HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct approvals, siding Florida Building Code Online- Page 1 of 1 � } dal^��ipif l .A:91g6,115461 1305 Home 1 Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit surcharge Stats&Fads Publications fBC Staff Br1S Site Map} Links ! Search ; Honda - Product Approval i rr Ulu USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# 13192 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-Applications FL* Type MARUfacturer validated ft Status FL13192-R4 Revision James Hardie Building Products,Inc. John Southard,P.E. Approved History category:Panel Walls (352)367-2526 Subcategory:Siding `Approved by OBPR.Approvals by OBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. C,ppt d Lts::26 01 Stair Stone Road Tallahassee 3 -4 Phone:$5087-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida ::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::R 5 Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want P Y your a-mail address released in response to a pubpc-r uest,�b not_' d ` electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,pi nta 150. 7:1395: Pui3-ant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.m provi Depa ent with an a d dress if they have one.The ematls provided maybe used fnr official communication with the licensee. ow t ublic•• -cord,If no w,(shRo . supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made { pub date ou ar ee under Chapter 4SS,F.S.,please dick hem. Product Approval Accepr.t FOX eC-7 15 Credit Card Safe . http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_lst.aspx 5/7/2017 MIAMI-DAD MIAMi l DADE COUNTY • PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) If 805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami.Florida 33175 2414 T(786)315-2590 P(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) mnv.miamrdade.eov/economy James Hardie Building Product,Inc. i 10901 Elm Avenue Ibntana,CA 92337 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued wider the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miarni-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or'the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the High'velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Artisan Lap Siding APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No.2008-8-7.vsd,titled"Artisan Lap Siding",sheets I through 4 of 4, prepared by Ronald I.Ogawa,P.E.,dated August 07,2008, last revision#1 dated August 27,2008,signed and sealed by Ronald 1. Ogawa,P.E.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse oft his NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal ofNOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#12-0517.05 and consists of this page 1,evidence subnutted pages E-1 &E 2 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Helmy A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. CIA" UNNOA ate:1$-0 2 � � ��.�� Expiration Date:10102/2018 18 ' 11109WQQ" Approval Date:04/16/2015 41�6�201 Page 1 James.Hardie Building Product,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#08-0514.11 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drmving Alb. 2008-8-7_vsd, titled "Artisan Lap Siding ', sheets I through 4 of 4, prepared by Ronald I, Ogmva, P.E., dated August 07, 2008, last revision#1 dated August 27, 2008, signed and sealed by Ronald I. Ogcnva, AE. B. TESTS 1. Test Report#MID3137643-01, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated January 30, 2008,per TAS 202 and TAS 203,signed and sealed by Rick Cm-keet, P.E. 2. Test Report#MID3137643-03, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated April 16, 2008,per TAS 202 and TA9203, signed and sealed by Rick Curkeet, P.E. 3. Test Report-93 09 7158-009B, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated May 04, 2007,per Acceptance Criteria for Fiber Cement Siding used as Exterior 1Vall Siding, signed and sealed by Kai Kooner, EIT. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miatni.Dade County Building Code Compliance Off1ce. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Test Report#3099611 SAT-001, by Intertek ETL Semko, dated June.28, 2006,per ASTME84-05, Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, signed by C. Anthony Penalow, Flammability Testing Team Leader. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#12-0517.05 A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade Count) Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. 169ni A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 15-0122.03 Expiration Date:10/02/2018 Approval Date:04/16/2015 E-1 James Hardie Building Product,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 3. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None, C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. ByVtami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. OTHERS 1. Florida Building Code, 2014 edition, compliance letter issued by R.Z Ogawa& Associates, Inc., dated March 17, 2015, signed and sealed by R. I Ogawa, P.E. H y A.Maker,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. Expiration 1 Date:10102/2018 Approval Date:04/16/2015 E-2 ill • i StudSpadrtgatl8'a,C. tent _ DETAIL Wthtck/Spry PR �t rpTfoH MIII ilUlrr/1�i�/ taotact�naaredptarktamenaamdObBntexerwsnatdtownforda+fly T Asha*ing pad no�*beatosp�-cenwUpr nm*Wdueftested Istafter" mechonicahy In accordance with ASCM C1186 Grade 11. i i.i i ..•, •:.::. �i t,; ,i t,( fs►stenedto woad 'type A and meeting the requirements of the Florida Wdfng Code. I 2S21.B.2otF7ak4 iAAft Length Thickness saft Code q r { 1EQe,NemFnnl2•X I �.QFi1D .r• �� i I.: ! x• �� IV Mew C Sbd IInsta'hallo" Design re t. Wood Stud. -82 psf .i ���� Impact Res[smnt— �� t - 3; i %'tat X 51a'thErtc rated plyvrpod Sath3J8"ttpak/5 ply APA rsj lng B 3cs'turaumum Dletetx� 3l4"Minlrtattrt t3dge Otsla '�- SPCTit1>+�i �U REVISED Now:is O.D.ftYR}. as camp! 'r:S azth the Florida 8eilding dt! 5r8"Ittiercr S ply APA toted ptyNgod sineethhg sitaq All frstanatbn staa be done In oanfanoanoe with this Notice of Acceptance,the manufaehrrees kata1Wan Aaxptaa o m/5_O 22.ahma. be ettr to the soxh in... Is, wtBt the recor>'snrendatiM and the apptleable sons of the Florida Building Coda 1Data o 20 Fiorfda Buedrttp Code,with fle*mn AB X 1'long . mdw SkJds where Ard$m*Lap Siding wM be Installed shall be dedgftd ebbed bugle head wend,spaced a trtaodtrum ale Florida BuoU Code and the lei'an FrtgineerorArehiteo;per the imcbes an center ebb the peAnxteeend a �c owte drig f m the batten corm of the wa with I-W v4de laps at the top .Gsnir ! mxdrrtnrrn d 12&loiter an oenfarelong theafthe ph�k 6e eppped horixa �\ Itstermedlate supports. % The mange and groove vertical jelrt'm trust occur 4"off scud,do tat nag wiCtin 2lrttdtes aftaetgw and groove. The exposed fastener step be a midmwm ' the planks ahail be installed over 6W thick/$p!y ADA mated plywood sheafffgg supported by a vninirt>eunn of 18ga, i + 0.075'shank Xr long rmnvelon resistent Nomutal 2"X 6"Melal Gstuds spaced a ma+dmm of 16°O.C. mewl atud Anish nett(pa11 over motel studs The siding shall be•fastened over the studs wtlh a comblaadon of both concealed and exposed fasteners. The exposed fssraner shad be pbwd In the ■ The concealed fastenershall be a mintmcen No.M&0,37F head diameter X 141 long'bugle head screw m r vat0p;ft area eppmdma*'/%from the mcal ems,(or screw shall have at least 3 full**ads peneftling metal ft ning) bottom edge of the overlapping plank, v The exposed tstener atoll be a mct(munn 0.07S'shattkX 2' long camoston resistant metal stud fntsh nail 1 0 - The concealed fsatenw shall be a minMxtm over metal studs. 1 0 1 No.8.1 e,0.379'head diameter X �1.1onQr ■ T6e eoncealed fastener shall be fastened through the top edge of a single plank;the eonealed fastener 0*9 be n a t bugle head mewarror maW studs. positioned 1"down front the prank's top edge In rich away that the f este ner is fully concealed by the roe Course A o / The cancenled testeners1W be thatened of plank � ``\ / r ttacto the top edge of a ftle plank the ' The exposed fastener shall be placed in tt o ovedappIng any app►o ely •from the bod s cdga of the easeealed fastenershad be pwilloned 1"dawn overlapping plsa tram toe plank a mop odge fn such avgyt w ■ ' Bath concealed and exposed fasteners shall be 57"O,C.vverdc*and 16.O.C.horft nbey Into meW studs the taslenor Is Ally concealed by the cad through 5f8"thtdc r 5 ply APA toted plywood sttealhing, \ / aoerse of plank • A fastener edge d tv*of&W shall afways be observed, t�t3t 1 t t tf lily /� •or aetewshafl have at k=3 flail threads . SW thick IS ply APA rated plywood shea fto shale be altodwel to the sttzls in accordance with the Florda ng Building Code,with m(nimum#8 X V long ribbed bugle head screws spaced a rnsewr m of S Inches on center ofangthetxrlme6erandammaltrwmoft2lndtesonorhtG the Intermedfatesumrts, �o;�� = ti(�IO•�; ,•yy anlsan®i.ap s�rng Artiswe Lap siding(Metal studs) .40 weetherp oAng per 2121.0,2 of Rolla Bwlse This drawing and the copyright therein are the property of the named company 8nd L�L>yZ'ON s accordingly the drawing must not be capled or reproduced in any material farm .; 518"tfnicki ti p1y APA rated plywood whatsoever and must be returned with quotation and on completion of Job t-•�,, �� sheathln8lamonod aowrtOnp b fhoFlorida i ��// a '• ♦��1 t9"rog Code MOM No OV4 NO REV � ��, ftr.emq A 1n1t11ai��A` 1ag3,Namhsat2"Xe"f C:3lud OWNundoNOA+AidanlapStmalp.�fvsd 1 tamator C.Diem: sc" 112'r ra 1'-0" Data:8/7/2008 SHM 1 OF 4 i • I S.00in. ,I ZS,00in. Cbddbv &001n. I @itOfDi3G`r REVISED ; I 0 complying%ith dw Florida Building Code Frami Aeseptnee No '1 .��, O Z Z. n9 A�ia�ai « sssm 1 i Sheathing lei do SO ' T.00In. IiI ,��1tiL1LI111Fi1p/�/�� I ��� ice'■ y r ■ NOMINAL 18 GAUGE 2"X 8"STEE.STUDS ZS'O.C.FASTENED FOR METAL AND WOOD STUDS,PROVISIONS FOR — Wrni NO.8 X l"LONG BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(2-PER TOP AND DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT BOTTOM CONNECTION) PART OF.THISAPPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATE AUSEBM. PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) (�•�. �: • NOMINALSW THICK IS PLYAPA RATED PL,YWOODSHEATHING ��//S ''�� Q:FAZT2N 'l LONG RIBBED •• ��� ■ AT6"O.CEDAROUND THE PERIMETER AND t2 O.C.WITHIN T E L /�lfftlif[iiti�1��� (/ FIELD ' SdNAQA.ILCX� ' • PLANKS OVERLAP 1-YA" ■ THE EXPOSURE IS 71' Arftn(D Lop Siding(Metal Studs) • THE PLANKS ARE BLIND SCAeVV.ED WITH NO.8-18,0475"HEAD DIAMETER X 1-/'LONG CORROSION RESISTANT BUGLE HEAD SCREWS(SCREW SHAU.'HAVE AT LEAST 3 FULLTHREADSPgbM- This drawing and the copyright 4heteln are the properly of the named oonopany and FROM THE TO THE E OF FRAMING,PLACE SCR T"DOWN �p� ly the rlra*g must not be copied or reproduced to a I form FROM THE TOP EDGE OF THE PLANKAT EACH S73J0 LOCATION LI n9 P any ■ 7HE PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 0.075"SHANK DIAMETERX whatsoever and must be returned with quotation and on completion of job 2"L-ONG CORROSION RESISTANT METAL STUD FINISH NAILS, �� PLACE FINISH NAILS• "UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE S2E FsOtd n0 DVYO No ttavv 3/. P LAN KAT EACH STUD LOCATION � ""°"�°" A rotadDMNa4-Aften Lip S*V2waeaysa '1 Creator,C.Dlemllm SCALE 1'=1'-0" Date.W2= 3MVr 2 0F4 i i i 1 i Stud 9pasingat1taro.C. - 'emu' SEE WflddcrSply DEfAILA, APA rated plywood NfisanO Lap Siding material Is a g•f-- shoslift nortasbestes tlbeM1oertKnt product Usted tsote:Comeared icfo+nre and OSe fadmmesmtstta�vrt far dedb' T _._..�........,._. '.-.._.�..��. ►� ` l�wcod Type Agana and th Wth e egqulreme mdafg' tt►e Fforid2t SuMing Code. % studs •� t WeathapMMVPer PMUKDOMMAS ' • i f 2t21.B2 fda 01,10 Wb th Letngth TTMckneSs Ym5 witi F3oatids j, &eliding Cexte 5 WV 12' Sw tt� t f i i << ,•i _ { 3= A o No —o .. S xx�r Sp-tr Wood nrstrxtRa'{� Owds installation Design►lasefftaae Jr Wood Studs 42 psf f.• t .. ArtLsar%et Lop Sldb+p !I ' !''••........ ♦ �, .4 Con .• tmpadReslstttnt- o"i i.s t• Planks installed over 54,W*16 plyAPA t 1{ _ `(//1/lltrtitt�►� � _ _,_,_„•,��„_, s t t r f�ae rated pywood sheathing i S+—j Sw Mrntmutn Edge Distance 214'N9tUrn 8dpr+Mitw. NaOs at 18"O.D. Off thick/5*APA 92W plywood sheeth&tg dog BMUMAP—Ma MML'A'nOF1 Dom' rrS i t� AIL A be sucked to fie his to oeoordanrx with the . All hodsdan Shall be done In=forr Mfi wbh thk MTft GfAccepWnx,the Mwditfutr'S hsta¢atfon , Florida Building Code,witim tniold In he s•n C fang ter t ecoram daborts,and the aPP¢�sections of the Florida SuVra Coda �•. box note pwkm spaced*rand sum old frt�fcs on center �i ■ Wood sfrsds when Artlsast�Lap Sidcn�wilt be irtsta¢ed strait be designed by an Er>gineerorArohrtect per the Fbdda abnp the petknoler and a maYimtMr of 12 inrdrm on Boding Coda And the regtdre"oft of Oft NAA ` %-canter aWa ft irftmKd m Guppo tD. r parks shah be appoed hoftontelly c mrnen M from tho bottom course of the was with J-W wide Lin atthetOp Of The exposed fastener shalt be an eel,2• the plank - ' G 1n V rang c onosien taslswd Mtsh mail 4r off stud,etc not nail within 21nct es of to Vw and groove. N aver wood zduds, a The planks shaft be installed over SW thick/6 ply APA rated pl nvood sheathing supported by a mtft m of 2W r z,. The exposed trssdenw of it be placed In S-P-F wood studs spaced a maximum of t W O.C. Q 4 0 e the&mugging area apptatrimafr ty'!'V a The ykft shall be fastened over the studs wfM a combination of both concealed and a fasteners. : f u. t;= from the be=,edge of fhe . Thecoincealed tastanersfmll bean 8d,2418"long conoslon resistant ring shank box nail ever wood studs. ; agelalming plank • The exposed UMner shag bean 8d,2=/a'lag corrosion reststant finish nail over woad surds. i 3 ■ The concealed kstma Mel be fastened through the top edge of a single ptank;the concealed fastener shag be 1 8 The concea>ed fastener shalt be an ad,, poeilioned 1•down ism the planks top edge in such a that the fastener is t*coneeded by the next course of v 2e?M long corrosion razistnt ring a'El= shank box reii a`verwood studs, T r he exposed fastener shall be placed In the overtappin9 area apprcxinsately Y,'Stern 4to berms erne of the faste , Theemno fastener adddge o a ovrlftg sppplank. l+ $—• _ ned trough the bop e N c $ E ltg �,'� i single OR*the concealed iastwer • Both mncmkd and exposedfasteners stta¢be S T'O.C.ver>�a8y oriel 180 O.G.horizontally into wood etude s♦uouptf f •hall be posWoned 1"down from the Sian thick 18 pry APA r3W phwood aheathing. 1 planks top edge In such a wqy thatthe a A fastener cue dsiance Of a/?Shall always be observed. •' `�� �� faemner 1;Mly concealed bylhe neA • than tWck 15 piy APA rated plywood sheathing shall be abohed to the sMcla In a000rdance with the Maida Melding / town of plank Code,with mhmum Sd 2.3/8"long box na¢s spaced a maxbrom of6 Inches on center'along the perfineterand a maximum of 12 inches on eel ft along the intermediate supports Aftwd Lap S" AtlL=*Lap Siding(Wood Studs) I :S Wemtrerpradng per 2121.62 of Florida $ BWWft Code This drawing and fly r opydgM therein are the property of ft rrartted company and I e - ac cordin jly the drawing must not be copied or reproduced In any rrtata •roam $ es S/en tt"/S piy APA rated plywood whatsoever and must be retmrted with quoratlon and on c omptedon of job sheet}dhpfa�l0�7edaCeatdingtolhOFlerida yo,nw.ne4w►ra.�w. SiZE t'SpU1N0 tr'.NO RR BulldcsgCada +no+a,+n...w � ,�.e�omoor.�aao-�aw A wm�roedakca-A�coAstdirp•abosazrm 1 2"X 4"S-P-F Wood Studs Creator C.Dktdcs same 11r d 11-0' Date:t3ll/2008 S►rG6r 3 OF 4 . I 6.00ht 16.EChdft PRODUCT REVISED • as ccm pply r.g tivitn t-rw Budding Iroft Framing Axeptmi No ti Z 2 Btu on Date 1 i e d o Contro i Sheathing 12.Ootn. t { W21 �„r s� •�ora17.a5 j •= '� a � p o •- up i � f i=W fit It I . ��//►rrtlJicutt�t+��� Appm"d FRAMING as ■ NOMINAL 2-X 4"S»P-F WOOD STUDS 16"O.C.FASTENED WITH FOR METAL AND WOOD SPUDS,PROVISIONS FOR - �a 16d COMMON NAILS(2 PER TOP AND BOTTOM CONNECTION DIAPHRAGM ACTION AND GRAVITY LOAD ARE NOT a .. �, SJiEATJiWCa PART OF THIS APPROVAL(MUST PROVIDE ALTERNATEi • NOMINAL 5/8"THICK/5 PLYAPA RATED PLYWOOD SHEATHING PROVISIONS FOR THESE LOADS) P.*svkdos• • FASTENED WITH 2.&S INCH 8d COMMON NAILS,AT S•O.C. BY AROUND THE PERIMETER AND W O.C.WITHIN THE FIELD C,�pDING ■ PLANKS OVERLAP 1-W I • THE D(POSURE IS 7" Ar#isa M Lap Skiing(Wood Studs) ! • THE PLANKS ARE BLIND NAILED WITH A 2-B•CORROSION RESISTANT COMMON RING SHANK NAILS,I'DOWN FROM 7HE TOP EDGE OF T14E PLANK AT EACH STUD LOCATION This drawing and the copyrk_"therein are the property'of the named company and +� THE PLANKS ARE FACE NAILED WITH 2-'f•CORROSION a acco Jingly the drawing must not be copied or reproduced In any material fbrm RESISTANT FINISH NAILS,Ve UP FROM THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PLANKAT EACH STUD LOCATION � whatsoever and must be retwne with d quotation and on compieGon of jobszw MOM NO am NO PEV j I loml mnA.r. f ...nmaa®o�r.e�vmi A MlamlO�deNOA-ArdsmnLop6ldrp•200887.vad 1 Creator,C.Diercks SCALE 1" 'T-W Date:8/rz= SHEET 4 OF 4 � i