HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOOD 13950 CANCUN AVEAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTER Date: Permit Number: b r_ .. . ... >_ ', `Ai Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial Residential 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Prone: (772) 462-1453 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICAT10N FOR: t d U_ S PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: q . Property Tax ID #: Site Plan Name: _ Project Name: bCQ 50 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: & 41a- New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter I CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: 011 Lot No,_, Block No. it Additional work to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: —Mechanical —GosTank —Gas Piping Shutters _ indows{Doors —Pond Electric — Plumbing Sprinklers _.Generator —Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: ,�j Cost of Construction: $ I � t (a �) i OWNERAESSEE: Sq. Ft. of First floor: _ Utilities: -,,,, Sewer _ Septic City: State: Zip Code: Fax: Phone No. - E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next }gage ( If different from the Owner listed above) ACTOR: Name: Building Height: City: State:E&:. Zip Code: Fax: Phone No M E-Mail SSl il'1 State or County License it value value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. if value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. `SUPPLE ENT IL CE iVSTI<tUi�TfQN 1E "t' IN( DESIGNEIt/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable Name: Address. - City: State: Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE MOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRA IKMAT10N MORTGAGE COMPANY, Name: Not Applicable Address.- City- State: ZIP: —�.�� Phone: BONDING COMPANY: —Not Applicable Narne: Address: City: Zip:. Phone CiOR AFFIDVIT; Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and in stailaiion as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit_ es St. is inocuaitflicawith an� aPplicableiHome Owhat ners nners psseciationiiulles, bylaws ar an�coveinants that maydrestricut or prohibit such structure. Please consult w th your Horne Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Cosies and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residentiat usp WARNING'TO OWNS#{; - improvement to yc Lucie Cocrnt% rri nr Signature of STATE OF COUNTY ( ire to Record a Notice of Commencement may erty. A Notice of Commencement mu a n the jobsite before the first inspectio !f ou efore commencen work or recordin yo r N ❑r a Agent for Owner Signature ontractor, STAT€0 F ORIDA Ph1 mrrw n ra r eying twice for the public records of St. obtain financing, consult Svrn to (cIr of firmed) and subscribed before me dr ll11 Sworn to r a irmedj and subscribed before nee of _ P ysi resence Qr Online Notarization P s ai resen a or this day of tl�j 2020 6y ;th6l�sS . of `� Online Notarization 2020 by Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known --,2L OR Produced Identification Type of Identification (signature of Not Public State of Fld MO i `���.r`t Commission No. o ..... Issiov 9,y T" REVIEWS FRONT Z5IIf,.�1G /1SQEr COUNTER R Lli�iO:I �11. RFVIFVtI Personally Known � _ OR produced Ide ti cation Type of Identification Produced { Ign ure Nota Notary Pumc Stale of Flo da Commission No. Kan-M=R _. ar 2e2_M 667Si38 WO NS VEGETATION I SEA TURTLE MANGROVE E:W REVIEW J REVIEW I REVIEW ire rKXy.»,>�UaX3 1 ' tJYM rlAdet{ k,s�i4e! a7+e:�ffi( +reAs is HfKI: F.- 3.ytprdXrws mt.i3�J-=s[,R,@nt 3r Wn {'�y7merrw itpc.�r a-!re+,x�` $1a � :tN r: e*sr. eFN"r�r Y Me. $7era K;Ay ralM t*V Pa ti truss dw.mlen,', dJc.T'c c tuwl res,diinsr7s ,C�7A1eCt•�ti R atia-i5ap.,i•E7la,at x.Q V a rt:fa atra.atlraeSunasrY IFa,»la� Et Da r rred mr, i7ereiai.-aS:JtFi3 'tardrxt.` 'PLEASE RFAWAL1,:%RM AN4ZM0n`I0NS On"THE, nvEFw Sirk-cFcPF-'rmt PAGE Ato FrltllBwmG PAGrs 6r-FoaE =K.N , r i ALLAT:,i'STRFS' Ar7t1.5;z&S .3r� »..-..a..,,..... _Z14�LQV- 'x LID'i#� $i4Z�f ;.°-�C C"t. r t,,.i'r -~p .M LA.�sx� r:71 :Ca...+x,i6--"a- i OTtCaTO CUSTOMER - PRICE CALCULATIONS. in order to propelyly perform the irTstallaWn of certain Grads, the Contract Price may iniuce more Goods thari actually will be iirstelW ba4ed on the rnaasured Squaw footage of the F�rtjed Area. Az a res&l. the yattie;s 39ree that the kimp-sure Fria= stated in this Contract is calculates: Lyon bait+ the value of estimat€;d Goods required to tulrill the Contract fir:c lvdirsr3 waste), whFrh m Fy exceed ft, a�-€uj. Square footage t:t the PTOjiXt Aaea, Irxt then labor xhici€ fr*; y be w5tieratod as-d or; the amoo7 .t 0 Gof%Js iegwrecd to fulfill the Co:itr$ & (InGIo`­Ii ;y was€e , By SlUninq 1111s Contract betow. Customer arknowletiVs receipt of t." r` *I7u, artd r 9re-es ,anti tii'.fE3rSiarkfl j that the Prive iflolt (lvrS these costs w hv-il may rat `v refumled onai me Installatm Sew:ci s we perfoirael. NOTICE TO CUSTOMER�,-Federal law requires —Lowe's to provide —you 'with the µm pamphlet Renovate Right By signing this Contract, Customer acknowledges i �cJt�lfaCt T�il�l having received a cagy of this p unphlet before work began Informing Customer t � '� of the potential risk of the least he.aard exposure tram renovation activity to he 4 `applicible taxes mclvded'€ � verformed In Customer's dweliinq unit. 1 NOTE.: If rotted wood is discovered during installation additional charges wii Y u will be giVan a quote and a change order must be completed and signed by the customer for any additional charges, es. - Customer rraast initial. 'AFW wore or rn ater aI n6t pecif� ii nA imAtifi(V, u. this wmrat"e. An c rJ rn aGs ci astriti cnas �yilJ F- a 7r, 3Gb r u not rhti3r r? €rr t€?E 7 ,ter,) 7r ! ,vbcr _ NOTlCIr TO 0-WNER: m- ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTIO LIEN LAW SECTIONS 713.001-713,37, FLO IDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM! FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUB -SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO FAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR. CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR; MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY, TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACTTHAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE, YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE OF LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A "NOTICE TO OWNER." FLORIA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW IS COMPLEX; AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. --. _ pliQ 10 RELEASE, -_'Lnd{2r>> w, Srartt,,: to Lowe's and LCF e's empiov ut?s and imi ;pi:culled S.t )ttact;7 S tilt: €izlht u) U* ;StiL I{ raf,hs Cl ti _ Esrf?Xsi:,e -, whew k,74la1fad r9Jt Se vkr S wit) be peilorm.ed ,-ae ti, all work r7e lomu-d at viu r''r; mise5 relawa to tills comracl, ;u7;+ ;rrGuocably graTIN to Lowe's all right. II le arl" iriU,res! i,7 zmd to lhra PN)1Ggr-3phs for trst.= in all mar'kkts .:trig rnodia, waarior kJo, In pevpmwity. C6siomct r aul-h-aitzes Lowe's p �vl:,r7. xri ht. ose and she nth ,logra hs fir? gnat andjur ri t,,!B iro€7irelly, xld 3L4rEios tluttt Lowe S May use 'socb rhotog iphs for arty la-,Oul puapC78S r , t'Jt EF(: [ill it£ l tV. 1 SrFf SN.14€;i�. ;eJfd'rerirSEri , xj(,$�h,�j ly 'sllv,iU«itiral'J. lraJning :ittd �#'�' CG3171i?rSl, t$}+ Er3iEi31Er& Y€€r uStf?;r€L"Y iiyrE`t35 €J t1Je ioru-go g [Ci4ik rner to init `',! to inn aril' ; Work is t�`'cjltnE op 41 availability of Contrictur anWor any speciat order cr f.`a*toruer made Good(s) which 1$ anlicipated to be [fill in bate]- £stirnmed completion date is _�..-.��.,�.._s � �-,....,,_„..w. [fill in date $laid 0$011oliad S::bstkiihli:3l cornpk� dsjte is no> 0 !he frssc}r:€;t; A st:tterl,rwTt of ,riy rocgrr= ,.kv-tc: s th xo-Ag' mati�rial; t.lia ,Qe a+.:=>l:-Frits.i! t,rz P"em.1n dale is its (09r Ns: _ �m- �... — - -- _.,...- __.� a__,.__.._. ,. .�._. .---. e_.—_ ._-_w --- .............._ This Caniract provides that all Earns t7y Customer or Lowa's wiil bu rasolved by BINDING ARBITRATION. Cusiamer ar7d Lowe's GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO GO TO COURT to enforce this Contract (EXCEPT for matters that may be taken to SMALL CLAIMS COURTI. Lowe's anti Customer's rights. will be determined by a NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR and NOT a judge or jury. Lowe's and Customer are entitled to a FAIR HEARING, But the arbitration procedures are SIMPLER AND MORE LIMITED THAN RULES APPLICABLE IN COURT. Arbitrator decisions are as enforceable as any court order and are sttbjiml to VERY LIMITED REVIEW BY A COURT. FOR MORE DETAILS: Review the section titled ARBITRATION AGREEMENT, WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL AND WAIVER OF CLASS ACTION AUJIIOECATION found in the "Earns and Conditions of this Contract. DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT UNTIL COMPLETE AND YOU HAVE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED ON ALL PAGES OF THIS CONTRACT. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU ARE ACKNOWLl DOING THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON :ALL PACES OF THIS CONTRACT, YOU ARE ENTITLED To A COPY OF THIS CONTRACT AT THE TIME OF SIGNATURE- � ' VVfTNESS OUR NANDN5) AND SEAM) ttE?LOV"''TJ-115 r.- DAY O Lowe's Home Centers, LLC ("o-owner or W!tneE ;.ti— Customer aCkna' dges receipt of a true copy of this contract which was completely filliud itr prior to Customer's execution hereof- You, the buyer, they cancel this transuclion at any time prior to Midnight of Its,= third bustnas!� day after the data of this tratwoctiQui. seu the attached notice of cancellation form for era explan,tion of this right, - v�:r, rwrr,, *o-nd r4-55106 F5V 12M3 PILE COPY ;,inu„N Lt � i'.rzY:lu,,i!=c•- + + k.. rT# 0116956 V -43 II A 4,1 0� towj~ls AUIWAZI�q REKWSENT I V NWIKA V416. STORE No [ 'SC 9"RETr AD JNE.ET AMC AW ali�D ST TE 7P NO, 5 VA, Tn 40%A'S CONTRAr f0t-."f N VW A-, -A T"O Q V�' C—NQ X, tk Q) ofic CU$TOMF-R — PRIICE CALCULATIONS. in order q> 1ffolm4y puricirm Ma ioslatlation of conain Goixl%. the Contract Pric* may in ludo more. ' oods tbin ot. rn, ctualtj will jgeU Wsed or: lilt-, measored square fbotwge of the Project Melt- As, a result, the partiesagfee hat ilia lump -sum pm;e stated in thi's Contract is cak,"ated upw wal the Value of eshruate4 G*Gds required to Ufilt the Corltmct (inclikling waste), which may exmM (hd actwat square kXAa1j&of the�P-fojecl Area, arid the lanor wh',Icn may be estionaled based on'lle aMoluint of Goods required to Ufifl I the Contract (Irldilding was'e). By signing dais Contract below, Gus.urrter acicntiwtadgcs receipt of this nonce and agrees '11)d understarvds that the P6ce inckides these costs wbiVt,jnaiy not be refunded onca. the In5taliation Sigr&es are pildormjd. NOTICE TO CUSTOMER— Foderal law mquinas Lowe's to provide you with the pamphlet Renovato MUM, By signing this Contract, Customer acRnowtuaggs having received a copy of this pamphlet before work beban Worming Customer Contratt Total of the Potential risk of the lead hazard exposure from renovation activity to be applicable taxes induded� 573 performed jo Custorrier's dwelling unit, ---96T—C—If—rottadwood is discovered during iiis—lifi—atio-6 i-d—cfitional charges wi E. Y u will be given a quote and .4 c6ango Oid must be completed and signed by the customer for any additional charges. Customer must initial. 'A,.IV A'wk or matiymak first rpLwirlefl fq mu indudad in this �ntrji;t Atty dianl3ch, Qi ad<libon* •Mli t) ark Ord moniji Cjjqr" for the rri&ttzoaf and kabor. NOTICE TO OWNER� - ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTIO LIEN LAW (SECTIONS 13.37, FLORIDA l STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUB -SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE ALIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY, THIS MEANS IF ALIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE i IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE, YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE OF LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A "NOTICE TO OWNER,` FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW 13 COMPLEX, AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULTAN ATTORNEY, PHOTO RELEASE: Cusiotrar grants to and L*vve's; emplayocs ond inclopendent ccintraClQrS 010 Fight to lahe P0.0t0y-opl-,S of thu Prtrni&r�s ZhianL lmsla!iabor Services Will tJ* Peftimed and all work performed at the Premiso6 related to this Conlract, and irrevocably grants to Lowo'sall rftsht, ti-ft and interest m and to the photographs for use in M! mail ( Zs arld 1TWdiu, Worldwido, in piarpetkiity. Cwstorftr aijthorizr�s Lowe a Cop}TighL Use wxl pt"ish fta j)h(jt-,xj(aph5 in print and"Of 01('wtronica0y. arld agrees. that Lowes may use sw.h pttokwraphs Tor any lawful pwposo birl not limilod to, marketirp. draU rtls=nc�, f utriir€iq, i ultra ro trail rrrr .and drab rortr, t By irrit all rig hire, Cr s€csmc�r gr a 0 irtc iarego:st 9 [Cumaine't to ininai to the 100. Work try t 410 uvallobility of Contractor andtor any %peclat Tdor V "', nor made Good(s) which is anticipated to be ifift in date], Estimated completion data is —o � -26 (fill in date] compl'Aulll Zw is Tint of than os��enoa, Astotenieni of any mraingeriies tji, t wouh! materially Change Sad Pstirnilteo subm3fiNil fialoted subst ilia! c qux is (it arolcahie, invert a statement of �Ucw 71ngenc res i This Contract provides that all claims by Customer or Lowe's will be resolved try BINDING ARBITRATION, Customer and Lowe'B GIVE UP THE RIGHT:: I TO GO TO COURT to enforce this Contract (EXCEPT for matters that may be taken to SMALL CLAIMS COURT). Lowa's and Customer's rights will Ise' § ! � \ �� �` R� � $yh®. �\ \ p \ /�/�\ ., �2�&\!