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1® e V mmmoftL @70 CD w -i w C) CD z w0 w 0 0 CO 0 Z < z z C� w 0 Q U) w W W M .. ) 0 D 0 o ca 0 -i w CO tog J013.VVK ^A•iRQDF TRUSSES A Flp44lWRP02V1(yy Vite Information: Customer Info: RENAR DEVELOPMENT CO. Lot/Block: Model: CAYMAN 1560 Elev: B1 Options:16X9 PORCH. no valleys. �I Reactions 2 13 1490 1490 2 13 -377 -430 2 11 1490 1490 2 11 -378 -378 2 10 1497 1498 2 10 -387 -387 1 2 .._ 8_.._ 1490 1490 2 8 -399 9 2 8 1490 1490 2 8 -399 -399 I 2 9 1490 1490 2 9 -400 -400 I 2 g 1490 1490 2 9 -400 -4 0 E 2 9 1490 1490 2 9 -400 -400 2 12 1490 1490 2 12 -385 -385 a 2 11 11 11 1490 1490 2 11 n� 2 12 1490 1490 2 12 -354 -354 I 1489 1489 2 11 .140 -340 p 6 f 2 -. 19 13 750 1771 512 2 19 13 -202 -710 3 A7 1 2 17 12 { ' 1310 3893 756 2 17 12 Mb(;M ■ bbU ■ L - 1JU0J Mark Down Uplift Project Name: MORNINGSIDE Address: County: St Lucie State: FL Subdivision: MORNINGSIDE Label Reactions 2 5 B01G 1454 1389 2 5 -5 2 -47 2 6 B02 789 699 2 e -215 -176 2 6 B03 789 699 2 e -219 -180 2 5 B04G 802 1059 2 5 -264 -384 2 5 B05 527 433 2 5 -137 -137 2 5 B06f�l 527 433 2 5 -117 -200 4 3 2 4 CA 12 181 20 2 -5 -71 -2 3 3 2 4 4 CJ3 v �1 64 212 43 2 -43 -63 0 2 2 1 3 CJ3B 3 67 95 41 1 -47 -13 -1 3 3. 2 4 4 CJ3L /�� v �1 64 212 43 2 -43 -74 ----22- 3 3 2 4 CJ5 4 122 278 77 2 -81 -73 0 3 3 2 4 CJ5A G�4 99 250 _63 2 66 68 0 2 2 1 3 CJ5C 3 121 169 74 1 -83 -27 0 3 3 2 4 CJ5L 4 122 278 77 2 -81 -102 -51 Page 1 . A-1 ROOF TRU55E5 A RIXLOACCWG9ATIO:i Site Information: Customer Info: RENAR DEVELOPMENT CO. Lot/Block: Model: CAYMAN 1560 Elev: 131 Options:16X9 PORCH, no valleys. Project Name: MORNINGSIDE Address: County: St Lucie Subdivision: MORNINGSIDE State: FL Mark Down Uplift 4' Page 2 Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-2014 section 6.3 -1 ROOF These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. r ..�.TRUSSES A FLORIDA CORPORATION ZE: Job WRMSCM1560B1 L JOB #80896 A-1 Roof Trusses 4451 St Lucie Blvd iite Information: Fort Pierce, FL 34946 ,ustomer Info: RENAR DEVELOPMENT CO. Project Name: MORNINGSIDE .ot/Block: Model: CAYMAN 1560 kddress: Subdivision: ;ity: County: St Lucie State: FL Jame Address and License # of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one, for the building. Jame: License #: address: ;ity: 'eneral Truss Engineering Criteria Design Loads (Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading ,ondiiions): )esign Code: FBC2017/TP12014 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 8.2 Vind Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 160 :oof Load: 37.0 psf Floor Load: 0.0 psf his package includes 44 individual, dated Truss Design Drawings and 16 Additional Drawings. /ith my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet informs to 61G15-31.003,section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. o. Seal # Truss Name Date No. Seal # Truss Name Date No. Seal # Truss Name Date A0286690 A01 2/10/20 13 A0286702 A13 2/10/20 25 A0286714 CJ5 2/10/20 A0286691 A02 2/10/20 14 A0286703 A14G 2/10/20 26 A0286715 CJ5A 2/10/20 A0286692 A03 2/10/20 15 A0286704 B01G 2/10/20 1 27 A0286716 CJ5C 2/10/20 A0286693 A04 2/10/20 16 A0286705 B02 2/10/20 28 A0286717 CJ5L 2/10120 A0286694 A05 2/10/20 17 A0286706 B03 2110/20 29 A0286718 CJ6 2/10120 A0286695 A06 2/10120 18 A0286707 B04G 2/10/20 30 A0286719 GE01 2/10/20 A0286696 A07 2/10/20 19 A0286708 B05 2/10/20 31 A0286720 HJ7 2/10/20 A0286697 A08 2/10/20 1 20 IA0286709 B06 2/10120 32 IA0286721 HRA 2/10/20 A0286698 A09 2/10/20 21 A0286710 CA 2/10/20 33 A0286722 HJ7L 2/10/20 A0286699 A10 2/10/20 22 A0286711 CJ3 2/10/20 34 A0286723 J7 2/10/20 1 A0286700 All 2/10120 23 A0286712 CJ3B 2/10/20 35 A0286724 J7L 2/10/20 ? A0286701 Al2 2/10/20 124 A0286713 CJ3L 2/10/20 36 A0286725 J7T 2/10/20 ie truss drawing(s) referenced have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under mydirect supervision based on the parameters provided byA-1 Roof Trusses, Ltd. Fuss Design Engineer's Name: Manuel Martinez y license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28,2021. )TE: The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely forthe truss components shown. ie suitability and use of components forany particular building is the responsibility of the building signer, perANSI1rPI-1 Sec.2. re Truss Design Drawing(s)(TDD[s]) referenced have been prepared based on the construction muments (also referred to at times as'Structurai Engineering Documents') provided bythe Building rslgnerindicating the nature and characterof the work. re design criteria therein have been transferred to Manuel Martinez PE by [A1 Roof Trusses orspecific ration]. These TDDs (also referred to at times as'Structural Delegated' rgineedng Documents') are specialty structural component designs and may be part of the pro]ect's (erred orphased submittals. As aTruss Design Engineer(i.e.,Specialty igineel, the seal here and on the TDD represents an acceptance of professional engineering 5ponsibilityforthe design of the single Truss depicted on the TDD only. The Building Designer is >ponsible forand shall coordinate and review the TDDs for mpatibilitywith theirwrttten engineering requirements. Please review all TDDs and all related notes. ManuelM� grtaJlby ►� Martinez, 09:915 �..fiz A� c4�av4 ERIALB 5EF6A5F83 18.213C781D52844EACE5CA Manuel Martinez, P.E. 4620 ParkView Dr. St. Cloud, FL 34771 Page 1 of 2 Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-2014 section 6.3 A-1 RUDF These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. TRUSSES A FLORIDA CORPORATION 2E: Job WRMSCM1560BIL Jo. Seal # Truss Name Date 7 A0286726 T06 2/10/20 8 A0286727 T06A 2/10/20 9 A0286728 T06SGE 2/10/20 0 A0286729 T07 2/10120 1 A0286730 VM08 2/10/20 2 A0286731 VM10 2/10/20 3 A0286732 VM12 2/10/20 4 A0286733 VM14 2/10/20 5 STDL01 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 6 STDL02 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 7 STDL03 STD. DETAIL 2110/20 8 STDL04 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 9 STDL05 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 3 STDL06 STD. DETAIL 2/10120 1 STDL07 STD, DETAIL 2/10/20 2 STDL08 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 3 STDL09 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 1 STDL10 STD. DETAIL 2/10120 3 STDL11 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 3 STDL12 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 7 STDL13 STD. DETAIL 2110/20 3 STDL14 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 a STDL15 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 STDL16 STD. DETAIL 2/10/20 Page 2 of 2 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BIL A01 Roof Special 1 1 A0286690 Job Reference (optional A-1 Roof TrussL13, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:19 2019 Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-218fYJnpGc_vBM26RoYxtr?JYMMRoukl5GyOY9ydOxc T1 4-0 1-4-0 , 11-11-2 13.8-Q15-6-Or17 4-119-1_1 �_ 24-4-0 30-10-12 38-0-0 39-41 -4- 7 4.0 4-7-2 1-8-1�-10-01-10-0 1-9-5 5-2-10 6-6-12 7-14 --4_ Dead Load Defl. = 112 in 7x10 MT2011-11, 2x4 II 6.00 12 3x6 = 5x6 7x10 MT20HS= 2x4 II 7 8 22 21 18 17 15 3x6 — 4x6 = 2x4 It 2x4 11 4x8 = 3x6 = 1.5x4 11 3x6 = 74-0 11-11-2 174-1 19-1-Fj 24-4-0 30-10-12 38-0-0 7-4-0 4-7-2 5-4-15 1-9-5 5-2-10 6-6-12 7-1-4 Plate Offsets_(X Y)-- [4:0-3-0 Edge] [6:0-3-0 0-3-0] [7:0-3-0 Edge], [10:0-8-0 0-2-81 [11:0-3-0 Edge] [17:0-2-12 0-1-12](19:0-5-8,0-3-81,[20:0-3-8,0-2-121 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) 0.53 18 >854 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.96 Vert(CT) -1.01 19-20 >452 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 1.00 Horz(CT) 0.58 13 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017(TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 224 Ib FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T3: 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* B2,134: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2, W6: 2x4 SP M 30 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-4-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 10-17 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 13 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) Max Herz 2 - -138(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 - -377(LC 12) 13 = -430(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 13 - 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2664/1666, 3-4=-4163/2474, 4-5=-4061/2489, 5-6=-4033/2514, 7-8=-254/176, 6-8=-5646/3203, 8-9=-5890/3353, 9-10=-5842/3342, 10-11=-1997/1402, 11-12=-2105/1392, 12-13=-2688/1678, 6-7=-270/191 BOT CHORD 2-22=-1303/2308, 19-20=-1752/3602, 9-19=-296/266, 16-17=-133812336, 15-16=-1338/2336, 13-15=-1338/2336 WEBS 3-22=-1339/845, 20-22=-1523/2709, WEBS 3-22=-1339/845, 20-22=-1523/2709, 6-19=-1278/2608, 17-19=-1134/2387, 10-17=-1262/578, 12-17=-619/549, 6-20=-335/499, 3-20=-559/1368, 10-19=-2209/4464 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=377, 13=430. 8) Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. LOAD CASE(S) Standard "'CCE3 , CENHRAL TERMS S d C0'. MI IG1 9 C ST6N R r•SJ! R7 ! 3 d IMm 7— 1 - (U 7 d ih s,�-o-re a at, ,wramp t k:�olner U_d.R ih T M eya-r e•t r„Ir r 1nz p.�r;. u,e rcowr:a d a, raps o s enseo �(e�,..c.�a Je.yw=ed, y+a I a.r iM� r .a a.. Manuel Madinez, P.E. w ce rfi c I s a bfry� t a !Inca bT a a. +=Tcoo da Tat 1.rr e +an np ad„< dt sit 1 tro r t rc a r`ft -w c. r eNa #047182 Panpr a- 6 / utt 2 a l t B 4 2I y UH 's.. t SiRel la kcilf, i a J 9nd iPit Ttx pp - ilf' TpU J Jf LI pf-d 3ryh 9 b J. 1 t - aLro l.+1't -tt 2c GLt) .rt i'wPdsg0 n� JC .rt-- A 1 toN Ir TCU Mtn F dfl "� 1 Iftr K 9C: '9x+ECI51 lS r 1 i8 1i�+1' h dUt T'h snd 5GA 1 t y q tl TG'-id tM IR Fs f" 5an� 4620 Park\dew or rch r o. s enye s aid Tru rt rc r. 1 a, M.J Es ht c I M s d, an i s�r;iaa�^ ra �.T sre.'rr £ra e�cT t, e rr�sa:cn ,o•Tn�sa syst,n e.gn.�y?tn,y uv �r„: xn St Cloud, FL 34771 s=p'.a4x-icims s.a-d,.bncdh M1 ..eprr�Atf 2UlGA tfto-slTvs,gs Rc.rcepct.6n ct in,. daeu ne 4.6 any ta.r,�Isp,.i.t,t-dx^L.o�t 4.cu Hen piim.snn. ai! iRwtTrvssas Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1 L A02 Hip 1 1 A0286691 Job Reference o tional H-"I KOCIT i russes, von vierce, vt- o4y4b, aesign(cualtruss.com KUn: 8.21U s May 18 ZU18 Print: 8.21U s May 18 2U18 Mitek industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15U46:20 2019i•Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-WUi1leoR1v6mpWdl?W4AP2YT4mkiXO3vKwix5bydOxn 1-4- 7-4-0 11-11-2 15-8-0 19-1-6 22-4-0 29-3-14 38-0-0 9-4- 4- 7-4-0 4-7-2 3-8-14 3-5-6 3-2-10 6-11-14 8-8-2 4- 6.00 12 5x6 = 2x4 II A 2x4 II 6x8 = 7 A 20 19 16 15 .- 13 3x6 = 40 = 2x4 11 2x4 11 5x8 = 3x6 = 3x6 = 1.5x4 II 15-8-0 , 1 01151 Dead Load Defl. = 7/16 in 1�t LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.99 Vert(LL) -0.41 17-18 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.89 Vert(CT) -0.81 17-18 >562 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(CT) 0.48 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 221 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* B2,B4: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3,W7,W6: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-7-15 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 8-15, 10-15 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS, (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 11 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) Max Horz 2 = -139(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -378(LC 12) 11 = -378(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 11 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2664/1664, 3-4=-4164/2474, 4-5=-4062/2489, 5-6=-4171 /2629, 6-7=-4081/2370, 7-8=-4045/2360, 8-9=-1836/1336, 9-10=-1948/1312, 10-11=-2612/1629 BOT CHORD 2-20=-1301/2307, 5-18=-224/270, 17-18=-1455/3218, 14-15=-1266/2250, 13-14=-1266/2250, 11-13=-1266/2250 WEBS 3-20=-1336/841,18-20=-1516/2704, 6-18=-746/926, 6-17=-561/1302, 15-17=-1309/2960, 8-15=-2068/846, WEBS 3-20=-1336/841, 18-20=-151612704, 6-18=-746/926, 6-17=-561/1302, 15-17=-1309/2960, 8-15=-2068/846, 10-15=-718/630, 10-13=0/300, 3-18=-564/1371, 8-17=-1604/3565 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4,2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=378, 11=378. LOAD CASE(S) Standard A ottarJa]I I t: A-t noop TRL6 ✓_ (C. LEfs) CENERAL TERMS dLrl"i0iT1 't 5(-lST(ht ft.. (`83YEh°j C✓liGhLEfi ;k!E tT.( l ,fy nt � f d tl p 1 F- D s:9 U - (tUD} dih ;- - 3Y ErS h bi+ I U k in^rrvv t d-,Ili TDD, stote used fxlh,100?01s, d As 7 ss Dis7g, E 9 ,, A tic,"Y E 9 1 i y T, F fs as Manuel Martinez, P.E. e-' ce U t f g eeragre Par triaN•tort d lih .r^i T L:pK! icnLtieTDDory 4 TPI i,ih 0 .g:asaVnF bad'v; o dtan -'r4ti J NtF. T 1 yD A p in :spa k Y fui 4047182 C .+er, itc 'T - 1!; d t L H J.gC y ll 'xl f wl IHC kx*tb IJ' ycotl dT"t1 The r+P, t i fhe TDU 3 Yf i itneT .! h 9 la dt. atFl t*a .g YSL f+ i{ Ux ev! D;i 4 .,A ( t i ft TCU JI P b dP 41 e, tM-.. l�Cw:p,t iSat lY f na1 (HSCI)t.:i dLy Tr+'.,fi C7.- -I ,e'f p �yd TC td i?r pc LtU sand 4620 Park�iew Or 9 and Tress ld ..t -vn Ifi d 5d hi 4 t I Y 9 z7 asdn {rg LT 9.Ps't I^Ya'+Ed: It 6Pe Yt t CT Ile E,06mq Deiran o. Trusa 6Ysti E 9 -p, nfa: f is d'r8: M St Cloud, FL 34771 GP'3k�_dican.aea3tl_fnedn T?1"I:Loa�ihlGTUiuA iRrr.ITNSS$+ RrorWuc!'on In dacap:eol, Tany io:rc;isF -tall-dvrt,cul NC VnHea p<•mussvncl!—f Aodtlrvss-_..- Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM156OBlL A03 Hip AO286692 Job Reference o tional A-1+Roof Truss3s, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:21 2019 Page 1 ID:Id OOXyyT61Bi—TXoljwHHzefvK-- hGPz—o3oDEdQgCVZDbPyG4hk92fGog2ZaRVdlydOxm 20.4-0 — T14-� 7.4-0 11-11-2 t 17-8-0 t19-1-6 t 28-10-12 38-0-0 39-0.0 '1-4- 7-4.6 T 4-74-7 2 5-8-14 '1-5-6T 8-6-12 1.2-10 M 0 6.00 12 5x10 = 5x6 zzz 20 19 15 14 " " 12 3x6 3x6 3x4 I I 4x6 = 2x4 11 3x6 = = = 6x6 = 20-0-0 { 7.4-0 N•ti-2 17-8-0 t49-1.6 , 28-10-12 t 38-0-0 ' 74-0 -0-7-2 r 5-8-14 1-5-6 8-6-12 Dead Load Dell. = 5116 in LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0 0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.80 Vert(LL) -0.33 15 >999 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.91 Vert(CT) -0.60 17-18 >765 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Horz(CT) 0.40 10 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 221 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP 2400F 2.0E *Except* T3: 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* B2: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-2-6 oc bracing. Except: 10-0-0 oc bracing: 14-16 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 12-16 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in� accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1497/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 10 — 149810-7-10 (min. 0-1-12) Max Horz 2 =-156(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 =-387(LC 12) 10 =-387(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1497(LC 1) 10 = 1498(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2674/1670, 3-4=-4231/2526, 4-5=-4123/2541, 5-6=-3329/1912, 6-7=-3331/1979, 7-8=-3683/2093, 8-9=-3815/2064, 9-10=-2617/1630 BOT CHORD 2-20=-1306/2317, 5-18=-206/367, 17-18=-1998/3877, 16-17=-1221/2990, 10-12=-1266/2256, 7-16=-642/1337 WEBS 3-20=-1354/854, 18-20=-1524/2714, WEBS 3-20=-1354/854, 18-20=-1524/2714, 5-17=-891/794, 6-17=-363/566, 6-16=-341/795, 9-16=-103/1041, 9-12=-1088/759, 12-16=-1453/2556, 3-18=-613/1427 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10,0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 7.Opsf. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=387, 10=387. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� P. 5 f xa aty It Wt Au! TnVe tS(h tLEFj ZE14FPAI. TE tS d.CG CI tGt SCVSTG.1 Rr'HJiE-"I.JGktlGhiEG; tE T f i ry xJ f d d c it 7ws 13 I (TDD) d h Vald theM. -ry - i,Y k be used fw tr. Toot. 6o a Trvss D—Vi E 9.,c-e q ( SP 'y Em„ -erL hi I m 3m, TL- --Mr sn Manuel hialtinez, P.E. Gvn[r, tFE Gx-r renAF Tth d B Y gF »- D+e M �1ty1 S ed 5 t -,a. T d 0-1-V"TDD ary do. Tal i_Tt.d n mpt losdz>�:.onJr -M,,m J a0, s 1 YHkvd 2 r r-p5 +s Y 19sa #047182 f' f e .T 9 w' i haf C i_h 1EG t, b.ld ycod dTPI-t TM f1h TDD J. 1o4W 1 eT S h d 9 W d WA-aN } ,. u'. pc tn61t t f d p ^g G trr' FI t - 4 tY TCD d p b d9 S L ltY... 3 9Compozix ISeI tY I nab {HS )Pvlii h Jby Tf' „+. CP 1 HM S ere!9 tl nee Ti•1-td t W P< tb Sand 4620 PatkView or GI:-s 11 De_ rS S ky E gi w4Trus 11 1 ; v 1 fhe.. a de 6Y C t i p xd vPem Vn9ly _Y P%I' vd�c-J. Th Hpe '4Y il t1G. e+e 8a 1.✓n.J Ces.-�nar o T.Ps= Systom E.9 rec. of e„Y 4v 1d j. A9 St Cloud, FL 34771 euF :.t.._d tcrm. � an tlefirc:d.n Trial. LCPlrtihl4'20:�hi Rr.^..f Trysses Rc..ec-C�c!,p1 In sdodunent cPy lem; i3 ptc}�,t-dx.V,n�f U4 �'t:en permiss on al A-f Fa:l Truss--s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM156OBlL A04 ROOF SPECIAL 3 1 A0286693 Job Reference o tional Run: 8.21U s May iS zui is runt: S,zi u s May 1ti 201t1 MI I eK industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15?46:22 2019t Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-TtgnAKphZXMU2pnh6x6eUTdtwZP27GuBoEB29UydOx 2-11-12 19-0-0 25.04 30-9-15 38.0-0 94- 5-9-11 6-0 4 6.0 4 5-9.11 7-2-1 4- 6.00 f 12 5x6 = Dead Load Dell. = 9/16 in 5 5x6 G T 2 5x6 4 6 1.5x4 w 3 1.5x4 3 2 7 12 1 W 6x8 = 1 B 13 14 11 0 1 v M 2 0 1 3x8 MT20HS= 3x8 IV IWA 8 Wj 9 t n 3x4 3.00 12 3x4 1.5 �15�4 II 1.5x4 II 4x8 - 1.5x4 11 5x8 zz 1.5x4 II 5x8 !( 30-9-15 9-10-4 19-0.0 27-1-6 2 -1. 2 31 -6 38-0-0 9.10-4 9.1-12 8-1-6 -0- 2-8-40- -7 6.10-10 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- [2:0-1-14 Edqe][4:0-3-0 0-3-0] [6:0-3-0 0-3-01 [8.0-4-7 Edge] f8'0-4-0 0-4-12] [8.0-2-1 Edge] LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in floc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) 0.55 12-14 >826 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.84 Vert(CT) -1.04 12-14 >437 240 MT20HS 1871143 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.91 Horz(CT) 0.65 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 200 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 *Except* T1: 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W605: 2x4 SP No.2 WEDGE Left: 20 SP No.3, Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-6-12 oc bracing. Except: 4-7-0 oc bracing: 8-10 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) 8 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) Max Horz 2 = 166(LC 11) Max Uplift 2 = -399(LC 12) 8 = -399(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 8 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-4697/2907, 3-4=-4307/2635, 4-5=-3134/1852, 5-6=-3134/1852, 6-7=-4321/2660, 7-8=-4676/2926 BOT CHORD 2-14=-2490/4232, 13-14=-1906/3619, 12-13=-1902/3644, 11-12=-1905/3647, 10-11=-1916/3622, 8-10=-2507/4245 WEBS 5-12=-1338/2394, 6-12=-864/801, WEBS 5-12=-1338/2394, 6-12=-864/801, 6-10=-285/576, 7-10=-352/445, 4-12=-861/796, 4-14=-280/568, 3-14=-356/464 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing atjoint(s) 2, 8 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=399, 8=399. LOAD CASE(S) Standard htRv(-TR1,554t.6 f.ER)GENERAL I'ERPS d o6UMTIONSCISMA R-a d a it' T "O' H 1 "-rg(TOD) dth /!\ Sp° yE g f a h IUr+f U r ststed IheTDD Y^- Fl .,s Y SLY eJfx1 TOD f. b d J: T D £ glee .9( 6 -yEr; U+ 1 yT G P ar, Manuel Marlinez,P.E. q c penx$Lty�kul d 3yr Ii ess teT d^'Ls: I Lh-TOD- b, TPI. t, TL d unpt f0ad- dt -a' Uil; J rtt- T 1 y6,04m.4. 1 .po k('y IINa O Ih O fl d J 1 6 iJ 9Cnsg L xfcnc�i { 1 Gfcatt IS.y d dTPli.TN JP itn TDD d yf J tmeT 3 h H U _3 a I ! u�JNa 9 hRUtiUa yc -„L1/. #047182 L'w E 3 d 0 -R J C xx r.. fb I I N L rnD rid = F 'b✓- tl yU-` i al Unfi g C ,pa^,T I S 1 t r l raU (fiS ) p (e: hgd U(TI+' ery3 Ch T h }, r4! S tl TP1.1 0 fi 1h pch.LLey snd 4820 ParkUew Dr Le's plN T O S UyE 9 a^d Triss It yr ,, ur Ue c-d U1 G i tag ed ymn l++g ly. IPs'J' a'ved:.T Syr^atY E.v lrCT bgE hng pe, .jnr o^Tn+.ss&Ysie Ery�eer of e-h EwvJ,ry: N1 St cloud, FL 34771 c.p:ah_..al.rtr�a.cas dfr,E„y, Fri t'Ccgr��htQ2U1HAiRa.f Trus:e. ReU„Cuz;a� rlh.dxu-nsrt, kl nyfaTr:-;sfrtb..:CV.it.o.if ftic_unt;tn permi.z`an eih ifia/Irv.a-s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply A0286694 WRMSCM1560BIL A05 SCISSORS 4 1 Job Reference (optional) A-1'2oof Trussds, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8,210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:23 2019 Page 1 ID:Id 00XyyT61B1_TXoljwHHzefvK-x309OggJKgULgzMtgedtlhA2czmTkj3LOuwbhwydOxk z1 4-p 6-7-14 12-9-15 19-0-0 25-2-1 1 31-4-2 38.0-0 $9-4-p h 4- 6-7-14 6-2-1 6-2-1 6-2-1 6-2-1 6-7-14 4- 6.00 12 5x6 = Dead Load Dell. = 9/16 in 5 5x8 T 5x8 4 6 1.5x4 � W 3 1.5x4 3 2 12 7 1 W 6x8 = 1 n B 13 11 1 4 14 10 1 2 3x8 MT20HS% 12 3x8 MT20HS; 3.00 1 89 1q 0 3x4 = 3x4 z o 48 zz 4x8 9-8-14 19-0-0 28-3-2 38-0-0 9-8-14 9-3-2 9-3-2 9-8-14 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- [2:0-1-14,Edge1, [4:0-3-12,0-3-01, [6:0-3-12,0-3-01, f8:0-1-14,Edge1 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) 0,58 12-14 >789 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -1.08 12-14 >420 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.69 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 180 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T1: 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEDGE Left: 2x4 SP No.3, Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOPCHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-5-14 oc bracing. �ro iTek recommends that Stabilizers and required ss bracing be installed during truss erection, in ccordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) 8 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) Max Horz 2 — -166(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 — -399(LC 12) 8 = -399(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 8 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-4730/2950, 3-4=-4291/2612, 4-5=-3137/1854, 5-6=-3137/1854, 6-7=-4291/2626, 7-8=-4730/2972 BOT CHORD 2-14=-2537/4265, 13-14=-1916/3626, 12-13=-1912/3651, 11-12=-1917/3651, 10-11=-1921/3626, 8-10=-2560/4265 WEBS 5-12=-1350/2406, 6-12=-867/806, 6-10=-239/565, 7-10=-386/506, 4-12=-867/807, 4-14=-241/565, 3-14=-386/508 WEBS 5-12=-1350/2406, 6-12=-867/806, 6-10=-239/565, 7-10=-386/506, 4-12=-867/807, 4-14=-241/565, 3-14=-386/508 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 2, 8 considers parallel to grain value using ANSUTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=399, 8=399. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� F 9tn:+. shy M A-1 t1CX> TfiLS tStti LEft} GH4ERAL TEIR 5 dCf6,M If 6C ST(M". (-BL'YER^'iA K1tGrM1t Cd4F '! 1 4 ,fy&ven r no n-d—no M srl.V-1.9i D ) d,he /il Srv. iy Erg eh 16 / L k d the T`D only F n i 0 1e etO t ed f Me Too w L, d 't Da E 9 9 { y Erg $ Up 1 / iE6 P Manuel Martinez, P.E. r bx y l l tleb 1 M gi T day+„ 1 fy -TCD art TRI 5,. Tt d �M1 unp Mal' d tro h t 1 ,f M: i / Y S'A3 f '�tPo b y f iti # 04722 Parer lh O t vll d nl ft eR V gDY'�3r U '.. lu(Uel C M'IRC luau 1', ycad dT'r 1 Ttw Pro' fU TCD d yr )vae vftneT vdnah L 4, 'd t t S r. —4t+u S h ebe L•• ,r5 S.ix} o: Ue2 Han, Dep—, OGcnirsctor AY-1i ewet qut,nl a MDWSJ the F'ra.— ndg .def--z ql!h _2 Nxng C-iP."rl Salt, nfenn-ttaC{7.CJb: hM by Trn ends CAa,v refc+e va h. y,n,s, yvtiv�Ce: T— hrn,Me spers _Yl aes-d 4620 Park View or files ,1ntlT D. �S S tyE -M Try ti re,; i etln._ d dbY ,C 1 t 3 M: �n ,r gLY c`fV'"e "aei. Ty 6Pa `tY 3 HOT th.R iwng De gnm rr Tr,iss bysta tE gne.r ofs Ybtitikg: All St Cloud, FL 34771 e«p'at. 4vnns are b.. C:,Fne�:1 Tt'�! Gopyr-�ht E'^<O:vA 1Rai'llugsc. Re,.ratlu-km G,.m. M�umart,h yta.,,;; ±..p^�tbx.d.ise•. rM smttart perms not F-1 fiaf Teassr. - Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L A06 ROOF SPECIAL 1 1 A0286695 Job Reference o tional A -'I hoot I russes, I -on flierce, FL 34946, design(a)altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MITek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15?46:24 2019"Page 1 ID:ld—OOXyyT6iBi TXoljwHHzefvK-PFyYbOry48cCH7x4EL86auiDSN3ETBgUFYg9EMydOxj }1-4-p 7-6-4 1 11-10-12 1 19-0-0 25-0-1 30-5-12 38-0-0 39-4-p 1 4-0 7-6-4 4 4-8 7-1-4 6-0-1 5-5-11 7-6-4 1 4-d 6.00 12 5x6 = 3X6 = sxs = 2X4 11 48 zz 28-1-9 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) 1/defl L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) 0.49 11-13 >924 360 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.98 Vert(CT) -0.96 11-13 >474 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.57 9 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ffP12014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* 131,133: 2x4 SP No.2, B2: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 WEDGE Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 244 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-13 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 9 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) Max Horz 2 - 166(LC 11) Max Uplift 2 - -400(LC 12) 9 = -400(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 9 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2649/1686, 3-4=-4340/2667, 4-5=-3153/1816, 5-6=-3052/1841, 6-7=-3136/1856, 7-8=-4315/2672, 8-9=-4678/2898 BOT CHORD 2-16=-1316/2291, 4-14=-233/447, 13-14=-2135/3999, 12-13=-1897/3634, 11-12=-1901/3609, 9-11 =-2479/421 5 WEBS 3-16=-1451/920, 4-13=-1175/1004, WEBS 3-16=-1451/920, 4-13=-1175/1004, 6-13=-1286/2346, 7-13=-853/776, 7-11=-315/579, 8-11=-337/439, 14-16=-1566/2749, 3-14=-720/1562 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf, h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 lost bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing atjoint(s) 9 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=400, 9=400. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Dead Load Dell. = 7/16 In N r 0M O PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 MT20HS 187/143 Weight: 193 lb FT = 10% F 1_0 ]hf I^ h1RCX TRI etE Cn tEJ 1 GENERAL TERMS dCC f~i Gt 5C ST(Y nr8 Y Rj CKl1Gh DSME'll-f L t(y&- fl. f ur t5 ,I C 1 w sDe o g{IUD) dih J' tY.Et'S f h Itpkr V k ra-< d ih TDD yF q =ctar Gkte Y t.. df,nt. 700 lobe Manuel Maf(inez, P.E. —W—oo ofthe t iT '� R ix b ryla..l d Rh in kT d � M t"-TGD r Tit TY d . np vIo 1 1 t h T k yH. tl y fF Hw D Y tlh #047182 CT+wur. IH t @ Y oG vg V wrt..l tLhai c oo MO. b-ib li y-j dT"' M.I. Iie p - t@ IDD 0 'yf 1 ._cilrroT ...:jh 9 to d J^ 1 t 4L q horllo 14 .(l'�s FuW a0 g _ C »sm !v'I 1 t Va TCDarith f rove d9 WVs_ 4ComWna iS I t -!nne {HSCI),+,: ti.:..1, dbY Tiri pfy S3C 1 pf }, -tiny d T 4td f ih pc LL san.J 4620 PdrkView Dr spfV De. S .yE 2.rn 4TN M I c' u I th od S6Y G .erci 9 dvymi 4 yey IPa'^ ed. Th 6prs{Y nil tOT trve Hula,g De, zjn .o Tniss Sflem E.y+,eor r;f any bvd ry: Ail $t Cloud, FL 34771 _..pual:.ed;gem,a.e as dvfn[dr rFi.t. Uvplrviht 45201u3 iRealT,ussc. Recrcduei;on tth,sdotumeryl any rzrt::Is.Frhtd_4 rtail ltawnY,4n pe.-imus.an el l-1 Fo.,f S.uss.x Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL A07 ROOF SPECIAL 1 1 A0286696 Job Reference (options[) A-1 Roof Truss(fs, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1tntss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:25 2019 Page 1 ID:ld_OOXyyT61 Bi_TXo 1jwH HzefvK-tSVwpMsarSk3vH W Go3fL66FOCnPTCeveUCPimoydOxi 19-9-7 1A-0 7-6A 11-10-12 18-2-9 1 -0.0 25.0-1 30-5-12 38-0.0 V4 4-0 7-6 4 4-4-8 6-3-13 0-9- 5-2-10 5-5.11 7-6� -4- 50g9-7 6.00 12 Dead Load Defl. = 7116 in 3x6 = 6x6 = 2x4 II 48 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) 0.49 11-13 >924 360 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.98 Vert(CT) -0.96 11-13 >474 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.57 9 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-MSH LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* 61,83: 2x4 SP No.2, 62: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 WEDGE Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-44 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-13 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 9 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) Max Horz 2 = 166(LC 11) Max Uplift 2 - -400(LC 12) 9 = -400(LC 13) Max Grav 2 - 1490(LC 1) 9 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2649/1686, 3-4=-4340/2667, 4-5=-3153/1816, 5-6=-3052/1841, 6-7=-3136/1856, 7-8=-4315/2672, 8-9=-4678/2898 BOT CHORD 2-16=-1316/2291, 4-14=-233/447, 13-14=-2135/3999, 12-13=-1897/3634, 11-12=-1901/3609, 9-11=-2479/4215 WEBS 3-16=-1451/920, 4-13=-1175/1004, WEBS 3-16=-1451/920, 4-13=-1175/1004, 7-13=-853/776, 7-11=-315/579, 8-11=-337/439, 14-16=-156612749, 3-14=-720/1562, 6-13=-1286/2346 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1,60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 9 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=400, 9=400. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 MT20HS 187/143 Weight: 193 lb FT = 10% t= - f crcc Dhi as- A f ROOF TRUS Eb { S LLEY) GeNERAL TE itfi d CM.Mrlp 1S C44ipAt R (`e:iYEfi'}..0 flOhTEfiSSt Ef i f \ iTy6 g T - d d tr Pj .s D. a d Ih /I\ S,.=. Ay.E 9 MI"M 4� l f -- U zc be x t t p to T D ,A-rP a neetor pW.A Y Ytz--d tar to TCO S. be o tl A, 7 D b E g a 0f &T' yE� k 1 YTiq F n�ia. Manuel Marbnez, P.E.O¢C Lh L i at 9 3 per ar�ryf to thu TDD tt. de TP! i TY d a _ r•7pt b ]- Jt ti6t 1 o(ih T 1 Y6 Itb^3 is h pa kivh of UVe CNner, th O ;ilt d of cru B a+,B De=�3 V eM ff i C th-.ISG W Ib y ycott Snd TP. t. TM, ,+n nt Lh TDD d ,�y f" 1 Ift T d F d A tv d. t and L+a a Vt .;h ,n L:4li d047192 i LY_{;�IrJ ,TD y. .tG RVx Ali t 5 tpR tr TCD Cd t- l 4 ,dy te,E aC ..pniV_ 151 f i (-rsV l8SGi7p be iWb T .6 3C (. f.. Jf - - py f es and 4620 PaWow Dr Jl+s cf to T D. 5 ..,E ,ud Tnh Ti nr;vl 1 _ed by ;t 1. , J Nv,».n aby.'I v" d..T SY - R xb d TVI10M1 t .er/.a4=cdtz+*rsawasdvhn¢OvV Trbt.Gap s1i@7ilILA iRr.F7ru4sf. Ttcaraetl.:i>.»t fnsdaauma+, 7 d 1 d TG..I�s P�7a �e De>9na o•Tnus SysipvrEno nes., of e.yluArb: �11 $1(.'IOVd, rL34]71 1 t ny ta-ii.,is.Fr=h.nt„tl xtL�arthe+re�Van prr.—v.sx,n et 11 no..f T-s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM156OBlL A08 ROOF SPECIAL 1 1 A0286697 Job Reference (optional) A -'I KOOT i russes, t-on vierce, t-L 3494n, aesign1a1a1truss.com t{un: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Mi iek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15"46:26 2019` Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-Le310isCclswXR5SLmAafJoaGAo4x5lnis9GiFydOxh -,1-4-0 7-6-4 11-10-12 � 16-4-0 , 19-0.0, 21-8-n, 25-0-1 , 30-5-12 3R-n-n 39-4-n 1-4-0 7-6-4 4-4-8 4-5-5 ' 2-8-0 ' 2-7-15' 3.4-2 5-5-11 7-6-4 14-0 5x10 MT20HS= 6.00 12 Dead Load Defl. = 3/8 in 6 3x6 5x6 v� 5x6 5 7 4 W4 3x4 W6 1.sx4 3 4 13 i 1 W2 6x8 = 8 N 1 12 5 v 1 2BI 3 N8x8 3x8 MT20H5- i1 \ 9 Iymy o 3.Uul 12 3x4 �z d 16 15 3x6 = 6x6 = 2x4 11 3x8 7-6.4 11-10-12 19.0-0 28-1-9 38-0-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y}-- (7:0-3-0,0-3-0], [9:0-0-10,Edge] (14:0-5-8 0-4-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) 0.46 11-13 >994 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.77 Vert(CT) -0.88 11-13 >516 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.88 Horz(CT) 0.51 9 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 191 lb FT= 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E *Except* B1: 2x4 SP No.2, B2: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-13 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-9-14 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-13 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min. 0-1-12) 9 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 =-165(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 =-400(LC 12) 9 =-400(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 9 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2650/1686, 3-4=-4338/2666, 4-5=-3190/1839, 5-6=-3086/1861, 6-7=-3169/1875, 7-8=-4314/2671, 8-9=-4679/2899 BOT CHORD 2-16=-1317/2292, 4-14=-235/447, 13-14=-2130/3992, 12-13=-1896/3634, 11-12=-1899/3609, 9-11=-2480/4214 WEBS 3-16=-1451/921, 4-13=-1132/971, 7-13=-817/745, 7-11=-315/578, 8-11=-340/441, 14-16=-1567/2749, WEBS 3-16=-1451/921, 4-13=-1132/971, 7-13=-817/745, 7-11=-315/578, 8-11=-340/441, 14-16=-1567/2749, 3-14=-718/1558, 6-13=-1270/2322 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 9 considers parallel to grain value using ANSUTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface, 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=400, 9=400. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �h4 M A-1 ROOF T-d,S Eb t.S LEM I 'ER--RAL IERA S d MNO f`t S CVSTGM R V6UyE .Rj ACVrrG"h1EVA E T f i N ✓! r d tl at Vt I pp n si.ng (10 l) dfh /il ,� 'ly.E g t h iter V ih rw• sis d +(beT D fA� B ect ctsie t' It e?hrt TC-Dt ba d. Rs us a E.g a g(' £. ."y Erg Uw I ay l'Sn F --'s an Manuel Martinez, P.E. - > K th V t gM Co ixfryi t d b ttficxk 1 T d�y.Cel th ?CD or de TPIT Tt d gr npi ba: - c MtIt 1 rN. T 1 ct—er,ir sf d turL e o YcJa a rh --,w mr,y rue #047162 g0 g the .t.1 tie IRr` {he 16 k iL ang cod dTP.t It w a f h ? D levy ftd itb T s !�„P g t a t 1 t. " at�dL ! Fat R, ye ti37y L=E ! O sg VG t h t t ut V' TOO old(n G+ r -dg at f } 10,ryE ngR P— lS I y f " sU CBS") 'r OU/TP, p.j sdC( fern .eyf {, s!y C TPt-td hm t'ho 4620 ParkView Dr d"l sgr ih T D- 5 _ A ra�J T.r,ia Ltanr' U mf; ,, le >t -ed dbt G +i t 3 dvxi. /ng 63._ .ly .0 ^d J.7 SVe �t .:A ie rtor tMe evid ng De-pmx a^T.vis Syste E A,eer of any bv.0 rg. All St Cloud, FL 34771 ..;Lmdhms aoasdefncdr,TP�?.S.A?Yt+ghiG711 AtRmrTrvpses Rz.mdac,icn elth,, daGumeiR Tpny roam; isre1:A3-d *^L.alrthe M,tren pcm nd!—t ro,;f7.usses Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BIL A09 ROOF SPECIAL 1 1 A0286698 Job Reference (optional) A-1 loof TNsstfs, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:28 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-H1 B2ROuS8M7emkErTBD2kktuK_TEPzl4AAeMN7ydOxf .14-0 7-6-4 11-10-12 , 144-1 . 16.8-1 . 19-0-0 , 21-3-15, 23-7-1525-0-1 30.5-12 38.0-0 394-0 6.00 1—2 5x6 = [1.5x4 II I 85x6 (/ Dead Load Dep. = 7/16 in 20 19 3x6 = 6x6 = 2x4 11 3x8 c 19-1-12 7-6.4 11-10-12 18-10-4 19 p-0 25-0-1 t 28-1-9 30-5-12 38-0-0 7-6-4 44-8 6-11-8 0- t 2 5-10-5 3-1-8 24-3 7.6-4 0-1-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- [6:0-3-0,0-2-0], [12:0-0-10 Edge], [18:0-2-4,0-3-0] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.78 Vert(LL) 0.45 15-17 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.79 Vert(CT) -0.82 17-18 >555 240 MT20HS 1871143 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.92 Horz(CT) 0.51 12 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-MSH Weight: 204 Ib FT = 10%H LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T5: 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP 2400F 2.0E *Except* B1: 2x4 SP No.2, B2: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or4-10-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 - 1490/0-7-10 (min. 0-1-12) 12 - 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = -147(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -385(LC 12) 12 = -385(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 12 - 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2654/1667, 3-4=-4164/2502, 4-5=-4068/2516, 5-6=-4195/2687, 8-9=-4018/2571, 9-10=-3952/2402, 10-11=-4023/2384, 11-12=-4652/2817, 6-7=-3504/2089, 7-8=-3504/2089 BOT CHORD 2-20=-1300/2296, 5-18=-253/307, 17-18=-1364/3106, 16-17=-1344/3097, 15-16=-1351/3078, 14-15=-2410/4200, 12-14=-2404/4184 WEBS 3-20=-1391/874, 6-17=-369/956, 8-17=-393/974, 8-15=-789/936, WEBS 3-20=-1391/874, 6-17=-369/956, 8-17=-393/974, 8-15=-789/936, 18-20=-1531/2723, 3-18=-591/1396, 6-18=-876/1043, 9-15=-306/346, 11-15=-575/572 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat.11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding, 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Bearing atjoint(s) 12 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=385, 12=385. LOAD CASE(S) Standard nOOF 7RI/5 Ee ('S LL n,,GENERAI IER S d Ct' AXA t b C IST0, n (`HJYELAI t1GALECGNEtt f .L it H r d d t tJ» Da it " g OD) d fh S Eg ,.f -h It-f V - It nvs -tad- t,eTDD YF .n act +Pta1_ taY to—dfartn 10DaL• d As T. D -Eg g( p a,yE r};(b- i'any I-. L r, Manuel Mar(inez, P.E. u Ur t at g ab • 0. .blgl t d +yry ilh .i kT tl Fct 1 �I TpD ary 4 TPi i. T, d �. un f ba" c J a4ty4 1 (Ih- T 1 f YG M a A 'sY '� Y lthc #047182 Owmer IF dJtu1 CDN ( H 4 9D"-r3 tta w..r t tihel C txe lHG ksilG t1.B J dTPft T)w L ultf, TDD J .Yf n ali,,d :f .}h B is }e 1 to.ardb S F <tre fY ,rt 7FNY �.± v1 gA D -. fi.i t t ui V Ter�dP G ,dq -de ntnE 3CnP: e ISN t (! yt tHS ) if h dby TM 30A f 3N g get tl TC41d t ihn Pa Les and 4620 Park19ew Or tt !'as n T D 5 6 1;}E Fr aid Trus 11 tact ;v h 'ad W6V G.._Irtei a3 ^d +r?.. 1 gLf, 0 cued7 Spe .d )lU�thrse b+g DeiS*t ro 7,ass Sy=le Ev9 nP.rtif enYWvJiry f.ti $I CIDGd, FL 34771 cap:sL...dt-rast aFred� rpi,)f4"l h' 2016A 1Rwr T/v- Rb,u--cf Nh dxb—'Li,Z,yN—is.Fo_37—s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L A10 Hip 1 1 A0286699 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15M6:29 20191Page 1 ID:id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-IDIRejv4vgFUOup11 vkHHyQ4GOqu8TgDPgNwvaydOxe 14-8-1 r1-4-� 7-3-9 11-10.12 12-4.0 19-0.0 , 23-3-15 i 25-8-0 , 28-7-8 31-7-1 , 38-0-0 09.4-q '1-4-0 7-3-9 4-7-- 2 0!5-4 2-4.0 4-3-15 4 3-15 2-4-0 2-11-9 2-11-9 6-4-15 1-4-0 5x6 11 6.00 12 20 1.5x4 II 5x6 // Dead Load Defl. = 7/16 in 3x6 = 4x6 = 2x4 11 3x8 I 7-3-9 11-10-12 1 14-8-1 19-0.0 23-3-15 25-8-0 , 31-7-1 38-0-0 7-3-9 4-7-2 2-9-5 4-3-15 4-3-15 2-4-0 5-11-2 6-4-15 Plate Offsets 'X Y)-- 14:0-3-0 Edgel, [9:0-3-0 0-3-0] [11:0-0-10 Edge][18:0-54Edge] LOADING (psfj SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.77 Vert(LL) 0.49 16 >940 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.76 Vert(CT) -0.88 16 >516 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.71 Horz(CT) 0.56 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 202 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* T2,T1: 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E *Except* B1: 2x4 SP No.2, 132: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W3: 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-4-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-10-12 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 149010-7-10 (min.0-1-12) 11 = 149010-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = -131(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -371(LC 12) 11 = -371(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 11 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2665/1655, 3-4=-4180/2468, 4-5=-4099/2483, 5-6=-3712/2217, 6-7=-4761/2730, 7-8=-4761/2730, 8-9=-3782/2189, 9-10=-4541/2886, 10-11=4651 /2765 BOT CHORD 2-20=-1294/2309, 5-18=-252/353, 17-18=-1907/3788, 16-17=-1544/3375, 15-16=-1547/3396, 14-15=-1555/3382, 13-14=-2203/4032, 11-13=-2365/4179 WEBS 3-20=-1336/842, 18-20=-1512/2693, 7-16=-269/219, 3-18=-565/1382, WEBS 3-20=-1336/842, 18-20=-1512/2693, 7-16=-269/219, 3-18=-565/1382, 6-17=-343/474, 8-14=-261/455, 6-16=-858/1772, 8-16=-846/1745, 9-14=-614/629, 9-13=-253/304, 5-17=-520/466 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf, h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing atjoint(s) 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSUTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=371, 11=371. LOAD CASE(S) Standard P to ewro.,ah y U A-t RCKY TRUSSES ('. LEA) G r A TERMS d Cfi.F:Ct Wt 5 C STCh1 it r6UYEW) ACKtlDSx1EU64,E ! 1 1 e ,a f �d d t T sv r. p L na (tUU} d th sPb a . r... h (aai u rE it-f«� e d meTDD ry�„m s xt t crs+e t , na �se� fx v,o TAD w tos.--s ( ➢ �.sRl Eryverr,, ups I r Tca - t= a1 Manuel Marfnez, P.E. ce fth r 1 m a :e ro blryt. t d+ s lln.-.o tdT r�:a } rti�Tooezy x TPI Tr d� sryr,rl I i. ,; d ae, )v tm T f rs ,r e+E, ,: ctm° k047182 D-" 14 D M1tii1d Ir V 6 Y.F gCeat3 .f:1,x—b, t 6rN 1 r Vw IEC k.dt Wrg< d s dTPf4} T" y dcatCe'xr!:.s*t5.cds It a .sa oo.. dvfiarCd n'. y gy.g 0Ytn2T D9 do'dbpe^ u1RyEeT.3 CA NSOnTgrvh.�advlcA gWOeca.�rte ot Truss aSydil^ .ErBThe : TrD s: }ytT114-5 erUeet:Raery tv{+dnmr Lg YNttI 4620 Parkl'ew Dr , c E Awrs yf q, tes T1 CWMhl, 2010 A iI—sfof k-doi"' 1—.,1Fht--dL.-mR-f 7--i $l Cloud, rl. 34771 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply WRMSCM156O61L A11 Hip 1 1 A0286700 Job Reference (optional) H- I'r[UUI 110SSe5, rUlL rreTCe, rt- 04Z140, oeslynLa Iuuss.Coin 6- mun: o.z i u s may to -,u w rnnu mzlu s may to ZU 10 ml I eK mousiries, Inc, mon Sep it) io:4n:,iu zu-iu Dead Load Defl. = 3/8 in 6x6 = 4x4 _ 5x8 = 2x4 I I 4x4 = 6x6 = 22 —' 20 —" '" 19 18 3x6 = 1.5x4 II 3x6 = 3x8 = 6x8 = 2x4 11 4x8 19-2-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.30 Vert(LL) -0.41 18 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.31 Vert(CT) -0.76 18 >598 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.75 Horz(CT) 0.45 12 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 246 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP 2400F 2.0E *Except* T2: 2x6 SP 2400F 2.0E BOT CHORD 2x4 SP 2400F 2.0E *Except* B4,B5: 2x6 SP 2400F 2.0E WEBS 2x4 SP M 30 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-19 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 12 = 1490/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = -114(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -354(LC 12) 12 = -354(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1490(LC 1) 12 = 1490(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2704/1665, 3-4=-2179/1418, 4-5=-1888/1354, 5-6=-2071/1463, 6-7=-5615/3204, 7-8=-5649/3220, 8-9=-3715/2225, 9-10=-4103/2393, 10-11=4749/2981, 11-12=4790/2830 BOT CHORD 2-22=-1318/2354, 21-22=-1318/2354, 20-21=-1318/2354, 20-29=-1025/2077, 29-30=-1025/2077, 19-30=-1025/2077, 16-17=-2319/4733, 15-16=-2146/4089, 14-15=-2151/4070, 12-14=-2428/4338 WEBS 3-20=-555/495, 4-20=-415/734, WEBS 3-20=-555/495, 4-20=-415/734, 9-16=-955/1705, 11-14=-2361311, 6-19=-3795/1935, 5-20=-531/268, 8-16=-1713/913, 8-17=-78811576, 17-19=-2124/4332, 6-17=-2531 /5150, 10-14=-407/418, 10-16=-364/388 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 7.Opsf. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 12 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=354, 12=354. LOAD CASE(S) Standard a;so tti, q sky It AA AWP TRUSSES (S iLER) GENERAL 7thha5 d t G`:Tt tt5 C iSTOtI R ['Bt1YEiiry CHt1Gt LEG[ h EfFt ( i ry .*,7 r 3 d t T M g( g (Toil)—h. t. [t-t Uk' le.r t(d fd Too.Ny.1 ecior Tlb[cs k'x used l;tlL eT4D lot: dad .sa muss Ck g Eg. g( iEry xer,, ina ual cnay7?J (,m' Manuel Martinez, P.E. u+ T I xi 6.d n I n b i ftrya 4047182 -R er, IFe0 .itl, d I [ p Y yCesy L xt Lhef th I8G kale N,t g wd rd T'I t. Tlw ,,GN th TDD C yfWf '[I ieT ..h+S �h B a J 1 t a Cm f l beL ,iv L.;Sy .,iL� 1 D sp. a C t P'1 t 1 N V 4C0 d - M b :dfi f - fft.._ gCom _ IS I tyt f b to Sfjp b dbt Tt n3S [A f -xtlfu g era!g d 7p f0 fi f - p^ tVen �d 4620 PaTkliew or d P. cnh T D S S y Ere d T hi -1— eth it i b, e4 1 t 3 ed vyEn by 0 h eJ. T $Gaeet, Erg NCI he L1 IS..,g r,e_v gnu o• T.uss E anenr ,fsiy by fling' AQ sl Cloud, FL 34771 ...p:..l.^.tdtemv aroaod Fne..v,Tf,l:/o"";hIf.2U1GF 3Rccfiv.:s.^s Rcv.x'uy:wNLfi,tlucurrzen* anp Taty, sFrh4rt�SA._.aal tFcw�Henpercni. ari ofh lFo_TT oss_s Job Truss Truss Type ally Ply WRMSCM1560B1L Al2 Hip 1 1 A0286701 Job Reference o tional h t —.1 1--' [- , r-I —, rt_ —Uffo, Uublyrl`d ILI USa.CUTTI 5x8 = 4 "un: o.z w s May III zu1U Ynnu tt.z"lu s May its zuio MI I eK Ineusines, Inc. Mon ID:ld 0OXvvT61Bi TXoliwHHzefvK-IotB3PWLRHVCdCZQ8Kmll 3.6-6 3-2-10 4x4 = 5x12 = 5x6 = 5x6 = 5x8 5 6 7 8 g 1b 1bl4b:S1 zU191, Dead Load Defl. = 7/16 in <I to to u 3x6 = 3x4 = 3x6 = 5x8 = 3x4 II 4x8 3x4 = 18-2-9 fbQN LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) 0.53 16 >853 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.45 Vert(CT) -0.98 16 >466 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(CT) 0.51 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 249 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 *Except* T2: 2x6 SP 240OF 2.0E T3: 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E BOT CHORD 2x6 SP 240OF 2.0E *Except* B1,B2: 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E WEBS 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-2-6 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-10-9 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 148910-7-10 (min, 0-1-8) 11 = 1489/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = -101(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -340(LC 12) 11 = -340(LC 13) Max Grav 2 = 1489(LC 1) 11 = 1489(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2679/1701, 3-4=-2317/1457, 4-5=-2313/1576, 5-6=-2441/1644, 6-7=-8194/4589, 7-8=-8739/4865, 8-9=-5950/3417, 9-10=-4394/2519, 10-11=-4821 /2858 BOT CHORD 2-21=-1364/2361,20-21=-978/2009, 19-20=-978/2009,18-19=-1181/2310, 7-16=-112/324, 15-16=-3099/6097, 14-15=-1994/3989, 13-14=-2490/4410, 11-13=-2470/4374 WEBS 3-21=-408/447, 4-21=-127/439, WEBS 3-21=-408/447, 4-21=-127/439, 6-16=-3226/6301, 6-18=-3066/1648, 16-18=-1859/3630, 8-15=-1856/1014, 9-1 5=-1 346/2562, 9-14=-154/304, 10-14=433/470, 8-16=-1630/3138, 5-19=-519/301, 5-18=-132/308, 4-19=-368/637 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Bearing atjoint(s) 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=340, 11=340. LOAD CASE(S) Standard P tn;ec 3U' Ih h-1 RC(+ TiH,55ES-(b LCA GEWRAL IEWS e,.d COND(I t_S CJlrmn rstr?w) 111105t!AMENF' I— V.Ary bt3! d d w T' Near, U n(TOD) dh h i ber V t= i UI d - the T D fAl .'- e 1 pW. tO L: ed fa. to T D01 be d ss 0e. E g. st q ( S i E g x i ) n/ TOD Is ., Manuel Marl[nez, P.E. ci. .ct U, n g rcen*.are Fa hilyf, t il g .1 the xa FeT de U lcn. hslCDcri T I i iY d pi oai ;)cc dUar,eaN 1{tF.aT I yE J g ih po t Y .1 the 0047182 P `✓ r --U d t t B 1 pCGffi iha to- _ i !. C t IHC k, Ib iT y J -d MI-/ 71,e r h T D d yf J of UleT i ! jhwd p W ,]. 1 at nat4 Cr ry ki be'U: pc -.g7/ t E rd D ¢ C — ".A I taut 4 TCU n0 (fi C U '.dg^d [ ItY C gC pxFt'1 Sall f sb (HS d) U: dbf Tp( .;;5 Ch k. ,Ced( 6 eei:} d3 TBFtd tw>t th pc Ce3. end 4620 Pa[kk4ew Dr ot the i O. y S UyE 4T-14 f .,t tm th de dfay Cu t a ed upon t gtf ,.ip >F e' e3..T Spec /y Eng NOT thi Bid' g0esgn ro T—Systn E gneer af-y4 d ,fr Ell St Cloud, FL 34771 -di✓ms—add_hne.vl TEI 14cgrry .1 C 2G 1a A IRoct Tru:s..s Rtprudu. Boa cf Shlsdo<umenit„nyfo,,,,,uFr„tbdtl�lL:aif the v;nttan pamis nel l•1Fo tTru.F-s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L A13 Hip 1 1 A0286702 Job Reference o tional A-1 Root I russ0s, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:32 2019 Page 1 ID:id_OOXyyT61Bi_TxoljwHHzefvK-AORZHlxzCbd3FMYcil H_ua1 hgbyJLr2g5ocaWvydOxb 9-0-0 ri 4 4-0.15 1 7-0-7 -0 7__ i 13-4-7 1 -2 4 17-5-8 1 19-4-8 24.2-4 25.3-A 29-0-0 , 33-0.0 1 38.0.0 19-4-0 -0� 4-0-15� 3-3-8 'I 0.b T 4-0-7 0-9-i3 3-3-4 1-ti-0 4.9-12 -1- 3-8-12 4-0-0 5-0-0 0-7-9 N 3x8 = 6x6 1.5x4 11 3x6 = 1.5x4 11 6x6 6.00 � .1xd - 5 6 7 a 9 3x4 =10 it 4x8 = 2x4 II 23 `" — — " 3x6 3x6 — 4x4 = 1.5x4 11 2x4 11 3x6 11 4x8 = = 1 5A 11 3x6 = 5x8 = 4x4 = 7x8 = 3x4 = 2x4 II 2x4 II 3x4 II 9-0-0 8-4-7 19-6-021.8-3 4-0.15 1 74.7 8-2-15 1 134-7 1 17-5-8 1 19-0-8F 4,8 1 25-3-4 t 2%0-0 1 33-0-0 38-0-0 ' 4-0-i� 3.3 0'$ " 4-0-7 1 4-1-0 1-ti-0�-1083-7-0 3-8-12 4.M 5-0-0 0-1-8 0-1-8 1-3-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in floc) I/deft L/d TCLL 2( Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) 0.06 15-38 >999 360 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.33 Vert(CT) -0.07 28 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 ` Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.68 Horz(CT) 0.02 13 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 `Except` B2: 2x6 SP No.2, B3: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-3-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 734/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 19 = 1771/0-7-10 (min. 0-2-1) 13 = 482/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 - -85(LC 10) Max Uplift 2 = -202(LC 12) 19 = -710(LC 9) 13 = -307(LC 8) Max Grav 2 - 750(LC 23) 19 - 1771(LC 1) 13 = 512(LC 24) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1180/643, 3-4=-1059/566, 4-5=-889/511, 5-6=-610/338, 6-7=-610/338, 7-8=-526/809, 8-9=-526/809, 9-10=-518/800, 10-11=0/251, 11-12=-261/541, 12-13=-625/957 BOT CHORD 2-32=-425/1015, 27-30=-176/714, 26-27=-265/913, 25-26=-147/790, 24-25=401378, 22-24=-40/378, 21-22=0/283, 18-19=-423/370, 16-17=-732/512, 15-16=-732/512, BOT CHORD 2-32=-425/1015, 27-30=-1761714, 26-27=-265/913, 25-26=-147/790, 24-25=-40/378, 22-24=-40/378, 21-22=0/283, 18-19=-423/370, 16-17=-732/512, 15-16=-732/512, 13-15=-732/512 WEBS 19-21=-1709/1450, 11-17=-483/278, 5-26=-210/369, 30-32=-330/800, 12-17=-394/630, 6-25=-272/233, 5-25=-261/2027-25=-484/733, 7-21 =-1 130/686, 10-18=-535/392, 18-21=-232/267, 10-21=-858/1012, 11-18=-512/546 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; porch right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except at=lb) 2=202, 19=710, 13=307. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 248 Ib FT = 10% QP. shy th Ff flM-TR1.S E {b LEftI G t ALTESf 5 tl(OFCt btSCVSTfl1 Rr8 YFhj GYt1Chl G54fE T f ,: ty f a d t M I'o sDe 9 4 {10Dj dlh i- f era r n i tsar v - rK- e a lM1eT D r.v,-_ ,nee- plates r e ed 1u o,e T_o b be a T- G '& E. y a o r s_ Era-,.6, L e t yT0Q nb Manuel Maf oz, P.E. Ih i t 3 - W+' Jrltyl , a b tih T a=D' f n0, TCD V +e T 11 The d ny1 b co JMn-.ahily 1 111. T t E r c j .d aM+e m> rtne 10d7182 y, y y hai r"?2L b z}txila yrx.J �xl 1"1 i.TW- V of lh TDJ J yf 1 ti(tneT I yF g I il n t f i•1 F:r tt Y TL+i U: iK a4Ny t d C A a G 1 kn - c+it N TCC a p N say 31 at 1YMB .gCwpoi: fSat IY t.r natr_ (85 i) 1>:'-f -M .dS ei 6 t-id h 1 G d asna 4620 ParFl. 34 7 d L.:i cl1 T Os & yEn and 201, 01 It tU ;vi in eJ aby-C I lyeeavyn g6y ip. nke— Sat-, _rg Hfi. k�3 Bvi,.ngr esgnermTniss SYstam Eny.env/pny WAr' i-li $t C1060, r�34»1 .,Tx:u.aatem,.aoasaaFncam'Fri�i.Gigt,-yfitf'2e1Gt,1Rp.,fTv:ic. Rc-.Mu[LmCt.sao_vme,i,anYlxrn,ispmF„a-0u}l�ovf iF,em.Han pernL€.,tr elf-f Roof i[vi,. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L A14G Hip Girder 1 1 A0286703 Job Reference o tional %- i rcool nurses, Fori Pierce, FL 34946, eeslgn@aTlruss.con 4-0-0 6.00 V2 3x4 3 M 1 2 o 29 3x6 = 4x4 = 6x6 1.5x4 I Hun: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 13A6:34 20191 28 26 45 46 23 47 48 22 25 410 = 2x4 11 3x6 II 5x8 = 2x4 11 3x4 11 4x10F I 15x6 = 49 a .f 21 18 19 1,W 52 53 16 1554 55 14 3x4 II 3x6 11 5x6 = 3x8 = 2x4 11 8x12 = Dead Load Defl. = 1/8 in 1.5x4 11 oT 1 � A 12 131l Io o 3x6 = 84.6 19-5-15 21-8-3 4-0-0 7-0-0 -2-1 11-ii-i5 13-10-7 16-10-1 19-4-7 0.4 26-3-12 21.g-2 31.0,40 38.0-0 4-0.0 3-0-0 -2-1 3-7.8 1-10-6 2-11-10 2-6-6 0-1-8 1-3-13 4-7-8 06 4-7-td 7.0-0 0.1.8 0-10-8 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- [4:0-1-12 0-1-121 [10:0-3-0 0-2-0] [16:0-0 0 0-1-12] [16 0-2-0 0-3-0) (19.0-4-4 0-4-41[27.0-5-12 0-2-12] f29.0-2-0 0-1-8j LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL, in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.98 Vert(LL) 0.13 23-24 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.66 Vert(CT) -0.22 23-24 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.72 Horz(CT) 0.07 12 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 229 Ib FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP N0.2 *Except* B2: 2x6 SP No.2, B3: 2x4 SP No.3 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except* W8: 2x6 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-2-13 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-19, 9-19 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 1304/0-7-10 (min.0-1-9) 17 = 3893/0-7-10 (min.0-4-9) 12 = 745/0-7-10 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = -69(LC 6) Max Uplift 2 = -452(LC 8) 17 = -2047(LC 5) 12 = -582(LC 4) Max Grav 2 = 1310(LC 19) 17 = 3893(LC 1) 12 - 756(LC 20) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2379/815, 3-4=-2603/924, 4-36=-2318/846, 36-37=-2318/846, 5-37=-2318/846, 5-38=-2318/846, 38-39=-2318/846, 6-39=-2318/846, 640=-925/2049, 4041=-925/2049, 741=-925/2049, 7-8=-932/2058, 8-42=-932/2058, 9-42=-932/2058, 9-43=-832/917, 43-44=-832/917, 10-44=-832/917, 10-11=-972/996, Continued on page 2 TOP CHORD 2-3=-2379/815, 3-4=-2603/924, 4-36=-2318/846, 36-37=-2318/846, 5-37=-2318/846, 5-38=-2318/846, 38-39=-2318/846, 6-39=-2318/846, 640=-925/2049, 4041=-925/2049, 741=-925/2049, 7-8=-932/2058, 8-42=-932/2058, 9-42=-932/2058, 943=-832/917, 43-44=-832/917, 10-44=-832/917, 10-11=-972/996, 11-12=-1182/1050 BOT CHORD 2-29=-716/2082, 28-29=-120/292, 24-27=-706/2154,2445=-791/2353, 45-46=-791/2353, 2346=-79112353, 23-47 100/691, 4748=-100/691, 22-48=-100/691, 2249=-100/691, 20-49=-100/691, 20-50=-156/901, 19-50=-156/901, 17-52=-1109/496, 52-53=-1109/496, 16-53=-1109/496, 15-16=-1109/496, 15-54=-371/40, 54-55=-371/40, 14-55=-371/40, 12-14=-894/1022 WEBS 17-19=-3653/1872, 7-19=497/314, 27-28=-33/415, 4-27=-135/692, 5-23=-5941362, 6-22=01295, 6-23=-786/1893, 6-19=-3163/1277, 9-15=-220/319, 15-19=-853/1137, 9-19=-2382/1577, 3-29=-374/165, 27-29=-610/1832, 3-27=-263/355, 9-14=-567/1025 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; porch right exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tali by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=452, 17=2047, 12=582. 7) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 239 lb down and 249 lb up at 7-0-0, 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 9-0-12, 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 11-0-12 , 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 13-0-12, 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 15-0-12, 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 17-0-12, 106 lb down and 116 lb up at 19-0-12, 118 lb down and 129 Ib up at 21-0-12, 44 lb down and 71 lb up at 22-11-4, 44 lb down and 71 lb up at 24-11-4, 44 lb down and 71 lb up at 26-114, and 44 lb down and 71 lb up at 28-11-4, and 152 lb down and 194 lb up at 31-0-0 on top chord, and 311 lb down and 69 lb up at 7-1-12, 84 lb down and 21 lb up at 9-0-12, 84 lb down and 21 lb up at 11-0-12, 84 lb down and 21 lb up at 13-0-12, 84 lb down and 21 lb up at 15-0-12, 84 lb down and 21 lb up at 17-0-12, 84 lb down and 21 Ib up at 19-0-12, 77 lb down at 21-0-12, 145 lb down and 139 lb up at 22-11-4, 145 lb down and 139 lb up at 24-11-4, 145 Ib down and 139 lb up at 26-11-4, and 145 lb down and 139 lb up at 28-11-4, and 399 lb down and 393 lb up at 30-11-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 8) in the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-60, 4-10=-60, 10-13=-60, 26-30=-14, 25-26=-14, 20-24=-14, 18-21=-14, 18-33=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) P Shy - i^ F t R 9. T-tLS E r S LLEia) CENERmcumm,-sl (-nUYEA,) CKnONLFr Gk R t ty .p r - le A d t t 7 else D '.nr (TOD) -1 iht ihaJ U to - srvv i � t d Ih. TCD fA'sTa M rpl3,.s h L+a eM f.rt TCD 6a d O -E 9 eE 9( `� 'is'E 9 - F L I ny T96. C Sz n Mmnuel Martinez, P.E. 1 e: - tti t t . el •q {rlyl In d a11h n ta7 0 Pw! 'cn lk»7D90rt T i f Ti.Od .T sPrpt b d' Jt 1 bt[y 1 fih. T 1 yG-dmq i �^Pa try IUic #047182 Lime;R O / u, d i G a tl g0 :� ur2 :.e.1 rth 1 C i IBC k 6.i:..g 3 JT-'!1 7t vP .of ih TDD d'nyf d ui inNT d dhe d e U d=:m t 1 •ar,d br u ! 7Ce L,a Pe fy LieB d TD y{. stG 'fie 1 mrt !r TGG dl r -9 dA k Sat V_6 �C Wne\Wl ly(rcnnab (eSC )p UihM by TfR S CF I cant A rdy d 7PF16 lme Ih Pr kt red 4620 PatkViiew Dr d•l ctl T 0 g 5 kyE D ersndTrvssif ct r;u b fh A Wty G tw'Ie li pCxE�n •7russ6,Yste E 9 xer0,i5y SICloud, FL 34771 ccr;ad:cdt.rtnss Oars d_,-dm-T.fi 4..P)mjtd C?Die A i Ru.1 Teess.s ReFr.Auei'oa ITmsa <ume�t, any ratn;i.,F-hfi`�tad ud a.ii NG-¢,tten pem noiF1R Trussas. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL A14G Hip Girder 1 1 A0286703 Job Reference o iional A-1 Roof Truase%,, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:34 2019 Page 2 ID:ld_OOXyyT61Bi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-6BYKhRzDkCtnUfi?pSKS_?7shPYgpkgzY65hanydOxZ LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 4=-192(B) 8=-31(B) 1 0=-105(B) 28=-311(B) 14=-399(B)22=-73(B) 6=-106(B) 36=-106(B) 37=-106(B)38=-106(B) 39=-106(B) 40=-106(B) 41=-118(B)42=-31(B) 43=-31(B) 44=-31(B) 45=-73(B) 46=-73(B) 47=-73(B) 48=-73(B) 49=-73(B) 50=-56(B) 52=-145(8)53=-145(B)54=-145(B)55=-145(B) F' fnP» JFy 1 A.1 RGp 7RU5 E (.S t.Eh) G t! 4 TE M1IS dCG*i DI DI SCJ'.10t1 fij`aUYFF"j YNC htEfK.tfFtfi f le ty r' 9 f d id J' 'k D i:ng( DGj ^.dfhe In gl. th D 9 ba d IT Manuel Martinez, P.E. L� -rT th r 1 elks �e W bl tyl t d Ine tirgkT tl .ct J 14z70D on1 TPI.1 Tr;d p1 b i'.r 3 's.lfy 1 oft - i 1 '.Y6 a1 3 11 rys b Yo[Ihe r{047182 O.ec,l D -.![! d !'-tee YJ gG 3 tF tuthe lF t JB k.r t. IJ geul -d T"J1 ;hc JF -f 4 TDD .I.. 7f J ac[L.eY *uJ Fg d y t J.. [ at d .y 1 1 WL':. SW til:tiy t r_tE d D 9 C t I- 1 t N U TOO dt C E tl9 -I Jel rV.- yC-i,ai:tb I6af 1}i t ,oL„1 (55 _),sut ehW br Trc d6 C - f- z3I pE 5:g 0 'rf` fd M1 Ih P '+[4 3_nd 4620 ParkVew Dr 31: gcfln D. k 6 tyE g JTrvs (l t t u I fie d aLy C t 1 zd ( gly -.Ip dT Sp j t,C�tneBel.::gDeejn. o Tnissbysts �E^gnea�pfanytrr.Mry.:Jt St Cloud, FL 34771 c..4...L.._dl=m+sa,-a.CiF.ne.. ar Tr�:.WpymaFt-?l )vA tRvAiea�5�s Re-mdu.on ih�s dacu:rc. �n any l>'tr,4FrFv�tdri...atl N�xm.Han Perms,an of F-1 Fo_f 7.uss.. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L B01G Hip Girder 1 1 A0286704 JJob Reference (optional) A-1 Roof t russes, Fort Pierce, FL 34u46, oesignLaltruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15146:36 2019, Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzeNK-2Zg467—TGg7VjzsNxtMw3QCFvCArHm1 FOQanfgydoxX -1-4-0 I 7-0-0 12-4-0 18-11-12 1-4-0 7-0-0 —T_ 5-4-0 + 6-7-12 48 = Load DeO. = 1116 in 1.5x4 11 4x4 = 3x4 = 3x4 = 46 = 7-0-0 124-0 18-11-12 7-0-0 5-4-0 6-7-12 Plate Offsets LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.80 Vert(LL) -0.11 6-8 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.93 Vert(CT) -0.20 6-8 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.23 Horz(CT) 0.07 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 81 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* T3: 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEDGE Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-1 oc puriins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-7-1 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5 = 138910-3-6 (min.0-1-10) 2 = 1454/0-7-10 (min.0-1-11) Max Horz 2 = 80(LC 8) Max Uplift 5 - 475(LC 9) 2 - -502(LC 8) Max Grav 5 - 1389(LC 1) 2 - 1454(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2594/887, 3-15=-2196/826, 15-16=-2196/826, 4-16=-2196/826, 4-5=-2535/868 BOT CHORD 2-8=-763/2244, 8-17=-763/2264, 17-18=-763/2264, 7-18=-763/2264, 6-7=-763/2264, 5-6=-702/2177 WEBS 3-8=-7/601, 4-6=-7/578 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 5=475, 2=502, 7) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 239 lb down and 249 lb up at 7-0-0, 118 lb down and 129 lb up at 9-0-12, and 118 Ib down and 129 lb up at 10-3-4, and 239 lb down and 249 lb up at 12-4-0 on top chord, and 311 lb down and 69 lb up at 7-0-0, 77 lb down at 9-0-12, and 77 lb down at 10-34 and 311 lb down and 69 lb up at 12-3-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-60, 3-4=-60, 4-5=-60, 9-12=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 3=-1 92(B) 4=-1 92(B) 8=-31 1 (B) 6=-31 1 (B) 15=-1 18(B) 16=-1 18(B) 17=-56(B) 18=-56(B) G . "ohy - h-1 ti (�-; LSSE (`� LEA) t ERA TERMS d C-0 M Gt1S C SIMI fi-(`AMA—) �tlC Iti f"UE T f t fy L 3 C d tl t in ) - s Oa - ! ..y (TOD) d fh P 'f.El5 f a tr ib=f Ll!"I 0!he-10 IlaNd 01 ( TOD. YAK;- Oats, sbalto used fart tho T o la, b d q T O S E 9: 4t..s :iE o u+ I m' YT. ,G La', Manuel Madioez, P.E. TDD o,f de 1pl-l. Tr da pt lodf be > ofth r f yc.4,ga t ^-�'� f: .ymt>,a #047182 C+x,er,l vll d ! " L D Ydf"O •t' it .. f fL�.al Irr. 16 k.- L J:C gr dT kt Tbs pp Ctl TOD J Yfi"j vol lb. T—a. fi.- b g Sfa y i t t MGrs ^J h L-M. (xros.LtitY f1re$ U ?0 9 C 1 ( Aq t vi L TCG dt y 4v �+dy >r f 1v - Y ✓aC -p— fS I ly f - 0. {oSC) lal,v bi Tr naS CA I z^1 ge. erWy tl 711.1d f 0 fc s.UiNes and d620 ParkView Dr c a .A; _"uff ei Ge S iYE gi ae,d TN If f t ,.v f lfi�u, d dby C _r , e3 ed., t 5Lf .f Ae'C rG eJ. Ti Spe t,, > JC i�_uvY sg {.¢iyn .o Tniss SVEte E 6�eer of avj b�id,rg. All St Cloud, FL 34771 -ap, dl_s as'a".", Frl 1. ./Light C 2016 A i Rc-f T�ussc Rperid.cts t i,,)sdv.vment, any la-rt:llP.bboldw.Naii fhe.10-a po—,,—W—R.(i—s_s Job Truss Truss Type Qiy Ply WRMSCM1560B1L B02 Hip 1 1 A0286705 Job Reference o tional A-1 'Roof Trussed, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:37 2019 Page 1 ID:Id OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-WmESKS7607FML70ZVat9belS2cYtOEePE4JLB6ydOxW 10-4-0 -14-0 , 9.0.0 0.8-Q 18-11-12 14-0 ' 9-0-0 0-8- 8-7-12 0-8-0 46:1.5x4 II 46 zz 3 4_ 5 Dead Load Defl. = 3/16 in 6.00 12 M r 2 IV 2§n 4 i, g 10 tT 7 4x4 = 5x6 = 46 = 9-8-0 18-11-12 9-8-0 9-3-12 Plate Offsets �X,Y) [3:0-2-3,Edge], [5:0-2-3,Edge) [6:0-0-0 0-0-151 [7:0 3-0 0-3-41 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.65 Vert(LL) -0.25 7-13 >929 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.82 Vert(CT) -0.43 7-13 >525 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.14 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017fTP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 69 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* T2: 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 WEDGE Right: 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-3-4 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-11-6 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 6 = 699/0-3-6 (min.0-1-8) 2 = 78910-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = 95(LC 12) Max Uplift 6 = -176(LC 13) 2 = -215(LC 12) Max Grav 6 = 699(LC 1) 2 — 789(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1012/619, 3-4=-806/675, 4-5=-806/675, 5-6=-1017/622 BOT CHORD 2-7=-394/806, 6-7=-394/806 WEBS 4-7=-8/372 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding, 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 6=176, 2=215. LOAD CASE(S) Standard A �e.,tr R t fl O TRUS E$ j 5 LEi ! GENERA' TERMS d COY'DITIO S CJSTUJ FZ cauYEI:7..CKf1Ght GGS1f kT f \ ,y & fi . r t d tl t it" T s i7z d it � g(WO) ndlha /Ii Ers n I Lef u - rr nr r tra Me T o only a xtn nte,- t t•M n. t Toot t. a s s T o e g ce o (s,e r E .� t. In t Y To F sac Manuel Martinez, P.E. / ^ \ ues a� 9 - Wyf t y do . tm m tsI o cxe 1 a;=Teo- ee.e Tal t.Tr d pn i unpt w J -.T. u+ btt ) r .sT -. f ya ,f a r aon c ronna t/047182 ca rJ �0 s u t !xt rir:,iee>c IL iddw'- antsTneapp m TaD aenrrut r,r,n:�h g. T� a ,f. -r�s; ttieux ✓o unY l-:eS ulr:$Ces'g^et. C r,n..ar:'F a ss loutmba TOD-4- a: c-andg tler+.-g?i W,10 .nS Co?papa.ISa(ely in(arsnpg-hft3SG)y.Ei:sheO by Tf, and �5cAyerelers±Y.zU tar peners.g a,na., av:.i der s��resp�n>�cves zna 4620 ParkViiew or e a t:eiort T 0.1 S yEp ar;dTrve tt ct "v1 ih- yJ^ -dhY Grvl t 3reJ n ta�Ly 9F 'e-J'7 Sve"'tY -e a t.C.,fYe6�7.,nepe yn.wTn,;y9Syste ErgWeeroftiny4:"T3f-c.x+l SIClaud, Fl,34171 caytW:. �icnns a.a o.d £re-d u1 Tf%�+..Upyrvhlf?Otu A.iRr_i Trusses Re..mdu.�-m fh dncumerl.! snY fam:;i7 prehaitA usN.h:i, ttC wnYon pem:F n.oit )t:a;t Truss-s - Job Truss Truss Type City Ply WRMSCM1560BI L B03 Common 2 1 A0286706 Job Reference (optional) t1- 1 TXUUI I KiSbUb, rUit MUIUe, rL J'fa'FD, ❑esign(Z-va-Itruss.com Run: 8.21u s May 18 20m Print: 8.21u s May 18 2018 MiTek industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15t46:37 201W Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-WmESKS?507FML7QZVat9beIXOCZNODpPE4JLB6ydoxW 1-4-0 5-2-9 9-8-0 14-1-7 18-11-12 1 4-0 5-2-9 4-5-7 4-5-7 4-10-5 4x4 = 6� 16 3x4 = 5x8 = 4x4 = Dead Load Defl. = 1/81n LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) -0.14 7-13 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.72 Vert(CT) -0.27 7-13 >848 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.19 Horz(CT) 0.03 6 n1a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 84 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-1-3 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-4-3 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 6 = 69910-3-6 (min.0-1-8) 2 = 789/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = 100(LC 12) Max Uplift 6 = -180(LC 13) 2 - -219(LC 12) Max Grav 6 = 699(LC 1) 2 = 789(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1175/797, 3-4=-866/597, 4-5=-863/595, 5-6=-1159/782 BOT CHORD 2-7=-631/1022, 6-7=-610/983 WEBS 4-7=-286/491, 5-7=-3281363, 3-7=-364/386 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 6=180, 2=219. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� ✓y Y aro 3t y li 1 Fl N TRI S E (^. CLEh } GEtIERAL-TEh S dk* ri IWI 6 1.,TfiM Ei {`6ti lFfi'j ✓t1G LEf ttE t 1 ry CF 7 f t M o m U g {tU )j diho Erg h I W U N i is led M TDD wy 0 _ i pl z cY Gre d I.,e lh,, TOE) f E v d S U E g y{ „e p E .g fn^ 1 TOD Manuel Marlinez, P.E. • In F e ) g �. Gc bi tyi 1.eil 5 tth -r�l I—, deF+-ct_J Li-TCD .t TPI'1 Tt d y— f npt 1 41 Ut i ,+ (Ili T 1 6 d a I p0 2 fih , #047182 g 5 e J {i 1 G I 16G b t id _ile .1 dT" is The p anhn TJD 1 yf } tti TN J. ,{h t g 5W j I ri tre ) 1 I i,eUa ycn ,'I LS^E J 3U 5 a^3C I 'A4 i i .f., 6 TCU d G L dg v' 4 } ISY gC pxi_ 1S 11}t i nruU (eScjP tr.ii Jby Tf dE CA 1 edr 5 gud iP41d M1 th p: E g d 4620 PAView or d k ct ih T D y S I y Eng � Trrvrs it c' ,,v to LL d d by G i lag d pm (.ng , 'i p r..e v¢i: Th Spec. St il t GT C.o HU lang De'i5ne� a• TNss Systa E .g near o(eny b Y,rg; Ail SI Cloud, FL 34771 -.F:at:_B lemis cro o.dvF.redii TP!t: Cilpynghl 4' 201v At , yH.-Er Pmh..aed wL.d. u,n W..h,,t poem n af>~1 foal.rvss_s. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM156DBlL B04G Half Hip Girder 1 1 A0286707 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:38 2019 Page 1 I D:ld—OOXyyT6l Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-?yogXoOknRNDzH?m2l OO8rHcuOxslYBYTk3ujYydOxV -1-4-0 , 7-0-0 11-11-12 14-0 7-0-0 4-11-12 U4 = l =4 11 44 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.71 Vert(LL) 0.09 6-9 >999 360 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.58 Vert(CT) -0.13 6-9 >999 240 BOLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.76 Horz(CT) 0.02 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC20171TP12014 Matrix -MS LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-1-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-2-9 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 — 802/0-7-10 (min. 0-1-8) 5 = 1059/0-3-6 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 2 = 166(LC 8) Max Uplift 2 = -264(LC 8) 5 = -384(LC 5) Max Grav 2 = 802(LC 1) 5 = 1059(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1157/360, 4-5=-294/188 BOT CHORD 2-6=-377/959, 6-12=-377/980, 12-13=-377/980, 5-13=-377/980 WEBS 3-6=-8/626, 3-5=-1170/453 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0,18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=1b) 2=264, 5=384. 7) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 260 lb down and 270 lb up at 7-0-0, and 118 lb down and 129 lb up at 9-0-12, and 120 lb down and 129 lb up at 10-10-12 on top chord, and 338 lb down and 72 lb up at 7-0-0, and 77 lb down at 9-0-12, and 78 lb down at 10-10-12 on bottom chord, The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 8) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-60, 34=-60, 5-7=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6=-338(F) 3=-213(F) 10=-1 18(F) 1 1=-120(F) 12=-56(F) 13=-57(F) Dead Load Defl. = 1/16 in PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 57 lb FT = 10% r i;ar; �ht i, f-1 a�b=TRt,s is { 5 L.Ei+I c r E.tn 7E 6 s a cc>':n,i re+s c siut R rear f,q..e•LrtexteocttF yr I vh� ry a no s x - csa , y1r)rJ} ail, ,P. nE s � r!¢IWi u � '. m -.w m a u+ Tco Yr„na sr nxta. Naie t tr aced rx tnq T�oto Via. a•a aaai.as o g E.g ,y( s,.� >yE s--r)•s+- � rT^' F �_^=ar, Manuel Martinez, P.E. th v r a a a t>n ntHi ! a a. In t 7 a •M i�,a Too or ae iw + Tr aeayrz o>sr,Fc. w d arbr, I tlh T f rsva a !-r+rwu,a IEC #047182 Qwne+ h O ha+ Jif ed tort @ k, gG S ll -n�- 1 kel C -h L a±C Af,gud nd TPl.t Th p} ih 7DD d ryf I irne7 J t a g t k to i -:din g FN tot. `td' 4620 PAMew Dr ,,rLSG t aD_s,gaer. .t Ccrt: ,An.lirwles iet osl nVa Tpri end th pra,o..es s^.Jq ,vi_s..)Ux 2c3u ny Con,px� IS IeLy infonraL �n LBBvi):�h! tied try TPt y�,CS Ch ercierer ro L��ere. yu dsnce 601— .nrr—, rcsF +.at" and m !'_fHi O b S -'•yEg _rand TNy ti .,• r,_vi LL. .b dClSC i iaged� Asg iryiPa �a.T $f'p'"-yn ttOT 11=$icrzg ^,z.cn nTrcsn 6YstamE,g ... �fyny W'dra: An StClaud, FL 347Ti �zrli!.-__ic+rra a. dvencCm rFi}4aFyryMC2d1 A(RcsrTrv_scs Rs,.:aCuc4ahlines aow;nenl,3a.y/an;,i.F-h3d_du.t�o-t tha anCan,pc-m.s�onNf-t fip�f3mst_. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL B05 Half Hip 1 1 A0286708 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Root trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 18:46:39 2019 Page 1 I D:ld_OOXyyT61 Bi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-T8MD180MYIV4aRayc?vdg3ggEQEIU6aiiNoSG?ydOxU -1-4-0 , 9-0-0 11-11-12 1 4-0 9-0-0 2-11-12 5x8 % 1.5x4 It Dead Load Defl. = 3116 in 4x4 = 1.5x4 11 4x4 = 9-0-0 11-11-12 9-0-0 2-11-12 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- [3:0-3-8 0-2-4j, [5:0-2-0,0-2-8) LOADING(psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL, in floc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) 0.25 6-9 >566 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.82 Vert(CT) -0.33 6-9 >425 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress incr YES WB 0.30 Horz(CT) 0.01 2 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 60 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 *Except* T2: 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-5-2 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 527/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 5 = 433/0-3-6 (min.0-1-8) Max Harz 2 = 207(LC 12) Max Uplift 2 = -137(LC 12) 5 = -137(LC 12) Max Grav 2 = 527(LC 1) 5 = 433(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-434/146 BOT CHORD 2-6=-267/290, 5-6=-269/296 WEBS 3-6=-49/323, 3-5=-572/520 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf,, h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 2=137, 5=137. LOAD CASE(S) Standard e fr:aro Jh/ in AtH ru TRUSSE4{S- LER)GEf ESA 7ERt.t6 dCCAMIT NS('JST" ft'8ulEA-)AC flCif LEG ;tF Fi"f te:d/ � f d d M. T cDe rd �g(TOO) .d1h- /{\ ,.s `yErg -0 heirs - U k cihc-re+ 1-d f T D rY.4� - ecf Fi .es tr d f }e 7 D be d As T t) g E 9 9 ( PY E 9 U. j+' I / TG . f i .�a hlanuel Martinez, P.E. �' th t �+nN �+g g c acr dr.i ry I t. d yr I lh - , T d CIF J 64 TGD or y de TPI t. TY d riPl b +v{. J I t d- I Ih. i f y D d g 1 =•S� Y f Ih Curer IF 0 awf d ; t rl C 1 gC sq ih x{ filial (. tT.18L kt'a1L 4 8 J dTP1f Tfi6 1P a.of,h TDD d ,lf 1 _oifTeT 1' aF. d il [: da, I seF dt S Y t fkto �^ t.J ti047182 C=E d GO n C nary F t teN t TCG@ d: P G dy "ei i✓ d gC mpxr tSalytyi I nr. b {85.)V'b.h dby T11 nd 56CA 1 Fag /Xy d T1f fd t Ili jc 1 esnE 4620 PatkView or e Y St Claud, FL 34771 ar 1. i f1 7 D. G S 'YE gnesr and Tryx M C r vrFe ti J dby C irsri 3 xd "K. u-f gby.. td:7F Spec YY n NOT tea+b Cesgn ro T.vis Systa ,E.p .ee. e(m. {m'6 ry: :Jl _ap:al. _-t.mis a: dc5rcd,nTFVi._Gvpyr-dhl�n �tlloA iRoot Tn+sse. R�-^.rod�c,al a}M�sdocumervl, nnny(ann, fs. Frct•-Hud u�l os Ucx^Y.n R.r:ws nett fFc_f7rvs Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL B06 Monopitch 2 1 A0286709 Job Reference o tional A-1 KOOT I russes, von coerce, FL 34y4b, design(alaltruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:40 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-xKvbyU 1_J2dxCa98AjRsDGN01ggBDXzrw1 Y?oRydOxT 6-3-14 11-11-12 6-3-14 5-7-14 1.5x4 II 4 3x4 = 1.5x4 11 4x4 = Plate Offsets(X Y)-- (5:0-2-0 0-2-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (foe) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.46 Vert(LL) 0.06 6-9 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.33 Vert(CT) -0.07 6-9 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.42 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017lTP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 62 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING- TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-1-5 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2 = 527/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 5 = 433/0-3-6 (min.0-1-8) Max Herz 2 = 264(LC 12) Max Uplift 2 = -117(LC 12) 5 = -200(LC 12) Max Grav 2 = 527(LC 1) 5 = 433(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-605/196 BOT CHORD 2-6=-481/483, 5-6=-481/483 WEBS 3-5=-549/547 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=117, 5=200. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� P f+:e 3hl 11 h,. A-t{ XJ TRV55EF(S LEP} G tEriA TERMS dG(Yi0! I(N bCJSTG41 it r'aJ•lek`1 CVtiC ht !' 4E! f � H � r d ad tr' sDe C 'x,)(TOD) d he h I F.�fi U I o is d tM1 7 D My Np a ed yl, cs tt b ei h N T D, b d Fs T_ D Q E, g- g( ' ry E g C_ I y 7D'J t b. Manuel Marrnez, P.E. blyl.. ine oft s 1 T 0=pH. Jc th. TOD r de TPI t Ttp d q" '^t1 b3 d1 ".n t ) Ith: T 7a Y Slikfilq h pe k Y Ifh #047t92 CM+rer ltWO / atN- d 1 2 YJ.HC ,3 U. ., i fro i I IZG bat t, .y wd dTP i Tv 97. _ ith TOD- d .Yf 7 I;h,T d ,7h d 9 aq s 1 4&.re f Lou v�. L+I tj th d STD sp. UC Atl t 1 - t V LD At C -1 dg d t (U E gC p e 1 W T -rat oaSGoq tx. dhy TP CA 1-. it S fe.y d TPI d M1 tl pc 5snd 4620 ParkUew or oe , r1n T o.„ s -fen sv s 11 r zr;.>, 1 m de aaY c i r a d,.a g1.y::iva a.T sue' at St Cloud, FL 34771 co�.;4:cd1=rtnsseas d..flnc. et iFil t..crlTro .t@20tGAiR..tfiTass� R.; rt,du.,-'wq cSt ada�urect aylavr.,-isFuh....lW udhdA ln4 w,tten PWnss-ane4FT Ro:1;pus.... Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL CJ1 Corner Jack 10 1 A0286710 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15,46:41 2019'Page 1 I D:ld—OOXyyT61 Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-PXTz9g2c4M IngkkLkQy5mUvGN D53y4q_9hHYKtydoxS 1-4-0 0-11-11 1-4-0 0-11-11 0 0 0 �J 0 0-11-11 0-11-11 , Plate Offsets {X Y)-- [2:0-4-4 0-0-4] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.18 Vert(LL) 0.00 7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.03 Vert(CT) 0.00 7 >999 240 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MP Weight: 6 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 0-11-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in� accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 — -5/Mechanical 2 = 181/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 = -21/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 42(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -5(LC 1) 2 = -71(LC 12) 4 = -21(LC 1) Max Grav 3 = 12(LC 8) 2 = 181(LC 1) 4 = 20(LC 8) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2, 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� F .oro 3f y M f+-1 Av TAL5 h (F t.Eft) GENERAL IEh1 K d CFf,61TM S "U TCAt fl ra Y n-) ACKtlOtl G uEt i - f i , FY da g T in d d cl M- T s iTe g J a'+.st✓T (TDD) d thx /t\ S tl ET h kt'-1 V i t nr-' to d it�e TCD Th . x:t rFlai_ §t _df Vh TE301 b .d T 'a Ds g E R 7( Sye' t' � {h_ I /iDD )_ n Manuel Martinez, P.E. ce th y' 3 x bityl. t il Gl lh S3 T d F d to TCD on dp TP) I Y d - 9 c F `4 ica- 3M ;e4Lt J tiF- T t+_ yII d 3 - W M Y lih O.ner lb G -tt d d f t #0d7182—I'm t ) C t4. IEC 1' 1 TNw rV T T TOJ d 7 I 1 r-T W'.y S 9t 'a 1 L r{J L ^. t- W L: yu tRttt '(t e' d T 0 q il C ,i .. hl f ut U TUD ntl t F h d N tl r , U,e Gu .g Garpa�,, i fr l ly - lortr. l (SSCA) y b: 7 d by T11 nd §6Ck I .e ced t , }3 - . g tl TP i d fi ih pc f LNa3 and 4620 ParkUiew Dr I:'1 to Oe'p S tyE g a�d.Ns..Ri 1 q - ;w an n.aed dty f i t 3 ed+q.m tngly '!y ved._T Sye ij NOT.1tiaP 7xngtie_yr, o•TtissStstnmE g .e=ro7-snit .d^g Fe St Cloud, FL 34771 ..o".c4xd1.'ms-.¢v. cFnatl:n'!F-i14vp>r�h(@<^OI�n iRriin-us Rc.:cducCa c)Li dpcvabi4+any tar,t..cwY2�._duE..6.Y.t_x.ti-n iwnuzsron a}kJFict 7r�ss-.- - Job Truss s Type Qty Ply A0286711 WRMSCM1560B1L CJ3 nerJack TC 7 1 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Hoof Trussd§, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:42 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT6iBi_TXo1 jwHHzefvK-tj 1 LNA3ErgteRuJXH7TKIhSR6dQchX48OL16sJyd0xR -1-4-0 2-11-11 14-0 2-11-11 2x4 = 2-11-11 , LOADING (psf SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.18 Vert(LL) -0.00 4-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.08 Vert(CT) -0.01 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 12 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-11-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. [MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing he installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 = 64/Mechanical 2 = 212/0-7-10 (min. 0-1-8) 4 = 23/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 82(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -43(LC 12) 2 - -63(LC 12) Max Grav 3 = 64(LC 1) 2 = 212(LC 1) 4 = 43(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard lquf) T2US5k.�(S LI Al G t *.A TEt. 6 dM.D 16Ct1ti70A R(-BIY IAjACWJU l 0G%Ft F-f L hd:! t ad 14 M px L OD) .ith 1MI u U I I U d A T b f 'ti sFia.c t �bpused! t I Qfab d 7. Ces@ E 9 -„ 97 re E Eg ih_ i /T ,,, Manuel Madinez, P.E. bf ih C. d yti 9 t'c blyt t d M fth 5.967 C d lh 7C0or/ de.TPll TT d sUr�Cl b d dt MLt d (Ih. T 1 bye fd f '�Fo it3 fth }j04Tt62 G*nv th O U d t - B YJ'-gC B srn..t iM I Ct IBC k�lb'ld.y J dT' I7h, r3 t 70D Jenlf 1 5 1th.T 'o'-.,sh & t -dv t k—ald ., t t2 i. " 4620 Pa7182 Or Ln5 3 TD W G -A 1 Et tr iGG AM C-dy dl ..1! A gC W'� tSat y I it IBS.a) C't dbp Tf 53Ck fe g era.S d TPE ldt ih pc nd C'I. a 1> b. b $ tyE g JT.0 M f r 1 cfr -. dO.W C ^1 g ed m targ krJ..�l v�'t' 7h 6Ce tY t:GT (h BV1.. ,g Ciiryn rur 7ra5s 6Y-te Egg �:__r afeq Uvid'.r. :,n St Cloud, FL 34771 ...p .I ..0 t_m. pJ tl3f;nc..»Tf'3F (: uP, r-yhtE2UtaA iRc..fTn:i.s R..�.rCus.:an ct tn,s aaLure 1 v4 nyt.a.7r1.Fr_FY.dx 4nsii Puw.N.en Pcrmssvn cff /fiti�f l.�s¢..: Job Truss Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1 L Corner Jack 1 1 A0286712 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.coi Y(un; o.2 i0 s May -iu zu iu Print. n.riu s May is zuls Mi i eK inousmes, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15t46:43 2019" Page 1 ID:Id-0OXyyT6lBi-TXoljwHHzefvK-LvbjaW3scz?V32ujrr Zrv?d11mRQ-KHd?mfPmydOxQ y 2-7-7 t 2-7-7 3x4 = 2-7-7 2-7-7 --i LOADING (psfl SPACING- 2-0-0 CSi. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.11 Vert(LL) -0.00 3-6 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.10 Vert(CT) -0.00 3-6 >999 240 BOLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ffP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 8 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-7-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 - 95/0-3-6 (min.0-1-8) 2 = 67/Mechanical 3 = 27/Mechanical Max Horz 1 = 52(LC 12) Max Uplift 1 - -13(LC 12) 2 - -47(LC 12) 3 - -1 (LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 95(LC 1) 2 = 67(LC 1) 3 = 41(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 1, 2, 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Qo,fi r.4 hY r i. AnaiHC.Or TR1,p55Ek (h t dA 9Trtgi.l 5 d('GRDI IOtLiS.0 ToClr,AY fi rdeHJTYPEI Rdt '+} T t Kd lTlO-AeEra i:tPtEtati"fb ;i.:-Pn(y 32 g r Poi`1iitt 7 d edtl 4T 1( - F:y6qi}¢: U 31i()J ad th¢ Mnuel Martinez, P.E.t ox,E,,u o u: d 1'uaH r� D ti0d7162 s u lutmer c tF tec s;,� iw'1 uwd am r.Trh ry :tn Pao a_ yr 1 Ire T n, v a f r -cure a n wli. vc �.ctr >'Lhe5 d yD sp. atgN+n4 T[J ndt — d9 1 ILr gCempane i61 ti i tub (H4 �15fi 6.,1 dbY Tf'i - SHGA 'f r Jf 5 & tl ? itd^hn ih pa tuCNes end 4620 Park19ew Or C tNxU An Jai " a/ifi i 0 - u S .y Ene and T M L r fl, - q J d by ' C !<u.l ed vfian { 9 tp I P '¢ e3:.T SP Ena tIGT A: H 1 ; � C_iyn> o Tniss $yste Eng sneraf enY W'd'rs. All $t Cloud, FL 34771 •�F�tdt.d l,.vnsaoa. d..Fnc.r rpi. GOn)Tyhl G20;vA 1 Ro-f Tno,cs Re„du.i'm cl L>tisd�c�meryt any laTn,,nF..+ts.dr.L.l oG—d-perm�S panoi!-1R-f Tf�ss_s " Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL CJ3L Corner Jack 2 1 A0286713 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof Trussd's, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:43 2019 Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi—TXoljwHHzefvK-LvbjaW3scz?V32ujrr Zrv?cslmCQ—KHd?mfpmydOxQ 1-4-0 2-11-11 1 4-0 2-11-11 , 2-11-11 2-11-11 � Plate Offsets (X Y)-- (2:0-4-0,0-0-4] LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.18 Vert(LL) 0.01 4-7 >999 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.12 Vert(CT) -0.01 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/ TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 12 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-11-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 - 64/Mechanical 2 = 212/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 - 23/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 82(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -43(LC 12) 2 = -74(LC 8) 4 = -29(LC 9) Max Grav 3 = 64(LC 1) 2 = 212(LC 1) 4 - 43(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124tnph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2, 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1' 'P T 1100 -vwl E t ti Lffi } CEt EL TEPN6 d CO bl Ct S C STGM R (`AUYFR7.S flOhCE .t'>'JEf 7 f t r 3 f _ y d a t i _s m j- a 70G} 3 ohs y Erg ash-1 b-f u kss clhe--t d I, TOD r o e c} E rUsed rn Vn, TDe as a T„ o s E s ns t E�gf F �� F r r F is n Manuel Martinez, P.E. trlryf V1. J Im ,.. yl T E -w J lhaTCDerr Y 7?I1 rY a r 1np1 kU3t and :f LT 1 flh. r f _ yWd ,T U —W.y0the N047182 d -t B 1 Bt%e a llR coa�..lrtl I C ins 16G L L4.S o ,f aTA } Tt✓ v1 .aiug TJD J: yf 1ottnNT -a F.s d 9 f 3- t Y .a Lr ttt'W4 po rnRy o .I A 51 t G -ti Jp +d^I N- gG {w.hl6ltytf-_s iSS I)p.0 �dbYT�I pr:C S9CA f - f g 5`4d Tt-fd 1 a [a ssnd 4620 ParkView Or nt th i D S e •I E p ! T' s ! j—fscs '1— ; 1 1h d by G 1 1 g p -t 3 br ,! V a'' d Tha 6peo.yil Eny r7UT Ise 6 la ng Ox=gn: • Tniss Syile E .o .eer Y(niy M: .3:rg. ;,n $t Cloud, Ft 34771 +P.«Raalx+,ns a.o a.. Et -_fined in Tri-l-G�p,xrahl-ut11GA tP-1 T-i - R.y.:d-- U1ih,da<emcat ny f>.m;;,sswn 0l fRo:f Trds. _.. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L CJ5 Corner Jack 6 1 A0286714 Job Reference (optional) A- t Rout t rubses, Pon Pierce, FL 34946, design@a-itruss.com stun: 8.210 s May 18 Z018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:44 201Y Page 1 ID:Id_0OXyyT61 Bi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-p696os4UN H8MhCTwPYVoN6XkjR3k9RZRrf WCzCydoxP _-1-4-0 4-11-11 1 4-0 4-11-11 1 2x4 = 4-11-11 4-11-11 t LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL, in floc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1,25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) 0.04 4-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.29 Vert(CT) -0.05 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ITP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 18 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOA CHORD 2x4 SP Na.2 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss BRACING - to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at TOP CHORD joint(s) 3, 2. Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-11-11 oc purT BOA CHORD LOAD CASE S ( ) Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Standard MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 = 122/Mechanical 2 = 278/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 48/Mechanical Max Horz 2 - 123(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 - -81(LC 12) 2 = -73(LC 12) Max Grav 3 - 122(LC 1) 2 = 278(LC 1) 4 = 77(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (Ib) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4' F�eo Jh t A-iHm i l.SSFFtS FLEA) G tbF )f:f.AtS dG(Y DI IT'ttS CJ4TDi1 A(`e lEF"1 ,.C4flfrhE G hEtil t t Syf :d f .,l d d i ! F sD- 4 3(iUD) 3 h? i jEr (.. eh Itni UI !r_rvF is d fn 1"l. ytStl rt Isb.-s t I.1.TIe TC.e b v d to 5 D £ E.£, -A— yEty y Iut. ,—s t_ r• Manuel Martinez, P.E. ttt Lh 1Y f q - tro d+lfy! _( d ifh•xyi T. d`£'�.(r1 ,L4 70D or{ 3e'T It. it tl d: u�ql I a"' 'urd t t l t1h: T f y6, i g if>! a k t tlh C ez, F O d i t D Id NDi iha rlcif It"', 1�.18G k tt'I�.k J -4T"if Ttw �p -11 TDD 1 r J 'tneT S dF i to 647162 ,. a C t 'RI 1 t ft tr TOO pza G -.d9 ida fwre E5 9C iSet." l t Y 9 a t t d.y f fi t' yv -d t`"` d D VP {9SC)Fwb sled by TT 4S Lk f r t S e.g tl 711,d M th pe F4 C 462o d, FL ew Or di �atth T b h S 'YEng t f u v t dt- nJ dbY C I 1 >d pc^ 3L`y ip." J.Th S{+e .{t ng tG fitdE rv.£G,�ncc True=6ysii E•rdre./�fn,.ytv:lry. Xi SlCloud,FL 34771 t,.p:sG�ed fcim-e oaidvhr;cl>1 Ti�i�1.GCA)'rehl9 cUlu \1Rr»i T.u.,w R.nrt-0ucS;M t+„d�cumen( ary lam, -is Fr.t; txd wt.o�i ll•c xml on pemiss Waif-1 Ro,;f i,vsss Job Truss Truss Type City Ply A0286715 WRMSCM1560Bl L CJSA Corner Jack 1 1 Job Reference o tional ATRoof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:45 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-H IjU?C578bGD IM26zG01 wK4xdrRjuupa4JFmTeydOxO -1-4-0 4-2-O 1-4-0 4-2-0 M N N 2x4 = 4-2-0 4-2-0 LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Lid PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) 0.02 4-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.18 Vert(CT) -0.02 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MP Weight: 16 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 = 99/Mechanical 2 = 25010-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 39/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 106(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -66(LC 12) 2 = -68(LC 12) Max Grav 3 = 99(LC 1) 2 = 250(LC 1) 4 = 63(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard J� F. 1 n �ht ih h1 AC(F TRUSSE6(F't LEVJ G I A TEF.i1Sa d fi`Gi fi sTin1 iT j"8 Y h'j CKtlG 4l G<ttEtT f 1 ydx ] r d - d o fr• vDe r� i g(TU j d fi /i\ 'y Ehg t lat_ t t� ood fl, In. TM to b O A. O E g -- 9( r-. Egmo.6, th I /T--' Manuel Maflnez, P.E. N' ce t i 1 �P .7 M �Dlypr. d g tih-„ } T d 1 N TCD T 1 t Th d pnO1 b ,, RI t 1 f4. T i Yr� d gLet r+34 b y tp #047162 47 e. ih G Al d i' E YlMg r—ig UHI n_ 4 —I C 1W In, keb J-'.p l dTR i TM ,' h TDB d nyf j 1(ty.T n„1+ 1 9 sto"R w J. P^ 'bT) 1 LY5 d 1D V" C a. 1A 1 e1— DEe dt itF { hce dA k r_ .g co-kp It55G)bt T1 fialety in(onnsW p '� d",4E ck f e k q pe .,sda T ifd hrn IS ,pc ILis and 4620 ParkYiew Dr -w( ,pr!he T—D.tt .,- 6pecaryE a er end Ttyos 'moss cne w.A je Fd by e. cp,t—l. —d yn9 tybaTh sre='F.r E, ep. *WTr a DO allosg .p.Tni>s ovotr,,Ena, <e. pre.r pl St Cloud, A. 34771 taFfal.v i.nn aa9s tl�fine...�'7fr9 CeP)r-aMa2olG ttlRtMi Tri,.:.s R..r„a�cYvt lisa�:�nent,t any ixm. is pnttrt.d v.;4o.if Up wntterz pcm,s anNA-lftxt 7rus Job Truss Truss Type aty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL CJ5C Corner Jack 1 1 A0286716 Job Reference d tional A-! Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 182018 Print: 8.210 s May 182018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 IN6:46 2019° Page 1 ID:id_OOXyyT61Bi TXoljwHHzefvK-mUHsDX61vuO4wVclWzXGTXd4zEkZdK3kJz?J?5ydOxN t 4-7-7 477 3x4 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or4-7-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in L.awith Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 = 169/0-3-6 (min.0-1-8) 2 = 121/Mechanical 3 = 48/Mechanical Max Horz 1 = 93(LC 12) Max Uplift 1 = -27(LC 12) 2 = -83(LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 169(LC 1) 2 = 121(LC 1) 3 = 74(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf,, h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. CSI. DEFL. in floc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TC 0.38 Vert(LL) 0.04 3-6 >999 360 MT20 2441190 BC 0.33 Vert(CT) -0.04 3-6 >999 240 WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.01 2 n/a n/a Matrix -MP Weight: 15 lb FT = 10% 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1, 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard /� fb i ava7h.Y [h h 1 N. r'+ (RI.6SE (ti lEi 7 GENERAL ETERMS hr.d G(1 'Gi rfyt 6 (il5TN1 N (°BUyE, IA. ,YflGhlEf' L E lT f t Fy y r St d d o, M' s I `n (I Op) d ih2 Iil 5 ry E 5 ft 1W UT- <r t f d i T D ht, a ri i Y to "1l P T D b d T D¢s*,y E 91' 91 STs rYE S U the1 YTOO Manuel Martinez, P.E. to the 7 a! pens yl Tlf,t doffi,e nl.T d'tr d Lh TDD de Till. .t?T d q: P 'cling j 'dtjell v rIt. T t Ye. ,d q t Fo b fin. f�f t iBc rob la dmr t Tb- y #047102 d JPrti f1 7 D d ._Yr" 1 eT d gh g 1 r t t 4t. S h-i'l;e o-. Pt it C 8 .i D g ¢ d G t I t at- V TCD d h p 0 U9 1 IU,-.. gC s,pa7, i6 t tY ( rat BS IP %h dbY Tf'( rx SSCA t. dt 9 �sg d Tp11d fi 1h Pc send 4620 ParWm Dr t41. gtlh i D. 6 ly Ena end Tn+ss ii t d ('v i t J c+1tY C 1 I yrN u,xin .r-t .g ly _:1 ys.t d:. The By+e V4-rg IGTteE Nng Ca_igne •TNs^SY9(r� E.grr.r otenY bid r.S.:Ji St Cloud, FL 34]]i .«{.a....t.m. n�oasdo5n[dtn TF,I G.plryhiCNI6A iRraeT �.:e R_:tudu.�:ai t§..otumem .,ny loir,,Y.F+r'w11.dN^.t•.r�lUewiY.an pimss— M F, Ro_f T!ass,.s Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM156OBlL CJ5L Corner Jack 2 1 A0286717 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roof Trusse%, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:47 2019 Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT6IBi_TXoljwHHzefvK-EhrEQt7NgCWxYfBU4h3V7k9D2e23MnJtXdktYXydOxM 1-4 0' 4-11-11 1 4-4-11-11 3x4 = LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.49 Vert(LL) 0.10 4-7 >563 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.44 Vert(CT) 0.09 4-7 >648 240 BCLL 0.0 " Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a We BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MP Weight: 18 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-11-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. [accordance iTek recommends that Stabilizers and required rs bracing be installed during truss erection, in� with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 = 122/Mechanical 2 = 278/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 48/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 123(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -81(LC 12) 2 = -102(LC 9) 4 = -51(LC 9) Max Grav 3 = 122(LC 1) 2 = 278(LC 1) 4 = 77(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 4 except Qt=lb) 2=102. LOAD CASE(S) Standard /� P ?�orc JFvy M F t R f) Tti(,55EG (h LEA l (,ENERAL TERMS b d CG` Dt f'43S "J T(Y h/ R ('BJ1 h) C� 40E(' F.Ur t k J B d d i tF T. De A (T(J j d IAe S,^ '1 11— ! h.0 tei 1. k ih n d ih T D Y AT a'x I e t ik rJ ix lr, T D' b d F T t)- g E g. A( .lE.g in 1 yib c Manuel Martinez, RE. `1 ce k» f i al �d a 'bAtyl 1' tl y ifi 1 T d� Lh DD or n TPtI Tt d n)~I I Mdi d4f J Hire T 1 YG rl g 1% sW b y IIhO 9047182 O .er, IF O iil d t --! B N. ALw 3 p - nt,.t h 1 'hn IBG k att I.f p J sWTT'-f TM r4. 'th TJO d Yf 3 WireT J:,J had Y t A t .d Lm g F ttY V- 9{ t.ltf (L,=B rd 3D g.. G 4--FI 1 - taN OD 4 L G tl4 d^ h,..l gCo^, i6 (eSY t yG ;BS j^yU; —y Tn nd SBCA mf t p 3g d T ftd fk G bl S d G620 ParkUew Dr n 4 Yprl 7-1 Des„a 6 yE g and Trvs !A Ni de dby dC Ir afire d by 1 ,v d.. Th 6J ty •:B t DT tie EeUnq Des�ne •TNs=System E.B'ae of ony b,!di g.:Ji $I Cloud, Ft �rn� -=Fts! di !o Is-21—d.t MIC( pyrvyhl C 21)1GA i R-1 T•u..se. Re-.udu.— el, dsc�men..h iioirr-.;a F-ttit_dx:tho�ltt&rmt:enpon�rzsan[IF 1Rnc17.u..as. Job Truss Truss Type city Ply WRMSCM156OBlL CJ6 Corner Jack 1 1 A0286718 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Root Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15146:47 201T Page 1 ID:Id OOXyyT61Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-EhrEQt7NgCWxYfBU4h3V?k9Dle2kMnJtXdktYXydOxM 1-4-0 5-8-6 1 4-0 5-8-0 3 2x4 = Plate Offsets 'X Y)-- [2:0-0-4,0-0-0) LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) 0.07 4-7 >897 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(CT) -0.08 4-7 >803 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017fTP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 20 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-8-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 - 141/Mechanical 2 = 302/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 56/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 137(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -94(LC 12) 2 = -77(LC 12) Max Grav 3 = 141(LC 1) 2 = 302(LC 1) 4 = 89(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 3, 2. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1Te tnw fi t N A.1 R A T415 kS { '+ lFk / C t E1J� 1Ehi,8 d CG'�t .r 5 C ItiTfi`i {i (`dJYEF'j.iKflGht U 4 E t t 4e fy j r ut d d n t !• - T i g (SU 7) d ihx Manuel Martinez, P.E. aC Ge lfi t i Pct NiD/1 l tl the..+pl i M.0 4h37DDe i 'b T If..Ti d r+C b-TMy or*JI Li I tih T I yCi d' i }� -sM k�'y flh jje47162 P e+{F O ! W d t t E IJ yC-siy U _.r,_. ( .e I (hs iW11mr, -d T"-1 TM1 pp—W. u, T D d nYf 1 t eT .i '.Jh d H t 1 - no4 .y Y•ff att Pn L14 N- sd �D sA.-i G I fiJ 1 t st iCD rN V 'T .:d9 .d 1 IN-E ngC pa Ie I lil f r. L BS Jfi�U" Mbr TTh'rzdS [q (rc (c 8 'rMg tl TPI-td M1 (M1 P[ t[ >and 4520 Pafk%4ew Or S I:vY ilh t& .YE9 eod ,ry li G t t cih dnY .G 1 tag d L"e lq,fpnrtrE ved. TE Sy+c tilE noTG E iWng c�eagn .Truss SYst rE=.0 P.ei vfs YUv d.j; fil $l Cloud, FL 34771 d"-dn Trr _7 VCPt"-3ht 0 2010 A 1 Rwl Teas es Re-r..Ysi.a 0thi. daium¢ t,i and ta-", w,L ju.,-0.tl pc -!—OP-1 R-1 T.us_aa Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL GE01 Monopitch Supported Gable 1 1 A0286719 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof 7russe`s, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:48 2019 Page 1 I D:xhtbvZpZyEOpo7r8?qW 18cymLcn-it0ceD7?RWeo9pmhe0skYyiUE2Uj5EZOmHUQ4zydOxL 2-8-0 2-8-0 2x4 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.08 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.03 BCLL IN' Rep Stress incr YES WB 0.00 BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-8-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. E ek recommends that Stabilizersss bracing be installed during trusordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 = 71/2-8-0 (min.0-1-8) 3 = 7112-8-0 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 1 - 39(LC 12) Max Uplift 1 - -13(LC 12) 3 - -33(LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 71(LC 1) 3 = 71(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. ll; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0,18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 MT20 244/190 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 Horz(CT) 0.00 n/a n/a Weight: 9 lb FT = 10% 6) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1, 3. LOAD CASE(S) Standard P' Frc JhY in t fiUf`- TRU E t F lrTi } C r tT.f Rh a d.coNmmrms C `riGhi f` ra YER-)Arvn! hLev-MEt i r WAI, H r C aad no tr" F s ae . tl:I .gGt tF ta�<.gStg a.strzr cit.mg.eI tybPr,I envtl ite..r- c t a inpro t�A.t r.r�na. :e Ie r h r r:.rsb^ .L �(.TOD) bisr b se no'.R+d iha Manuel Maitnez, P.E. . i, A" pi.re 04782C .r 140 sstod t th Ch 12G k HLy il 1m / n, pp tN T Dyf J utFT t h i 4620 ParkView or 5U 04 yC CO df dgk 1 r- brg QtB$ft)pz: h x3 —j T11 -dbf e--d rr L,ps 1.GT rve£0Lrg De,,-rw Tuss aYsA9 $tCloudjl. 34771 TFyi"a6 cmh,020101, R--T.,— Tu— Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL HR Diagonal Hip Girder 3 1 A0286720 Job Reference (optional) A-1 ROOT ( msses, Tort Fierce, ru 3494b, oesign(a)altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15'.46:49 2019" Page 1 ID:ld-OOXyyT6IBi-TXo 1jwHHzefvK-A3y?rZ8dCpmfnzLtC65z49F WuSi8gbdA?xDzcPydoxK 1-10-10 4-7-4 9-10-1 1-10-10 r 4-7-4 5-2-13 3x4 = 1.5x4 11 3x4 =" LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TO 0.59 Vert(LL) -0.05 6-7 >999 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(CT) -0.10 6-7 >999 240 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ITP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 43 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4 = 159/Mechanical 2 = 442/0-10-6 (min.0-1-8) 5 = 274/Mechanical Max_ Horz 2 = 182(LC 4) Max Uplift 4 = -107(LC 4) 2 = -180(LC 4) 5 - -64(LC 8) Max Grav 4 = 159(LC 1) 2 - 442(LC 1) 5 - 274(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-11=-734/174, 11-12=-684/191, 3-12=-683/181 BOT CHORD 2-14=-266/679, 14-15=-266/679, 7-15=-266/679, 7-16=-266/679, 6-16=-266/679 WEBS 3-6=-717/281 i!t:�3111�3 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20,Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 5 except at=lb) 4=107, 2=180. 6) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 77 to down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 77 lb down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 36 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-2-8, 36 lb down and 41 ib up at 4-2-8, and 66 Ib down and 88 lb up at 7-0-7, and 66 to down and 88 lb up at 7-0-7 on top chord, and 12 lb down and 40 lb up at 1-4-9, 12 lb down and 40 lb up at 1-4-9, 16 lb down at 4-2-8, 16 Ib down at 4-2-8, and 30 lb down at 7-0-7, and 30 lb down at 7-0-7 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 7) in the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 14=-60, 5-8=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 11=57(F=29, B=29) 13=-74(F=-37, B=-37) 14=46(F=23, B=23)15=-9(F=-4, B=-4)16=-56(F=-28 , B=-28) A s ih l R-tpef —,Vh (SH LEfif G I -the D. dCC'kG Gf SC 6T(M tt(` JYed'.Ihe(CD(obo51EltT ,.` /' Ty,Erg f - h '— U k CI the to d I.eT D yA n neHorFiats ia3ei IN- 1. The d h — & E 9_ ^g( - ? Y E g ._ } r- i Manuel047182 P.E. i.J «, v, F Huey re w t+Lry(:t. dltln IST a-cuevc t>;n TGoonr x 7PT.t Tr e ti. s,�rt w,•-,3. �r Mu rfr T / re �.a m co ro 1>mfia VI 047182 1F V ti•3 il i L H Yt gC4 y fi - 1 tl I A'feG k ntG 'i y ,1 dT?E i T1w ,.N u{in TGGe"d ny r"Hd .1 the T—e. S- h d H W Ji1m."eleher h3<tWP sUtif 1Cc By d g0 III, Cf C f 4M fl 4 W L TGG y y 4 VN 1 ith-- MJ 4C nW?n€ IS 1 I t ( pi (HSCJp-JU: i dUY Tt'-. ' 3CR 1 b 4 sib d T^416 I t - GIL Ssna 4620 ParkView or tlqt- 14 T D. y 6pedeyE ndTrys n xt�roi,_ k th d <fht G i isg ^0vpnn ( Lf JR"'e t vcd-.T SPe^. "Y%.G+TfimE�lvngCesgn.orTr�ssSyste+E�g efofs..tbvSry,.All $lC}OV(I,F�34771 e.,F:54-ed fe�m. Ye a2 d_6rcd.nTPit Wp,nyhtC201QAIReef Lussr. Re-^md-4ie 1t-,te."en i..ny lair; is Fr-FintrC xit:,o:.Y 4tc vntton p�m.. ri efl 1prlTess - Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply WRMSCM156OBlL HRA Diagonal Hip Girder 1 1 A0286721 Job Reference (optional) A-1'KOOT 1 fusses, fort Fierce, t-L 34ymu, oeslgnLaltruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:50 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT61Bi_TXo1jwHHzefvK-eGWN2v9Fz7uWP7w3lpcCdNnh1 s1TZ2VJEbzX8sydOxJ 3x4 = 1.5x4 11 3x4 =" 4-7-4 4-7-4 t 9-10-1 5-2-13 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in floc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.63 Vert(LL) -0.05 6-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.59 Vert(CT) -0.11 6-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.42 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017rTP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 43 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4 = 180/Mechanical 2 = 453/0-10-7 (min.0-1-8) 5 - 301/Mechanical Max Horz 2 - 182(LC 4) Max Uplift 4 = -125(LC 4) 2 - -185(LC 4) 5 - -67(LC 9) Max Grav 4 - 180(LC 1) 2 - 453(LC 1) 5 - 301(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-11=-777/214, 11-12=-727/231, 3-12=-726/221 BOT CHORD 2-16=-288/720, 16-17=-288/720, 7-17=-288/720, 7-18=-2881720, 18-19=-288/720, 19-20=-288/720, 6-20=-288/720 WEBS 3-6=-760/304 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 5 except at=lb) 4=125, 2=185. 6) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 77 lb down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 77 lb down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 36 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-2-8, 36 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-2-8, 54 lb down and 69 lb up at 5-10-11, and 66 lb down and 88 lb up at 7-0-7, and 76 lb down and 103 lb up at 8-0-2 on top chord, and 12 lb down and 40 lb up at 1-4-9, 12 lb down and 40 lb up at 14-9, 16 lb down at 4-2-8, 16 lb down at 4-2-8. 24 lb down at 5-10-11, and 30 lb down at 7-0-7 , and 40 lb down at 8-0-2 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pif) Vert: 14=-60, 5-8=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 11=57(F=29, B=29) 13=-14(F) 14=-37(B) 15=-56(F)16=46(F=23, B=23) 17=-9(F=-4, B=-4) 18=-19(F) 19=-28(B) 20=-36(F) /A\ P /ho ]f y L h i f1Ci) 7i(16 kb VS LER GENERAI TERMS d Cb ORI f S CJ47MI R (`DJYEn"jA1,1I4WVLWWkIENr I t N de ] r d- d 1 C [ g (TOO) ood h Q P a'y.E h IbP1 V h rw sta �d tir T D tAr, ^cl rFt>i. T'i be dtart 7 D b d F D E E t - tl vo I T a= d c;._TDoo Ae TPt i TTzd > ¢ e 1 r , D, I yTn . �. Manual A1aNaez, P.E. N. q u y .;.a. -,�,rt a d di xoly- T: oflh T r yD ) a T no ro y rt.' k047182 C%aver th U 'i d 1-t E li 9D"=g Lh wn., 1 it I R-IBG k'a'G 3..g ul .dT?i-17M 2Y -' I fhE TDD J nyf / eof tneT jh d 9 t t t �aixit I h"7l beR lh JaD 9- C f he ( t,.wt L TCD A! A d1 1 f"I .. G0-Pxx 1 Ilk i-f rtn it tasc.)p.b hdbt Tf•Y nG CA 1 _ i 5 y tl i itdf t Ew tLN and 4620 ParkView Or m La± fu, T D.-b e _ I:yEa nd Try R1 f.�t 1 Oh , d dby G t i od yy �� L.g by _11, xd, Tfi Sy+e Y tC�l�_Prsis 9ve: yn o•Tn�sv SyslenE 9rex:df anytv.j�y. !-'1 5l Cloud, EL 34771 .�p!rst;ed :xogrs cVEncd�n 7rl-T LtT•yh1�21yloA iRa.1Trv.s s Rccnwac,fon !. nd <u a yt>:m.i.P�h.brt_dxsCaX U4 wnnxn pern�x,an a/li Ro_T Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L HRL Diagonal Hip Girder 1 1 A0286722 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 1R46:51 2019 Page 1 ID:id_OOXyyT61Bi-TXoljwHHzefvK-6S41GFAtjRON 1 HVGJW7RAaKsOFObIV6TSFi4hlydOxl 1 -1110-100-10 4-7-4 9-10-1 1-14-74 5-2-13 2x4 = 1.5A 11 3A =- LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in floc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.59 Vert(LL) 0.11 6-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.53 Vert(CT) -0.10 6-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.40 Horz(CT) 0.01 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 43 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-6-4 oc bracing. M,Tek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4 = 159/Mechanical 2 = 442/0-10-6 (min.0-1-8) 5 - 274/Mechanical Max Horz 2 = 182(LC 4) Max Uplift 4 = -110(LC 4) 2 = -271(LC 4) 5 - -229(LC 5) Max Grav 4 = 159(LC 1) 2 = 442(LC 1) 5 = 274(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-1.1=-734/451, 11-12=-684/468, 3-12=-683/462 BOTCHORD 2-14=-523/679, 14-15=-523/679, 7-15=-523/679, 7-16=-523/679, 6-16=-523/679 WEBS 3-6=-717/553 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope); cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed; porch left exposed; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 4=110, 2=271, 5=229. 6) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 77 lb down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 77 lb down and 90 lb up at 1-4-9, 36 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-2-8, 36 lb down and 41 lb up at 4-2-8, and 66 lb down and 88 lb up at 7-0-7, and 66 lb down and 88 lb up at 7-0-7 on top chord, and 51 lb down and 40 lb up at 1-4-9, 51 lb down and 40 lb up at 1-4-9, 10 lb down and 40 lb up at 4-2-8, 10 lb down and 40 lb up at 4-2-8, and 29 lb down and 71 lb up at 7-0-7, and 29 lb down and 71 lb up at 7-0-7 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25 , Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pin Vert: 1-4=-60, 5-8=-14 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 11=57(F=29, B=29) 13=-74(F=-37, B=-37) 14=46(F=23, B=23) 15=-9(F=-4, B=-4) 16=-56(F=-28 B=-28) ihOTu)hY t F-i AOf = TRt SSES ('+ ILEA j G t F A TEl.NS d C�..ifl tbt b CJ TU51 H ('B YFR'j Kf1C hi ED„'it fT f t fy ba 5 f•+ d ead na t - [M U - 5 r'r 'XE 9 `h IMfrcu V I .p. nrs t dcnlneTCD nyAa neotorFlan. Yalbeusedforthe7pDtobe d T. D t, E g g( 'yE g rf_,Ins 1 anySGU F _ (aar, AianuelMartinez, P,E. ce 1F e Ex btyl t d Illy t 7 - 6=pc 1 Lh TDD onV �a TPI.i. Tt d Ssun 1 i t Jt - t -Lt l tih' T t y6. ld li -tpo t Y Itrye #047182 Parer u, C—es auljd -t 'tl E l pDo^5 U n.' l rtlo i Tv" 7hs 11. T D d - yf 1 eel(-T :,fh d g W d 1 4 rod t, hx 14 Mp-1 1,1 TDp Jh F r d9 �`t ttYe2 f gC?ay .i„ IS (tY 1 -.n l BS )Auk. '� dbt T(' sf,3 S9CR f r t 5 -s.g d i`t-le M1 lh^ t enJ 4620 Park�iew Dr d i' so1L T D - T S yE gi wndT's If t ;vn a sed- br kC9 -iag ed rL ( 9L7: psP p4..Th Spe^.. f E.. rsNCrrrrzE Y,.gCrzsgne•m7•JssBystemE.gne.rofayW 4v;,: All $( Cloud, rt 34n1 i..,x(ala _d i.m.aoa dvFreCui Trr?(.t;+t ryht �<JIOA iR_.ijnts „ R�„ec.C„fY.m if ,s Gocu,nenl iany to.'m,rs.Frt,rt=d x^l: w�i th evrt!an persr,,sgn off.-t Rom.-ITrvsS.s; Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L J7 Jack -Open g 1 A0286723 Job Reference o tional A-1'Roof -1russ6t, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:52 2019 Page 1 ID:Id_0OXyyT6IBi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-aee7TbAWUk8EeQ4StEegiosz?fi812YchvSeDkydoxH -1-4-0 , 7-0-0 1 4-0 7-0-0 Dead Load Defl. = 1/8 in 3x4 = 7-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.86 Vert(LL) 0.17 4-7 >478 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.64 Vert(CT) -0.20 4-7 >413 240 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.01 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ffP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 24 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3 = 178/Mechanical 2 = 349/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 4 - 70/Mechanical Max Herz 2 = 164(LC 12) Max Uplift 3 = -118(LC 12) 2 = -85(LC 12) Max Grav 3 = 178(LC 1) 2 = 349(LC 1) 4 = 111(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf, BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; End, GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3.6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2 except Qt=lb) 3=118. LOAD CASE(S) Standard A/� P efh dFy " L' 1HC n-Tiil,88E 1- LIE 7 GENERAL lE f5 dCV4'DITIO 4C ST(Yf R,r'8UVEW' AGYI1C'NLE�MF.11 ^d 1 'ry be ] f *+ d d t a t sDe - L 'rg(TOD) drh /�l 5 aa3YE 9 f h ibet U 1- IS— i d 1`� Too -yap- cw q, p,a.c be ed fu the Too', be V,tdAI—D ,E g eo g( ,s YE S. t b 1cn yTOD yr n Manuel MarUnez, P.E. Th 1 ! y - r¢ M .pltyi 1. J .1 'he I T d'Cw IM1h 7DD orf TPI.f. Thed nyl b ii.:,}c ut i `mkt l ffi T 1 _Y© 4dla 11 pc t Yh, ihn '�04��82 6 er, lh 'J f Gif d I t tl E 6J'D`vg the -.I 1 1 ._ f.18D W kelb .y dTNA TFw p a' 'I,1 Too dany f¢RI 'i the T, J h d g is 3 t J. tre -9 h be— f UIly ✓the yed TD k GC I I r.'AH i t N ieTCD$ dt pr Lfv Ug F .tl fit SC p;x,= IWI t l rpt {HSri)p Ea: 'red by TM pd5 Ck i_. Jf tl t T d h. the pc L eva 6 4620 PatkVCW Dr s f_sclU T D - ! 8 LYE S 1T—e If t -r e i e d try C ? 1 2 dv;rr.. Lrg LY. A.pa'h rJ. Tb bye ly E; NOT 04 ,y.g 0esgn *o Trv.E/stem Eng.e. ifa>YLn^.tl+r.S; AJI $f Cloud, EL an ('/f np.atzel t—a. a., coined in TF,. t CDPYr-¢M .. 2010 h 1 Rc fTnl ie. Rc..w'u ;� 1Mis dcwie.t ny ta.-r., is prtLdtO x�2�viiN —u.h pe_ .1t_1 Po_f TI, Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L RL Jack -Open 5 1 A0286724 Job Reference o tional t- f rcouf f fussesn , rarferce, rf_ 34946, oeslgnrmaTrruss.com Run: 8.21u s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:53 2019 Page 1 ID:ld_OOXyyT61 Bi_TXo 1jwHHzefvK-2rCVhxB8F2G5GafeRx9vF?PD 133wmTsmwZBBiBydOxG 3 4-0 7-0-0 4x4 = 3x4 = LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) 0.18 6-9 >460 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.54 Vert(CT) 0.15 6-9 >542 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress incr YES WB OA9 Horz(CT) -0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 30 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-1-2 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4 = 91/Mechanical 2 = 349/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 6 = 159/Mechanical Max Horz 2 - 164(LC 12) Max Uplift 4 - -69(LC 12) 2 = -134(LC 9) 6 = -125(LC 9) Max Grav 4 - 91(LC 1) 2 = 349(LC 1) 6 = 165(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-323/338 BOT CHORD 2-6=-582/283 WEBS 3-6=-307/633 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tail by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 4 except Qt=lb) 2=134, 6=125. LOAD CASE(S) Standard j� Pt . . +ro Shy tF F-1 RCXJ TRl.S E t 4 LEf ) G t t A TEF5t5 1 CG"Dt-1 t 5 C biGl R rfl /YES:7 CKIlGh1.�C .t Ft T^ / L if �g r d d at R T Cx v}- G .ng (IDD) . d ihz 111 5 tY EnS f sh I bel U k Ih .e vl d fP TCD Y? p Mor Gia. p t sed t th TOO ab �4 _ P S E S co g l £,.� . y E .g in i ' snY T9D c �c hianuel Martinez, P.E. ce thlli in, t - po bt Y.i t ll,l,,.✓- T d` O) th TOO.ey de TPi 1. Tha d G- 1 1M,T I ".y6 d S`s ih. —Vdy 0U, c—, lF .mc Ott N 7 l' t E J g� y t to i chef P IaG v a1E JQng of - dT" i TM W tth FED - 1 Yr i In,aT S ilP d 9 l ilf• t arAN iv LS Le ,,, 1(f t10471$2 v. 0C Ld a g l"C .A ., All ! - ut U TOO d P.'1+ a d girS I; f U_ E g Co- pale i S f 1 I r U {BSA j F b: h p by TN .,4 GA r er cW ( g n W, d TP l d h th Fe [ and 4620 Parkt<ew Dr l ,t tys ah T 0. S LjE t ran3 Trvs Ii a uni s+i J dUyat i t d P.,, gl A put va_ed_Tha SFe^ y Pg g)1OT t+n B+. ).,..g Dcsmn o•Tn',ss 6ystn nEng neerhf eny b, _d,ng_. {:I St Cloud, Ft 34771 i_�m�a. as cL6rc3 v5 rr,-. 4rro>r,ht o 26 16 A t Rn.l Tnt_s Rs. -0u_.:Mt ln.I000-1,L-Y fOmr;i,,.rtfidW wMOd UCwnY,ar pnrm,sxan �IA,i Rrlrs�ss Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCN156OBl L J7T Jack -Open 6 1 A0286725 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Root i russe% Fort Pierce, FL 34946, designCagaltruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:54 2019 Page 1 ID:ld_OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-X1 mtuHCmOMOxukEr_fh8nDyRfrSJVy2v8DxkldydOxF -1-4-0 1-10-8 ,2-7-10, 7-0-0 1 4-0 1-10-8 0-9-2 ' 44-6 1.5x4 11 3x4 = A Dead Load Defl. =1/9 in LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in floc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.34 Vert(LL) 0.22 6 >384 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.34 Vert(CT) -0.23 6 >359 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) 0.07 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MR Weight: 27 Ito FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP 240OF 2.0E BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, (n accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4 = 166/Mechanical 2 = 360/0-7-10 (min.0-1-8) 5 = 87/Mechanical Max Herz 2 = 164(LC 12) Max Uplift 4 = -105(LC 12) 2 = -78(LC 12) 5 = -7(LC 12) Max Grav 4 = 166(LC 1) 2 = 360(LC 1) 5 = 118(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18: MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 2, 5 except Qt=lb) 4=105. LOAD CASE(S) Standard F i t �tcy ih i TICK T R US Fb t `' (EA } GENERAL ERA TERMS d CO"�r`MO S OJuKKI R (`e 1 i 7..G✓flOh2 r +tiEf T i 1 kdx f d d r s Da sJ D awns (Tan) ..ad the r i wr u w i t�f e �i•, TnD r ri rt r. t d r ( r o f w a q., r_ s a �s E g. __ Manuel Marfnez, P.E. Nt a w.g n x 1HKKt. tl ftb-�6IT CP+ d-Ih TOD or} 3 TFIT TYd g v.pt ! i.„c Jt M 1 th:T 1 rDd , p0 b- -f M. - - # 047182 an» u ! N. f cN iec w it ild ll! ndli' A. ryw y t T D d Yf F7 ttfi T J ,(h 1 g t 3 f t �Jtra 1 r Kett ,x t.r lt,.e a o q.+er ac f `nu f f,n mrco a'kv a„e ds si -!o- gc.T �fs!!f m(. % s >p9w. ea by Tr,. cA f-.. rcMT,9 ,,.aa r! ar !h s:�u >m„d A620 Park\flees Or of I' :cif T D g S i.�E g nd T.rvs tS -t ,u i f - Je aEi- C Kc( v ed upna wfi gby. AP'^ d.: T" Spe^,._t t.GT itu BUTdng Ce...yn u7russ sy't E o,e.rur eay6 33Yg: ,en. St Cloud, FL 34771 ...p»G-..tli.rm, i.oa., d.,tnc-,n LF,-1 ..apyrvyht42f51oA 1RwlTa ze. RL„tiEe:i.on fis. tlacumc'vi rani Gxrn_is Frct.b.S.dn:b.H UiC wntlen pcm.sx an of J--TP-f T,+s Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply WRMSCM956061t_ T06 Common 4 1 A0286726 Job Reference (optional) n-r Hour rmssc5, roil ricicc, r� 0Yv9V, uublyn�wa rTluss.cuni mun: a.z i u s may i o zu i o rnnu mz i u s ID:ld 00XvvT61Bi T: 1-2-4 ' 3-3-12 4x8 = 6.00 F12 4 -it1 zuib mi i eK inousines, Inc. Mon Sep I 10:4b:bb 2U19 1.5x4 11 3x8 = 1.5x4 11 3x8 = 1-2-4 9-0.0 L 1-0-8 n 7.9.12 7-11-8 i 1-0-8 6-7-8 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (Joe) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.24 Vert(LL) 0.09 9-10 >915 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.38 Vert(CT) 0.07 9-10 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.09 Horz(CT) 0.00 9 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 69 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10 = 415/0-3-8 (min.0-1-8) 9 = 415/0-3-8 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 10 = 147(LC 11) Max Uplift 10 = -194(LC 8) 9 - -129(LC 13) Max Grav 10 = 415(LC 1) 9 = 415(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 3-4=-95/251, 4-5=-95/251 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 10=194, 9=129. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Y i' A--11iCX TRU5 S(`. LLEr-)G t£ A 7Ewe r.d Ot SC STU,f RCB Merl CV11G-41 D,MEf'5 1 VA fyf ,qn f fl d d „te. iti T s .i„-j i[)r)) Nfh¢ !1\ Syv ry.E S _ _ �h ihal U r• stet d Ih T D fJv�.. eH.Piafc b._ at,..Lh 70Di 6 d Oe & E9 a 91 £,.e 'iE"9 { 11m yTOJ L is Manuel Marunez,RE, #047182 CMae*, iF O -ti a ] t ri D 4.00 y 9 +d ti 1 U.:*IBG 4-ztt J.. y ! na TP-t TM rP 2S4 T J d nyf k7 a1—d I dh 9 e d`•. t Et,n ac iC d - th —K Jr) -d d,&,e i; h D 9 C f t oui V TCD d: pep 0 dp a 1 JU.E ! gCun�ia t6a1 tY f ns4 (BSG}p b 1.dbl Tf'1 nnd5 CA f- t. S sqq A3 TCI-itl t lh Pa U eand 4620loud, FL 3477 wl sa(h T D -- 6 yE aM iv; tt r: i.t ih vv dhy'C 1 t nrexd r -t aby iv'a 1 d.. Th Spem. V rg 11DI 1h. V id ny Det- �v: o-7nlu Systo EO..cerolvnY iry Jtrg.: � $I Cloud, rt 34771 ..g'a':.adi..mtsaoa.,d_fr�-_TTF✓l.Go?)3nirJ 7il{oA iRc+:t T,viiv Rc-roEuci;on M do<—t, Li anyI—.jsFit Zi.-d NSt-d ticx^iSv.psmssan 0 1.-1A-f I,—, Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCNA156061L T06A Common 1 1 A0286727 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof I Ms6s, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:56 2019 Page 1 ID:ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-TPteJyEOYzef72ND64jctelgSG8Kzr8CcXQrMVydOxD 1-2-4 ,- 4-6-0 7-9-12 9-0-0 , ' 1-2-4 i 3-3.12 6.00 12 y.. 48 = T N 1.5x4 11 3x8 = 1.5x4 11 3x8 = 1-2-4 9-0-0 1-0-8 „ 7-9-12 7.17-8 1 1-0-8 11 - 6-7.8 0- -ii2 LOADING (pso SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (Joe) I/deft L/d TCLL 2Q0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.19 Vert(LL) 0.09 7-8 >900 360 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.37 Vert(CT) 0.07 7-8 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.09 Horz(CT) -0.00 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017ffP12014 Matrix -MS LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 8 - 322/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) 7 = 322/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Harz 8 - 135(LC 11) Max Uplift 8 = -98(LC 9) 7 = -155(LC 9) Max Grav 8 = 322(LC 1) 7 = 322(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-129/283, 3-4=-129/283 WEBS 2-8=-208/305,4-7=-208/304 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=42psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; porch right exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 8 except Qt=lb) 7=155. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 65 lb FT = 10% i --I SO.SO.F IM SSES (', a. 1 C ti RAL IER S d CG f R Df S CJ TCM f1(`E YER-) C VtlC YIEf/iAtFt 7 f Fy dr s:y d d t th' =s 6f 9 f 9 (U )) a d fhE s ce g _ h I Mf ;rsi. U H- a e t d Ii• T D / - '^l h, t A t -d iar t TDD f G d As a Tiasz ❑ .y E t - y.ErD . . th- i onary T ? 1. , Manuel Martinez, P.E. ih F I 4 e tx arltyi i d y, 4 T WC 1. il Lh. TCD or 't TPi. i._TF C g. PI toss- dMo W 1 (ih; T F yH- YJ i Y t,h Ornc=r,E Gr 51. d t rf E NJ.nD DusiD y n.: 1 ihHf e,0'IB Ic IL 13 yea) ..f 1'(i TFn ,q Ift T D nd yPOW itheT J h d B G.. ! t r. drFiL 1 Y}»i i+Ltf ii 047162 V.Lief d D g...J JC 1 1 toN V TCD d G 0 ,d9 d i IiFa.- 9C V>7kPI Sal I ! - gi (BS i)f Lv': h dBt T! sr•C EGA ! r Jf 9 ra<y Aa TPI d t V pc t is shd 4620 PaM4ew Or is :c12 T D i & .yc g JTrvs it v! l t v I ht J sibydC ! y B.eed n. 96Y 7pv^ 6+Uv e:i..Th 6pe 'yc r.Gr thoB t.„_D0--`Sn..o•TrvssSYs2s E.grsa gtB,ytvrJ:r, AU SICloud, rt 34771 Lcp aL:..Ci-rm.z oas r,.[;nEd,n'rFi-t LofrTah142Dt4Ai Rrri Trusse. RrFCti to .da.:vmesb nY la^m�isc-fiku..G xiC.rvt ti:,, ,T.e. pctmssvn ei F-1 fiaiisys.s.. Job Truss Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L Common Structural Gable 1 1 A0286728 Jab Reference (optional) A-1 Rooi IrUsses, von Hierce, t-L 34946, design(c)a1truss. com LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 10 = 415/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) 9 = 415/0-3-8 (min. 0-1-8) Max Horz 10 = 147(LC 11) Max Uplift 10 = -194(LC 8) 9 = -129(LC 13) Max Grav 10 = 415(LC 1) 9 = 415(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 34=-95/251, 4-5=-95/251 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vuit=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed; porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon ID:ld_OOXyyT6IBi_TXo l iwHHzefvK-xcROW IEeJHm WICyPgr 48 = 6.00 12 3x8 = 3x8 = 1-2-4 9.0-0 I 1-0-8 II 7.9-12 7-1i-8 6-7-8 0- 12 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d TC 0.24 Vert(LL) 0.09 9-10 >915 360 BC 0.38 Vert(CT) 0.07 9-10 >999 240 WB 0.09 Horz(CT) 0.00 9 n/a n/a Matrix -MS 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSI/TPI 1, 4) All plates are 1.5x4 MT20 unless otherwise indicated, 5) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 6) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 7) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except (jt=lb) 10=194, 9=129, LOAD CASE(S) Standard 16 15'46:57 2bl9 Page 1 a_Sg UL1IOLrB9PuyydOxC PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 84 lb FT = 10% yE,, }h ih A1R N)'TRUS ES(4 LEkj C t .24 TE SS dfG`.Di `.1C -iTG'l is (`eUY i"j..G itGK (';M1iN] f Y •ry dt J f �snP d i of M T -.aC R .Y�,g (11')� i fi T ',ErS 6-1 WU rx U d iF! TAD 'Yp neim..lets tt pegs Jixinai.+C.a6e s.d ..saTtss rh B E B.es .B( S 9pE`g�.eerF,a+e 1 aryTAD ro_n{san Manuel047182.P.E. u 1".D d xq y ps 66tyi t d o.1 i T .e. I t9�1D0 Ss - t Ith d npi ..1 J W 54 d liF: i 1 yE d a'he h. H IB, 1t6d7162 (Ys,I 1. ,l ll eti�_.1 t iPf d i@C k.-Ip :J -y eml yW TPit Ths ,+y IR TAA J ,Yf 1 to rT .C..xh J B b',M I 3 hJt k itvR ,+e G6jy I E1s, d ]A sp, r G i A rtM 1 N U TCD Ctn D -C Jde t ga1V;� -sng Co?nDai IS I LY! ( 3p (6 C) 6 hu 6, T'>I, r..^1 Ch I Jt B tl'B d T^S.ttl in tS p L nd 4620 Park\iew Dr ,b l:es Ifh T D_. +., a YyE B and TN t1 t G.ei, 1 cth ,snd Jn 14J �.I 'i eg ed D;u> 31ry ip c3 !,Th Sp "i)E tl Tm 2 4 _.B Aei jn wT.tiis 6YsternE Bneernf anj Cv7n.�. All $I Cloud, Fl. 34T71 :.p'.LL:�d isms ro p. dM-1 nTrrt G..pirvsht-2016 A.1 RoofTN;si's RCVet],:aT el In da ume:r{,ha ylxTr.;isD.ch_,.-0v+t.o>A tieq,tisn, pcirr„ssvn.1 f tR-1Tr4-a Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL T07 Common Supported Gable 1 1 A0286729 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof Trusser;, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:58 2019 Page 1 ID: ld OOXyyT61Bi_TXoljwHHzefvK-Po?OkeFG4auNMLXcDU14y36Bo4vDRIFV3rvyROydOxB 3-8-14 7-5-12 3-8-14 3.8-14 6.00 12 4x4 = 1.5x4 II 3 1,5x4 It 10 9 8 7 6 1.5x4 11 3x8 = 1.5x4 11 1.5x4 II 1.5x4 II LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d TCLL 2 W Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.07 Vert(LL) n/a n1a 999 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.02 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.11 Horz(CT) -0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-P LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s): 11, 12 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation uide. REACTIONS. All bearings 7-5-12. (lb) - Max Horz 10= 29(LC 9) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s) 10, 6, 8, 9, 7 Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) 10, 6, 8, 9, 7 FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Truss designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss only. For studs exposed to wind (normal to the face), see Standard Industry Gable End Details as applicable, or consult qualified building designer as per ANSIITPI 1. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) Truss to be fully sheathed from one face or securely braced against lateral movement (i.e. diagonal web). 6) Gable studs spaced at 2-0-0 oc. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 9) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)10, 6, 8, 9, 7. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 91 lb FT = 10% P 9( rjh i' tRv(sF TRl.S Eb(h LL Rj C f A IT.M dCfYDM SCt ITCI.I R(^F3 Y F"j GKlt hLEC, tElT t k rfy de '] r M d U sD.+s L g(I ()D) .d'he li\ S '1yE S t ..- h lW -aL L 'p I.- U d I TM yl -iorFW. t !N dN t TGE)_ b d- Fs 7Ls D E 9.m g( ripEA (' % Yt33 is ., Manuel Martinez, P.E. E^ Ace Lh 1 rrym Po b.d(t -4 •itesrp T d P"= d IR. TDD ar) ds TPIT Ttpda nPl bxi+a 3t 9 -4t J !Ih' i t -yp i n 1 sP^ -0ry fin #047182 O Mer IkeR K u;i d f L E YJ ylJc+, .9 LNp 4<%i 1 G lr;tl iBG W ]t. u.G J dTP1.i The ,e tih TDD J ryf YJ Tthe 7 h d g W.y 1 az AL -y) hN•!>e'll. �c+ -61f LhB?ud D Yq 1G 1 Y .:fur 1 ( N !r TOO -din P L dq tt .5 et rg C:om.TM.xip tSai 1} i -eL (BSCI) ': h dL{T end CR te.2r h 6 i.s da T ltl t { pP „f 4L and 4620 Park\rew Dr w.l�pf (t D r s uyE a aniTrvY r W npre,:u t c� d� dur e .! {aa a ,,�, 9if...ivsx w_Tn s(n'.^: ti rs rer.aTmeB�L.�yce.�p+o TnisysrslYn EngneeiutsnYm.v„r,:u1 StCloud, FL 34771 cePt.d._ed f.m'.soo:d fin_-m;Tr+l G P) a*.tG 2UIGhiRmtT�usp Rsc :*daa�en cl Ch sdocument„ i .y (aTr,ae F_dzd w,i,dul New .ax,pc�r+ awn,otAt Ro:/7NssPs. Job Truss Truss Type city Ply WRMSCM1560B1L VM08 Valley 1 A0286730 fT Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roo cusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15(:46:58 2018 Page 1 ID:Id_OOXyyT6IBi_TXoljwHHzefvK-Po?OkeFG4auNMLXcDU14y364R4sCRml V3rvyROydOxB 4-0-0 6-0-0 4-0-0 2-0-0 3x4 = 3x4 = 3 4 2x4 % 1.5x4 II LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL, in (Ioc) 1ldefl L!d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) n/a - n!a 999 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.22 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 " Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7A Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-R LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in� accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS, (lb/size) 1 = 193/5-11-8 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 193/5-11-8 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 1 = 70(LC 12) Max Uplift 1 = -46(LC 12) 4 - -58(LC 9) Max Grav 1 - 193(LC 1) 4 = 193(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) " This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1, 4. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 20 lb FT = 10% r f• JFY i e A 1 RGD i'7US5b y 6 CL. fi U f E4A TF(if. 6 d t'x/xl`YTION6 C 'TC.h} C ra 1lEK'7:.0 UIOALFCGMEM 1 \ ,fy b g p R d d—I t. S' Dx aj t 'nn (TDD) ad th a 5 t}E5 _ h Itnt -seU'� i Y d t' TDD IYA': s r as FJty df, t 7 D{ to Id T D F E9 g{ S ?yE'g Rt I YT4D F ManuelMarGnez,P.E. lry 1 al -0 c-Lryq, M ixttyl d+ the g T tl v -T ih TDD. n`y de TPt t TY E q tip b iag. *di t 5ily 7 r h T 1 YB_M 3 {te '_ ps h y IGya G ,tF G 3 tl t R, E Id gP.yr U d l a'CL ID 4 G t Bcal dTPil:ihe J ar--[(n T D d Y(tl aulinaTv S h E N 0 047 182 y f f t 4 L y hei Ce U' l.IS" .A3 161 V,,1 TLD dt eV 6 dg d+t (ih 81311gCamy,viy.1e 1 t t h54 rHSfl)p tr sh¢d by TT�a tlS Ck t f F o. g,+d TPF1d h !fi W, ML es and 4620 Pa(Mliew or LI "o(ih D y;e S yEn a.,lT .tt f unb it rose ik dby C I lag d r++ gLf ApY ed.T Spe^ 'iYE.g riGT C.e er+YS gDes gr� o Tnrgz Byslxn E Bneet yfary t. >}ng. Fdi St Cloud, FL 34771 c�p.,.L:ei tsars aw vvil_fincde, TFi.1: LaaYr 3hiQ201G A/Rx.Twse. R;.rcdysfsn 1ti d..—'L any lsir.;u.FrF_.rd witoui ttgw^�Caz pern..,,vncit. t'fiq,fTrws_s. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560BlL VM10 Valley 1 1 A0286731 Job Reference o tional A-1 Roof -1russe`5, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@a1 truss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:46:59 2019 Page 1 ID:ld—OOXyyT61Bi—TXo ljwH HzefvK-t—Zmx—GvruOE_V6onCGJUGfK8U D3ACLeIVeVzgydOxA 8-0-0 8-0-0 v 0 0 2x4 5 1.5x4 II 1.5x4 II 3 1.5x4 II LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 MT20 244/190 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.11 Vert(CT) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.12 Horz(CT) 0.00 n/a We BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix-P Weight: 31 lb FT = 10% LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 = 89/7-11-8 (min.0-1-8) 4 - 111/7-11-8 (min.0-1-8) 5 - 335/7-11-8 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 1 = 147(LC 12) Max Uplift 4 = -51(LC 12) 5 = -155(LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 89(LC 1) 4 = 111(LC 1) 5 = 335(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-275/117 WEBS 2-5=-272/418 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. 11; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 4 except Ot=lb) 5=155. LOAD CASE(S) Standard P r.neru�hy lh A-1 ZGO T9L5 tb 1 b l s" } GENERA., ER DRt,.tS 1ER s d.CO Cl."IM R ra !Y R) C.Vflphl C tlEUl 1 L ?sty 5 r d Lt C " L- L 9a - - {TDD . d ihx !i \ S §y-Ery I tit l t -ad m TOD Manuel Matinez, P.E. ' te-' flfi t +� ,� b Iyi -r il I .,r T ds0. Y Ifi iDD TPti T C q b iw�J 3Mn 1. C f llh; T ! ya_ 1 T (--�p-.n b tY tih N047182 Qx:,e 5. CF ! J ! t a Y D¢. +a U ai 1 I C Inz le k U .i h_a f aTP f,The ,+ t T'JD d Yf f of lnei I t S y Ia I f .c,.d Grt S F ILe U:x .f.4i7 Ne5 d e a c Ian _:a I 1 to sc atn uK D as awe 1 9c .y,>;e is i c + r nol tasclvu:tiel sr Tro �,s cw - r" IL. g. s:R a 7r`i-ia n m Po v so 4820 ParkView Dr i s-d o. - s e+re..1x>v r+ ..n.r ,alnr wvti t� ci;. I:a w ty1.7. av=uc �d it arc �v" a uo�l,ee�.i.reo�.s�,r,a TN.:�sr=IS�ecanr�torP..Yt,�.,t�„: „n SICloud,FL 34771 =pt.;!.:cdt.�,ri ae hR d_fecC vn TP�,l"G.D}T-shi Cz 2iltah iR.n!i,tisss`- R=�+ti'sCycti. t,,sdDGu(nen�, aly taT�'. i. G�Ftw t�tl x.4 ti�lU u an peir. nt!A-1 noc.!7ru. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply WRMSCM1560B1L VM12 Valley 1 11 A0286732 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.com Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15�47:00 2019 Page 1 ID:Id—OOXyyT61Bi—TXoljwHHzefvK-LB799KHXcC95cfh—LvoY1 UCUVuYMveLnX9O3VHydox9 Y 0 0 2x4 5 1.5x4 II 1.5x4 11 3 4 1.5x4 II LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d TCLL A Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.31 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.17 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.14 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC20171TPI2014 Matrix-S LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS, (lb/size) 1 = 124/9-11-8 (min. 0-1-8) 4 — 145/9-11-8 (min,0-1-8) 5 = 414/9-11-8 (min.0-1-8) Max Horz 1 = 188(LC 12) Max Uplift 4 — -67(LC 12) 5 = -190(LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 124(LC 1) 4 = 145(LC 1) 5 = 414(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-314l128 WEBS 2-5=-330/474 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 4 except Qt=lb) 5=190. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 40 lb FT = 10% F fr gt! M .41 RC,('Tr1,5S E{Ct: L.n C 1 k TEgM6 Idf r'*DI r)f34Gl T6\I R('81! i;'j. RM YMF6+1F t1 1 L�rh Ec'3 r d d a - t Dnsg > g if/U} d h 5se.. lyE g Zx h lWe L k- Ih.rxs i f d :tna TDD yA eq plat-s to t. sedl L TOE) 2.6 id Manuel Marbnez, P.E. th ir+a 9 nnv +g !e par plry7 r dt the-s kT C Rct } nIk3TDD.o i do'7Pl i Thed q i pi , mlh,,tc 3hc {'s41 M fin: T 1 -y$ d q IherpsW i y fifia g0082 prier Ih YJ pLw y U, N_,.i L 1 G 7K 1$ k 14.Id.y d 'mod MA The - of fh TDD yid eny r.d.S. or lh.T .iT.yh 9 t 'g 1 t 'ar.Jb Lg h. nWLR K L:ly f th, eymD 9 G z^i .. h i Yl al u, TC G TPl ends Ltt iU. - Ire d f p a. 4 d 7-t th Y k 4 a d 4620 PatRl iew or n silks ilt T b: y ! S IIyE g dTrvs it �(q , k cu .rsad dby G -t Ia—j by try. !p� ',d..T $pt^ ty Ert • m ROT lbu $vlc.:g Devgn e. rvse S-ole E a,esr die iW dme- All St Cloud, FL 34771 c�L'?l�h_..avrms a. y-dn_. 11 Tri 10 21) 16 h i Roa.Trusts- Repeed.iege'et Mis da.umeh iany lxm. ipatcF._tl=du vo fUn wnNo.. perrv._cn efq i}7w_1Trv.s�s: Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply A0286733 WRMSCM1560BIL I VM14 Valley 1 1 Job Reference (optional) A-1 Roof Trusses, Fort Pierce, FL 34946, design@altruss.eom Run: 8.210 s May 18 2018 Print: 8.210 s May 18 2018 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon Sep 16 15:47:01 2019 Page 1 I D:ld-OOXyyT6lBi_TXo ljwHHzefvK-pNhXMgH9NVHyDpGBvdJnahkdHHsae5Fxlp7cljydOx8 12-0-0 12.0.0 3x4 1.5x4 II 3 1.5x4 ii LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft L/d TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.44 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a 999 TCDL 10.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.30 Vert(CT) n/a - n/a 999 BCLL 0.0 * Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.16 Horz(CT) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix-S LUMBER - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection, in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1 = 153/11-11-8 (min.0-1-8) 4 = 174111-11-8 (min.0-1-8) 5 - 503/11-11-8 (min.0-1-8) Max Herz 1 - 229(LC 12) Max Uplift 4 = -81(LC 12) 5 = -232(LC 12) Max Grav 1 = 153(LC 1) 4 = 230(LC 19) 5 - 503(LC 1) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 1-2=-363/149 WEBS 2-5=-402/545 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=160mph (3-second gust) Vasd=124mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=4.2psf; h=15ft; Cat. II; Exp B; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (envelope) and C-C Exterior(2) zone; cantilever left and right exposed; end vertical left exposed;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) * This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 7.Opsf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) 4 except (jt=lb) 5=232. LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 48 Ib FT = 10% TRVS EST 6 .LL {' Er ERA TERMS A (iOuDMCWS C STC'A R CO YE. ) CYrrO kL "OGMEt T f ., t'e ty be :j r -4 d d - Ox 9 ( 9 (f0 f - a lh !!1\ Sp-valy £ gi r m, — ehuul t b, us,. L i - .r d ..r. TM y Ai , rt ci . 10 t uied / L B TOO.. be id As Trus D o Er,9' 9 (- S t ifi- 1 ny ifi r: Manuel Martinez, P.E. r.^ .Lhs>ralo-s_.nol + ^c r�Wty (�rl sdesyn arlfie sngs. T�s>asL+c.ea cn. Rs TOD or,i ender TPl.1, U. d-. afsu,npi'-1, bs.Lvg.a dt e..t.e esl �-_ c. in Trues f-t� Y d:n3 psi nres4v .t+..Y of trio #a/718z Oivr,e tF t?.vI d '..1. Yt El qDt ,g 1 1 Lh I C-1i+tB k t P. y .1 .dTN., Th,,{ rlh TOD ]—y de:a a(1hPT S'ah .y tp d t?' on er.Jt .y m;L4l -i1f r ue F oce as ria.s ,; c, pr, is I 1 I r t [dscp bs3, aer Tp(e�as en 1. -dr s e•r a Tal a m. t, w 1 e. end 4620 ParklfieW or w lsyz of 1h.T .s Des, r, sa<:,ayE e ee: ;.r;,— rar.en-uR�,wl<�cu �.::e uzr�,.,a h�pc� t I,a w� .: rn,er..s3l:y arlr�^ sm,u;rd. Tn9 sy etiv �„�*ee �t�rG�eel.,.�cevgne Q..Tncs srsleme a.:.rnranyt .d r �n St Cloud, Fl. 34771 lurAd .3 (.'ms oa�CpfiaeE itiT i G_P)rytit €'2d IeA iNnr7nissce. Rc..2du ne L,is bi. me 1. .r 1a-.. r. Fr.tbdaa ufi,-u,.—'o perm..,.:an Ll Ll Focf . J UNE 20, 2019 TYPICAL HIP / KING JACK CONNECTION I STDTL01 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 MAX LOAD: 55 psf Roof•.• 175 mph,ASC 7-10, Exp. B, C up to 60' Mean Roof Height -?nd Exposure D up to 30' Mean Roof Height. Attach King Jack w/ (3) 16d Toe ,Nails @ TC & BC Attach End Jack's I Attach Corner Jack's w/ (4) 16d Toe Nails @ TC w/ (2) 16d Toe Nails @ TC & & (3) 16d Toe Nails @ BC Z> BC (Typ) 0 ti ach Corner Jack's (2) 16d Toe Nails � TC & BC (Typ) FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 ALTERNATE GABLE END BRACING DETAIL 1 STDTL03 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST, LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772AO9-1010 ALTERNATE OIAGONAL BRACING TO THE BOTTOM CHORO 1'-3'MAX. DIAL. BRACE AT 1/3 POINTS IF NEEDED IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BLDG. DESIGNER OR THE PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCHITECT TO DESIGN THE CEILING DIAPHRAGM AND ITS ATTACHMENT TO THE TRUSSES TO RESIST ALL OUT OF PLANE LOADS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE BRACING OF THE GABLE ENDS. HORIZONTAL BRACE (SEE SECTION A -A) TRUSSSES 24' O.C. 2X6 DIAGONAL BRACE SPACED 46' O.C. ATTACHED TO VERTICAL WITH (4) - 16d NAILS, AND ATTACHED TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMONS. NAIL DIAGONAL BRACE TO PURLIN WITH TWO 16d NAILS. 2X4 PURLIN FASTENED TO FOUR TRUSSES WITH (2) - 16d NAILS EACH. FASTEN PURLIN TO BLOCKING W/ (2) - 16d NAILS (MIN.). ' PROVIDE 2X4 BLOCKING BETWEEN THE TRUSSES SUPPORTING THE \ BRACE AND THE TWO TRUSSES ON \EITHER SIDE AS NOTED. TOENAIL \BLOCKING TO TRUSSES WITH (2) - \ 10d NAILS AT EACH END. ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS. END WALL CEILING SHEATHING BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSSES MAY BE BRACED AS NOTED: METHOD 1: ATTACH A MATCHING GABLE TRUSS TO THE INSIDE FACE OF THE STRUCTURAL GABLE AND FASTEN PER THE FOLLOWING NAIL SCHEDULE. METHOD 2: ATTACH 2X_ SCABS TO THE FACE OF EACH VERTICAL MEMBER ON THE STRUCTURAL GABLE PER THE FOLLOWING NAILING SCHEDULE. SCABS ARE TD BE OF THE SAME SCAB ALONG SIZE, GRADE, AND SPECIES AS THE TRUSS VERTICALS. VERTICAL NAILING SCHEDULE: - FOR WIND SPEEDS 120 MPH (ASCE 7-9B, 02, 05), 150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) OR LESS, NAIL ALL MEMBERS WITH ONE ROW OF 10d (.131' X 3') NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. - FOR WIND SPEEDS GREATER 120 MPH (ASCE 7-98, 02, 05), 150 MPH (ASCE 7-10) NAIL ALL MEMBERS WITH TWO ROWS OF 10d (.131'X3') NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. (2X4 STUDS MINIMUM). STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSS MAXIMUM STUD LENGTHS ARE LISTED ON PAGE 1. ALI BRACING METHODS SHOWN ON PAGE 1 ARE VALID AND ARE TO BE FASTENED TO THE SCABS OR VERTICAL STUDS OF THE STANDARD GABLE TRUSS ON THE INTERIOR SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE. NOTE: THIS DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR STRUCTURAL GABLES WITH INLAYED / STUDS. TRUSSES WITHOUT INLAYED \S ARE NOT ADDRESSED HERE. STANDARD GABLE / TRUSS 1-- URAL TRUSS AN ADEQUATE DIAPHRAGM OR OTHER METHOD OF BRACING MUST BE PRESENT TO PROVIDE FULL LATERAL SUPPORT OF THE BOTTOM CHORD TO RESIST ALL OUT OF PLANE LOADS. THE BRACING SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL IS FOR VERTICAL/STUDS ONLY. 12/23/19 PIGGY -BACK TRUSS STDTL04.1 AA F200F TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FOR'r FIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 PIGGY -BACK DETAIL (TYPICAL) 180 MPH WIND, 30.00 FT MEAN ROOF HEIGHT, A.S.C.E. 7-10, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BLDG. LOCATED ANYWHERE AT ROOF, EXPOSURE C, WIND D.L.= 5.0 P.S.F. (MIN.), KZT= 1.00. OR... 160 MPH WIND, 30.00 FT MEAN ROOF HEIGHT, A.S.C.E. 7-10, PARTIALLY ENCLOSED BLDG. LOCATED ANYWHERE AT ROOF, EXPOSURE D, WIND D.L.= 5.0 P.S.F. (MIN.), KZT= 1.00. IMPORTANT NOTE: TOP CHORDS OF TRUSSES SUPPORTING PIGGY -BACK CAP TRUSSES MUST BE ADEQUATELY BRACED BY SHEATHING AND/ OR PURLINS. THE BUILDING ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL PROVIDE DIAGONAL BRACING OR OTHER SUITABLE ANCHORAGE TO PERMANENTLY RESTRAIN PURLINS AND LATERAL BRACING FOR OUT OF PLANE LOADS OVER GABLE ENDS. MAXIMUM TRUSS SPACING IS NOT TO EXCEED 24" O.C. DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE IF CAP SUPPORTS ADDITIONAL LOADS SUCH AS CUPOLA, STEEPLE, CHIMNEY OR DRAG STRUT LOADS. **REFER TO ENGINEER'S SEALED TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR PIGGY -BACK AND BASE TRUSS SPECIFICATIONS.** PIGGY -BACK TRUSS. (REFER TO ACTUAL TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.) 2'-0" MAX OPTION NO. 1 - TEE-LOK 3" x 8" TEE-LOK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATES SPACED AT 4'-0" O.C. MAX. PLATES SHALL BE PRESSED INTO PIGGY -BACK TRUSS AT 4'-0" O.C. STAGGERED FROM EACH FACE AND NAILED TO BASE TRUSS WITH 4 EACH 6d (1.5" X 0.099") NAILS IN EACH PLATE TO ACHEIVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 377 LBS AT EACH 3" X 8" TEEACK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATE (MINIMUM OF 2 PLATES). OPTION NO.2 - APA RATED GUSSET: 8" x 8" x 0-7/16" (MIN.) APA RATED SHEATHING GUSSETS EACH FACE. ATTACH AT 8'-0" O.C. w/ 8 (EACH) 6d COMMON (0.113" x 2") NAILS PER GUSSET: 4 (EACH) AT CAP BOTTOM CHORD & 4 (EACH) AT BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD. GUSSETS MAY BE STAGGERED AT 4'-0" O.C. FRONT TO BACK FACES. MINIMUM TWO (2 EA.) CONNECTIONS AT EACH TRUSS. OPTION NO. 3 - 2X4 VERTICAL WOOD SCAB: 2X4 SPF #2, FULL CHORD DEPTH SCABS AT EACH FACE. ATTACH AT 8'-0" O.C. w/6 (EACH) 1 Od BOX NAILS (0.128" x 3") PER SCAB: 3 (EACH) AT CAP BOTTOM CHORD AND 3 (EACH) AT BASE TRUSS TOP CHORD. SCABS MAY BE STAGGERED 4'-0" O.C. FRONT TO BACK FACES. MINIMUM TWO (2 EA.) CONNECTIONS AT EACH TRUSS. OPTION # 1: TEE-LOK MULTI -USE CONNECTION PLATE. OPTION #2: APA RATED GUSSET. OPTION #3: 2X4 VERT. SCAB. ATTACH EACH PURLIN TO TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS. PURLIN & CONNECTIONS BY OTHERS. BASE TRUSS. (REFER TO TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.) PURLINS SPACED ACCORDING TO MAX. SPACING OF TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSS. SPACING IS NOT TO EXCEED 24" O.C. & PURLINS TO BE LOCATED AT JOINT OF EACH BASE TRUSS. ** IMPORTANT NOTE ** THIS DETAIL IS VALID ONLY FOR SINGLE PLY BASE TRUSSES SPACED AT 24" O.C. OR LESS. J U LY 17, 2017 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL - SHEATHED I STDTL05 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORTNERCE, FL 34946 772409-1010 VALLEY TRUSS (TYPICAL) SECURI W/( GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. NAIL SIZE = 3" X 0.131" = 10d 2. WOOD SCREW = 4.5" SDS25412 SIMPSON OR EQUIVALENT. 3. INSTALL SHEATHING TO TOP CHORD OF BASE TRUSSES. 4. INSTALL VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O.C. MAXIMUM) AND SECURE TO BASE TRUSSES AS PER DETAIL "A". 5. BRACE VALLEY WEBS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS. 6. NAILING DONE PER NDS - 01. GABLE END, COMMON 7. VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 48" O.C. TRUSS, OR GIRDER TRUSS ATTACH 2X4 CONTINUOUS 42 SYP TO THE ROOF W/ TWO SIMPSON SDS25412 (1/4" X 4.5") OR EQUIVALENT WOOD SCREWS INTO EACH BASE TRUSS. BASE TRUSSES —C mNu, LaViY1muiv 3S, OR GIRDER TRUSS TRUSS CRITERIA: WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05: 146 MPH WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPH MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET ROOF PITCH = MINIMUM 3/12 MAXIMUM 6112 CATERGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE C WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSF MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND VALLEY) MINIMUM REDUCED DEAD LOAD OF 6 PSF ON THE TRUSSES. FEBRUARY 5, 2018 1 TRUSSED VALLEY SET DETAIL I STDTL06 A•1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 SECURI W/( GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS, OR GIRDER TRUSS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. NAIL SIZE = 3" X 0.131" = 10d 2. WOOD SCREW = 3" SDS25300 SIMPSON OR EQUIVALENT. 3. INSTALL VALLEY TRUSSES (24" O.C. MAXIMUM) AND SECURE PER DETAIL „A„ 4. BRACE VALLEY WEBS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INDIVIUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS. 5. BASE TRUSS SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH A PURLIN SPACING EQUIVALENT TO THE RAKE DIMENSION OF THE VALLEY TRUSS SPACING. 6. NAILING DONE PER NDS - 01. 7. VALLEY STUD SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 48" O.C. II II 11 it 11 II Ii I II II Ij II Ii I 11 11 ' II II I II jj II 11 II 11 it j I V 11 I 11 II VALLEY TRUSS BASE TRUSSES (TYPICAL) " .-. (NO SHEATHING) N.T.S. Im SEE DETAIL "A" BELOW (TYP.) ATTACH 2X4 CONTINUOUS 42 SYP TO THE ROOF W/ TWO SIMPSON SDS25300 (1/4" X 3") OR EQUIVALENT WOOD SCREWS INTO EACH BASE TRUSS, EY TRUSS (TYPICAL) GABLE END, COMMON TRUSS, OR GIRDER TRUSS WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-02, ASCE 7-05: 146 MPH WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPH MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET ROOF PITCH = MINIMUM 3/12 MAXIMUM 6112 CATERGORY II BUILDING EXPOSURE C WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1.60 MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSF MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND VALLEY) MINIMUM REDUCED DEAD LOAD OF 6 PSF ON THE TRUSSES. JULY 17, 2017 I (HIGH WIND VELOCITY) I STDTL07 V b A-1 ROOFTRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772409.1010 ATTAC WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-98, ASCE 7-( WIND DESIGN PER ASCE 7-10: 170 MPF MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET CATERGORY 11 BUILDING EXPOSURE B OR WIND DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE: 1 .MAX TOP CHORD TOTAL LOAD = 50 PSF MAX SPACING = 24" O.C. (BASE AND VAI SUPPORTING TRUSSES DIRECTLY UNDtK VALLtT I KUJJLb MUOI bt DESIGNED WITH A MAXIMUM UNBRACED LENGTH OF 2' - 10" ON AFFECTED TOP CHORDS. NOTES: I. SHEATHING APPLIED AFTER INSTALLATION OF VALLEY TRUSSES. Z. THIS DETAIL IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR SPF-S SPECIES LUMBER. FOR BEVELED BOTTOM CHORD, CLIP MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER FACE. CLIP MAY BE APPLIED TO THIS FACE UP TO A NON -BEVELED MAXIMUM 6 12 PITCH NON -BEVELED BOTTOM CHORD H I BOTTOM CHORD CLIP MUST BE APPLIED TO THIS FACE WHEN PITCH EXCEEDS 6112 (MAXIMUM 12/12 PITCH) ono FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 STANDARD GABLE END DETAIL I STDTLU . t A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 7724409-1010 TYPICAL 2X4 L-BRACE NAILED TO 2X4 VERTICALS W/10d NAILS, 6' D.C. VERI STUD SECTION B-B TRUSS GEOMETRY AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. VERTICAL 2X6 SP OR SPF STUDPBRACE #2 DIAGONAL BRACE (4) - 16d NAILS16d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. (2) 10d NAILS INTO 2X62X6 SP OR SPF #2 2X4 SP OR SPF #2L HORIZONTAL NAILED TO RTICALS SECTION A -A W/(4) - 10d NAILS DIAGONAL BRACE 4' - 0' O.C. MAX. SEE INDIVIDUAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR TRUSS DESIGN CRITERIA. 12 PROVIDE 2X4 BLOCKING BETWEEN Q VARIES TO COMMON TRUSS THE FIRST TWO TRUSSES AS NOTED. TOENAIL BLOCKING TO TRUSSES * WITH (2) - 10d NAILS AT EACH END. ATTACH DIAGONAL BRACE TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d NAILS * (4) Bd NAILS MINIMUM, B 3X4= PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO 2X4 STD SPF BLOCK �J DIAGONAL BRACING * L - BRACING REFER REFER TO SECTION A -A TO SECTION B-B 24' MAX. NOTE: / 1. MINIMUM GRADE OF #2 MATERIAL IN THE TOP AND BOTTOM CHORDS. 2. CONNECTION BETWEEN BOTTOM CHORD OF GABLE END TRUSS AND WALL TO 12' MAX. BE PROVIDED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT. 3. BRACING SHOWN IS FOR INDIVIDUAL TRUSS ONLY. CONSULT BLDG. _ ARCHITECT DR ENGINEER FDR TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT BRACING OF ROOF SYSTEM. 4. 'L' BRACES SPECIFIED ARE TO BE FULL LENGTH, SPF OR SP #3 OR 5. BETTER WITH ONE ROW OF 10d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. DIAGONAL BRACE TO BE APPROXIMATELY 45 DEGREES TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM AT4'-0'D.C. E. CONSTRUCT HORIZONTAL BRACE CONNECTING A 2X6 AND A 2X4 AS SHOWN WITH 16d NAILS SPACED 6' O.C. HORIZONTAL BRACE TO BE LOCATED AT THE MIOSPAN OF THE LONGEST GABLE STUD. ATTACH TO VERTICAL GABLE - STUDS WITH (3) 10d NAILS THROUGH 2X4 (REFER TO SECTION A -A) " 7. GABLE STUD DEFLECTION MEETS OR EXCEEEDS L/240. B. THIS DETAIL DOES NOT APPLY TO STRUCTURAL GABLES. DIAL. BRACE 9. DO NOT USE FLAT BOTTOM CHORD GABLES NEXT TO SCISSOR TYPE AT 1/3 POINTS TRUSSES. IF NEEDED 10. 10d AND 16d NAILS ARE 0.131'X3.O' AND 0.131'X3.5' COMMON WIRE NAILS RESPECTIVELY. 11. SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER DESIGN VALUES ARE THOSE EFFECTIVE 06-01-12 BY SPIB/ALSC. MINIMUM STUD SIZE SPECIES AND GRADE STUD SPACING WITHOUT BRACE 2X4 L - BRACE DIAGONAL BRACE (2) DIAGONAL BRACES AT 1/3 POINTS MAXIMUM STUD LENGTH 2X4 SP #3 / STUD 12" O.C. 3-8-10 5.6-11 6.6-11 11-1-13 2X4 SP #31 STUD 16" O.C. 3-3-10 4-9.12 6-6.11 9-10-15 2X4SP#3/STUD 24"O.C. 2.8-6 3-11-3 5-A-12 8.1-2 2X4 SP #2 12" O.C. 3.10.15 5.6.11 6.6-11 11.8-14 2X4 SP #2 16" O.C. 3.6.11 4-9.12 6-6.11 10.8-0 2X4 SP 42 24" O.C. 3.1-4 3.11.3 6.2-9 9.3.13 DIAGONAL BRACES OVER G' - 3' REQUIRE A 2X4 T-BRACE ATTACHED TO ONE EDGE. DIAGONAL BRACES OVER 12' - 6' REQUIRE 2X4 I -BRACES ATTACHED TO BOTH EDGES. FASTEN T AND I BRACES TO NARROW EDGE OF DIAGONAL BRACE WITH 10d NAILS 6' D.C., WITH 3' MINIMUM END DISTANCE, BRACE MUST COVER 90% OF DIAGONAL LENGTH. T OR I BRACES MUST BE 2X4 SPF #2 OR SP #2. ROOF SHEATHING (2) - 10d z NAILS TTRUSSES @ 24' D.C. 2X6 DIAGONAL BRACE SPACED 48' O.C. ATTACHED TO VERTICAL WITH (4) - 16d NAILS, AND ATTACHED TO BLOCKING WITH (5) - 10d NAILS. HORIZONTAL BRACE (SEE SECTION A -A) END WALL MAX MEAN ROOF HEIGHT = 30 FEET EXPOSURE B OR C ASCE 7-10 190 MPH STUD DESIGN IS BASED ON COMPONENTS AND CLADDING. DURATION OF LOAD INCREASE :1.60 CONNECTION OF BRACING IS BASED ON MWFRS. DETA I FEBRUARY 17, 2017 I T- WITH 2XIBRACEEON Y IL � STDTL09 NOTES: T—BRACING / I —BRACING TO BE USED WHEN CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING IS IMPRACTICAL. T—BRACE / I —BRACE MUST COVER 90% OF WEB LENGTH. THIS DETAIL NOT TO BE USED TO CONVERT T—BRACE / I —BRACE WEBS TO CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACED WEBS. A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORTMERCE,FL 34946 772.409.1010 NAILING PATTERN T-BRACE SIZE NAIL SIZE NAIL SPACING 2X4 OR 2X6 OR 2X8 10d 6" O.C. NOTE: NAIL ALONG ENTIRE LENGTH OF T—BRACE / I —BRACE (ON TWO—PLY TRUSSES NAIL TO BOTH PLIES) NAILS BRACE SIZE FOR ONE -PLY TRUSS SPECIFIED CONTINUOUS ROWS OF LATERAL BRACING WEB SIZE 1 2 2X3 OR 2X4 2X4 T—BRACE 2X4 I —BRACE 2X6 2X6 T—BRACE 2X6 I —BRACE 2X6 2X8 T—BRACE 2X8 I —BRACE BRACE SIZE FOR TWO-PLY TRUSS SPECIFIED CONTINUOUS ROWS OF LATERAL BRACING WEB SIZE 1 2 2X3 OR 2X4 2X4 T—BRACE 2X4 I —BRACE 2X6 2X6 T—BRACE 2X6 I —BRACE 2X8 2X8 T—BRACE 2X8 I —BRACE T—BRACE / I —BRACE MUST BE SAME SPECIES AND GRADE (OR BETTER) AS WEB MEMBER. NAILS WEB NAILS inclow-wilm SECTION DETAILS NAILS WEB FEBRUARY 17, 2017 LATERAL BRACING RECOMMENDATIONS I STDTL10 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4461 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 TO MINIMIZE VIBRATION COMMON TO ALL SHALLOW FRAMING SYSTEMS, 2X6 'STRDNGBACK' IS RECOMMENDED, LOCATED EVERY 8 TO 10 FEET ALONG A FLOOR TRUSS. NOTE 1: 2XG STRONGBACK ORIENTED VERTICALLY MAY BE POSITIONED DIRECTLY UNDER THE TOP CHORD OR DIRECTLY ABOVE THE BOTTOM CHORD, SECURELY FASTENED TO THE TRUSS USING ANY OF THE METHODS ILLUSTRATED BELOW. NOTE 2: STRONGBACK BRACING ALSO SATISFIES THE LATERAL BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE TRUSS WHEN IT IS PLACED ON TOP OF THE BOTTOM CHORD, IS CONTINUOUS FROM END TO END, CONNECTED WITH A METHOD OTHER THAN METAL FRAMING ANCHOR, AND PROPERLY CONNECTED, BY OTHERS, AT THE ENDS. USE METAL FRAMING ANCHOR TO ATTACH TO TOP CHORD BLOCKING BEHIND THE VERTICAL WEB IS RECOMMENDED WHILE NAILING THE STRONGBACK INSERT WOOD SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE FACE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONGBACK (DO NOT ATTACH TO VERTICAL ATTACH TO VERTICAL USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS) WEB WITH (3) - 10d SCAB WITH (3) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 31) NAILS (0.131' X 3'). ATTACH TO VERTICAL NAILS (0. 313WITH )X 3') USE METAL FRAMING -I L ATTACH TO VERTICAL ANCHOR TO ATTACH WEB WITH (3) - 10d TO BOTTOM CHORD NAILS (0.131' X 3') ATTACH 2X4 VERTICAL TO FACE OF TRUSS. FASTEN TO TOP AND BOTTOM CHORD WITH (2) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') IN EACH CHORD ATTACH TO VERTICAL SCAB WITH (3) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') TRUSS 2X6 4' - 0' WALL STRONGBACK (TYPICAL SPLICE) (BY OTHERS) ATTACH TO CHORD WITH (2) #12 X 3' WOOD SCREWS (0.216' DIA.) INSERT SCREW THROUGH OUTSIDE FACE OF CHORD INTO EDGE OF STRONGBACK (DO NOT USE DRYWALL TYPE SCREWS) THE STRONGBACKS SHALL BE SECURED AT THEIR ENDS TO AN ADEQUATE SUPPORT, DESIGNED BY OTHERS. IF SPLICING IS NECESSARY, USE A 4' -- 0' LONG SCAB CENTERED ON THE SPLICE AND JOINED WITH (12) - 10d NAILS (0,131' X 3') EQUALLY SPACED. ALTERNATE METHOD OF SPLICING: OVERLAP STRONGBACK MEMBERS A MINIMUM OF 4' - 0' AND FASTEN WITH (12) - 10d NAILS (0.131' X 3') STAGGERED AND EQUALLY SPACED (TO BE USED ONLY WHEN STRONGBACK IS NOT ALIGNED WITH A VERTICAL). BLOCKING (BY OTHERS) :, FEBRUARY 17, 2017 I LATERAL TOE -NAIL DETAIL I STDTL11 Fq A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST, LUCIE BLVD. FORTPIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 NOTES: 1. TOE -NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 45° WITH THE MEMBER AND MUST HAVE FULL WOOD SUPPORT (NAIL MUST BE DRIVEN THROUGH AND EXIT AT THE BACK CORNER OF THE MEMBER END AS SHOWN). 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE THE LESSER VALUE OF THE TWO SPECIES FOR MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES. TOE -NAIL SINGLE SHEAR VALUES PER NOS 2001 (LB/NAIL) DIA SP OF HF SPF SPF-S .131 88.0 80.6 69.9 68.4 59.7 o .135 93.5 85.6 74.2 72.6 63.4 J .162 108.8 99.6 86.4 84.5 73.8 Mi 128 74.2 67.9 58.9 57.6 50.3 .131 75.9 69.5 60.3 59.0 51.1 Z 0 .148 81.4 74.5 64.6 63.2 52.5 in N M VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TOE -NAIL. APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (0.162' DIA. X 3.5') WITH SPF SPECIES BOTTOM CHORD FOR LOAD DURATION INCREASE OF 1.15: 3 (NAILS) X 84.5 (LB/NAIL) X 1.15 (DOL) = 291.5 LB MAXIMUM CAPACITY ANGLE MAY VARY FROM 30° TO 60' 45.00° THIS DETAIL IS ONLY APPLICABLE TO THE THREE END DETAILS SHOWN BELOW. VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. SIDE VIEW (2X3) 2 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE SIDE VIEW (2X4) 3 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE 0° SIDE VIEW (2X3) 2 NAILS NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE NEAR SIDE )0° FEBRUARY 17, 2017 I UPLIFT TOE -NAIL DETAIL I STDTL12 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORTHERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 THIS DETAIL SHALL BE USED FOR A CONNECTION RESISITING UPLIFT FORCES ONLY. BUILDING DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOADS IN OTHER DIRECTIONS. NOTES: TOE -NAIL WITHDRAWAL VALUES PER NOS 2005 (LB/NAIL) OIA. SP OF HF SPF SPF-S Lo .131 59 46 32 30 20 z J .135 60 48 33 30 20 162 72 58 39 37 25 J S CD .128 54 42 28 27 19 F_ LO Z OJ .131 55 43 29 28 19 L11 .148 62 48 34 31 21 J J_ N Q tf3 Z .120 51 39 27 26 17 CD Z .128 49 38 26 25 17 O .131 51 39 27 26 17 0 r'7 148 57 44 31 28 20 1. TDE-NAILS SHALL BE DRIVEN AT AN ANGLE OF 30* WITH THE MEMBER AND STARTED 1/3 THE LENGTH OF THE NAIL FROM THE MEMBER ENO AS SHOWN. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. ALLOWABLE VALUE SHALL BE BASED ON THE SPECIE WITH LOWER NAIL CAPACITY BETWEEN THE TWO MEMBERS IN THE CONNECTION. VALUES SHOWN ARE CAPACITY PER TDE-NAIL. APPLICABLE DURATION OF LOAD INCREASES MAY BE APPLIED. EXAMPLE: (3) - 16d NAILS (0,162' DIA. X 3.5') WITH SPF SPECIES TOP PLATE FOR WIND DOL OF 1.33: 3 (NAILS) X 37 (LB/NAIL) X 1.33 (DOL FOR WIND) = 148 LB MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE UPLIFT REACTION DUE TO WIND FOR WIND DOL OF 1,60: 3 (NAILS) X 37 (LB/NAIL) X 1.60 (DOL FOR WIND) = 177 LB MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE UPLIFT REACTION DUE TO WIND IF THE UPLIFT REACTION SPECIFIED ON THE TRUSS ❑ESIGN DRAWING EXCEEDS 147 LBS (177 LBS) BUILDING DESIGNER IS RESPONSIBLE TO SPECIFY A DIFFERENT CONNECTION. *** USE (3) TOE -NAILS ON 2X4 BEARING WALL ** USE (4) TOE -NAILS ON 2XG BEARING WALL NEAR SIDE FAR S: )E TOP PLATE OF WALL VIEWS SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY L NAIL NAIL SIDE VIEW END VIEW FEBRUARY 5, 2016 I TYP W NAILER ATTACHMENT I STDTL13 A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. I _UCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 1.0 x 4 2x2 NAILER ATTACHMENT ♦ ♦ 55 • Roof •.• 170 • ASCE 7-10, 29'-0" Mean • Exp. B, C • D. April 11, 2016 TYPICAL ALTERNATE BRACING DETAIL I STDTLI4 FO EXTERIOR FLAT GIRDER TRUSS A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST.LUCIE049. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 (4) 12d UPLIFT CONNECTION (SEE ROOF TRUSS) r 12 VARIES - (4) 12d MAX 30" (2'-6") 2x6 #2 SP (Both Faces) 24" O.C. SIMPSON H5 FEBRUARY 17, 2017 STANDARD REPAIR DETAIL FOR BROKEN CHORDS, WEBS, AND I STDTL15 DAMAGED OR MISSING CHORD SPLICE PLATES A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST, LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 TOTAL NUMBER OF NAILS EACH SIDE OF BREAK X (INCHES) MAXIMUM FORCE (LBS) 15% LOAD DURATION SP OF 5PF HF 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 2X4 2X6 20 30 24" 1706 2559 1561 2342 1320 1980 1352 2028 26 39 30" 2194 3291 2007 3011 1697 2546 1738 2608 32 48 36" 2681 4022 2454 3681 2074 3111 2125 3187 38 57 42" 3169 4754 2900 4350 2451 3677 2511 3767 44 66 48" 3657 5485 3346 5019 2829 4243 2898 4347 r DIVIDE EQUALLY FRONT AND BACK ATTACH 2X_ SCAB OF THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE BROKEN MEMBER TO EACH FACE OF THE TRUSS ( CENTER ON BREAK OR SPLICE) WITH 10d NAILS (TWO ROWS FOR 2X4, THREE ROWS FOR 2X6) SPACED 4' O.C. AS SHOWN (.131' DIA. X 3'). STAGGER NAIL SPACING FROM FRONT FACE AND BACK FACE FOR A NET 2' O.C. SPACING IN THE MAIN MEMBER. USE A MIN. 3' MEMBER END DISTANCE. THE LENGTH OF THE BREAK (C) SHALL NOT EXCEED 12'. (C=PLATE LENGTH FOR SPLICE REPAIRS) THE MINIMUM OVERALL SCAB LENGTH REQUIRED (L) IS CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: L = (2) X + C TRUSS CONFIGURATION AND BREAK LOCATIONS FOR ILLUSTRATIONS ONLY THE LOCATION OF THE BREAK MUST BE GREATER THAN DR EQUAL TO THE REQUIRED X DIMENSION FROM ANY PERIMETER BREAK OR HEEL JOINT AND A MINIMUM OF 6' FROM ANY INTERIOR JOINT (SEE SKETCH ABOVE). 00 NOT USE REPAIR FOR JOINT SPLICES NOTES: 1. THIS REPAIR DETAIL IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR THE APPLICATION SHOWN. THIS REPAIR DOES NOT IMPLY THAT THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE TRUSS IS UNDAMAGED. THE ENTIRE TRUSS SHALL BE INSPECTED TO VERIFY THAT NO FURTHER REPAIRS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN THE REQUIRED REPAIRS ARE PROPERLY APPLIED, THE TRUSS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE LOADS INDICATED. 2. ALL MEMBERS MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSITIONS BEFORE APPLYING REPAIR AND HELD IN PLACE DURING APPLICATION OF REPAIR. 3. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 4. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. S. THIS REPAIR IS TO BE USED FOR SINGLE PLY TRUSSES IN THE 2X_ ORIENTATION ONLY. 6. THIS REPAIR IS LIMITED TO TRUSSES WITH NO MORE THAN THREE BROKEN MEMBERS. FEBRUARY 17, 2017 1 SCAB APPLIED OVERHANGS ( STDTL16 rl A-1 ROOF TRUSSES 4451 ST. LUCIE BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34946 772-409-1010 TRUSS CRITERIA: LOADING: 40-10-0-10 DURATION FACTOR: 1.15 SPACING: 24' O.C. TOP CHORD: 2X4 OR 2X6 PITCH: 4/12 - 12/12 HEEL HEIGHT: STANDARD HEEL UP TO 12' ENERGY HEEL END BEARING CONDITION NOTES: 1. ATTACH 2X_SCAB (MINIMUM #2 GRADE SPF, HF, SP, OF) TO ONE FACE OF TRUSS WITH TWO ROWS OF 10d COMMON WIRE NAILS 0413' DIA. X 3') SPACED 6' Q.C. 2. THE END DISTANCE, EDGE DISTANCE, AND SPACING OF NAILS SHALL BE SUCH AS TO AVOID UNUSUAL SPLITTING OF THE WOOD. 3. WHEN NAILING THE SCABS, THE USE OF A BACKUP WEIGHT IS RECOMMENDED TO AVOID LOOSENING OF THE CONNECTOR PLATES AT THE JOINTS OR SPLICES. 2X SC NOTE: TRUSS BUILT WITHOUT AN OVERHANG. THIS DETAIL IS NOT TO BE USED WHEN OVERHANG HAS BEEN BROKEN OFF. IMPORTANT THIS DETAIL TO BE USED ONLY WITH TRUSSES (SPANS LESS THAN 40') SPACED 24' D.C. MAXIMUM AND HAVING PITCHES BETWEEN 4/12 AND 12/12 AND TOTAL TOP CHORD LOADS NOT EXCEEDING 50 PSF. TRUSSES NOT FITTING THESE CRITERIA SHOULD BE EXAMINED INDIVIDUALLY. REFER TO INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGN FOR PLATE SIZES AND LUMBER GRADES