-D Approved for use outsid-e HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant' No Design Pressure: N/A CCIiar: Sec I N ST 15829.4 for Design Preswre Ratings: any additiuni)l 45c limitations, 9n!lallaliorr ir►struaions and product par[i �ul�Ys, 15819.5 ImAhOnlibn Iasbauell:i n W5.819 Rjj) II fs'r f.nst 1501 .�i[lf Vcntied By: Lyndon E. SMmldt, P.E. 4a109 Grp.atj--d by lrldcp-C�t Third Pates: *es Evaluation R-epofts FL158113 R1-0 AE fkt) Ciml 1581:2jjp f Created by lndep&rrdeflt Third Part': Yes Exir ded PVC mLible Hung window with Nailing Few - "Narr- ImpzrtL" InSul-Btedl GlaSS Installation Instructions FL15$19 R10_11._ 0 lnst 12819. ,odf vi.,rifled By: Lyr6 n F. Schmidt U, 43409 Craab! d by kidevendient Thl rd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL15619 EIR Af Ia) EVal iSA19,4.0 Created by Independent Third Party; Yee Il e�rie5 �fn +l abler Hung EX1 rudcd FVG Double Jiang Window with Nailing Rn and.. . window In"ral -I- Channel - 'Nark-ImpatV hl4vl-ated Class Limits of Use InwitallaHon Ins#nucaonar i Approved for use in HVHZ: No FLl#119 Rl_.J�_a,1r�51 Approved for use outside HVHZ: YVs 'Verified By: Lyndon P_ Schmidt, P.E. 43409 j Impact Resistant: No Created by Independerd Third P`a ft'_ YPR EI Deslan Pressure: N1A evalv;�VKarr Revorks Other, See INST 15819.5 for Desrgn Pressure Ratings. any FL15819 R1P !d) Eval 158115_pdf additional Ube limitations, irr:'-tialliation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party! Yes parti-alarm 151319.6 I f. 5400 1 5400S Series Vinyl Double Extnid.ed PVC Doublo H,jr%g Wlndow with "Ncfrinrp&W Hung Wiadaw Llmitt of V:5c i .Appravcd for use in HVHZ; ;Ni3 i A p praved for use outside HVHZ-. Yes i Impact Rerktant: No besigr, Pres;Aute; NfA Other: , I PAST 154$19,8 fir I igr Pyessure RaCIln'95r -arid+ edditla n-aI ki'le I lMitatial7 sr installation irislructiorrs and product particulars. • - •------•---------- — -- i5J319-7 -g- 5400 f 5400S Sew Vinyl boub� Bung Window Li rn1t5 4Df Us$ Approtre4 for use in l-IYFIZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Irnpact Resistant; No 1 Odariypn pressure. NSA i Qthev; See INST 15819.7 For Desigrp Prersurt Ratings, arty, ipdditional use llmltations, Installatlon Irlstructlons and pocduGt part1;u lars, 115$I9_t I h. / } 9(HDu series Vinyl Liouble Hung Window i Limits of U s e Approved f9r use in HVHZ: lNo !� Approved for use outside HVHZ: lies Im P:r 17k R'.&ISkb-t' NO Detogn Pro ssuirc: NIA Mer: -See I N ST 15819.8 fir 1)esFgn Pressure Rztdngs, any additional use Jimitatlotls, Installation I nstru"bons and prcrd uct particulars, 15819.9 Limits of Use i L 7700 f 9000 Series )Anyl Darlhle i 1•1 ung Window Aptpraved for usu In HVHZ: No Approved for ure bulside KVHZ= Impact Resistant: No Deslq- P-,N-Scjre- Nrrfi Oth.cir: Sirs 1N ,7 j 5.919,$ for DusiEpn Pre-:Psune Ratirrgs:r ,any addidgrial u&e l im itatlen-5r Jrlstallat'ron instr uMons and product particular , Irmulated Grass (Double 5tre-no Glass with Refrrlbrced Bash) It��llati�tr In�#ru�tivrts FJ,158 F -9 R 1 O II a) In5t 1. 619.6, pd� Verified BY; Lyndon E. Sdimidtr P.E. 43409 Cmatod by lrrdep- ndcnt Third Party: Yus E-valloatian Rtpofts FLI581'� RIO AE f 3 Evyi ix5 , O-Cate-d by IndCpcndcnt Thirst Party: Ycs Extruded PVC Double Hung Window with 'Non -Impact" Insulated Glass (9Jn9le Strength GIgi!;-% with non-relnfarce.d installafa�rt �r�#ruC�l�r>�€ fEfS$18 Rt� 1�! ��j rnst i5�1�,7.�f Verified BY: Lyndon F. Schmidt, f', E. q 3109 Creoted by Independent Thlyd Ramy; Yes Evaluaff-on R rm l=UAlg R10 AE U). Lyal 15819.7.adf Created by Independent Third party. Yes EMUdcd PVC 'DDuble. Hung Window with "Non -'imp cVr fn LAated GIB Instal[atkm Inductions 1:11`. l� RX 21 {0 InSt 15819.8,F& VerdJeO Py . Lyr6oft F. SMmidt� RE, 4.409 Created by lnd�lpee dent Third Party: Yes Evaluatiim •Fteporm AE (.1) EV-al 151319,6. Creates �Y Independent Third Party: Yes Extruded FVC Dotjfple Hung Wif dow (Reinfo"cl $a5h) with "Non-lrnp,sctd Instilated Wins Irt Ration-fnstiructions I-I,1581-9 RID TT (:n) lmt 15819.9.ndf Vedfied BY: Lvndon F. Sch midi P.-E. 43409 Creaked by Independent Third Parlor: Yes Evaluation Reports ELj5Q19 RIO A5 fao Eval 1S819,9.Zff Cireated by Independent Third Party, Yes ---L F—A C'krnlac% IN :: ?601 Ri it S{4r* R(Q . Tallahassrx FL �?14A PfiGrrc: @50-487-1AM ThC StaaG or Roridp i$ an . 9E0 cmplOq : Cw1Erq�t 2W7•2D13 $Ut4,pr nRridyR :; RrisrW Stiite•wL ; ; �iliyY StAor)16 ;; R fund take ilk Linder Ra rlda law, crna II bd dre-sscx art yr.Lid I ec. cads. I You do riot wad* y"o- ur t-rrraR aidd q--u rth%fi Mid Irs re, po m" ho a p*Iiv- ewTi:b} ^}lush, Oro wol :�rxrd 4:1R AM Mi4, marl to thk ar)tit%r. le Aaad, cOT)tac;1 Line -OM" t• pl+WL, qr 1.�y tf r%W A—il, If Yft here }rry Ikbae aarAatL J#50.-0E7,1.395, 'P�jr!�Udrik io .5ecuom 455,275M. Florida Statutmg. r.Mr. cthre Ch=t13 W 1, 2032', 11MMsMi UggWd arndrr Chi ptrr 45S, F,5, r►ru*#DvWift thC DCOUFUMent,Mlth are MMI1 dd($rf35 K theV haYC MT. the iemaL}5 prbri&d rraY be umed foe oFdippl mmmumWptim with ti g liMn - lMwcwr Ssn4A MdreW_P onG pLb1k;rex J. It y-w 4o fiat *0 to SWplyr D pe-monal adounsr pleam piOriGte L6e Oap,MrnerL with an eMad MkdreSs MtdLh tarn LAC made bx;ai1Wk: W She puvllt_ Ter deL-ungV a r.l'[vt+ are a 11c= M under ChapLu 15S, F.S., Nlbdsk-- [dick bNL.ar 13—d-1 Apprq+p*I Ammpl-n Credit Cats Safe -%.LL,1R91L3-L77111wA-r rLrrRl'Y-c171 Y1 --%-" r-vu-' -44A{"P■'IFL-1}9YNl 7A~IJ fVowi 4.- 4YQ+rrYJ }71�4RR*RM'4-+79 f7.Y-y Nr 15UJIAL in IL LO FO ;: -5 6 ; ; rhtlrJK C� r i3 Ca} e aim T � =T 42 5ib a� CL Z; 92 crn 0 Ck Ilp Q! 3fl ��� Ur � �� �Cra ^ P- a � 3- -''Z EL SL � 0 a M SL F3 EEL CL 3 12 V 9Q R 9 q. V ] �C - 7- � a Ft t n # Ln L r � b �A Y ■ i RI A i . n {� CP rt m la. Or _ 37•ff b' mAx. OA PR ME HEKRIF ��i*��111111##rf{ Le MOO SFME5 Lyvldorr F_ 13cbmidrt IQGL Fiu�g 4K�1'id0rr P.EL t+4. i3*bf •'•••• 1x � a 3 r-pure rG tiff E 2Gf l jet I CL L, i 1�APDATF ra 5n4 E& .2414 FPG LFS PAU OA AMFwFtLY.L nuiLIAH[l i~GN S`LFt'Y -1, I U:! 13 l raf. FfcUk W4 F< - 5 iT �L Fa rw x L P.0. Boas VOL lral&o FL 3 � % DATE iymcPao+, NoL; d13.6,58,9147 Itiywo. �Fr,•,_,..o �......,,.,.v- rv-IYmr It LJ}W �aatl- J-HML7LPYLLYEFM11PUY6-LAdmPPPV4MINILirViDiftyLL-.13Mg61i o- i. L A Q Tl Ct) m C) ODC �. m r— ws m L �F - ' i. ���ti3y71111rr� J} y - '* f k i• �i /+.r� 43400 r t '� � � � _ W�47�7�Mr7 P antvrMrthr i�palyld fir, � _ $'7aIi1E [� + vatyp hle Nunn wln*pw P.E. Na. 434ft e N% Ln P 3 $ 01 � 7 G1GA7E M 6T.J EG. ?Of fFi i..i$ ��f� y��X oa - i PS ur to �rr� Ems. 2Gt FSC iFs +�S; I iY; CIOh JLr+�+�[3ti , 4 t 1.1 E)APA7F FA+1.1+E + �� PA4. ban m Vgbiimr FL ."Dw!) L BY W $tAL Phv Ian: a1s.caa_a1a-r '! I N_ F@PE CA hkv D813 0 201 21 FR.—. UU-L DIFfe aBMi LLTv41YTf Ir48 +r+•�•�ti••�•1%k's I L IU41UR-IwwRvrtwuuwNPLMaslrL-' wL;P LOwiairrwimjT6-i w iiUwVWnlnAJ'S•15tlL"-)LCyp%jLL 6-imV, II Ir.� r M} � OL. m rri m .7 �b 7470 91;wl LM F9 z Q rmi I -IN MNN. EM& (J7P_f CW )w t f .i +6 � + [} 4v- ;ytti�7rlhrlrf n- o% .y 4 �• �,r A1v9 fl%JDI.C.U; ocm-unwnbb AT,.parra rl • ? SLSTrk qq Vi15XJ %Ub4a Flung WiAdor P.E. No. +�0& + 3 ! T uPfAdTF �o �f]a 17 FFIC LFS I I1 1 irk* 44 2 1 T 1 15 UPDATE 70 5TM + F dC LFS pAfff OR A9313"CLY: 9u<RDRM4 G�F�LILT�H Lr� lF+�, !�, 1 4 J.3 UFi1+4FE wE W GL2 LM — � f�_a_ BOK 250. rro�.a• � sob KINK FI@Pr C� Nrr. QR 13 0 3012 R. w_ 8'U9LQIP-6 CON 74L*+wTT Itir. R"LLL I h' iI CrLYYLn OWV Ft �: M AN LM 144 1:t On i pmm;c! bppfyNmw L-.L ni9 *d4.C- Dr—Q gL4❑, rr-.AF L-1583 11-.:A+ 1:+.L 94 N '3� r a n- Vol `lb C3 �• , i k {l } F�-F m. LLaJI 7�J r # Z ID r #� LI 73 ~ _. m- _ - y R-r- r i• r •�� FV {� r - L Ft 40 L r V I a- MAY- O-C. pw.l ` st ip 1 U =3 w CD k F 0 ? a y} rs p i 4 i 111 P+jj '= % fNLIxls. . 'f. ._ ��Is : r `% ire 4 .yam _—,. h� _•-k ''�+ DO" NynQ 115�1¢r�F� � TL TD �TN.EA1FBC T I:5 UPDATE To NTH ER• oji PAMT OR A55EM0.� q4 I E �L1CJC CIF FRhkdE MGMOMWG TP_ MLM 2•3, Y,3Mi3R "'S Piplormr No.! 010jaw'.0107 a 4 7 Lpm nIa n REASIONS RARIE C-A. kk� 41513 D 2431 3 A-W, 441La-NO QgtapV�.Tr4MPP lmm.- n}L1ben u,%Y msxr PLRwiri1ih I �A - IKmmM VYO}UCI Amom i5m-154SL9 Po600 HLu• Omwzb;VkDnTmrSFL-1U%ISU-.Sdrg� Si fm 3 —• l Ar - ,.Y 4 0 941 0 R.W, QWLu-du LO—edi. r.LwriF Imc.. EH- CLOT ILWm-kA krADoFm KAFAMENAA - FI0+Wi PKFJ6m7 AppFffvj14fL4SE]9 DaLft" Hunyj C ixl •-O {K1 ;+1 #� {�l Gi N m L+S � y CIF � + 2 rn ��' �u � � awn � m I I �M1 � C r rn 3 rn uA-,.R:s,A * --, P: E� m ME n =3 m00 A 7% � C) g. ?G ill m MM m � C ZA C} JJJ� ss I 4I 2z � m m of ---I 1 rn i n z �� m h U 0.2T' I+ . 't • A C .* Cwnu 'r Pnwa % 4 Ai R : Lynda t. Sahl�dt �i t �l6.� Y vl,ibfe Fi4m NSrsn�nir P.E. Nip. � { "••• • x — f 1 ' 7 1 1 I�P1P4M T� S RN2T [ i�5�£Ek�L1: �L IF,1 4~QI� I�Lt, rYS. I T 7 P.f Llf'�ATE FRAME SIB �'iL UT Du 00 R'Wlr y � PI•#. Cf4m �J�. �km. FL 335P5 L. 3240 �OAtPDX1ENT5 � r'J i7WC ��RC Pfiorre r1a= 873. '�Jr�_9187 { I .I N rurt �: Nr_ W1313 ,r' 2012 P.W_ 94wLDIN12 OnMISUuYj6wTt ItiC. F F'