HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appAll APPLICA LE 1N ❑ MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO 13E ACCEPTED !!���-j7 Date; `1 20 Permit Number: ` ON 0 L� a ^- Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial Residential 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierre Ft 34952 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: egyOe Re _ru)P jAhtay-n PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: yy C I SPA V Address: Cf i 't Cl� 1 Property Tax ID 4: - ( 7 - Mo - oaD' Lot No, Site Plan Name: �-41CCArn Block No. (42 Project !Name: irIr'n DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 4C I'1 -12� New Electrical Meter_ Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to ire performed under this permit- check all that apply: _Mechanical _Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ Pond _Electric Plumbing Sprinklers _Generator YRoof Pitch Total 5q. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft, of First Floor: Cost of Construction: S t(2L4q S . Utilities: Sewer _ Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: Name --t KLkJ is r,r n."' r Addre55: 2. i Cit)c"E V 2- State: t Zip Cade: 2 Fax: QA Phone No. ISZ aAF --�� E•Mail., Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: 4 Name: Company:¢ Address: IUIA C0: 5tate::9— Zip Code. ?)q9t-} � Fax: Phone No ~ 1-17 - qlo - 1139 E-Mail CLW State or County License ac tt7,14-1-L if value of construction is 2500 or more, d RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement Is required. Scanned with CamScanner SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNED/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGEOMPANY: Not Applicable Name: 0 A _ Name:I �� Address: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone City: State: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPL� TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING OMPANY: Not Applicable Name: �� Name: Address: Address: City: city: Zip: _ Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER{ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Horne Owners Association ruiles, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions ►n+h4ch may apply. 1n consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The Wowing building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain Financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. Signahre--o er esse ontractor Agent for owner Signature of Contractor/License Heider STATE OF_1COUNTY F ORIDA 4� f� CCfLITE OF NTY i]Ff�RIQA S or to for affirmed) and subscribed before me of ysical Prese ce or Online Notarization t 5 ay of 1 2020 by Lo i cW e Name of person making statement. aP araffirmed) and subscribed before rite of caI Pres �e r Online Notarization ay of 2420 by Marne of person malting statement. Personally /mown OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification Produced Produced I (-Signature Notary- pv6lic- State o e of UbtarWhlic- 5ta . �� � ,,, JENWFEFi L B ,A, �.,,, ]ENNIF rid L BR Commission No. ;`;r" sate of Florida Nn ary Public4_t' * V. to ❑1 Honda Nara Comm,ission +► G 6�9s n No. Z�.I�f mission r GG M Gprrnrnis,crl fxpires ?g my commission `r *� 0 Y Z2 ',rh u, r4 July 26. 202 REVIEWS FRONT I ZI'J11QC�` COUNTER REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED ev�T6120 SUPERVISOR I PLANS I VEGETATION SEATURTLE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW Scanned with CamScanner )T !till 199 85 .0 �fl Zge Z;° O -j u46 IT m W y P. w 4 E z r� V A Scanned with CamScanner Michelle Franklin, GFA— Saint Lucie County Properly Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: Parcel Ili: Aecaujri 4_ Map Il➢: Use Tyre: Zoning: CityfCnunty: Ownership Nicholas rlhcam Kalie Ahcam 4912 Seagrapc DR Forl Pierce, FI -33982 Legal Description 1Nt11A N RIVER ESTATES -UNIT 07- HLF: 42 LOT 14 (MAP 34'02N) Current Values Aug 7, 2019 Ju9te"t'iarke t Value: S177.900 Assesscd Value: 5177,900 Exemptions- $(I Taxahlc L"alLie: x177,900 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Pate lair% are nut a reliable pruiection arfuiurc it %m The sale or u property %ill prompt the remn+ll nr all cumpi.iesns, as%essmi nt caps, snel special eiassifenti+lns. Tames rur this parcel: SLC Tax Cullermir's Office r Uawnl0ad TRIM for thi:%>•itirce;l: Download PDF aylz , 1=AGRAPE DR 34()2-(3ill-rJ 130-000-9 37241 WON 01010 FI:9 4 Couat Saint Lu6c County Sale History Total Areas FinishrdlUnder Air (SF): 1,920 Gross Sketched Area (SF)- 4.336 Land Size (acres): 0.23 Land Size (SF): 10.E Date. Aug 7, 2019 nook; Page: 41671 1952 Sale Cods:; 0001 Deed: WD Gmil or, Williams Brenda I Price: Memo Date: Fch 27, 2009 1300bTage: 3073 f 0629 Sale Code; 01 L2 Deed: SP GTantar. Lasalle Bank NA (TR) Price: 330.000 Due Ott $, "007 130niu',Page 2890 f 2554 Stile Codc: XX01 recd: CT Scanned with CamScanner Grantor: Kalin Crcdil Inc Price: Sinn Dake: Jun 10, 21lt]h Hook -Page: 2622/4801 Sale cede: X.[01 Decd: QC Gramm Bowers IJleal Price 51011 17atc: Feb 5, 20D4 auclu'Puge: 1 B97 ( 0249 SaIC Code: x7[40 Decd. WD Grantor: Scotia t)onaldC Price: 5170,1[[70 page: Jon 5, 2041 auclu'Puge: 1355 ± 1946 Sale Core: XXOO Decd: WD Grantor. Panctt Susan H Price: 578,000 Date: Jure 1., 19H3 1300103ge.' 04134 r Itx9 Salo Code: XX4] DccLL CV Grant= No. Uniw Price: S.,a,ona Building Information (1 of 1) Fin ishudArca: t,9205F Gross Sketched Arca; 4.336 5F Roof Structure: Gable Frame: Primary Wall: Hrd Plak CH Secondary Wall: CEI Sracco Primary Int Wall: Avg HgL loor: 0 Primary Floors: Cupo Sprinkled %: J'Ia Scanned with CamScanner Exterior Data 1 iew: Roof Covm Fibrgin Shg Buil lutg Type_ IIC Year BmIt: 1974 Grade: C Elrective Year. 1"0 Story Height: 2 Stam No. Uniw Interior Data Brdruoms:4 Elmtric: MAXIMUM Full Baths. ? ideal Type: FrcdHatAu 113IF13aths: I float Fuch ELEC &C %: 100°'. Heat[.xI Vin: 100 Roof Structure: Gable Frame: Primary Wall: Hrd Plak CH Secondary Wall: CEI Sracco Primary Int Wall: Avg HgL loor: 0 Primary Floors: Cupo Sprinkled %: J'Ia Scanned with CamScanner T3 -pc: Quantity: Units: Year Built, T)Te! Quantity: Units; Year 3 u It; Type: Quutltily: Units: Year Built: Tyre: Quant iiy: Units: Ycar Built.: P. ........w......... ..�. .,....................... .......... .... ............. ...... .q S151.900 land, S26,4417 J usW ark et: S 177.wo Ag Credit: IMO lIle N li mil so M� j I 11 WDA Y 7 1C IN low IIMY + A Current Values Breakdown Building: S151.900 land, S26,4417 J usW ark et: S 177.wo Ag Credit: $n .Save Our Hames or 10% so Cap: Assessed, Exetnption(s): Taxable: Stan Year 20[19 Stan Year 20117 S177,900 $0 S177.900 Special Features and Yard Items RLS POOL,i1°G 1 392 1991 POOL 0K -AVG 1. 424 M WOOD FEN W L 200 1999 UTILITY GOOD 1 144 1999 Current Year Values CunenLYear Exemption Value Breakdown Current Year Special Assessment l3reakdawn AssessCode Units Description 2444 12 County Solid Waste Amount 5275.14 AssessCodc Units Description Amount 9OJ 4 I Indian River Estates Succi Lighis 55.11 This does not necessarily represent the Intal Spttial Assmscments that could be charged againsl this property_ The 1OLsI amount charged for special asmssmcllts is reflected on the most currtnl Ids stslement and info malion is avulablc with the SiC Tess £alleetor's Office �i. Scanned with CamScanner Historical Values Perm Cts Number. 091.03;26 Icsuc T1Rti`' Jllrl 1n, 1991 Description: f'LMII Amount: S 11!tf111 Fee; 13!tiYrl Number: CCI-r11l(irr6 Issue Elate- Jul 22. IU41 Dr%crir ion: Enclosure Amount; $3.960 Fee- 59,960 Number. CN -090303 Issue i7ate: Aug 9, 2002 Jlcscriprion; rkniolmon Arnouriv so Fcc. $77 Number: M741SO447 Issue [}ate: Scp 17, -1002 Description: Alteratiunss'Ramadeling Amount; $36,576 Fee= 5377 Number. C00034)079 Issue Date: Mar 10, ID09 Description: Alterations.'Rcmodeling Amount: so Fee - $0 Number. ["09n7 MSI Issue hare: Jul 16,209 Description: Alicrationsqtcntodeling Amaunt: $p Fee: so Nunabrr, C0907 -W52 Iksue Date; Jul 5, 3009 Description, AlleralianiMcmodeling Amount: $0 Fee; so NOTret: This docs not necessmrlly replemml all lho permits Garthisl properly, Crick the roltowing link to check fcr additional prmrit rlrtla in Saint Lucie County All inForrrtminn is believed to be corrccl at this lime, but is 511bjeel 10 change and is provided without any ►>,,arrrrnty. C CoPYright 2020 Saint Lurie County Property Appraiser All right% reserved. Scanned with CamScanner