HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty deed Pre pared".BY:anJ Returtt'i(o: Merriii Pakec t Ily,,Parkdr 13176' v'V `T W.Insuranee Ageiicy- 201 S1V Port St,,Lu6eeBlvd PortSt:I.ucte,FI;'3�g�3- Property Appraiser's P2-rcel.I:ID (fotia)Number.{S} Baia-sot-'0004-aQor . .File'`I O. APKIP1903-71 WARRANTY'DEED.: 1 TH1S,kA'ARRANT:Y DEED dated this �' day i.Fhrly; Grn a.Btiiiders Inc., a Florida Corporation; hay.iiig its prtncipal place:of business:at`SI I SW PQrt:St Lucie Bled; Port°:'St. Lucie, FL-34982; hereinafter called, the,grarttgr;to Georgette Yates Franklin&Wa:Gearaette;Fra�tl`lin Yates, a.singile"wpman,whose.pa t oftice:address. 'is.44:;` 9 Pressler`La.ne; Fort Pierce.FL.34992', heretnaft c cal ed';ilie::gi ntee (S'hcretcr used f cr�in th4 tLnns'`grantor. and Brant i"tnctudc:a�i flit.pactt�s to:t(iis tn5tirismentand the heirs.Itiga4 rcgftscztac vcs and: assi_=ns of tn.c v'dvais,and the su�c`�ssrirs and usipns of c tpc�rstiop) WIT ESS'ETl3: That the grantor; fair and in;eons iieration.oF:the,um of 10;00 and other iattiable coasiderat a�:;. receipt'�vliereof t :hcrebv acknoNVledged hereby grants, hrdalns, sr iis,-"aliens, remi5cs releasest conveys, all canfirnts,unCo the-gate attiecetai _ adsad , S[. Gucte"bounty;fi[orsda,vz;n tue . .. Lots�anil�,Blticl, Z, if Cariltial Gjades,.acrordtnb;to#}ie'Plat t}ereof;ss.,reeprcted in Plat.BanR I1,,,P_age I�S,of.tle Put�llc Recoris of fit:Lucie County,Florida. Stilaject o eae�nzrtis,,restrictt�ns.re;ervauwts aiicl.litnizatEons;;ot record; if.ai�y'. r' Tt)CETNER�vtti�ail terienients,-lizreditantents:acail:appttrt n2n;:zs'tlicreto beEonainQ,or ta;an}'"tjrisz apperta.ttiiig:; TQ''HAVE-.ANQ TQ HQW the`sarrme in:Fee S9ir ple1b ever AND Nvith said grncitee'that tlie::.arantcir is laNvft%l1y seized cif said`laud to fee;son�1­ that the. rvittor has good ight.,and; IMwful Authoritv to seli',an convey said laid; that the �ranior h'ereb.l frill>> 1�.arrant5 rile title to said,land and will defend tlie.sasne;agattst..the ltivful claims of all persons i�itiamsoe�er aid` that said land: and is; s free of all:euculni rarices;?kept.tapes`tgr the year�{l?0 an&'all subsequent years. . lJy b �'� W A"Ty DEED (Continued} NMI WITNESS WHEREOF.,the graritor,has caused.these presents to be etecuted in its name,and, its:eorpotlte;;seai to"fae.hereunto-affixed,by its pr6perofficer5-d ily.authorized;;the,day and,, ear first above'. vrhten. . ATTEST: Secretary Signed,sealed.and deii:er&d:iii.th'e presence'of 4 Groza Builders, lnc:,_a Florida Corporation: tTtifitness Signature VV 4 f \ By EVitness:Print ltiMtiae A.:Gro; . 61de' nt. Miness Signature�ry'fi Witness.Print.Name STATE=QF' Florida C+7J y Or: St. Lucie' The foregoing'.instrumentwas`-ac►:rioitilzded before note bynieans'of :physical prser►ce or online: ii'atarizatibn,this I fl. dad:ta`.July.2Q20 byfhn A._:Groza;"President"of. Groza"_Suilders;Inc„ a.Florida Cor'pbratzon,,bn bAKof _hcorpor #on,�L.h s/M arepersenaliv:;hnown to nee orWlio has praduceti ell . as identifica[tan_ Printed;.-Name fl cz,& AA Title-or rank Serial Number;if any tify c omission expires; c,-�Q SEAL:OR STAMP ! `'�L c7Z�2,Q